I’d like to give a special shout-out to all the first-time commenters yesterday who went on and on and on about how crappy a blogger I am.
Yeah. I can see your IP addresses.
::sticks tongue out::
Hope everyone is having a great morning. I know I am.
ETA: For clarification on my viewpoint about editorial control, read this comment.
Ghanima Atreides
You are a great blogger.
You have your own style, is all.
Fuck em if they can’t take a joke!
Han's Solo
Too late, they’ve all gone back to FDL, or, as I like to call it, “Redstate for Ratfuckers”.
Good riddance.
My morning is fine, but I am not a newbie. I trust the laundry is in good shape, that’ll improve a morning.
Glad to hear you’re staying.
Quotes for the day:
“She’s trying to look like June Cleaver, but she actually looks like the T2 skeleton posing for a passport photo. ”
Matt Taibbi, talking about the Bachman Overdrive
Shirley MacLaine singing torch songs suddenly stuck in my head…
I have an appointment this morning. Purring mass of kitteh fur has other ideas. I’m doomed.
You’d be nothing without your expletives. Best…H
Mike R.
Not a newbie, more of a lurker…..you’re always a good read!
I’m glad to see you are staying, if only to piss off Jane Hamsher and her fellow little ratfuckers.
In a blog full of passionately involved people who get very personal about their disagreements, anti-war sentiment takes the prize here. I’ve 90% given up on threads involving war in any way because of it. Anything that superficially resembles a violation of civil rights if you squint and close one eye is #2.
If you come out with any position other than ‘war is evil in every way and cannot be justified ever and this latest piece of evidence proves that everyone in our government wants eternal and infinite war’ you’re gonna take a loooot of flak. Sorry, ABL.
Look, I don’t particularly hate your posts, nor do I particularly love them – I’ve seen good and not-so-good from you.
But, please, grow the fuck up, will you? “I can see your IP addresses”? GMAFB. This is Balloon Juice, not Hot Air.
And, yes, I realize you were probably just doing that to bust stones, but sometimes one doesn’t need to say/write everything one is thinking.
Ivan Ivanovich Renko
Keep on bustin’ on these fools!
You’re a champ. I love all your posts.
Me too. Definitely not a newbie, just a lurker, occasional commenter, but I like the fact that John has different voices in his blog (this is my FAVORITE blog by the way). You have your own style and that’s good. I’m glad you are staying.
Cat Lady
Best place on the innertoobz is right here. There is no other place I’d rather be.
Good news! Balloon Juice would be a poorer place without your perspective and passion (oy, that’s a lot of alliteration–but it happens to be true!). Don’t let the bastards get you down and keep up the good work.
Glad that you are here ABL! Yay!
You are so fucking cool – you can see IP addresses?!?!?!
One day, I will read a post by ABL that doesn’t make me think she is in actuality 14 years old. One day.
What is a bad blogger anyway?
ABL, you’re entertaining to a fault.
gogol's wife
I missed all the excitement yesterday, but I enjoy the mix here too. ABL is a big part of that. And her dog is fab.
Just Some Fuckhead
It’s really not hard to hide yer IP address. In fact, this site makes it damn easy.
And here I thought ABL was an alternate John Cole personality.
Linda Featheringill
Hi, ABL. :-)
Oh gravy. Playing on the new Torch. I’m in trouble now. :)
This is the perfect rendition of the title song, performed by its originator.
More Natedogg pics, pls!
Sigh. For those trying to get on her case about this, ‘I can see your IP addresses’ isn’t some kind of declaration of power or threat or whatever.
She means that she CAN tell when a bunch of people who show up to criticize her are not regular commenters, but people who’ve come out of nowhere just to complain about her post.
a quick drop out of lurk-space to say: I like you, ABL, and I like your blogging. I hope you stick around for a long time.
How the hell can Jane Hamsher, about whose existence roughly 99.9% of the planet is blissfully ignorant, cause so much angst around this place? And I’m not talking about ABL calling Hamsher’s cesspool of a site out for its shenanigans, I’m talking about the rush to defend her and her wonderful accomplishments for the progressive agenda, which, as far as I can tell, can easily be counted on the fingers of no hands.
c u n d gulag
I love your shit!
I’m glad you came.
I’m glad you’re here.
I’m glad you’re staying.
So, please keep on shitting away – you are great!!!
i’m still not clear on why you got offended when i said you use your main page spot to troll?
shrug. whatever. i have very little interest in troll wars 2012, balloon juice edition. have fun.
Just Some Fuckhead
But she can also tell when a bunch of “new” people show up to support her* but she chooses not to include these folks in her shout out.
*to the extent an easily altered IP address is indicative of anything
mike in dc
I think you blog just fine. The post in question, though, needed some serious editing and revision before going up there. It came across as a little bit scattershot, when it could have been better organized.
You’re an attorney–just write it up like a brief…strongest arguments first, with supporting points emphasized and reasoning clearly laid out.
Or not. It might suck to have to do that all the fracking time. Carry on.
I have been cutting back on my commenting here lately mainly because of the recent influx of trolls. That and receiving a PS3 for my b-day a few months ago, who knew NBA2K11 could be so addictive? But, I digress…
FWIW, I think that all of the outrage about ABL’s posts is just ridiculous. I may not agree with everything she posts (and just for the record, I’m black) but, I respect her passion.
Even in disagreement, I can say that her posts are thought provoking, if not a little over the top at times.
Being open-minded, as most here claim to be, requires that thoughts and ideas that are counter to our own, be presented, assessed and discussed. That includes the uncomfortable racial issues, not just the easy and obvious ones. It also includes the issues that one may not think are racial issues.
From almost 40 years of experience, there are a lot of things that people do and say, that have racial undertones and they don’t know it. Understanding these things is the key to mental and emotional growth.
So, when ABL writes a post that you disagree with, step back, take a breath and just think for a second, “Am I about to personally attack someone for writing about something I may not fully understand?”
It’s fine to write comments wanting the writer to defend a position. It’s also fine to offer counterpoints which may change the writer’s position (see Kain, E.D.). But the personal attacks because “you” don’t like the presentation, the subject matter, or the position are just what most people complain that they don’t like about Republicans/Conservatives/Tea Partiers/”The Right” in this country.
Also, ABL…Sister, meet me over at camera 2…
Rule #1 of teh internets, “Don’t Feed The Trolls!”
Luv ya, mean it! Stay strong!
And your point is?
Why should she (or any of the FPers, for that matter) care, other than if someone is trying to take down the site by flooding it? And it’s not like this is the DoD or Sony.
Time for ABL to grow up or get a thicker skin or find another avocation. If she does none of those, she becomes WBL. (W=Whiny)
ABL, I like feisty people & that you are. Don’t change, not that I think there is any threat of that happening, lol.
I really liked reading Christy Hardin Smith who used to blog at u-no-where. She took a sabbatical and I have found her writing about her personal explorations in many areas not political or rarely political. She wrote recently that she wished she could believe that “we will all turn to the better angels of our natures and think about the political and public spheres in terms of ‘us’ rather than ‘us vs them’ but we won’t”.
I’m not a first time commenter, just a very infrequent one. I’ve been reading this blog, comments and all, for a few years now. It’s often my first stop in the morning and last stop at night. I can’t exactly explain why I like it here so much, but I do. I don’t know how all you wonderfully annoying people who are regular commenters keep up. Usually I show up and there are already 40-50 comments, and at least a handful will be making the point I wanted to make.
Personally, I never seem to mind ABL’s posts which contain actual content. These taunting post-flame war ones, not so much…
Well really, if you’re not going to post cat pics, what’s the point of staying?
By the way, did anything exciting happen yesterday?
(Flaunts IP address in ABL’s general direction)
One love ABL.
They caught Osama bin Bulger in Santo Domingo or somewhere like that. And Boehner is still Orange. Outside of that, not much.
I have no opinion for or against whether it matters if people are showing up only to criticize her. I am only trying to correct comments that suggest her mention of IP addresses is juvenile.
Ya know, I’ve noticed that most of the more visited blogs on the intertubes have a handful (or more) of regular posters. Some posters I don’t like as much as others, and I often don’t bother to read their posts as much or as thoroughly as the people I like.
It saves time, just as not whining about a front pager you have issues with saves time. And who doesn’t like saving time?
Just Some Fuckhead
I don’t have an opinion on the juvenility of said comment. I’m just pointing out, contrary to your point, it can be perceived as threatening in the context of not calling out the first-time supporters.
for me personally, it’s because of the way the fIreBaggers imply that they are the Democratic base.
Duckest Fuckingway: Ask not for whom the Duck Fucks. . .
Wait, so there was another angsty ‘should I stay or should I go’ drama? What is that, one per day?
OK, since it’s an open thread, the Dow dropped nearly 200 points today, which is blamed partly on the jobs info and partly on a 4.4% drop in oil prices.
I was conflicted on whether to root for my 401k or my fuel costs, but I think the jobs data made up my mind for me.
I like and am informed and entertained by most of ABL’s posts, but yeah, this scab-picking shit serves no purpose other than drama for its own sake. I’m no more impressed when Cole, the only other FPer who regularly does this, puts up a post-battle taunt.
And since it’s an open thread, where the hell have I been online lately that someone decided I need baby bottle ads?!
Your posts are better at your own blog. Don’t know why you huff and puff and blow the house down over here. Also “can see IP addresses”? WTF does that mean?
Which is why it needed clarification!
Jon O.
Alright: who gives a shit?
I’m not a big fan of your blogging style. That’s okay! I respect that it exists! I just scroll over the posts! I think we have a good “thing” here, of mutual apathy. I gather that the post on Hamsher yesterday caused some sorta hullabaloo. (Who ever would have guessed that there’d be that sort of response to an attack on the O.G. firebagger? Not I!) But this does not require making multiple extra posts to the front page about your flagellation at the hands of irate commenters. People here bitch! It’s what they do! This blog ain’t about you. It shouldn’t be anyway.
My apologies for the exclamations.
Just Some Fuckhead
Mine are all P90X ads.
J.A.F. Rusty Shackleford
Love ya, ABL! Don’t you ever change.
Your Palinesque persecution complex has gone from annoying to amusing. Keep it up.
Still waiting for a point. “Trying to correct comments”? Was there some grammatical error in one of my comments, and I missed it?
Other than that, I might be so bold as to suggest that it ain’t your job to “correct” comments. Perhaps you meant “try to correct a misimpression” (vis-a-vis her possible rationale). But the info you provided really doesn’t do much to dispel the notion that her comment was juvenile. It lets her see whether a commenter is long-time or drop-in? Why would any mature individual give a rat’s ass about that, other than in the hypothetical situation I mentioned in #37?
I sent your post yesterday to several people–thought you made excellent points. And I was glad to see them made without the don’t-hit-me cringing I notice when some blogs (even mildly) criticize Hamsher or Greenwald. Maybe it’s natural for bloggers to pull punches when they know they’ll see them at netroots or get phone calls from them. But I don’t often see those two held to the same standard as others outside the circle, and I think they should be.
Anyway, I never skip one of your posts. So good morning to you, too.
different church-lady
@ cleek #46:
Not merely that: the one true base to rule them all.
Is it physically possible for you to write something, anything, that’s not about the you of you?
“I’m going to say things that piss people off, then whine like a big baby when the pissed off people say mean things to me.”
Angry Baby Lady.
::waving away the funk::
get along, girlfriend
Beats me. Two shits, not given.
I think it’s the tumor.
Fuck Hamsher. Fuck FDL. Fuck all the manic progressive purity trolls. Grow the fuck up.
i agree with you ABL, pretty much always. i mean, the drama you kick up around here gets a little maryscott oconnor sometimes, but it’s nice to see somebody calling out the hamshers and greenwalds on their obama derangement syndrome, so please don’t stop.
also, i don’t think the point is made often enough that greenwald is a shitty writer. friedersdorf’s prose is less ridiculous.
ABL I may sometimes wonder if you forgot to take your lexapro but I never doubt your sincere belief that you are doing the right thing when you post. Please keep up the good work.
comrade scott's agenda of rage
Oh my, maryscott o’connor, now there’s a manic-depressive blast from the past. Now, maryscott certainly had “issues” but she was no opportunist. Just got done talking to someone at NN and the first words out of their mouth was “Jane Hamster is the worst kind of opportunist.” This is from a person I respect and who’s blissfully ignorant of my perspective on the ragehead and grifter.
Ivan Ivanovich Renko
@JSF- I keep getting the WSPA bear-dancing and food-dog ads. Depress the shit out of me. (figuratively, you snarky-assed bastards)
I hate hate hate that bear dancing ad. It makes me wretched. I know, how do I think the bear feels…but I seriously cannot handle seeing that shit.
This. Seriously, this. A bunch of PUMAs and Grover Norquist fans are now the Democratic base? Funny that I’ve never met any of those people at any sort of activist meetings or anything over the last few years.
Love ya, ABL. Love that you drive Hamsher’s Hampsters insane. Fuck that whore for Grover Norquist. Fuck her and her minions sideways.
And talk about your lack of self-awareness. Sheesh.
Timothy Trollenschlongen (formerly Tim, Interrupted)
Even after that big drunk last night? No headache? No cotton mouth? No Bloody Mary’s to take the edge off?
Hair of the Dog was my M.O. in the last years of the drinking…but inevitably the hair of the dog became fur of the monster and I was off on the new day’s big drunk ending in shattered lamps, run hosiery, stained panties, projectile vomiting, and on occasion a free ride to the clink.
Good times. :D
different church-lady
You’re not fooling anyone with that, you know — she can see your IP address.
Jimperson Zibb (formerly Duncan Dönitz, Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy, Mumphrey, et al.)
I, too, am glad you’re here. Sometimes I wonder whether the reactions you get would be the same if you were Angry White Dude. I don’t think most of the obnoxious posters who dump on you here are racist, but I smell a shitload of white privilege in many of those posts…
The point of the comment as the more intelligent of you have noted is to inform those who crawled out of the woodwork to complain
about my writing or personality or whatever that I am aware that they are not actually regular commenters who drop in occasionally to tell me how awful I am. They are, in my view, FDL sockpuppets.
And I’m so sure these folks are taking the time to mask their IP addresses just do they can lob childish insults.
Get it, JSF, aisce and others?
Probably not. I know you loathe everything about me and irrespective of how many names and insults you lob? I will never be anything but bemused. You routinely embarrass yourselves! :)
Whatever. I generally don’t read ABL’s posts. I’m more of a Tom Levenson style reader. However, perusing the comments to ABL’s posts keeps an infrequent thread participant like me apprised of who’s on what team around here.
Is ABL making some kind of weird threat? She accuses me of being a Hamsher sockpuppet, presumably because she (mistakenly) believes that no one who reads here could think she’s a lousy blogger, and then this?
I don’t know what she’s looking for, but “I see your IP addresses” is a garbage move.
But, seriously, no. The point of the comment is you had an epic flameout yesterday, and threw a weird and public tantrum, and now you’re doing some kind of weirdly desperate end zone dance, as if this increasingly bizarre behavior was all part of your master plan from the beginning.
I remember reading the Hamsher piece and thinking “Gosh, I didn’t know all that. Good to know.” A small thing, really. But, true to form, you’ve managed to blow it up into a huge ordeal.
That’s ABL: a drop of content, swirled around in the glass just to coat it, and then a generous pour of pointless drama.
look at this — ABL utters a passing comment about IP addresses and 15 people collectively lose their shit.
And she’s the one with the drama issues. Riiiiiiight.
As the Cheshire Cat said, “We’re all mad here.”
Yesterday’s pointless drama had a big assist from Cole.
Just Some Fuckhead
I know it seems unfair not to give a new war a fighting chance at some nebulous morphing goal, to strangle it in the crib before it grows up to be many Friedman units old, but if austerity is the word of the day then wars of choice are the first on the cutting block.
No one can complain they haven’t had ample time to get their war jollies on. We’ve blown about three trillion dollars on about 10 years of multiple wars and have precious little to show for it save a skyrocketing national debt and an even lower bar for entry into more wars.
@ fasteddie
Which brings us to the question I’ve been pondering: why are so many men scared shitless of Jane Hamsher? Does she REALLY have a disembodied testicle collection in a glass case hanging over her mantelpiece?
Her IP address taunt was wrong. I commented, as I not infrequently do, yesterday to express my delight that she might be taking her blogging “talents” elsewhere. For some reason, she said I had never posted. Just wrong.
Ooh, cut to the quick, I am, since I’m apparently not part of the “more intelligent” crowd. But leaving that aside for the moment: your “point” is kinda silly. Not regular commenters? So what? Either their comments have merit or not, and for you to get your knickers in a twist because some quasi-newbie – rather than a long-timer – dumps on you, shows thin skin or lack of maturity.
And, once again, you would be wrong.
And some of us – not part of the “more intelligent” crowd, of course – will be amused that you use “bemused” when you (apparently) mean “amused”.
In any event, welcome back ABL, hope you stay away longer next time, and I will resume scrolling past your posts and not commenting on them.
How’s your head, after all that 50 year old Laphroaig you were drinking last night?
If pointing out that her “IP addresses” comment was juvenile is the same as losing my shit, then I guess you’re right.
Otherwise, not so much.
Yup. I think ABL is absolutely Palinesque.
Start out with something that may actually be important. Turn it into a racial issue. Present it in a childlish, disorganized and hissy way. Finally, make it all about the ABL.
When called on the stupid, self-involved, and low quality post, turn 100% Palinesque. Victimhood as a justification for lack of qualty in posting. Followed by delegitimization of critics (today, via their IP addresses).
Less of her, please. If I want stupid there are plenty of other websites. And yes, this is my homepage, and has been for two years.
different church-lady
Man, 2/3rds of you people are just flat out humorless.
Tonal Crow
So now what? You’re playing at Lulzsec? Hahahahahahahaha. And bite me, troll.
Just Some Fuckhead
I’m going to embarrass myself further by asking how an IP address for which you cannot match up another IP address is any more indicative of an FDL sockpuppet than a screen name heretofore unused?
JSF: “heretofore unused”? Dude, if I could see your IP address, I would send you copy of Strunk & White.
Funny, though, that it seems you couldn’t scroll past and not comment on this one, isn’t it? Several times, in fact.
Well, obviously, it’s because …. hey! Look over there! Cabbage crates over the briny!
If EB were still among us, reading the content of most blogs would kill him.
Just Some Fuckhead
If I cared what others thought of me, I’d prolly be using a different handle.
Here I am, posting 2 months ago in a clever plot to get behind enemy lines in anticipation that ABL would say something about my master, Jane Hamsher, 2 months later. Then the trap would be set, and I could spring forth!
Sadly, I was foiled and exposed by ABL’s great intellect. :(
I write this as a friend when I say that you would be a much more effective advocate for the issues you “give a big sh*t” about if you dropped some of the immature flamebaiting that you engage in. While I seriously appreciate your motives, I only ask that you work on your execution. Using sledgehammer isn’t always necessary and as you discovered, you may end up breaking things that you didn’t intend. I also would like to say equally that it would behoove you to do more to correct factual mistakes. Such as in your post yesterday where you claimed certain neighborhoods in DC were black neighborhoods, when as many who live in DC pointed out that those neighborhoods are in fact gentrified. As someone who lives in DC and has lived here for the past decade can attest. To not correct such an obvious mistake has consequences beyond allowing easy avenues for people to attack your credibility or John’s. It negaively reflects upon the entire BJ community similarly as all the untrue garbage posted by firebaggers negatively reflects upon all of them. Basically what I am saying is that I believe that as a BJ blogger, you have responsibilities that extend to the entire BJ community and while I do not ask you to change your style, language or irreverant ways, I do ask that you are a bit more careful in the future and when you are wrong, which happens to everyone, correct the error. That is all. Thanks for your contributions and continue on with your bad self.
The hurt fee-fee’s of a bunch of purity trolls?
Just Some Fuckhead
I can’t be the only one uncomfortable with using “gentrified” as the opposite of “black”. Can’t we just say they’re more integrated?
The haters simply cannot resist you ABL. You hold such power over them that it is truly a wonder to behold. I am beginning to think that the majority of them are nothing but lovelorn Jr. High kids. Oh, they say they hate you. Yet they follow you around, from post to post, repeatedly telling you how much they hate you, all the while pining for a comment, an acknowledgement, something! ANYTHING! that will tell them that you noticed them.
@ aggrieved black lady
bemused is not the same thing as amused. you silly bint.
goodness, you really are the balloon juice equivalent of sarah palin.
Oh boy oh boy! Another drama queen! Yippee!!!
If you’re going to plagiarize one of Sarah Palin’s oompa-loompas, could you please not tidy up the spelling like that? It’s funnier with the mistakes.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
For shits and giggles.
You could always use a handle such as “J (aka reader)” so as to avoid accusations of of trolling n00b-ism or sock-puppetry.
Drama queens have better control over their emotions. Jr. High kids is a better analogy.
You think it’s coincidental that the number of commenters who popped in to insult me were new names and IP addresses? Really?
And for those complaining that “it’s just wrong!” do get over yourselves.
there was no threat either implicit or explicit in my statement. As stated before, I was pointing out to my new haters that not only am I not bothered by the influx of ABL SUCKS, but that I find it unbelievable that suddenly scores of new commenters jumped on the ABL bandwagon. I suspect they think that if the complaints reached a critical mass, that John would “fire” me or something.
That notion is utterly laughable. Cole and I are friends.
But do continue to lose your collective shit.
As I said, you are embarrassing yourselves.
(Ten dollars to the next person who makes another “IT’S RACIST TO INSULT ABL!” or “WATCH OUT! ABL MIGHT BAN YOU!” or “I HATE THE WAY YOU FORMAT YOUR POSTS!”
Twenty bucks to the person who insults me and then immediately follows that up with “IS IT RACIST THAT I JUST SAID THAT?”
Really. I quit enjoy getting under your skin as much as I do, and I am going to enjoy doing it right until 11/6/12.
You all light up my life. Truly.
quaker in a basement
bemused is not the same thing as amused.
And neither is the same thing as zeemused. Is there an entire alphabet of muses?
Yes, do keep telling us how above it all you are, and how the rest of us are losing our shit. Because telling us three times (at least) in an Open Thread is perhaps the best indicator there is of your above-it-all-ness.
On the plus side, thanks for acknowledging that you meant to say “amused” before.
Right ABL, you caught me!
I created a moniker years ago as part of a plot against you, and carefully waited for the right moment! That explains prior posts. Haven’t you completed that IP investigation yet?
It ought to be CBL, for Crazy Black Lady.
It must be time for you to take your meds.
sevenproxy army
Yeah, Cole’s not going to fire you. If anything, he’s enjoying the drama too much but, if I were you ABL, I’d start getting real paranoid. Cole’s not laughing _with_ you. He likes the lulz as much as any four loco addled btard out there, and if you’ll unwittingly provide the blunt weapon and the bulls eye, he’ll let you be a flailing target for as long as you like.
Just ask him and hear the truth in his amazingly sincere denials. You’re a patsy, a foil, comic relief, and nothing more.
Well, watch out when you get to o-mused, ’cause you’ll be accmused of being an O-bot.
Well that response had as much substance as your original attack on Jane Hamsher. None. You ripped her without really making your case.
That’s no-one’s responsibility but yours.
That’s not a “style.” It’s just bad writing, bad blogging.
Maybe your other stuff is better I’ll keep an open mind.
And I am neither a new commenter nor a “FDLer” (gasp! faint!)
But I may be coming by here a lot less.
“Then my work here is done.”
WBL – 2011 JUN 23
Two or three more lengthy “I’m above it all” posts and you’ll have me convinced.
In summation:
second 1/2 commenters: zOMG COLE YOU ARE TEH SUCK
first 1/2 commenters: zOMG NO ABL TOTALLY SUCKS GTFO
…and on we go.
Egilsson: “I don’t know what she’s looking for, but “I see your IP addresses” is a garbage move.”
And just a little further downthread: “It ought to be CBL, for Crazy Black Lady. It must be time for you to take your meds.”
Talk about garbage moves. Oh hey, you have an ass for a hat!
Jesus H. Christ on a stick, ABL, please. Go sue a slumlord. Go write some pro-worker legislation and get George Soros to force compliant Democratic governors to implement it without a single word change.
Do something! America invested in your education and you are sitting on your ass spending your afternoons taunting a largely well meaning audience that you generally agree with politically, and doing.nothing.of.value.
If you need to get your fight-or-flight thing going, join a boxing gym or go troll The Corner. You are an embarrassment.
you people amuse, bemuse, demuse and omnimuse me. your concerns and criticism are duly noted and will be treated with the regard they deserve.
General Stuck
Now they are rolling out the grammar nazi cannon in a sign of bemused desperation the lines of attack will not hold.
The blogs of war are let loose, and are not demused, but they are laughing.
I think this comment fulfills my daily ration of condescension to the watb’s under the Balloon Juice bridge. But I may add to it before the day is done. Carry on soldiers. stay hydrated, and pace yourself. Someday this war will end.
Honeychild, there will always be people that are wrong on the internet. You’re a little too young to be yelling at intertube clouds at this stage of your life.
different church-lady
y’all are cracking me up here and I’m in my office where I can’t ROTF.
This place is turning into a 24-7 Monty Python skit.
“Yeah. I can see your IP addresses.”
I’m sooooo scared! :b
I am partial to “eemused” myself. Also too.
Mr. Poppinfresh
I didn’t realize that thinking someone writes blog entries like they just got their first AOL trial CD makes me a FDL flying monkey.
Honestly, I’m sorry I even read these two threads. I normally just skip her stuff but I couldn’t resist a little dramabomb rubbernecking.
Note to self: don’t get out of the boat. The mangoes aren’t that delicious.
Underoos, panties, boxers and thongs just bunching up in many a crack-hole in this thread!.
ABL, gurl! What did you do to these people??
Just Some Fuckhead
I apologize for contributing to your bemusement, ABL. I’ve been pretty clear I only really have an issue with your arbitrary use of banning and the like but I understand it’s hard to do nuance when yer under attack from a dozen different directions. And you certainly can’t be held responsible for the hideous folks that choose to brandish you like a weapon here.
Think about what you’re saying, genius.
Christ I’ll be glad when the frelling trolls go the hell home.
Sweet! I rib JSF about his weird grammatical construct and gain the condescension of The General and Eemom. I suggest that the readership of this blog is largely well meaning and the Church Lady objects, because, well, everyone must be here, arguing about policy and politics because they, uh, uh, hate America! Yeah, that’s it!
Meanwhile, ABL’s continues to mindlessly taunt her comment thread because, well, she posted one flaming racist post and one poorly thought out smear artist post, and got called on both, and would rather attack than reconsider, the mark of a truly thoughtful person.
And all of the BJ Obot Police have now spoken out in support of her embarrassing behavior, either because they agree that Mexicans are not humans, or because Jane Hamsher is a much worse person than Paul Ryan.
The circle is complete.
dollared, ABP is on her “bus tour” aross the intertubes.
Ignore her and she’ll quit.
different church-lady
@ dollared #128: Maybe you should ask yourself why you’re inviting all this duck hunting into your life right now…
Tonal Crow
And in other non-news, the virulent racism behind this goes unchallenged.
See, what you said is actually funny. CBL isn’t even funny.
General Stuck
Po Babies:(
Blogging is hard, then you die.
Let Obama hold you to make it all better
Hint: If you’re chiding someone for still being involved in this thread, consider that you are also still involved in this thread.
We’re all rubbernecking here. Don’t bother pretending to be above it.
Just Some Fuckhead
Logically, was there any reason to include me there?
My god. What percentage of your posts are just whining?
Do any other of the bloggers on this site throw up “poor little me” jeremiads on a regular basis? Do they ever do that?
Uncle Clarence Thomas
I don’t care whether ABL stays or goes, because I take The Stupid as it manifests itself on balloon-juice.com on an equal-opportunity basis. Any other basis would be injudicious.
Tonal Crow
@Dongo: I dunno. I do remember Levenson making a mistake central to his argument, us pointing it out, and him retracting the entire argument. Classy blogging that.
ABL, the Sarah Palin of Balloon Juice.
JSF – I had the strunk and white comment and the General went after it. You remain innocent of all blame here.
(Except once or twice I have caught you being, well, “well-meaning,” and apparently that is bad.)
General Stuck
When you clowns write something like this, it validates about everything ABL writes here on the mentality of asshats like you. But being clowns, it goes right over yer frizzy Orange heads.
You write like a fag and your shit is all tarded.
Never pass up the opportunity to earn a buck. You can send the $20 to my IP address.
Timothy Trollenschlongen (formerly Tim, Interrupted)
@tsulagi # 142
Timothy Trollenschlongen (formerly Tim, Interrupted)
@tsulagi # 142
“You write like a fag…”
Hey, Douchelips. Why don’t you tell me the specifics about how all of us fags write? You know, the style, grammar, etc. I want to be sure to be up to speed on that.
Just Some Fuckhead
Don’t be naive. General Stupidity was going after the bemused/amused thing.
it’s amazing, innit? this is the most hilarious pile-on i’ve ever seen! i hope it goes on forever. i return here periodically for a hearty guffaw.
Sarah Palin of Balloon Juice.
Got so excited you prematurely posted before you were ready, huh? Lighten up, the line I wrote is based on a well-known one in the comedy documentary, Idiocracy.
it reminds me of the argument clinic.
“ABL is a shitty blogger and a whiner.”
“No she isn’t.”
“Yes she is.”
“Is not.”
“Is too.”
I am flattered by all of the attention. I wish you were all here in my office so you could pull my ponytail and perhaps throw a mud pie at me!
that’d be fun.
and it is soon to enter its sixth hour.
shit that can’t be made up, unfolding before our very eyes.
General Stuck
Gawd, you’re a clever one.
Re: “gain the condescension of The General”
You expect any different?
This blog’s tone is no different than the reflexive-hate-and-sloganeering you see over at the Fox Nation, except the language here is much more insulting and vulgar. Frankly, I’m surprised John has let things get this way, but maybe outrageousness is the goal, although self-marginalization means having less of an impact in the world.
General Stuck
LOL, then mr blog civility critic, why don’t you go to Fox Nation or somewhere else where yer panties stay straight. This blog has always been no holds barred. The big diff now is an influx of precious flowers that start whining the minute someone says boo at them. Kind of like what you are doing. It is impossible for me to not be condescending to people like that, and furthermore, I don’t want to.
Just Some Fuckhead
Have you thought about emailing him with suggestions for improving the site? That is why his email address is at the top of the page. :)
like i said, i hope it goes on forever.
i’m going to get some sort of trinket made. maybe a platinum heart shaped balloon with the phrase “sarah palin of balloon juice” emblazoned on it.
i’m just spit-balling. i’m sure i can come up with something more suitable.
That’s kinda like saying it’s a well-known line from “Farmer Giles of Ham”.
But I bet there are 37 people, somewhere, who could/would tell me that they saw Idiocracy, so therefore it’s one of the most famousest documentaries ever made, and I should STFU.
So: lighten up, Francis.
only in their own minds, my friend.
There are no fewer than 3 references to Idiocracy in the categories of this blog. I’d guess that most folks here have seen it.
In fact, my name-sake has a category “She has the electrolytes we need.”
WBL is only like Palin in the playing-the-whiny-victim role. If WBL were REALLY like Palin, she would have quit halfway through her term here. So youse guys [sic] is bein’ unfair.
Yah right. I’d guess that most folks here believe that Battlestar Galactica is new, too, and that The Lion King is a completely original story.
In other words, using a modified “some people say” argument means about zip. And the “some people” who are “sayin'” may not be as in touch with “literary (so to speak) references as you wish them to be.
General Stuck
looks more to me that ABL is playing the: kicking-your- whiny ass -mode. And you clueless fools are lined up to get your turn. Some of you for seconds and thirds. I just love it, and is more entertainment than I’ve gotten in a while around here.
Angry Black Cow
Clown Lady
Whiny Black Lady (though I appreciate the effort here, I don’t at all see where I play the victim, but never mind! I shall simply take your word for it.)
Sarah Palin of Balloon Juice
What else?
Rack ’em, rack ’em up!
This really is so conmusing for me. :)
my posts never show up, so I don't visit often
glad to see you back. I don’t come here much because the spam filter gets me, and each post that I get on the board has an email to Cole to match. Too much work. I gave up.
I saw your post because someone sent me the link, then I saw the kerfuffle.
Glad you weren’t permabanned. You have an important voice. Thanks for using it. And thanks to John Cole for giving you a platform, even though I don’t spend time here because of my ‘problem.’
The thing that really tickles me inside is that I know most of you are just DYING to call me Nigger, Cunt, or Bitch (because some of you actually do, and Cole, bless his heart, sweeps those comments to the Trash so I don’t have to see them and I know some of you are thinking it. I can feel the sentiment through the monitor.)
So I’m trying to see who is going to be the first to go there using an asterisk sandwich, perhaps.
Who will it be? Who will it be?
The resemblance runs deeper than that. She’s also got Palin’s seething resentment, which she then, like Palin, projects upon her critics. (They’re all just haters, dontchaknow?)
Then there’s Palin’s obsession with her critics, combined with her utterly unconvincing I-don’t-let-them-bother-me act. Palin strikes her breezy, unconcerned pose, but you can see the rage boiling behind her eyes, and she works furiously in the background to kneecap her critics. ABL claims to be enjoying her little meltdown, but the tell is that she just can’t stop engaging her critics, growing ever more shrill each time she wades into the thread to tell us all how much she doesn’t care.
Further, her most ardent defenders bear a strong likeness to Palin’s. Look at comment #99, for instance, and tell me it couldn’t have been lifted, with only the name changed, from a Palin thread.
She’s of course a lot smarter than Palin, and isn’t, you know, evil like Palin. But the whiny-victim thing is only the beginning of the resemblance.
shrill? hardly, my friend. i’m just killing time until my parents arrive, and trying to move this taunt-fest to its logical conclusion so we can all move on. hence my comment at 163.
ETA: i engage, you engage, i reengage, you reengage. it will keep on until one of us stops. who will be first? tick tock. surely you don’t expect me not to respond to the cavalcade of taunting and insults in this monster thread? that’s not how i roll, son.
Or, take #163 for instance. That’s classic Palin. Palin never engages her critics head-on. Instead she just accuses them of being unpatriotic, or hatin’ on Christians, or whatever.
Similarly, when confronted with a bunch of critics who variously suggest that ABL has poor judgment, or is too sensitive, or is prone to posting thoughtlessly and then doubling down rather than admitting error, she just blithely accuses them of savage racism and sexism.
Lady, those horrible words only appear once in this thread, and it’s you that brung ’em, not your critics, no matter how much you might wish it weren’t so.
ABL,you just keep on keep on keeping on! Say what you have to say,carte-blanche. Pay them no mind. Write your blog from the heart…and then stand back and let them fight! Don’t take them personally.My guess is most of them are males who love aggressive affiliation or folks who don’t like the truth usjed in their faces,and will continue to defend, analyse,evaluate and deny what should be a given!
Go, girl!!!!!! Always love your perspective, your rantings and your ravings. The truth is the truth. Continue to speak your truth. Most of these warped idiot savants enjoy responding nastily! Awaiting for your next post!
@laertes- reading is fundamental. reread my comment at 163 and then try again.
That’s actually pretty good advice. Seconded.
thanks, lady! i’m not taking it personally. i’m just over here, seething with resentment, or something. as my comments on this and last night’s thread so clearly indicate.
karen marie
ABL, I recommend you read this. It may help you gain some perspective.
oh, so sorry. your vote doesn’t count.
Tonal Crow
Pie, yeah pie! That sovereign balm,
It smooths the roiled waters,
And makes troubled blogs to calm.
Whether peach, or plum, or cream of lime,
It works! It works! Time after time after time.
So take some home, yeah! Do not spurn,
And focus on your goals:
To speak, to hear, perchance to learn,
With freedom from the trolls.
thanks for that link, karen. i entirely disagreed with ebert’s tweet (at least the timing of it and the fact he seemed to be placing some of the blame on ryan’s friends who were grieving at the time (full disclosure – my ex used to hang out with the jackass crew on occasion), but i will never understand what possesses folks to go on the attack like that. twitter is full of that kind of weird behavior.
Just Some Fuckhead
Are you drunk?
Honestly, it’s like a petulant 9-year-old is writing these things.
No. Not at all. I didn’t even know what ABL stood for when I first posted on the content of the ill-founded screed against Hamsher.
BTW, there were other posts which have been deleted now.
The thing that really tickles me inside is that I know most of you are just DYING to call me Nigger, Cunt, or Bitch (because some of you actually do, and Cole, bless his heart, sweeps those comments to the Trash so I don’t have to see them and I know some of you are thinking it. I can feel the sentiment through the monitor.) So I’m trying to see who is going to be the first to go there using an asterisk sandwich, perhaps. Who will it be? Who will it be?
Persecution complex. Get over yourself. Most people here just think you’re dumb and irresponsible. Make it about race if it makes you feel better but this is all because you’re a lazy writer.
Jimperson Zibb (formerly Duncan Dönitz, Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy, Mumphrey, et al.)
This is pretty funny. It does kind of amaze me that people aew willing to chime in as often as they do about how much they hate ABL and never read her posts, much less chime in on any of them. I’m both amused (I think it’s funny) and bemused (I don’t altogether understand it).
It’s kind of fun to watch, truth be told, like watching somebody prod at an anthill with a stick. I’m happy that there hasn’t been a whole lot of “get over your racism” crap so far, at least as far as I’ve picked up on it. When this well runs dry, ABL, start a new thread tomorrow and let’s see how long that one will run…
General Stuck
What was that? The charge that Hamsher is a racist that does racist things and allows the blog she owns to churn out racist speech, in whatever section of the blog, is hardly ill founded. Nor new, nor unreported on.
And duh! Turns out NPA is part and parcel to jane and the FDL borg. You think starting a new org and the advertizing campaign and her and her blogs hatred for Obama, and wish to see him primaried, falls under the Jane not responsible for it banner.
The only real point of contention then, is did NPA/FDL target black neighborhoods with their anti Obama propaganda. I’ve heard folks from DC or that know it well come down on both sides of the argument. But everybody agrees on a Jane thread herself on HER blog, blackfaced Joe Lieberman.
And a number of you, including the blog owner go completely fucking bananas editing/ attacking ABL for stating already stated stuff on racism and FDL and the boss of that blog that edits/polices it with a fine tooth comb. And you folks want to tell us Jane is not responsible for what goes on on her blog, and new org, the NPA and it’s bus signs. Bullshit, just bullshit.
What planet are you idiots from. I know where Cole comes from, and that is trying to stay out of the firing zone of internet progressives when one of their royalty is attacked.
And don’t give me that bullshit about not caring about Hamsher, and not reading her, and that you are speaking from some high minded sense of blogging codes of honor, which makes me laugh.
yes, I feel persecuted. /eyeroll
you must have missed cole’s post about having to clear racist invective so I don’t see it. I made the mistake of looking once when he alerted me to it.
of course I’m a whiny liar who sucks. I am not to be trusted.
but do go on.
and yes, “dongo” I fight petulance with petulance. I prefer the term snark, but I’ll accept petulant. What do you expect? Me to address your “concerns” about my whining victimy Paliny behavior in Latin? Am I not permitted to have fun in this pile-on, too?
I suspect you want to go on taunting me for 8 more hours and have me sit back and take it, but as I stated, that’s not how I roll (son). I have to ask myself, WWSPD?
::winky face::
This is the kind of _______ blogging I’ve come to _______ from Balloon Juice.
Jimperson gets it.
In other news, I just found a Boston Market in LA. Apparently there are only 3 in the city.
Dissing new commenters.
You should be very proud, John.
Oh god. So not worth it.
Odie Hugh Manatee
I luvs me that ABL! :)
Your writing style is just fine with me so keep pounding away at that keyboard and pissing off the piss-ants. I’m thinking of offering fainting couches and strings of pearls at the front door here so I can make a few bucks on the side.
BTW, thank you Mr. Cole. ABL is a treasure and brings a view of the world that this place really needed.
wasabi gasp
You’re the single white female of angry black ladies.
Whelp, I have a happy hour to attend and then my parents will be arriving.
Enjoy your playpen. Let’s do this again real soon, mmkay?
I was totally dead-on in my first description of her on the other thread. So accurate that I congratulate myself.
Well, you actually started this particular tauntfest in the way you wrote this post, but in any case, I’d push back against continual detractors, too, just as you’re doing. It’s pretty hard not to.
As long as you’re spending so much time and energy doing that, though, could you spare a moment to address the concern that numerous polite and non-detracting people raised in the Hamsher thread? That is, you said that the bus ads were running only in black neighborhoods, and the areas you listed are almost without exception integrated, sometimes significantly so.
I don’t get why you won’t respond to all the people who engaged you on that; IIRC, pretty much every one of those comments was from a person of good will who didn’t seem to have any particular axe to grind with you. Many went out of their way to note that they have no respect for Hamsher and to separate the neighborhood demographic issue from the issue of ownership of the bus ads, so it’s hard to immediately conclude they’re reflexively pro-Hamsher or anti-ABL.
Maybe there’s been so much emphasis on the polarized camps of “ABL was sent from heaven!”/”ABL’s history’s greatest monster!” that you feel that to walk back an error, any error, is giving ammunition to the people who treat you unfairly. I might feel the same way in your shoes. But I’d submit that those people aren’t going to give you any quarter whatever you do, and you might spend a little more time on people who do have respect for your work but don’t understand why you just flat-out decline to correct, or even discuss, a mistake. If I’m wrong and you have addressed this in a comment I missed, please let me know.
ABL, bringing comments wars to the front page every damn week.
There is already a perfectly fine way to respond to people that piss you off in the comments section, the comments section.
People that are wading through the comments and read the negative ones will see yours too. You don’t have to go to the front page unless you think your drama is so important everyone needs to know about it.
Uggh. I posted yesterday and rarely do. I have a job that requires long hours and I don’t engage in blogwars usually. Balloon Juice is a relaxing place for me to read because I can laugh and get away from hysterical policy wars. However, I felt compelled to post because I thought your post was frivolous and needed a good rebuke – shoddy work deserves a response. Defend the merits of your post rather than engaging in childish bigfooting (I know your IP address?). Seriously, I come here for the humor, not the histrionics of self indulgence.
I am indifferent to ABL (and all the front pagers). I like almost all her content but not her style. Just my opinion. So I deal, I read on. Of course the sad, petty part of me loves the flame wars she generates (and seems to revel in) in the comments. Keeps me amused during the day at work.
But what creeps me out is the increasingly sycophantic nature of her most ardent supporters “Do not talk bad about the Queen or ye be banished you FDL/Fox Nation cretin!”. Who the fuck are you people? Grow up. ABL can take care of herself. She asks for and receives controversy, and she claims she can handle it so ease up on denouncement of all contrary opinion. It smacks of “Shut up, thats why!”. The kind of shit this place makes fun of. Anyone who steps over the lines will be dealt with by Cole and he’s done a good job to date. He’s the arbiter here, not you.
Or do I not post here enough for my opinion to count?
General Stuck
I look at every thread here as all that enter it, it is the same as a first time commenter, and length of time commenting has no extra benefit when discussing the issue at hand and whatever evidence or argument is posited.
The only time it matters how long a reader has been reading and or commenting is when they don’t completely understand the basic milieu of the blog, and comment on something they haven’t yet learned. I like your comments, even though we have disagreed a couple of times. Or at least once.
@ 193
Now go sew your lips back to Jane’s ass, you “ubsurd” ignorant cult-dweller.
Parah Salin
I’d like to see you actually address the validity of the points you made in the first diary: Jane Hamsher’s “Afro-American” Reeducation Program Rolls Through Washington, D.C. (and Other Ratfucking Tales), which John Cole took down for a while before putting back up, not the red-herrings you hid behind later to explain how Hamsher is awful because FDL moderates comments, and that John Cole doesn’t.
You avoided my queries in your reply by deflecting and throwing up a new red-herring in the last thread, and even told me to “give it a rest “in my first and only comment.
“Well what if I were to tell you that she has been instrumental in rolling out a Primary Obama bus billboard that will be covering—wait for it—only black neighborhoods in Washington, D.C.
[Ad requesting Primary for Obama]
I grew up and have lived in DC for years. I have one question for Jane Hamsher:
Why no coverage in Dupont Circle? Georgetown? Cleveland Park? Bethesda, Chevy Chase, Silver Spring? You know—where the white folks are?
Could this be the reason?
“”Much better would be to go on the offensive, IMO. I.e., exploit this dustup [sic] (with West’s blessings, of course), to take things to a higher level. Specifically, West, with the NPA’s backing, could undertake an education program, with the initial target the US black community, of teaching them about, say, Obama’s Top 10 betrayals, and Obama’s Top 5 betrayals of Afro-Americans.
Nah, couldn’t be.
Jane would never do that.
1) For your Google-fu since I’m not going to link to FDL, use these search strings to find the relevant posts: (1) “Jane Hamsher is No “Ratfucker” (And She Shouldn’t Be Required to Show Progressive Credentials Either) – with Updates” and (2) “Primary Obama Bus Ads go live in Washington D.C.“
I can understand why you wont include links to FDL because it would prove that you are engaged in a smear job.
Also you accuse her of selectively editing her TV appearances, and surprise! Surprise! you link back to your own blog.
I will say that they are edited for brevity, they don’t include the whole piece or show all the time, but they don’t remove content or change the meaning or take things out of context to give another meaning.
Besides rehashing a laundry list of very weak accusations by Dana Houle and Matt Osborne, You include this:
“Needless to say, Osborne clearly woke the beast. At Netroots Nation this past weekend, Osborne was offered a paid writing gig in “the movement,” (his words) but was informed that he “would need to “dial back” his criticism of Hamsher.
Seriously. Ask him.”
Again, you don’t have a reference, but he shows up in the comments and leaves one. Osborne Ink » Blog Archive » Morning Awful: Angry Black Lady
Well, Osborne has removed that diary. Might want to ask him why. If it’s not the truth and you’re his friend why hasn’t he told you to remove it.
It’s absurd that you expect your readers to do the research to find out if any of this information is correct or not. Most people wont, so it comes down to personalities, do they want to place their trust in you, to believe you or not…
Calling Jane a ratfucker doesn’t really count as evidence and it’s the kind of thing that would be moderated at FDL, name calling, personal attacks void of truth, or encouraging violence.
Make the connection to her being involved with this ad, with NPA, and that she, or the same diarist, or Cornell West wants to re-educate black people in DC.
Go ahead. Prove it. This origninally wasn’t about the differences between the moderation policies between blogs. It’s about unfounded, unsourced claims and whether they are true, or they amount to defamation.
General Stuck
Make that twice, including this comment
Parah Salin
I’d like to see you address these original points and provide links.
Parah Salin
I can understand why you wont include links to FDL because it would prove that you are engaged in a smear job.
Also you accuse her of selectively editing her TV appearances, and surprise! Surprise! you link back to your own blog.
I will say that they are edited for brevity, they don’t include the whole piece or show all the time, but they don’t remove content or change the meaning or take things out of context to give another meaning.
Besides rehashing a laundry list of very weak accusations by Dana Houle and Matt Osborne, You include this:
Again, you don’t have a reference, but he shows up in the comments and leaves one. Osborne Ink » Blog Archive » Morning Awful: Angry Black Lady
Well, Osborne has removed that diary. Might want to ask him why. If it’s not the truth and you’re his friend why hasn’t he told you to remove it.
It’s absurd that you expect your readers to do the research to find out if any of this information is correct or not. Most people wont, so it comes down to personalities, do they want to place their trust in you, to believe you or not…
Calling Jane a ratfucker doesn’t really count as evidence and it’s the kind of thing that would be moderated at FDL, name calling, personal attacks void of truth, or encouraging violence.
Make the connection to her being involved with this ad, with NPA, and that she, or the same diarist, or Cornell West wants to re-educate black people in DC.
Go ahead. Prove it. This originally wasn’t about the differences between the moderation policies between blogs. It’s about unfounded, unsourced claims and whether they are true, or they amount to defamation.
make that @ 197 and @198.
Nothing like the same thrice regurgitated, ill-spelled drivel bopping about from comment to comment.
What’d ya do….get RBG to help you?
Parah Salin
Sorry about the multiple posts, the blockquotes don’t nest. @eemom, is that the best you’ve got? Is there no lower age limit on this blog?
@ 200
no age limit that I know of.
There is, however, a 4th grade spelling test.
primary billboard post from april: http://my.firedoglake.com/figaro/2011/04/12/primary-obama-bus-ad-campaign-goes-live-in-d-c/
primary billboard post from may: http://my.firedoglake.com/figaro/2011/05/12/success-obama-is-a-republican-bus-ad-in-d-c-funds/
primary billboard post from this week: http://my.firedoglake.com/figaro/2011/06/15/primary-obama-bus-ads-go-live-in-washington-d-c/
time to educate afro-americans: http://my.firedoglake.com/metamars/2011/05/18/a-seriously-trouble-making-proposal-dear-cornel-west-and-new-progressive-alliance/
(the disclaimer was added after my original post caused a stir.)
as for matt osborne, those statements came directly from his twitter stream.
i don’t “expect my readers to do research.” (although, i can’t imagine why it’s so difficult for you to cut text and paste it into your browser, but that is neither here nor there.) i provide the exact titles of the posts which i have linked in this comment because i do not want to drive traffic from my blog to FDL. when i post here, i grab the html from my blog and paste it here.
you could have followed my instructions and used google, but you insist on trying to paint me as a smear merchant.
it won’t work.
as for jane’s selective editing, if you think she edited that clip for brevity, i have a bridge to sell you. she cut off the end of that clip to make it appear as if klein was agreeing with her. he wasn’t. it only becomes clear that he wasn’t when you watch the full clip.
as for why i firmly believe that the posts by other diarists and bloggers can reasonably be viewed as expressing her views, i address that issue here in a comment last night, and here in a blog post back in january.
any more questions, parah?
Parah Salin
A disclaimer added afterward but on the same day May 20th, should have gave you the idea that the poster “metamars”, and his project was unendorsed, The language about educating blacks is obnoxious, but the second comment followed by others confronts metamars.
And metamars makes a reference to BJ, so it appears you’ve already wrote
about this.
Would you have preferred that this diary by censored or not?
I have to tell you that the comment policy is not as strict as you have represented. Personal attacks aren’t allowed, nor juvenile name calling, but confronting someone based on what they say is not censored ever.
As for why you think any posts should and could be attributed to her by any posters is incorrect. immateriai explained in the about us page with a disclaimer.
Google and your instructions would not have provided links to metamars diary, and accusations as serious require that you document and link it correctly.
You’ve attributed these views directly to Hamsher, and she never even commented in any of these diaries, which is usual. She pretty much stays out away from the personal diary area, Her occasionally posts show up on the Front page and then can be found under FDLAction.
Where in those links do you find that Jane Hamsher is connected to the people running ads, other providing the blog MyFDL where common posters write diaries?
Thanks to Jane for providing a place to blog is not enough for you to engage in trying to defame someones reputation. Markos isn’t responsible for everything that shows up on DailyKos either.
The reasons that you come up with to connect this to her are specious.
See this page for a disclaimer: http://my.firedoglake.com/aboutus/
There are simply far too many diaries posted per day to seriously consider that she approves or endorses everything or anything written on that site. It’s impossible for one person to even read all of the content generated daily from the posters and the front pagers.
You’ve made her involvement up out of whole cloth, and divined a racist intent in your own mind and attributed that to her as well. No excuse fo rmetamars. Perhaps you should consider that projections like this might ba a personal issue with yourself. See #163
What clip?
If you want to make aspersions about video clips meaning being changed please provide links to the videos so that we can judge for ourselves.
Parah Salin
Here’s Metamars latest:
Dear Jane Hamsher + FDL: Knowledge is NOT power; Organization is. (part 0.5)
The author of the diary wherein he says blacks need some re-education to help them break free from purely tribal suppor of BHO – these views you attributed to Jane Hamsher, and you also said she was behind NPA who is partnered with those that bought bus ads.
Well lo and behold:
blockquotes fail.
Right out of the horses mouth. What will you do now ABL? issue a correction? A mea culpa or even dare I say, an apology?
Jesus ABL. You are a magnet for assholes, fucktards, and trolltwats.
But I fucking love you girl. Don’t you ever change or go anywhere or I will hunt you down, woman.
the link is in my post. do your own work.
and you can provide whomever you wish links to my posts dating back nearly a year, and links to metamars’ belated and extremely self-serving post and let people make up their own minds. i don’t know who you are. i don’t know your relationship to these folks. maybe some “identity hardening” is in order.
metamars’ post is from today. i will continue to uncover what i can and will report what i find.
i’m done with this conversation.
@Lisa- Don’t worry. My parents are here and I have reupped my mana. I’m ready to rock. :)