Biden-Harris Campaign Co-Chair Landrieu: Trump said that he's going to cut Social Security and Medicare. Joe Biden said he'll protect them. Trump wants to take away health care. Biden will protect it. Trump has eviscerated women's rights in America. Biden will protect them
— Biden-Harris HQ (@BidenHQ) March 13, 2024
Chip Roy cuts the best Dem ads. ??
— Jo (@JoJoFromJerz) March 13, 2024
Fired up crowd in Denver for @KamalaHarris. Latinos con #BidenHarris2024 ????
— Sergio Gonzales (@SergGonzales) March 13, 2024
Looks like some progressive Dems might be figuring out the old GOP winning formula: If you can’t fall in love, you can just fall in line…
She has a primary coming up and this is good for her to say.
— Candidly Tiff (@tify330) March 13, 2024
But y'all keep assuring us Black people are gonna vote for Trump.
— Ragnarok Lobster (@eclecticbrotha) March 13, 2024
House Republicans desperately want out of their self-inflicted chaos
— Axios (@axios) March 13, 2024
A two morning thread day. Wow.
Via reddit
Pleasantly surprised about Omar’s comments, the upcoming primary notwithstanding.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Love the Joel Pett comic
The bracket just needs a “REPUBLICAN” next to “CRIME” in order to move it over to the ‘real threat’ side.
Also, I might have to troll the RWNJs in my life with that Axios article. I know that they’re pretty disgusted with that clown show after several televised routs by the House Dems on the Oversight Committee. I kind of feel obligated to rub it in. =)
Dorothy A. Winsor
If Cannon dismisses the documents case, is that appealable?
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
At this stage, I believe so.
The RNC loyalty test is icing on this cake. Yum! Nepo babies 😆😘
Bonus: see if you can spot the flaw at the end of this “argument” from NYT deputy opinion editor* Patrick Healy
*I am adding this to my email signature at work and will let you all know if anyone notices
Sounds more like a manage-a-trois.
That’s absolutely hilarious. It will go over just as well as Kanye West’s run for President. After all, the general public is so stupid and simple minded that they will vote for a celebrity they like over politicians who promise something they want.
If House Republicans really “desperately want out of their self-inflicted chaos,” three or four of them can file a motion to vacate, and then vote Hakeem Jeffries for speaker. Done.
If they don’t want to do that, then the only thing they’re desperate for is for everyone to do what they say.
@Jeffro: As I said to somebody elsewhere yesterday:
Political hot takes are like playing the market; you only have to be right once.
Melancholy Jaques
What is not a joke is the way that the political media promote bullshit like this.
And people keep talking about the Kennedy name like anyone under 50 knows or cares.
Say what? Rodgers’ whackaloon UFO conspiracy nonsense notwithstanding?
@Melancholy Jaques:
Correct. Serious media all act like twitter influencers now.
@Waspuppet: “Resign and go home, like Ken Buck” is also an acceptable answer.
They are the clowns that show up at a house party after the cops.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@NotMax: I read this morning that he’s a Sandy Hook truther too. That makes him too low to even spit on.
And you keep the cachet even if you’re never again right afterward, judging by past examples. We could try to get this named the “Nate Silver Effect”.
Same. I would not have predicted this at all.
zhena gogolia
@geg6: Yes, good for her.
No mention in the article about what these actually are?!?! Like, inform the public, right?
@Dorothy A. Winsor:
Yes, and I think it was Politico who has the receipts on that. What a disgusting worm of a man, my apologies to worms.
Job interview today. whole thing has come together so fast i didn’t even realize how much I wanted the job until now, and now I’m super nervous. (at least with a virtual interview they can’t see my hands shake!)
@Baud: Reprentative Omar has impressed me. She had a few rough months early in 2019 but has since proved to be a serious legislator.
I thought Omar handled her removal from the foreign affairs committee last year with a dignity that sharply contrasted wih Republican hypocrisy. Another talented member of the House Class of 2018.
Omnes Omnibus
@Dorothy A. Winsor: Not at all unhappy that he is Jet now.
Steve in the ATL
“Some” is doing some heavy lifting there
@JML: good luck!
Steve in the ATL
To tie in this morning’s On The Road post, back in 2016 when Trump was campaigning, I heard Judy Woodruff speak at the University of the South. While she is hardly a liberal, she did say, “I know that the Sewanee football team had a tough season. Is the solution to that getting rid of your coach and bringing in someone who knows nothing about football?”
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
If it happens, Biden will cheer. A conspiracy theory ticket would hurt Trump.
might I just suggest that President Biden is probably chuckling, nay, chortling about it.
trumpov, however, knows full well that an out-and-out anti-vax ticket will most definitely pull more votes from him than President Biden.
Good Morning Everyone 😊😊😊
@Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony: omg great minds and all that. =)
Yes, this is the conclusion ol’ Patrick came to that had me scratching my head. ‘Both sides’…even when one side should and will be much more alarmed than the other.
@Jeffro: thanks! can’t remember the last time I had something move this quickly…hope that’s a sign they want me!
Another threat to the GOP crazies is Diversity, Equity and inclusion.
Never mind that the abbreviation is DEI – remind me of the latin word for god?
Uncle Cosmo
FWIW, SpaceX is nearly 30 minutes into the Starship/Heavy flight test and the only glitch so far appears to be a failure of some engines to relight on the Heavy booster burn-back, so the booster hit the water of the Gulf at about the speed of sound. Starship reached ~16,500 mph and ~110 miles altitude; the payload bay door opened and closed successfully in space; next milestone is a retrograde burn to test the relighting of the engines in vacuum.
@Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony: I would say that by comparison with Kennedy and Rodgers [incredibly low bar], Ventura was quite a competent politician.
Dorothy A. Winsor
@JML: That sounds promising!
@JML: Good Luck (as long as that is not bad luck to say)!
@OzarkHillbilly: It’s quite possible Rogers’ NFL career is over🤞🏻but that info hasn’t been made public, yet? That was my immediate first thought, anyhoo.
That is a nice way of saying Obstruction, Hiding and moving documents to keep from the US Archives. Also having lawyers lie about their status.
@Steve in the ATL:
Apple TV’s “Ted Lasso” is based on this exact scenario – except it’s about a floundering English Premier (soccer) League teamn that hires the coach of an American NCAA division II college football team who knows nothing about soccer. Hilarious great drama and acting.
@JML: Hope it goes well and you get the job!
CNN Headline:
…. unfortunately, most targets of interest are bigger than a coin.
Omnes Omnibus
@catclub: To be scrupulously fair to Rodgers, he is still a professional athlete not a political candidate. Yet. And, just to fuck with SFAW, I hope he stays an athlete for a while longer.
@Omnes Omnibus: Surely SFAW did something to deserve it.
@cmorenc: And Ted Lasso was hired so that he would fail. Likewise for hiring Trump in 2016. They wanted to see things burn.
I think cheering for _any_ professional Football team , either NFL or NCAA Div I, qualifies as a reason.
Just remember you are a member in good standing of the BJ community. They would be lucky to get you.
Maybe I missed it: what was the hot Laura Ingraham item your father wanted you to see?
Hey now, you take that back! The KC Chiefs rule! ;-)
And just for the record, so do the Redbirds. GO CARDS!!!
Steve in the ATL
@catclub: they could destroy larger targets before Brexit
Omnes Omnibus
@Josie: Oh god, what if JML mentions that now? Catastrophic.
Steve in the ATL
Dude, you sound like Rich Lowry!
@Omnes Omnibus: Lol. It all depends…
Steve in the ATL
@Omnes Omnibus: or maybe she’s interviewing at a tie-dyed overalls factory
@Jeffro: Dangerous, fact-free views. Just what the country needs. Someone gives Patrick a paycheck. Why?
He’s been working the organization, fan base and press since the injury and blocking acquiring even a semi-functional backup QB.
He’s trying to string it out as long as possible, probably because the Jets can void some or all of the remaining contract, but yeah, he’s done.
@OzarkHillbilly: I, unfortunately for my fan status, took an economics course. The only thing I remember from it was: Those are all businesses.
I will cheer for them as soon I finish cheering for GM, Ford and IBM. Also Intel vs Nvidia. Delta vs American Airlines. Makes as much sense.
@catclub: competent candidate, fairly bad governor. Jesse was one of the original panderers (handing our sugar with rebate checks) and using his position to do personal stuff like making it easier to ride jet skis. he did a ton of damage in convincing people that if they didn’t personally need something it was probably a bad idea for government to pay for it, encouraging a culture of selfishness that the modern GOP has adopted en masse. he did hire some competent people in his administration and left them alone on stuff he didn’t care about, but also antagonized literally everyone in the legislature.
now, he’s a crazy old man who lets his addled conspiracy ridden freak flag fly…and is still probably better than Aaron Rodgers, a staggering narcissist who is just smart enough to think he’s a genius.
As I saw with some reporting yesterday (apparently Rodgers is a Sandy Hook truther?!?), sports reporters work with kid gloves, compared to political oppo reporting.
Though I suppose NFL’s smallest media market vs NYC has maybe not set in for Rodgers yet either.
ah. I am glad I have not kept up.
@catclub: It makes me crazy how the press never makes it clear what the actual charges in the documents case are. I’m sure most people believe the charge is that he had the documents and shouldn’t have had them, when the actual charges are all about what he did to try to keep the documents he wasn’t supposed to have.
Peke Daddy
@Jeffro: Four years of administrative experience between the two of them, and their advice is so unfiltered it is chunky. Fundamentally unserious statement.
Sister Machine Gun of Quiet Harmony
@Jeffro: Indeed! :D
Another Scott
The high Brodersism in this piece is off-the-charts. “Hey, I said that he may flop! I wasn’t wrong!!”
“Yeah, he may not be on enough ballots to have a chance. Yeah, interest in his campaign may crumble when more than a fringe of the electorate knows his actual positions. Yeah, I personally don’t really believe that he has any chance at all. But a handful of voters are looking at him, therefore he’s not a joke and the nominees need to take him seriously.
For my next hot take, tune in tomorrow for my latest on why AI is going to be the crucial factor in Gen Alpha dating experiences and why it’s smart to get in on the ground floor….”
Non-serious candidates always get their 15 minutes of fame. Remember when Herman Cain was leading the pack??
Kosh III
“Non-serious candidates always get their 15 minutes of fame. Remember when Herman Cain was leading the pack??”
Yeah, I remember one Sunday morning Jake Fraking Tapper said there was stunning new information from a poll: Carly Fiorina was ahead.
Kosh III
Open Thread?
Biden should cut off all Israel aid until Israel abides by UN Resolution 242.
If they don’t want to do that, then the only thing they’re desperate for is for everyone to do what they say.
By George I think he’s got it!
@Melancholy Jaques:
And those over 50 know that Jr isn’t his uncle.
Paul in KY
@Jeffro: I would think POTUS and TFG are both laughing.
Paul in KY
@Baud: Sounds like the name of a WASPy female ‘influencer’:
“We’re talking now to Ms. Kennedy Ventura-Rodgers, who runs her healing crystals podcast…”
Paul in KY
@JML: Best wishes to you!
@Dorothy A. Winsor: As a native born wisconsinite and packer fan I was so glad we traded that whiny baby away. And a conspiracy nut on top. Good riddance to that pos.
Citizen Alan
@Kosh III: Does Biden, in fact, have the power to do that unilaterally via executive order? Because, if not, this is just Green Lanternism.
@JML: Dead thread but LUUUUUUUUCK!!!
S Cerevisiae
Dead thread but that last comic in the post is fucking brilliant !!