Gave Steve a solid brushing, and man was he ever happy. He’s all soft, silky, and blissed out on my lap:
So happy, even, that he extended me a hand of friendship:
Cats rule.
by John Cole| 78 Comments
This post is in: Cat Blogging
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OT: because I missed the thread below where it was relevant, I wanted to share a quote here.
Ahh Papa Stevedore Hemingway. :)
I have like ten warm blankies on me right now. Not quite two snuggly border collies but it’ll do. Meds are kicking in too so sleepy time is here.
O, Steve does look so blissed out – what a sweet rascal!
Dang, you weren’t kidding about that cat’s paws–catcher’s mitts!
Sweet dreams and rest while you can before they barge in, turn on all the lights and take your vitals!
Don’t hurt yourself, John. Especially with that bobcat there.
So Cole, are you going to teach Steve how to do a high five? He’s got the paws for it.
Comrade Mary
Holy crap, that cat has mitts like Roy Campanella.
phoebes-in-santa fe
Hope you’re feeling better, Cole. And, wow, is Steve’s paw huge!
Omnes Omnibus
@phoebes-in-santa fe:
Especially when you realize that Cole’s hands are the size of a catchers mitt.
Exam tomorrow. Crapping my pants. Happy holidays.
@Yatsuno: Ahhhhh, glad to see you are okay! Remember: better living through chemistry.
Awww, warm fuzzies. A nice warm cuddle with him will do your broken body good, Cole.
@Suzanne: hopefully they’re brown pants
Omnes Omnibus
@Suzanne: Merde*
*French expression for good luck. ;)
@Suzanne: Will keep you in my thoughts that you pass the exam.
Will keep you in my thoughts, hope good vibes can travel the Pacific. Go get ’em Suzanne.
Tap Tap
Is this thing on?
@NotMax: My bride cried out in her sleep and that was it, up @ 4:30 again.
What did we ever do in such circumstances before the internet?
Putter aimlessly around the house.
@raven: I thought that’s when you normally got up. That’s usually when I go to sleep(+ or – a hour or so).
@NotMax: As soon as I get up, even for a pit stop, the big dog sneaks in and swipes my spot. I’d wake her up if I booted him so I just come out to the couch!
@BillinGlendaleCA: It’s been getting that way, used to be able to make it to 5am. I’m off for 3 weeks and busting ass in the yard and trying to get the deck back in order. Now I have to decide whether to keep all the lumber from the teardown 6 months ago. It’s going to be another year before we build our addition and having it sitting in the yard for that long seems questionable.
Life of Riley 2.0.
@NotMax: God I loved Bendix. I always remember him in Guadalcanal Diary with the captured Japanese soldier. “we ain’t got no “avocados”!
Although often relegated to comedy, he could handle all types of roles admirably.
But never lose that Brooklyn twang.
Forget the name of the movie, but it was a historical thing which mostly took place on a ship. There was William Bendix, shirtless. Then he opened his mouth and one couldn’t avoid giggling.
@raven: I’ve been scanning bills/bank statements to rid myself of so much fucking paper. Last week was tech upgrades: new phone(Note3) and new ssd for the puter. My crippled wife(broken little toe) informed me that the kid, having finished her first quarter of Nursing school, will grace us with her presence today. I am to grill korean bbq chicken for the occasion. I believe that I will have to purchase additional propane to accomplish this task.
@BillinGlendaleCA: I broke on toe on each foot years ago. The first one was body surfing at Makapuu. Flew to LA and broke one on the other foot in my sis’s couch. Then, back here in Georgia, I was called on to intervene in a bad situation with a drunk friend, some hostile young dudes and a big knife. I remember trying to run up the street to the conflagration limping on BOTH feet!
@NotMax: Lifeboat? The Deep Six?
@raven: She caught her’s on her couch as well.
Now you’ve gone and made me search.
Must have been Blackbeard, the Pirate.
(Was looking around the interweb for the episode of Dobie Gillis I traditionally watch at Xmas time, but doesn’t seem to be online so will have to dust off the VHS. Having worked retail for many years, that episode’s coterie of customers from hell remains spot on.)
Ooh, we shall be graced with one more appearance on screen by Peter O’Toole next year.
@NotMax: Do you remember Akim Tamiroff in “The Buccaneer “? He called Franciska Gaal a different fruit or vegetable every time he talked to her.
Great Picture from that film!
Yup yup.
Akim had ‘seedy’ down pat.
@NotMax: God, I forgot he was in Touch of Evil!
Pretty much the only Charlton Heston movie that holds up.
Tamiroff was also in fine form in Tortilla Flat with John Garfield.
@NotMax: Except that Heston was ridiculous as a Mexican. Now Mercedes McCambridge, there was a hard ass. I always thought Heston was good in Ben Hur.
That is the largest kitty paw I’ve ever seen, bar none. If he ever decides, Tunch-like, to knock something over just because, it may well not only fall over but go through the closest wall.
And you forgot the feline corollary – cats rule, dogs drool.
Man Steve has some mitts.
@NotMax: Was that the version where they ended up killing Blackbeard by burying him up to his neck on the beach and letting the tide come in? The one where Blackbeard kept calling Maynard “Captain Mainyard”? That Blackbeard chewed up every bit of scenery on the set. I don’t even remember Bendix, though.
(Possible conflation of movies seen as a kid, but all of them contained numerous “Arrrrr!”s.)
If you brush me, I will happily sit on your lap and extend my paw :)
Heston looked good but, let’s face it, couldn’t act his way out of a wet paper bag. Much like Chuck Connor,s his strength was playing tall.
The silent Ben Hur is an astoundingly better epic, IMHO.
As for Touch of Evil, I’m a sucker for Dietrich, whom I recognize for many is an acquired taste.
English teacher in my high school used to show a short film set in ancient Rome he’d made in college starring Heston (who was also a student there) which highlighted his weaknesses and his limited strengths.
Speaking of cats ruling…got my niece the BJ t-shirt with the full-face Tunch baleful glare, with the legend OBEY underneath. Because it’s definitely her.
Can’t say yea or nay – been many a moon since viewed it, and yes, there are a raft of other Blackbeard movies as well.
Speaking of things theatrical, dunno if you saw it, but you might get a chuckle out of a true story I posted in an earlier thread.
Steeplejack (tablet)
My favorite Bendix line is in Wake Island. He and some other guy dive into a trench as a Japanese plane blows something up. Other guy says something, and Bendix replies, “What do you care? It’s not your island.”
This morning I woke to news that the mega-million ticket was sold within fifteen miles of my house. Oh well, maybe next time.
@NotMax: That was funny!
Steeplejack (tablet)
What software did you use to (presumably) “ghost” the new drive? I’ve been thinking of getting an SSD.
Always wrong Bill Kristol is on Morning Ho, time to close that window. I downloaded a voicemail program on the Note and made the mistake of letting it sync contacts. It sync’ed my hotmail contacts. Now I had to go through and delete that crap out and import back in my google contacts. But, I do love this phone.
@Steeplejack (tablet): I used the software that came with the Samsung drive to clone it. I just needed to slim down the stuff on the original, no need to shrink the partition.
ETA: It’s called Samsung Data Migration, catchy name there
Any news on the Pet Calendar? Anyone??
@SixStringFanatic: I just checked the Balloon Juice store and it’s not posted yet. Hopefully, we hear something soon.
Steeplejack (tablet)
How are you liking the Note? I am gradually succumbing to consumer lust—the aging Droid Incredible is balking at updates and holding a shorter charge—but I’m realizing I may not want to go big. Now, with this tablet, I use the phone much less for casual, “I don’t want to get on the computer” Web stuff. The Droid Maxx keeps popping into view.
mai naem
is there a Republican more deserving a kick in the teeth than Bill Kristol? BTW, why does no Democrat ever ask these fuckers what their alternative is to O-care? That should be the automatic default response to any criticism from any O-care supporter. Also too, who is the equivalent of Bill Kristol on MSNBC on FOX? Anybody? Anybody? But, we still hear the “MSNBC is the liberal equivalent of FOX.” Bullshit.
@Steeplejack (tablet): I love the Note. The wife got me the S-View flip cover for (early) Christmas. Battery life is excellent and no lag at all. I rooted it last Sat so I’ve got a bit more freedom with the PenWindow program selection.
ETA: The wife got a S4, it doesn’t do as well as far as battery life. But it is smaller. The note is big, but I’ve not found it a problem.
@Steeplejack (tablet): Second the Samsung rec, I’ve used it and it works great but only on Samsung drives. EaseUS makes a freeware drive cloner that I’ve used several times and found it useful.
Temporarily Max McGee (soon enough to be Andy K again)
And Tamiroff was excellent in “The Great McGinty”- and, iirc, repeating the role in “The Miracle of Morgan’s Creek”, albeit in a cameo appearance.
Did I say I love Preston Sturges? Because I do. I really do.
@raven: Stack and sticker and keep the lumber covered with a good tarp and you should be able to save most of it.
If you have an unused slab of concrete, put it there. If not, find a flat piece of ground and put the lumber on top of treated 4x4s spaced 3-4 feet apart at 90 degrees to the lumber (1/2″ space between the lumber). Between each layer of lumber put some 2x4s lined up directly over the 4x4s (these are the “stickers”) This allows air to move thru the lumber so that any moisture that gets in (you live in GA, moisture will get in) can get back out. Then cover it with the best tarp you can find. Uncover it once every 2-3 weeks on a sunny day to ensure drying.
I salvaged maybe a dozen loads of excess lumber at the end of my last job (a 4 year project) at the Fort and what i didn’t give away lasted for 3 years.
Patricia Kayden
Soonergrunt must have forgotten to turn on the comments on his open thread.
Patricia Kayden
Soonergrunt must have forgotten to turn on the comments on his open thread.
Soonergrunt is trolling us with an open thread we can’t comment on.
Soonergrunt is trolling us with an open thread we can’t comment on.
Heh, I see sooenrgrunt posted an open thread with the comments turned off.
@OzarkHillbilly: I don’t know why it did that. I’m working on it. The coffee isn’t done yet. give me a few minutes.
Update–try it now?
On a related note, any recommendations for a dead-drive data recovery program? I was talking to a friend this weekend who was getting astronomical quotes from Micro Center, etc., to salvage his drive, and for the life of me I could not remember the program I used a few years ago. I figure there might be newer/better programs now. (Dead drive was on a Windows box.)
@Steeplejack: depends on why the drive is dead. If it’s making clicking noises as it’s dying, put it in a ziploc baggie and stick it in the freezer overnight. This works sometimes to extend the life of a drive when the stepping motor (makes the platters spin) is dying. No, I don’t know why.
If the drive won’t show up in the OS anymore, you’re probably hosed.
If the drive shows up, but it has so many surface errors on it that it’s become unstable, I use Acronis True Image to capture a backup before it dies completely.
If the drive is truly dead, it’s going to cost a metric fuck-ton of money to get the data.
@Steeplejack: Sorry, no idea.
The drive is quite dead, not dying, so the baggie-in-the-freezer thing won’t work. Other than that, I don’t know the actual state of deadness.
I seem to remember a program that did a fair job even with disks that Windows couldn’t see any more. Guess I’ll have to search through my old e-mail or get on the Google. Thanks for the tip about Acronis, anyway. Always looking to add arrows to my quiver.
Painful! I bought my ticket within a couple of miles of the store that sold the winner. None of my numbers came nearly that close, alas.
gogol's wife
I just saw last night on the TCM obituaries that Valentin de Vargas died. He was scary in that.
Steve has huge paws.
I had a poly and his paws looked big but he wasn’t Maine Coon so they didn’t look that big.
Ms. D. Ranged in AZ
Holy smokes look at those paws! Love that blissful face in the first pic.
Well, that’s a paw for you! Awesome.
You have got to stop frazzling his eyes with the flash. Do they have sunlight where you live? Lamps? Fstops?
“Bigfoot” was probably one of the name choices, yeah? Stevesquatch?
Aw, blissed out cat. Nothing better. One of mine’s pretty pissed off because we got a new, and very loveable, rescue (from puppy mill) Malti-Poo pup. I’ve no doubt the baby will win over the po’d cat just like she’s won over everyone else who has had any contact with her!