Because he is an asshole. SATSQ:
Asked about polls suggesting many in the public continue to think Obama is a Muslim, Gingrich said in Louisiana that he takes Obama “at his word” that he believes in Christianity.
Then he launched into a riff on how Obama’s policies are excessively sensitive to non-Christian, non-Jewish faiths, suggesting it could raise doubts for some about where the president’s impulses come from.
“Why does the president behave the way that people would think that [he’s Muslim]?” Gingrich said. “You have to ask, why would they believe that? It’s not cause they’re stupid. It’s because they watch the kind of things I just described to you.”
Gingrich frequently rails against the administration for “anti-religious bigotry” and claims that he’s acting against Christian organizations. In his stump speech, Gingrich bemoans Obama “apologizing” to Muslims and juxtaposes that with what he sees as an assault on the Catholic Church.
Four and a half more years of this nonsense.
Egg Berry
ORLY? I was thinking that would explain everything.
I know whenever I see white people agree with the positions Obama has taken, I think “Muslim.”
Does this have something to do with hoodies?
Assholes don’t recognize each other.
Vixen Strangely
Ah. The Birthers is because of stupid–the Muslim-baiters is because of ignorant. Words matter.
You heard it here first, folks. Islam is not a religion; Muslims are not religious people.
I can totally see how behaving sanely and kindly to others, women, children and pets would be a strong clue to many that he’s not a Repub(tm) Approved Christianist.
CT Voter
Jeepers. I hope. I really really hope. If it’s only another six months? We are well and truly screwed.
Well lets face it, Gingrich’s entire political career has been pretty much an emulation of being a dingleberry. Not sure that there is a bidet big enough to rid us of him.
Villago Delenda Est
Clearly, acknowledging that religions other than Christianity and Judaism exist is going too far.
Shame on Obama for such a precipitous stand.
And Newt is a good one to call out anyone for not being a good christian.
He’s not an asshole, he’s campaigning in the south to an increasingly virulently racist base.
Actually I think his Hannity interview is the more heinous of the things he’s said today.
Newt calls Obama’s Trayvon Martin comments ‘disgraceful’
I seriously think Newt Gingrich won’t be happy until their are race wars everywhere then he can get on his racist high horse ride with the cavalry.
The fat fuck!
You realize those aren’t mutually exclusive alternatives?
Cat Lady
Newt’s got nothing. This is his swan song to the teatards, then he’s going to have to go home and explain to Callista that the Tiffany’s account will be closed and the wingnut welfare Adelson gravy train has run off the rails and that her Jackie Kennedy dream has died and he’s all she’s got left. He won’t have any friends, he’s lost his Villager cred, he’s still got two ex-wives up his butt and he’s now a fat racist loser with a bitter wife with a helmet hair addiction. Karma’s going to be a harsh bitch for him.
Jay C
So by “people”, one presumes Mr. Gingrich is referring to those of the citizenry who exclusively watch Fox News, read the Murdoch papers, surf only the most virulent of right-blogs, and are predisposed (after four years of unrelenting hatemongering) to believe any and all negative bullshit they hear about President Obama: if not believing that the “truth” is probably worse than they’ve heard.
Good thing the rest of us live in the REAL world….
The Dangerman
OT, but Ohio is giving the Tar Heels a game. Under 4 TO in the 2nd, up 2 and shooting FT’s (I think).
@lamh35: You can’t be serious. That chicken-shit motherfucker would be nowhere near a real fight.
Warren Terra
Wrong Newt quote. The Newt quote Zandar put in the update to his post is much, much worse. I found it genuinely scary that a Presidential Candidate said this:
That’s Newt, accusing Obama of only caring when Black people get murdered.
ETA In other words, what lamh35 said. Except that they were more restrained in their response – Newt’s comments that I quoted have me really very upset.
Case in point: being brown.
@Warren Terra: What a fucking tool. “Yeah, some guy killed my mom. Who cares, though, right? She was white.”
“Why does the president behave the way that people would think that [he’s Muslim]?” Gingrich said.
Why does Newt Gingrich behave in ways that lead people to think he beats his wife?
FSM, how I despise that fat fucking asshole.
@The Dangerman:
Go Bobcats!
Mike in NC
Fuck Newt. Exactly how much did he pay some Catholic bishops to let him into the club despite his whoring and divorces?
Yeow. Syntax FAIL.
(Just because I care. : ) )
Newt has a personality disorder. It dominates his intelligence and his capacity to be “real”. The grandiosity and narcissism is destructive of himself and everything of importance. He is dangerous only in the instances that people actually take him seriously and give him any kind of real power. What sad empty beings he and Romney are —
Damn – OT
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
@ruemara: They’re not mutually exclusive. Both are accurate in this case.
@Warren Terra:
What’s really horrific is that he knows better. I think.
The Dangerman
A good portion of the state of North Carolina has to go change their undergarments.
You’re high if you think the majority xtian population will somehow get over their victimhood complex and stop complaining that their inability to oppress non-xtians is an assault on their faith.
This will keep going till they actually become an ignorable minority.
Because you and other GOP propaganda ministers/outlets keep insinuating, or saying outright, that he is, you evil fucking jackass.
Ya know, I don’t know if it’s been covered yet… but how about buying ol’ Newt a “hoodie” and a one-way ticket to Florida?
If Obama wins in November, at least it will often be fun to watch the wingnuts’ heads exploding over and over in their sheer “how in the Hell” baffled incomprehension that Obama won a second term by majority vote, when that’s utterly inconceivable according to their hermetically sealed world of FoxFauxFacts.
@The Dangerman: A good portion of the state of North Carolina has to go change their undergarments.
He has a point, it’s not solely because they’re stupid.
It’s because they’re stupid, ignorant, xenophobic jerks.
Newt has found his people.
Horrendo Slapp (formerly Jimperson Zibb, Duncan Dönitz, Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy, Mumphrey, et al.)
Hard to believe that only 4 years ago, these same assholes were shrieking about Obama belonging to Jeremiah Wright’s Christian church. There didn’t seem to be anybody wondering whether Obama was a Christian when he belonged to the wrong Christian church. Their capacity to believe mutually exclusive things at the same time, and spout off about them at the same time astounds me.
@Warren Terra:
Republican projection at work. Newt couldn’t care less that a black kid is dead, so he’s assuming that Obama would likewise not care if it was a white kid who was dead.
Republicans can never seem to get to that phase in emotional development where they realize that other people have thoughts and feelings that may be different than the ones they themselves have. I think it’s supposed to happen by about age 3, but not for these guys.
Oh, that was GINGRICH’s syntax fail. Sorry Cole. Me-a-culpa.
Upon consideration, you are all correct. He is both an asshole and a man using the southern strategy.
@Horrendo Slapp (formerly Jimperson Zibb, Duncan Dönitz, Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy, Mumphrey, et al.):
They’re still shrieking about it. All bad things about Obama are true, logically consistent or not.
@Horrendo Slapp: IIRC last time they shrieked about both. This time they seem to be focused on Muslim
Davis X. Machina
Dude, ‘asshole’ is not in DSM IV.
A Humble Lurker
@Horrendo Slapp (formerly Jimperson Zibb, Duncan Dönitz, Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy, Mumphrey, et al.):
Doesn’t astound me, sadly.
@Horrendo Slapp (formerly Jimperson Zibb, Duncan Dönitz, Otto Graf von Pfmidtnöchtler-Pízsmőgy, Mumphrey, et al.):
I remember the conspiracy-thinking part of me at the time the Wright disaster came out wondering if the whole thing was a stunt by the Obama campaign meant to get the word out that yes, he’s definitely Christian and putting to rest all the “ZOMG MOOOZLIN!” rumors.
Omnes Omnibus
@eemom: Is “Yeow” a word?
Foregone Conclusion
Dan Carter, pretty much the best historian on race and the right in post-war America, wrote a book which analysed how successive conservatives have used race for advantage, from George Wallace to Nixon to Reagan and… Gingrich (it was written in the early 1990s, so no look at Bush II or the Republicans of the Noughties, sadly). At each stage, he argues, the racism gets more and more subtle, and therefore more powerful, as direct racism becomes less socially acceptable. Gingrich is obviously reverting back to the original master. Is this a good thing, in that he can only appeal to a minority of yahoos and so may as well be as bluntly racist as he has to be with only the thinnest of veils to cover it up for the benefit of his big-money donors? Or have we gone backwards as a society?
Newt is what the death throes of rancid ideology looks like.
Newt, they are that stupid and you are that pathetic a fat fuck. So, I think it is back to Faux News for you where you can wear your bifocals and pretend that it makes you smart. Bye…
Those of us who’ve been living in Georgia for some considerable time remember there’s a reason Newt Gringrich was unable to get tenure at West Georgia College.
So welcome to the club, everybody.
The Painful Truth
At this stage in his life — Newt has no morsal compas, and is void of any ethics — This and his very large-self0iflated ego has seemingly freed him to sauy and do whatever he feels like –attcking others and feeding into the prejustice of a certain segment of the voting public (a bigoted, racist and clearly uneducated group –but a voting block none thesame). Twixting words and attacking others is what he is good at. he is not dumb — he realized he has little if any hope of getting elected to any office ever agai — but wants to get all the media attentio he can attract — to sell books and get money from “hate groups” — Not morally right — but clever in a self-enriching way!
The Painful Truth
To answer Newt’s “hyopthsisal” question of President Obama — “No, you morally empty, egoistic, self-important, fat piece of shit, it would not be OK. It is never OK for anyone to shoot and kill another person –especially an unarmed boy for no good reason –other than YOU were scared of him.. Mr. Obama’s heart-felt remarks are those of a decent man, a caring human being and a father — as well as someone in a position of responsibity and respect –speaking on behalf of all decent Americans — All these thing you, Newt can not do or ever be — You are a ethic empty gas bag which has been but should not be a career — Please shut you ugly, over-feed face, go a way know and let the real grown ups and decent people get back to business.