But this business of the third Monday in January being the most depressing day of the year in general — even for people who weren’t hoping to see the Romneys’ dancing horse featured at the inaugural balls — is apparently utter crap.
Okay, One Last Moment of Schadenfreude (Open Thread)
[Via] Yesterday was no doubt profoundly depressing for the Fox & Friends audience:
But they haz a sad!
And you have to sympathize with them. After all, having spent the last four years using every piece of hyperbole in the dictionary to describe even the most mundane actions of Obama, they’re now faced with the challenge of ratcheting it up to keep their followers outraged.
Ash Can
Cry us a river, freaks.
If yesterday was the most depressed I’ll be all year, it’s going to be a good year.
mai naem
I totally forgot to switch over to Fox yesterday so that I could wallow some more in those sweet sweet wingnut tears. I switched during OReally but it was too late and they were just covering the ball with no commentary.
WAIT! You mean to tell me that FAUX News would produce an information tidbit that was not 100% vetted and true?
Oh dear, now the third Tuesday is the most upsetting day of the year.
Southern Beale
I can’t imagine why Republicans have a problem attracting African American voters. Really, it’s so puzzling:
This was how the Republicans in Virginia spent MLK day.
Peggy Lee would disagree…in fact, I have a hangover from a rejuvenation of hope and excitement (and no alcohol).
Those people wallow in negativity about this President, who will go down in history as one of our best, if not the best, in modern history as his predecessor gains his spot as the worst, the one who almost bankrupted the country as he allowed the oligarchs to take control.
the Conster
The Sofa of Stupid.
Ash Can
@Southern Beale: It’s such a joke when Republicans make noises about “reaching out” to minorities and women. After wiping their feet on them day after day after day, they get all earnest all of a sudden and insist that their policies are the ones that will make the lives of minorities and women better. All they’re doing is embarrassing themselves.
John Scalzi has troll issues. It seems that a certain percentage of wingnuts hate the fact that he post things in support of human understanding & respond accordingly. Normally he just deletes troll posts but his community is much smaller than here.
But recently he has taken a new approach that is pretty funny, ‘kittening’ troll posts:
Just a morning shout out to Gex, accompanied by lotsa hugs.
And it’s nice to see the Fox folks having the blues. Heh.
@Southern Beale: I believe that would be Jackson-Lee Day in the old dominion.
Eric U.
disenvoweling is a technique that doesn’t get enough use in my estimation
I would have thought the second Tuesday in November would have inflamed their mental illness more.
Somebody used the term “Blenderella” here the other day.
Is that in reference to McArdle, and her penchant for high-end cookware?
Brillaint, if so.
Somebody used the term “Blenderella” here the other day.
Is that in reference to McArdle, and her penchant for high-end cookware?
Brilliant, if so.
Credit where it’s due. This guy is all over stuff like this, if you all aren’t acquainted yet let me introduce you
Ben Goldacre’s Bad Science
Bring on the blues! It was a great day!
Higgs Boson's Mate
@Ash Can:
The joke within the joke is that the Republicans are convinced that minorities and women will flock to them once they discover the right sales pitch.
RE Fox and Friends:
it’s sad that being on the wrong side of history can be so personally profitable.
Looking at Betty’s photo illustration:
I see the red that Michelle Obama wore so stunningly to her second round of inaugural balls;
I see the blue of the true blue voters who re-elected President Obama; and
I see a trio of trifling white fools sitting on a sofa.
@Shrillhouse: Yes, it was coined when she boasted about her brand new fancy blend-and-cook gadget, including a boast that it made making perfect Béchamel sauce trivial.
Jay in Oregon
And for people who don’t know, Scalzi’s newest work The Human Division is a collection of short stories that is being released as DRM-free ebook installments, one a week for 13 weeks, for 99 cents apiece. The collected book will be out in May.
It’s set in the same universe as his novel Old Man’s War but no prior knowledge of the series is needed; Part one “The B-Team” tells you what you need to know. Since this takes place after the other novels, you can expect minor spoilers for the earlier books.
You can get them for the Kindle, the Nook, and Apple’s iOS devices (and since it’s DRM-free you can really read it on anything that can do the ePub format). Even the Audible audiobooks are 99 cents each, but they’re not DRM-free; you can get “The B-Team” for free right now, however.
“The B-Team” was released last week, and part two, “Walk the Plank”, is out today (except the Apple iBookstore seems to have temporarily misplaced my copy…)
@Schlemizel: Cleek could probably write him some code for that, but doing it manually has a certain charm.
I don’t spend a lot of time around kittens, family allergies, but I encountered one this weekend. I knew the kitten was in the house but didn’t know where. I stood in front of the guest bed to unpack my bag and a tiny little paw came out from under it to swipe at my feet. I died from adorable surprise. This is my ghost writing.
Patricia Kayden
@Derelict: How can they ratchet it up? What more can they call him?
Speaking of gadgets and it is an open thread, I am trying to find an indoor/outdoor thermometer. I really liked our therm with probe sensor outside that recently bit the dust. Easy to read with just the basics, no clutter of too much info and it would record max/min temps of the day with reset. I hate the one my husband replaced it with. It has a max/min option but it either resets at 12 am or manually. Not what I wanted.
There are a lot of wireless to choose from that meet my other requirements but I can’t find any that measure colder than minus 40 degrees which is a must living 70 miles from Canada. I doubt too many commenters here can recommend a therm that will read down to minus 60 but I thought I’d throw the question out anyway.
Patricia Kayden
@Elizabelle: RACIST!!! Tut tut.
@jibeaux: Yeah, it struck me as a manual pie filter. Could probably be automated, but if a good writer is willing to put in the edits, I suspect the content will top an automated response any day.
Maybe Cleek will take this as a challenge.
@Schlemizel: We don’t have the rotating tag lines anymore (sad face), but “turd-laden cuddlepile of hate” would certainly deserve a place of honor there.
@Patricia Kayden: I’ve learned the following truism: It can always get worse, and probably will.
My readings of Free Republic have taught me they are becoming much more bold in both their racism and outright threats of violence. Believe it or not, they used to semi-keep this shit in check, or at least use a system of byzantine code. Now, more and more of them are just letting it fly.
We’re not free of the Wingularity yet.
@bemused: How much are you looking to get into? I’ve got a small weather station that has a wind measure, humidity, pressure, rainfall, etc, and comes with a slick indoor base station that give you inside temp/humidity/etc. If I recall, it was about $150.
Brendan in NC
For the Fox crowd every single day between Election day 2008 and Obama’s final day in office are the most depressing ever. Hopefully, their depression will last at least through 2020.
@jibeaux: Finding from the coroner: dedded from teh cute. :)
Check out the America that isn’t watching Fox…
@Brendan in NC: For the anchors and opinion folks, sure. For the money men, hell no. This is golden times in Fox Land.
No one could have predicted..
Well, they’re not really intended for household use, but if you’d like, I’d be happy to recommend various thermometers that will happily read down to 1 Kelvin or even lower.
(If you have anyone in the household who enjoys playing with electronics, a $20 platinum RTD from a supplier like Omega plus a cheap digitizer/computer like say an Arduino board would easily do what you want; it’d be a bit of a DIY project though)
Was yesterday Stonewall Jackson’s birthday or the day he died fighting against his country?
Senator Stosch?
More in the $50 range. I don’t care much about having all the other weather data. I don’t want to look at a thermometer with all kinds of busy clutter to read. I know my husband prefers one with outdoor probe like our defunct therm. It worked well for many years.
@the Conster: I hope I have future opportunities to plagiarize this.
Roger Moore
@Higgs Boson’s Mate:
And the deeper joke is that they believe this because they think their policies are actually good for poor people. I kid you not.
I think the sofa is smarter than those three. The table is einstein compared to those three twits. Gee, sorry I missed their sad widdle faces yesterday…
Ha, ha. Sounds interesting but definitely too geeky for us.
Sounded pretty easy…just replace what we had…outdoor temp, max/min to reset daily…how hard could it be!
Republican ideas about African-American outreach: Inviting them into the Big House to do some chores.
Fucking scum.
Anyone have odds on how long it’ll take the NRA to falsely equivocate the 86-car fatal accident in Ohio yesterday with Newtown and sarcastically call for a ban on cars?
Roger Moore
The solution for you may be a wired probe rather than a wireless one. The sensors themselves can probably handle any temperature you can throw at them, but the battery will have problems when it gets colder. The solution is to keep the power source at a reasonable temperature and connect it to the probe at the end of a long wire. My system actually came with a detachable probe to do that, but I confess that the Pasadena winters have never gotten cold enough for me to bother testing how well it works.
Fox News and the rest of the GOP have a second term theme song.
Hit it Jake.
@LAC: It’s sadder than that. Gretchen Carlson is a cum laude graduate of Stanford and accomplished violinist. She sold her intellect for a paycheck.
Your comment seems to fit Doocy and Kilmeade however.
Jerzy Russian
A quote rom the linked article:
it is “gibberish, bilge, rubbish, crap, stupid, and any other polite way of saying ‘utter bollocks’ that you can think of”.
I love how the British use the English language.
Mike in NC
@jayjaybear: The day is young.
Mr Stagger Lee
@redshirt: A battle between Free Republic and Stormfront for eyeballs will be at it’s height by 2016, but then again Jim Robinson will probably
suffer a massive stroke, if and when a same sex marriage is performed at the White House or some Muslim cleric or a Buddhist monk gives an invocation before then, of course I suspect RedState will be in the running also.
@Mr Stagger Lee: Probably. Don’t count on Redstate though – “too liberal”. The Freepers think Foxnews is too liberal as well, just for reference.
This reminds me of you too can build a thermometer with this kit.
No, they have to complicate things when they do new versions of a product. It is irritating.
Villago Delenda Est
The endless butthurt of the vile twits of Faux Noise is music to my ears.
Suffer, you fascist, racist shitstains. Suffer.
After reading the link: the problem here is not just junk science, it’s the unholy synergy between junk science and junk journalism.
Villago Delenda Est
Obviously, registering the cars and licensing the drivers did not prevent that accident, so we shouldn’t register cars or license drivers. Also, too, all the driving safety classes in the world wouldn’t have prevented it, so that goes double for safety classes for your AR-15.
@Roger Moore:
Yes, the defunct therm had a probe, the new one which I dislike has a probe and we’d like to find another with a probe that has better max/min record option with easy to read numbers.
I thought finding a duplicate therm like the old one would be a snap…so far, not.
Brendan in NC
@redshirt: Right you are!
That image is just weird. Two males, fully and formally dressed in such a way that only their faces and hands are showing skin. Tiny hints of color allowed, otherwise dark and somber. Very short hair, no personal adornment, expressions severe.
Between them a wholly other species, apparently. Bright blue dress, legs exposed past mid-thigh, arms naked nearly all the way to shoulders. Hair long and fluffed to frame smiling face.
I like to imagine this backwards — a couple of women in dark, body-covering clothing on either side of a young man in a cute, colorful garment with bare arms and legs. Nobody would think that was weird, right?
@Schlemizel: LOL. It’s novel modding.
J R in W Va
You know it’s total BS when you see the Faux logo. No need to do Google-fu research to find out exactly how Faux is doing the BS-ization of reality, just accept that it is BS and go on.
Actually, I haven’t seen any Faux News for a long time. I don’t patronize businesses that have it on, and I tell them so before I leave, if they won’t change to a real news channel.
I provide details about foreign-owned treasonous lies being used to destroy what makes America better than many places, if not the shining city we once were.
@Poopyman: Seriously? A mind is a terrible thing to waste
Hmm, strange how Fox News declares the third Monday in January is always the most depressing day given that, by federal statute, Martin Luther King Jr. Day is always observed on the third Monday in January.
But I’m sure it’s a total co-inkydink, amirite?
Petunia and Pals. Featuring Petunia, the Dumb One, and The Other Dumb One. Hadda watch yesterday, ‘cos, y’know, schadenfreude ‘an shit. And it were awesome watching them trying not to cry. And then they let Rove out of the dungeon, and he was trying to do sum ‘splainin’ (get it? sum. git sum, har-har!) and trying not to cry.
It’s not just about schadenfreude anymore. It’s the hearing the lamentations time and knowing that, not only is it for reals, but it’s really just in it’s early stages and should last for generations if not forever Amen.
In moderation for comment giving a mere 2 linkies to bemused.
But kind of sweet that “Stonewall” was invoked in both locations, no?
@Poopyman: That is even sadder.
Triassic Sands
The most depressing day of this or any other year is the day DST ends.