Here’s Breitbart bellowing like a ruptured cow at the OWS protesters at CPAC:
Jesus God, what a braying ninny. Does he think screeching inanities until his neck veins pulse alarmingly and being led away by security personnel is some sort of rhetorical triumph? What an asshole.
[H/T: YAFB at Rumproast]
HAHAHAHAHA, that was great. What a jerk.
“BEHAVE YOURSELVES!” is just classic. I guess expected more from him after that speech but overall, pretty lame stuff.
Benjamin Franklin
Freaky Geeky channels Tweedledum/Tweedledee.
Bruce S
Brietbart strikes me as someone who isn’t just a right-wing grifter looking to sell books or profit off of a website, but a maladjusted personality seriously in need of professional help. Seems to be driven by some personal demons.
Faux News
What a pathetic douchebag Breibart is. Well at least he can find true love on the M4M CPAC Craiglist ads that are amusing us who live in the metro DC area
Rawk Chawk
RUPTURED COW is an excellent descriptive insult, and I am sure to steal it and present it as my own at some point in the near future.
What’s with the “stop raping people” thing? I’ve heard other wingers claim that OWS is full of rapes — anyone know where that meme comes from?
To be fair, it would be nice if OWSers tapered off a little on raping.
what a frigging idiotic robot yelling out the same words again and again.
Breitbart caught a sense of rhythm from that drum circle, he had a good cadence going there, in a crazy-old-man kind of way. He has a bright future in performance art!
In a word, yes. It’s a common tactic among rightie provocateurs: Badger, get ‘faced, change rules, claim win. Remember when Jonah got schooled by Juan Cole and celebrated his humiliation by claiming a win and taking a victory lap? Good times!
The man is mentally ill. There is no reason, beyond a brain chemical imbalance for him to act like a fucking lunatic.
also, anyone else sense a hint of projection there in his little rantings?
Rawk Chawk
I love that “behAAAAAAAAAAAve yourselves” repeated over and over like a crazy person.
I think in addition to the ruptured cow element, there is also a touch of braying donkey in there.
Right tards will hail him as a Jeremiah-like figure for this display. hahaha
BTW: “quit RAPING the people?” Did I hear that correctly? What an ass. A braying ass.
BruceS, I agree. He strikes me as being on the verge of a major public meltdown. I just hope it gets captured on video.
That’s wrong of me, I know.
gogol's wife
Maybe he thought he was at the Bishops’ conference.
General Stuck
The vaunted conservative movement began with thesaurus driven pseudo intellectual mumbo jumbo by the Bill Buckley’s of the world, and ends with screaming idiots with 4 letter wordsmithing. The New conservative movement looks to be a blend of racist rappers in powdered wigs, and a branetrust of white supremacist stooges writing books and columns of the coming death of baby jeebus at the hands of godless liberal pagans, fornicating and aborting all that is holy.
I’m having my breakfast now.
Bruce S
Stumbling on this before my morning cup of coffee, I have only 4 words for Mr. Brietbart – “Get off my yawn!”
The Thin Black Duke
Breitbart looks like he’s one heartbeat away from erupting into one of those exploding heads in Scanners.
Maybe Obama’s re-election will do it.
Rawk Chawk
I’m guessing an immoderate use of alcohol was a factor in Breitfart’s ranting, also too.
ironic that the HE’S the one that needs a police escort out of there…what a freak!
Yes. He may even think he’s heroically standing up against the forces of evil and braving great danger to singlehandedly slap them down.
Samara Morgan
my favorite Breitbart audio of all time.
Brietbart ot NAACP Chief: You Can Go To Hell
now breitbutt has tape of Obama in college!
the horror…..
i had the misfortune to sit at a table next to breitbart and a bunch of much younger acolytes at an upscale chicago steakhouse (keefer’s, if anyone cares) last spring right after his appearance at the madison demonstrations. he started out the evening very loud and possibly inebriated, and got more so as the evening progressed.
jesus h. christ on a pogostick, what an self-centered, obnoxious blowhard!
I take issue with the surtitle, though: if “it” refers to Breitbart’s sanity or self-control, you can’t lose what you never had.
Bruce S
RE: “conservative movement began with thesaurus driven pseudo intellectual mumbo jumbo by the Bill Buckley’s of the world”
In fairness, Brietbart IS, per Buckley, “standing athwart history, yelling…”
@Svensker: As far as I know, it’s typical rightwing OP- distract with some falsehood, preferably one revolving around sexual contact. During the Flint Sit-Down Strike, GM spread rumors that there were prostitutes in the factories with the workers, so the workers’ wives would freak and demand that their husbands leave the strike.
Much of the violence and rapes by OWS protesters escaped news coverage. Here is one report from ABC News:
Villago Delenda Est
Pure projection on the part of the reactionaries.
The technical term for saying the same thing over and over again is ‘perseveration.’ Small children do it a lot– for children, it’s regarded as a normal signpost of neurological immaturity. When adults do it, it’s bad news.
How come a parody of Breitbart hasn’t hit YouTube yet? It’s almost too easy.
Egg Berry
didn’t breitbart yell at some boy scout troop in a parade a few years back?
Villago Delenda Est
And, in illustration of precisely what you’re talking about, see the post directly beneath yours (if FYWP doesn’t screw up the order with a held for moderation post, of course).
Waiting for the altered video with him in his Superman outfit. I’m sure O’Keefe has received the FruitBat Symbol as we type.
@Svensker: There was some allegations of sexual assault on an Occupy encampment back when everything was on the upswing. I don’t know if they panned out but it certainly wouldn’t surprise me.
The right wing latched onto that and tried using it as a club against the whole movement, as if it was something unique to OWS and not a result of the rape culture we all live in.
“EEEK, a hippie!!” “Eeeek, a hippie!”
Is this what passes as tough manliness on the right? I had a 10th grade teacher who flipped out like this once after the class started chanting that he needed to buy deodorant for himself (he really did).
For balance, I’ve been searching for similar stories of violence and rape at Tea Party events, but apparently the entire internet has been scrubbed of all the incidents – probably by right wing corporate hackers.
Oh, poor guy. He wants to be a liberal so bad but nobody will let him.
@kindness: Is a parody needed?
Xecky Gilchrist
Does he think screeching inanities until his neck veins pulse alarmingly and being led away by security personnel is some sort of rhetorical triumph?
Not so much that as a career.
Hahaha. “Stop raping people!” said Mr. Pimps’n’Hoes Breitbart. What a dofus.
Occasional Reader
Can “BehAAAAAAAAve yourselves!” be a new tagline?
Sargent Pepper's Spray
Breitbart is a single stand-up routine short of a Michael Richard’s award.
Bruce S
28 jwest – “Much of the violence and rapes by OWS protesters…”
What the fuck? Did you even read the story you linked to, douchebag? Occupy protestors weren’t accused of the rapes. The story was about occupy protestors being victims of sexual assault by predators who took advantage of the encampments being in a public space and, no doubt, too trusting.
Mother raping and father raping at OWS…
Didn’t Arlo Guthrie do a song about that?
I don’t like him. Yeesh, that was unpleasant.
(repeated from below)
Some video editor should redo the ‘stop raping’ clip showing Breitbart addressing priests and bishops with subtitles on the awful statistics (800 in Milwaukee alone).
@Svensker: it’s a right-wing meme that Breitbart’s Big sites have pushed. (recent example)
What happened is a man was arrested for allegedly raping and sexually assaulting female Occupiers at Zucotti Park.
The right has turned that into stories of “rape-a-thons.”
@jwest: I’ll note, without irony, that you cite ABC News as an example of how the incident in question “escaped news coverage.”
@jwest: alice’s restaurant
and the line was, iirc, “mother stabbers and father rapers.”
jwest is doing the “pay attention to meeee!” dance all over Balloon Juice this morning. I guess his usual domme is busy with another client.
Oh, more tapes, now? I guess these new tapes are up on the shelf with Michelle’s “Whitey” tapes that somehow never got released in 2008. By 2016 we’ll have enough unreleased material for an album.
Meanwhile, “behave yourself” is stuck in my head like a bad song on the radio. Thanks a lot!
@Bruce S: Any time a hippie is raped it is the fault of the hippies for daring to be outside. Perhaps the reason there were no similar incidents at teabagger events is that even the most depraved of sexual predators can’t get it up when dealing with a bunch of obese man-boobed middle-aged men.
Jwest is boring. The only troll here who meets my standards of engagement is RC/Veritas who is on sick leave nursing a bad case of the sad over the collapse of the Romney campaign.
My old man was on strike against 3M back in the 60s. One day while he was on the picket line the phone rang and a young woman suggested she was with my dad, enjoying his company. Thank Pasta mom laughed at the woman and told her she didn’t know what she was talking about.
Found out later that the supervisors sat in windows with binoculars identifying strikers & then having the executives secretaries phone their homes with this foolishness. I was young so I don’t know if they had any success but they failed at my house!
Of course 3M won in the long run. They moved all those jobs to Mexico & the East Side of Saint Paul is now a post-industrial scrap heap with poverty and decay on every corner
Is a parody even possible?
All you can do is point and laugh at him.
@beltane: Veritas is probably on suicide watch right now; over at dKos, they’ve just published the latest PPP poll showing Senator Frothy with a 15 point lead nationally over the Romneytronic 3000. Oh, I’m sure that Romney’s Oceans Of Unlimited Corporate Cash ™ are being aimed at Frothy as we speak, but at least at the moment, Santorum is surging.
Thank you, Mellowjohn.
However, with this crowd, I don’t think that even photographs with circles and arrows and paragraphs on the back explaining what each one was would get them to acknowledge the truth.
I’m always reminded of the fact that Breitbart is one of the founders of Huffington Post. Should say a lot. (I’m glad I stopped reading that site a couple of years ago, to the point that I often forget it exists.)
Judas Escargot
Oh. Is that why Bill Maher and the Lady Huffington are buddies with him?
Benjamin Franklin
Syria is now…..Iraq.
Cat Lady
Unstable nutjob who should be in professional therapy has right wing platform to project from. Film at 11.
Conservatism is a mental disorder.
Guys like him hate being confronted by people he can’t shut up. That Sound Check thing is especially intimidating- it smashes through that reality distortion field they have and reminds them that that 73% of the population that is not crazy is the true existential threat to “real Americans”. This is why the plutocrats hate and fear unions too- collectively we have the power to make them do whatever we want- IF we realize our strength in numbers. The whole ideology they try to brainwash us with through the RWNM is designed to keep the small folk knifing each other in the back for their pleasure.
Chyron HR
Hey, Atticus, did you ever decide what the minimum sentence should be for the black Union member (or as you call him, the “knicker”) who was hopitalized by a Tea Party Patriot?
Commenting at Ballon Juice since 1937
Initially I thought it was better to #IgnoreCPAC rather than #OccupyCPAC. I was wrong. Anything that causes BrightFart that much discomfort is definitely worth it.
Villago Delenda Est
Applies equally well to both Breitbart and to jwest.
Never wrestle with a Breitbart. The Breitbart just loves it and all you get is really muddy and dirty.
@Chyron HR:
Do you mean the black Tea Party member who was brutally beaten by union thugs?
@Judas Escargot: I assumed that was because he was always holding some blow.
Mike G
This is the dick who once publicly gave the finger to a march against children being enslaved as soldiers in Africa.
He seems to be enraged by the idea of people not being silent and obedient to their corporate and wealthy overlords.
A disturbed individual seriously in need of psychiatric help — these are the kind of people who gravitate to, and are heavily promoted by, the wingnut welfare circuit.
I’d have to say this does qualify as a major public meltdown, and it did get captured on video. Do you think Breitbart will look at this video and perceive a triumph, screaming gibberish and being led away by security guards?
Oh, wait….
Real classy. 3M just went on my shit list.
Judas Escargot
I thought Maher went more for the Happy Vegetable… but hey, you never know.
dr. bloor
“Stop raping people?” Why the hell were the Bishops protesting at CPAC?
T, Scheisskopf
He knew the camera was filming. He knows the optics to the true believers: “One small voice against the blood-thirsty soshulist mob”.
I watched it with sound off. There was a guy who was attempting to be the right wing Abbie Hoffman, minus sense of humor, putting on a show.
Mark B
That fucker is mentally ill. He’s like the videogamers who constantly grief people just for the hell of it, but he’s doing it in real life. He’s a jackass, he knows he’s a jackass, and he’s proud of it.
And this guy is a representative of the best the whacko right wingers have to offer? The left may be getting somewhere after all if this is the only kind of pusilanimous ignoramus the Koch Bros can find to bleat their phony Americanism. I think he would benefit from obtaining a library card and spending more time on vocabulary building. I counted about 8 words he was able to muster in his blind rage against the 99%. I guess that’s all he needs to express his moronic policies. This clip was downright hilarious!
@dr. bloor: That’s a good one. I wish I thought of it.
J.W. Hamner
Internalize much?
Michael G
I saw totally normal behavior from a very pleasant, well-adjusted person.
The Other Chuck
Actually from what I’ve seen of it, it’s a lot of droning back one speaker’s words verbatim in unison. It looks like nothing so much as a church service.
patrick II
I read 8,000, not 800.
From AP report on the Milwaukee archdiocese bankruptcy hearing:
See what I mean? What’s the raping thing? The right all seems to “know” about it, never heard it on the left. Well, there was one rape thing (in NY?) but it turned out to be not OWS folks, just someone taking advantage of the cover. Bueller?
“We can break their haughty power, gain our freedom when we learn That the union makes us strong”
At least two diagnosable mental illnesses, sure, but I’d also put large money on this dude being a seriously unrecovering alcoholic.
No worries. Santorum doesn’t have the money to compete long-term. Doesn’t have it. And money isn’t everything in politics, but its 80%.
He got lucky in Colorado. Mitt didn’t really compete in Minnesota it turns out, and we all know Missouri doesn’t count.
You know what counts today?
Maine. The Main Caucuses will show who really has it.
BTW, word on the street is the Romney Super PAC is about to really rip the bark off of Santorum. Santorum is about to be subjected to an epic hammering of biblical proportions from negative ads the likes of which we’ve never seen in American politics.
He’s going to wish he never won those caucuses.
Romney is inevitable, and victory gets closer each day…as it will today with the Maine Caucuses.
Villago Delenda Est
Pretty much the same projection you see about their concerns about a “gay agenda”, as they’re quietly perusing Craigslist for some bareback action.
Did this guy organize the teabagger rallies years before OWS? You know, the ones that walked into townhall meetings (as opposed to keeping their protests outside and non-disruptive), rallied at the front, and screamed right wing slogans over and over and over so that anyone who actually wanted to ask questions or answer them couldn’t do it? Gee, wonder if he was yelling “behave yourselves” at them.
Villago Delenda Est
Nothing like citing a race in which your two main rivals haven’t bothered to be involved in as a bellwether, while previously dismissing last week’s avalanche of Santorum as irrelevant.
Keep whistling past the graveyard, Veritas.
OK, I watched jwest’s video which showed there had been some accusations of and concerns about sexual assault in the early days of OWS. Not surprising considering how free form it was and how unrestrictive. What jwest and the other fascists ignore is what the young OWS woman was saying — they hadn’t thought about it but now that they realized it could happen they would address it. Pure grassroots libertarian organization and the proper response.
Which brings up another point: if OWS was funded and backed by all the big liberal groups and was a planned faux hippie George Soros event, why was there no planning?
If it was not Soros funded and sponsored but grew up as a grassroots truly liberal libertarian bottom-up movement, why do the right wingers hate freedom?
@gogol’s wife:
fer teh WIN.
@Villago Delenda Est: Maine isn’t part of real America anyway. Today’s Republicans want a candidate who believes not only that sex before marriage is wrong, but that even sex during marriage is wrong.
Sorry Andy. You’re not in Fox News studio, no “cut his mike” option for you. Sucks, doesn’t it?
Chyron HR
I guess when your chosen candidate is a self-proclaimed “Progressive” from Massachusetts, you have to cling to those blue state primaries as hard as you can.
@Commenting at Ballon Juice since 1937:
I live on the same street as that hotel. This is the third year in a row CPAC’s happened here. If I were the Occupy and AFL-CIO guys, I don’t know that I would have bothered, but as a resident I’m grateful that someone gathered around and told them “Fuck you.” It’s certainly how most of DC feels about them.
Here are a few items to start with:
Villago Delenda Est
@Chyron HR:
Boy, will Veritas’ face be red if Paul kicks the Romneytron’s ass, which is what some observers think is possible.
Should that happen, Maine will be dismissed as irrelevant, just like Missouri. Or Minnesota. Or Colorado. Or South Carolina.
Would that be the state Willard just bothered to show up in yesterday? That’s winning right there, especially since Ron Paul has been working Maine for weeks. The Romneytron3000 just isn’t very good at this is he?
Bruce S
In apparent tribute to one of it’s creators, this is front-paged at Huffington Post.
@Schlemizel: That’s a both hilarious and infuriating story. What really gets me is that these companies assumed that the marriages of these working-class stiffs they were abusing were so fragile that the wives would immediately distrust their husbands. In fact, in Flint, the wives tied bars of soap in socks and patrolled the factory perimeter, ready to blackjack any GM-owned cop who might try to hurt their men.
I am reminded again and again that the right just thinks we women are idiots, with nothing better to do than worry about our spouses’ fidelity. Talk about projection.
I hope Veritas was not in the audience at the awful rap performance at CPAC the other day. If he was, I am ashamed for him.
Romneytron is going to win this without states, he’s simply that inevitable. Wouldn’t be a caucus without the Veridad(tm) prognostication of Victory!
Judas Escargot
Ron Paul will win Maine.
@Samara Morgan: the original whitey tape!
As parody trolling goes, Veritas has been better lately. He hits the fine line more often than previously. Like anything else, it’s all about practice.
Betty Cracker
@Nutella: Brilliant suggestion.
RE: The CPAC sodomy ads
SURELY they’re authentic, I mean, it’s not like liberals would ever put up false-flag ads as a gag or anything…certainly they’re too mature to engage in that, right? Especially gay activists, who have such mature and above-board leaders like Dan Savage that engages in doorknob licking, voter fraud, and google bombing.
Ok, I admit, I was pretty ashamed to be a conservative when I saw that abortion of a video.
Judas Escargot
Never trust a man who wears dress loafers without socks.
This is all quite simple, really: Rape = bad; pregnancy from rape = God’s gift to women;furthermore, all babies born from rape should pull themselves up by their own umbilical cords,(no welfare for you, kiddo; and, if they haven’t done so they should look into their crib mirrors and ask themselves,” Goo, gee, bbuftt, yaya, eeeeee!”
Got it?
@Judas Escargot:
That godlbug senile isolationist coot isn’t winning anything but internet polls.
@Veritas: love to see your enthusiasm for Republican politicians shredding each other and exposing the unacceptable nature of their policies and actions to the whole world. Obambi thanks you.
Bubblegum Tate
I dunno…it seems like he’s already peaked and nobody pays all that much attention to him anymore. Though it could be that I’m just observing the wrong wingnuts and need to expand my sample size…but I don’t want to do that.
@maya: except for honest rapes — they’re cool.
No violence at Tea Party Protests
Breitbart @Bruce S:
Did Andy Kauffman need help too?
dude, why keep digging? Maybe if you STFU and go away quietly we’ll get a chance to forget what an utter fool you made of yourself last Tuesday night, clinging to the battered hull of the Mittanic until every last precinct reported.
You want a Real*ty Ch*ck? Here’s a Real*ty Ch*ck: your fellow wingnuts hate your hero so much they’ll take a fucking paranoid pervert creep who lost by 17 points the last time he ran for office and stands as much chance of getting into the White House as Lyndon Larouche, over him. Sure, he’s inevitable. I’ll give you that. But his vacuous essence is getting eaten alive by the cannibalism of ignorance and bigotry that is his — and your — party, and it’s not gonna stop anytime soon, because money will pour in for Santorum just like it did for all the other Nots when they had their turn.
Come November, there will be nothing but the hollow, dried out husk of an insect left for Obama to squash under his shoe. And squash it he will.
The lesson you should walk away with from this post and the comments is this:
Svensker, one of your own, was unaware of the rapes and assaults occurring at various OWS protests around the country. What would have happened if Svensker was at a dinner party or engaged in a conversation with his boss and the topic of those rapes came up? Would the well read and knowledgeable people talking about the problem have thought less of Svensker for being so ill-informed?
Wouldn’t it be better for all concerned if John Cole and others here confront the problems in their party instead of masking or ignoring them? Wouldn’t the readers be better served and prepared to intelligently discuss the matters of the day if there was a policy of unvarnished truth instead of partisan spin?
Intelligent and otherwise well informed people like Svensker who probably only has time to frequent one blog needs to be able to rely on his compatriots to openly discuss the dark, unseemly elements of the left instead of hiding the reality and pretending it doesn’t exist.
Judas Escargot
…and Maine.
He seems seriously incapable of experiencing joy, ever. That’s a standard symptom of narcissism, but his disturbance seems to go beyond simple narcissism. I vote untreated alcoholism.
@Bubblegum Tate:
That’s kind of a trend for right wing figureheads lately, isn’t it? Sarah Palin, Glenn Beck, Donald Trump, Herman Cain, Michelle Bachmann. Hell, you don’t even hear that much out of Rush Limbaugh anymore.
Amir Khalid
Every time der Mitt puts his foot in his mouth, lies about his record or contradicts a previous stand, that’s self-inflicted damage. Every time he loses a caucus or primary vote, that’s evidence he’s not able to get people to like him. Consider that the remaining alternatives to Mitt, the men he needs to outdo in popularity, are an elderly kook, Ron Paul; a creepy wowser, Rick santorum; and a petulant trainwreck-in-waiting, Noot. Against this field, Mitt has lost more votes than he has won.
Mitt has the most money behind him, and apparently the best organization, so in the end he probably will prevail against this field; but he should be trouncing them, and he isn’t. A candidate who must struggle to beat that lot in the primaries will have to struggle all the more against Obama in the election proper.
you sound so concerned
Chyron HR
Boy, are you in for a surprise.
Billy Beane
You people do realize he does this on purpose to get attention right? Whether it’s hate from you or love from his wingnuts. That is after all how he earns a living.
Of course I’m concerned – I’m a conservative. And, as you know, conservatives are a caring group.
I would just hate to think that Balloon Juice readers spend half their life excusing themselves from the table and hiding in the restroom because they have no idea of what the other people are talking about. People can take whatever view they want of current events, but at least they should be aware of them.
Commenting at Ballon Juice since 1937
@jwest: You can always go start your own blog if you don’t like how Balloon Juice is run.
@jwest: conservatives are no such thing, fool
if you really belong to that benighted tribe you’d be better off cleaning your own sewer of a house rather than lecturing the people you’re so afraid of.
“Romney is inevitable…”
Reminds me, I have to go drop my morning deuce. Thanks, Veritas!
@Commenting at Ballon Juice since 1937:
You’re right, I shouldn’t have brought up the subject.
I blame my interference in the harmony of this blog on my political leanings and the tendency of the right to actively seek out information and different points of view. I had no right to try to impose the intellectual honesty conservatives demand on your group.
Please accept my apology. Mr. Cole has this blog to bring the information he believes is relevant to you and it certainly isn’t my place to demand more.
@Mike G:
Exactly. This is what he means when he bleats “Behave yourself” like he is scolding children acting up in class.
He’s a turd.
Your descent into self-parody continues apace. When conservatives get back to accepting science and honest dissent, get back to me.
I must admit, there was a time when some conservatives threw science out the window and believed all sorts of crazy things.
Now we’ve all firmly grasped the reality of hard, science-based facts and know that man-made global warming is the largest hoax ever perpetrated on society.
@Samara Morgan: So Breitbart has video of Obama as a “student radical”? There were still student radicals in 1980 – 1983?
Obama did apparently make a speech about disinvestment from South Africa while he was at Occidental – real radical stuff, I’m sure.
Although since now oral contraception is now a controversial subject, I suppose being anti-apartheid is now subject to further examination.
Speaking of Ron Paul, did anyone catch Rachel Maddow’s interview with a Paul Campaign Staffer last night? From what I took away from the interview, Paul is concentrating on picking up state delegates in caucus states. What they are doing is, no matter what the out come in a particular precinct or county, they are infiltrating the delegate selection process so they will have big numbers at the state conventions where the delegates to the national convention will be chosen. States like Iowa, Nevada and Minnesota have already been gamed, and in reality, the Paul campaign will have delegates at those state conventions far in excess of the percentage of vote Paul got in the state. Awesome ratfucking on Paul’s part. This could still be a brokered convention, because none of those National Delegates who are Paultards are going to give an inch.
It takes more time than any one person has to parse the occasional truth behind the insane “facts” that the wingers push out into the atmosphere inside their bubble.
Well, if Tea Party events had a duration longer than two hours you never know what could happen. What false equivalence, and intellectual dishonesty!
OWS was about people voluntarily living round the clock for weeks outdoors in public, unsecured spaces, while the Tea Party was charter-bussed by corporations into event sites where the cable network cameras were poised and waiting.
Tea Partiers rallied for the cameras for a couple of hours and wrapped it up in time for the Early Bird Special at Denny’s to kick in.
There’s simply no comparison.
Judas Escargot
Days ending in the letter ‘y’, for instance.
“Behave yourselfs”?
They want us to play dead. They want any protests to be under their control. They want us to ignore the looting and pillaging by those who already own the means of production. They want us to just stay home, shut up & let them continue destroying the 99%.
West of the Rockies (formerly Frank W.)
Hey, Bruce S., way back at post #4… I agree. He looks like every junior high bully I can recall. He’d probably deny he has any personal demons, but something about the fellow seems broken.
Bubblegum Tate
It certainly seems like it, though I don’t know that I’d lump Rush in with the rest of them, as he’s pretty consistent. But Beck came and went, Palin came and went, Breitbart came and went…it’s like they served their brief purpose and were disposed of. Or, if you prefer, just like every NotRomney has his 15 minutes, so too do these wingnut figureheads.
Bubblegum Tate
And just imagine if they were attended by people still physically capable of sexual activity!
Dude, OWS is in big cities. A whole bunch of people in tents for weeks/months in cities. Crappy stuff happens sometimes when large groups of people come together.
Yes, of course, bad stuff happened. But OWS was not about rape and sexual assault. You and the Fox crew are calling OWS pieces of shit because .1% of people around them acted badly. Seriously?
If you’re going to use that definition to smear, then you must think every single Republican is a fucking racist because of the White Supremacists speaking at CPAC yesterday.
You have to consider the possibility he is fully aware of the white supremacists at CPAC…and is completely unconcerned. It pissed off libruls did it not?
John M. Burt
@Lee: Wow, let’s see how jwest responds to this….
Well other than he is a fucking lunatic.
@mellowjohn: That was the rally where he told us all to go to hell. Repeatedly. Such a charmer. So civil.
@Cat Lady:
Conservatism is a mental disorder.
Agreed. 100%
Loopy Andy yelling “Stop raping people” has me wondering whether Jimmy O’Keefe’s bondage boat is moored nearby?
Not only has he made a trip through the unhingery, there’s no evidence he ever had hinges to begin with.
The Truffle
From now on, I’m calling him Andrew Butthurt. Clearly, the mean Occupy protesters hurt his fee-fees.
The Truffle
@kc: It’s not wrong of you. His public implosion can’t come soon enough–and it’ll be fuuuuuuuun.
How about posting your top ten list? (And who paid for the Creation Museum, again?)
More to the point… as mentioned above, they’re not talking about Occupiers setting up a rape camp – they’re talking about complete strangers walking in and raping Occupiers.
I know the right’s “blame the victim” reflex is so ingrained they couldn’t help themselves even if they wanted to, but c’mon.
I also love the cop in Jwest’s first link saying that the OWS crowd had been “particularly cooperative in all matters.” When was the last time you heard a cop say that about the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops? When was the last time Jwest & Co advised the USCCB to “taper off the raping a little,” or Breitbart went off on a rant telling them to stop raping people?
Your don’t have to chose. You can have both. A narcissist can be fed by alcohol.
Ever see Slackers? There’s a scene with a crazy woman in a cafe, obsessively saying, “YOU. You should STOP. You should stop hurting WOMEN. You should STOP hurting WOMEN with your PEN1S.*”
That’s who Breitbart reminds me of here.
*Altered so the spambots don’t get me.
Mike G
“It started 10,000 years ago when the Earth was created, continued when Jesus rode a brontosaurus into Jerusalem, and will continue until the Rapture when I am trampolined into Republican Heaven while all you heathen suckers burn in a lake of fire.”
>>Does he think screeching inanities until his neck veins pulse alarmingly and being led away by security personnel is some sort of rhetorical triumph?
That’s just how he rolls. But if he doesn’t get treatment, and soon, he’s headed down the same path as his role model, Joe McCarthy – raving insanity, cirrhosis, and ultimately death. Meanwhile, though, he’s the perfect poster boy for rightwing ‘journalism.’
It doesn’t look like anyone has pointed this out yet – but his body language and simple-minded repetitiveness just scream “drunk” to me. Wouldn’t shock me if this particular act of belligerence occurred in part due to liquid courage. It’s that and a flair for theatrics.
Oh hey uh, Andrew Breitbart would really appreciate it if you guys would just settle for the meaningless consumption driven lifestyle that your overlords have designed.