All animals should be living large like this:
Not like this:
Click here to donate directly to Charlie’s Angels Animal Rescue (they accept paypal!), or visit the Balloon Juice store and pick out an item or two- all proceeds go to Charlie’s Angels. Your help saves animals, and unlike a lot of charities, I can assure you that every single penny these ladies at CAAR get is spent on the animals.
Thank god for a new thread.
Ohhh…the tag on the doggie picture just breaks my heart.
I love the tiny sliver of Tunch’s eye that’s visible if you enlarge the picture. Tunch is watching you.
I know my 2 rescue cats live just like yours. If that white blob was either a black striped blob or a gray blob, I would think it was a picture of one of mine.
I’m hoping this didn’t actually happen, but suspect it did. If so it’s more cynical than Michael Vick, which I’d have not believed possible. (Posted earlier to a defunct open thread.)
I love the captions. (ETA agree with @Violet: it is heartbreaking.) OrsonTunch, heh.
Here’s a funny cat video that apparently went viral a few weeks or months ago, but I never saw it so it seems fresh and new to me, and possibly to other Juicers as well. Sound up!
So, John, Dallas is going to have some pretty cold weather (for Dallas) this week. High chance of an ice storm tomorrow. That’s always a mess. Then chance of snow on Friday. Should make it interesting in Super Bowl land.
Don’t Bogart those funds, my friend
Share them with me.
@Violet: Luckily both teams are used to playing in that type of weather.
It’s not the playing in the weather that’s the concern. I’m pretty sure if the weather’s bad they can close the roof on the fancy new Cowboy Stadium. It’s the driving around that everyone has to do. All the press in from everywhere. Teams that need to get to practice fields. The fact that southern cities don’t spend nearly as much on ice/snow removal equipment as northern cities (because they don’t need it except occasionally).
The weather could make things very interesting for a day or two.
Hee. We used to call the late great Boris “Orson” sometimes. He had the vanity of Welles, too.
Someone comes up with the term Fox Geezer Syndrome to describe why they can’t talk politics with their parents any more (via Plum Line).
@Violet: The roof will be closed.
@jeffreyw: Ooh, what a cute fellow he is!
@trollhattan: Oh dear god, that’s just awful. I couldn’t get past the first paragraph or so. There was some terrible animal abuse thing in Atlanta a few days ago; I’ve now repressed whatever the headlines said and never did click on the story. It’s such a pointless cliché, but I can’t help asking WHAT IN THE HELLS are these people thinking??
@Violet: I’d laugh if they postpone it. Superbowl Monday.
Yeah, I figured they’d close it.
Super Bowl Sunday itself is supposed to be nice in Dallas. But the leadup this week is going to be messy and very cold by Dallas standards. Lots of press come to the Super Bowl host city the week before, teams are already there. Lots of people come in to town the week before the Super Bowl. Corporate folks, celebs, etc. It’s just going to be interesting to see how it works out. Hopefully it’ll be fine and everyone will be safe.
I am currently staring at my Blackberry willing it to receive an email from Continental saying that my flight tomorrow morning is cancelled or, ideally, from my boss telling me the whole trip to Toronto is postponed for a couple weeks (months would be better, but I will take weeks) (EDIT: And I have a 7pm deadline before I have to leave the house to being Ellie to the kennel)
@SiubhanDuinne: Another one going around is Kitty Midnight Madneess
Greenhouse Guy
John, you rock. I’ll see what I can do. Maybe I’ll get some family to help out as well.
“the tiny sliver of Tunch’s eye that’s visible if you enlarge the picture. Tunch is watching you.”
Yes. The first thing I thought after seeing that pic of Tunch is that someday we will need ‘Cole Rescue Thread’. Though not sure who will put it up in time.
My fear is the story opens Pandora’s box and we find out it’s not an anomoly (except perhaps for the vulgar scale of this particular crime). That occurred with racing greyhounds and now we have greyhound rescue.
But no, there are no words…which makes any pic of Tuncha the Hutt so very welcome.
Pillsbourghy dough cat in repose – waitin’ to take over your inner city(s)
Ash Can
@jl: If Lily ever learns how to type, he’s covered.
Here is one that needs to be saved Soon:
Juliet a real sweetie who has been in limbo at the kennel waiting to be saved for a long time now:
she has 1 cloudy eye and is heartworm positive, they can’t afford to treat her till she is adopted
Hopefully someone in the area can come rescue her since they just got a bunch more dogs in ..,+South+Carolina&aq=&sll=34.685655,-82.953204&sspn=0.223589,0.20359&gl=us&ie=UTF8&hq=&hnear=1925+Sandifer+Blvd,+Seneca,+Oconee,+South+Carolina+29678&z=17
schrodinger's cat
Jabba the Hut kitteh says, bring me Solo and the Wookie
Thanks for the link! I’ve heard/read a lot about the spot, but this was the first I’d had a chance to see it. Clever.
@jeffreyw: I should have mentioned earlier, my young grand-niece has a rescue dog named Bogart!
schrodinger's cat
@jeffreyw: How is Homer kitteh?
Any new photos?
Tunch looks so handsome in his winter coat.
The dog is heartbreaking.
Mike Furlan
I have two wonderful cats.
Beatrice, who I rescued off the streets of Lexington Mass on a sub-zero day.
And Tink, a former alley cat who I got from a shelter.
But I wonder about the animals that I don’t see, the ones who go into the cat food that I feed Beatrice and Tink.
How do we bridge the disconnect between adoring our pets, and ignoring the “food” animals?
By a republican too. Gives me hope there is a bit of sanity left on planet cuckoo.
@Mike Furlan:
If it bothers you that much, don’t keep obligate carnivores as pets. Find a good home for your cats and get rabbits instead.
If you insist on keeping pets that require meat in order to survive, then you’re going to have to learn to live with the moral ambiguity. Probably the best balance I can think of would be to buy ethically-raised meat and make your own cat food.
And for gods’ sake, don’t listen to people online who insist you can switch your cats to a vegan diet. They will die a slow, horrible death by starvation, but first they’ll go blind from taurine deficiency.
Question . . . how do I give you pictures of our little rescued catlings? My daughter found a mom with 5 kittens living in the parking lot at her old building. She trapped them, delivered the mom (who was domesticated) to the Humane Society, and kept the kittens in the hope that they were not feral.
One of them died; that left four. She decided to keep another; that left three.
As I write, there are three very contented little critters on the top of the cat tree recently installed in my kitchen near the west window. They’re still very skittish and make no noise at all, but slowly they’re getting to seem more like ordinary playful, weird cats.
Love them.
Mike Furlan
I chose to live with the moral ambiguity.
Thanks for your idea about making my own cat food.
My cats will probably love it.
Tunch is really stately and I mean that it the nicest way.
He’s very happy.
Thanks to John and all his loyal followers for continuing to support Charlie’s Angels Animal Rescue. Sweet Cilia who is in the picture was transported to Buffalo, NY this past Saturday and has already been adopted. Could not help all the ones like Cilia without all your help. Thanks for caring.
@Mike Furlan:
If Werebear shows up, she can probably direct you to some good online recipes. You will probably need to supplement any food you make with taurine, but it’s not hard to buy.
Mike Furlan
In the meantime, can you recommend some “less terrible” commercial food?
@Mike Furlan:
I feed my cats Blue Buffalo, but I have no idea what the ethics of it are, other than it being healthier for my cats (no grains).
Werebear has a great website if you’ve never been to it — she may have addressed it there at some point.
ETA: She actually has a cat food post up right now, though it’s not specifically about ethics.
@Cliff: Thanks for breaking my heart. Are you affiliated with the shelter?
My mom is volunteering there and she’s sad cause people keep passing Juliet over perhaps cause of the cloudy eye/HW? who knows ..
She just wants a home and a bit of a run every day, she is a super sweet doggie.
Here is the full list of doggies: I’m also sure the new dogs are not on the page yet.. dunno when they will be up.
@Cliff: That poor dog. I’m in the unusual position of being able to spare some cash, so I’m going to call the number tomorrow and donate. Tell your mom “thanks” for doing such good work.
Thank You! Every bit helps as they get a lot of HW positive dogs apparently.
All my cats are rescue kittehs–the Giles Cat brought three of them in with him, when he showed up at my door. (Seriously; unneutered male shepherding in three little balls of fluff!) The two that I kept (in addition to Giles; the third I found a home for) are beautiful, companionable animals. As is Giles–but he’s more than that. I’m very lucky to have such good companions. (Plus, y’know, the three La Caterina brought with her. The feral cat colony she co-runs. And, of course the two little devils we’ve placed).
I have a dog that needs a home. I live in St. Louis, MO. This is totally self serving [well, in the service primarily of my traumatized cats] but hey, open thread, and it’s a dog. A very cute dog.
I basically rescued it when it got dumped on me by neighborhood kids who got it from a friend who got it from someone who was going to euthanize it, and I tried to make it work, but my cats can’t take it. I wish they could, but they came first and they come first.
TUNCHIE! Love love love that cat. Heartbreaking pic of the dog, but YAY that Cilia has been adopted!
The other stories in this thread are heartbreaking, too–and that’s without me even clicking on trollhattan’s link.
@hitchhiker: Email Anne Laurie. She is the one who does the rescue pets threads, usually. Send her the pics as attachments.
@Phoebe: Please highlight the dog tomorrow morning also. I’m not near St. Louis but there appears to me lots of lurkers in the morning and maybe someone will be interested.
Elsewhere .. a dark thing …
SPCA investigates slaughter of 100 Whistler sled dogs
The “execution-style” mass cull of 100 sled dogs owned by Whistler-based Outdoor Adventures has sparked an SPCA investigation into allegations of animal cruelty, outrage from animal welfare groups and suspension by Tourism Whistler of reservations for dog sledding excursions by the company.
The cull came to light because of a successful WorkSafeBC claim for post-traumatic stress by the employee who killed the dogs over two days last April.
The worker said he suffered panic attacks and nightmares because of the grisly scenes that unfolded as he carried out the company’s orders to kill 100 of its 300 dogs because of a slow winter season.
Many were killed in mass shootings, carried out in front of each other, that caused the dogs to panic and attack him.
“By the end he was covered in blood,” according to the review board’s Jan. 25 decision that found he did suffer post-traumatic stress. “When he finished he cleared up the mess, filled in the mass grave and tried to bury the memories as deeply as he could.”
Anne Laurie
@hitchhiker: If you email .jpg’s to AnneLaurie @ verizon . net (or click on my name near the top of the right-hand column), plus any details you want included (a copy of this comment, for instance), I can use them for an Early Morning Pet Rescue thread.
Anne Laurie
@steve: Yeah, these poor dogs were considered “livestock”, not pets. And we forget that animal cruelty like this usually involves cruelty to humans as well. But, after all, the guy being forced to shoot the dogs he raised or lose his livelihood is just another disposable “livestock unit” to our Galtian overlords, right?
@Cliff: Done! If anyone is still reading this thread and would like to donate to the heartworm fund as well, you can call Dr Jordan’s office at 1-864-972-9994. I counted 5 dogs on the site as HW positive; hopefully soon to be 4.
Thank You!!
I’ll post more on a another rescue thread, but they just got another 50 dogs, and the ones on the website are just those that have been evaluated and are ready for adoption. apparently they have tons more dogs, I’ll have some pics soon i hope.