Limbaugh is so disgusting that he’s not worthy of my contempt.
As such, I write this post only to demonstrate how deliberately manipulative (and wantonly dickish) he is, having managed to convince right-wing assclowns like Patricia Heaton (who knew she was such an asshole?) that Fluke wanted birth control to have more sex, when in actuality she was relaying the story of a friend who needed birth control to manage a medical condition.
But whatever. Facts don’t matter because GIRLZ HAB BAJINAS LOL:
[O]n his radio show today, Limbaugh showed no remorse and instead reveled in the attention. Referring to Fluke, Limbaugh demanded that women post sex tapes online if they use insurance-covered birth control:LIMBAUGH: So Miss Fluke, and the rest of you Feminazis, here’s the deal. If we are going to pay for your contraceptives, and thus pay for you to have sex. We want something for it. We want you post the videos online so we can all watch.
Limbaugh also said he found the outrage over his remarks “absolutely hilarious.” He again completely misrepresented Fluke’s testimony, saying, she “went before a Congressional committee and said she’s having so much sex she’s going broke buying contraceptives and wants us to buy them.” In fact, Fluke testimony was about a friend — who is gay — and needed contraception for medical reasons, but was denied coverage by Georgetown, a Catholic university.
He went on to say, “I will buy all of the women at Georgetown University as much Aspirin to put between their knees as they want” — a reference to Rick Santorum-backer Foster Friess’ home-spun idea of birth control.
I’m less irritated by Limbaugh’s comments (which are par for the course for him), and more irritated by the fact that he has planted a disgusting mental image in my brain — of his doughy hand gripping his tiny wang as he — BRAIN BLEACH.
I will say this: It is rather amusing to watch the nutbags alternatively crying about how liberals are celebrating Andrew Breitbart’s death and bemoaning the lack of civility while simultaneously slut-shaming Sandra Fluke. You can’t buy cognitive dissonance like that, y’all.
RELATED POST: The Contraception/Slut Prophecy
[via Think Progress]
[cross-posted at ABLC]
Does Limbaugh have any national sponsors for his radio show?
No worries there. He won’t be watching. His thing is boys. That was for his listeners, who, if you think about it, would also make you need brain bleach.
Patricia Heaton is a piece of crap. Honestly, she has been TERRIBLE for years now. She is a wacked out anti-choice Christianist. I can’t even watch anything she stars in at this point.
Patricia H is a winger and has been that way for years.
What a thoroughly detestable human being.
Billy Beane
lol…once again Limbaugh dangles the bait and ABL 2.01 bites. So predicable. So gullible. So unaware of the right wing puppet she has been turned into.
Let me give you some advice abl. Instead of going for the low hanging fruit to get attention from the left and being turned into a right wing puppet in the process, do stuff that gets them coming after you. Get it?! The objective is to turn THEM into YOUR bitch. Not the other way around. That is just being lazy.
Rick Massimo
And yet the GOP still has problems attracting women voters. I am completely at a loss to explain this.
Warren Terra
It’s not in the slightest surprising that Rush cannot imagine sexual activity as being anything other than a commercial transaction.
Jess Sane
Gosh, Billy, why don’t you mansplain that with a little more condescension?
@Billy Beane: Because you’re just so cool. /eyeroll
Here’s another PBR, son.
I will do you one better and tell you I can not even read stuff her brother writes in the paper because of her.
Democratic Nihilist, Keeper Of Party Purity
Well, that’s gonna help turnout in November.
c u n d gulag
For a boy-schtupping asshole, with a limp dick that needs quicker-pecker-uppers to get his half-a-roll-of-dime-sized dick hard enough to do something, he sure seems to care what the little ladies do with the parts he has no interest in.
I’d be surprise if he’s even seen a vagina – not even on the “beards” he’s married.
I’m surprised Rush hasn’t yet been made an honorary Cardinal or Bishop.
Rush: “Neato, somebody paid attention to me! Me want moar!
I’m trying to attenuate my reaction to Breitbart’s passing. I’ll do no such thing when this tub o’ goo kicks it.
Billy Beane
@Cassidy: Apparently you seem to think so. After all you did take the time to comment. Thanks for the compliment my (new?) little furry groupie.
Short Bus Bully
I talked yesterday about how Rush was probably fapping to this whole thing during his radio show. He perfectly exemplifies the rottenness at the core of these conservatives.
That’ll do pig, that’ll do.
aka – Carry on fuckers.
Marcellus Shale, Public Dick
rush limbaugh is a cold kick in the nuts to aldous huxley. he makes the future dystopia seem more like a tom robbins novel.
pseudonymous in nc
Ignore the millionaire pill-popping sex tourist troll.
Jose Padilla
So, since all healthcare is at least subsidized by the government (employer gets deduction but employee is not taxed on the benefit) if not actually paid for by the government (Medicare, Medicaid, VA, etc.), everybody’s healthcare should be public since “we all pay for it.” And since we subsidize Rush’s Viagra we should all get tapes of Rush and . . . well, how about tapes of Mrs. Limbaugh and the pool boy, that should suffice.
@Billy Beane: That’s all you got? “I know you are but what am I”? Fucking clown.
Kathy in St. Louis
I know that Rush can make his theatrical and hateful statements about public figures with impunity, but can he really call this woman a slut and tell her to make porn films without getting sued? I mean, she is a private citizen, who merely wished to exercise her right of free speech on a subject before congress? Can’t he be sued for this? Please tell me that this fat asshole can.
i haz a confused. sluts are bad, unless they allow viewing of their sluttiness?
I feel like I should get the image reference, but I do not.
Democratic Nihilist, Keeper Of Party Purity
@Kathy in St. Louis: Nope. The price you pay for having the First Amendment.
@Billy Beane:
Interesting advice, seeing as how you seem to be ABL’s bitch.
@Kathy in St. Louis:
Don’t know. But even if she sued and won, he would just cut her a check and revel in the additional publicity he garnered.
Axe Diesel Palin
Who paid for his prescription Viagra?
She was not asking for taxpayers to pay for contraceptives, but rather the insurance from the person’s employer or school. There is no “we taxpayers” here.
Her asking for this from her private insurance is the same as his getting Viagra covered.
Billy Beane
@Brachiator: So if I am ABL’s bitch by posting about her blog post in the comments section, what does that say about someone who then posts in the comments section about that comment?
So now I bet you are thinking…”hmmm should I respond that he just did the same thing and is now one lower than me…damn….my head hurts…I need to eat some cheetos and think about this some more”.
I remember an unmarried Rush Limbaugh getting busted for possessing prescription drugs, including some erectile dysfunction medication…
Bill Hicks had a good bit about Rush. look it up. You might want to buy some extra brain bleach and have it at the ready though.
Rita R.
He said more and worse today than is in that story:
Limbaugh fantasizing about Sandra Fluke having sex in sixth grade says much more about him than her. But the media will never call him on this kind of hateful misogyny and outright lying, and will continue to treat him as a serious spokesman for the conservative cause and Elton John will probably sing at his fifth wedding. We reward socoipathy as long as it’s popular and profitable.
You know, it’s really chilling to think that a private citizen who has the social conscience to testify before Congress would be rewarded for that public service by having a major media personality spend hours on nationally syndicated radio defaming her.
It’s really unconscionable. If Clear Channel lets this go without comment, they are just as culpable.
Birds gotta fly, fish gotta swim, pond scum’s gotta float. And if you get too close… Save your rage for the politicians that cede their citizen granted power to him. Blame the Democrats that were too timid to push back on resolutions honoring that Limpdick and denounced MoveOn.
@Warren Terra:
Pure win.
@Rita R.:
OMG. He is such a fucking pig. Just an animal. No, animals are nicer and sweeter. What a disgusting piece of shit.
Hungry Joe
Note that Limbaugh 1) never participates in discussions with people who have opposing views; 2) grants interviews only to neuron-numbed lickspittles, and 3) on his show converses only with dittojerks. He’s thin-skinned, defenseless in the mildest of brawls, a moral (and probably physical) coward.
That’s an insult to cave trolls.
@Billy Beane: All the women are laughing at you.
Kathy in St. Louis
I only mention this every time Rush’s name comes up because I find it so funny that quasi-intelligent codgers still listen to him…Rush Limbaugh grew up in Cape Girardeau, Missouri, which is a real armpit of the nation. He left Southeast Missouri State University after his freshmen year because he wasn’t doing very well. This is only of interest because at the time that old Rushie matriculated there, it was considered the easiest school in three states. It is not for nothing that graduates, many of whom I know, laughingly call it “The Harvard of the Midwest”. This is the great mind that the right follows religiously.
Rafer Janders
At this point Fluke should probably sue for libel. She’s not a public figure, and the things that Limbaugh has said (calling her a prostitute, for example) are defamatory per se. She has a pretty good case to collect against him.
It’s hard to get wound up about the Rushbo anymore–I don’t even much care whether it’s schtick or honesty. The thing that’s continually terrifying is that there’s enough of an audience for him, that it makes him hundreds of millions. This whole story, from the get go, is of course vile and dishonest; what else? But it’s also so fundamentally ignorant–about how insurance works, about contraception, about what the initial regulation did and the idiot responses, about who’s paying for what, and on and on. And his listeners eat it up with a spoon. The depth of stupidity and blind acceptance is what makes me wonder what my kids will be living in.
Horrendo Slapp (formerly Jimperson Zibb, Duncan Dönitz, Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy, Mumphrey, et al.)
It saddens me to write this. I’ve loved reading your posts ever since you began writing here. I’ve never seen any reason to take issue with anything you’ve written or any picture you’ve put up with your posts. I’ve always thought they were dead on. Until now. I have a hard time believing this, but of all the pictures of Rush Limbauh that you could have chosen, it seems like you’ve gone out of your way to find a picture of him that has been doctored to make him look good.
@Horrendo Slapp (formerly Jimperson Zibb, Duncan Dönitz, Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy, Mumphrey, et al.): Well played, sir.
An Idiot
Now see, this is the real reason why you shouldn’t be taking joy in Breitbart’s death. Save that for the “people” that truly deserve it.
The character she played on “Everybody Loves Raymond”, seems to come a little too easy for her.
I will quote my wife’s description about her character, because of the term used, but I’ve always had the same sentiment.
“That wife sure is a mean spirited bitch…”
translation: wingnut
FSM help me, I can’t stop watching the show because the character Ray’s mother, father, and brother are so freaking hilarious. But, I cringe every time she has major time in any scene.
It was always strange to me how the combination of, “mean spirited bitch” and “completely emasculated, whining husband”, was such a popular show for so long. Now I know, you put up with the couple, so you can actually be entertained by all the supporting characters.
One thing about Limbaugh: he embodies the expression “You can’t buy happiness.”
Because heaven knows he’s tried.
opie jeanne
@Svensker: Shit is sweeter.
@Billy Beane:
Nah, we don’t bother taking time to think about a garden-variety troll.
Best QOTD: I will say this: It is rather amusing to watch the nutbags alternatively crying about how liberals are celebrating Andrew Breitbart’s death and bemoaning the lack of civility while simultaneously slut-shaming Sandra Fluke. You can’t buy cognitive dissonance like that, y’all.
I won’t even watch Everyone Loves Raymond because of Patricia Heaton!
Southern Beale
And this is bad because ….?
If we ladies don’t have birth control that means no sexy time for the boys. I mean, we can have sex with other ladies but then we don’t need birth control. So men who want to have sexy time with ladies should support birth control.
I don’t get why this is hard.
billy beane
You are such a waste of pixels that I did something useful on your behalf. I applied the pie filter to your ass. That feat alone is more useful than anything I’ve seen you post.
chrome agnomen
let me pre-emptively say, that when limbaugh goes, and i sincerely hope to be alive in that time, i will have absolutely nothing positive whatsoever to say about him, and will positively revel in his hoped for painful exit.
Patricia Kayden
Limpbag doesn’t have any children, yet he’s been married how many times now? His ex-wives must be sluts for using birth control. Or they must be smart enough not to want to have children by a slug.
@Patricia Kayden: Could be that none of the marriages were consummated.
@Southern Beale:
You’ve got my take on it as well.
It ain’t just a girl thing. Not unless the guy is a complete douche.
@chrome agnomen:
I suggested on another thread that he do a Mr. Creosote, on camera so we could
watchenjoy more than once.Jim
Not being an attorney, but it doesn’t seem to me that Sandra Fluke meets the test of being a public person under Sullivan v. NY Times. Limpaugh called her a slut and a whore, what is his proof?
Hey attorney’s is this a defamation lawsuit?
@Jim: She should sue him and hire Gloria Alred (to get maximum publicity) and have her attorney repeat all of Limbaugh’s run ins with the law, including, the viagra incident. Let’s see how he likes it. He is such a disgusting piece of shit.
@Violet: Yeah, this link that I read yesterday was certainly an eye-opener. If true, and it seems rather persuasive, it certainly helps to explain his four failed marriages and disgusting misogyny.
It’s not that I’m anti-gay; what I object to is his nauseating hypocrisy, . . . and pedophilia.
Paul in KY
@Billy Beane: Why don’t you get your own fucking blog & then you can do that.
Paul in KY
@Southern Beale: You’re logic is impeccable, madam.
Paul in KY
@Jim: It is harder to do libel when the person is a ‘public figure’. Personally, I don’t think testifying before congress (and having that shown on CSPAN) should make you a ‘public figure’ under the eyes of the law.
Patricia Heaton tweeted that liberals are humorless. I responded to her that my ancestors pissed on Tory Maj. Patrick Ferguson’s corpse after the battle of Kings Mountain, so at least I come by my humorlessness with respect to denial of freedoms honestly.
The most entertaining thing Tim Allen will ever do is explain to St. Peter why he gave this miserable excuse for a human being a job.
The Crafty Trilobite
Nobody who has watched Limbaugh’s show should be surprised at this. This is the guy who 20 years ago called teenage Chelsea Clinton “the White House dog,” and invented the word “feminazi.” He just might be ever so slightly misogynist, ya think?
I love limbaugh. He is always spot on.. Limbaugh for president!
Rob Jones
My question is less about the advertising dollars, which is not about morality – it’s about companies distancing themselves from the PR stink to avoid revenue loss,I suspect. I wonder about what the FCC’s position is. Many years ago, Janet Jackson accidently showed a nipple on TV, and the FCC went apoplectic, threatening stations and imposing fines left and right. It was amazing to me that one nipple could cause all that furor. And yet this blatant misogyny on national radio is OK. What is the FCC position on *this*? Why aren’t their knives out now? Why hasn’t Rush Limbaugh and his producers been officially reprimanded?
Also, this: what if Fluke had been criticized for her race, or her cultural traditions instead of her gender? And what if it had been a guy standing up there, asking for birth control to be covered? I suppose these last questions are rhetorical.
John Gray
@Napoleon: Anybody willing to start a boycott of sponsors for Heaton’s show?