Breaking news from the Tampa Bay Times:
TALLAHASSEE — Florida voters will get the chance to vote on protecting abortion access after the Florida Supreme Court on Monday allowed the amendment onto 2024 ballots. But the court on Monday also released an opinion upholding the state’s current 15-week abortion ban.
Upholding the current law triggers a six-week abortion ban that lawmakers approved last year to go into effect. That law offers limited exceptions for rape and incest, and will go into effect 30 days after Monday’s ruling.
The change will disrupt abortion access not only in Florida, but for women across the southeastern U.S., giving them fewer places to turn to for legal abortions in a part of the country where many states ban abortion almost entirely.
Though the court was expected to rule on the abortion amendment because of an April 1 deadline, its decision to release an opinion on the state’s current 15-week ban came as a surprise.
This is a developing story. Check back at for updates.
Every one of the justices is a Republican appointee, and the majority were elevated to the state supreme court by DeSantis. The wingnut wife of one of the judges introduced the 6-week ban bill that DeSantis signed while running for president. (No, the judge didn’t recuse because Republican.)
Consider the contradictions heightened. Will the voters of this state turn out to reject this theocratic bullshit by a margin of 60% or more? I wish I were more confident they would. But at least everything is on the table and the stakes in November are perfectly clear.
Open thread.
Well said. The lines have been drawn. C’mon, women of Florida, get this done!
Old School
What does the ballot amendment do? Legalize abortion with no restrictions? Something else?
Here it is:
Chacal Charles Calthrop
How I wish this was an April Fool’s joke
Earlier, I had read that people were wondering if the Court would sit on a decision regarding the abortion ban until after the election in a craven attempt to have people vote on the amendment without the need for it “real”. So, this is better than that. But still awful.
The Villages are conservatives who can’t get pregnant, so they don’t care.
But still, Dobbs has been a gigantic motivator.
There will be plenty of suffering until then thanks to these assholes.
Abortion will be on the ballot in FL in November.
Abortion will be on the ballot in NOVEMBER
Betty, I haven’t seen the 60% figure before – is that what it will take for the ballot initiative to pass?
(brb – just running over to to update my predictions)
Betty Cracker
@WaterGirl: Yes — a supermajority is necessary to amend the state constitution. I think there’s a chance it will pass, despite FL’s wingnutty turn. Progressive measures like a minimum wage raise and restoring felon voter rights cleared that bar within the past several years. We’ll see. 🤷♀️
@Betty: Women and men.
Who can provide a reputable organization working on passing the amendment to the constitution? This is not only a just cause but a catalyst if any will ever be to start turning arounds things here in FL.
Will women vote to preserve their rights and those of their daughters or preserve patriarchy?
GOP lawmakers replace trustees at historically Black college in Tennessee
So there are two land-grant schools in Tennessee. A land-grant school receive federal funding that the state government must match. TSU, Tennessee’s only public historically Black college, has been shorted the state funds to the tune of 2.1 BILLION dollars. UoT, a predominantly white school, has never been shorted and has even received more than its match many years.
Not sure why there was an article written about this. Seems like a perfectly legitimate thing to do.
Anonymous At Work
@Frankensteinbeck: But who complain that their kids and grandkids won’t visit them. “It’s not safe to visit Florida” boycott would hit The Villages as hard as any visitation boycott since Lysistrata.
Seems like nothing would be more likely to goose Dem turnout than this.
Gotta admit, though, the first reaction was to visualize the Bugs Bunny bit with the saw and the map.
@Betty Cracker: I don’t have any data but I am optimistic. Can’t believe 40% will vote to uphold a full abortion ban.
I admit. I was hesitant about Democrats spending serious money in Florida, but now?
Yes. Yes. Yes.
We need to spend the funds, and get out the voters for this amendment. And, link it to the Senate race.
I will be utterly amazed if Florida is in play again as a result of this fustercluck. It’s primitive to ask is it possible, so instead I’d ask – how possible is it? The Florida Democratic Organizations do not inspire confidence.
Allowing the abortion ban to take effect as well as allowing the abortion protection initiative to be on the ballot seems to optimize Dem turnout. These people are stupid.
No fraud proven based on the audit.
But, suddenly want to replace the board, after the Department of Education put a dollar figure to what they owe TSU.
@Anonymous At Work:
There’s a reason their kids and grandkids won’t visit them. That they’re this kind of asshole is it.
EDIT – And I’m still horrified by the damage this will do for six months.
that is the question.
And, for every exception that proves not to be an acceptable exception between now and November in Florida, it must be publicized.
@rikyrah: Same. Rick Scott won his Senate race by just over 10k in 2018, and he apparently has atrocious approval ratings. Yes, it’s been 6 years and 2022 was terrible for Democrats in Florida, but Senator Batboy hasn’t been shy about wanting to dismantle Social Security and Medicare and apparently has atrocious approval ratings. We shouldn’t assume he’s not vulnerable.
Melancholy Jaques
Who is running against Scott?
We fight against all of them – or at least funding for the judges – that seems to be where our money can be effective
Take nothing for granted but HECK YES go for it in Florida!
(between this and that crazy NC Gov candidate, I’d say go for it in NC, too!)
Super Dave
@Frankensteinbeck: The Villages residents can, and do, however, get STDs at the highest rate in the nation. Consider that your daily dose of karma.
Tony Jay
Link it to everything. Every race, top to bottom.
Reproductive Freedom is on the ballot in November.
Republicans have shown time and time again they will ignore, obstruct and deny the will of the people when it conflicts with their unpopular ideology.
If you want your vote to be respected, Vote Democratic in November.
@sdhays: Scott’s Democratic opponent, former Rep. Deborah Mucarsel-Powell, points out that Scott won his 3 statewide races by 1 percent or less, and Scott has never run in a Presidential year.
Too bad for women in the interim, but this outcome is the best politically. The voters just have to follow through and have the courage to stand up to Republicans.
One of the Many Jens
@WaterGirl: Hey Watergirl – how are you?! Are there still any matches remaining for the Worker Power AZ thermometer? I’d already used up my Democracy fund for the last call I’d seen, but now looking for my next go-round :^). Thanks!
I’m sure that some of the Villages residents remember with horror how it was when abortion was illegal, before Roe. Can’t think that they would want to return to that.
Someone has come up with a new acronym for Modi.
Murderer of Democracy in India
BTW why is Bill Gates sucking up to the feku? (Hindi slang for liar)
West of the Rockies
By all means, Florida, put abortion on the November ballot. Hmmm, will that increase or diminish the number of anti-Republican voters turning out in a presidentialelection year? I wonder…
Republicons — KFTC!
ETA: keep fkn that chicken
I do expect Floridians to vote in the abortion Amendment. My only concern is like the amendment that gave ex felons the vote, what is to stop the state legislature from making a mockery of it?
@Betty Cracker: Let’s hope Democrats turn out en masse this November! And, scare the hell out of Rick Scott and other GQP candidates on the ballot! 🤞🏻🤞🏻
Absolutely! But, don’t stop at the Senate; ALL GQP/MAGA seats down ballot!
It seems to be that when abortion is on the ballot, that also impacts the voting patterns for elective office – the people who turn up to vote pro-abortion aren’t going to vote for an anti-abortion legislator. Granted, gerrymandering, etc – but if turnout is significant enough, it could significantly impact the legislature. Maybe not flip to Democrat, but lose enough Republican seats to put the fear into them.
@One of the Many Jens:
Funny you should ask – we are starting something new tomorrow.
It can be a little confusing when our BJ angels contribute by check, because then the thermometer doesn’t reflect what we’ve actually raised.
One of our angels wrote a $3,500 check the isn’t reflected in the thermometer. So we’re actually at just over $29,000. Which means we met the revised goal of $27,500 that will cover an extra team for 2 weeks.
We revised the goal because I got a call saying we got the $20k Four Directions match for AZ and the $20k Four Directions match for NV, and the external matcher has a specific timeframe in mind.
So I didn’t think we could raise $40k twice, one right after the other. With just a small number of days in between. The Worker Power folks totally understood and said they would float the third week of the team out of their own funds.
We should have double match for both AZ and NV, at least for awhile. Because we have the $20k external match for both, and we have couple of BJ angels veto help get us started.
Look for the kickoff post tomorrow. :-)
I really don’t know where these richies and retirees who run this state think they’re going to get their well of cheap labor from.
I don’t understand the thought process behind the overall voting patterns.
You need other conditions besides making abortion nigh impossible to access, and they actively have no interest in solving any of those problems. They actively make those worse too.
Thank goodness for stupid, heads up their asses republicans!
I really hope Biden uses some of the money raised last week to open field offices in FL and GOTV!
One of the Many Jens
@WaterGirl: Oh, wonderful! I’ll make sure to drop by tomorrow, then.
THANK YOU for all that you’re doing – I appreciate it, and I appreciate *you*! :^)
Will the referendum be during the November election, or are they going to schedule a special election for that alone? I don’t imagine they want a potential driver for Democratically inclined voters to come out when the entire House plus the Presidency are on the line.
I’d like to point out that Florida is in the middle of a huge home insurance / HOA crisis, plus DeSanctis pissed off most everyone in his way to the non nomination. In fact the draconian 6-week abortion ban is part of that. He could have stop at the first 15 week ban and it may have been a net positive for the Reps.
Florida initiatives are def going to get voters voting this fall!
Post-Dobbs I don’t believe there is any abortion legislation passed by Republicans that can be considered a net positive for them. It just reminds people that they will pass any and all restrictions that they can get away with. 15 weeks today, 6 weeks tomorrow, mandatory pregnancy testing for all adult women of childbearing age next week.
@Jinchi: November 2024!
@Eduardo: I expect Trump to loudly demand they change that date, once someone explains the implications. It’d be pretty funny if DeSantis’s campaign gimmick ended up costing them both the presidency.
Betty Cracker
@Jinchi: It will be on the November ballot. I agree with Baud upthread — terrible for women in the interim but potentially advantageous for Dems this fall.
@kindness: I’m not a lawyer, but the language in the abortion rights amendment seems pretty clear and difficult to fuck with. There was enough ambiguity in the felon rights restoration initiative to give Repubs an opening to water it down.
Oh wait, there is more! Marijuana, also too.
If this helps us take Scott out I will take it. His seat being in play would dramatically increase our chances of holding the senate.
But it’s Florida, so I’m not exactly going to get my hopes up too much. And it’s a terrible thing if we don’t win the ballot measure.
@One of the Many Jens: So nice of you to say! Thank you.
@Betty Cracker: That the court was willing to approve it is a good sign it’ll get enforced, but it was a 4-3 decision on something that is so straightforward it should have been unanimous. One more crazy person on that court and it won’t matter that the language is unambiguous, the legislature will say it doesn’t apply to them and if the court backs them up, the executive can still have people arrested and yank medical licenses.
The corruption of our courts is demonstrating how fragile our system of laws really is. If the courts aren’t behaving reasonably the whole thing falls apart.
@Eduardo: @Eduardo:
I wish it would translate into the state houses getting fucked up and not just DeSantis losing. He should’ve lost that last election on the heels of the hurricane but no, my fellow state residents voted him back into office to loudly fight drag queens while his wifey contours his face.
The Democratic challenger has a real opening with sensible people if they have real solutions to the insurance crises and costs of housing.
I don’t know how many people are sensible.
@JoyceH: The next fight will be when a fetus is “viable”. And anyone who thinks it isn’t, is nuts.
@brantl: the amendment specifies in the view of healthcare provider, so I hope that applies to viability. Many laypeople think that since a few babies survive at 21 weeks, all 21 week fetuses are viable, which isn’t the case.
I just finished watching a long news clip which explained this Florida Supreme Court decision, and the one about recreational marijuana, very well.
The battle is on. Voters should be able to understand what they are fighting for.
@Betty Cracker: Wait this the fight starts over what “viability” means.
No, it says the risk to the mother is viewed by the healthcare provider, not viability. They may have intended to say that it would be both, as viewed by the healthcare provider, but the god-botherers are going to twist that comma for all it’s worth. And they’ll try to say “healthcare provider” is the insurance company.
@Betty Cracker: They problem has been elected officials ignoring ballot initiatives or sabotaging them. The felon rights was sabotaged by adding on that they had to pay a fine first and making it difficult to impossible for them to find out what their fine was, and then arresting some to chill the vote.
I also recall a class size cap that was never implemented by Jeb Bush.
What we have to do is link names to the abortion laws that are angering voters and tell them you can’t expect the results you want if you keep electing the people who make these laws. Every district matters, and don’t make excuses for your rep even if you think he is a “good guy”
@Anonymous At Work: I wouldn’t bet on it. These people moved far away from their families to live with other old people apart from a mix of ages. I suspect their are a higher percentage than usual who don’t get along with family.
My family moved closer to my sister and I, so they could help with the grandkid, and then we could help them as they age.
I also think it may freeze their thinking when they only hang out with old people. I have noticed my mom has been much less flexible in thinking since she retired. When she was teaching she knew a lot more young people, and adjusted to multiple societal changes.
Nope, that’s an urban legend.
If you’d like to help get Democrats in FL registered to vote, Postcards To Voters has an ongoing campaign to sign up FL Democrats to vote by mail, which has higher turnout than in-person voting.
[email protected]
@Betty Cracker: Michael Steele in convo with a Democrat Representative reported that 160,000 out of the 900,000 signatories of the petition to get the abortion question on the ballot were from registered Republicans.
Good/bad news: Judge Merchan expanded gag order BUT Rump just secured a $175 million bond.
@brantl: Yes, agreed that the wording could be interpreted either way, that « as determined by the healthcare provider » could apply just to health or to everything that comes before. But « viability » is much more ambiguous than the god-botherers like to believe. They want to put in specified exceptions so nothing outside of the exceptions counts, but it’s too complicated to spell every exception out. I hope the wording of this will protect providers.
@sempronia: “I’m sure that some of the Villages residents remember with horror how it was when abortion was illegal, before Roe. Can’t think that they would want to return to that.”
To punish slutty slut mcsluts, for their slutiosity.
Some will be surprised when their grandchildren are affected, but they will get over it.