I had to drive to Tampa this morning for a doctor’s appointment. Afterward, I met a friend for lunch at a Cuban diner that’s been a favorite since childhood (La Teresita on Columbus).
Good food, plenty of it and cheap! Usually you can only pick two of those things. We also visited the affiliated market across the street so I could get some proper Cuban bread, which isn’t available in my town.
My friend brought a birthday present in case she doesn’t see me again before my actual birthday (late February — Pisces queen here). Virginia Woolf socks!
The tagline above VW says, “We march on.” I promised not to collect rocks and march into the river. (It was a joke! My friend has a dark sense of humor too, so she got it.)
The news from my doctor was 100% positive — my response to treatment has been exactly what they hoped to see. I’ve also lucked out in a big way from new protocols and technologies emerging that may actually save my ass yet, so that’s good.
Other than that, I got nothing. Open thread!
comrade scotts agenda of rage
Other than that? That ‘that’ is pretty something. Good news.
OH B.C. I am so happy to hear that great news from you and your doc!
Wonderful news!
Total stranger here celebrating your 100% positive results– truly wonderful news!!
Tom Levenson
So glad to hear this news
Goku (aka Amerikan Baka)
That is awesome news BC!
Great news Betty! We’re all happy for you.
That’s the most wonderful news I’ve heard since Nov 5th tore our world apart!!!
I hope you and Bill celebrate! I’m so happy for you!
Thank Jesus for ivermectin!
Woohoo!!!!! So happy to hear. Thank you for sharing the great news with us.
Doc Sardonic
Positive results are welcome news…. Can’t go wrong with La Teresita.
Old School
Woo hoo!
I’m heartbroken, I have to cancel my overnight, “dinner & a movie date night” trip tomorrow to my hometown of Media, PA for the World Premier of DelCo the Movie. Noah the Love Cat projectile vomited bright yellow bile so fiercely yesterday, and growled in pain at me for the first time ever!, so that I had to rush him to the vet. On top of the expensive “full exam, labs, and x-rays” because he’s a cancer survivor, they gave him Cerenia injection to prevent vomiting. OF COURSE he got the “rare” adverse side effects, drooling, extreme lethargy, and hasn’t moved once since we brought him home. No food, no water, no nothing. He did manage to purr for me today, so there’s that. I picked him up to move him into a different “favorite spot” and he growled again. No amount of kitty tapas is tenpting him…
Can’t go and leave him. GAH.
hurray for your ass!
that’s a better use of technology than tiktok videos anyway
Been waiting to hear that kind of good news, Betty!
Hey now! Super happy to hear the good news!
Old School
@TBone: That’s a shame. Here’s hoping Noah the Love Cat feels better soon.
This is the best news I’ve seen in many a day. Thrilled to hear it!
I am back home after a crazy week. Now have to go to the store and catch up on happenings of the world.
This. This is the news I’ve been waiting for. Happiness over here!
Congrats, Betty.
Wonderful news, Betty C.
Sure buried the lede on that one! Great news!
@TBone: Our kitty died 2 days ago. Cancer.
So glad to hear some good news re your health. If I were permitted to post emoji’s, I would have some happy faces and many festive balloons and such.
Great news, great socks, great food! Beautiful day!
@Mark: I’m sorry, I hate cancer in humans and all other beings. My kitty died of cancer two years ago.
Yay Betty!
And my condolences to those who have lost or may be losing their cats…
Oh your news just made my day! So happy for you BC!
I’m so happy to hear your news, Betty Cracker! How wonderful that you’ve responded well to the treatment. May the good health news keep coming. You will march on in those super cool socks.
“I got nothing?” Aw shucks BC you got everything. In other news, I’ve got a new turtle. Not a river cooter, just a red ear. She seems sweet, but they get meaner as they get older. I named her Roxy, because she crawls on rocks I guess. It is fun to see them grow up. Roxy is a yearling, but she’s never been held by a human and she’s learning not to be afraid. It was so cute the other day when she watched Big Momma get up on the dock to bask and imitated her and climbed up too.
Awesome news BC!
Tim Walz posted “There’s no such thing as bad weather, just bad clothing” with a snowy photo of himself.
@Old School: thank you, he’s worth staying home again for!
VFX Lurker
YAAAAAAAAAAAAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So happy to read this!
@Mark: grrrrr I’m so sorry. We had to euthanize our Josey Wales of the Nicked Ear just before Christmas.
Fuck cancer.
Raoul Paste
Very glad to hear good news
Sure Lurkalot
Thanks so much for sharing your good news. I bet you didn’t think it would make EVERYONE’S day.
Such good news, Betty! Yay! 🎉🎉🎉🎉*
*These emoji are not allowed. Pretend they are invisible.
Dorothy A. Winsor
Hooray for good news!
Let’s not take Woolf as a model too strictly.
Great news, Betty!
My mother and sister are both survivors. My Mom made it to 86 and my sis was diagnosed at 37, and is now a healthy 60-year-old.
I used to sail with a Cuban who defected from the Cuban Olympic team. He told me the best Cuban restaurants are the ones with old Cuban men hanging out and drinking coffee at all hours of the day and night.
Oh, I’m so happy to hear that, BC. Ever since you made that post about having to wait an extra couple of weeks for your test I’ve been watching this space and hoping they gave you good news.
And they DID!
TBone, you’re on my mind. Take care.
Steve LaBonne
Delighted to hear the good health news.
@hitchhiker: thank you, every good thought helps me transmit calm love to Noah.
@BlueGuitarist: Yes!!
Yea! BC too.
Wonderful news, Betty. And save those rocks for badly behaved tourists.
O. Felix Culpa
Happy dance! At least one thing about 2025 doesn’t suck. :-)
Sister Golden Bear
Wonderful news, Betty!
To The Lighthouse! (A fave V.W.) reread at the pool last summer. She can really take you there, and I mean right there where she is. Also love to Liz Taylor!
I’m happy to hear the good news and hope you enjoy your Cuban sandwiches. Maybe a picture of them?
Dan B
Great news plus good food and socks.
And it looks like keeping warm will be very important this coming week, so here’s to warm socks making a good start!
Randal Sexton
Yaaay. Happy to hear the good news!!
@Baud: hahahahahah omg I’m choking dead
Yay for the great news, Betty!!!!
Doc Sardonic
@Jager: Add in cigars and dominoes and you are describing a favorite set of memories from long ago in Tampa. It was a little place called La Ideal
BCrack: fuckin’ A!
TBone: fingers crossed.
Thanks for sharing your good news BC, I’m keeping you on my prayer list until you are completely out of the woods (and then a little.longer to be sure).
Hooray for the good news! Dropped youngest kid off at college and got a bunch of food and supplies for his dorm room. It was a good day.
@FastEdD: love that, thank you for sharing.
@BlueGuitarist: On BlueSky? I need to send that to my (now devastated) cousin in Michigan who met Tim & Gwen and posed for awesome photos with them. I had them enlarged and framed them. She needs a lift like that right now!
Girl, that’s the best news I have heard all week !! Well done ! 💪💪💪
@TBone: you are such a good cat Mom!
Another Scott
+1 on the good news, BC! We humans need you to stick around to help fight the monsters.
Best wishes,
@p.a: fist bump with crossed fingers
On Twitter.
So glad to read your positive news. You keep at it :)
….de-lurking to say: HUZZAH!! ….for you, Betty!!
(It’s news that dries up today’s ocean of tears..!)
I saw it on BlueSky, I think he posted it originally on Twitter,
maybe this bsky link will work
@cain: awwww shucks. Noah & Katrina were bedraggled rescues, found in a pillow case in a roadside gully that had been immersed in the nastiest old motor oil and left out in a cold, 3 day rain. They were so tiny I had to feed them kitten milk with an eyedropper. Had to wash them 3 times to get the oil off. BUT it was they, the brother and sister bonded pair, who saved ME.
I hope all of you got some good plans for the long weekend..
My wife and I are heading to the beach. For two nights. I plan to do nothing.
The orange menace taking the oath on MLK day is a tragedy.
Once sworn in I plan on retreating to my safe space. My plan involves sex, drugs, and guitar with a side of Duolingo.
Thankfully I got my passport renewed before the man takes office.
It’s GREAT news that you are responding so well to treatment, Betty!!!!
Fantastic news Betty! Continuing to send positive thoughts and virtual hugs….
AM in NC
Oh Betty, so happy to hear your good news from the doctor! And those socks are boss.
@TBone: they do that don’t they ? Silly critters ! ☺️
What are you learning on Duolingo?
Fantastic news, Betty Cracker!
What, so you can’t dump your rocks in the river? Well… maybe you can give them away to some poor kid on Halloween in a lousy ghost costume, to fulfill a cartoon plot point that never really made sense. (Well, the plot point does make sense if you realize he was collecting uncut gemstones to finance his “Angels” special investigation force with Linus demanding the name “Bosley” as a nom de guerre….)
So glad to hear that great news, BC! May it continue!
@cain: through days filled with exquisite pain, they carried me 💜
Also saw this on BlueSky: Hegseth DUI hire
@WTFGhost: hahahaha twisted you makes me giggle in solidarity.
@BlueGuitarist: I stole that somewhere but couldn’t link to share, thanks for sharing for errybunny!
Tis truly a work of art.
Adding my very occasional voice here to say your news is marvellous, Betty! Long may it continue!
I’ve been having a pretty good Friday, but that’s the best news yet!
Rose Judson
@FastEdD: My youngest sister had a red-ear when she was little. He was quite the escape artist, and I was always finding him on the computer under my desk. Warm, I guess.
Betty: I am so, so glad you got green flags from the doctor. Long may they wave.
The best news this year! Forward, ever forward, BC. Mmmm, enjoy that Cuban bread.
zhena gogolia
Oh, what great news! I’m so happy.
@BlueGuitarist: omg the replies
I’m very happy for you. As someone who has gone through the- ok I have cancer, what stage is it experience- the first good thing is seeing that the treatment approach worked on your particular cancer. The next good thing is hearing your oncologist tell you that you’re definitely in remission. After that we all have to decide what we want to do with the time that the treatment protocol gave us.
Oh, dear Betty, you got everything! I am thrilled at your good report from the doctor, and I expect you to be the Pisces Queen ♓️👑 for many years to come!
So very happy to read this news, Betty. Because my situation has been so similar to yours, you are often in my thoughts. My last, and roughest chemo infusion, was on 12/26. Had a follow up PET scan on 1/13. My oncologist’s nurse called on 1/14 to say he was “very pleased with the PET scan results” and that I have had “a significant response to treatment”. Not sure what that means to him exactly, but I like the sound of it. He told me in August I might have less than a year to live if treatment is not helpful. I see him next week for the details, but it feels as if my warranty has been extended.
Happy Happy! Wonderful news.
I’m just spitballing here, but are there ways we can misdirect the focus of the morons’ hatred?
Maybe the Dems could wear their lapel pins upside down. Keep it simple. Keep it united. Say something like, “I choose to remain silent just like Pam Bondi,” when they are asked about it.
Virginia Wolf is our dog’s best pal. Ginny for short.
Your news is the best news, B. C. 💚 🎶
Mai Naem mobile ¹
I am so glad to hear this news Betty Cracker! Enjoy the sandwich!
In this week / month of unremittingly shitty news, I’m ecstatic to hear that your treatment is working and your doctor is so positive! Thrilled!
Yippee. Great news. May you wear those Virginia Woolf socks out. And many other pairs as well.
This is the best news, Betty. We’re all pulling for you. You’re too precious to lose.
@dexwood: And I hope you have beat that disease back too. You will have to tell us what kind of celebratory socks you would like.
@TBone: Get well soon Noah.
@dexwood: 💚
Wonderful news, BC !
I was just having lunch with a colleague who is my age, and we were simultaneously saddened by the death of friends, but in wonder at the miracles of modern medicine. Monoclonal antibodies and bypass surgery allowed Madame divF to dodge two bullets (lymphoma and coronary artery disease), while cardiac ablation turned him from someone with dismal prospects into someone who walks all over town every day.
@Elizabelle: I bought a pair of Fuck Trump socks today so I’m good for now.
Professor Bigfoot
That’s FANTASTIC news! I’m horribly late to the thread, BC, but that’s outstanding to hear.
Blue Galangal
Thank you for letting us know, Betty; I’ve been thinking about you a lot with fingers crossed.
@Mark: My sympathy. My cat also left too soon from cancer. Very hard.
Great news! So happy to hear it.
That’s the best news I’ve heard in a while.
In my birdwatching news, last Saturday I was watching the birds because I saw my cardinal couple. They were making a late Christmas card for me. A few minutes later we had two cardinal couples in the backyard. I’ve never seen two cardinal couples in the same place before. It was pretty. Also saw a blue bird.
Holee guacamole if these photos aren’t real, I don’t wanna know…plus he composed a special song at his link, lyrics also posted below song. Blondi & Hegseth was the subject of a murder by sick burn today hahahaha
Yes, I went down that rabbit hole with glee!
I was just wondering today about your tests, BC—this is wonderful!
Very happy to hear the good news!
Tim C
I know I’m far more a reader than engager of your writing Ms. Cracker, but I literally pumped my fist in victory for you. We keep fighting till we can’t.
And rocks are for throwing at Nazis.
@Lily: thank you!
@dexwood: hugs and my best hopes to you.
Appreciate the heart.
@m.j.: rickroll them – I like it!
Betty, what wonderful news. So, so, so glad to hear this for you, and a bit selfishly for me too. I hope it feels good to know that.
zhena gogolia
@dexwood: All best wishes to you!
@Juju: they can sing a rainbow!
Wonderful news!!!!
That’s wonderful. Congratulations!
@zhena gogolia:
Thank you.
Spanish Moss
So glad to hear the good news!
Other MJS
BC: Wow! Yea!
Baud: Well played.
@dexwood: They might even be vintage socks. Rock them.
This is wonderful news BC. just the best.
Did anyone know President Biden turned over our air defense bases in Poland to NATO so Donold can’t fuck with them? TIL:
Ben Cisco
Great news, BC!!
This is great news, BC, just the best. You are a champion.
@Tim C: amen, brotha!
So happy to hear this good news!!!!
So happy to hear your good news! Yippeeee!
WOO HOO!!! Thanks for the excellent report and sharing the excellent socks.
Rooting for many more good health reports!
And I still haven’t tried Rincon Cubano in Sarasota, but I actually found something tasty and not super sugary at Smoothie King, and the relatives all liked it as well.
comrade scotts agenda of rage
The fact we’re having to do that is beyond sad.
Really happy to hear that, Betty.
It’s the project management triangle!
Well not quite, it’s actually ‘good, fast, and cheap, choose any two’ but same idea!
I will see if my wife will be up to a meal there next time through. We can still swing by La Segunda afterwards and pick up Cuban sandwiches for dinner, guava pastries, and Cuban bread.
ETA: Looks easy to get there from the airport, which is always helpful!
Miss Bianca
Oh, Betty, so glad to hear your condition is responding to treatment! That’s the best news I have heard all day!
Am I the only one who read those socks as “WE MARCH ON VIRGINIA WOOLF”?
Anne Laurie
AWESOME news, Betty! May your personal life be as excellent this year as our mutual political life promises to be… fraught!
The Senator channels the Juice.
Now back to the important stuff: if I can talk my wife into lunch at La Teresita, what do you recommend? :D
Betty, you made our household smile with that last bit of news. So great to hear.
Quaker in a Basement
Jesus, child! Talk about burying the lede!
Your doctor’s report is fantastic news! Here’s hoping your around to keep marching for many, many years.
Fantastic news! I am so happy for you – the world feels a little bit brighter right now :)
First I’d heard of it, but that’s a fucking brilliant move on his part!!
Yeah, it’s a shame that it’s necessary, but we’re in this timeline and this is absolutely a brilliant move here! WTG Joe!!
I’ve lost too many people I love to cancer. Bless you Betty C and we are all so happy for you.
Great news from you doctor! Ms F is happy to hear it too. I read her two of your great lines today and she appreciates your ability to turn a phrase even though she doesn’t read B-J.
We gave up on Arizona for this trip* and made a left turn in Ohio so we’ll be back in Florida tomorrow for six weeks. I think we’ll be close enough to Tampa at one of our stops to check out this diner. One good turn deserves another!
‘* 12 nights of subfreezing weather meant we couldn’t use the trailer, so 12 nights of hotels. Too much hassle, too expensive. We got reservations everywhere including a week at Myakka River State Park! We got lucky!
Yeah suuuuuuure, I’d like to ask him what’s the right clothing to turn freezing rain into good weather?
Fantastic news, Betty! And I don’t care how late I am to the thread to say it.
Not a slow news day at all–this is a great news day and it’s made so many of us happy :) You’re doing great now, your house is coming along after the hurricane, the dogs are having fun, the birds, the alligators, the manatees–yes, it’s a great news day!
@lowtechcyclist: A good Gore-Tex (or similar fabric) rain suit over fleece-lined pants below a fleece shirt over an Under-Armor base layer. Gore-tex Merrell Moabs over alpaca socks.
There are no bad days when you’re in the woods.
BettyC! Yes, LOVE the socks (I’m saving my rocks to throw in gears where I can over the next 4 yrs). BUT BUT BUT
HOORAY for the fantastic medical news! Sending love and cheers forever. ♥️
I am beyond thrilled to hear that and may it continue for years and years. I was depressed for days after I read your first post about your diagnosis.
My sister was diagnosed 4 years ago with a non operable cancer that had a 5% survival rate after 1 year. It had metastasized into her brain. They were able to zap those tumors and the cancer that started it all is still there but it has reduced in size and is inactive. The last few years have been amazing with the cancer meds that have been produced.
May you and my sister live the long happy lives you deserve!
Late to the thread, but very happy to hear the excellent news! Hooray!
Cuban bread- so flat, so delicious!
Please consider taking a victory lap around the couch Betty Cracker- show cancer who repels it, because It Is YOU.
@comrade scotts agenda of rage: indeed. But cockeyed optimist that I am, always looking to the silver lining if I can, I believe that strenghtening the bulwarks against imminent fuckery is a damn fine gambit.
Wonderful news! So glad to hear it. I’ve been thinking of you and hoping for the best. And this is the best!
Great news Betty and congrats! (still sending good thoughts your way for the duration, though!)
I’m with you. My answer is “then I have bad clothes … when is it going to warm up / stop snowing / stop raining?”
needs to be on a t-shirt ;)
@RA: I expect AI/ML to make this even better with better ways to do distribute medication but also early detection.
AI/ML is really just fancy pattern matching. With human health we will be able to find anomalies.
Yay Betty! I knew you’d pull it out.
Elon Musk has the highest unfavorables of the Trump cultists, with RFKJr as 2nd worst. It’s just because they know those two better – they’ll learn to loathe the rest
But maybe Americas long pathetic man-crush on Elon Musk is finally, finally ending
@lowtechcyclist: it was a devastating troll of Donold deciding to move his
Bund RallyInauguration indoors.NotMax
Excellent to hear this.
@Spanky: a true professional!
Wombat Probability Cloud
That’s damn good news. Yay!
Lynn Dee
So happy to hear the good news about how well your treatment is going, Betty.
And the socks are very cool. :D
@satby: Indeed we are. A needed bright spot to counter the political dark ones. I was hoping Trump would keel over from the cold at Monday’s inaugural ceremonies. But now he’s gonna be nice and toasty inside the Capitol with his billionaire entourage.
Oh my god, Betty, that’s wonderful news! Thanks for the update.
I was out of a connection all day, but late as this is, I have to stop in and say Hip. Hip, Hooray!! So pleased to hear the positive and hopes for new and improved help possible going forward. Celebrate!
Sounds like too much work to acquire the wardrobe!
Much as I love the woods, I think I’ll just stay out of the rain, thanks. :-)
I’ll add my congratulations on the good fortune, at the end of the thread, because I’m new enough to feel a bit outsider-ish.
Congratulations; here’s hoping your life plays out better than you can imagine (so, that way you know you’re not dreaming).
What wonderful news, Betty! I’m so happy for you and your family. May you have many more years to enjoy your beautiful swamp.
something fabulous
(…wait, that doesn’t sound like I intended, I don’t think? Anyway: yippee for technology and prognoses!)
Late to the thread, I’m so glad the news was good! You can’t leave us, we need you to get through the TCFG years.
No you really can’t leave him. But it’s tough to give up an event you’ve really wanted to attend. I hope he recovers in time to reward you with whatever nice kitty actions he might offer.
I’m sad for you. No matter how many times we’ve been through it and how many pets we lose, it’s always the first time.
Great news!
Two good newes. Betty Cracker and Joe Biden doing damage control.
Late to the thread, but so happy about the doctor’s report. May it continue!
I’m late to the party as so often. Betty Cracker, I am very happy for you. Wish you continued good news.
@TBone: there’s so much going on in this little thread. NATO base screwing with Trump, kitty cats not feeling so good, Virginia Woolf’s To The Lighthouse: a jarring and brilliant read I haven’t thought about in a decade, and now Betty Cracker getting the thumbs up from Doctor Feelgood. What next? Betty swimming with the manatees every Sunday like it’s a religious practice? Taking a slingshot to the boats going over 5mph to protect said Manatees?
I get winded from the possibilities.
The news of the year so far. Congratulations, Ms Cracker.
Joy in FL
I am so happy for your good news!
Just the best, best news! Thank you for sharing it.
Cowgirl in the Sandi
Great news Betty! I’m so glad for you.
Gloria DryGarden
@TBone: oh no! I hope he’s better soon!
Betty, I am deeply glad you are doing so well, and that they have more fancy technologies and protocols to offer you, if needed. It sounds like you’ve been able to turn this around! Woo hoo!
It’s a big deal. As someone who’s lost a lot of family and friends to cancer, your news gives me a burst of hope and optimism.
La Nonna
Such great news! Grazie mille.
Betty, so happy for the good news, may you continue for many, many years in great health!
I’m very happy that you got such positive results! And I’m jealous that you got those socks! I need to find where I can get a pair!
What great news! Delight all round! You go Betty!
@Baud: so late but heartfelt: I agree with Baud!
Kayla Rudbek
@Baud: Betty, that’s awesome news!
I’m so happy to read of your positive health news!
Late here, but oh, yay on the prognosis! Good to hear!
Soooo glad to hear the positive prognosis, Congratulations!
Great news Betty! It’s truly amazing how much cancer treatment has advanced since my mother’s experiences in the late 1990s to mine in 2022. Maybe not the cancer moonshot but a damned sight better than before.
Thrilled to hear it!
Tim Woods
Didn’t see this post until today and I needed some good news!