DougJ is back so I’ll be on my way. Thanks to Doug for kindly inviting me to sit in and to everyone for the hospitality and the conversations. I had way more fun here in the last couple of weeks than I probably deserve.
Of course, this isn’t really goodbye for me. More of a farewell till we meet again. I’ll be cruising through your intertoobz, lurking in your comment threads, as always. Also blogging daily at The Detroit News and at my little hideaway where I say the stuff I don’t dare say out loud anywhere else, The Impolitic.
Oh, and I tweet. If you decide to follow me, tweet me to let me know. Code word — green balloons.
And one last thing. If anybody is wondering what happened to that kitten, turns out she was taken in by a neighbor and is happily enjoying the attention of an adoring teenager. So, anybody need two dozen cans of cat food?