I guess now we know why Lou Dobbs hates illegal immigrants so much. They were making too much noise cleaning his house:
But with his relentless diatribes against “illegals” and their employers, Dobbs is casting stones from a house—make that an estate—of glass. Based on a yearlong investigation, including interviews with five immigrants who worked without papers on his properties, The Nation and the Investigative Fund at The Nation Institute have found that Dobbs has relied for years on undocumented labor for the upkeep of his multimillion-dollar estates and the horses he keeps for his 22-year-old daughter, Hillary, a champion show jumper.
What a douchebag.
joe from Lowell
The only thing that would make this story more awesome would be if Dobbs came down with leprosy.
Southern Beale
I remember this as being old news which came out back when he was spreading lies about immigrants and leprosy. Can someone tell me why it’s a big deal now but wasn’t then? Just curious.
Dobbs’ wife is Latino IIRC. Can’t remember where she’s from, Colombia I think?
“a champion” douchebag
General Stuck
It’s only showbiz folks.
Redwood Rhiadra
He is, of course, denying this and disclaiming all responsibility by blaming it on the contractors he hired (which in turn hired the immigrants).
Of course, this is *exactly* why these contractors exist – to provide plausible deniability.
BD of MN
“yearlong investigation” huh? And when did he quit CNN? Oh yeah, last November…
Ash Can
I’m shocked, SHOCKED to find that a prominent right-wing bigot is also a flaming hypocrite.
@joe from Lowell: LULZ!
Angry Black Lady
Dobbs has been Whitmanized.
in the face!
tee hee.
i snicker at you, Lou Dobbs.
Ha-ha! /muntz
So, who’s next? Tancredo? Christie?
Well, I have to wonder, what the fuck happened to all the principled, honorable racists? Do they even exist anymore? Or have they all sold out for cheap labor?
So Dobbs’ daughter Hillary is a champion horse?
Comma. Placement. Matters.
I think you all are being a bit unreasonable. I mean, Lou Dobbs rails against illegal immigrants so that they won’t take your jobs, you proles.
He’s doing you a favor by employing them in the menial labor of cleaning his houses and taking care of his horses. God, how is it hypocrisy when he’s rich? Don’t tell me you want to shovel shit.
You see, the more money you have, the less hypocrisy actually reaches you. The money reflects it away…
Methinks the animal you refer to doesn’t exist. Maybe if you took out the ‘honorable’ and ‘principled’ part of it.
I would posit that anyone who is racist by definition is unreasonable and dishonorable. What honor is there in judging other people based on their ethnicity rather than their actions? How is that idea itself principled?
After Lou Dobbs has spent years researching this very issue…
@Angry Black Lady: I read that as Whitemanized, and I was confused because I thought he was a white man already.
Mark S.
I eagerly await James Taranto explaining that the real hypocrites are the liberals who want immigration reform.
@ Trentrunner:
I don’t think the commas are wrong. I think it’s the wording. “his 22-year-old daughter, Hillary, who is a champion show jumper.”
Emily L. Hauser/ellaesther
What a douchebag.
I expect more from you, John Cole. Because we knew that much already.
Oh, and, fuck the fucking Yankees.
/grumpy Twins fan.
Trevor B
@singfoom: It also appears to scare away HIV so he’s got that going for him as well
Emily L. Hauser/ellaesther
@asiangrrlMN: Hey, hey!
And hey @Angry Black Lady: you too! Here, together! At the same moment!
I quoted you both in today’s blog post. Just, you know, pointin’ out.
Omnes Omnibus
@asiangrrlMN: We don’t want him; you can have him. Yep, as far as I am concerned, Dobbs is now an Asian woman. How do you like them apples?
El Tiburon
Obviously those illegal immigrants were taken out of context by the Lame Stream Media.
Silver Owl
One set of rules for the rich white folk and different set for we the dirty peasants.
Bottom line is still Dobbs knew and knows the republican base are rubes and enjoy the hell out of hating everything. He pretty much treats everyone like crap for money.
What’s the problem? He and Meg are saying that illegals are taking jobs away from hard working Americans. Apparently by hiring illegals what they’re also saying is that they’d never employ any of us lazy fucking americans.
Dobbs and Whitman: consistently calling Americans too lazy to hire for two decades.
Emily L. Hauser/ellaesther
@Omnes Omnibus: Those are dang funny apples.
Just Some Fuckhead
Lou Dobbs was prolly running a sting operation. He prolly called INS after they finished up a job.
Mike G
Silly rabbit, the rancid bile of Dobbs, Hannity, O’Reilly, Limbaugh, et al is a propaganda show for the unwashed rubes to give them convenient approved hate-targets to be angry at, instead of at the people with all the money who make all the decisions.
You don’t think these selfish, amoral assholes would actually practice what they preach if it would cost them an extra penny or a second’s inconvenience, do you?
@Omnes Omnibus: No want. I am the head of the BJ Asian gang, and he does not fit my criteria, thankyewverymuch. Application REJECTED!
P.S. I still need athletes, though.
@Emily L. Hauser/ellaesther: Thanks, chica. I appreciate the shout-out. I commented, of course. I love ABL, too. She writes with a clarity I wish I had.
John Bird
Because Dobbs isn’t just someone who thinks that illegal immigration is, like, taking a thankless job in his house that some white guy would otherwise be all over. He’s not an opportunist like Meg Whitman, who I’m sure does not give a shit about basically anything.
Because didn’t Lou Dobbs used his show to promote the viewpoint that illegal immigration is part of a conspiracy to ethnically replace white people and finally win the Mexican-American War with the fecund power of Papist blood?
So I guess that makes him, what, a fifth columnist? Or does he need to make some little brown babies for that to apply?
On campus here at Vanderbilt:
“The Costs of Diversity: How Affirmative Action is Putting Our Economy, Security, and Society in Peril.” This thought provoking discussion is brought to you by The Youth for Western Civilization. This would be the same group that polluted the campus with Bay Buchanan last year. The speaker is Richard Spencer, executive editor of Alternativeright.com.
Gotta go get my protest on!
ETA O/T label
John Bird
Um, the principled, honorable racists INVENTED selling out for cheap labor.
Omnes Omnibus
@asiangrrlMN: Too late, he’s yours.
Dobb’s daughter is a woman with an interest in horses? Don’t tell Paladino.
@Omnes Omnibus: No. Unless I get Alan Rickman and Johnny Depp, too.
Omnes Omnibus
@asiangrrlMN: Why both? Oh, wait… I can guess. Naughty.
@Ripley: I keep reading that as Palomino and you’re only making it worse!
@asiangrrlMN: Yeah, girl! I have noticed you have excellent taste in men.
@Omnes Omnibus: Toss in Helen Mirren, and I’ll take one of the Glibertarians, too.
nadie podría haber predicho …
Omnes Omnibus
@asiangrrlMN: McMegan even?
Corner Stone
Kinda like Pete Townshend spent all that time researching child pr0n?
@Omnes Omnibus: No. For her, I would demand Kate Winslet, too.
Make sure Suderman is out before you sign any deals. You don’t want to have to deal with any DC tenant squatter entanglements.
Libertarianism’s/Conservativism’s appeal at a school like Vanderbilt is that their affluent, white student body who largely went to great public high schools in affluent suburbs of major cities think that a black lesbian in a wheel chair “took their spot” at Harvard|Stanford|Yale and that they were cheated out something they “earned”.
Heck you can even see it in plenty of the writers at Reason.
@John Bird: Um, the principled, honorable racists INVENTED selling out for cheap labor.
So there’s still some left!
the mention of champion horses evokes images of Jack Woltz in my mind. Wouldn’t that be a shocker for Dobbs.
Ella in New Mexico
But, we’ve known that all along, haven’t we?
My question is, when will the 44% of America wake up and realize their heroes are all just high paid performance artists?
Angry Black Lady
@asiangrrlMN: fuck the yankees indeed. fuck them furiously because i don’t want to have to hear empire state of mind every time a new yorker takes a shit.
Angry Black Lady
@asiangrrlMN: another word would be better. we don’t want to sully the reputation of walt whitman.
You know that urban legend where the guys forget to tip the cleaning lady at the hotel and when they get home they find pictures on their camera of the maid using their toothbrushes to clean the toilet? I hope one of those people Dobbs employed made that legend truth.
@debbie: “his 22-year-old daughter, Hillary, who is a champion show jumper.”
I’m pretty sure his daughter rides her champion show jumpers. Cause that’s what the horses are called. Hilary is a champion equestrienne, the young strong guys who work with and on her horses are mostly Mexicans without papers who are champion laborers, and her dad is a champion immigrant bashing jerk.
Mike G
“The Costs of Diversity: How Affirmative Action is Putting Our Economy, Security, and Society in Peril.” This thought provoking discussion is brought to you by
The Youth for Western CivilizationArrogant Rich Snots For Perpetuating Our Privilege.The affirmative action that propelled a stupid, lazy fratboy GW Bush into Yale and Harvard Business School and on to the presidency certainly put our economy and society in peril. But something tells me that topic won’t be covered by the wingnut welfare-funded student group of legacy-admissions hosting this talk.
I lived in Lexington KY for nearly two years and they have some of the most kick-ass Mexican restaurants in the US. Why? Because nearly all of the workers on the horse farms that are owned by ultra-conservative white rich Christians are illegal aliens.
Angry Black Lady
@Emily L. Hauser/ellaesther: suh-weet! i will have to go check it out. i’ve been very diligently using iMovie to make pointless videos of my dog.
@PhoenixRising: Except that lots of people are denoted by their function/position. Can a person really be a nickleback?
Y’all are way too funny for me.
@WereBear: Why yes, yes I do!
@arguingwithsignposts: For him, I would demand Hugh Laurie and Stephen Fry, too (the former because he’s hawt; the latter because they work so well together). In other words, for every baddie, I get two goodies.
@Angry Black Lady: At this point because I have no faith in my beloved Twins, I am all about anyone BUT THE GODDAMN YANKEES!
So it turns out Lou Dobbs is a hypocrite. So not a surprise.
@Ash Can: “I need the government to stop me from doing this!”
why do we keep hearing that?
@joe from Lowell:
“The only thing that would make this story more awesome would be if Dobbs came down with leprosy.”
That would make pretty much any story better.