What a surprise- Moore uses deceptive editing to decieve his audience:
Rep. Mark Kennedy has unhappy memories of his filmed encounter with leftist moviemaker Michael Moore, an encounter featured Thursday in a trailer for the upcoming U.S. release of the film “Fahrenheit 9/11.”
“I was walking back to my office after casting a vote, and all of a sudden some oversized guy puts a mike in my face and a camera in my face,” said the Minnesota Republican. “He starts asking if I can help him recruit more people from families of members of Congress to participate in the war on terror.”
Kennedy said he told Moore that he has two nephews in the military, one who has just been deployed in the Army National Guard.
But to Kennedy’s annoyance, his response to Moore was cut from the trailer (and from the film, according to a spokeswoman for the movie).
“The interesting thing is that they used my image, but not my words,” Kennedy said. “It’s representative of the fact that Michael Moore doesn’t always give the whole story, and he’s a master of the misleading.”
As they might say in Cannes- Mon Dieu!
Michael Moore is your typical liberal . . . the ends justify the means, unless we are talking about republican ends. You need look no farther than the New York Times, LA Times, or any TV network for examples of how the story is spun to suit their biases.
Michael Moore gives the other sie of the story…the one we don’t get from the corporate media. Expecting him to provide an unbiased perspective is like expecting the corporate media to do so.
this should surprise no one. moore is a liar, as are most in hollywood. interesting, listening to o’reilly last night he documented the latest moore lie contained within the playboy interview for this month. moore said o’reilly wanted to kill him, while o’reilly played the footage that had him explicitly saying “that’s a joke on moore”.
no bill, moore is the joke.
Moore is just an over grown child whohas been told by the elite media that everythinng he does is fantastic and AIR AMERIKA’s group of far far far far left leaning wack packers hang on his every word as if they came down from the cross. The man is intelligent, what he can’t prove with words and pictures he fakes and cuts until he receives the final show of what he wants. Then the AIR AMERIKA crews sceams it from mountains. Epecting us all to fall to our knees and worship the ground that the fat tub of lying lard darkens with his presence. Screw Mike Moore. I have seen his movies and they suck like his left leaning stories.
Moore gives Moore
“Michael Moore gives the other sie of the story…the one we don’t get from the corporate media.”
The “corporate media” which kisses his fat ass every time he comes on their shows and ran what amounted to a free commercial for his movie on NBC the other night…
Far North
We never see editing, selective quoting or out of context quoting from FOX News or Scarborough Country or that Hannity guy or Limbaugh, do we? Naw, never. Republicans would neeeever twist and slant anything an opponent says.
The oh-so-pure-as-the-driven-snow new century conservative – taking hypocrisy to the stratosphere.
Andrew J. Lazarus
Moore is Rush’s mirror image; never let the facts get in the way of a “joke”.
Rush does documentaries? Who knew?
Andrew J. Lazarus
Hey, Slart, Moore & I can’t help it if Rush can’t score a film contract, and couldn’t keep his TV show. His books (like Moore’s) and his radio show (maybe Moore will get one) pretend to be factual, and aren’t.
Kennedy said:”He starts asking if I can help him recruit more people from families of members of Congress to participate in the war on terror.”
He was asked if he would help recruit MORE people from families of Congress. What spin! No one is better than a Republican at completely changing around a situation to make himself look better. Do they have seminars in that?
Still, hard for Moore to be Rush’s mirror image without the whole film aspect. Not propping up Rush or anything; I rather detest agitprop for its own sake, and that’s Rush’s whole schtick.
Now, if Moore were to lose 150 lbs or so, and indulge in a little drug habit…
In what has to be one of the biggest whoppers of all time, Moore responded Friday that Kennedy’s comments were not edited from the film. You see, Kennedy’s comments were not in the film at all… well, that certainly clears up the fact that Kennedy was upset that… HIS COMMENTS WERE NOT IN THE FILM AT ALL! Then the spokes-idiot (why does Mikey need a spokes-idiot) attempts to make an issue out of Kennedy agreeing to help Mikey, as if Kennedy’s righteous anger over this means he “liiiieeeeedd.”
Kennedy’s comments were not in the film for one simple reason . . . HE NEVER MADE THEM! You all drank the kool-aid on this one. Kennedy did not make these comments on film because, at the time of the interview, they were not true. At that time only one member of Congress had a son in the military in fghanistan or Iraq, And that was Democratic Senator Tim Johnson. Moore has the raw film footage and the transcripts to prove who is really telling the truth here and it’s not Mr. Kennedy. Moore has also publicly acknowledged that the status of Kennedy’s family military involvement has changed SINCE THE INTERVIEW.
So, you probably also don’t believe that Bush was close friends with James Bath, the chief americian financial consultant to the bin Laden family, even though it’s a documented fact (evidence of which was curiously deleted from the White House release of Bush’s military records).
Must be true that ignorance is bliss. you’re living proof.
So who are we to believe, Moore or the media siding with Bush? When I watched his documentary I was totally shocked to see how evil and backhanded the President was, but this makes me wonder – WHERE THE HELL IS THE TRUTH!??!- If Bush is truely this way, Moore is the truth. But we have people saying Moore is lying and that Sen. Kennedy does have family in the active military operations in Iraq. So who says Kennedy is telling the truth, how can we know this? What if this dispute (Moore Vs. Kennedy) was fabricated to make Moore’s messege unreliable and questionable. What if more information is provided on this dispute, like dates. When was that interview taken place, when did Kennedy’s family members become active, how active are they exactly?
This is why the REAL truth needs to be established and maintained and not mixed with lies and twists in an effort to further disloyal possible truths that might come about.
Michael Moore usually does start out with a grain of truth and subsequently distorts it wildly.
Take, for examaple, Bowling for Columbine. Mr. Moore claims that Charlton Heston brought a hugh NRA “pro-gun” rally to Denver 11 days after the tragedy and mocked those who tried to stop him.
The truth is that in a coincidence that can only tragic irony, the NRA Annual Meeting had been scheduled to be held in Denver for YEARS prior to the shooting. In response to the horror of that day, the NRA voluntarily cancelled all events except the members
Hi from Scandinavia, Huh Mr. Moore’s doc it’s just another side of history, get it or gut it.At least in Norway we’re starting to rethink USA and her way of making rights with violence and not words.