Isn’t it nice when unhinged white folks can record YouTube videos of themselves threatening to kill people if they don’t get their way, and the only response is that the local Department of Homeland Security revokes their gun permit?
If James Yeager had been Jalal al Yeager or Tyrone Yeager, who wants to wager that the response to his roid tantrum this week would have been vastly different?
Being white must be nice.
Well, he certainly is the very definition of a ‘well-regulated militia’, isn’t he? Christ, what a fear-crazed, tiny-peni asshole.
It’s Tennessee. Ya can’t expect Real Merikans to have to face consequences in Crackerville USA now can you?
c u n d gulag
And if they survived when the cops, or ATF, or whoever showed up at their door, I don’t think they’d get their own Reich-wing Talk Radio show, which I can definitly see this guy getting – or some lifetime Wingnut Welfare post, if he’s in need.
Sure, he may have lost his license.
But he may have discovered an even more lucrative career!
Of course polar bears have black skin, just white hair.
The Gimp
And yay, Pyrenees!
The Gimp
@Mudge: That’s not a polar bear, but close!
? Martin
Remember when one black man with a billy stick in Philly caused Fox News to shit their pants almost daily for 4 straight years? Yeah.
BTW, don’t get this flu – it’s nasty. And if one of your kids gets it pay very close attention. My daughter spiked a 104 fever that we were lucky to catch. I’ve been laid up with a high fever for 2 days – just coming out of that now.
Wasn’t his walkback just that he wasn’t advocating shooting elected officials? Doesn’t that still leave civilians, the military and police still in his avowed sights?
The Dangerman
@? Martin:
Had the shot and still caught something that lasted a long, long time; I’ve heard this flu is a lingerer, so maybe I caught it and it wasn’t too bad because of the shot. Lesson: Get the shot.
polyorchnid octopunch
Remember the huge pushback on any attempt by Homeland Security or the FBI to call out white militarist terrorism as terrorism? Didn’t Napolitano actually have to walk back the study documenting how crazy these assholes are? When Al Quaeda has as many members of congress backing them as the tea party/disaster preppers/gun nuts have congresspeople backing them then people can be surprised at the kid gloves treatment accorded these assholes. Until then? Color me unsurprised.
@? Martin:
Hope your daughter is feeling better. I’ve been hearing that this flu season is particularly serious.
Everybody be safe.
red dog
Could Rush get his carry permit revoked as a result or is he untouchable?
Just like Obama by the end of his second term.
Over the last few years, as I contemplate the increasingly in-you-face voice of the coming armed, angry-white “we the people” “take our country back” insurgency – commanded by the dumber than shit James Yeagers* of the world, I am considering how my white guyness will play in the counter insurgency. You know, beyond eating popcorn and having my tax dollars go to the police and military that will have to mop up the crazy.
*when your ammunition is smarter than you……..
@The Gimp: Is it a Pyrenees? Looks like a Samoyed smile to me…
The Snarxist Formerly Known as Kryptik
Don’t forget he’s a CEO too. You know ‘jerb creeters’ get a pass that stacks as well.
? Martin
@Brachiator: Daughter is good. She got it first. Gave it to her brother. I got it next. Wife is proving a tough nut to crack as usual.
20 kids have already died from it. Not surprised given how quickly my daughter’s fever spiked.
@The Snarxist Formerly Known as Kryptik: ooooo, Job Craters. I think we cracked the MBA CEO spelling!
@Yutsano: That’s what I said to my daughter when she was saying that he should be locked up. This is TN we’re talking about here. I’m pleased they did this much.
@Mudge: they pass.
@SiubhanDuinne: hahaha!
@gelfling545: Oh trust me there is already a spittle-flecked rant being generated as we type about how the government gave in to the thugs in DC and are trying to take his gunz and jerbs away. Bonus points on your bingo card if there’s a WOLVERINES!! mention as well.
c u n d gulag
@red dog:
He’s untouchable as far as I’m concerned.
YOU want to touch him – go right ahead.
Just be warned, I don’t think the grade of “Taint Remover” needed to get clean afterwards, is available to the general public.
I’m going to dispute the “what if this guy were black or brown?” angle. I think – more or less – the same thing would happen. Basically, nothing. There’s no arguing against the huge amount of prejudice levied against nonwhites in our country, but guns are such a powerful tool (and issue) that everything changes when they’re involved.
It’s hard to imagine the players in this counterfactual.
I hate being fair to the asshat, but SFAIK all he did was make threats – vague ones, without naming specific targets – rather than do his rant live and in person on the street while waving a weapon, which I’m guessing would have gotten him arrested. Even in Tennessee.
In case anybody missed, a beautiful bit by Louis says it all.
Bob In Portland
Actually, being white isn’t so great when your daughters of the confederacy sister facebooks her bullshit to you before you’ve had your first cup of coffee.
probably old news around here, but in case you missed it,John Scalzi’s “Straight White Male: The Lowest Difficulty Setting There Is” post is relevant:
@CaseyL: Really you’re correct, and having his licence suspended is a good call by the state since he did make at least a vague threat. I’m just afraid of what’s going to happen now that his persecution complex is about to go into overdrive. But he is definitely getting less scrutiny than a more melanin enhanced individual would get in a similar situation.
@ruemara: Pinch his wittle cheeks too! I hear they luvz that!
Just Some Fuckhead
threatening to murder people seemed to be a pretty big deal just a short while ago, before crazy white folks made it passe.
@Joel: BWHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! You’re so adorable.
That Yeager nutjob lives an hour east of me. Too close for my comfort, and believe me when I say he’s pretty sane compared to most of Tennesseans. I am blessed to have a great job, but utterly cursed that it is in this shithole excuse for a state. Ten years down here, and every damned day I am embarrassed by the lunatics who live here. I used to be a real news junky, I sold my TV ten years ago, and refuse to even look at the local newspapers. The day I secure a job north of the Mason-Dixon line, I will sell my house at a loss, just to get the hell away from this horrible, mean, polluted area. Fuck Tennessee, and every damned thing about it. I swear I lose 3 days off my life-expectancy for every day I am stuck here.
gogol's wife
@? Martin:
And nurses in Indiana refused to get their flu jabs citing religious freedom. Now they’re suing to keep their jobs.
If you work in healthcare, no jab, no job.
@Brachiator:Gail Collins on the Google Flu Map:
@monkeyfister: I learned last night that he lives right next to Nathan Bedford Forrest State Park.
@monkeyfister: GO DAWGS!
@MikeJ: What fucking passage of the Bible says do not immunise? Jeebus is gonna come back and he’s gonna be PISSED.
I think the state should have publicly investigated and cleared him by putting up their own youtube and saying “We have investigated and decided that Mr. Yeager, a well known fraud and blowhard, is probably more a danger to himself than to others. We have cleared him of being able to carry out his pathetic threats at this time. If citizens continue to complain that he is a potential threat to himself and others we are open to seeing if he can be committed for a psych evaluation and we recommend to his friends and family that they look in to taking control of this scared, frightened little man.”**
**That being said the same exact shit, different day, is going down elsewhere in the country where a crazy guy threatened his children’s kindergarten arguing that they are teaching the kids the pledge of allegiance incorrectly. Families from the area, posting on the local newspaper site, begged commenters not to poke the bear or allude to the obvious mental illness of the crazy dad in question because–its dangerous to make fun of these bastards. This is what we’ve come to: we can’t take their guns and we can’t even make fun of them because no one knows when these “responsble gun owners” will turn out to be not so responsible.
@Mudge (#4):
Um, no. I think it’s colorless hair; transparent in fact. Just looks white. Sort’a like the sky is blue; not blue, but everything else (color) is filtered out. (Anything to avoid studying, this afternoon.)
If you want an EXCELLENT counter-example involving a black man (with a dose of police harassment and intimidation), look no further than what happened to James MacArthur of Baltimore. A long-time blogger/activist/independent reporter who had been calling out the cops for a while. Suddenly they SWAT-teamed his house (ransacking every inch of it) over some trumped-up charges.
Keep in mind we have hundreds of unsolved murders and rampant crime in Baltimore, but a huge police effort was devoted to bringing this guy in.
I have a HUGE 11″x17″ sign on the outside wall of my cubical at work: “If You Have The Flu– STAY HOME!!!”
I have plenty of leave time saved up, and if a co-worker comes in obviously sick, I berate them loudly and publicly for bringing their germs in and spreading the disease. If they refuse to go home, citing their “important job duties,” I take leave for a couple of days. Plenty of my fellow co-workers are following suit now, and I am thankful for their support.
If your job lets you earn paid sick and annual leave– take it!
So pretty much anything you feel strongly about is “religion”. Somehow this never flew with draft boards.
I agree – it’s a Samoyed with its standup ears pinned back by the car roof. Pyrs have hangdown ears and there would be more ear hangage.
Samoyeds, like the adorable fluffy cutie substituting for a polar bear, have black and white skin reminding me of Dalmatians. I had no idea until the first Sammie we had got spayed and her tummy was shaved. One little girl had to come to our house on Halloween to trick or treat because she had to see the “polar bears”.
Jeebus Christ, we’re getting to the point that any strongly held belief, no matter how stupid, now gets constitutional protection.
And while I can theoretically sympathize with someone who may not want to get injected with a needle or otherwise maintain some sacred integrity of their body, even for an immunization, I don’t see that this automatically mean that they can keep their job, especially people whose job brings them into contact with sick people.
@Brachiator: Especially with the existence of nasal spray flu vaccine.
Roger Moore
Not quite. At my work, you’re allowed to skip vaccination if you’re allergic to eggs or any of the other components they use when producing the vaccine. And, of course, vaccination is only mandatory for people who have actual patient contact, though they extend that to mean you’re not allowed into buildings where patient care takes place if you haven’t had your shot.
The oppressive government still stole his permit though. That’s why we need to build Galt’s Gulch in Detroit.
(Link doesn’t seem to have worked, so just go to the Detroit News webpage.)
Roger Moore
What do you mean “only response”? The dude got his man card revoked, which means he’s now no better than a little girl. I’m pretty sure he takes the metaphorical emasculation pretty seriously.
Mr Stagger Lee
@The Dangerman: Is this the dreaded Captain Trips virus? Have any of you been dreaming of an old black woman in a Nebraska Cornfield or a guy in jeans in Vegas? Just checking.
Just Some Fuckhead
@Roger Moore: damn straight.
yeager is practically lisping in this ‘please give me my man card back’ video
chrome agnomen
NRA says AAs should be allowed to have 3/5ths of a gun.
Yes Napolitano did catch a lot of crap for that study which completely overshadowed what was in the study. And I recall that the study was actually commissioned during the W. administration.
Just imagine if he had a bag of skittles!!!
Why is it hard to imagine the counterfactual? Black people have been literally gunned down for even looking like they might have a weapon, even when they didn’t and even when the police had no reason to stop them or ask them to comply with orders while those portland assholes were given the benefit of the doubt and not shot first/asked questions later.
Semi OT: When the crazy gets as crazy as it is now, and the comments fill me with a sad… I now go to the kitten live stream. There’s a new bunch being fostered (a mommy cat and 5 kittens who are now 4 weeks old and getting active).
Right now, the kittens are at mommy’s milk bar.
Please enlighten us all as to how you were able to land on Earth [today] from a different planet.
Sadly a whole bunch of these lunatics, and lunatics in health care, are posting on a mother/child blog I frequent. Its scary how sure they all are that the flu shot is nothing better than a placebo (failing to even make the argument that if its the same as sugar water there’s no danger) and also somehow impermissibly interfereing with their bodily integrity. Its jaw dropping to me that the same people who make a fetish of their body/their rights are often from the most red of red states where women’s rights to bodily integrity are regularly violated by the government or by schools or families but they don’t see the connection.
Thank you for that. Now I know where to go when I feel sad. Badly, badly, want kittens, now. However I have to admit the sight of all those kittens fighting over the mother cat’s nipples really, really, really, looks different after you’ve nursed your own babies. Who knew that being “touched out” could last 12 years?
Imani Gandy (ABL)
@sparrow: Not that I don’t agree with you in principle, but I’m fairly certain that the dude in Baltimore had a bench warrant out for his arrest because he missed a court hearing.
Yup, that’s a Samoyed, a happy, happy Samoyed. (If that were a Pyrenees it would likewise have to be one hugeass car.)
Friends had one, a sweet gal, that I thought was quite big until the first time I saw her come out of a lake–li’l stick dog under all that glorious fluff.
@Imani Gandy (ABL): There was some legitimate cause, but the way it was handled was very extraordinary (at least from what I know, and I am not closely involved). Apparently there are hundreds of similar cases on the books, and this was the only one singled out for SWAT-team treatment.
We’re (a subset of “we”) racing to dial back the last century of civilization’s advances. Diseases once vanquished are making comebacks–and killing innocents. California infants are dying of whooping cough while parents are signing waivers to get their non-innoculated kits into schools, including my daughter’s school.
Some things really, actually take a village while we’re racing to raise a new crop of anarchists and separatists.
I want to compare this with the Ku Klux Klan having “respectable” backers all the way to the top of the United States Congress, but I don’t know if even that analogy holds water, because I’m not sure even J. Edgar Hoover would’ve given them a free pass if they’d started threatening the White House, shooting congressmen or blowing up federal buildings (as opposed to attacking black people, immigrants, union members and other people from the bottom of the social ladder) the way so many politicians are demanding that our current right-wing-nut-jobs do.
Or am I just not being cynical enough towards the elites from back then?
El Caganger
Naw, same thing would have happened if he was black, just that the revocation would have been delivered by Seal Team Six instead of email.
Fluff is right. It’s amazing how much hair gets combed out when they blow their coats. We had to loosen our Sammie’s collar for the 2nd time this winter. She must be at peak fluff now until spring.
Another Halocene Human
@PurpleGirl: I’ve had the kitty channel on for three days now.
Another Halocene Human
@trollhattan: So if a kid’s immune system doesn’t take the shot and they die due to an unvaccinated by choice kid at school, do the bereaved kid’s parents get to take their kid in exchange?
Yes, being white sure makes life easier (and being a white male makes life easier still), and most of us don’t appreciate just how much until you marry someone beautiful but whose skin color magically turns them into a lower life form in other’s eyes. Then being white can make one very, very ashamed.
Tommy Boy
Being a white guy in the U.S. today is just like being any other race if you don’t happen to be quite wealthy. I have to compete in the market place for jobs just like anyone else. I have to pay my bills and taxes just like anyone else. The prosecutor is responsible for charging this guy. It is probably all they can charge him with at this time based on the applicable statutes. There are plenty of examples of stupid threatening comments made by lots of different races/religions that never faced charges.
@CaseyL: sure, but making these kinds of vague threats is normally not worth the authorities attention, making them while having a ccw permit definitely is. Therein lies the difference.
@Another Halocene Human: Since Poopyman first linked I’ve had it opened on a tab. I keep going over there to see what’s happening.
I’ve always counted myself lucky that my chromosomes ensured I would never have to go through nine months of pregnancy culminating in several hours of agonizing pain.
You’d think THAT would be privilege enough for a lifetime, but apparently people think we need more.
Phoenician in a time of Romans
If your job lets you earn paid sick and annual leave– take it!
I just want to point how batshit loony the assumption underlying that comment seems to people in civilized Western countries – “IF”? What did he mean “IF”? [Google] OMG – YANKS DON’T HAVE THIS AS A GODDAMNED *RIGHT*?!?!?”
(Not poking at you, mf – just your screwed up labour laws)
@Phoenician in a time of Romans: It’s a bit of a dumb assumption. I’ve worked places where calling in sick gets you pink-slipped.
We live in a strange time. We are surrounded by the fruits of science and technology, but are often amazingly illiterate about basic scientific concepts. Clean water, sewage systems and the past benefits of vaccination programs allow people the room to make shit up about how vaccines work and to convince themselves that they are no longer necessary.
These dopes are just two steps ahead of the terrorists using intimidation and murder to prevent vaccinations in Pakistan.
Very true. Great point. That’s exactly why I alluded to rights of bodily integrity.
@Phoenician in a time of Romans:
No harm here– I fully agree with you!!!
I would love to have a Samoyed–they are so beautiful and smart besides–but I live in Tucson. I pity Samoyed, Huskies, etc., in the summer here.
But I have a cat who’s the light of my life. So, can’t complain.
joel hanes
we’re getting to the point that any strongly held belief, no matter how stupid, now gets constitutional protection.
Lost cause. Scientology got their tax exemption restored in 1993; it’s all downhill from there — there have been no ramparts to defend for almost two decades.
@Tommy Boy:
But, since we haven’t heard any further about manned space flight from <a href="@Jax6655: “>Joel, perhaps you can enlighten us about your first day on Earth?
ETA: trying to fix link
EATA: screw it! link works just looks ugly
Warren Bonesteel
The primary reason for The Second Amendment has nothing to do with hunting or personal protection. Those are secondary, but valid reasons.
The Bill of Rights is a not a government grant of rights that can be removed or changed, in any way, shape or form. The Bill of Rights limits government power, telling the government specifically what it cannot do.
You need to think about the consequences of trying to use the force majeure of government in order to take rights from other Americans.
The primary purpose of The Second Amendment is to fight a tyrannical government that attempts to use force to take rights from the citizens. There are 310 million weapons in the hands of private citizens…and less than ten million LEO’s and military forces in America. 1/3 of the latter will fire on the gun grabbers, instead of the ‘rebels.’ (One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter, remember?)
Until you understand what The Second Amendment is for, and until you work the numbers before stealing the rights of American citizens, you understand nothing about the issue and you understand nothing about freedom and liberty. You understand nothing about the consequences of your own words or deeds.
You are nothing more than malicious and dangerous children.
You’ve been warned.
The blood will be on your hands, and not on another’s.
@Warren Bonesteel: BWAHAHA HAHAH!
You funny.
@Warren Bonesteel:
But there are not guns in the hands of 310 million Americans. You binky-strokers with dozens of weapons – how many of’em can you fire at once?
Do you really think shooting cops and soldiers will get a sympathetic reaction from the general populace?
If it’s binky-strokers vs. the cops and Army, I ain’t betting on you 2nd amendment tards.
ETA: You fools start some serious shit, and the gun-control/gun-safety problem will be solved real quick. Dead fools don’t carry weapons, and I think concealed carry is officially banned in prison.
I will have to attach my hubby’s photo of a new empty “Bushmaster” box in the dumspter/garbage at the back of our apartment complex. Tell ya, feels good to know that someone in our complex has that kind of firepower. And WHY do they have it? We live in a quiet, nice neighborhood in Alexandria VA. WTF???
Contrary to what the ARA thinks, I feel MORE scared with that there — not less…!!!
@Elie (#87):
Um, because Chocolate City is just right across the bridge?
The issue is and will always be CLASS. You don’t need to look at a person’s skin, because almost all of us are the same…… workers.
btw the dog is a Samoyed, it takes a Kuvasz to know.
Well let me update you. Chocolate city is not so chocolate anymore. It is pretty gentrified these days and most of the poor chocolates have been squeezed and remodeled out. You would not recognize DC now from the 90’s.
There are plenty of us chocolate people around though — on both sides of the bridge and probably enough anyway to make some of the white dough heads nervous..
@Warren Bonesteel: Mall ninja is tacticool. Real life isn’t MW3, son.
@henqiguai: Polar bear fur is better than transparent. The refractive, and internal reflective properties of the shaft make it function as a little wave guide, channeling any incident photons to the black skin for absorbtion.
Actually, polar bear hair is transparent. It has no color.