Another traitor:
During a town hall meeting in Muskogee, Oklahoma this past weekend, Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) admitted that it was “a mistake” for the United States to invade Iraq in 2003. “I will tell you personally that I think it was probably a mistake going to Iraq,” Coburn told the crowd.
No screaming eagle shit, Sen. Coburn.
Reverend Spooner
Senator Coburn is objectively pro-Saddam.
Reverend Spooner
I wonder what the other Oklahoma Senator makes of all this. As far as I know, he doesn’t hate America.
May 11, 2004:
I bet Senator Coburn has granite countertops. Clearly another RINO. Formica is the only material acceptable to patriotic Real Americans, i.e. Republicans.
Coburn’s actually had an interesting history regarding the Iraq War. I doubt he’s the only conservative who was a bigger fan of the “no more foreign wars” Republican Nominee Bush than he is of the “Iraq forever” President he received.
Cracks are showing in the iron-clad party. Looks like someone’s goose step missed a beat.
I wouldn’t be surprised to see a growing flood of recalcitrant Senators as ’08 approaches closer. Eventually, that albatross starts to weigh on your neck, and the sooner the ‘Pubs ditch it, the sooner they can go back to fighting the global gay menace and investigating your uterus like his ilk prefer.
“a mistake”? Wait a minute – is Coburn blaming America first?
He’s just a ’60s radical and a leftist hippie who wanted Saddam to nuke and anthrax the rest of us so that he could keep all the weed for himself.
Coburn has also worked closely with Obama on transparency in government issues including earmark and lobbying reform.
Must be a commie to work with Barack!
Tom Coburn and Ron Paul must be part of the same Al Qaeda sleeper cell. They should be sent to Gitmo! They aren’t real conservatives like our heroes Mitt Romney and Rudy Giulliani.
Possibly a CRIME as well…Balloon Juice.
Of course, if you think it was totally ok for John McCain to rain down death and mutilation on some really pathetic “Communist” village in Viet Nam…
This is his record. This is his honor.
He should have been retired (shit-canned)long ago.
Too bad we killed zillions in Viet Nam, Cambodia, Laos…and like GOT OVER IT? FORGAVE OURSELVES? Put it BEHIND US?
Not yet.
September 11 was KARMA, folks…
And you can’t tweak that motherfucker.
Frank Gaffney is going to be angry.
Horray! Left wing trolls!
Jesus Christ on a soda cracker. BIRDZILLA put forth a spawn, cocked her head from side to inspect her hatchling and named it wobbly.
Do feel free to tweak your karma somewhere else wobs.
Are you sure that 9-11 wasn’t karma for the terrors we released on the world, like Tom Cruise, Michael Jackson, McDonalds, Baywatch and Rock-in-roll?
Oh I know: Muslim Rap! Soon there will be a MET cable channel with bootie-shaking women in burkas, which MUST BE STOPPED!!!
Caidence (fmr. Chris)
[/inside joke]
Scott H
Re: Coburn: these guys will all do a McNamara.
Bubblegum Tate
I’m gonna guess that after a week or so of screaming, whining, bleating, and crying from the right wing, Coburn will amend his remarks on some ” Well, what I meant to say was that the invasion was a mistake, but we’ve corrected it thanks to the Almighty Glorious Surge. Wooooo! Freedom on the march!” shit.
But I’m cynical like that.
It is was only because the US’ military projection was so questionable after the malaise of the Clinton years that GWB had to preemptively invade a country that was probably not a threat. Damn them!
To be a little bit serious about the surge, this sure did need sayin’:
Tom Coburn has given up his support for the Iraq War in order to concentrate on finding lesbians in Oklahoma high school restrooms.
Lesbianism among teenagers is on the rise in Oklahoma and Tom just wants to be there to find it without the distraction of the Iraq war.
I assume he’s endorsed dr. ron paul.
I’ll bet the 82nd Chairborne is way more willing to volunteer to look for lesbians in girl’s bathrooms in Oklahoma than to volunteer to get shot at by towelheads in Iraq. Coburn is making a smart move to satisfy his constituency.
Beware of anyone who supports obama becuase obama is too left-wing
[Clicks on link]
[Sees the link leads to Freeperville]
[Curses the beautifully buttocked one]
[Starts to read blog post anyway]
[Scrolls up to make sure this is indeed Freeperville]
[Reads the rest of the post]
[HeAd eXPlodeZ]
Garrigus Carraig
Coburn (R-OK) by me. Also: Muqtada! (whew!)
If a batshit loon like Coburn can see it, how deep is the denial if you still think Iraq was a good idea?
Jay C
Yo, Birdz!: Does this mean we should beware of any Obama supporters because Obama is too left-wing? Or is it the supporters who think he’s too left-wing we should watch out for? And if so, why are they supporting him? and if not, why not?
Sorry, B.: your non-sequiturs just lose too much sequitur in lower-case letters. MAYBE YOU SHOULD TRY AGAIN ?
Conservatively Liberal
I like the way Coburn says:
“I will tell you personally…”
which sounds sooo serious, like as if anything he ‘personally’ tells you is just between you and him. Then he follows this with:
“…probably a mistake…”
What decisiveness! What clarity! You can tell that Coburn stakes out his side of the fence and plants his ass firmly. Still, I wonder how he navigates with that 4×4 fence post up his ass.
The Republican party is full of decisive people like Coburn.
I hope the MUP can beat this stupidity into submission in this next election. While the MUP does not have coat-tails (ever seen a pony wearing a coat of anything but hair?), it does have a long silky tail that has lots of room on it for Democrats who want to have Republican for lunch. Hopefully the Democrats will learn that Republican tastes much better than crow. ;)
Royston Vasey
Jake et al:
Moral of today’s story: Never take free pizza from strange men
Royston Vasey
Jake et al:
Moral of today’s story: Never take free pizza from strange men
You know, Coburn has turned out to be a surprisingly good Senator, given what a nut he seemed like during his campaign.
I come here for the occasional BIRDZILLA sightings. Only one misspelling AND the correct use of too? And within shouting distance of a potentially discernable point?
That ain’t the real Bird writing above.