Not only did Biden crush the State of the Union speech last night, but I’m sure it crushed the pathetic souls on the right, or at least whatever they have left of what was once a soul.
But my real crush is on Jared Moskowitz. If he is not the one behind all of his fun posts, I don’t want to know.
With your help, we can save another Republican from having to deliver a State of the Union response.
— Congressman Jared Moskowitz (@RepMoskowitz) March 8, 2024
This short clip made my afternoon. Which is good, because just moments before seeing this I had come to the realization that there won’t be any big news from the Jack Smith court cases for a very long time, at least nothing of the good variety, which was not a happy thought.
I may just watch this again.
Totally open thread.
Very funny, although I can’t stand to watch the original ad.
zhena gogolia
That’s great.
zhena gogolia
@Baud: Me either! TV always used to go dark when it appeared. (I only watch things on my laptop now, so I don’t have this problem.)
Maybe they should be the ones who are doing State of the Union responses for years to come?
I dunno, watching an endless series of “rising stars” self-sacrifice to the volcano gods is kind of amusing.
OMG, that is perfection. Thanks for sharing
The Sydney tweet of Biden’s MTG face was a banger. Guess someone told him he was being too funny.
@Kofuu: I’m with you on that, I don’t want to ever see another Democrat giving a SOTU rebuttal.
I just got a flyer in the mail – so and so for County Coroner. Female. Democrat.
And oh my god, the image on the 4-color flyer was a appalling. The image was circular, and it was the female candidate for coroner, leaning her head on the big chest of her much bigger husband. Like a nice little lady. I don’t know who she is or if she would make a good coroner, but that just screamed “little lady with her big protective husband” to me, not CORONER.
Do these people not have any sense? I sure as hell hope that’s not the best we can do.
I just caught a glimpse of a post about Boeing, but it seems to have crashed.
In other news, while Trump has posted one bond, he has not yet posted … the James bond.
Also, Alexandra Petri gave her response speech as well:
In other hilarious and good news, I posted this downstairs.
Trump is getting to ready to steal every fucking dollar donated to the RNC, and it couldn’t happen to a shittier group of people,
I know what all those words are, but I am totally lost.
@glc: LOL. groan. In that order!
karen marie
Lawfare has been doing a bang up job discussing the intricacies of the Trump trials. They discuss what’s happened with little to no speculation about outcomes but, instead, explain the process. A shame the news media has no time for this kind of information within a 24/7 news cycle.
After seeing all the laughter about Britt’s rebuttal, I watched it. Whoever gave it a green light is on crack.
@dmsilev: We have the best people.
@karen marie: You linked to the Lawfare main page – I was thinking it wold be a link to an article about the trials?
Just been and bought the bread and a croissant from Ket Baker.
It’s a beautiful clear morning here but it’s going to be a stinker this afternoon, 41 degrees (centrigrade! 105 F)
comrade scotts agenda of rage
I hate money in politics circa 2024. Having said that, having grown up with Reps always pulling in gobs more money than Dems, it’s hysterical to see that’s now the opposite.
And that any money the GQP does pull in, it’ll go to the grifter.
The billionaires unleashed the stooopid, can’t control it, and now have to pay for it figuratively and literally.
Doc Sardonic
@HumboldtBlue: And your shitter link still doesn’t work
@Doc Sardonic: It just worked for me. But unless you want to watch her say the words in a video clip, which I do not, there’s nothing else that’s really there, so you aren’t missing anything.
So I guess the judge is allowing E. Jean Carroll to oppose the bond, and she has until Monday to do it. If he’s got the bond, what is there to oppose?
Does anyone know?
I’m awful at posting links but this appears to be a screenshot of it.
Jared apparently confirming it was real.
Katie Britt’s “steeped in blood” imagery–is that a fundie thing? I don’t speak fundie.
Doc Sardonic
Could possibly be my browser, now that I think about it, I have it locked down fairly tight. However, other shitter links that are not in quotation boxes have been working.
ETA: Yep, it’s my browser, no links are working now
@Will: Okay, now I know who Sydney is, at least! thank you
I think that tweet from Jared M. was in bad taste, so I’m not surprised he took it down.
@Doc Sardonic: Could you see the tweet I put in the post?
(Again, I don’t think you’re missing much with that particular tweet.)
@WaterGirl: I’d have a problem with it if she wasn’t in on the joke meme.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
The post or the plane? Needed to ask.
@WaterGirl: Did you post the filing from Jack Smith in the documents case from yesterday? I missed that post if you did. Another hearing next week, I guess.
@Will: Funny!
Yeah, it does look like a bit of a self own, which is unusual for him.
All I remember is that after that speech, I never wanted to donate ASPCA more.
Doc Sardonic
@WaterGirl: Yes, 90% of the time I can see anything that front pagers embed, it may be that the instance of twitter that Humboldt Blue linked is on one of the programs I use blocklist
@Scout211: Oh, I missed that! thank you.
The well-deserved mockery continues.
She probably thought this was her big breakout moment, but probably not in the way it turned out.
When the opposing side is the one promoting clips of your SOTU rebuttal, you know it didn’t land the way you’d hope.
Trump’s TS feed loved it though and so did Steven Miller, which I guess tells us who is writing Trump’s TS posts.
They’ll talk a lot about a woman VP but in the end I don’t think they’ll go for it. An MTG type is too likely to upstage Trump and they don’t respect a Britt type any more than we do.
Sure Lurkalot
So, the Republicans are going with American Carnage redux, per the directive from the Orange Man on high. Hope he bankrupts that bankrupt party beyond repair.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@Sure Lurkalot: American carnage was a threat, not a warning. These are the intellectual (pfft) inheritors of the Confederacy and they are willing to have their children murder us.
What? You thought they’d do it themselves?
randy khan
I suspect the Moskowitz post with the puppies is all I need to see of the rebuttal. I have heard it compared to a performance by a losing semifinalist in a high school speech contest, but having actually judged a number of high school speech contests I can say that the semifinalists all would.HAVE.delivered. the.SPEECH.much.BETTER.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@dmsilev: Jindal? Jindal? Jindal?
He is speaking right now in Wallingford, PA, and getting a rapturous reception! And unlike last night, he’s calling out TIFG and MTG by name.
NMFTG Brandon. I’m loving him.
He is crushing it again in his speech in PA on MSNBC.
Miss Bianca
Finally got around to sitting down and watching the SOTU address and all I got to say is this:
God DAMN. That was one hell of a speech.
Bring it, Joe!
The Thin Black Duke
Unleash The Biden!
WaterGirl, when I heard Britt speaking with tears in her voice all wispy…
Remember Tiffany Smiley, the MAGA candidate trying to win Patty Murray’s seat in WA? “My husband… sob sob”
I got the same creepy cringy shivers down my spine 🤮
@Jackie: Yes, the are both disingenuous. And dangerous. Let’s call it what it is. Liars.
Miss Bianca
@Jackie: I only heard a few minutes of Britt speaking, but I couldn’t help thinking it was like a hilariously horrifying lumpy blend of Tammy Faye Bakker and Joey Heatherton.
Biden hitting the liability for gun manufacturers. Huge response.
Roberto el oso
I just hope her kids didn’t have too rough of a time at school today ….. “your mom’s really weird ….”
Poor Benway and Ridgenet.
@Miss Bianca:
Wasn’t it ever?! TIFG’s gonna have to retire the “Sleepy Joe” epithet.
Of course now the RWNM are all critical of Joe’s high energy and calling him “manic” and “over-caffeinated.” Can’t win for losin’ with some folks.
This description almost makes me want to listen to a few seconds of that ridiculousness.
Okay, I admit I laughed about this, but on the top of the HuffPost front page is a story about No Labels voting to promote a candidate for president.
And the graphic accompanying the article is a giant 💩
But seriously? Is Nancy running out of money? WTF are they doing besides grifting? Don’t answer that. 🙄💩
Right wing nut monsters?
Miss Bianca
@SiubhanDuinne: “Manic.” Is *that* what the kids are calling it these days?
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@mrmoshpotato: Right wing noise machine, I believe
@Roberto el oso: I’m sure little Bennettway will be well protected at whatever segregation academy the Britts send their offspring to.
Lincoln had them dead to rights, Eight-score ago. Rule or ruin.
@Roberto el oso:
Your mom ok? She sounded like she was gonna burst into tears last night? Oh, wait, that was just a bullshit performance.
Comment 40 busted the margins.
@The Kropenhagen Interpretation: :( I was hoping for nut monsters.
The Kropenhagen Interpretation
@mrmoshpotato: You and I, both.
@mrmoshpotato: One sentence, or 20 seconds max, and you’ll know exactly what everyone is talking about.
@mrmoshpotato: Fixed. Unless you tell me otherwise.
Via a reddit commenter
MTG = Empty – G
I’m upset I didn’t think of that a long time ago.
If he announced a universal cure for cancer they’d lambast him for throwing so many oncologists out into the street.
Good, good!
Let’s see if Johnson actually has the balls to respond. I somehow doubt it, but if he doesn’t, he really hasn’t any power, and MTG will have his balls in her grasp and take full advantage of it.
@Jackie: Britt’s speech was delivered in a language called little girl fundie voice. It freaks normal people out. Catnip to god godbotherer’s.
He’ll respond by giving her a good talking to in private, which won’t even happen but they’ll say it did.
@catclub: They rule to ruin.
Miss Bianca
@Jackie: I wish the Sergeant at Arms had just busted her ass out of the chamber.
@WaterGirl: It’s fixed. Thanks!
Miss Bianca
@Baud: You hadn’t heard that one before?
@WaterGirl: The mocking video you put in the post was more than enough. Haha, these performative assclowns.
Has any BJer watched Hulu series, “The Looming Tower”? I am more than half way through it. Its about the lead up to 9/11. How the CIA kept vital intelligence from the FBI. Its from the FBI POV
It starts in the Clinton era from the Embassy bombings.
LMAO! It’s hilarious because it’s true.
@NotMax: That would be Peter Baker’s NYT political desk.
OMG you should. It’s comedy gold. Reading about it sounds like people are exaggerating, but they’re not.
I’m loving the combination of hard hitting SOTU address and mockery of the response. I think mockery – and TIFG is such an easy target- will help us, not just get under their skin.
Another anonymous TIFG jury… a definite pattern is emerging:
Fulfill your civic duty as a jurist at your peril – if the defendant is a former president.
Other TIFG related gossip: former CEO Alan Weisselberg fired Alina Habba. 🫢
@FelonyGovt: WaterGirl’s embedded tweet answered my morbid curiosity – and was hilariously mocking.
@Miss Bianca: I do too! And, hear Biden holler “don’t let the door hit you where the good lord split you!”
I can so hear him saying that – with that mischievous grin on his face! Then make the sign of the cross in penitence 😁
Fixed. I doubt Carter, Clinton, Cheney, or Obama would pull this intimidation crap.
@Miss Bianca:
@mrmoshpotato: Very true. MAGA hit men just waiting for the signal.
Another Scott
@currawong: Some tasty looking stuff there! A bit out of the way for me though.
I was listening to WSB (Atlanta’s clear channel radio station) and the show host talked about the Georgia Republican Lincoln Day Dinner. It’s tomorrow evening and he will moderate some panel discussion beforehand.
What got my attention was him telling listeners that they could still get tickets. I think the event would be sold out already if Georgia Republicans were very enthusiastic.
I’m surprised they haven’t renamed it Trump Day.
@mrmoshpotato: Chef’s kiss, thank you and very much!
Miss Bianca
@Baud: Yeah, because as far as the modern GOP is concerned, Lincoln is practically a race traitor.
Probably too late but here’s a link explaining the ubiquity of the Britt voice:
Another Scott
@Ruviana: Thanks for the pointer.
Well worth a read.
karen marie
@WaterGirl: No, I linked to their youtube page because it’s all good. They do a livestream on Thursday afternoons. I wait till Fridays usually to listen to that.
karen marie
@Roberto el oso: How clueless have you got to be to put targets on your kids’ backs on national TV? “America’s mom.” She uses her kids as props. I hope they have people around them to get them through living with their nightmare mother.