Taking a break from something I am working on, so I thought I would work my way through the folder full of pet pics. Our canine friends have been getting the shaft lately, so here are some pooches:
Claim your dogs, readers.
Finally, an encore performance for Boomhauer, last seen sound asleep on his person’s computer:
I still have about 45 pics left to get up, so if yours has not been up yet, there is still hope. Keep sending ’em in.
lol caption for boomhauer:
intellectual kitteh learns by osmosis
Boomhauer’s covering up the police blotter item that mentions him, isn’t he?
The guy pushing cat fat out of the way of his newspaper article says it all. LOL.
Michael D.
That’s a beautiful Golden.
When asked which newspapers he sleeps on, Boomhauer responded, "All of ’em."
Beautiful Lab that makes me so sad considering mine has a brain tumor and probably won’t last the month.
Between that and the current economy my life is starting to sound like a bad country and western song..
That cat picture is a perfect illustration of Cat Rule 13 (see Icanhazcheezburger) – "If youz doin it, i’z sittin on it"
Is that second picture a rat?
/dislikes small dogs
John Cole
@amorphous: Hey! Be nice! Someone pours their heart and soul into that doggy, and loves it enough to send in a picture here.
Sweet looking doggehs, all of them. And amorphous, I’d say the middle one is still a pup, but I’ll leave it to the owner to advise as to the breed.
And Boomhauer cracks me up. He and Tunch could vie for the Champion Snoozer category. They’d be bitter enemies except that they probably couldn’t be arsed to expend the energy necessary for a squabble.
Notorious P.A.T.
Sorry to hear that, Davebo.
South of I-10
@Davebo: Sorry about your dog, that is really bad news.
Notorious P.A.T.
I used to dislike small dogs, too–until we got a pair of them. They are hilarious. Small dogs have huge personalities.
Aw, Davebo. Love him up. I had to put my dachshund down after 15 years. After that I swore off having a dog. Too tough on me. Good vibes to you for your tough times ahead.
Mike S
I’m surprised that you haven’t commented on the Joe the Republican Economic Advisor story.
Cute animals all.
@Mike S:
Here’s the link.
I think the GOP has officially gone past the point of parody. How can you mock them when this is the stuff they come up with.
Bring back the Whigs!
Davebo, I’m so sorry to hear about your buddy. I’ve always been convinced that they should change the name from "Labrador" to "Loverador". Those dogs just have the biggest, sweetest, most giving hearts.
You’ll find lots of people here understand, and know that to lose a cherished pet is to lose a family member.
Joe/Palin 2010!
This is one for the open thread, although it could be considered a story about dogs:
I mean, how important could non-crumbling infrastructure and drinkable water be…
Davebo, sorry to hear about your dog. I lost a cat to cancer a few years ago and it’s just incredibly hard to lose an animal companion. Hugs.
Joshua Norton
Yeah, get all that Stimulus crap out of the Stimulus bill. We need that money to send to our deep pockets friends and trillion dollar contractors in Iraq.
"We can’t add to the size of this bill," said Sen. Jim Inhofe, R-Okla. "The amount is just inconceivable to most people."
I liked Barney Frank’s counterpoint on Sunday’s This Week (paraphrase): The Rep party didn’t mind voting for trillions in spending for the war in Iraq, which did nothing to help roads or healthcare or schools in America.
And now The Generals who are wanting to maintain the US status quo on the war front are telling the media that Obama’s Irag plan = failure. The MIC will not go quietly.
Awesome doggie pics. Espesh the bebeh chihuahua. Kilt me ded. That said, I think he has "Tunch appetizer" written across is teeny little forehead.
Thanks to all but hey, buck up campers!
I’ve had nearly nine years with Beaux Thibodeaux and they have been fantastic.
This weekend I’ll take him to the lake for his favorite pastime, boat rides! And at some point in the future I’ll make another trip to the lake to intern him next to the other four Labs I’ve been lucky enough to have over the years.
And then the cycle will begin again. But I’m not sure
Imy house can survive another Lab pup.Mike S
I love the story. And it’s right up John’s alley.
J. Michael Neal
This relates to what really got to me when Eddie was diagnosed with lymphoma. (Doing fine now.) Had it been one of the girls, who are 15 and 12 years old respectively, I wouldn’t have been as distraught. I realize that Monster won’t be around that much longer, though she shows no signs of slowing down at all. If she came down with cancer, it would be tough, but I could deal with it, and just let her go. Eddie is only six years old, and I’ve only had him for four. He shouldn’t be the one that always gets sick.
The amount of the bank bailout was inconceivable but we rammed that sucker on through before the American peeps even had their first cup of coffee.
Every . Single . Time a repube utters such an atrocity, he/she should be called out publicly by a Dem with balls.
**crickets chirping**
My hope is that the democrats say "OK, if you want a less costly bill, we’re going to take out the tax cuts for the rich". Of course the chances of this happening are ‘none’.
I think it’s pretty amazing that the dems held together for 58 votes, given the blue-dog whining. You’d think the dems might use that, how you say, majority, to get Obama’s stuff into the damned bill.
@Mike S:
It doesn’t take a genius to assert that Tax Cuts™ solve every conceivable economic and sociological problem, so Joe the Republican is more than qualified.
Cajun doggeh….awesome.
Echo this. And I have to ask why? Why wouldn’t a Dem majority be able to dictate more of this bill’s content?
It leaves me to conclude that reps and dems alike, have been serving the interests of self vs the interests of us. Dems have not shown a willingness to fight against these tax cuts for the rich. Why?
So let me get this straight: The rethugs (in process of rebranding to rewhinelicans):
1) Objected to fighting STD’s, because that isn’t stimulus, like building roads and bridges is (it was only going to pay people to prevent bad things from happening, and, of course, paying people salaries in no way stimulates the economy, because who ever heard of health care workers buying anything…).
so now they:
2) Don’t want to build roads and bridges because we can’t afford that. Headdesk.
3) Instead, we should apparently reduce the government’s income by cutting taxes, which will likeomigod TOTALLY solve the budget deficit (which is clearly the country’s actual problem, not the soaring unemployment rate, people’s loss of earning power or the imploding financial sector). Head. Desk. Headdesk.
Ok, brilliant plan though:
Write up the stimulus bill up just how we want it, then plonk Boomhauer on it and announce it’s the "enormous tax cuts for everyone, especially plutocrats and elected representatives act". Then hand them a pen, and lift whatever part of Boomhauer’s anatomy reveals the line for signing…
Cat owners have no damn self-respect. If a dog tried to pull that stunt, the owner would, you know, pick the dog up and put it on the floor where it belongs.
@Fwiffo: Slander! We have plenty of self respect! We just know who our lords and masters are.
Boomhauer reminds me of why I canceled home delivery of all newsprint media years ago.
South of I-10
@Davebo: Whose house can withstand the destructive force that is a Lab puppy? They chew longer than any other dog I have ever seen. My parents have a Lab that is about a year and a half. She knocks my little girl down at least once everytime we are there. I should send John a picture to put up, she is a beautiful dog.
Hillary Rettig / www.lifelongactivist.com
don’t think we didn’t notice that you snuck a cat in in what was supposed to be a dog series.
Brian J
So who wants to guess about how the stimulus bill will turn out, both on the spending side and on the tax cut side? I really, really hope the president indicates he’s ready to drop the tax loss inclusions he added to please Republicans and goes for a temporary payroll tax cut instead, but I am not holding my breath.
Oh yeah, this morning, I caught part of the repeat of "The Daily Show" where Jon Stewart was talking to former Bush economic adviser Larry Lindsey, who was making a decent amount of sense, and Stewart said that he told Gwen Ifil his alternative to the bailout was to give people the money to pay off their debts in the form of tax cuts or rebates or whatever, as a tool to help relieve people from their debts and to recapitalize financial institutions. This sounds good in theory, but would it work in the intended ways? If anyone out there can provide me with a more detail answer on this question, I’d appreciate it.
Sorry davebo. I have two mutts myself, my first dogs, and I dread that day, even though it should be a ways away. I’m afraid that, like passerby, I won’t be able to deal with the prospect of losing another one.
That breaks my heart Davebo. I’m a dog person, but losing them was just too much. I switched to Dwarf Hamsters that are hilarious to watch, but they only last about two years. So now I have an obnoxious Parakeet (not that bad) that will be yakking for 13 or 14 years, lucky me.
**PS I loves me bird:)
@Davebo: I am sorry to hear that, it is never easy when a pet is sick.
@J. Michael Neal: I am glad to hear that Eddie is doing well.
I had to put down my cat Martin about a year and a half ago when she was diagnosed with a squamous cell carcinoma behind her eye. We gave her (yes, Martin was a she, long story) as much time as we could, but she was already 14 and creaky, and she had a good life.
@Brian J: You normally don’t get a big bang for the buck because the program doesn’t create jobs. Bush tried trickle down tax cuts and rebates and it did not result in jobs. Folks are not going to spend if they are afraid of losing their jobs. A good stimulus is food stamps but most folks like Joe (asshole in the morning), scream about welfare. Food Stamps is a good stimulus because the money will be spent, and we still grow and process food in this country. (Think Campbell’s not Peanut Corp.)
Mark Zandi on Meet the Press said that the deficit would grow higher if we did nothing because of the costs associated with unemployment and lower income tax receipts.
Banks should not get tarp money if they don’t plan on lending it out, imo. Geithner and Obama are suppose to address this tomorrow.
comrade rawshark
Sad Lab story.
I prefer pits or shepherds but I’ve never met a Lab that wasn’t cool as hell.
I am sorry about your Beaux, Davebo. But remember, all that love is meant to be passed on. And labs got alot of love to give.
Davebo – I am so sorry to hear of your sick pooch, but I had a joyous vision when you spoke of taking him to the lake for his favorite boat ride, I can just imagine him wagging his tail while sitting on the boat, and that inane Golden Retriever grin. Hug him lots between now and you know when. He’ll be waiting for you at the Rainbow Bridge as all of our pooches and kitties will. Damn I made myself cry.
Davebo, the question should be can your house survive not having a lab pup!
LOL I agree. When we got Cueball (90lb pure white boxer) we had no idea of the destruction he was about to cause, because Judy pooch (petite gentile red boxer) had been such a good girl. Cueball pooch completely changed our way of looking at the world, because our way of looking at the world tended to include everything being gnawed upon. Did I ever tell you guys about the time he ate the bathroom?
I see you were lacking your stones again last night. Why is it you run a one way blog site. Most of your idiot responders seem to have great fun when I jerk their chain. But you have problem with it. Is it possible that when you do look in the mirror from time to time you feel ill of yourself.
If this does happen, maybe you would want to look at the real reason why? Say to yourself, I don’t need the money enough to lie to myself or expand on something I now is wrong. Maybe you always had a problem with "That Chain of Command Thing", the disrepect of the post name says it all.
@Litlebritdifrnt: Funny, my friends Shar Pei did the same thing. She felt bad for the poor dog who must have been terrified all alone in that bathroom. My most destructive dog was a golden that loved to eat sheetrock. The golden lived 16 years so maybe he knew more about nutrition than I do. lol
Ambinder teases this high school girl:
BTW what are they putting in the water cooler over there at The Atlantic?
Zuzu's Petals
Even stupider than we imagined.
Check out the video of "Joe" the "Plumber" enlightening us on his views on the stimulus package, the economy, and oh yeah, global warming…which he doesn’t believe in "and a lot of scientists back me up on this."
I hate to give him/PJTV the hits, but it is really un- freaking- believable.
From the annual Alfalfa Club dinner at the Capital Hilton
* Obama: “We don’t have the family dog yet. The Labradoodle we picked has some problems with back taxes.”
Now that it’s definitely official, that Judd Gregg has been nominated to Commerce and Lynch, a Democratic governor, will appoint Republican Bonnie Newman to replace him, I’m wondering:
How would Ace O’Spades, Malkin, or the Corner react if a Republican governor, given the choice to pick a replacement senator, chose a Democrat?
And why the fuck aren’t we reacting with that kind of fury, (while of course abjuring their special gifts for crazy)?
Ooh, I know the answer to this one: Prions.
That what causes spongiform encephalopathy, aka holes in the brain or mad cow disease – also scrapie and sundry other diseases that turn brains into swiss cheese – i.e., Mainstream Conservative Republicanism(tm).
I am absolutely convinced that Conservatism is a prion disease. I used to blame Ayn Rand for everything. but now, when I’ve finished ranting about Rand, I blame prions too.
You are a fag, not in a gay way. As you know what I mean. You are a filter feeder. You aren’t now and have never been any kind of man at all. I would think your mom and dad would be ashamed if they knew the truth about you. But I guess to them you are a hero. They never witness the deceit you live on.
Oh, and don’t forget, I always save the post reponses and the post itself.
Eh, Judd wouldn’t have taken the gig without that promise, but if you can find a nominal republican who votes more liberal than Judd would have, it’s still net win for the Dems.
That was Nate Silver’s thinking anyway. No idea how liberal the one they ended up actually picking is though.
@comrade rawshark:
That story made my eyes leak.
Thanks to all for the kind words about Beaux. We actually managed to coax him onto the bed tonight.
I’d go on but let’s let it rest. This is a thread about happy puppy’s after all!
John. I’d sent a pick earlier of healthy Beaux. If you didn’t get it let me know.
I’m sorry to hear about your dog. It’s very hard to lose a pet.
I may start a blog site specically named after you, no it won’t be called I Lie for Money or The Daily Cole Inquirer. It will be much more theatrical. You may respond with your spledid tanker days and how you love your overweight dogs and cats.
You are a weak man!!! But be proud, you feed on the weak to feed your family.
Then Gregg shouldn’t have been given the gig. There’s little to nothing in his background to suggest he’s especially suited for Commerce, or an especially better pick than anyone else.
Steve T.
We’re actually talking about debt in the trillions of dollars, and here’s a handy-dandy way to make a trillion dollars conceivable. Everyone knows how long a second is. One-onethousand, two-onethousand and so forth. So how long does it take for one million seconds to tick by? About 11-1/2 days. (To be precise, 11.57) Tell "most people" that and ask them how long for a billion seconds to tick by, and most will answer so many months, a couple years, whatever.
Answer: almost 32 years. (11,570 days/365 days per year=31.69 years.) Most people are startled by that (I was) but that’s the power of orders of magnitude. Multiply by a thousand again to get one trillion seconds, and we’re approaching 32,000 years.
What was happening 32,000 years ago, class? We were fighting the fucking Neanderthals for survival, that’s what.
It takes about a second to peel a dollar off a roll of bills and throw it on the ground. At that rate — one dollar=one second — a trillion dollars of debt takes us back to Neanderthal battles.
Does that make it conceivable?
Obama discovers… My Pet Goat ain’t such a bad book, after all.
Dave, J. Michael: your posts made me go give our household cancer survivor an extra treat… and the little monster responded by taking a snap at my hand. (She’s very much my Spousal Unit’s dog, and in her world, I’ll always be The Wicked Stepmother.) Since we got her as a yearling almost 14 years ago, she’s survived 2 operations for bladder stones (both varieties!), chronic anal sac problems, a geriatric heart murmur, the loss of most of her teeth, and now some kind of non-staph skin infection, as well as having a length of her bowel removed to excise a ‘lemon-sized’ tumor last spring. For what we’ve spent on her medical bills, we could have bought a new car — probably a Prius. But we still think we got a better deal with Buta-Hime-Sama.
Just got home from work to discover that Boomhauer is a star on the Intertubes. Teh awesome!
I confess to being the person in that picture. Here’s the thing: cats are subtle. Dogs are not. You don’t see these situations gradually creeping up on you, and then the next thing you know you’ve got cat butt obscuring David Brooks’s face. (Not necessarily a bad thing.) What’s hilarious in retrospect is how unconsciously I got into the habit of putting up a "retaining wall" for Boomhauer’s ass so I could read at least a few articles. (Bottom of the page only, nothing that jumps to another page . . . sigh.) Hey, you adapt.
@JGabriel: Some might argue that someone who voted to abolish the department of commerce is the best pick for secretary of commerce. After a couple of vodka shots, it does seem like a brilliant idea.
Next up, Bill Frist for DHHS secretary. I like the idea of him presiding over stem cell research funding at the NIH. I mean he’s already tech savvy and cutting edge – knows all about telemedicine and remote diagnosis from being Schiavo’s long-distance doc. Can’t wait for that nomination.
You’re in good company, Obama doesn’t either. I don’t mind, but the small ones tend to be very aggressive and noisy so I don’t like them as much as a medium sized dog.
I was doin good until I read this note. Wah. :(
So I was reading this story about IBM exporting not only their jobs over to India, but also people if they wanted. So they would lay off their employees here and tehn match them with jobs in India.
Now… if everyone decides to export their workers over to third world countries.. I can’t imagine what that would lead to.
I would imagine Cat Butt is more astute, original and just plain smarter than Brooks. Perhaps the Times should consider employing Boomhauer’s tuckus for insights into politics and what the American people want as I am sure a cat’s butt has more of a clue than Brooks.
I vote Horse’s Ass to replace Broder.
Oh my god… I was on the same wavelength as Maureen Dowd:
On 9/11, President Bush learned of disaster while reading “The Pet Goat” to grade-school kids. On Tuesday, President Obama escaped from disaster by reading “The Moon Over Star” to grade-school kids.
Shoot me now.
Ash Can
::stares at D-Chance and Maureen Dowd like they’re a couple of fucking lunatics::
Um, yeah. Because everyone knows that a couple of appointees admitting to screwing up on their taxes is THE EXACT FUCKING SAME as the destruction of the WTC, commercial airliners crashing, the Pentagon under attack, and thousands dying.
Geezus H, what the hell are these people drinking for breakfast, anyway?