Is now to be openly mocked by an actual journalist, James Fallows.
Tucker’s Fate
by John Cole| 42 Comments
This post is in: Excellent Links, Blogospheric Navel-Gazing
by John Cole| 42 Comments
This post is in: Excellent Links, Blogospheric Navel-Gazing
Is now to be openly mocked by an actual journalist, James Fallows.
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c u n d gulag
I can just imagine Fred Phelps seeing this stuff.
Mockery is the insincerest form of flattery!!!
Comrade Jake
Tucker has got to be one of the biggest douchebags walking the Earth.
If anyone finds Fallows funny, aside from his Chinese handler, then they have a serious problem, mental or otherwise.
The truest thing ever said in Known Blogspace was Sanchez’s descript of conservatism as ressentiment.
Conservatives are just not as smart and they know it.
Everyone should understand that the Daily Caller is a wannabe Huffpo for twodigits with bible college or junior college educations….ie conservatives.
There is a whole body of research approaching maturity that is going to demonstrate measurable, significant, between-group differences in IQ and g between conservative and liberal political affiliations.
I wonder if there will be IQ riots or if conservatives will just quietly change their voter registration to appear smarter.
I am inclined to think there will be IQ riots.
Consider the meme: Liberals are the real racists.
Denying there are racists in the TPM is the same as insisting there are republican scientists or liberal teabaggers. It is magical thinking, like ghost dancers or cargo cults.
John PM
John, this post and the last post about Comic-Con have put a spring in my step this morning.
To paraphrase……Tucker just wanted to go the koolkidz party….he wasnt interested in the special-needs prom Ezra offered him.
This parenthetical was especially nice:
In other words, “Hey Tucker, no one outside the Beltway knows who you are, but don’t worry, I’ll let them know you’re a garbage-sniffing loser.”
some other guy
And this will be yet more proof that so-called “science” (like the “media”
and “the Jews”) is a liberal conspiracy to… er, something something anti-Christ something something Marxist something something UN.Violet
What a whining loser Tucker Carlson is. Even if you don’t know anything about this stupid JournoList hoopla, you can pretty much understand what happened: guy wants to join group, group is asked and says no, guy then tries to destroy everyone in the group. What is he, eight years old?
So Breitbart is digging up old videos, selectively editing them and releasing them to the public to tarnish the reputation of politicians, Tucker is rooting around old emails and selectively releasing them to tarnish the reputation of journalists, and thousands of emails from the Climate Research Unit were selectively released to tarnish the names of scientists.
All in the name of
pissing off liberalssome political ideology.Sheesh, no wonder people think rightwingers are bunch pissy little brats.
Carlson? I once knew someone with that name. He was sucked into a black hole and disappeared forever.
“What is he, eight years old?”
There are millions of eight-year-olds who would like to know why you think you can get away with gratuitously insulting them.
Omnes Omnibus
@burnspbesq: How about eight years old and emotionally stunted?
Jim C
I quote the Simpsons so Jonah Goldberg doesn’t have to*:
“Ohh, why won’t those stupid idiots let me in their crappy club for jerks?”
— Tucker Carlson
*not that he would in this case, mind you …
Apologies to eight-year-olds everywhere. Maybe he’s three? Where it’s all about me, me, ME? What age do kids start to recognize there is a group and they aren’t always invited? Whatever that age is, Tucker is there.
actually….he is throwing radar chaff as far as i can tell……conservatives have memetically selected for racists for the last 50 years….now that they need minority and youth votes (youth wont vote for the Racist Party either, racists are not cool) they are finding they can’t just switch off the embedded racism.
So Breitbart’s attempted serial stings are just increasingly desperate attempts at misdirection– look! the racists are over there! (not here)
My land, but Tucker Carlson is a singularly punchable human being, isn’t he? He’s right up there with Spencer Pratt for his sheer ability to induce violent desires in normally calm people.
As a complete believer in the gospel of St. Rachel I no longer worry about what any media people say about each other unless it comes from the mouth of Sponge Bob. Then you know the message is reaching a mass audience.
@Violet: Personally, I think your interpretation is incorrect. It assumes an initial good faith offer by Carlson. Its much more likely that the initial offer was in bad faith to start with.
Omnes Omnibus
@RedKitten: Backpfeifengesicht. Is this the term you were looking for?
JR (not the other JR)
You’d think Tucker would be used to not getting invited to the cool kids’ party by now.
Randy P
@Omnes Omnibus: Ah yes, I remember that one from the last time we had a discussion here about “There should be a German compound word for a face that just needs punching”.
Man, those Germans have an off-the-shelf word for everything!
I think Carlson often gets props in the left blogosphere. At least I’m often following links from something like “Tucker Carlson just DESTROYED this wingnut!” But isn’t Carlson the guy who stopped a female financial reporter in the middle of a Wall Street report to say “Could you come closer to the camera? You’re just so purty”. On national TV.
I don’t watch much TV, and so I don’t see much of him or anybody else. He’s not so awful that I can’t stand to watch him at all (mostly I can’t stand any Fox clips, even short ones). But he’s pretty awful.
And when Guam tips over, I’m fleeing to South Vietnam!
Verily, the short bus to enlightenment!
Randy P
I think in general, as a statement about population average, this is true. But there are specific cases that are puzzling.
My brother for instance is a full-blown over-the-top conspiracy-theory wingnut, a writer for the worst of the worst conservative websites. And a really nice, smart (even brilliant) guy. I can’t figure him out, and he’d probably say the same about me.
Davis X. Machina
My German prof always said German either had 1500 words, or 90,000 — but no number in between.
Like Lego™? Love German.
@Randy P: As near as I can tell, Carlson isn’t a lockstep party hack. He’ll criticize Republicans or do something like report on Bush’s mocking of Karla Faye Tucker. So I guess that buys him respect points from some liberals. That said, he’s still a hyper-conservative jerk.
General Stuck
Man, the wingnuts are busy little mad beavers. First they uncover a dastardly plot in the USDA to destroy the white race as we know it, and bring to light personal communiques of liveral bloggers saying mean liberal stuff about wingnuts to derail the conservative juggernaut movement for a permanent majority.
But not to fear Howie “Doody” Kurtz is on the case.
Yes, liberal bloggers cooperating in an effort to hammer right wing talking points. STOP. THE .Presses Gracie. This is huge, I tell you. HUGE
And to top it off, in one case, accusing random conservatives of being racist. But But But, pure in essence Right wing bloggers have VIDEO that black peeps are the real racists.
And Tucker Carlson is concerned for the journalism profession of which he dutifully includes his lonesome.
Irony is a boomerang with sharp edges, so ever body duck.
Sorry for the piss poor parody snark. These events are clearly beyond my spoof abilities.
Mike E
@Davis X. Machina: I can’t remember, nor reproduce, the German word for “multi-car pileup on the Autobahn” but it is the essence of onomatopoeia: you reflexively duck for cover when someone says it.
I’m surprised that I have to remind a Canadian about Mark Steyn. He is, after all, in Macleans every week.
@Randy P: anecdotal data proves nothing.
your brother is obviously just an outlier.
There is a body of research that is accumulating, including (but not limited to)– game theory, evo culture theory, evo bio, cognitive psych, cognitive anthro, and fMRI technology.
A bigger problem is that conservatives sense this…. like Sanchez said, and it makes them even more crazy and butthurt resentful.
@Bender: hehe, lol@Bender.
the truth hurrts right?
it might just be that conservatism is a primitive evolutionary stage of homo sapiens sapiens.
the savannah principle
that is what Kanazawa’s work seems to suggest.
like i said, the funnest thing EVAH is going to be watching Steve Sailer try to weasel word the research findings.
this ironing is delicious.
wasabi gasp
This email list thing is just the beginning. There will come a day when journalists routinely hyperlink to each other’s articles and not only express agreement but, doomy doomsday of doomeehard, expand on each other’s ideas.
I must now ziplock my survival seeds lest I flood them in tears.
@JR (not the other JR):
nah, they nevah get used to it.
this is actually a bigger problem for conservatives than racism.
it is impossible to make angry old white people cool.
and even the fake young people in the GOP can’t project cool.
Audra Shay(Young Repub chair) is pushing forty hard, and Hannah Giles and James O’Keefe are just old people in young people suits so crude you can see the zipper from half a mile away.
The reason conservatives are terminally disenfranchized from contemporary american culture is that you simply cannot get to Cooltown on the conservative express.
It only goes to Old Person Crazitown anymore.
@Omnes Omnibus: Perfect!
If you punched him, would he take a prattfall?
I read Maclean’s online, and hence, am able to avoid the self-important Seth Rogen doppelganger.
Prof. K&G
What does this even mean?
You Don't Say
He lives in the town I grew up in and, man, do I know his type. He reminds me of Ralph Reed in docksiders.
Same thing, stolen emails, selectively edited to rile up the wingers and their GOP support.
Grumpy Code Monkey
I know at least one person who feels that everyone with an IQ over 100 should be summarily executed. He also happens to be a Young Earth Creationist. I think there’s a correlation.
I’m surprised it’s possible to reference the guy as anything but “Tucker Carlson, self-proclaimed gay basher.” Of course, nobody really believes he hit the guy, but isn’t claiming to have done it every bit as bad?
Joe Max
– after Homer was rejected by the Stonecutter’s Lodge