As GOP sage Sarah Palin recently noted, President Obama and his terrorist pals were allowed to waltz right into the Oval Office unscrutinized in 2008 while white people Republicans like Ms. Palin were pelted with gotcha questions such as, “What newspapers do you read?”
Andrew Breitbart vowed to address the blatant unfairness of this situation by subjecting all African-American Obama Administration officials to a thorough vetting. After Breitbart’s untimely death, his underlings — the Breitbrats — announced that they would continue Dead Leader’s legacy by presenting an occasional series entitled Negros Said the Darnedest Things On Video in the 90s The Vetting.
After revealing 10 days ago the scandalous footage of a young Barack Obama hugging a black Harvard Law School professor back when Phil Collins was king of the Billboard Hot 100, Breitbrat Joel Pollak unleashes another bombshell sure to rock the Obama Administration to its very foundations. Attorney General Holder was caught on tape intimating that it might be a good idea to convince young people that it’s not cool to “pack heat” or whatever quaint expression they used back when Boyz II Men topped the charts:
“What we need to do is change the way in which people think about guns, especially young people, and make it something that’s not cool, that it’s not acceptable, it’s not hip to carry a gun anymore, in the way in which we changed our attitudes about cigarettes.”
Translation: jack-booted DoJ thugs will kick down your door to collect your shootin’ arn in 3…2…1…. Stay tuned next week, when sinister Obama consigliere Valerie Jarrett will be revealed as the winner of the 1992 Black Panthers Ladies Auxiliary Brownie Bake-Off!
Yes, civilians carrying guns is extremely not cool. Just ask Trayvon Martin.
How that translates to “brainwash” is beyond me…
Wilson Heath
Conundrum for a twit: would Baby Jebus smile because the New Black Panther party packs heat for their fictional suppression of supportive white female voters?
Linda Featheringill
Lions and tigers and bears! Oh, my!
And I’ll bet the next thing is that they’ll complain because the MSM didn’t jump on this back in 2008.
c u n d gulag
In today’s world, black kids don’t need to carry guns to get shot by Whitey.
Packin’ a bag of Skittles and a can of iced-tea are reason enough for some Crackers to start using their 2nd Amendment Rights.
Oh, yeah, it was “Self Defense?”
Against what? Tooth decay?
Maybe AG Holder should be warning today’s black kids not to pack candy and soft-drinks.
Anton Sirius
George Zimmerman would have been about 11 in 1995.
Once again, winger accusations present a plainer description of their own politics than anyone else’s…
–Don’t get the concept of “disagreement”. Check.
–Demonize opponents as a justification for repressive policies. Check.
–Actual policy preferences that they’d rather not discuss openly. Check.
The comments there, as usual, are the real story. Not even an attempt to hide the virulent racism against “the Brown radicals” who want to “kill all whites and Jews.”
So I take it that holder never actually used the term “brainwash” even though it appears in quotes in the title of the article?
Talk about brainwashing.
Linda Featheringill
If the Breitbrats [cute name!] hope to change anything, they’re too late with too little. We’ve had this Attorney General for some time now and his philosophies have been demonstrated. Big deal.
On the other hand, maybe this clip could be used to shore up the myth that Obama-is-coming-to-take-your-gun-away-ho-ho-hee-hee. But even that is pretty weak.
The Breitbrats have been so irrelevant. They are in danger of becoming boring and therefore ignored. Which would be a good thing.
Linda Featheringill
You mean the theory that there’s only two types of high-melanin people: intelligent and evil and really stupid?
I understand. That’s close to my opinion of my opinion of hillbillies and I am one.
[And in answer to the obvious question, some days I’m one and then the other on alternating days. :-)]
John of Indiana
Never mind his 25-y-o opinions about firearms, what I want to know is when is Holder going after the war criminals from the previous administration?
@Linda Featheringill:
The entirety of this mental illness is predicated on the notion that the
Jew-runliberal media was in the tank for Obama and didn’t ask “the hard questions” before he was elected President.The obvious proof of this theory is that the political press did not use their psychic powers to predict who candidate Obama would nominate for Attorney General and then grill him on an obscure and harmless statement made by that nominee thirteen years prior.
Clark Stooksbury
Coming next: shocking footage of Obama and Biden in the 1970s.
@Linda Featheringill: 2008? Holder was confirmed not only for this post, but he was confirmed by the Senate as Deputy AG in 1997. Republicans had majorities in both houses of congress at the time.
OT – Obama feb fundraising at 45 mil.
I’ll bet Pollak never mentions that the people packing heat whom Holder had particularly in mind with that statement are precisely the strapping young bucks carrying heat who make NRA types are so concerned that other citizens can have guns to defend themselves against. Pollak never mentions that the people whom Holder had particularly in mind were the young urban black gangsta thug culture, who render entire neighborhoods not safely inhabitable not just for adults, but especially children.
Tony J
See? Do you see??
Why won’t you see?
Linda Featheringill
Oops. :-)
We need a clever acronym for the conservative crime of Having an Opinion While Being a Person of Color- HOWBPC doesn’t quite work.
I thought the right wing blamed blah culture for all their problems?
@Satanicpanic: There’s VWB, Voting While Black.
Ash Can
It took me a while to figure out that this is the same Joel Pollak who got his ass end served up to him on a platter by my congresswoman Jan Schakowsky in 2010. Couldn’t have happened to a more deserving dweeb at the time. Evidently it’s been all downhill for him since.
See, I keep waiting for Obama to come take my guns.
I bought all this ammo for the final shoot-out. Seven different calibers. Six new guns to match.
Starting to think I was scammed. Bastard ain’t done shit.
Does Obama own a gun company or something?
The threat that Obama is going to take your guns away has been going on since he won the nomination, if not even before. I used to do payroll for a pawnshop/gun shop then and they were making money hand over fist because everyone “knew” that the second Obama took office he would outlaw guns.
I often wonder now if any of them feel silly for being such gullible marks.
Wish I could write like this. This is why I can never have nice things.
I came at it from the other direction. In 2008 I had an AR-15 that I had bought a few years before, and discovered that I just didn’t have time to shoot as much as I thought I would. So after the election, in the height of the frenzy, I took it to my local gun shop and sold it. Made back more than I paid for it new.
No. According to the head of the NRA (too lazy to google where and when), the fact that Obama DIDN’T take our guns is PROOF, PROOF, I TELLS YA, that he WILL take our guns even more!
These guys are so deep in the weeds they have crabgrass sprouting outta what’s left of their brains.
Not even the NRA is stoopid enough to “drum up” this sort of nonsense.
From the Breitbart story:
Even more black people after our guns!
I’m telling you people, make “Vetting the Bed” a category.
Morgan Warstler
The man said brainwash, why are you making it appear he didn’t to your brainwashed readers?
Time code: 22:38:45
Villago Delenda Est
Were these “special” brownies?
Inquiring minds need to know!
Villago Delenda Est
This assumes a degree of self-awareness by these morans greater than that of an amoeba. A very poor assumption.
Morgan Warstler
You sure use the term “negro” or refer positively to sentences where other people used it quite a bit:,or.r_gc.r_pw.,cf.osb&fp=c71c9b901293fc89&biw=1920&bih=1032
Ash Can
I see Betty has a stalker troll too. How special.
Judas Escargot, Your Postmodern Neighbor
Hugging. Lack of guns. Health care coverage. I do see a general thread here.
Is “not an asshole” now sufficient grounds for impeachment in wingnutville?
Chyron HR
@Morgan Warstler:
You’d be more convincing without the “Don’t Re-Nig” bumper sticker on your car.
Holder is
He actually said “Brainwash people into thinking about guns in a vastly different way” in the context of a discussion about how young people are too influenced by the media industry into thinking that carrying guns and violence are “cool”. Seems right-on to me. Thank you, Mr. Beitbart lackies. I now have more respect for Atty Gen Holder.
Steve M.
Y’know, Phil Collins also hugged at least one Negro back then.
Even worse, he DANCED with the same Negro!
Tone In DC
Comrade Mary
Hugging Negroes would be a GREAT band name.
Hewer of Wood, Drawer of Water
@Ash Can: you know you’ve made it when you get your very own troll
Ash Can
@Hewer of Wood, Drawer of Water: Between this and Zandar’s thread, it’s as if someone put up the batshit signal somewhere. I half expect some bag lady from Buffalo to start ranting about aliens stealing her shoes or something on mistermix’s thread.
Yawn. There’s only one person whose opinion of Holder really matters (hint: it’s not Glenn Greenwald), and to all outward appearances that person appears to think Holder is doing just fine.
Probably the funniest aspect of this “brainwashing” issue is that this type of message used to be the conservative one. Conservatives used to claim to want culture change rather than laws. That was their thing. Now, merely saying you want to change the culture is akin to jackbooted thuggery. Through the looking glass these people are. They apparently know just enough about brainwashing to not have the faintest clue their brains have been made Tidy Bowl clean.
Vetting? For real? LOL! These folks have actually been in OFFICE for 4 years. We can all easily see what they have done or not done. Vetting? Gimme a break.
Pulp Fiction came out the year before Holder made those statements and convinced a lot of people that the right way to hold a pistol was sideways.
Easier said than done. Hollywood (supposedly “librul”), can barely do an “action” movie poster without a firearm inserted gratuitously (see:
I laughed all the way through this post. Nicely done, Bet.
@Ash Can: I didn’t figure it out until I saw his interview with Soledad O’Brien.
I fear he is the Raul to Andrew’s Fidel. It’s just not going to go like he thinks it will.
Yes, why oh why would Eric Holder want to convince kids in 1995 that carrying guns would be a bad idea?
@burnspbesq: Well, no, that’s not the standard. By that measure, Dubya’s full faith in Alberto was all that mattered. The point here is that ZombieBreitbart has not succeeded via this story in demonstrating that Holder said or did anything untoward.
Suffern ACE
@nitpicker: Yep. That’s my recollection of the late 80s and early 1990s as well.
@John of Indiana:
Given that congress retroactively made all of those acts legal and told Obama they would and could override his veto, I’m guessing ‘never’. In fact, I’d say that particular law showed why Obama never tried to stick his arm into that mincing machine in the first place. Don’t ask me why, but a congress that has never agreed on anything else, ever, LOVES them some Guantanamo and prisoner abuse.
It’s pretty apparent now that the intended strategy behind “The Vetting” is basically “No…no…he really is like all the others!!!”.
Patricia Kayden
Thank you so much, Betty, for this hilarious post.
I have been laughing so hard that tears are rolling down my cheeks! Very funny. You should try out for either Jon Stewart or Stephen Colbert’s show.
Cris (without an H)
Because I love you, I clicked to the video, and he does in fact use the word “brainwash” once.
In the context of the speech, it’s obvious that he’s talking about marketing, messaging, and the term really isn’t inflammatory at all. But these are Breitbrats we’re talking about, they don’t believe in context. They openly object to it.
By the way, Holder drops a cultural reference in, referring to the times to run anti-gun-violence ads:
Are we clear what demographic Holder is talking about here? Follow-up question: how would Breitbart’s brownshirts feel if Holder was encouraging gun ownership among this particular demographic?
Baron Jrod of Keeblershire
@burnspbesq: YYYAAAAAWWWWNNNNN Oh, stop bothering Burns with this boring crap. Why can’t anyone talk about important issues, like how horribly oppressed Catholics are in this country? Did you know that Catholic bishops are not completely immune to the law? I know, totally unfair, right? And sometimes the government passes legislation without getting the pope’s permission! Scandalous!
But no, you waste our precious time discussing the tactics being used by right-wing propagandists. Again I say YYYYYYYYYAAAAAAAAAWWWWWWWWWWNNNNNNNNNNN.
@Baron Jrod of Keeblershire:
That’s awfully lame. Is that the best you can do?
Lame, possibly, but it has the virtue of accuracy.
Hack Wilson
I would like to formally challenge you liberals. I will bet anyone $150 that Romney will beat the pants of your black messiah in November. The more of you fools put your welfare money where your mouth is, the sooner I can take a sweet vacation with your money. Send me an email if you’re interested.
My guess is that not one of you will take me up on the challenge. Liberals only like to take other people’s money, not spend there own.
AA+ Bonds
It is not really the fuck up to Holder what he does and does not do as AG
at least 7 people were shot and killed on the south and west sides of chicago this weekend, include a 7-year old girl sitting on her family’s front porch.
@Hack Wilson: You set up the escrow account sure. Otherwise I’m just going to laugh at you since you have to lay out in detail how Willard will win the electoral college in New York, Pennsylvania, and California.
Hack Wilson
Tough talk, no money. Way to go, liberal. I’m laughing at you.
@Hack Wilson: So in other words you got nothin’. Kinda what I thought.
@Hack Wilson:
I’ll take that bet. Is the wager considered null and void if more GOP election shenanigans occurs?
And what is it with “regular guy” Mitt (aka “Thurston Howell III” Romney), and his sycophants and these large wagers?
You know the fix is in somehow?
Betty Cracker
@Yutsano: Maybe he doesn’t know what “escrow account” means.
@Betty Cracker: Heh. Reminds me of a taxpayer who had $12,000 in an escrow account who was pleading poverty. Needless to say I wasn’t buying it. Oh and he had a lien against him too.
Hack Wilson
Nope. No renigging on the bet. I bet that Mitt will win, that’s it. Send me an email and we’ll figure out who should hold the money until November. If you’re man enough, then let’s do this.
Hegemony Cricket
Tough talk, no escrow account. Way to go, teatard. I’m laughing at you.
Cris (without an H)
i see what you did there
I like this idea of tying our parodies back to actual losers. Myzewell annoy some genuine asshole while we’re having our yuks here.
@shortstop: I didn’t even look at his blog. It’s worse than I thought. The macho posturing should have been the big tell.
Hack Wilson
@Betty Cracker: Its what you do when you buy a house. I ain’t stupid.
@Hack Wilson:
Teh jokes. They writes themselves I tells ya.
Ash Can
Racist? Check. Stupid? Check. Sexist? Check. Boorish? Check. This clown’s really running the table on GOP attributes, isn’t he? (Defaming the name of a baseball hall-of-famer is a nice additional touch, too.)
ETA: “Its what you do when you buy a house. I ain’t stupid.”
OK, that’s just too funny. I call spoof. ‘Zat you, DougJ?
Cris (without an H)
You ain’t even Hack Wilson.
@Yutsano: I know I shouldn’t contribute to troll-baiting, but– I can’t help pointing out that willingness to bet on something doesn’t prove anything. See: “stock market.”
We need to start collecting ‘data’ now on Republicans running for President so that they can alo be ‘vetted’ when the time comes.
A Humble Lurker
@Hack Wilson:
I take it you haven’t noticed the various posts on this site that set and passed goals for donations for candidates and pet rescue issues.
Both of which are better reasons to give money than for a measly bet.
@Hack Wilson:
So if Mitt “wins” fraudulently, you don’t see that as a stolen election, therefore not a “win”?
You would also lose if Mitt is not the even GOP nominee then, right?
What if Obama dies, resigns in scandal, etc.? (i.e. is not even the Dem candidate). What then?
This bet is too silly to set up some bet escrow. You can cut and paste this post. If your guy (Mittens) becomes president because he wins/beats/ current president Barack Obama, I will send you $150.00 American funds. You will do the same (send me $150.00 American) if Obama gets a second term (no matter who the GOP nom is because Mitt did not beat him).
I think the grey area for bet nullification is narrow enough.
What’s wrong with a gentleman’s agreement?
Otherwise, you’re just going to say I would have never paid you if you *had* won.
This is an even money bet so we both risk the same $ amount by someone not keeping their word.
You have witnesses here. That’s binding enough. I’ve had this handle since ’81. You be able to “do the Google” to see where I’m posting and hound and humiliate me like the double dealing dog I would be if I did not honor my wager.
You have a website and unless you shut it down or ban me, I could pester you endlessly for the funds as well.
Either take the bet or don’t.
Honor system. Put up, or shut up, Haaaack.
@Hack Wilson:
Also, please define “beat the pants of(f)”[sic].
Not just a win…but a substantial win (how many states/electoral votes vs. Obama’s totals?)
How big a popular vote win?
The Other Chuck
Did that man ever not have a mustache?
Too soon?
Hack Wilson
I’ll put up and you can shut up. I’m game for a man’s bet. my email is hackwilsonblog at gmail dot com. $150 sounds mighty nice to me.
Once again my liberal admirers deem it necessary to imitate me on liberal message boards. I trace every one of these back from my blog statistics. I am flattered that liberals continue to impersonate me. Keep up the great work and thank you for driving more traffic to my site! By the way, I never bet any money on politicians.
@Hack Wilson: Only cowards impersonate other people on the internet!
@Hack Wilson: Only cowards impersonate other people on the internet! By the way, thanks for driving so much traffic to my blog every day! Great job!
Dude. The “stupid liberals” figured out it wasn’t you before you even got here:
You mean, like impersonating a dead baseball hall of famer on their right wing nutjob website? Yeah, some people are cowards.