Larry Pittman is the quintessential Republican: uninformed and male.
Yeah, I said it:
PITTMAN: [Planned Parenthood] is a murderous organization…getting wealthy on murder for hire. It deals out nothing but deception, death, personal devastation, and moral degradation. Never will I agree to give that bloody, indecent, immoral organization one penny. I will not be satisfied until it is outlawed.
PITTMAN: My sources tell me that 75 percent of [Planned Parenthood’s] income comes through abortions. To say that they would try to reduce the incidence of abortion is like saying a baker would go around trying to get people to stop eating bread.
Your “sources” tell you? Seriously?
You are not allowed to legislate women’s health based upon bullshit you gleaned from your email account. You’re just not. If there’s more than two “FW: FW:” in the subject header, check before proceeding. Call a friend. Ask somebody. But stop legislating my body based on false information from anonymous sources.
[full post at ABLC]
You’ll have to pry your rights to your own body from his cold dead fingers.
Sadly, I’m not joking.
Actually you are. You don’t need reason, you need votes.
mai naem
I am impressed he didn’t say anything about a majority of Planned Parenthood babeez being killed being white, the conclusion being that PP is the reason there are so many more brown skinned people out there.
Are you doubting the words of a Millionaire Nigerian Medical Prince that was killed in a car accident on the roads to Jos with no surviving relatives and a bank account that needs to be distributed to orphaned snowflakes?!
Hey, this post doesn’t mention black people. Maybe the trolls won’t drop by.
Mark S.
@mai naem:
Wait, I thought PP killed too many black babies because Margaret Sanger was a Nazi or something. I guess it depends on the purported audience.
@AxelFoley: Heh. U funnee!
These people do not think. They deny facts when presented. A right wing friend recently raved on about how Planned Parenthood should not be using government fund for abortions. The next day I sent him an email quoting the law that specifies Planned Parenthood cannot (and DOES NOT) use ANY government funds they receive for anything related to abortion. It is already a law on the Federal books.
He responded grumpily that, well, they still shouldn’t do abortions, completely ignoring and not responding to the facts I had just presented top him; along with the comment that if he did not want an abortion, well, that was his right: don’t (*&(* have one.
Mark S.
Aw man, he should’ve said money is fungible.
Are our conservatives reading their talking points? Poor Frank Lutz.
This is patently ridiculous. If PP had a steady income stream like that then Mitt Romney would have bought them out by now.
Patricia Kayden
Lying is a sin, right?
But I guess no matter what the Bible says, Lying Liars gotta lie. They can’t help themselves.
Seriously though, I guess if you are guaranteed election no matter what you say, you’ll lie with impunity — especially when it comes to Planned Parenthood. I donate on a monthly basis to PP and would love to see them put out some ads defending themselves from the Righwing.
Sure he is. Once he takes the oath of office, he can make decisions based on any damn thing that strikes his fancy. If you don’t like it, get him the hell out of office.
pseudonymous in nc
GOP state legislator really fucking stupid, film at 11.
@Mark S.: “money is fungible”
Only GOD can make a mushroom!
Like “Son of Sam”,Pittman’s source is the neighbor’s dog.
mai naem
@pseudonymous in nc: Come now, if you started at eleven, you wouldn’t finish for another 24 hrs with no ads. You could do a weekend marathon with GOP state legislator – major stupid clips.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
Pittman is an embarrassment to all sentient residents of my state. That is all.
Brian S
@mai naem:
Except when you’re trying to convince said brown people that PP is out to reduce your numbers by enticing you into having an abortion.
They do it all the time. Of course they’re allowed.
I have it from reliable sources that all Republicans are NUTS.
@pseudonymous in nc:
In my real world dictionary it cross posts GOP legislator and really fucking stupid as being one and the same thing.
That seems a trifle unfair to the subset of really fucking stupid people who aren’t GOP legislators. After all, most of them mean well and are trying their best, bless their hearts.
I may have rushed to post before checking the reverse.
It doesn’t post that really fucking stupid is the same as GOP legislator only that every GOP legislator is really fucking stupid. It’s equivalent one way, not inclusive both ways.
I just read about this asshole on HuffPo. I haven’t read the comments here. I’m just pissed. The fact that this fuckstick is anywhere near a position of power makes me want to projectile vomit on the next wingnut that utters a fucking WORD ripping Planned Parenthood. I try to keep my emotions in check when I’m here but this really bothers me. Fuck this lunatic with a rusty farm implement. Sideways. Forever. Oh yeah, +3 for those of you out there keeping score.
Citizen Alan
As sickening as this diseased freak is, it could be worse — I read this article TWICE without picking up on the fact that he is a STATE representative. I was sitting here seething about the fact that the DCCC was letting a Congressman this stupid run unopposed when I figured it from a comment here. Not that it’s not horrible to see people like that in ANY position of authority, but, to be honest, I have personally known someone who ran for and won a seat in the Mississippi legislature because his business went under and he couldn’t find a job. People who are not qualified to pump gas routinely end up as state representatives, especially in the former Confederacy.
dude sounds like the glenn greenwald of anti-abortion nuts
In the aftermath of the Sikh temple shooting yesterday the wingnuts were out in force on Twitter saying stuff like “What’s six dead when there are 3,500 abortions in this country every day?”
The right-wing really doesn’t value human life at all or they wouldn’t be capable of saying things like this.
@scav: Thanks for that! I needed the laugh to balance out the disgust and anger.
Lord Jesus Perm
rusty farm implement
Said implement should have an operating engine and a sharpened chain somewhere among all the rust to be the most effective.
Gotta give Tara Culp-Ressler a big “Preach it, sister!” for committing journalism.
Heh….two ABL threads and no Mattsheepfucker acting like a douche. Is it video night?
I wish that news would get around to the various state legislatures which have passed ridiculous laws over the past two years.
I wonder if this guy’s sources are as good as Harry Reid’s sources? When does Reince Preibus denounce him and call him a “dirty liar?”
Bill Arnold
A careful reading of Genesis suggests that mushrooms were not created by God, at least not during Genesis. And it is not clear whether non-Angiospermae Plantae (non-flowering/seed producing plants) were created by God (during Genesis).
(Not a botanist or theologian.)
How is what Pittman said, “75% of funds…” any different that Reid’s Romney tax claims? This is what upsets Republicans so much….in the words of Frank Costanza, “THAT’S MY MOVE!!!!!!”
Anyone know his email address? I know an old lady in a nursing home that would love his assistance in donating her inheritance to, uh, charity.
If Planned Parenthood is outlawed, where will I procure the beating fetus hearts (not to mention the fetus eye-balls) for my experiments on behalf of my Kenyan/Communist overlords?
@mai naem: OoH, snap! Good one. The ignoramus either doesn’t know that or if he does know it that’s the basis for his outrage.
One is about a candidate for president unwilling to disclose how the very thing he is running on(business acumen) is true or not. The other is a completely made up fabrication. For me it is who do I trust to be one of my employees. Not one conservative that I heard of or met is qualified for any political job, at any level.
@scav: Win.
Um, hey, plodding literalists? When ABL says “you are not allowed” here, she doesn’t mean this guy is really, truly, seriously disallowed via law or legislative convention. It’s called a rhetorical device, and this particular one is damn commonly used to indicate, “Uh uh, I’m calling this one ridiculous/outrageous/totally out of bounds.”
Roger Moore
We have enough information about Planned Parenthood’s budget to know that Pittman is full of shit. Romney won’t give us enough information to judge whether Reid is right or wrong.
My sourcesThe voices in my head tell me that 75 percent of [Planned Parenthood’s] income comes through abortions.”NonyNony
Planned Parenthood has made their finances transparent. We know that claim is full of shit. They’ve refuted that number time and time again with facts.
Mitt Romney’s taxes are opaque. He refuses to actually refute the claims by producing evidence.
That’s the difference.
The Ancient Randonneur
But … but … but … Harry Reid said someone told him Mitt Romney didn’t pay taxes for ten years. See! Both sides do it.
I agree. I did graphic design for my local PP for 10 years and I know that their spending for abortions was 3% or less of their entire budget. I also know that not one of them spent that money in any blood-soaked orgy of murderous lust. They did it because there was a need. They would be very happy to see that need disappear, and they know the only way to achieve that is through education and contraceptive services. That is where their focus needs to be.
I wish PP would get some ads on the air. They now focus on women having choice, which is good but can be easily refuted with a few Biblical injunctions. They need to focus on the lies that are out there and respond directly. Enough of the high road. That’s become pointless in this country anyway.