Sedate night because Walt and I stayed up until 4 am listening to the 9th and then switching gears to Boz Scaggs and then some Allison Krauss. So I’m sitting here on a quiet night with dogs snoring on couches and a cat on my lap watching tv and surfing the intertubes. In other words, a day that ends in -y.
One quick note- Steve is so much warmer than Tunch was. Tunch was soft and fluffy and pillowy, but when Steve sits on you it is like having a silky heating pad on your belly.
At any rate, the reason I was inspired enough to write this post. I’m on season 4 of Breaking Bad, and one of the things I find fascinating is how Walter White continues to think he is the only sane one on the show. He, by far, is the least sane and stable character on the whole series, but he is constantly lamenting how he is the only one who is “professional.”
It kind of cracks me up, in a sense, because I sort of see Jesse Pinkman as the more sane of the two- Jesse is who he is, and isn’t living multiple lives. He’s a junkie first and foremost, and given all the shit he goes through, him using shitloads of meth and not giving a fuck about the crankheads on his floor, and just doing what he wants seems kind of rational to me. Junkie’s reach for the pipe- it’s completely rational.
That Walter thinks it is irrational, and can not grok why his junkie partner would go to the pipe after murdering people doesn’t make complete sense just further illustrates what a sociopath White is- especially considering how Walter can kill people and fall asleep an hour later. He thinks “I killed people and played it cool, why can’t you, Pinkman?” and thinks that means he is more in control than Jesse, when it shows how much more of a lunatic he is. Remorse is a normal response. Killing someone and sleeping soundly isn’t.
His lying and multiple lives makes it almost comical in a sense that he is living completely oblivious to the reality of his life. No one has reacted or behaved more irrationally or out of “character” (in the sense you were led to believe Walter was just a boring HS prof at the beginning of the show) from day one than Walter White, but if you don’t really pay attention to the show’s arc, you could easily think he was the sane one while everyone around him was crazy. He really isn’t, which is what makes this show so complex and rewarding. He’s post hoc meticulous, but he is a fulle-fledged sociopath.
Kind of nifty how the writers did that, and I am totally looking forward to the next two seasons.
Felonius Monk
Go Boilermakers.
Mr Stagger Lee
I just loved the villains on that show from the cool serene Gustavo Fring, to the scary and very quiet Salamanca Cousins. And don’t forget the menacing, malevolent, Mike Armentraht.(SP)
Keith P
Got 10 minutes left until my first batch of red beans & rice in at least a couple of years is done. This is the first time in I-can’t-remember-how-long that I’m not cooking it in a crock pot, since I learned (I think on this site) that doing so causes stomach distress. Smells amazing…smoked ham hocks, Andouille, bay leaf…delicious.
Any thoughts on this?
McCain, Graham call US-Russia agreement on Syria ‘meaningless’
Or does the Granpa Who Would Be King get a pass on trying to derail peace talks? Here’s your dick wagging war monger.
nancy darling
Does anyone have a good recipe for okra? Not gumbo and not fried. I have never eaten it, but a neighbor gave me a big sackful of it so I am trying to find a decent recipe. I found a Cajun recipe for Maque Choux.
One of the regular posters mentioned watching the last episode of Fringe a few weeks ago. I want to thank you. It now ranks as my second favorite series after the Wire. Truly thanks. Please do yourself a favor and watch it if you have not
nancy darling
@Keith P: The only thing I have found that works in a crock pot is pulled pork. Otherwise, I use mine for taking hot stuff to a pot luck.
The Fat Kate Middleton
You’re gonna love this last season … no cable TV here, but I’m an Amazon Prime member, and each episode costs me $1.89. Well worth the price. We’re watching Broad Church the same way – and it, too, is way good.
David Fud
@nancy darling: We eat it roasted a lot – a little olive oil and salt and serve as a side dish. Higher heat would be good, probably 400 – cook approximately 20 mins, depending on how much water is in the okra.
Pickled is also excellent if you are into that sort of thing, better than cucumber pickles in my opinion.
@Mr Stagger Lee:
There’s a bonus scene on the 5th season DVD, “Chicks ‘n Guns.” It’s on Youtube, but don’t watch it if you’re not that far along in the series. It’s a great scene that was apparently written by a couple of assistants. For something written apart from the script and after the filming had stopped, it gives real insight to Jesse’s dilemma.
Season 4 of Breaking Bad maybe the best season of any TV show I have ever seen. Maybe.
It’s a Republican thing, like when Bush et al. were claiming the Iraq war was proceeding swimmingly.
Man, that Steve is one smart cat. He multitasks! Just make sure he’s not looking at questionable web sites.
That is one smart cat, but keep him away from the pay porn sites.
Old Dan and Little Ann
The final three episodes are going to be batshit insane.
My daughter just arrived in Sydney and my sister is dragging her down to the Opera House for the the last night of The Proms with the Sydney Symphony. British popular and classic music, Pomp and Circumstance and of course God save the queen!
Dressing up is actively encouraged! Should be fun.
@nancy darling: I like indian sour/sweet okra. You have to be careful to keep okra dry: slice it right before you cook it and stir fry it with garlic, ginger, salt, pepper, chili, cumin, mustard seed and then at the last minute add something sour like tamarind paste or even pomegranate molasses. Just google any Indian okra recipe. they are all good.
The next thing will be the boatload of cat toys showing up at Cole’s door.
All I have to say is that I don’t understand the love for this sick show any more than I understood the love for that other sick show, The Sopranos. Or that super cheesy show, Dr. Who. Just. Don’t. Get. It.
Meanwhile, the Bucs looked good again tonight. Hopefully, the Cards will lose tonight.
Watched the first Star Trek movie from 2009 with my sister today and she actually asked me “so what is Star Trek about anyway”… SMDH…the youth today.
Also too, my other sister loves the Twilight series and I just can’t even be bothered. I mean how can you watch True Blood and still think Twilight is anything but a CW teenage drama mashed together to make up 6 really dull movies filled with a dull heroine and a vampire dude who needs some damn sun. I like my werewolves and vampires a wee bit more mature and considerably less twinky and pasty looking, just sayin.
Yeah, I’m a “Twi-Hater”!!!
Mr Stagger Lee
@debbie: Just saw it, very good. If you didn’t see this on the season 3 DVD, Here is the snippet on the Monacada Brothers who played Leonel and Marco Salamonca.
So Walt went home?
Y’know gay marriage is virtually legal now just btdubs
The thing about Walt is that he took literally no time to decide to cook meth. It took all of 30 seconds of a news cast for him to decide and marginally less time to murder two people.
The show really raises some interesting questions, namely, does the drug game make someone bad, or are bad people drawn to it. The Wire explored it somewhat with the end scene with Marlo getting out of the cocktail party. He’s in it purely for the game…money is secondary. Walt is the same. His resentment over losing out with his former colleagues’ wealth drives his behavior far more than ensuring his family is financially sound in the event of his death. He wants to be a kingpin.
@Eric: I watched the pilot and I liked the plot…however, a couple of the characters had the annoyance factor dialed up to 10. Do they calm down?
@nancy darling:
Ugh. I eat almost anything put in front of me, but I hate, hate, hate okra. Slimy disgusting stuff. There’s not a cooking method that improves it.
Felonius Monk
@Keith P:
Would you plz elaborate a little. I’ve never heard this before.
@geg6: Did you at least like “Lost”?
Bob's Had Enough
In the real world, both.
Loved Lost. Not even in the same universe as the shows I mentioned. They are just awful shows. Lost was not.
@Jane2: Lost sucked ass. Doctor Who (reboot) and The Sopranos are/were great though.
Keith P
@Felonius Monk: Kidney beans have a toxin called phytohaemagglutinin in them that requires boiling over 100 C to denature them. Crockpots only get up to around 80 C, according to what I’ve read.
John Cole
The first season of Lost was great tv, but the second season suffered because that was in the middle of the writer’s strike, and the content just sucked because of the talent gap. I have a lot of friends who gutted it through and watched season three to the end and they liked it.
Another show I never talk about but was totally schlocky and I loved it anyway was Alias. It was as cheesy as Chuck and I loved it just the same.
nancy darling
@geg6: That is why I have never eaten it. I’ve heard too many people who feel just like you and my Mom never made it. I am going to give it a try though. The Indian recipes sound interesting.
I am just about burned out on “Breaking Bad”. There is something missing in Walter White. And it was missing before the cancer diagnosis. I so wanted Jesse to take the money and the new identity and start over. At that point, redemption was still possible for him, I think.
I recently discovered “Justified”. It has the added bonus of ogling Tim Olyphant. Walter Goggins is superb as Boyd.
Thor Heyerdahl
@Keith P: Funny…I made up a batch of red beans and rice as well…love the ham hock after letting it slowly cook in the spicy mixture.
Mr Stagger Lee
@efgoldman:Prevent defenses should be banned BANNED BANNED!!! I hated it since John Elway torched the Browns who was doing it in the AFC championship in 1986
RobertDSC-iPhone 4
I’m replaying Black Ops 1 on the PS3. It’s a good way to unwind after a jacked-up day in the print shop. I have another 8 hours to go tomorrow. Bleh.
When I bought Black Ops, I paid off my copy of GTA V. I’ll pick it up Tuesday & go all day and night and Wednesday since I have those two days off for vacation.
I saw Lost back when it was The X-Files.
Of course, I also saw The X-Files back when it was The Night Stalker.
Darren McGavin kicked ass.
Mr Stagger Lee
@nancy darling: I can’t wait for the new season.
RobertDSC-iPhone 4
I forgot to say thanks to Martin for getting back to me on the G4 Cube speakers. If you do find a pair, contact me at darthscreencapture at Mac dot com.
(Still have my .Mac address. It’s 13 years old & I’ve seen it through iTools, .Mac, MobileMe, and now iCloud. Still miss my iDisk, though.)
Keith P
@Thor Heyerdahl: Yep, red beans done right is hard to beat. Mine had the perfect amount of spice and the perfect amount of vinegar (I used to make this stuff drunk and/or stoned and wound up throwing away a lot of it). Nice pork flavor from the hocks, and lots of Andouille.
BTW: I’m still waiting on JC getting around to trying out Deadwood. I personally think it’s better than The Sopranos (last season of Sopranos was awful) and at worst the 3rd best show HBO’s done (GoT, Deadwood, The Wire and are my top 3, in that order) It died way too soon, and all on account of the lame John From Cincinnati.
Thor Heyerdahl
@Keith P: So boil the beans first before putting them in the slow cooker…though I do like the stovetop version better myself.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
Let us frolic
Steeplejack (tablet)
@nancy darling:
Justified has been consistently excellent, even as story arcs have changed and supporting characters have come and gone. Really looking forward to the new season, which is when—January? April? Damn.
TaMara (BHF)
It’s raining again.We’re on curfew and flash flood watch for another night. I put together some photos of the flood damage here. I got to see some of it first hand today and it took my breath away. Tomorrow morning early, as long as it doesn’t rain too hard tonight, I’ll take my bike around and see what I can, as long as I can do it and not be in the way of any cleanup.
Feeling very blessed because I’m fine and all of the people I care about have managed to get through this with little damage. Others have not been so lucky. I spent the last half hour trying to corral three dogs that looked to be runaways – collars and tags, having the time of their lives – no luck.
There have been entire towns taken out by these flash floods – about as much warning as a tornado and then houses just engulfed. We’re used to flash floods here – but isolated to a single area. Nothing like this.
The prophet Nostradumbass
@Mr Stagger Lee: Elway had a lot of experience watching from the sidelines as Stanford repeatedly lost games using it.
Thor Heyerdahl
@Keith P: If you can, find the smaller red beans…there’s a taste difference compared to kidney beans – they’re creamier.
This is the recipe I use: – I’d love to hear what people use as variations.
Amen. I’m one of those freaks that preferred the MotW to the storyline. The MotW plots were more Nightstalkerish.
Big Night Stalker fan. It made me want to become a reporter.
Big Night Stalker fan. It made me want to become a reporter.
@TaMara (BHF):
Mm & Dad are driving back from the east coast. After a stopover to see fam in Kansas, they left for CO this morning, not knowing how bad it was. When they stopped at the welcome centre right over the border, they were pointed towards Nebraska as a way to avoid closed highways.
Hope you guys are doing ok.
Well, once reporters stopped chasing monsters, they became kind of useless.
Heh. It scared me so bad I would’ve never considered being a reporter. I thought reporters spent their time being chased by monsters.
My mother loved The Night Stalker. Hooked me up at a young age.
@lamh36: So this is my Twilight story.
Out in Arkansas meeting my boyfriend’s (now Mr. Suzanne) family for the first time. The family dog has already bitten me and I am trying to make a good first impression. My future MIL makes a home-cooked meal…..which gives me the worst diarrhea ever. I am in the bathroom ass-ploding, and THE ONLY READING MATERIAL in the bathroom was the first Twilight book. So I try reading it. I got about fifty pages into it, and I finally decided I’d rather just sit and concentrate on shitting instead.
@John Cole: I binge-watched all six seasons in three or four months, and toughing it out doesn’t begin to describe getting through Season Three.
@MikeJ: I’ve never seen the Sopranos…I know you have to start with S01E01, and I’m going to do that this winter.
Right now, I’m going to start on “Homeland”.
@Baud: it made me want to run away from freakish monsters.
I don’t have a cool name like Kolchak, so it wouldn’t have worked out anyway.
Exactly. They’re all sissified now.
They had some wonderful and creative monsters on that show, IIRC.
Felonius Monk
@Keith P:
The stuff I cook in my crockpot is usually gently boiling on low and more rapidly boiling on high. Boiling point is 212F or 100C — so I don’t see a problem.
However, I never put dried beans straight into the crockpot. Boil/soak them first so they don’t take forever to cook.
S1 is sitting on my HD because I heard the Kenyan
usurperwarmonger is a fan, and also because I really, really liked MSCL (Juliana Hatfield and I share a birthday). Haven’t gotten around to it yet, but I plan to.skippy
i think breaking bad is exquisite story-telling, transcending boilerplate tv into the realm of masterpiece, with the likes of citizen, war and peace, the mona lisa or beethoven’s ninth.
but re: lost = x-files = night stalker, i recently rented the dvds for every episode of spaced, the tv show simon pegg and nick frost did before their current movie successes. i had heard nothing but fantastic things about it, but once i watched it, i thought “this is just the young ones with video games. and the young ones was just the monkees with swearing. and the monkees was just hope and crosby’s road movies in one place with bell bottoms. you kids get off of my lawn!”
Pair of fucking bitter old trolls.
I completely understand…lol
Felonius Monk
@Thor Heyerdahl: I’ve made red beans and rice with roman beans, pinto beans, small red beans, and cranberry beans. Actually prefer most of these to kidney beans anyway.
TaMara (BHF)
@efgoldman: Sooooo, not going to intimate anything here, but the section that wants to secede – that’s where 3 of the rivers end up – and those rivers almost merged in the flash flood creating a biblical disaster. I mean as bad as it has been in our “liberal” areas, it’s triple that in Weld (we want to be our own state) county.
I heard nothing about refusing the aid that was promised. Also, too, the sheriff of that county was suing to overturn the new gun laws and is now all cozy with the very democratic Gov.
There are National Guard personnel all over here, guarding damaged areas. It’s kind of spooky.
Felonius Monk
Well, bitter old trolls at least. I think their fucking days are long past. :)
@nancy darling:
(Okay, I’ve double-checked that what I’m about to say is not spoilery for our host.)
You know, I want to sympathize with Jesse, but the guy just pisses me off for reasons I can’t entirely explain. I think it may be because he thinks he’s better than Walt. I’m reminded of a line that Paul Newman gave in The Road to Perdition: “There are only murderers in this room.”
Jesse’s murder of Gale Boetticher is worse than anything he knows Walt to have done*. He doesn’t have any business looking down at the guy.
*Jesse doesn’t know that Walt murdered Jane**.
**Oh come on, yes he did.
@Felonius Monk:
Now I have to go find something with which to wash my brain.
TaMara (BHF)
@MikeJ: Yeah, I would think WY would be a safer route now. There’s no way to cross the state – I-25 and I-76 the major ways to get from there to anywhere in CO have been completely shut down at various times over the past few days.
I saw Lost back when it was called Gilligan’s Island.
Sounds like you’re making a moral judgment, while lots of the fans of the show are making an aesthetic judgment. Ask a different question and you shouldn’t be surprised that you get a different answer.
You’re doing it right.
U@TaMara (BHF): Turn down aid?! WHAAAAAT?!
Happy to take money, but loath to give it: the wingnut mantra.
U.S. and Iran are edging toward direct talks:,0,1520818.story
Deeply flawed characters make for good drama. I enjoyed watching The Sopranos, but I didn’t exactly consider Tony Soprano a role model.
Thanks – but here’s where I may be doing it wrong: I have decided that rather than being a cheesy, silly sitcom, “Gilligan’s Island” is a purgatory allegory. Each of the strandees is there because of some awful sin or shortcoming, except for Gilligan. The goofy, innocent man-child is there to monitor and/or inspire the potential redemption of each of them. (Haven’t decided if he consciously knows that is his role.)
@Ladybug: that might just be enough to give McCain a stroke.
lurker dean
we’ve been binge watching and trying to catch up and just discovered that netflix only has the first half (8 episodes) of season 5 available. the final 8 episodes (which some call season 5 part 2 and others call season 6) are not on netflix, and there’s no timetable for them to be available! which was a bummer to find out. we’re dvr-ing the final 4 episodes in real time on AMC so we have them when we’re caught up, and the 4 episodes we’re missing are on amazon instant video (as season 6), but are not free. anyway, if you’re watching on netflix, start recording the final episodes now on AMC or you’ll have to buy them all on amazon.
@lurker dean:
They’re available on iTunes too. Also not free, but it’s a reasonable amount.
I think it was something like $22 for the back half of the season? I forget exactly, but it wasn’t much. I’ve saved a fortune since I dropped cable and started paying for my TV habit a la carte.
Ted & Hellen
What does it say about our current society that so many popular shows like this one are hateful/negative/nihilistic/violent/murder/torture/degrading crap?
You people really need to stop teasing me…
@MikeJ: The socialist warmonger whose wife is trying to kill America’s children by telling them to drink water is a fan?? Count me out.
@lurker dean: Do you have on-demand from your cable/satellite provider? If so, all of 5B, to date, is available now.
@Ted & Hellen:
Go count the bodies in Macbeth and get back to us with your results.
lurker dean
@Laertes: good to know about itunes. i was just happy to find it on amazon, i thought i was going to have to wait months until it was on netflix. it’s also reasonably priced on amazon, but might as well record for free if you have cable. been thinking about getting rid of HBO because of netflix, but still not ready to unplug from fios tv. hopefully one day, there really is a lot available ala carte.
And how is that different from every other week? ;)
@lurker dean: Netflix doesn’t have HBO shows streaming, so I get them from the library. Otherwise, our cable is history (except for internet) once Breaking Bad is done.
lurker dean
@Manyakitty: i do have on demand, and did check that – it only has 5A. which was another reason i became panicked. i guess different areas have different BB eps available.
@Laertes: Or Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Titus Andronicus, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.
nancy darling
@Laertes: Or Titus Andronicus! Wiki says, “It is thought to be Shakespeare’s first tragedy, and is often seen as his attempt to emulate the violent and bloody revenge plays of his contemporaries, which were extremely popular with audiences throughout the sixteenth century.”
@lurker dean: Huh. I was just watching it yesterday. Sorry.
@lurker dean:
Turns out nearly everything I want to watch is available without much hassle. Netflix gets lots of stuff late, which is fine if you’re not in a big hurry, or if (like me) you often discover shows some years late.
I give iTunes a bit of money here and there to get Breaking Bad and Doctor Who. About the only show I care about that’s difficult is Game of Thrones. HBO simply refuses to take my money without I give a ton more to the cable company, and I simply refuse. So I watch it at a friend’s place and HBO gets nothing from me. When they’re ready to join the 21st century they’re welcome to a reasonable amount of my money. So long as they cling to their current outdated business model, they get not a penny from me.
Bob In Portland
@Jane2: It’s an acquired taste. It took me three tries to get past the “blowing up Tuco’s headquarters” episode. I think I felt too much anxiety feeling that Walter was in over his head. But once I did I was in for the whole ride. The acting is amazing. Almost a Shakespearean tragedy.
@TaMara (BHF): Isn’t it amazing how people STFU and accept evil government aid when a problem occurs?
lurker dean
@Laertes: yeah, GoT is the only reason i haven’t gotten rid of hbo. but i figure it’ll be another few months til the next season, then i can add hbo again if they haven’t come up with an ala carte option. i’ve heard hbo has been thinking about offering one, but who knows. agreed that it’s annoying, but hopefully they’ll come around when people start jumping ship.
Felonius Monk
@Ted & Hellen: All those old Romans filling up the Colosseum on a Saturday afternoon to watch the gladiators kill each other or the lions killing Christians and other assorted lowlife just pales in comparison to today’s television entertainment I suppose.
So what does it say about our current society? Well, I guess it says we’re all Ted & Helen now, eh.
@nancy darling:
Okra? You need ice, water, salt and good bourbon.
Destem the okra, put it a large bowl of water and add salt and ice.
Let soak.
Take tumbler, add 2+oz bourbon and ice.
Drink bourbon.
Add 2+oz bourbon and ice.
Drink bourbon.
Drain the okra, throw it away and order takeout.
Have somebody else pick up the food.
This has been a public service of the BJ 24/7 helpline.
Omnes Omnibus
@trollhattan: Perfect.
Ted & Hellen
Shakespeare and other talented people to this day create meaningful, beautiful work that focuses on the human behavior, pathos, neuroses/drama/causes of/results of/consequences of ugliness/violence. The drama comes from what the negative events engender in the people effected.
To me, trash like Breaking Bad focuses on the ugliness/violence itself, over and over and over and over…in a depressing and soul crushing way.
I’m guessing you’ll agree if nothing else, Shakespeare’s language is a tad more gorgeous/artful/accomplished than that of Breakinug Bad?
“Or Hamlet, Romeo and Juliet, Titus Andronicus, et cetera, et cetera, et cetera.”
I kind of assume Laertes is already familiar with Hamlet.
And that distinguishes it from Breaking Bad how, exactly?
Nobody’s going to dispute that. And since you’ve obviously got to be right about something, that’s a good thing to be right about. But your original point, about the depravity of some modern entertainment standing as an indictment of our uniquely savage times, remains a bit hogwashy.
Omnes Omnibus
A bit?
@JCJ: LOLZ. One hopes.
Omnes Omnibus
@Manyakitty: Well, he will be.
@Ted & Hellen: They always have been.
@trollhattan: LOL. I actually had some fab okra dish in New Orleans that was made with bacon fat as a base.
@Ted & Hellen:
You raise a valid question. Why _would_ someone expose an audience to soul crushing, depressing repetition? Over and over and over and over again. Seems like something only an outright sadist would commit themselves to trying.
Ted & Hellen
Agreed. You really should stop commenting here.
A Humble Lurker
@Ted & Hellen:
Please tell me you work at a movie theater.
Mike D.
Ludwig Van?
Forked Tongue
@Ted & Hellen: I’ll be sure to listen to moral indictments of our sick society from the guy who thought the response to Jerry Sandusky was overblown. Anyway, this:
Is well stated. It could hardly be improved as a description of exactly what Breaking Bad is about.
But the first Star Trek movie wasn’t from 2009. It was from 1976. But yeah. Lets make fun of your sister.
GHayduke (formerly lojasmo)
That was me, I believe. You’re welcome.
Wife and I watched the last three seasons together, then started at episode one, and watchec all five seasons without watching any other teevee. Awesome show.
GHayduke (formerly lojasmo)
@Thor Heyerdahl:
Yup. Boiling fixes this. It seems that cooking them in a slow cooker actually INCREASES the toxin by five fold.
Uncle Ebeneezer
I’m at the beginning of the 5th season of BB now, almost caught up. At first I hated pretty much every character. Now I’m with Cole, firmly rooting for Jessie and nobody else. I also am surprised how much Hank has grown on me. Brilliant writing. Though I do have to take breaks from it due to the high intensity and cancer stuff.
But I will still take Boardwalk Empire over BB for my personal list. Just as complex (more so actually) and better sets/costumes etc. And more likeable characters. But both are epic.
Recently watched Deadwood as well which set a pretty high bar (though I hated the sudden ending.)
Uncle Ebeneezer
I’m at the beginning of the 5th season of BB now, almost caught up. At first I hated pretty much every character. Now I’m with Cole, firmly rooting for Jessie and nobody else. I also am surprised how much Hank has grown on me. Brilliant writing. Though I do have to take breaks from it due to the high intensity and cancer stuff.
But I will still take Boardwalk Empire over BB for my personal list. Just as complex (more so actually) and better sets/costumes etc. And more likeable characters. But both are epic.
Recently watched Deadwood as well which set a pretty high bar (though I hated the sudden ending.)
What do you think the odds are that Pat Robertson will come on the teevee box and proclaim that the flooding in Colorado is God punishing those folks who want to secede?
What do you think the odds are that Pat Robertson will come on the teevee box and proclaim that the flooding in Colorado is God punishing those folks who want to secede?
What do you think the odds are that Pat Robertson will come on the teevee box and proclaim that the flooding in Colorado is God punishing those folks who want to secede?
What do you think the odds are that Pat Robertson will come on the teevee box and proclaim that the flooding in Colorado is God punishing those folks who want to secede?
When can I expect to see Pat Robertson on the teevee box godsplaining how the Colorado floods are The Lord’s way of showing his disapproval of the nutbag secessionists in that state?
When can I expect to see Pat Robertson on the teevee box godsplaining how the Colorado floods are The Lord’s way of showing his disapproval of the nutbag secessionists in that state?
If you think of Walter White as Barack Obama, it all makes sense.