A woman with over 20 years of elected experience is being portrayed by the right as unprepared or unqualified.
A woman with a book (mostly about policy), a mountain of legal and legislative writings, and decades of policy positions that became law—yet they're hinting she’s… https://t.co/s1qf8IT1en
— Democrat, Environmentalist, & the establishment (@BlueSteelDC) August 28, 2024
A woman with over 20 years of elected experience is being portrayed by the right as unprepared or unqualified.
A woman with a book (mostly about policy), a mountain of legal and legislative writings, and decades of policy positions that became law—yet they’re hinting she’s “light on policy” while her opponent, who’s never faced a follow-up question, gets a free pass.
This is all code speak. ” You don’t fit our model of leadership. You don’t belong.
It’s actually worth watching the whole six-minute video, though, if you want (it seems to me like) a good explanation of how pollsters are doing their mysterious jobs. (If you disagree, by all means let me know!)
Friday Evening Open Thread: A Genuine Shock To Some Pundits’ SystemsPost + Comments (219)