I didn’t know that a company could patent two of the genes that cause breast and ovarian cancer:
The patents granted to Myriad give the company the exclusive right to perform diagnostic tests on the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes and to prevent any researcher from even looking at the genes without first getting permission from Myriad. Myriad’s monopoly on the BRCA genes makes it impossible for women to access alternate tests or get a comprehensive second opinion about their results and allows Myriad to charge a high rate for their tests.
That was how it worked until yesterday, when the ACLU and allied groups won a suit in federal court, which ruled those patents invalid. The ACLU claims that this will affect patents on 2,000 human genes.
Of course, this will remove the incentives for innovation and all drug companies will immediately close down. The only explanation for my satisfaction that Pfizer can’t patent my DNA must be an ignorance of the free market.