The mystery is: where is Scooby?
He was stolen by meddling kids.
I can’t sleep, so I’m reading on the sofa, bookended by a pair of boxers. One is snoring, and the other is farting. It’s good to be home.
Open thread for the late night / early morning crew!
Scooby is under the bus. Hey, since next month, I’m in San Diego, Balloon Juice meet up ing?
I blame Hillary.
Scoobie is looking for pawpaws.
I got horrible news this Saturday at the farmers market. The brave intrepid farmers from near Escalon have ripped out their experimental pawpaw plot. As far as I can tell, the infant California pawpaw industry is dead!
Said no demand, couldn’t sell enough to make them pay for themselves. What am I going to do for pawpaws now?
What is wrong with people that they didn’t buy no pawpaws? I thought there were sophisticated foodies living here in this stupid SF Bay Area. Hell with these snooty SF jackasses, they can’t handle pawpaws.
They had fantastic cherries, and cheap. But my heart was broken. No pawpaws.
Amir Khalid
The question, after all, is, “Scooby-doo, where are you?”
@BillinGlendaleCA: By the way, and speaking of buses, the Commuter Express 409 might work for you
Your comment reminded me that I have extremely vague memories from when I was very small, in the mid-’50s, of my mother and grandmother—farm women from western Tennessee—singing me a song with the phrase “way down yonder in the pawpaw patch.” I also remember “pickin’ up pawpaws, put ’em in your pocket.”
And now, through the awesomeness that is the Intertubes, I present a version of the song with an actual pawpaw bush—tree?—whatever—in it.
I think I have actually eaten a pawpaw at some point in my life, but I don’t remember how it tasted.
This has been another pointless episode of Crackro-American history.
Amir Khalid
Little Boots, are you there? More classic Malay pop.
@Amir Khalid:
You have to lie in wait and unleash this stuff when he’s actually around.
I’ve been collecting a few for him, e.g., Paul Davis, “Cool Night.”
submitted w/o comment…..
@Brachiator: So far she hasn’t had to go in, but she’ll drive in.
That reminds me of a song that was on an album my sister gave me for my 10th birthday.
@Steeplejack: I remember a kindergarten teacher singing us the second pawpaw song you mentioned, but being a child of Southern California I had no idea what they were. My mother had seen them somewhere; she was born in the Ozarks and lived most of her childhood in Missouri but I don’t know if pawpaws live there. She said they were kind of sweet and insipid, but my memory of this is probably 60 years old.
Amir Khalid
Even if Caligula doesn’t show up, it’s not a total loss. There’s plenty more classic Malay Pop on Youtube, and others of the Juicitariat will still appreciate these beautiful songs.
I’m looking for a good online or downloadable program that I can use to convert you tube videos to MP4 or WM files so I can save on DVD on my computer.
I’m looking for a free program that SAFE for my laptop and not some malware Trojan horse?
any good ideas guys?
I’m off yo bed now but I’m gonna check back in da morning for any answers.
thx in advance…good night guys.
@Amir Khalid:
The songs are great. Just advising on your Boots stalking strategy.
@Amir Khalid: Caligula? Are you talking about Little Boots?
Amir Khalid
Gotcha, and thanks for the tip.
Both quotes are part of the same song.
I think pawpaws could grow in a lot of places. The one in that video is in Delaware, and my relatives knew of them in Tennessee. . . . Ah, Wikipedia is helpful, as usual: natural distribution map for Asimina triloba.
Now I have the idea of seeing whether I can find a pawpaw seedling and getting my brother to plant it in his yard (in NoVA).
Amir Khalid
Yes, although strictly speaking the Latin for Little Boots should be in the plural: Caligulae.
Amir Khalid
I found the discussion of paw-paws a bit confusing at first. “Paw-paw” is also an alternative name for the papaya, a fruit much more common in Malaysia.
An interview with a Russian journalist who got inside Putin’s troll factory.
i grow my own.
@lamh36: I use the Download Helper plugin for Firefox. It lets you grab most YouTube stuff as MP4 directly. There are some videos–typically music–that it can’t grab.
Paul in KY
@Steeplejack: Mild taste. Also called the custard apple.
@Origuy: I saw that. Made me think of the not-missed BiP.
Matt McIrvin
If you do a Google image search for “pawpaw” the first four rows are actually pictures of papayas.