If the soil’s still frozen / too soggy to work, the hardscaping could always use some attention. Courtesy of commentor SkyBluePink:
I need more photos, fellow gardeners, or you’ll be reduced to reading random news stories about gardening…
What’s going on in *your* garden (planning / prep / fresh growth), this week?
Everything froze, and the squirrels (or something else) ate the tops off the hyacinth buds. So those are a no go for the future. Daffodils only. Although the crocuses and scilla look fine except for the frost
ETA It might be a rabbit not squirrels.
This coming summer’s project is to get the new flower bed in order. We had to cut down a sick tree that I hated. But that completely changed the light in the front yard. It went from partly shady to full blazing sun, and most of the plants were very very unhappy.
@sab: Thank you to whomever came up with the word “crocuses.”
It’s most excellent.
@mrmoshpotato: Should they be croci? I only had two years of Latin.
I have a statue of Saint Francis of Assisi from my parents’ garden…in my house next to the fireplace. My Wife insisted that I use my first pick, after parents died and siblings emptying their house and divvying stuff up that I go after that statue. Siblings almost convulsing with laughter. You sure you want a thing that nobody even looked at thought about as your first pick? Yes, I said because Wife was so enamored by the small perfect details. Look at the fingernails, she says to anyone who visits us now. They are incredible.
Nobody knows where they got the statue. My parents did not buy art. probably my father got it from his monk friends at the abbey. But after he left his ,monastic orders to enter the real world he kind of wasn’t welcome to return, though he did because his best friends were still there. The Abbott was stern about such things.
its still winter here, snow yesterday. But I think every printemps of how he got the statue, how he kept it outside where nobody noticed it, and how my wife who never connected with my father is now equally in thrall to it.
@Ramalama: We have one too, it’s in our doggie cemetery along with a big cocker spaniel statue, a best in show trophy, St Christopher medals, prayer flags and other memorabilia to send the pups on their way.
sup with dat?
@sab: Crocuses is fine. You’re not writing in Latin.
@raven: Aw. The Best in show trophy outside? How does it hold up?
I love your garden art SkyBluePink! I have a couple of small statues of a frog and a dragon, and broken flower pots, ceramic bowls and cups as toad houses.
It’s a red sky at dawn day here. 29° now, don’t know if we got to our predicted low of 23° overnight. The warming trend is supposed to start today, so I’ll be uncovering all the shrubs that were covered all last week against the bitterly cold (for March) nights and see how they did.
Thank you, SkyBluePink!
@Ramalama: It’s fine, we found it in an antique mall after Bohdi died and it seemed perfect.
Three inches of rain yesterday. This morning everything is dealing with 29°. The tulip trees in flower took a major hit.
I am close to having the fall/winter and now spring clean up done.
Love these pictures! Thanks for posting!
I have hit my yards hard the last 3 days. Clean up, trimming back dead branches, dead growth, watching my new roses from last year. 20 bags of mulch in. Probably 10-15 more needed to cover all the drought tolerant perennial beds. JoJo loves his fake grass in his side yard. I love my new flagstone, winter patio on his side. It’s out of the wind with the windbreaks I set up.
Thinking about acid staining the concrete in the outdoor living areas in the main backyard/patio area. Doing a little research this AM. Any BJers done this?
Have a great day! Looks like we will have some rain today here in the High Desert. That’s always good news.
Love all the different art SkyBluePink – looks great in the garden! Got about 7 inches of snow here over the last few days but the sun is out today and will warm up this coming week. Hope to get some shrubs trimmed and then start on the yard/gardens cleanup once all the snow melts.
Got some much needed rain Friday. Everything looks much happier. Lawn* definitely needs a trim
*I’m in Fl, Lawn is a euphemism
No lawn here, just lots of flower beds and a native plant front yard with berms and boulders, awash in daffodils right now. Last week I spread 6 yards of fine mulch, 3 in the front and the rest in back, and in order to do so I reestablished my daily yoga practice so I could do that work without trashing my back. I love how fresh mulch makes the plants and flowers pop. I might do a bunch of photos to send in since we’re low on that for the Sunday garden posts.
Today I’m planting peas and doing the last of the perennial rearranging that happens each spring as the gardens evolve.
Weather is really nice, 70’s and breezy. Overcast and some rain yesterday but not while I was at the garden festival. Found some delphiniums and foxgloves for my Northern born mom and stopped to drop them off and plant for her as she is really frail these days. Discovered her yard needs a bunch of weeding….so I will be returning hopefully each week. I need to mow mine today and mulch and sort the bags of leaves I snagged last weekend 52. The week before while I was in Clovid isolation was local spring break and close to the end of spring leaf fall here. This is like fall up north. The evergreen live oaks new spring leaves push some of the old leaves off and at the same time as the shed massive pollen catkins, they also shed leaves. I live in an older neighborhood with a lot of trees. A lot of non gardener people rake them up and throw them away in paper bags. I collect as many as I have time and energy for, but after Covid I was not very energetic so I only snagged 52. Most years the timing is not that one week all the leaf bags too.
I was looking for pine straw bags especially as my mother says pine straw on her yard pathways and gardens is less slippery and better footing than leaves (slippery when wet) or mulch (uneven footing). Some bags will be going to her house. Mom has to use a walker but dad says she goes out to the garden even when she says she feels terrible. It’s her biggest thing now. Funny, she didn’t garden at all until I came home from college with my collection of plants….she said she tried when she first moved to Florida and had no success so she did house plants. Wisconsin to Florida was too big a change and there were no books for southern gardeners then. I started later, when there were some books and magazines. Came home from college with roses and Irises. She borrowed my books then took master gardener training In retirement and for the last 30 years has been obsessed. Her mother was a gardener too apparently.
A pleasant site this morning. A passion flower at the side of the house has decided to start strutting it’s stuff. Very lovely, such remarkable flowers.
I’m espescially pleased as a couple of years ago it mysteriously collapsed, I assumed it was dead, but last year reappeared. These are the first flowers on the Mk II instantiation
Thanks SkyBluePink! I need to find places for all the frog art my FIL left us.
Kosh III
Our place is new and the 1/2ac yard is blank. It’s been mowed twice already and due again soon. Since we are both in our 70s we’re not doing much. I’m putting lettuce in a big pot, planting 6 pampas grass this week and that’s it. There is a tree farm behind us and a nursery behind the houses on the other side of the street. Leaving Nashville for a distance rural(red sigh) county was the best decision ever.
Last night was a wonderful experience. I went on the back porch about 9pm. I heard the neighbors wind chimes, I heard frogs. What I did NOT hear was an vehicle/car/truck/whatever. Silence is golden.
Here in Oregon it’s early planting time. This week we planted bulbs, two new types of blueberries and two new varieties of grapes to add to our Concords. I have dug a large hole and am on the lookout for a new fruit tree. In the last six years I have planted a fig, three plums, two cherries and an apple.
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