— Clean Observer (@Hammbear2024) March 8, 2024
Good luck with Daylight Savings Time, especially to those of us who do *not* celebrate its advent.
I watched all the footage of what Biden did *after* the State of the Union address, when he wouldn't leave the building because he wanted to talk to literally anyone and everyone, and it is (mostly) hilarious.
— Jennifer Bendery (@jbendery) March 8, 2024
Let the man have his well-earned reward! Jennifer Bendery, at HuffPo, says “At 81, Joe Biden Is Still The Last Guy To Leave The Party”:
… Just seconds after stepping down from the dais in the House chamber, as most news networks pulled their cameras away, Biden was playfully saluting people in the audience and shouting out jokes…
The House chamber was packed with so many of his old friends, former colleagues, his judicial and executive appointments, and even critics who wanted to talk to him. And Biden, all smiles, was here for it. He spent the next half an hour talking to anyone in earshot, taking selfies, telling stories and weighing in on climate change, Ukraine, Vladimir Putin, border security, reproductive rights and whatever other policy topics people threw his way.
HuffPost caught most of these details by watching bits of livestreams that were still going and hearing him on hot mics.
“Thank you for mentioning climate change,” said Rep. Paul Tonko (D-N.Y.), the first person to get to Biden when he stepped into the crowd.
“That’s why I’m working so hard,” Biden replied, referencing Democrats taking back the House. “I’m going to do whatever I can.”
“You were the Baptist preacher tonight!” chimed in Rep. Gregory Meeks (D-N.Y.).
Biden leaned in and started telling a story about someone in “Del-a-WARRR,” or Delaware, who offered to campaign for him but only in certain places, because “in some places you’ll help, in some places you’ll hurt.” Meeks and others laughed at the end.
Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) was near the front, eager to shake his hand. So was Sen. Raphael Warnock (D-Ga.), an actual Baptist preacher.
“That was a sermon tonight!” he told the president.
“Thank you, man,” said Biden, before shaking someone else’s hand and pointing at him. “You know there’s no T in ‘Scranton.’ It’s Scran-un!”…
The people just kept coming. One attendee thanked Biden for his comments on Israel. Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.) gave him a hug, as another member of the audience said he couldn’t wait to see him in Texas for a debate. Rep. Susan Wild (D-Pa.) urged him to come back to visit her district…
It was now almost 11 p.m. House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.), who was still standing up there on the dais, made eye contact with Biden and tapped his watch. Time to go, man.
An aide finally had to interrupt. “Most people can’t leave until we leave and we need to go this way,” the aide said to the president.
“Well, are they Democrats or Republicans?” Biden asked. “I’m joking. I’m joking…. I’ll get the hell out of here.”
Was he joking, though? He stopped again, this time to chat with Sen. Michael Bennet (D-Colo.), Secretary of State Antony Blinken and Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg…
Biden was talking to Rep. Marcy Kaptur (D-Ohio) when Johnson gaveled out the House, loudly declaring the joint session of Congress (and thus, SOTU) was over. Biden didn’t seem to notice. He didn’t seem to notice when the House adjourned, either. Or when the lights dimmed.
He was too busy posing for selfies, complimenting people’s glasses and talking to Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R-Calif.) for several minutes about wildfires in California…
“I got a lot of energy, that’s my problem.”- Biden to Georgia Rep. Nikema Williams.
Now he’s on to Republican Doug LaMalfa who is talking about getting more additional resources to the victims of the Paradise fires.
— Jacob Rubashkin (@JacobRubashkin) March 8, 2024
Analysis by Paul Kane: Rep. Doug LaMalfa (R-Calif.) uses State of the Union addresses to get one-on-one moments with presidents — and it pays off for his constituents.
— The Washington Post (@washingtonpost) March 10, 2024
“I declare you back in session. Article II section 3. Sit down, Mike, you’ve got no place better to be.”
I’m riding with Biden. Proud that he’s my President!
Good morning, all!
I went to bed at 2:30, not 3:30! Dammit!
Oh well, back to sleep.
Tony Jay
Wind your neck in, Pornhub Preacher-Man, Smilin’ Joe is taking a lap.
Pissy little piece of brittle, aintcha Mikey?
@Tony Jay:
Haha. What’s he going to do? He couldn’t even enforce the dress code against MTG.
Tony Jay
🤷🏼♂️ He could maybe try a nice, long pray?
That’s a thing for the Botherers of God, isn’t it?
@Mousebumples: Seems like this Biden guy actually wanted the job of President. Hoocoodaknowed!
That would be hilarious if Biden did that! One for the ages, it would be.
Thor Heyerdahl
@Tony Jay: he could let his mind wander about all those sites he thinks he’s not supposed to look at (with or without his son).
He probably was anxious that he had to wait to get to his preferred DC leather bar.
@Thor Heyerdahl: Hahaha!
Tony Jay
@Thor Heyerdahl:
Yanks & Spanks, open dusk til dawn beneath DC’s most fabulous boutique patisserie.
Anyone know who may have enjoyed the job as much as Joe? Clinton maybe?
@mrmoshpotato: all this glad handing with voters wasn’t really possible on 2020. Another reason I’m optimistic about our chances.
The gawd bothering patriarchy has plans, apparently. I’m not very familiar with TPM though this seems well documented.
I will say that I’m still tickled that one of the Republican’s trial talking points* in the days after the SOTU was that Biden was too energetic. Way to undercut the one part of your messaging that had gotten traction with the media amplification machine.
* Part of their usual strategy of throwing shit against the wall and seeing what sticks, so there may be a more appropriate (albeit more scatological) word than “talking point”.
Love how Mr. Biden is energized by being POTUS. He is so uplifting. SOTU made me so happy.
Daylight Saving Time makes me so sad. 8 months of it is too much. Would prefer all normal, all the time. Let the seasons be the seasons.
WaPo has an interesting piece on “Why Daylight Saving Time is Worse for Your Body than Standard Time”
Here’s a gift link
@Ken: He’s a too energetic, tired, senile old man who’s also a criminal mastermind. Duh!
Betty Cracker
Over the past few days, I’ve watched a ton of cable news for the first time in ages while also reading more political coverage than usual, and my impression is the coverage is great for Biden right now.
The president ably batted down the notion that he’s a senile old fart with an energetic speech. Sen. Britt bombed as hard as anyone ever has while giving the GOP rebuttal. There are clips of Trump on the trail doing a terrible imitation of Biden’s stutter, which viscerally reveals his character.
It’s a moment in time, but it sure seems like a positive cycle, fwiw.
@Betty Cracker:
She could’ve made it worse by awkwardly taking a drink of water while her rebuttal was seemingly filmed from the branches of a tree.
Hope you’re recovering well.
@Betty Cracker:
Glad you’re able to enjoy positive news during this time.
But but but he’s sooooo oooooold.
This was a pleasure to behold. Give ’em hell, Rep. Plaskett!
We’re not the only ones who thought Joe was great:
The really great news? None of it is going to attorneys trying to keep his ass out of prison!😁
What is Daylight Savings Time? All the clocks are digital now. I thought it seemed like I got less sleep than 6:20 when I woke up, but the phone and computer say that is what time it was so that is what we have.
Was it weird that Johnson didn’t announce Biden at the start of the SOTU?
As the saying goes: I need a cigarette after that one.
Anne Laurie and MazeDancer, you’re both two of my favorite people so I regret to say I disagree about DST and personally love it. Especially now that I can go to early evening events like a real grown up and still drive myself home while it’s light. The longer days and increasing light really alleviates my SAD like no full spectrum light ever does.
Besides, I have to time shift by an hour every time I go back and forth to IL to see family and friends at least once a month.
Get better soon Betty! A little late in well wishing because I’m finally posting on a still active thread!
@Ramalama: He didn’t get the opportunity! Biden started his speech the moment he stepped up to the podium. Johnson stood for a moment longer, then sat down. You could see a hand reach from the side to fold Johnson’s unused microphone down.
It was amusing, actually, Biden deprived Johnson’s little moment he had rehearsed for 😁
@Tony Jay:
It wouldn’t be named La Comète Ping-Pong, perchance?
@satby: I don’t care if we have DST or standard time, but I’m on team Just Pick One, already!
I’d lean towards just keeping DST (I think lower crime rates I’d read some time ago?), but I could do without the clocks changing.
@satby: I am one for whom “it’s all the same to me.”
6 AM, not 5 AM, in my case. Had to be awake for the heating guy to fix the boiler, he got here at 3:30 (EDT). Unlike some others, Daylight Saving Time doesn’t bother me, other than the hour of lost sleep.
Me, too.
If you want a media source you can trust, you can’t do better than Josh’s joint. Subscribe, TPM is totally worth every penny. Their investigative and editorial work is top notch. He broke the US attorneys scandal way back in the Shrub maladministration.
OT, but why won’t my nym and email address stick lately?
@Betty Cracker: Hope you are continuing to recover and will be able to go home soon!
@Tony Jay: I can just see him now as the middle school hall monitor.
It’s good to see Ezra Klein eating a little crow and kinda-sorta cheering President Biden and his team this morning: Ok, Fine, Call It A Comeback
Let’s keep going, indeed!
(As we all know, “keep going” would be nearly an impossible ‘sell’ if Biden had listened to the snooze media – Klein included – and stepped down. It would have been a complete self-own, completely unwarranted, etc etc. So here’s to Biden/Harris 2024 and long may they ignore the punditariat!)
@geg6: thanks! I think I get the acronym confused with something else (especially on daylight savings day). I will now remember that TPM are on the job!
@SFAW: 😎💜
@Jackie: A Biden-style dis that they can’t even complain about! If they did, the 85% of their party that missed that would know that their top guy had been ignored as if he were a toddler that had crawled up into the big chair at a public event.
Might be the only one in my lifetime who understood what the actual job of President was before he took it. Clinton had the best understanding for someone who hadn’t already been in DC for years but he mistook the attention from constituents (and polls) as the focus sometimes. Joe genuinely enjoys meeting constituents and can do the performance art part, but he knows the important stuff gets done when the cameras aren’t watching. He’s also the only candidate who failed to win the WH and didn’t let it ruin him. He’s never shown any bitterness or vindictiveness about not getting nominated. He always just went back to the Senate and happily did the job he’s supposed to do. He’s obviously doesn’t suffer fools lightly but he never seems to hold a grudge when things don’t go the way he’d prefer. He also doesn’t begrudge others successes and wins of their own. If he can he’ll find a way for even the worst of his adversaries to get some kind of win out of a deal if he can. He understands that firebombing the place might look good for the cameras but it does nothing for getting the real work done.
@satby: I am also a fan but wish they’d stick to it thru the year. It alleviates sleep issues for me, and all the extra light is a mood improvement and safety enhancer!
@Betty Cracker: Hopefully food service managed to bring you grits today?
@Jackie: getting out in front (not back on his heel) is a Dark Brandon specialty 😍
On that theme 🎶
@Betty Cracker: I missed the news that you are recovering from something, but indeed, get better quickly!
@Betty Cracker:
Here’s hoping you’re feeling better and they’ve figured out the problem.
I would not call Recep Tayip Erdogan a very happy warrior because he usually looks like he has heartburn. But the cranky Turkish leader in effect asked his AKP followers to “win one for the Gipper” Friday night, when he announced that this month’s municipal elections will be his last campaign as President. I think he will be 76 years old when his current term runs out in 2028.
Erdogan wants to reclaim Istanbul, Ankara and other cities from the control of opposition CHP Mayors. The elections are 21 days from now, on March 31st.
I prefer Standard Time to DST, but I am also on the “pick one, either one” team. I’m also old enough to remember when DST was made permanent under Nixon. it was a total flop and rescinded within the year.
I appreciate the people who want to be able to do things in the evenings, but it throws off my body rhythms and I have to get up early to go take care of my grandkids, and I HATE driving in the dark.
Yeah yeah but I am impressed by Prez Joe’s selfie game — people of his advanced age aren’t very good at it. =)
@OzarkHillbilly: I think that attitude about almost anything controls the resiliency with which we respond to it. Which is not a criticism, just an observation; as pretty much everyone is well aware of my unrepentant lack of resiliency in some areas of change.
Thanks, Obama.
I think that’s how POTUS took control of the room — he didn’t wait for the introduction and the next 3,281.4 minutes of applause. I am sure it was completely intentional.
Brilliant on his part
Citizen Alan
@TBone: Anyone who still supports the Republican party is either a traitor to this country or else a moron who doesn’t realize that he or she is on the list of people to be rounded up once the liberals are dealt with.
@Percysowner: Then you’ll be happy to know that in almost exactly a month the sun will rise at the same time it did yesterday, depending on your location. And the mid year switch allows each of us to have more light part of the time. Seems fair. It’s not that I hate to drive at night, I’m night blind and my license is now restricted. Also can’t drive in a dark morning, but that’ll be alleviated in a month, as above.
It’s fine as far as it goes but I can still tell Ezra Klein is on the NYTimes payroll. Political media screeched for a solid two years that the economy was bad! He can’t just ignore that that happened. In addition, THE SAME political media who like to pretend that elite liberals ignore the working class IGNORED that the economy was especially good for lower wage workers! They focused exclusively on layoffs in media/entertainment and tech and IGNORED a genuine manufacturing boom that is happening in the middle of the country.
He should mention it. It’s dishonest to ignore it.
You know why the NYTimes doesn’t make any more pilgrimages to Ohio? Because everyone is working OT and buying 80k trucks.
@WaterGirl: Yes! And, really, the GQP should be thankful! By jumping right into his speech, Biden saved the MAGAts from having to endure a five minute standing ovation BEFORE he started!😂
This is why he is a virtuous man — with virtue being understood as “playing the game so that everyone wins.” I heard that definition from my Uncle Jim (a nuclear physicist with a hobby in the study of game theory) years ago, and it’s resonated with me every since as pretty much bang on as a definition of the term.
@Betty Cracker:
Did not know you were laid low by something. May you be up and about soon. Sending you much Light and Healing Beams.
And, yes, coverage for Mr. Biden has, indeed, improved.
Think his relentless enthusiasm and optimism is infectious.
Though, now, that age isn’t so available to the media, they will have to focus on some other made up flaw.
@TBone: I had occasion to look up when I started reading this blog (March 24, 2005 exactly) and there was a tbone commenting all the way back then. Are you the same person?
I like DST as it is.
Get well soon Betty.
@scribbler: Hopefully the Mister is able to do even better than that!
“How Biden’s Economy is Making Climate Change Worse” /NYT
@billcoop4: Put like that, yeah! That’s some triple salchow chess kung-fu martial moves. I would think that Biden outmaneuvering people of bad-faith would be the subject for a shite ton of articles on “Old people. They know Stuff!”
Someone fnd me the in depth, seven reporter NYTimes story on the fucking economic boom in the Great Lakes states. Find me the story on how we can’t find enough workers at 17,18,19 an hour because we’re at full employment. They happily covered “the rust belt is dying” for years along with poverty porn pictorials. Cover what’s happening now. Manufactruring is booming. They won’t, because to do so would be to admit that Joe Biden’s economic turn away from trickle down has benefitted working people.
Ezra Klein has a big platform. He could do it. Let’s see if he does. It’s a good story! Might be interesting to people! But we don’t get it because it contradicts the narrative.
@Baud: Count on it.
Even DougJ says he can’t top some of their headlines these days.
Matt McIrvin
@Kay: We had “labor shortages are bad actually; nobody wants to work any more!!” coverage when nobody could find workers anywhere in the country
(Both high unemployment and low unemployment get explained with “nobody wants to work any more”)
@Matt McIrvin:
Morons. We’re at full employment by the numbers they themselves report and then in the next breath they claim we’re understaffed because “no one wants to work”. Do they do any of their own thinking at all? Can they see how these two things might be connected?
According to what this piece says, people in Indiana must have really crappy health.
Being on daylight savings time is like being in the next time zone to the east. Indiana (excepting a couple of small corners) is already in the next time zone to the east, since they’re in the Eastern time zone. (Alabama, directly to the south of Indiana, is in the Central time zone.) Plus when GWB’s budget director, Mitch Daniels, became governor of Indiana, he managed to get Indiana to adopt Daylight Savings Time; it had been year-round Standard time until then. That was nearly 20 years ago, so there’s a test case to prove the theory that year-round DST would be bad for people’s health.
I’m willing to bet that any effect is pretty small.
@satby: I have a decided lack of resiliency when it comes to all things technological.
“Computers hate me.” is my constant refrain.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Little Ezra will never change.
The middle of the country is only paid attention to during Cletus Safaris. Big tech is more important because it pays the corporate media bills and funds most of the normalized neoliberal economic bullshit that clowns like Klein (and a shit ton of Dems) also push.
Matt McIrvin
@Percysowner: I enjoy BEING on DST more, but that might be an unfair assessment from DST being the time when there is just more sunlight all around. It’s not as if you’d get that without a stiff cost during the rest of the year.
But the changeover from ST to DST is easily the toughest one.
So I’d be happy to switch to either year-round and try not to be too dogmatic a booster for one or the other.
@Matt McIrvin:
I don’t even care at this point. They can pretend the economy suddenly got good a month ago to cover their own asses now that it’s impossible to ignore, but it their 2 year long economy panic was bullshit and no one should trust them. They’re not reliable.
Matt McIrvin
@Kay: There’s a guy on Mastodon who collects old newspaper clippings warning of alarming trends–I think he’s putting together a coffee-table book. He’s got iterations of the “nobody wants to work any more!” article from every year going back well over a century.
@Matt McIrvin: I’ve seen mash ups of historical warnings about young people.
As a PS: while Klein quotes Noah Smith in his piece, he also leans on his buddy Tyler Cowen for a good dose of both-sides-ism and hopes for – you guessed it! – more deregulation in Biden II.
I remember Cowen from years ago when I worked up in NoVA. According to him, there’s nothing that can’t benefit from more deregulation – red flag. Also my RWNJ bro was a fan of his, so there’s another red flag. =)
comrade scotts agenda of rage
@Matt McIrvin:
And that’s a talking point straight out of Faux “News” that then got predictably picked up by our lazy corporate media.
A friend of ours here in Denver, wealthy developer (who doesn’t scrape and desecrate) and restaurateur, whose politics are numbingly conservative, started spouting off using that exact same phrase long before I heard it in the media.
Then learned talking to others that it had been a staple since Day 1 on Faux “News”.
His way to characterize it “I can’t find anybody to work my places anymore, they want to stay at home, smoke weed, watch porn and collect their PPP checks.” (or whatever was going out to individuals during the Plague and yes, he collected a ton of sweet, gubmint PPP money).
Trump should probably choose a female VP and I think he and the people around him agree and sincerely believe they’re open to a woman VP but the conservative negative reaction to Britt makes me think they’re going to “not that woman” any possible candidate to death.
You and my wife, sorry to hear that. I’ve always had excellent night vision but these last couple years it’s lost a bit. Not bad, but enough that I sometimes miss something in my path. The mental adjustment has been very hard for me.
Matt McIrvin
@Baud: Another perennial favorite is “men aren’t men and women aren’t women any more, surely this Gender Confusion will destroy society.” Every year back into the 19th century at least.
OT but I saw this on Twitter and it’s a good thing to keep in mind and share whenever needed:
@comrade scotts agenda of rage:
All the keening and wailing over the lunch bucket workers in Ohio when they were promoting Trump – Democrats had “ignored” them! Not a word now that the whole sector is booming.
Shouldn’t they be covering just as the “first draft of history” they tell themseves they create? Something happened in manufacturing. Something changed. I think it was Joe Biden’s and the Democrats in Congress industrial policy. What do they think it was? Magic?
😂 You’re a Hoosier too, right? I would say in general a lot of people in Indiana do have crappy health, but it has more to do with their All-American diet of soda and fried stuff and their red state resistance to certain vaccinations than DST.
@Kay: If white lunch bucket workers came back to Dems, it’d be game over for a lot of our elites. And they know it.
@Matt McIrvin: Probably also “immigration is destroying this country!”
Matt McIrvin
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: It’s a true fact that nobody in the history of the world has ever wanted to work a shit job for low pay. You don’t, I don’t, NOBODY does. People do it because they have to. Somehow, this is taken as a sign of moral degeneration.
The USA spans multiple time zones and multiple latitudes. That accounts for many different experiences of Standard vs Savings Time… and human variation, as seen in this thread, accounts for many more.
Thank you, Anne Laurie, for the title of this post. It reminded me that I’ll need to reset the dashboard clock in my car.
I agree. I would prefer DST but I am now on team “pick one.”
Many state legislatures have passed permanent DST but until the congress changes the law, the states can’t convert to permanent DST.
Here in California, a bill has been introduced to make standard time permanent and they are trying to coordinate with Oregon and Washington to make the change for all three states. There are no changes needed in congress if the states choose permanent standard time. Seems like a simple solution but too many people have their favorite and the
Mac vs PCDST vs ST wars begin anew. Sigh.TBone
@satby: nope, not me! I was a young pup then, not aware of BJ although I was politically aware. I was working full time back then, and not in a place where I could freely comment on politics without stealing time from my employer AND my location in the County seat of Delaware County, PA was very solidly and historically Rethuglican, so I’d have been limiting my options for employment (I started my legal career working in an office where a partner proudly displayed a framed photo of Nixon). Dad made sure I registered Republican so I could get work.
I’d be very surprised to see another TBone though. Were the comments frequent? How do you look that up? Or are you going from memory? I don’t remember when I set up my first and only Gmail account but I know one of the lawyers hipped me to it. It was around that time, I believe…my favorite handle at that time was Ruby Two2.
@OzarkHillbilly: I understand, the mental adjustment has been really hard for me too. And on occasion, a tiny bit humiliating; as when an 82 year old friend had to come drive me (68, until May) to a night dinner out with friends. Intellectually, I get it; emotionally my inner voice was screaming I should have been chauffeuring her.
Good Morning Everyone 😊😊😊
Matt McIrvin
@Baud: I read a whole book on that, Erika Lee’s America for Americans: A History of Xenophobia in the United States. Yeah, fear of the next batch of immigrants to the US predates the US being a country (even if you discount justified Native mistrust of colonizers). In colonial times, it was Germans who were the problem.
@rikyrah: Good morning.
Honestly, how many clocks do people actually have to change manually in this wireless, digital age? I have the oven and the car, both of which I often just ignore since I don’t use either for timekeeping. I mostly use my phone to tell the time and set alarms, and that adjusts automatically.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Wow! I much prefer ST so that would be a great thing given the political “leaders” here in CO seemingly follow everything CA does anymore (probably b/c, as the joke goes, half of CA has moved here in the last decade).
@TBone: very frequent, but that was back when John was Republican and conservative and so were a lot of the commenters.
edit: no, I looked it up via the website that steered me here then, which no longer exists, and searching here didn’t find it. I went through google first, and backtracked here.
Matt McIrvin
@satby: I have two that I have to do, the clock on the oven and the microwave (which I like being correct because I like seeing the time in the kitchen). Both of them have easy clock-setting interfaces, not the kind of nightmare you used to see where you have to hold down two buttons at once while it cycles minute by minute through 24 hours.
…Oh, and there’s my car. I think that has an “it’s DST now” button.
@MazeDancer: Age will be back, probably with a vengeance. And we should prepare for it.
@Bupalos: Yeah, Biden will trip or sneeze or something between now and November.
@satby: definitely not me! I was an under cover Dem and have been liberal progressive my entire life. A real commie pinko as my 2005 boss the labor union guy lovingly joshed.
This was my legacy inheritance 😅
I was the lone protestor when Ronnie Raygun came to town. Before I started working in Media, PA.
Matt McIrvin
@Bupalos: There’s gonna be some kind of bullshit October Surprise about it, maybe coming from some quisling inside the government. Biden needs to be prepared for this and surely he knows it’s coming.
@TBone: Seems like all the energy and spunk these days is coming out of the House — and the White House. Any Senators laying it all out there like that?
(Unlike Mr. Grant, I love spunk.)
Katie Britt is having to defend her lie this morning (on Fox- I just saw the clip). Unsurprisingly, she’s not persuasive.
Just the sheer nerve of these people, to elaborately plan a whole speech on national television and CENTER it on a huge lie. It’s Donald Trump’s party all right. They all blatantly lie with no repercussions as all from their base.
Gotta pedant.
Only one “s” in Daylight Saving Time.
@Geminid: The big electoral prize this year is of course Istanbul. With a population of 16.5 million and numerous infrastructure projects, the city is a rich source of political patronage.
Ekrem Imamoglu, the current CH Party Mayor, was elected in June of 2019. He was originally elected in Fall of 2018,l by a margin (after recount) of 14,000 votes out of over 8 million votes cast. Eighteen days into his term Turkiye’s Supreme Electoral Council annulled the election and ordered a new one, which Imamoglu then won by over 800,000 votes.
This was a personal as well as political setback for Erdogan; he made his reputation in the 1990s as Mayor of Istanbul. Erdogan’s opponent carried Istanbul in last May’s Presidential election, but not by very much. The same was true for voters in Ankara, population 4.6 million. Erdogan wants the two Mayoralties back in AK Party hands and he is campaigning hard to make that happen. The many media outlets under AK Party control are doing their part also.
If we returned to six months of ST and six months of DST, I might grumble less. One good thing about Iowa (one of the few good things, beside the stellar good thing of grandchildren) is that I live in a neighborhood of larks. If I get up at 5 to 5:30, I can see lights on in at least six of the houses around me. And I’m irritated about losing the just gained morning light for another month.
Except, it is theoretical today. Still on DST in New Zealand in early autumn, listening to the waves of the southwest Pacific hitting the shore in night darkness. Good to be back under the Southern Cross. Change to standard time happens in April. Should be 80 F today.
@satby: Heh, I can imagine. I hate asking my son to come out and help me with something but sometimes I have to.
Katie Britt looks at Donald Trump and thinks “what do you do when caught in a lie? Lie more!”
This is the GOP bench. They’re all Trump.
Omnes Omnibus
We need to make up our minds as a society whether daylight is worth saving
It’s hard to hold politicians accountable for lying when your strategy to defeat Democrats depends on your politicians lying.
@Bupalos: @Baud: All that is old, will be new again.
And later happily became vice president to a much younger man.
Like FDR, Joe has a first-class temperament. Unlike FDR, I think his intellect is pretty first-class, too.
@stinger: my beloved Senator JAWN FETTERMAN gives them the what for frequently! Plus, he cornered Menendez in an elevator!
@Princess: I used to think that until listening to Sarah Longwell’s focus group podcast. She’s done numerous focus groups of faithful Trump voters (male and female) and they do not want a woman president. AT. ALL. They put up with Palin on the ticket because she eased their doubts about McCain, but I don’t think they really want their idol putting a woman on the ticket. Every woman will get the “not that woman” treatment from them, because the base really doesn’t want any woman, period. The GOP has a very uneasy relationship with women and it’s getting worse. Thoughts and prayers to them.
Matt McIrvin
@Kay: The unemployment rate genuinely is creeping up, from a very low bottom, and at some point there probably is going to be another recession. Probably not by November though.
If Biden is reelected, he will likely have to deal with it and we’ll see the unusual prospect of an honest-to-God recession first hitting during a Democratic administration. The last time that happened, it happened to Jimmy Carter–but the wider economy was in way worse shape then. The time before that, it was Harry Truman and it almost sank him.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@stinger: Love the MTM reference. As I recall, that was during Mary’s job interview.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I missed that, need a ‘splainer …
Dorothy A. Winsor
@TBone: In the Mary Tyler Moore series, Lou Grant once said to Mary, “You got spunk. I hate spunk.”
One of the things that struck me from that series is that Lou used to work for the Detroit Free Press, and my mother worked there.
ETA: A clip
Lying is corrosive – if they have it at the top, and they do, it will spread through the whole organization. Britt and her team of handlers could have used any anecdote she collected from her stupid photo op at the border and fear-mongered just as effectively – they CHOSE the lie.
It’s just rampant on the Right now. Elon Musk regularly lies on his social media platform. This last week he published a photograph of a person and said that person has assaulted a police officer. A lie. It doesn’t matter at all on the Right. They can no longer distinguish between truth and lies.
Omnes Omnibus
@Matt McIrvin:
If we reelect Biden and give him a Democratic Congress, there is absolutely no reason that the current recovery can’t continue. We are coming back from something unusual, and there is a lot more that can be done.
They are absolutely not to be trusted. They have been actively wishing for a recession for two solid years.
@Matt McIrvin:
Well, of course at some point there’s going to be another recession. They don’t get credit for calling it every month for 5 years and then eventually… it’s true! They’re supposed to be reporting actual economic conditions, not writing a screenplay.
@Omnes Omnibus:
If we give President Biden a Democratic House and Senate, then everything that Manchin and Sinema torpedoed should be back on the table
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Oh, thank you! I remember MTM now – when I saw Grant all that occured to me was General 😆
Matt McIrvin
@Kay: On the other hand, the remarkable timing of 10 of the past 12 recessions to coincide with Republican Presidential administrations does make me wonder whether we could forestall one for much much longer just by keeping Democrats in office. I used to think Presidents had very little control over this but at some point the “coincidence” becomes too strong to ignore.
I believe the only reason that we are not in a recession is because of the infrastructure bill. Because corporate America is trying to cause one with their layoffs after record profits 😒😒
Omnes Omnibus
@rikyrah: Exactly.
I hope they focus on two things – voting rights and rescind Trump’s tax cuts. We now have proof that Justice Roberts gutting the VRA harmed minority voting rights. They need to fix that.
I want them to rescind the Trumptax cuts not to punish ultra wealthy people, but because we need the revenue. I think it’s the responsible thing to do.
They totally chose the lie. And, a lie that skipped over Dolt45 and Obama to go all the way back to Shrub😒😒😒
@Kay: They’ll do voting rights and abortion. I don’t think they’ll just rescind the tax cuts wholesale, but will try to make the tax system fairer and more progressive.
@Matt McIrvin
Follow the circle.
@Kay: Punishing ultra wealthy people is just the icing on the cake.
I love clocks, especially ones with an interesting shape or floral face design, and I like to be able to see the time from wherever I may be. So I have 5 battery-powered clocks, as well as electric alarm clock, oven clock, and car clock that aren’t connected to the internet, to manually reset twice a year. I don’t mind doing it, but I always forget at least one! Only my MacBook and iPhone automatically reset.
Right. And if her point was that human trafficking has increased under Biden (what she says in defense) then why use that anecdote? All that means to a normal person is Mexico has had horrendous human trafficking since at least 2004.
She’s a senator. She could have vetted the speech herself and said “that’s misleading and I’m not using it”. Her handlers work for her. They take orders from her. She chose to put the lie in her own mouth.
Voting rights is absolutely top of my list
Those tax cuts- absolutely.
It’s good that the horror of the middle class , tax wise, is coming into focus. They can actually say…
You didn’t get a refund this year? That’s because YOU are paying for tax cuts for the rich.
Just ad after ad if real people and how they are getting no refund, or actually paying for the first time…and, they need to place the blame squarely where it belongs. And, say it with their entire chests
There go two miscreants
@Matt McIrvin: Here is a column I just read that puts the immigration situation in perspective. I am a numbers guy so this was useful for my understanding:
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: Longer than that! I remember seeing a bumper sticker in the 70s: Don’t Californicate Colorado. You probably saw one this week!
You know how strongly I feel about abortion but I think they should do voting rights first. That’s an unmet promise. That’s do or die.
@Scout211: There aren’t many things where Arizona can claim to be in the vanguard of progress, but I would be happy to follow its lead on this particular subject.
I honestly believe that the DNC needs to confront the
“Are you better off than you were four years ago” trope from the RNC.
I mean, explicit ads taking us back to that nightmare of a time.
ABC’s George Stephanopoulos went after Nancy Mace this morning!
You can watch the video at the link.
Mace might be shamed from being raped; but that didn’t stop her from bragging about being late to a speaking breakfast held by a woman’s Christian group because of a morning quickie.
AND it sure doesn’t help she couldn’t/wouldn’t justify her willingness to ignore TIFG’s appalling treatment and abuse of her fellow women.
Stephanopoulos was great. Respectful, but holding Mace’s feet to the fire.
My taxes never go down under GOP tax cuts, at either the federal or state level. They cut OH state taxes and then property taxes and various levies immediately went up. It’s a shell game.
Voting rights is at the bottom of everything. Protecting the right to vote is an investment in elections, on every level, for years to come.
@Kay: I think that would be the order. 1-2.
I always pay, the entire refund thing isn’t something I know anything about.
But, I see so many people whining on social media and at my job, about their lack of refund this year, and they need to know why. In no uncertain terms.
And then end the ad with Video of Dolt45 promising more tax cuts
@Kay: and I’m still stuck on the E.R.A. also too. Wish list. SeeYouInRoevember is a winner and I’m hoping for the trifecta so we can get shit done! Tax the bullets AND the super wealthy!
@Princess: Not sure that was a good test case, because she really was awful.
@Jackie: love it! I missed it because arguing with hubby 😕 over something silly and I’m in the right and he’s a poopy head today. Thanks for posting!
Oof, now that I’ve seen it 🤮 she should be Ashamed!
Two battery clocks, two programmable thermostats, two car dashboard clocks, one watch, three alarm clocks, one water heater circulator. A lot, actually.
@rikyrah: Yep. Show those empty shelves and talk about how no one could buy toilet paper at ANY price. Put inflation into perspective.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: That was good!
Then where was she interviewing when she had the run in her stocking, that she covered with her hands, her purse, etc?
Did you guys see the SNL cold open with Scarlet Johansson?
Dorothy A. Winsor
@WaterGirl: I don’t remember that one but it sounds funny.
I wonder if her handlers do work for her, or if they work for someone higher up.
Still, even if that’s true, she is going along with all of it and was either stupid or perfectly willing to flush her credibility – as a female senator – right down the toilet.
“I’ll be whatever you want me to be!” That’s what I think she effectively said. Maybe she has no true authentic self?
Matt McIrvin
@There go two miscreants: The article characterizing the asylum process as “unlawful entry” is a tell. (But the numbers are interesting–I had thought the door slammed shut during the pandemic and did not reopen, in part because Erik Loomis was so energetic about claiming Biden was continuing Trump’s immigration policy.)
@schrodingers_cat: ❤️ she’s such a great actress, fell in love with at We Bought A Zoo AND JoJo Rabbit.
Off to relive some history by streaming! Netflix. see
Crap, it’s not there! Aaargh missed it.
@schrodingers_cat: I liked the QVC bit.
Paul in KY
To Tony Jay and other Liverpool fans: Best wishes today on the match. Hoping for no injuries and that the best team on pitch wins.
Personally (given our awful record there) am hoping we can escape with a tie.
Another Scott
@satby: I think Big Clock is secretly behind the push to get rid of time changes. To make us replace all our smart clocks.
My Anker clock radio has Bluetooth and only resets the time when my phone connects to it. I use it to wirelessly charge my phone overnight, but not for audio. So every spring and fall, or whenever I get a new phone, I have to remember how to connect to it… :-/
Sony had it right to have a DST/ST switch on the back…
It was on point
@Kay: She knew the story. She participated in a panel with the woman. There is no way she can blame this on anyone else.
@Kay: Back in 2020 I said restoring the voting rights act was job 1. I still feel that way.
Peke Daddy
@Tony Jay: The power of schmooze, Maga Mike. LaMalfa and Dark Brandon know it well. If you could do it, maybe MTG wouldn’t have you by the gavel.
@satby: The clock in my body is a lot harder to change than the one in the car, and that one’s a total hassle!
Two votes short in the Senate. I’ll let you guess which two.
@Baud: The 2 votes retiring I would bet.
Peke Daddy
@Kay: Get rid of the GWB tax cuts, too, grow the economy faster than the deficit and the problem shrinks to manageable size.
Matt McIrvin
@Another Scott: Any clock that doesn’t automatically set time over a network needs a “DST now” switch of some sort.
It’s acceptable not to if it’s possible to just set the time by typing it in numerically (common with oven clocks). But that’s the best.
The worst would be to try to change over automatically with hard-coded dates, because the law is likely to change over the lifetime of the clock. I’ve seen some that do that.
@schrodingers_cat: I didn’t, because I watched the original and that was enough!
Question: Does SNL have a conservative or MAGA audience? I doubt it, so in a sense SNL is singing to the choir, although there’s probably a large audience of liberals (aka normies) who skipped Britt’s performance (along with the SOTU, for that matter) so there’s that.
Betty Cracker
@Jackie: I hate the way Mace co-opts feminist language and concepts in service of her party’s profoundly anti-woman agenda. It’s somehow worse than the antics of loud-mouthed numpties like Greene and Boebert.
@Betty Cracker:
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery.
@Matt McIrvin:
And small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri aren’t real small furry creatures from Alpha Centauri like they used to be.
zhena gogolia
@Betty Cracker: Great!
@Matt McIrvin: I had a clock that hardcoded the switchover dates and could not be modified, and then the law changed to extend DST. But an automated clock at least needs some kind of switch to be told whether to enable DST, because there are localities that are year-round ST.
It does seem that some people don’t understand that DST just cuts one end off the blanket and sews it on the other end. Sunset gets later in summer with or without DST. The effect is also very latitude-dependent. I’m the early-to-bed type so sunset at 9 pm is really too late for me (viz. the Washington Post article linked upthread). Even stranger, when I was young some of my grandparents’ fundie friends thought DST was literally the work of the Devil, since it was “unnatural” and so went against what God wanted. I wonder whether any of that attitude lingers. But personally I’d prefer year-round ST.
Another Scott
@rikyrah: Yup.
No toilet paper or gloves or masks.
Chaos at airports, babies in cages, families broken up.
A broken CDC not able to correctly create a COVID-19 test because of interference and mistakes, and losing months in the pandemic response in the process. And not dropping everything and fixing the problems ASAP when they found out about them.
They were dangerously incompetent. We’ve got receipts.
Miss Bianca
@satby: Who has digital clocks that automatically update? Not me, unless it’s on my phone or computer. The oven clock, the microwave clock, the bedroom clock, the DVD player clock…all digital, all need manual changes.
Tony Jay
@Paul in KY:
I’d take the draw. Hoping for Darwin hat-trick though.
Of course, I’m pre-booked and missing it. Booooooooo.
@Betty Cracker: MTG and Boebert come by their ways naturally 🤷🏼♀️
Mace is just evil. And, I see TIFG endorsed her over the wknd.
@Betty Cracker:
I missed this news as well…big wishes for a healthy you soon.
@Dorothy A. Winsor: I just googled. It was her interview with Lou on the Mary Tyler Moore show.
Lou is reminiscing about when he interviewed her for the job and she was desperately trying to hide the run in her stocking.
@Jackie: Oh yeah, I saw the boom get moved.
Do you think anyone on the GOOP side got upset with Johnson for not introducing the Pres?
@Kay: They think there are millions of lazy moochers on welfare who would be working if only they didn’t get such generous benefits from the government 🙄. That’s how they square those two things in their head. I’ve heard them say it.
As I like to put it: what are the odds that, of all generations through human history, ours is the first to be right about what’s wrong with kids these days?
Paul in KY
@Tony Jay: Up 1-0 at half. Know y’all got at least 1 in you. Probably 2. We need to be better in defense. Sorry you can’t watch it live.
Matt McIrvin
@Eyeroller: The argument from nature neglects that Standard Time is just as artificial– it’s not solar time where every town had a slightly different clock setting, killed by the coming of the railroads. These things are always some kind of socially constructed compromise between nature and our goals. The question is just what accommodations you choose to make.
@OzarkHillbilly: I know I dislike driving at night more, the oncoming lights are more irritating/blinding.
I did not know that you can have your drivers license limited to daytime.
That sounds too sensible.
Matt McIrvin
@dirge: The hardcore conservative claim is that ALL of these complaints for the past 5,000 years were right, history is a process of degeneration and people were basically superheroes in ancient times.
There go two miscreants
@Matt McIrvin: I thought the paragraph where he uses that phrase was fairly nuanced, not really a blanket condemnation of the asylum process, rather discussing how it is not operating as intended. The parts that I found more interesting related to the historical levels of immigration and the fraction of the U.S. population that is foreign-born. The trajectory of the latter from its low around 1970 explains (but does not excuse, IMO) a lot about Americans’ views of immigration in general. Being a boomer (1950) I knew about the baby boom, but never thought about what that might imply in other ways.
Uncle Cosmo
@Bupalos: Uncle Joe’s age is the least of my concerns. What gives me pause comes out of my conviction that we’re in the middle of World War O (for “oligarchs”)**.
I wonder if there isn’t some planetwide collusion on tap to crash the global economy around Labor Day, jacking up prices for consumer goods (e.g., gas at the pump doubling in price) to squeeze the average American and make them pine for the days of Dolt45.
I would be alert to some “leading indicators” of that prospect. E.g., eggs, always more expensive in the runup to Ether & currently even higher due to an alleged outbreak of avian flu. If egg prices aren’t on their way down by (say) Mayday, and the producers put forth some other (probably BS) reason why not, I’d be concerned. If the Bastards Of The Universe move en masse to short-sell their stock holdings round about August anticipating a stock market crash (that they’d trigger), I’d be really concerned.
I’m sure PUJOTUS has a “blue team” in place to monitor the global economic situation and keep things humming along. I hope he also has a “red team” in place evaluating the worst the oligarchs can do to the economy and devising effective countermeasures to their meddling.
** In which the bazillionaires are eager to destroy liberal democracy planetwide and replace it with local strongmen who can oppress their populations all they want, so long as the big guys have extraterritoriality, zero taxes, and the right to loot national treasuries at their pleasure.
@Jackie: I think that if you asked Alabama voters, “Hey, did you hear Saturday Night Live’s cold open was about Katie Britt?” a lot of them would respond, “You mean they’re still doing Saturday Night Live?”
@satby: We have three chiming clocks with honest-to-god pendulums and weights, which get wound weekly. One of them needs to keep 24-hour time because it has a complicated gear system that silences it from 11 to 7, which of course you want to be at night. Springing forward isn’t too bad, but for falling back my husband just stops the clock by stopping the pendulum, and then restarts the pendulum swing the next day at the correct time.
I wonder how many others still do that. You should be in our house at 12 noon!
Matt McIrvin
@There go two miscreants: Between the 1920s and 1965 there was very little legal immigration happening and almost none from non-white countries. For decades I’ve seen conservatives who would bristle at being called white nationalists expressing open nostalgia for that and insisting that the change was a dirty trick foisted on the *real* American people by liberal elites. Basically Great Replacement theory in a nutshell.
@Miss Bianca: I specified “wireless, digital age” because so much stuff is now run off of wireless apps like Siri, Alexa, and whatever the hell Google’s is called. My kids have everything including their thermostats connected. All updates automagically. So do digital atomic clocks. Sorry for the confusion.
@catclub: here’s the IN restriction codes:
Restriction B – Glasses or contact lenses. …
Restriction C – Mechanical Aid (Adaptive Devices) …
Restriction D – Prosthetic Aid. …
Restriction F – Outside Rearview Mirror. …
Restriction G – Daylight Driving Only. …
Restriction H – M/C Three Wheel Bike Only. …
Restriction J – Other. …
Restriction S – M/C with Side Car Only.
most states have similar restrictions categories, but not the same codes for them.
The Lodger
@Matt McIrvin: A lot of non-networked clocks do have an “instant DST” button. It’s labeled HOUR. Just press it once at the appropriate time, and you’re set.
Given the prevalence of Wifi, I am surprised clock manufacturers don’t just sync the clock to an NTP chimer. You still have to set the timezone to get local time. Otherwise you will be on GMT. Of course, I live in AZ which stays on “Gods Time” all year round. I have server which participates in the ntppool service, so I have very accurate time at my home.
@satby: Yes, I agree. I personally like DST and would be very upset it the anti people removed it. I am old enough to remember the last time it was stopped and how people hated it and went back in just a few years.