If every time I see a link to one of these debates on masculinity/femininity the past few days it makes me want to kill myself?
I can not make it more than one sentence in and I am ready for a drink.
by John Cole| 28 Comments
This post is in: Blogospheric Navel-Gazing
If every time I see a link to one of these debates on masculinity/femininity the past few days it makes me want to kill myself?
I can not make it more than one sentence in and I am ready for a drink.
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[…] In case you missed it, Dr. Helen defends herself from Neiwert’s (willful?) misinterpretation of her post, which started this whole brouhafuffle. EcoPunk reads back a little ways, but not to the radish of the issue. John Cole’s brain hurts. Personally, I don’t think that makes him feminine. […]
I’m with you. About 30 seconds of that material and I am ready to call up and schedule a lobotomy.
Well, if you don’t drink in the morning, you can’t say your drank all day.
Blue Neponset
My advice would be to start drinking before reading anything Moe Lane has to say.
Shorter Protein Wisdom: Penis.
It is, after all, after noon … somewhere.
OK, but is it white wine or a beer?
Now you’re a man! M-A-N, man!
“I can not make it more than one sentence in and I am ready for a drink.”
I’d say, ‘To hell with it — let’s just have a beer and forget the whole thing’ — is a very masculine response. Good for you.
dslak, are you sure you don’t feel pretty?
Alternately, I’ll make a man out of you.
Jane Finch
It makes you normal. These people really don’t have anything else to talk about, obviously.
watch it, John, question anyone’s masculinity and Jeff Goldstein will threaten to beat you up (I have the posts where he threatened me).
As for the whole thing, isn’t arguing who’s more manly pointless? Everyone knows the most manly man is the guy who never stops polishing his Trans Am.
To quote the wisdom that is System of a down:
“My cock is much bigger than yours, my cock can walk right through the door”.
In fairness to jeff goldstein, if he was talking about cock slapping you or anally fingering your dog he was probably just looking for a date.
Off-topic and readily available for deletion by John or Tim
But here are the four references (mind you I posted once between numbers one and two asking him if he was really physically threatening me. Three posts w/o a comment by me? At that point I decided to (to quote the paraphrase the great Douglas Adams) that if discretion is better part of valor, then cowardice is the better part of discretion and I would bravely and silently lurk when I visited.
So, I guess he was asking me for a date (we’ll start with lunch and move to dinner if we have anything in common?) and I misinterpreted it.
Entire thread for anyone interested:
I have, however, refrained from sending the e-mail. Airfare to Denver is just too expensive for one single lunch and good cock slap. Now, perhaps if asked me over for the weekend…
grumpy realist
One sentence in? John, I got half-way through that first “sentence” at Protein Wisdom and gave up.
(Did like the picture of the Neko-bus over at Firedoglake, though. Tonari no Tottoro wa kakkou ii na….)
Tax Analyst
In John’s defense….Sperm burping gutter slut!
Best wingnut response yet: Jules “I Wanna Wanna Wanna Be a Jarhead” Crittenden, summed up thusly:
“White blogger! Breed faster! Your wife’s fine child-bearing pelvis is stagnating in the workplace, when it could be pumping out little ones to swell the Anglo ranks in the war against jihad! White blogger! Breed, damn you, breed!”
Do these jittery, stave-off-the-brown-horde conservatives like Crittenden, John Gibson, Michelle Malkin and Bill O’Reilly just assume that no dark-complected Americans read their vile, racist invective… or do they just not give a shit?
Rome Again
Don’t you dare!
grumpy realist
Here’s another one about the latest MRS degree–I know, not the usual place you link to, but the snark is delicious:
Jeff G
Here’s me threatening to beat timmah up (in response to his having called me a pussy, essentially, for going the law enforcement route with Frisch. Ironic, isn’t it? Because all I can gather from that is that, to Timmy’s way of thinking, a REAL MAN would have…what? Ignored it entirely? Or gone all Death Wish on her?)
First, here’s timmy’s comment:
— which was brought to my attention by another commenter.
My response:
This, after asking him on at least 4 prior occasions not to post again.
Then there’s this that I wrote:
The context of that? That Timmy wouldn’t be calling me a racist or a homophobe in person — not because I’d beat his ass for it, but rather because he’d fear that I might. Because he’s a coward.
Timmy — having been asked now on at least 5 occasions not to post anymore, responds:
Now. Did I say “you wanna take it outside?” No. I just noted that timmah would likely not say such things to my face. Because he’s essentially a pussy. Otherwise he would never have brought up the Frisch thing — and again, certainly not in front of me.
To prove this, I posted an email from him commiserating. Showing that not only was timmy a pussy, but he’s a pussy of the two-faced, phony, ass kissing variety.
My response:
Now, given my proclivity for using law enforcement to keep persistent stalkers away — as Timmy himself noted, and mocked — why on earth would he see this as a physical threat?
Here’s the text of timmy’s email, re: Frisch. Keep in mind that this is one of the many many emails he sent, all of them in the same tenor: that of a world-class kiss up:
And then my final comment on the matter:
I will be less than gracious in greeting him.
Why, it’s practically Clint Eastwood-esque in its hypermasculinist threateningness!
But as you’ll recall, when I’m really interested in threatening someone, I take to referencing my COCK.
I’ll say it again. Timmy is a pussy. That he’s now running around from new forum to new forum whining that I threatened to kick his ass, looking for a likeminded crowd to join up with so as to beat on mean old pasty, is a pretty fair indicator of what a cipher this guy really is.
Call me, timmy! We’ll do lunch!
Timmy is a pussy. He wouldn’t say word one were he forced to actually debate someone in person.
I see you have decided to pull your head out of Mr. Caric’s rear long enough to come up for air.
I also know that you have made it your personal goal to discredit Jeff by any means but it would appear to me he was talking about giving you a verbal smackdown in person and nothing else. Now run along timmah, Mr Caric’s bum is cold.
Jeff, you can’t leave anything alone? Mentioning your name makes you appear?
Let me ask you: getting any traffic from posting this here? Is burnishing that rep as a crazed lunatic getting Malkin or Red State to link to you. Think Pajamas is sending you to Daily Kos next year based upon you chasing former posters halfway around the internet? This entire thing, well it does not make you appear insane…not at all.
Truly a pathetic display. I’ll tell you what, I’m a poor guy (even more so than you), so flying to Denver is out of the question. But could you give me your number? I’d be glad to call you sometime and explain how your weird self-involvement isn’t helping you attract readers. Or, we could get together the next time you’re in Indy for a conference or a book signing…oops, I guess that won’t be happening.
Toodles (and leave me alone)
PS Scan the web, paranoid one, who knows I may have taken the name “Goldstein” in vain elsewhere…or not, who knows. It’s all up to your creepy self to sniff it out.
PPS The last time I was offended or hurt by being called a pussy, I was twelve. Keep it up, though, it makes you sound mature and well-read.
Dave Munger
Yeah, that’s some crazed, pathetic lunacy Jeff just posted here. It’s like, when people say stuff about him, he responds and clarifies! What an asshole. That’s a totally innapropriate thing for a blogger to do in the comments of another blog.
Makes perfect sense to run halfway across the internet to “defend” his copy and pastes against my copy and pastes.
When he threatened me to “go away quietly”, was that clarifying? Did he “clarify” that here? When I said he threatened me…all he “clarified” was why (in his opinion) he threatened me.
He’s a tinpot little bully with a bit a violent streak.
If I were him, since he continually chases posters away, I’d be sending out resumes and interview nannies, ’cause dude’s gonna need a job.
Nice site, by the way, Dave.
Dave Munger
Thanks, I’d keep updating it if blogger didn’t have certain attitude problems.
I think it’s a little absurd to act like blogging and commenting are outrageous responses to someone else blogging and commenting upon one, as if “half way across the internet” is literally a very long distance, or there were some immemorial gentelmanly custom of leaving false aspersions unanswered.
Maybe I’m missing something, but I think what he’s getting about re: threats, is that he said (perhaps an unfair conjecture) that you wouldn’t have the nerve to say some stuff to his face, not that he would assault you if you did. It’s a pretty well-worn observation that certain people say stuff online about people that they wouldn’t say to their face, not neccessarily for fear of physical harm, perhaps more for fear of embarrasement.
I’ve never been called shitcock or dirty Jew to my face, and I really doubt that’s because people think I’d kick their ass. One could say I lack a certain Schwartzenegarian quality in person.
Dave, do you know anything about his history? If you did, you might understand how freaked out I was (I had only been posting there for months). If you Mr. Goldstein and discount his history of threatening folks, revealing personal data, allowing his posters to post personal data, etc, you are a little more Schwartzenegarian than you suspect!
On a different note, we can use Schwartzenegar as a noun or an adjective….can we also work in to a sentence a verb? An expletive? Advanced points for using it as a transition, e.g. “As I Schwartzenegaring,…”
I am stupid to be that amused by less than witty observation?