I’m not particularly invested in any of the games being played tonight EXCEPT that I’d like to see the ‘Cocks defeat the ‘Heels (not going well so far). Here’s tonight’s games:
Anyone got any picks to share?
Patsy Marie (boxer dog who had surgery) update: She was so sad and miserable when she came home, and her sadness and misery were so exacerbated by the Cone of Shame that we removed it and are just watching her and the other dog like hawks. I’m sure at some point she’ll perk up enough to wear it, at which time I’ll share photos.
YES! Go Jackets! Buzzzzzzzzzz!
And good news that PM is okay, if sad.
Bucs are playing preseason tonight as well vs. Dolphins. Should be dull as it’s the 4th game and it’s all the backups no starters.
As for college football, they really shouldn’t rank any of the teams until we’re three weeks in and all the schools have played at least one away game and a game vs. a conference opponent. THEN we’ll have a good idea which schools are better than others.
Puppy will NEVER perk up to wearing it. Sorry but, nobody likes the Cone of Shame.
Omnes Omnibus
Packer pre-season game.
Oh, poor Patsy Marie. Nothing sadder and miserabler than a sad, miserable dog in the Cone of Shame.
But having said that, I know I’ll laugh when you post the pictures.
Aw, dont put it on just to take pixtures for us. The poor thing probably just wants to sleep and thats almost impossible with those damn cones. As long as she leaves it alone…
Here’s hoping Patsy Marie is just suffering through the last of the morphine, making her mopey and miserable only until it wears off in the morning. Will you hear her if she wakes tonight and starts bothering her incision? Maybe just once your trouble sleeping will have a bright side?
Not that I’m hopeful but I would love to see our hometown UTSA beat Arizona.
Betty Cracker
@shell: Nah, I wouldn’t do that. But we’ll have to put it on at some point because we can’t have eyes on her all the time. Right now she’s just lying in a sad heap and not even bothering her incision. The other dog is super-clingy. Disturbance in the Force, I guess.
@April: Yep — just like on long car trips, sometimes there’s an upside to insomnia. I do suspect that much of her distress is an anesthesia hangover, poor critter…
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
As long as you guys are watching her like a hawk, it’ll probably be okay. You’ll probably need to put it back on when you go to bed so she doesn’t mess with it while you’re asleep.
They put a Cone of Shame on our kitty Charlotte after she was spayed and I took it off early because she was laying on her back with all four paws braced against it, trying to push it off.
And then there’s Keaton, the feline Houdini, who managed to free himself from the Cone while under observation at the vet. TWICE.
Poor pup! Didn’t they send you home with pain killers? Hopefully Patsy Marie will be able to sleep the worst of it off… and I agree that taking off the Cone makes sleeping a lot easier!
College football – not my thing, though I have enjoyed it the few times I’ve watched. Goes considerably faster than a pro game, that’s for sure.
No, tonight I’ll be watching the Seahawks, and wondering if the offense can snap out of its preseason stupor.
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
For the two or three people in the world who missed seeing “Up,” that’s where The Cone of Shame comes from:
“I do not like the Cone of Shame.”
a hip hop artist from Idaho (fka Bella Q)
Poor Patsy Marie; I hope she feels better soon. Post op hangovers are never fun. But I doubt she’ll have have a Thurston Howl approach to the cone of shame.
Sent forward:
Betty Cracker
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): Anyone who loves dogs and hasn’t seen “Up” should watch it. That movie gets dogs exactly right.
LSU. LSU. LSU. Let me say that again. LSU.
This is a generational thing. LSU. Parents took me on a few week tour of colleges throughout the US. Always LSU. Dad went and taught there. Born there.
I expect we are going to get your asses kicked a few times this year, but all LSU.
Where is her incision? My dog picked at a little skin tag on his chest last year until it swelled up and looked like a finger. After the vet removed it he wore a mens small t-shirt and an inflatable protective collar so he couldn’t get at the incision.
BC: Show Patsy a pic of Thurston in his collar and tell her she should wear it with pride.
And I just saw this. The GOP primary as a combo reality show / pro wrestling promotion continues.
Trump Agrees To Dine With Geraldo Rivera At A Mexican Restaurant
” Rivera suggested the night out on his radio show Wednesday, according to a report in the Washington Examiner.
He said on his radio program that he thought the media had “demonized” Trump for his immigration policy, according to the publication. ”
The high-def ESPN feed of the Both Carolinas game was borked here for a while (Cox in NoVA), but it seems to be okay now. I might switch to Miss Marple on PBS at 8:00. It’s Joan Hickson, so it’s a good one.
Anyway, mainly killing time before setting out on a mini-road trip about 10:00: up to BWI to pick up a friend’s daughter and bring her back to her new apartment in D.C. About an hour up from here, 45 minutes back to downtown Washington, then 20 minutes or so to get home. There shouldn’t be much traffic.
Hopefully she’ll be okay tonight. They are more likely to bother the incision when it starts to heal and gets a little itchy. And there are even creams to help sooth that.
Funny how we’re all worrying about a dog we’ve never even met! ;-)
An enthusiastic thumbs-up for the movie UP.
Betty Cracker
@raven: I’ll be darned.
Betty Cracker
@NeenerNeener: It’s about half way down the fuselage on the right-hand side. They shaved a patch of fur, and she has several stitches to pick at, but so far she’s leaving it alone.
A guy
I coached number 3 on the offense for the heels in midget league. Great athlete. But not because of my coaching for sure
I’ve been lucky that all of Fudge’s cysts and skin tags have been in places that he can’t easily scratch with his back feet. The t-shirt and the inflatable collar have been enough to keep him from licking and biting his stitches.
schrodinger's cat
OT: But can anyone explain what is going in Hungary? Why are the Hungarians trying to stop the refugees/migrants from going to Germany. What is their rationale?
BBC World News is doing a great job covering the crisis unlike the Snooze Hour which decided to spend 15 min on Tom Brady.
@Betty Cracker: There is nothing more heartbreaking than a boxer looking at you with sadness in their eyes. It will just about kill you. Flossie destroyed two blow up cones of shame when she was spayed and then gnawed the hell out of her stitches until she got a massive infection on her incision. That resulted in anti-biotics and all sorts of other things (they basically had to wrap her entire belly in swaddling that was impossible to remove) simply because she wouldn’t leave her stitches alone.
@Betty Cracker: Have you gotten your procedure-memorial t-shirt yet?
When I was walking my dog the other day, the neighbor’s yellow lab cam running out to greet us wearing a supersized cone. Because the cone prevented him from obeying the niceties i.e. smelling my dog’s butt, he looked up at me and started whimpering. I told him to go home and behave.
gogol's wife
I think that’s probably it — she hasn’t recovered from the anesthesia. She’ll perk up.
Poor Patsy Marie. Hope she starts feeling better this evening and perks up. Can I assume that otherwise the surgery went well for her?
Iowa Old Lady
Glad Patsy Marie is home if not yet happy.
@schrodinger’s cat: Hungary is ruled by a far-right neo-fascist government so whatever their rationale is, it’s probably not something we can totally understand. Merkel really does seem to be trying to be decent and humane, but the numbers of Syrians fleeing ISIS are staggering. It’s as if the whole civilian population of that country is trying to escape the clutches of bloodthirsty monster. Another one of Bush/Cheney’s achievements.
@schrodinger’s cat: The current ruling party, Fidesz, is hyper-nationalist. Al-Jazeera
schrodinger's cat
Open thread needs kitteh!
schrodinger's cat
@Origuy: Well the Hungarians don’t want Syrians there and neither do the Syrians want to be in Hungary. So why not let them go, what does detaining them achieve?
Mike J
Chris Christie on Syrian refugee crisis: “Arm our allies in the area, give them the most sophisticated weapons that we have.”
How could that possibly turn out bad?
Virginia (fka Abo Gato)
@Scott: Fear the beak!
Omnes Omnibus
@Mike J:
I’d be typing all night.
Roger Moore
@schrodinger’s cat:
I think the goal is to keep others from following the same path. Also, too, to be mean to despised foreigners; it isn’t just the GOP who is wantonly cruel.
schrodinger's cat
@Mike J: Who are the allies in the area? The current Iraqi government?
I thought we were supposed to blame Obama for ISIS. Also, where’s all the college football fans? This thread is all about dogs!
*taps mic*
Is this thing on?
Mnemosyne (iPhone)
@Betty Cracker:
It’s not my favorite Pixar movie — the third act is a mess — but the dog stuff is great, except for the flying. I could NOT get past that.
@benw: Tech is winning.
@PaulW: I’m sorry… did you see the happy photos of Thurston wearing his cone? He looks so proud and happy! :-)
schrodinger's cat
@Roger Moore: The cruelty is obvious, but it also makes Hungary look bad on the world stage.
Betty, my dog always had a bad reaction to codeine – she might be miserable if they gave her that, but hopefully whatever is going on will wear off soon.
Sweet girl, sending lots of love.
@JPL: Please.
@schrodinger’s cat: Turkey and Saudia Arabia, I guess? Also, what exactly are our most sophisticated weapons? ICBMs with multi-warhead thermonuclear payloads? Ballistic missile submarines? F-117 stealth bombers? It’d be super fun to hand some of those out in the Middle East.
Mike J
@efgoldman: Speaking of pre-season, yet another reason to hate the Washington team. They charge $50 to leave a ticket at will call.
@raven: Shorter UI: we’d like the university of Illinois to be in the news for something other than a scandal, so somebody came up with this idea. :-)
@JPL: Yeah, warmup game.
Roger Moore
@Mnemosyne (iPhone):
Oh, but the prelude, or introduction, or whatever you want to call the love story between Carl and Ellie, is phenomenal. The human characterization is really acute, too.
schrodinger's cat
@benw: Isn’t Saudi Arabia one of the biggest funders of ISIS? Not to speak of Taliban and AQ.
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: Yeah, GB lost Jordy Nelson for the season in early in the second game. Rodgers was just interviewed on the sidelines – not a fan of having four pre-season games, but is a fan of unions. Rather outspoken interview.
Big news tomorrow will be the salmon ejaculating all over Obama’s mukluks in Alaska, captured on video.
The Alaska lady told Obama that the fish was happy to see him. Hah ha.
Get details at Wonkette, and I give no link since every one here reads that thing anyway.
And what if it wrecked this miserable lefty blog again, it would be my fault.
Doug R
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): Our junior kitteh which we spayed at the recommended six months had a little trouble with her cone in the litter box. We noticed a smell when she walked by. I removed the cat sh*t encrusted cone a couple of days early.
Keith P.
My Dad’s been counting down the hours till Auburn’s opener against Louisville for the last 3 months. I was visiting, and it’d be “7 week, 2 days, 12 hours until…guess what?”
@Keith P.: GO DAWGS!
Have to love a woman who roots for Cocks. Does Cole have any video of his cute puppy?
Funny how we’re all worrying about a dog we’ve never even met! ;-)
We’ve heard stories about the doggies and seen their pictures and this is Balloon Juice where pets are as important as politics.
@PurpleGirl: Liberal politics at its best.
Doug R
@schrodinger’s cat: My wife loves her crocs. I used to call her red ones her ruby slippers.
OK medical experts, I sliced my ulnar nerve in May and they surgically reattached it. It’s a pinky that was already dislocated and poorly set a few years back . The surgery was successful and I’ve been regaining range of motion and feeling. All of the sudden it’s giving me these shooting pains that seems to berated to my pulse. I assume this is just a normal occurrence but I thought I’d axe.
@Keith P.: gonna be a good game. Go cards
David Koch
Trump body guard punches Latino protester in the face.
I wonder how much did Bill Clinton pay Trump to run and alienate 100% of the Latin vote.
@Roger Moore: Agreed. The first 2/3 of Up is great, and it only falls apart once the plot with the evil explorer Muntz has to kick in. I thought the same about Frozen: great for the first half, but sputtered when the plot about evil Prince Hans kicked in.
@schrodinger’s cat: I’d heard that, too, but I still though SA was an official US ally with close ties to the Bush and Obama WHs.
Mike J
Trump disqualified from Republican nominations as Sasha Baron Cohen, character actor behind Borat, admits Trump was just another of his characters.
Roger Moore
@schrodinger’s cat:
You say cruel, they say tough.
@schrodinger’s cat:
Dear Lord, a neon pink Croc? No wonder kitteh is horrified.
When the Real USC opened its basketball facility, the Galen Center, they hosted the Ersatz USC in the very first game.
Sadly, the Trojans were unable to contain the Cocks.
USC + USC = United for Safe Cohabitation.
schrodinger's cat
@burnspbesq: I share the kitteh’s reaction! Loved the look of shock on the little face.
schrodinger's cat
@Doug R: They must be comfortable. I don’t own crocs but have an ancient pair of mocs from LLBean, which don’t look wonderful but are oh so comfy.
Doug R
@Mnemosyne (iPhone): Up is an allegory of Pixar dealing with the death of Joe Ranft, their relationship with Disney and their fans.
schrodinger's cat
@benw: Tom Friedman had a good op-ed yesterday about how Saudi Arabia is so much worse than Iran when it comes to promoting terrorism in the name of Islam.
Ah, an old story with me. Did I tell you my nickname is Tripod?
schrodinger's cat
@Roger Moore: I also say stupid and a public relations disaster.
Betty Cracker
@burnspbesq: The Carolina version is the “real USC.” It was there first.
@raven: IANAD, but I think it could be some scar tissue adhering to the artery. Should have that checked out. Probably an easy fix.
Roger Moore
These people are who we think they are:
Somebody is asking to be disbarred.
@Betty Cracker:
The University of Southern California (USC[a] or SC) is a private not-for-profit and nonsectarian research university founded in 1880 with its main campus in the city area of Los Angeles, California.
Founded in 1801 as South Carolina College, South Carolina is the flagship institution of the University of South Carolina System and offers more than 350 programs of study leading to bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees from fourteen degree-granting colleges and schools.
@Origuy: Ack! Good advice.
Roger Moore
@schrodinger’s cat:
Watch out for low flying pigs.
Gin & Tonic
@raven: South Carolina is the flagship institution
And is located in Columbia, which is a goddamned shithole.
@schrodinger’s cat:
That may be true, but they’re still the US’s ally, goddamn it!
@Roger Moore:
What a passive-aggressive whiny asshole.
@benw: Saudi Arabia is ISIS’s main source of funding. Meanwhile, Turkey’s main concern in the area is sticking it to the Kurds.
Betty Cracker
@raven: My grandma went there! (South Carolina, of course, not Southern California.) She wrote to Steve Spurrier when he came on board as HC and offered lots of advice.
@Betty Cracker: Cole’s mom is a Dawg!
Keith P.
@Eric: I’m hoping for a good season out of Auburn. Last season was better than the record indicated (killer schedule), but their defense was shit. They did the absolute best thing possible by buying Will Muschamp.
schrodinger's cat
@Roger Moore: His op-eds on mid-east politics are usually much better than the flat world nonsense.
@Keith P.: They fucking sucked, who are you kidding?
It should also be mentioned that the Gulf States are doing next to nothing to assist Syrian refugees. They do like sending weapons to Syria for the purpose of creating more refugees.
These must be crazy times. Tom Friedman actually wrote a sensible column.
Betty Cracker
@efgoldman: They were founded 15 years after the war,
This Both Carolinas game has turned out to be pretty good, but these announcers are killing me. Way too excited and spewing stuff like “He’s 260 pounds and running downhill!” They should be relegated back to ESPN-8. (“If it’s almost a sport, it’s on the Ocho.”)
schrodinger's cat
@beltane: UAE and Qatar?
@Steeplejack: Or they both suck.
The VP is speaking at a synagogue in Buckhead, and the local stations are streaming the speech live. The sound quality is poor though.
Betty Cracker
I can’t decide which game to watch next. Vandy? G-Tech? Michigan? Horny Toads?
@Betty Cracker: Michigan-Utah or Gophers TCU are the best games.
@Gin & Tonic:
They got tossed out of a conference that, at the time, included Clemson and Maryland for not maintaining high enough academic standards for student-athletes. Think about that for a second.
@beltane: @efgoldman: yes, I understand that both SA and Turkey have their own agendas, sometimes directly at odds with the US’s interests, but I still thought they are official US allies and the US gets to put bases and troops and shit in their countries!
@Betty Cracker: stay away from the GTech game unless you are a huge Tech or Braves fan.
@efgoldman: got it
@raven: A friend who is a big Clemson fan, keeps saying that the early blowouts are great for the little schools because of the revenue they receive.
Yeah, right.
Betty Cracker
@raven: Might watch Michigan just to see if Harbaugh loses his shit.
We prefer to say “evenly matched.”
@JPL: With a 12 game schedule the teams have to play those. We have La Monroe, Southern and Georgia Southern and we got an Alabama ticket increase. I have my Cocktail tix on StubHub but no bites yet.
eta They have also stuck the peewee games in late. We’ll be at the beach for the Ga Southern game.
@schrodinger’s cat: Yes, and of course the Saudis. I saw a very on-point political cartoon about this today which I can no longer find. To call this situation a humanitarian crisis doesn’t do it justice.
@Roger Moore:
Betty Cracker
Man, those all-red Utah unis are tough on the eyeballs.
@Betty Cracker: Easy in the updates, I’m in DVR land.
@efgoldman: I’m quadruple tasking.
Last I knew, she was on vacation in some remote location and posting only intermittently.
I think raven was referring to a different war.
schrodinger's cat
@beltane: What about W’s complicity in all this. Instead of the flowering of democracy in the middle east, the Iraq War has completely destabilized the region making the earlier status quo with despotic Saddam seem much better.
@SiubhanDuinne: No, I was just wrong.
As I mentioned at comment 102, the sound quality is awful, but I doubt Joe will run. He just gave responded to a question about his plans. He said it had nothing to do with fundraising or staff, he just didn’t know if he and his family could make that commitment.
Serendipity time: I just finished reading Eric Burns’ “1920: The Year That Made the Decade Roar”, and here’s the author giving a lecture on CSPAN2’s BookTV.
@schrodinger’s cat: There may or may not have been presidents as bad for the US as George W. Bush, but it’s doubtful that any other president had as negative an impact on the rest of the world.
Betty Cracker
@JPL: I hope he doesn’t. I like Joe, but I don’t think he’d win the nomination, and his entry at this point would send the media into an OMG DEMS IN DISARRAY frenzy.
@Betty Cracker: He don’t need that shit anyway.
Its 80 degrees with 100% humidity (its raining).
There is some bourbon with a little ice, however. Cheers.
Well, I’m off to BWI for an airport run. You guys keep things cool. I’ll be back about 12:30 or 1:00.
Might listen to one of the games on the SiriusXM sports channels.
Amir Khalid
In my mind there’s no doubt about it. No other post-WWII POTUS has been as reckless as George Walker Bush.
@raven: At least where live, my household, if you say USC, that means the University of south Carolina. Period. But then I am an LSU guy and I have gave to a foundation that put up ads in the LA area shouting them down over what is and isn’t a National Championship.
@Betty Cracker:
I agree with you. I’m not so worried about what the MSM will say, but in all honesty I think it is unlikely in the extreme that Joe could get the nomination, and it makes me sad to think of him ending his public service career on a “loser” note. I’d much rather have him go out on the high of having been one of the most effective and beloved Veeps in U.S. history.
Or what raven said.
No, no, say it isn’t so!
Tommy, please see @SiubhanDuinne:
J R in WV
Congrats on the Gamdcocks pulling one out over NC – I’m not a USC fan, as I once attended a game where they embarrassed WVU, and I’m not from South Carolina or anywhere near there.
I’m actually a Marshall U graduate, since we lived withint easy commute distance of that school, and so am glad that they won their conference title last year, and got a good bowl game.
But as a little boy my parents would pack us up at 6 am and head out for Morgantown, WV, to see the beloved Mountaineers – usually playing Pitt or Penn State and getting their tails handed to them after the game.
But now the WVU boys are a threat to beat any team on any given Saturday, which is quite an accomplishment for a state as small as West Virginia is. They don’t win every game they play, but they are seldom out of the race at halftime, or even in the middle of the 4th quarter.
And some years they do win every game, in which case, playing in the conference they now play in, they will play in the championship series/game. Let’s Go, Mountaineers!!!
I love college football. As a kid we were at least a 6 hour drive from WVU, and Dad worked second shift, so didn’t get much sleep before we needed to be hitting the road back in the 50s and 60s. Now you can make that drive in a couple of hours, if you start at 2 am and drive with the pedal to the metal.
But with 4 lanes all the way, at least you don’t get behind a semi-truck and drive 15 mph for 30 minutes, like it used to be.
Glad you puppy is doing OK. That bozo collar won’t hurt her any, must her dignity.
Take care!
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: It is possible that he may just want to retire and enjoy his Trans Am.
Charles Pierce
Week 3 — Ole Miss at Bama AND Auburn at LSU. Mmmmmmm…SEC!
J R in WV
Dearie me, and I thought all along that our gay brothers and sisters just wanted to be treated like everyone else, and that is what the Supremes ruled.
This judge seems to be begging for disciplinary educational treatment!
Equality shouldn’t be this hard!!