Our own DougJ got ratted out and was exposed after creating his usual mayhem at Tom Maguire’s place. Read the comments here and here.
DougJ Busted!
This post is in: Humorous, Blogospheric Navel-Gazing, General Stupidity
This post is in: Humorous, Blogospheric Navel-Gazing, General Stupidity
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A terrible slandering of a great American, worthy to be carved on the newly-exposed face of Mt. Kilimanjaro with Rumsfeld, Cheney, Rice, and … who’s that other guy? The one with the big ears, from Texas?
Your comment is awaiting moderation.
Moderation??? At BJ? Have we been reading the same threads? ;)
John Cole
All n ew comments in which the name and IP do not match up are thrown in to moderation. You could see your spoof of DougJ above, but I had to approve it before anyone else could.
Sure, DougJ is funny. But can he play the pedal steel?
Hasn’t he been over there for a while now? Hee hee.
Who ratted him out?
Oh, okay, as long as there’s nothing moderate about the moderation …
Any of us could do parody if we tried, but DougJ consistently takes it one level higher. He is a true internet superstar.
And the commenters were so vicious when they realized they’d been had. Why don’t we ever hear the good news about trolling right-wing blogs? :(
“..Joe Wilson is a French spy who should be water boarded..”
That’s like…poetry.
Ahh, DougJ. I wish you’d told me — marionette de chausette (my personal sock puppet) would have joined you. And she’s an absolutely florid left winger…
dougj is my hero
you cannot stop him
you can only hope to contain him
What was truly hilarious was the “go away, we want to have serious discussions/debates” meme tossed out.
I like Tom’s blog quite a bit, but serious discussions in the comments section? Right… Just like here!
You know, Davebo, there are people here that I frequently think are merely subtle trolls.
Steve S
Great work DougJ!
My admiration for DougJ has just turned into a crush.
No doubt. It has to balance some of the overwrought sincerity. :)
Ancient Purple
I was for DougJ before I was against him.
Ah, my precious. Priceless. All those toiling troll hours, and then JACKPOT!
He would only break your heart, you’d never know whether he really loved you or was just playing you…
The Disenfranchised Voter
The people at TM’s don’t seem to be taking it too well. What a bunch of tight asses.
I think the reason why they are mad is because by parodying them DougJ made them look like total fools.
I was against DougJ–vehemently–before finally figuring him out. Now I think he’s frickin’ great.
John S.
I’ve never seen a group of right-wingers have their heads collectively explode like that before.
Jeff B.
Why the heck shouldn’t they be pissed off? Am I the only person reading this who doesn’t think “oh ho ho ho, how clever!”?
What made DougJ’s little ruse so offensive has been pointed out several times in the second linked thread: at no point did he really prove what he was supposedly was trying to with his masquerade. He claims that everybody agreed with his moonbat statements, therefore proving that most of Maguire’s commenters are as batshit-partisan-crazy as the worst of Atrios or Kos. He is either lying through his teeth or perhaps he has let his expectations substitute for empirical observation. Go check the comments yourself. There’s maybe two commenters – who don’t seem to be particularly sharp, honestly – who have anything positive to say about those comments. Everybody else either calls bullshit (especially on the Cunningham comment! What a disingenuous twat he is to say that everyone agreed with him there! He was immediately greeted w/comments saying Cunningham was a crook who deserved jailtime), or ignores it as static. But because this truth is inconvenient for the hypothesis he’s trying to ‘prove’, he either consciously ignores it or it simply doesn’t register.
I’ll admit it: I hate people who intentionally troll to be assholes. The unearned triumphalism afterwards merely makes it more annoying. Yes, Doug, people didn’t leap on you over there and tell you to drop dead because of your outre behavior. Nor would people leap on someone at DailyKos calling for Bush to be impeached, though they would probably think “what a nutter” to themselves.
So what have you proven, other than that you’re an asshole? And if you accept that smugly (as I have seen you do in other threads around here), why on earth is that anything to be proud of?
Mac Buckets
Most of them dealt with Our Doug in a reasoned manner (a few did seem to like to call him a liar an awful lot — but if that’s your criterion, isn’t almost every lefty here “exploding?”) and shot down whatever “point” he was trying to make about how the righties’ ignoring his overwrought comments was actually tacit approval of the comments — a notion that Our Doug himself would have to admit is silly on the face of it, if he would take a step back and re-examine his raison d’etre.
It was a great troll, but I think he should accept that the payoff is just our admiration for his mastery of both sides of his rhetoric, and not some overreaching point about what the other guys really think.
John S.
The responses to his trolling were inconsequential. The real beauty is the way they reacted when they discovered what he was up to. The incessant peals of “Liar!” that even now persist are just so over the top that most would have to laugh at the righteous indignation over there.
Not that I would expect you to agree with me. You are you, after all. By the way, the Earth is spheroid. I’m bracing for your rebuttal.
Yeah, cause it’s what you guys really think that keeps us on our toes. Keeps us working double overtime trying to keep up with ya.
The Disenfranchised Voter
My guess is that Mac Buckets = “anon”
You know the person that tipped them off over at TM.
You’re wrong. But what else is new?
I agree — their response exceeded my wildest expectations.
The Disenfranchised Voter
On no, my guess was wrong!
It’s probably fuckin Darrell or Stormy.
Fucking double wrong, ya fucking fool.
Anon is not Stormy or Mac. I don’t think it’s Darrell either, but I coud be wrong. Anon is literally the only person I’ve encountered on this blog who I think is a jerk.
On a serious note, having trolled around to a lot of different places — liberal and conservative — recently, I have to say that this blog has by far the best commenters. John deserves a lot of credit for creating a place where people of different political persuasions can argue with each other civilly and with humor. As far I can tell, there’s no other place like it on any of the internets.
The Disenfranchised Voter
LOL, blow me “anon”.
You’re a bitch ass coward for not revealing who you are IMO.
Carry on, pussy.
Oooh! It’s a treasure hunt!
Let’s all guess who Anon is!!
I suppose some mouthy little turd who calls himself the “Disenfranchised Voter” isn’t posting anonymously either.
You are one dumb fuck.
Justin Slotman
The only other place like this in terms of discourse between opposing viewpoints is Obsidian Wings, except they don’t openly insult each other there. I think of the post-Schiavo Balloon Juice as being the lowbrow ObWi (or ObWi the highbrow Balloon Juice–however you like it.)
The Disenfranchised Voter
Read my blog, bitch…There is a reason why I don’t give my real name. In fact, many people don’t give their real names here. Nice red herring.
Furthermore, I’m not asking you to give your real name, I’m just asking for some identity. Just admit you’re a pussy, seriously.
Not quite — ObWi is the place you go to posture in polite company. Balloon Juice is where you go to posture in impolite company. I don’t think of that as “low-brow”, but rather as “distinctly North American”.
The French have polite salons. We have raucous bars.
The Disenfranchised Voter
DougJ, that was great. Especially maryrose–hook, line, and sinker.
To the posters over at JustOneMinute–I know you won’t understand this, but…
Anon is my identity. And just admit you’re a retard.
(Read your blog,bitch?. Lots of comments there!! Your mom and your sister?)
Hey, Justin, do you comment at ObWi and under what nick?
DougJ, I’ve been following your exploits for a while (which is a nice way of saying that I’ve been lurking at Ballon-Juice for a couple of months), and I have to say that you’ve taken the form to new heights. As always, it’s patience that turns the annoying into art.
The Disenfranchised Voter
I’ll admit I’m a retard when you admit you’re a pussy.
DV said
Glad we cleared that up.
Good Night and Good Luck
Anon = JeffG, or a regular over there.
I see DougJ at a few places now and then. Always get a giggle out of it, watching to see which RW whacko decides to embrace him as a soulmate. He had to work hard to be more OTT than the regulars at TM, though.
As opposed to, say, calling yourself ‘John Doe’.
It’s the unique and distinctive nature of your clever handle, I think, that earns the ridicule. But hey, that’s just me, a guy whose initials are pg and who lives in az.
There are no other ppGaz’s out there. But for some reason, ‘anon’ has a familiar ring. Why, oh why?
Could you have put any less imagination into the handle?
I’m just asking.
The Disenfranchised Voter
You didn’t let me finish…
You’re a pussy.
You lost me there.
Your initials are “pg” and you live in “az”. (I lived there once, great place). BUT your moniker is “ppgaz”?
You’re mising a “p” there.
Anon is no worse than “jg” or “pb”, now is it?
Maybe i’ll post from now on as “dsjsldjklsde90ejfo”
Justin Slotman
Jackmormon, I’ve posted there maybe once in my life. I love reading their threads, but they’re not really my style of blog-based conversation.
The Disenfranchised Voter
Ha, I’ve been banned from TM’s site!
The fucker, (TM) won’t let me post comments but here we go…
I already gave my name, TM. And you’re still a pussy anon.
Fuck all of them.
Buncha Bush-knee jerk reactionaires:
Hail Hitler, bitches…
Justin Slotman:
Thanks for the reply. I was curious, not having seen that name around much. Comment on Obsidian Wings when the spirit moves you; you have my permission, with which and two bucks gets you a small Starbucks coffee. Good thing blog comments are free.
Maybe his initials are ppg… he explained it to me one time, anyhow. And you can just guess what my initials are.
I suggest you change your nick to something like “MDOISMT61 XWXQM61BSY 7498JPIJRC N4Y81MXTKK 8BAIDT2AYR CAJ3C3ID99 OBZXCBGMUS ZR8NLSZNWU”. Catchy, eh?
“anon” is the initials.
Anastasia Natasha O’Nally.
So, you 2 really have more in common than you thought.
Very true.
Here’s the best part of the whole thing. Tom Maguire himself, king of Plamegate, respected right-winger (I respected him before, anyway) edited one of my comments.
“You’re all nice people, but spend too much time watching Fox News and reading Newsmax.”
“But I’m a juvenile a** hole with too much free time and no employer’s interested in my GED degree.”
Real classy of him. Isn’t that some sort of a breach of “blogger ethics.”
Doug, you gotta go back as a lawyer, and parrot some of Clarice’s stuff. The woman is a complete idiot, and if she’s a real lawyer, I’m the Fucking Potatate of Qatar. (At one point she was telling people it was possible that Victoria Toensing could be called as a witness in the Libby trial to explain to the judge what the law regarding outing of CIA agents met…. no real lawyer would ever suggest that a witness in a trial would be permitted to explain to a judge how to interpret a statute.)
I also liked how Maguire accuse you of “disrupting” his site. The problem was that you weren’t disruptive — you fit right in! :)
I seem to remember a time when DougJ was driving all you guys on the left crazy, though he was obviously a parody. I think ppgaz was one of the first to figure it out. He tried to draw me out, but I knew he was a too out there with his comments. When I see lots of “Stormy is right in these threads”, followed up be something completely outlandish that no normal person on the right would say, then I grow suspicious. Most people on the right have fled the comments, here. I must have some deep-seated issues to keep on keeping on, as they say.
Stormy, you belong here. You have too good a sense of humor to mix with the wingnuts at places like Just One Minute. It is to your credit, as well Darrell’s and Mac’s, that you (1) never agreed with my craziest pronouncements and (2) didn’t get angry about my parody of the right. And in the end, you like arguing with ppgaz, don’t you?
I am with DougJ. It’s hard to have any respect for Tom Maguire after that horrible misuse of an apostrophe.
I gave it a shot, certainly.
I am a man of great mystery. Actually, there is a story behind the extra “p” but it can only be told over a beer. So the next time you are out here in jackalope land, look me up.
It’s more common, and thus my earlier comment.
Okay, but we’d have to call you “d” for short.
Yup. Plus, I like John’s pop culture threads. Politics get boring and TV is what really keeps the planet rotating. I mean it does in my world.
Off Topic, but where’s the Narnia thread? I will be catching this today, since it’s the movie I have been waiting for all year. Woo-hoo.
DougJ’s treatment after his outting has been typical of every right-wing site that I’ve commented on, except BJ.
“Go away, you’re just disruptive” or “why don’t you go troll your own blog” are resounding echo’s of the chambers in which they have created.
Its also why I don’t visit dKos much, nor Atrios. I just don’t like echo chambers where my version of compromise and balance fit in at any time.
Its shocking when I’m considered the right winger in a chat room…
Didn’t we have the Narnia thread a while back? Or was that just used as the Harry Potter thread. Anyhow, tell me how it is; I have a sneaking suspicion that it won’t be nearly as true to the book as LotR was.
I think it’s because even though a lot of us here don’t agree with you on certain topics (except for the yummyliciousness of Naveen Andrews), we respect your cojones. And John doesn’t ban someone unless they’re way out of line with the disrespect. If it’s just a garden-variety brawl, he leaves us to it.
Funny how different people react to being reeled in by DougJ, though. Most of the people that I’ve seen on this site have reacted with rueful humour and grudging admiration for his skill. I don’t think I’ve seen anybody here get really offended or pissy about it. If you’re going to participate in a comments section, you’re going to have to deal with trolls. And once in awhile, you’re going to be fooled by someone who’s brought it to an art form. If they can’t take the heat, they should stay out of the blogosphere.
Yes. In my case, my line is “I’ve been netted by him so many times, I have a band around my left leg.”
I just go on the assumption that everyone who disagrees with me is DougJ and I just skip over them. ;)
Naveen is hot, haute, hotte!!!!
Gotta go do the Christmas shopping, I’ll let you know how the war is going.
“…therefore proving that most of Maguire’s commenters are as batshit-partisan-crazy as the worst of Atrios or Kos. ”
Well, hasn’t Tom’s pet peeve been Plamegate? Wasn’t he maintaining that this would all blow over? And isn’t this his attitude still?
However, people haven’t mentioned DougJ’s biggest advantage: Freudian Projection.
These people are absolutely enraged by Fitzgerald’s investigation, which is still far faster, cheaper and less leaky than Starr’s multi-year leakfest. I seriously doubt that any of Tom’s readers had less than 100% support for each and every trick that Starr used.
Also, we have a clear-cut case of outing a CIA agent, working on WMD proliferation, to punish her husband for speaking the truth about the Bush administration’s lies and fraud in taking us to war for political gain. Any actual, real patriotic American, at this point, would be lusting for the blood of this administration. TM’s readers are lusting for the blood of Wilson, which shows which side they are on.
Vladi G
I’m pretty sure he’s been doing it at Kevin Drum’s blog, too, but I haven’t had the heart to tell anyone over there yet.
Steve S
From what I’ve seen there is no such thing as a “respectable” rightwing blogger. They all seem to be moonbat crazy.
John’s the lone exception, mostly because he realizes when he’s crazy.
What do you mean by “troll to be assholes”? I know, I know, I’m just a stupid leftie, but I’ve never understood why having someone prick your inflated self-esteem was a bad thing. In my opinion, we all need that now and then.
TM’s commentators fell for it, hook, line, and stinker. They were duped — by their own desire to seem reasoned and rational. In fact, someone rational would have responded by saying “That’s nonsense, no matter what your political views are.” Nobody did that; instead, they treated troll-DougJ as if he was one of there’s. A fascist, perhaps, but our fascist.
That’s not what you want. We on the left want left wing sites calling people moonbats when they’re moonbats. (ppg — you’re being a moonbat about the shooting in Miami.) And you on the right need to police your own people, too. If you fail to do that, you open the door to them taking over your movement. If you don’t want to be a laughingstock, you need to take responsibility for telling people that their views are laughable.
Jeff, if I have pissed off a few wingnuts like you then I have succeeded. I suspect the reason you are angry is that you know that my imitation of a batshit crazy wingnut sounds uncomfortably like you and your Bush-worshipping brethren.
I don’t like to come out and say that, because parody trolling isn’t about insulting people, but if you’re going to call me a self-aggrandizing asshole, then I guess I have to go spell it for you.
Geek, Esq.
This was my favorite comment from an earlier thread:
Geek,Iwon’t include the esquire because I don’t what it means.
I can assure you that Doug and I are not the same person we just happen to think alike.
DougJ didn’t figure that there would be a very smart conservative like Cecil over there.
My favorite is still the one about “I think the Nazis are just as bad as the islamofascists”. Even after I threw it in their face as an example of their lunacy, they didn’t seem to understand that it was a nutty thing to say.
Stormy gets along with the treasonous libs because she is a good sport. As for the libs, some are good sports, some are more like “how can I laugh when the GOP is destroying the country???” I probably shift gears between those two categories depending on whether I’m having a bad day.
There was a fun discussion the other day on that Howard Dean thread (YEEAAAARRRRGGGGHHHH!!!) about whether conservatives are the only ones with a sense of humor. It’s amusing to read the humorless reactions to DougJ at Tom’s blog in light of that discussion, and it leads me to conclude that there are a lot of people in the world who THINK they have a good sense of humor, but actually they only have a good sense of humor when the joke is on the other guy.
I think there are some political jokes that are funny to everyone, or should be (like DougJ’s antics) and then there are “Michael Moore is fat” or “Jonah Goldberg is fat” jokes which aren’t really that funny even though they endlessly amuse one side. I thought the Howard Dean thing fell into the latter category but I might just be a humorless lib.
I didn’t like Howard Dean until he did the scream. I thought he was a fake until then. After that, I realized he was the real deal and I’ve loved him ever since.
Back on the TM thing: I do give Tom Maguire credit for not pulling the thread. I still can’t believe he edited my comments, though. John really is the only reasonable rightie (even he can even be called that) on the web.
I thought about outing him over there, but I thought everyone already knew. Plus, I don’t really care all that much.
Come on, Doug. The only reason you don’t think Jeff Goldstein is a reasonable rightie is because he’s Jewish, isn’t it??
Mac Buckets
Or they just ignored it, or didn’t get your point, but didn’t care to get clarification. To somehow imagine that if they are ignoring a comment of yours, then they must be silently nodding their heads in approval is a bit arrogant, innit? We care that much about you, but BJ is the Epicenter of Dougmania.
On to more important things…any luck on the new Bush pseudonym, or are you sticking with Lord George Jesus Bush?
Mac Buckets
I didn’t like Ashley Simpson until last year’s Orange Bowl halftime (video link at center-page). I thought she was a lip-syncher until then. After that halftime, I realized she was the real deal, and I’ve loved her ever since.
Mac Buckets
A new candidate for Juxtaposition Of The Year:
Very Next Post:
Sigh…John’s never going to win Most Civil Blog 2006 with that kind of attitude, people.
Great juxtaposition Mac. I was thinking the same thing — right after I wrote about how great everybody was, it turned into an episode of Road Rules.
I didn’t say it!!! They came up with that on their own. That was my point. You disappoint me, Mac. Right after reading two great posts of yours, I see you wallowing in wingnut misunderstanding.
No luck at all. John set the bar pretty high with Chimpy McHitlerburton and I’m wondering if it is pointless to try to match it.
So, DougJ isn’t who he says he is. Big deal. How is TM going to feel when he realizes that “G W Bush” is really Dan Quayle?
And then, immediately, he sat in front of the cameras and said, You know what, I own it. I’m responsible. That’s me.
The fact that he was “had” by a press that was eager to get him, to say nothing of the Dem establishment that was out to get him, and the fact that the “scream” was a creature of electronics and was never actually heard in the room …. he has never mentioned. No whining.
That’s why I love the guy. Accountability and no whining. How many politicians do you know who can do that?
The Disenfranchised Voter
An example of why you shouldn’t post drunk.
This should work as a “false flag operation.” You want to discredit the cause you “support,” by making a reducio ad horrendum argument.
Would we really be surprised if we discovered that Anne Coulter is funded by the DNC? Naah!
Or that Ramsay Clark by the RNC?
And its not just Lord George, its High Lord Jesus Bush. Calling him Lord would insinuate a feudal system where Lords were common. The High Lord is master.
“…it turned into an episode of Road Rules.”
HAHA – can totally picture that in my head….
The Disenfranchised Voter
Even being drunk, I noticed that too last night. Kinda made we want to take back my comment, but after thinking about it, I didn’t really care.
I mean it is not as if anon was posting for any other reason than to be a little troll. Maybe if I was sober I wouldn’t have kept feeding him…
Oh, who am I kidding?
It just keeps getting better and better over at TM. Now they’re talking about how great Mickey Kaus is (“a sober-minded Democrat”). I couldn’t invent characters that ridiculous if I tried.
Tom Maguire
Real classy of him. Isn’t that some sort of a breach of “blogger ethics.”
Gosh, I thought it was a clever spoof. Pretty funny, yes?
I think David Irving is a fabricator of Eli Wiesel, and Eli Wiesel is really a creation of David Irving. Either that or DougJ is both of them, and none of them.
It’s a fine line between clever and stupid.
Seriously, though, Tom Maguire. You run a good blog. Stop making an ass of yourself over this. I had some fun at your expense, but now I’m starting to feel sorry for you.
Go back go to blogging about Valerie Plame. You’re the best Bushite covering that topic by far.
Tom Maguire’s blog briefly had a reputation for being an open minded forum, mainly because unlike most partisan blogs, he doesn’t instantly ban any poster who pisses him off. But recently it’s just become another banal echo chamber of wingnuttiness.
Too bad, because the dude knows how to bring the facts. I’d love to see him dig into the Abramoff scandal, since he’s probably one of the few who could make it comprehensible. I’m surprised he’s being such a coward about it.
Another Jeff
Wow, now DougJ is pissing them off over at Kevin Drum’s.
I like how people keep responding to him even after someone pointed out what he was doing.
He even threw in a Daryl “Chocolate Thunder” Dawkins reference. Impressive!!
I saw that Another Jeff. Made the wingnuts head explode one day – now the WM crowd.
DougJ your teachers must have just loved you!
Another Jeff
They were getting REALLY PISSED, especially when he said Duke Cunningham hasn’t done anything Democrats haven’t been doing for years.
They need to learn not get pissed so easily. That’s a big problem with Democrats — they get so angry, the come off huffy and alienate voters. They need to realize it’s just a game.
I cought on earlier but only by happenstance and because of this thread. FYI busted him on that thread…… I wanted to say something more than my wink, wink comment (especially when someone asked) but I didn’t want to ruin the fun. They are so het up I can practically see the spittle hit the monitor.
Another Jeff
Sometimes Doug reminds me of that guy that calls talk shows, makes a serious point, and then screams “Howard Stern” or “BABABOOIE” when they’re not expecting it.
Otto Man
So true, Nigel. So true.
Otto Man
Just read this gem from the TM thread:
Well played. Were you able to type that without laughing?
To paraphrase the great film A Christmas Story, Doug J works with bullshit the way other master artists work with oil or clay.
If you’re really Fred Eper and Ruppert, I have to say that you convinced but only because of your persistance. See e.g. this comment I made over at the poorman regarding Eper
Most “parody” trolls I’ve encountered either aren’t trolls, like Merkin Patriot over at Atrios or never respond after they leave their one off post.
I only came to believe Ruppert/Eper wasn’t faking because he actually had conversations (though every once in a while he still says something that rubs me as not real).
I hope he remembers to wear gloves. Not very sanitary, DougJ…
I’m not. My only aliases (outside of here where I do new ones every so often) are Dexter and FollowJesus.
Just for the record, my real name’s not “Vlad”. It’s actually “Walter Mondale”.
That candy ass Tom Maguire IP-banned me.
He’s currently posted something entitled
“Yeah, We Kick Tail And Take Names”
My comment which I was not allowed to post:
“You guys are tough guys are alright. So tough you cower in fear when someone like me has a few drinks and decides to make fools of you.
You’re every bit as tough as your brush-clearing cowboy chickenhawk leader/God.”
I’m actually Karen Hughes, spoofing an obnoxious, curmudgeonly liberal in order to discredit Democrats.
I guess the joke is on all of you losers.
Well, gotta go, it’s time for me to lick a little POTUS lizard.
Many years ago, on Salon’s TableTalk, there was a truly, astoundingly, mind-blogglingly obnoxious specimen who signed himself “Richard Stout.” The stuff he posted was beyond the beyond (he was absolutely fixated on The Clenis); so much so that many people wondered if he was a spoof.
I was never sure, but I thought the strongest evidence that he was one was his alias, which translates to “Fat Dick.”
I think back to some of the more colorful characters who posted on TT and other proto-forums (like SFGate of fond memory) and wonder how many of them are still posting, under new names, in the more heavily trafficked venues.
Mac Buckets
I think you might have something there, Doug. Show it to the guys in R&D.
Mac Buckets
Doug’s bit at Drum’s was nice. No one appeals to the basest, most vile aspects of his victims like Our Doug. My favorite spoofs:
No one responded at all, though, Mac. If I had done something like that from the right, I would have got half a dozen “what he said”s and “amen, brother”s. That’s why I don’t do much left-wing satire. It doesn’t work on the left. Better just to say crazy right-wing stuff if you want to get a reaction from the left.
“I think David Irving is a fabricator of Eli Wiesel, and Eli Wiesel is really a creation of David Irving”
Synergy and symbiosis. Neither would garner as much notice without the other. Proof what John MIlton knew. A mountebank of the good needs the mountebank of the bad, just as the light needs the darkness.
Mac Buckets
I doubt that very seriously. Next time you post that Democrats are Commies and should be killed, I’ll see if you get a chorus of “amens,” but I’m not holding my breath. I didn’t see any evidence of a single “what he said” on JOM with your much lighter “Joe Wilson is a spy” bit.
Naw, it just blends in on the lefty sites — everything you wrote had been posted a million times at Kos and Atrios. “GOP are ignorant Nazis and should be exterminated” is fairly common stuff — If I had a dime for every time I’ve been accused of being a stupid brownshirt, I bet I’d have about $14.80. Why should they “what he said” when they’d no doubt posted it themselves, with a bonus “Why hasn’t anyone assassinated Bush yet?” in the last fifteen minutes?
Mac, I didn’t say the Republicans were Nazis who should be killed. Do I really have to keep explaining my trolls to you?
And I got the justoneminute people to tell a lot of jokes about waterboarding (some of them quite disturbing — one imitated the sound they though another poster would make if waterboarded), so they’d go along with just about anything.
Mac Buckets
What about that clip I posted upthread? I thought that was masterful trollery, equating the GOP to Nazis, with the reference to our grandfathers shooting such people out of patriotic duty.
Was that not you? If it was, then yes, you will have to explain that one to me.
It was me, but I didn’t say anyone should be killed. I said that if our grandfathers killed the Nazis, the liberals should at least have the guts to smear and lie.
The point, Mac, is sort of like plausible deniability. See you read it as something truly offensive, but then I can say that isn’t what I actually said. And, in fact, it isn’t. That’s the point, though: go right up to the line of what’s truly crazy, and then don’t go quite over. Otherwise, you get caught pretty quickly. It took me a while to learn that.
Saw you pop up at Blogs for Bush, Doug. You’d have a field day over there–in fact, before I figured out you were a spoof, I thought you were one of them because, well, you’ve got the syntax, spouting of talking points, ridiculous (and nearly comical) ideological blinders down pat. Hell, you could even get invited to guest blog there.