Benyamin Cohen, a colleague of Cole’s, has written a book about Einstein – Benyamin is Einstein on social media, so it’s fair to say that Ben knows a lot about Einstein!
Benyamin wrote The Einstein Effect.
We have scheduled a zoom with Benyamin – a 45-minute presentation and then time for questions.
This will be a fun, light-hearted, not particularly science-y or scholarly talk about Einstein. Plus we asked for the special bonus Mandy Patinkin story!
We are zooming with Ben on Wednesday, April 17. Time will either be 7:30 or 8:00 pm – depending on input from folks who want to attend.
We asked Benyamin to talk about Einstein, related to these topics, but questions at the end can be about anything Einstein.
War and Peace… and Einstein
Einstein and pop culture
Einstein in the age of Fake News
Who’s interested in the zoom? RSVP by email to get the zoom link, but please also let us know in the comments.
Einstein on twitter. Einstein on Facebook. Einstein on Instagram.
Benyamin is also open to joining us for an “Ask Me Anything” thread – like we did with Wiley Cash a few years ago – if people are interested in that. If so, please let us know in the comments.
Open thread.
I’m interested, either time would suit. I’ve done several lectures on old Albert and this covers some areas I had to skip over
One of the Many Jens
Thanks for highlighting this! I won’t be able to join the zoom, but I’m glad to know about the book, and will look for it the next time I’m at my local bookstore :).
Ohio Mom
This looks interesting! I feel like I have to read some of his writing in a hurry. I’m good with either starting time.
Ohio Mom
I don’t see anything on Cohen’s site that says anything about teaching, let alone teaching in West by God Virginia, so wondering how he is Cole’s colleague. Maybe he did a residency once.
Mr. Bemused Senior
I’m interested, either time works, 8:00 is better.
Mike in NC
I thought Fat Bastard was the World’s Favorite Genius. Or was it Your Favorite President? Or was it a Very Stable Genius? What a fucking nightmare.
Sure is quiet…
Is it the same Zoom code as the previous couple of gatherings were?
Am interested regardless.
Once again, 7:30 Eastern probably inconvenient for other coasters.
I’m interested, will email.
Genius my ass. Dude couldn’t figure out how a comb works.
I’m interested in watching. In particular, I know that in WW1 Einstein was one of 4 people to sign a public letter in Germany opposing the war. I’d be curious about his thoughts about and participation in politics and public affairs from WW1 through his decision to emigrate to the United States. Where would I email (sorry…I’m sure it’s obvious, but it’s late and I’m exhausted)?
Joy in FL
I currently am taking two classes on Wednesday evenings (eastern time). I’m interested, but I can’t come.
As it’s an Open Thread, too meaty to properly summarize. Suggest a quick scan through the entire article.
The convoluted machinations underway at DJT. (Which closed today at less than half it’s initial offering price a mere fortnight ago, with no cessation of the slide in sight.)
@NotMax: kinda feels like we’re quickly approaching a tipping point. I can’t tell if Trump is pushing for some final straw as a signal for a full fledged revolt or if they hope to simply bluff their way thru and continue to game the system long enough to soft coup their way to victory via the courts.
Delaware chancery court doesn’t take kindly to coloring outside the lines.
@NotMax: I would think that most judges fall in this category, yet… here we are at the time that the piper should have been paid and they’re still there with no recompense. Judgement has been rendered, now for enforcement.
Doc Sardonic
@Doc Sardonic
Did someone say whoopee? Smooth ‘n’ jazzy.
Sounds great AND less filling. Hold it. Wrong commercial.
Either time will be fine.
@Ohio Mom: I was trying to keep the post simple, and it didn’t seem important at the time to go into the details of how Cole and Benyamin Cohen are connected.
What seemed important was to identify Cole as the connection.
But since you asked, Cole works with Benyamin’s wife.
@Leland: Send email to me. my nym at
If that’s too cryptic, click the CONTACT US link that’s in the menu at the top of every page.
@NotMax: Not the same zoom link.
Two reasons: 1) we changed zoom accounts, so the old link is connected to an account that no longer exists, and 2) Cole is going to promote the zoom on his Twitter account, and I don’t want a bunch of twitter peeps that we don’t know to have a standard zoom link for Balloon Juice.
I have created a new standing link for Balloon Juice zooms going forward, but for the reason listed in #2 above, we won’t be using it this time.
Only two RSVPs? Cole and Benyamin will be very sad.
Another Scott
Al was a bit of a hero of mine when I was a kid. I briefly took violin lessons, and a few classes in German, at least partially based on his influence. He had a huge impact on the course of the world.
I just grabbed a copy of the book for my phone. Thanks for the pointer!
Sorry I’ll miss the zoom. I hope it goes well, and for trying to keep us cultured here. ;-)
Just put a Hold Request on this at my library.
@SteveinPHX: Ditto. Will have to come interlibrary loan, but it will get here in the fullness of time…
Sounds like fun. will email.
Until this moment, I had no idea what JC’s day job was. Thanks for that!