Today, Deutsches Bank became the latest to tell the bigoted shitheel Tarheel state to piss off:
Deutsche Bank (DBKGn.DE) is freezing plans to create 250 new jobs in North Carolina after the state enacted a law last month that opponents say discriminates against lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender citizens.
The announcement on Tuesday by Germany’s largest lender follows other corporate protests of the law, one of a number of measures pitting LGBT equality rights against religious freedoms in state legislatures across the United States.
The North Carolina law prohibits anti-discrimination protections based on sexual orientation and gender identity. It also bars transgender people from using bathrooms or locker rooms in schools and other public facilities that do not match the sex on their birth certificate.
“We take our commitment to building inclusive work environments seriously,” Deutsche Bank co-Chief Executive Officer John Cryan said in a statement.
This led to another flop sweat filled maneuver from the NC governor:
What he signed, however does nothing, really:
In fact, the executive order mostly seems to reiterate what the law already allows. Under the law, it’s already legal for private employers to set their own bathroom and locker room policies, and local governments and private employers can already set up their own nondiscrimination policies for their own employees. There was zero doubt about this prior to the executive order.
So these are not the problems with the law. Again, the actual criticisms are about the anti-trans bathroom law for schools and government buildings and the ban on cities and counties passing nondiscrimination laws for LGBTQ people. If anything, the executive order doubles down on the former.
As the American Civil Liberties Union put it, the executive order “is a band-aid on a brain hemorrhage.”
I read piece the other day on the anniversary of Sherman’s March about how Sherman was basically the only one to understand what these backwoods racist redneck peckerwoods were all about, and that he was going to give them what they wanted because it was the only damned thing they understood:
“The only way the people of Atlanta can hope once more to live in peace and quiet at home, is to stop the war, which can only be done by admitting that it began in error and is perpetuated in pride.
“You have heretofore read public sentiment in your newspapers, that live by falsehood and excitement; and the quicker you seek for truth in other quarters, the better. I repeat then that, by the original compact of government, the United States had certain rights in Georgia, which have never been relinquished and never will be; that the South began the war by seizing forts, arsenals, mints, custom-houses, etc., etc., long before Mr. Lincoln was installed, and before the South had one jot or tittle of provocation. I myself have seen in Missouri, Kentucky, Tennessee, and Mississippi, hundreds and thousands of women and children fleeing from your armies and desperadoes, hungry and with bleeding feet…But these comparisons are idle. I want peace, and believe it can only be reached through union and war, and I will ever conduct war with a view to perfect an early success.” Seems clear enough, right? “I just took your city, and out-thought as well as out-fought your generals and troops (and by the way, just to lay another fond Southern myth to rest, the Confederate troops who faced Sherman’s army were inferior, not just in numbers or equipment, but man-for-man, one-on-one, as they showed in dozens of battles)—so are you going to wake up and stop whistling Dixie, you loons?”
It’s war they want, it’s war they will get. They haven’t changed at all- the neo-confederate religious bigots are just as entrenched in their own idiocy as they were 150 years ago. The only things that have changed is their memory of their last humiliation has faded and now it is a new minority class that is the subject of their anger.
I hope this will shake some sense into the bigot caucus in West Virginia, but I don’t have my hopes up.
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
Not sure it faded so much as they’re in denial about it.
Sherman had the right idea when he said that the North needed to remove the populations in the south and repopulate with Northerners … if only.
This is the thing where you supposedly might have to show your birth certificate to take a piss, or you go directly to jail and do not pass Go?
They deserve to be slammed for it, it’s pure nonsense and hate.
My understanding is that in California, you need to take a piss, you can take a piss no matter what the sign is on the door.
CA lawyers correct me if I am wrong about that. I don’t plan to ever use that option in a women’s room, since never a long line for the men (and when are they going to fix that BS for ladies, anyway?).
Watch: They’ll make a big show out of repealing the bathroom part and leaving the rest of the bill untouched.- specifically, the discrimination claim narrowing and the overrule of minimum wage laws by SC cities. The Ratchet Effect in full display.
Nate Combs
My favorite quote to come out of the Civil War is from Grant’s Memoirs, about the surrender at Appomattox:
“I felt like anything rather than rejoicing at the downfall of a foe who had fought so long and valiantly, and had suffered so much for a cause, though that cause was, I believe, one of the worst for which a people ever fought, and one for which there was the least excuse.”
only the cause was lost, not its motivation it seems.
Clearly this post discriminates against bigots.
(I keed, I keed.)
Sherman burned that shyt TO THE GROUND!!!
They really think that people are playing with him….like folks don’t see around his bullshyt.
Keith G
There are certain areas around the country which are hanging on to the last vestiges of Pat Buchanan’s culture war. Not unlike Michael in the movie Halloween, everytime we think they are down for the count they somehow pop up and have another go-round at being stupidly evil. The good news is that not only are their numbers noticeably diminished, but there are just so many more forces ready to confront them when they do act out.
IMO there are two things that should have happened after the Traitorous War in Defense of Slavery, but didn’t:
1) Every single member of the CSA government (cabinet and congress), as well as all officers above a certain rank that previously served in the US army, should have been imprisoned for life fro treason. (Although standards of the time would probably have meant they would have been executed). Instead half of the CSA government got elected to the US Congress later.
2) All the CSA states should have been disbanded and new states created in the existing territory, with different borders and initial constitutions mandated by the federal government.
I liked the weasel backtrack detail one of the Dems brought up: Oh! No! Christians might not be able to sue in cases of discrimination! Horrors! I regret voting for that! (also TPM)
Washington Post ✔ @washingtonpost
Obama to forgive the student debt of permanently disabled people.
Thoroughly Pizzled
@rikyrah: He should have burned it all to the ground. But the only state where Sherman went out of his way to cause destruction was South Carolina.
Fulton County votes democratic in national elections, although my neck of the woods that Sherman did not burn down, except for the mill, votes republican.
@JPL: Whining about what SHOULD have happened 151 years ago is just so much bullshit.
The second suggestion is the equivalent of moving around the deck chairs on the Merrimack.
(Yes, I know it was rechristened the Virginia, but Merrimack is the more widely known name.)
Also unconstitutional, as the creation of new states from existing ones has specific requirements.
As to the first point, Lincoln was very, very clear and emphatic that was not to be his intended policy.
Adam L Silverman
@Calouste: @NotMax: The issue is always the conterfactual: “what would have happened had Lincoln lived to actually implement his policy and strategy for after the war ended?” The Reconstruction that we got was certainly not what Lincoln had envisioned.
There has always been a constituency for, and it has led to flare ups every so often, the argument that the Union isn’t really the Union. That each state is completely sovereign and all that exists is a trade and self defense pact. And that within the states each citizen is completely sovereign and to be lightly touched, if touched at all, by the state. And the states may deem who to include and exclude. During the actual Great Rebellion, know doing business as the Civil War, South Carolina actually had the nerve to send a delegation to meet with Jefferson Davis and inform him that South Carolina had decided they wanted to leave the Confederacy as well. There is no way to reconcile that set of beliefs and understandings to a social contract, Constitutional modern democratic republic that spans a continent, encompasses several hundred million citizens, legal resident aliens, and short and long term visitors in the 21st Century.
I live in Augusta, GA (it’s a shitthole) on the border with South Carolina. My wife and I enjoy going to Biltmore in Asheville, NC about 3 hours north. It’s like a place for upper-middle class white people to go. Lots of women wearing jeans tucked into boots.
The grounds of the Mansion and the town are both really nice, especially in Spring. However, we aren’t going as long as this bill is in place.
Corporations are all too often awful, but I find it interesting that they’ve been on the vanguard of LGBT battles, at least as far as not putting up with outright discriminatory laws are concerned.
Gin & Tonic
@Adam L Silverman: I don’t care what you say, that’s pink.
@Adam L. Silverman
Lilac? Lilac?
Also, you should just have one tag for posts – assholes. It is, or was when you could see how many posts there were by tag, by far the most popular. It’s universally applicable for every post on this site.
Uncle Billy’s terms of surrender offered to the city of Savannah:
OMG!! Forget the emails. Nevermind about Benghazi.
Roger Stone is writing a book based on his conspiracy theory that the Clintons murdered John F. Kennedy Jr. Stone is an longtime ally and friend of Donald Trump, who has previously used the discredited operative’s research in attacks against the Clintons.
@different-church-lady: Recently, yes. I assumed that’s because they’re likely to be tracking the general population’s trends rather than the most winey of the specific party’s base voters.
Amanda in the South Bay
@NotMax: it’s not unconstitutional, it’s on the fucking document. It’s well within the abilities of a more
aggressive programme of Reconstruction.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
I wonder how much longer it’ll be before the governor calls the legislature back to undo the dumbass law. I also wonder how they’ll spin it as a big win for Conservative Principles™ or some other such horseshit.
This is exactly right. You can’t reason with these shitheads. You have to beat them.
@raven: I’m not whining.. just mentioning something. I’m glad that the older mansions are saved.
And Savannah surrendered without a shot. And because of that it still has a lot of its prewar charm.
@jl: This is the one area in which Tennessee leads the nation. Several years ago, before our legislature was completely consumed by wingnuts, our state passed the “potty parity” law which requires that all new and newly renovated public restrooms have more stalls for women than for men. So in Tennessee at least we women don’t have to stand in line. And I, for one, am not going to be standing, sitting, or squatting in judgement of any trans women who want to join us.
BTW, when I was bald from chemo during the winter and wearing a coat and knit cap, I was addressed as “Sir” on more than one occasion although I’m only 5’3. I’m glad no one challenged my bathroom choice!
@Cermet: Well, we are in the process of doing that just, and this is one of the things that is freaking the crackers out.
I’ve just finished reading The Strange Career of Jim Crow, and given this NC and Mississippi (where else!?) shit, and vote suppression etc. it does- and this is their aim- get tiresome. THEY NEVER QUIT. Whether they’re 90% of the population or 27%, they just can’t be satisfied unless they’re thumbing someone’s eye.
My son is gay and is one of the most wonderful people you could ever meet – smart, funny, hard-working, musically gifted and just plain charming. If I had just passed a law allowing discrimination against his children, I would expect Governor McCrory to punch me in the nose and I wouldn’t blame him for doing so. Why do these right-wing assholes find it so hard to understand that gay people are human beings just like everyone else??
@Gimlet: Guess I didn’t realize that Stone is so completely lacking in… just about any positive quality I can think of. Quite a guy. And clearly a favorite of Der Trump. Funny, the way fascist leaders collect a coterie of psychopaths. Actually, not so funny.
Don’t we all know the tell? Can’t you see it?
He touches his fingertips together. Over and over.
It is the surest, flashing light, green-balloon sign of the self-righteous, hypocritically pious, smug nose-up-your-asshole signal that humankind has ever invented.
Mr. Burns, anyone?
Trolls, jackals and troglodytes, lend me your ears.
The Color Wars begun, they have…
@Zinsky: Well said.
@different-church-lady: I wouldn’t say they are on the vanguard. For years the Christian Right and their protests/boycotts kept business on the fence, too afraid to speak in defense of queers despite employment policies that were supportive. It was only after a tipping point was reached that we’ve seen business get vocal about this.
Which isn’t to say I’m ungrateful. It’s huge that business is taking this side now because they have more leverage than citizens.
Mike in NC
The government of North Carolina is currently controlled by a racist homophobe by the name of Art Pope. He’s another rich prick who can buy and sell pols like McCrory at will. Google it…
@Cermet: Working on it. I just moved to NC in December from NJ.
@jl: On occasion I had to take my wheelchair bound wife into a public bathroom. Was great in those places with a unisex bathroom but if the only choice was male/female I chose male. We tried to wait till it was unoccupied but were not always successful. She just closed her eyes till we had her set up in the handicap stall. I guess I would be arrested in NC today. Bigots will always find a target for their hate. I always thought McCory was better than that but I guess the strings are to tightly attached to his money man
@JPL: I did’t mean you at all.
Mike in NC
@Thoroughly Pizzled: When Sherman’s troops entered South Carolina, one of his senior commanders told the men, “This is where treason began, and by God this is where it will end!”.
@Zinsky: Conservatives are pathologically incapable of empathy. If it doesn’t happen to them, it is either of no consequence or something so alien it must be crushed. Look at Dick Cheney. A more loathsome human being has seldom walked our Capitol halls, but he’s pretty reasonable on LGBT issues…because one of his daughters is a lesbian.
During my hippie days we used to say that we wished all the politicians would take a hit of acid to radically change their thinking. Maybe that wasn’t such a bad ide
@guachi: Terminus (Atlanta) had little such charm.
@jl: You have obviously never been to a Rush concert.
The spontaneous laughter as women rounded the corner into the vast and empty ladies room during intermission was the highlight of the evening. To be honest, the drum solos were the actual best part, but the ladies room is what has remained in memory.
This observation also applies for Hong Kong action movie marathons.
The key to the whole thing and what explains why it doesn’t stop: “which can only be done by admitting that it began in error and is perpetuated in pride.”
The issue of gays and the South is interesting. A blog that specializes in the Civil War (and the writer is a Southerner that 1) says the war was 95% caused by the South’s need for slaves/slavery 2) started by the South 3) hates the flag of treason so he may be right wing but isn’t dumb.) He does a lot of research and was completely puzzled that a number of slaves followed their “masters”, who were Confederate soldiers captured in battle, into the Union POW camps. I pointed out that many where mostly likely just following their lover into the camp rather then leave them and be “free”. The guy just couldn’t accept this fact and was too offended to see that it was most likely true for many of those cases. Funny.
Tom Q
@MattF: I actually knew Roger Stone Stone in high school, and I’m proud to say I thought he was a complete asshole even then.
Central Planning
@NotMax: Sweet dreams, liliac! (one of my favorite movies)
@Cermet: It’s a new world of god’s and monsters/
Adam L Silverman
Some of the biggest problems in NC politics have been caused by Northern transplants. I know the Wake Co. school board’s push to essentially break-up the consolidated county-wide school district was caused by transplants from NJ.
These dumbasses are directly affecting the local job prospects of students I teach; Deutsche Bank has hired a number of our grads. The governor seems to be paying some attention, but who knows how it will turn out. Republicans have controlled the governorship and both legislative houses in NC since 2012, if I remember correctly, the first time that’s happened in over 100 years. They’ve been tearing up the place since.
Almost as much bullshit as revising the reasons for secession. Some of my southern friends are beyond redemption.
@Gin & Tonic: its furple.
It’s getting to be like a horse of a different color around here.
This excellent Love, Joy, Feminism post makes the bigots look even stupider:
The Lie Behind the Transgender Bathroom Predator Myth
I do believe their frontal lobes are stunted, since they cannot follow a line of thought with three maps and a floodlight.
Adam L Silverman
@RSA: Whatever Art Pope wants is what will happen.
I’m glad that NC is taking shit for stuff like this, but when will businesses and sports organizations start putting the pressure on states that restrict voting? I especially don’t understand why there isn’t more pressure from pro-sport franchises. And if I were the parent of a highly recruited AA athlete, he/she would be strongly discouraged from playing in a in a state with racist voting restrictions. Hell I’m white, and I’d let my kid know I’d prefer him/her to play in a state that doesn’t discriminate on any level. Protests like BLM, and occupy are all well and good, but this is America, and money talks louder than any protest.
Ben Cisco
McCrory’s a puppet; take him down and you still have to deal with the real problem, which is Art Pope.
I’ve been saying for awhile these people not our opponents they’re our enemies.
Opponent = someone to be negotiated with, and live with in compromise.
Enemy = someone out to destroy you who can not be negotiated with and is unwilling to live with you in compromise.
Adam L Silverman
@Ben Cisco: On the nosey! Whatever Pope wants to happen in regard to this, or anything else in NC, is what’s going to happen as long as the people he paid to win these offices – both the governor and the legislatures – are holding them.
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: Dear God, I thought you had written “the Pope”, not “Pope”, and I just got a very weird picture of NC politics…
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: Nope Art Pope.
@Miss Bianca: You’re not the only one!
@gene108: Some Northerners were as bad as many in the South, then! And some Southerners were really good – Sherman was guarded by a special company composed solely of Southerns from Alabama!
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: Yeah, thanks, it took me a second but I twigged it was Art Pope you were talking about. BTW, your comments’ cloak of imperial purple is…something to behold. (blink, blink)
Patricia Kayden
@p.a.: Because they’re hateful bastards who always need some group to vilify and demonize and oppress. They think they’ve found their perfect target in the LGBT community but they’ve thought wrong.
@Loviatar: Yep. And they need to be thoroughly defeated.
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.): The Legislature meets next week. The law will not be touched because too many idiots patted them on the back.
@Brickhead: the law won’t be changed because they believe it is a pr problem. They honestly can’t comprehend that that “kick gays in the head” is no longer an acceptable political position.
joel hanes
During my hippie days we used to say that we wished …
Psilocybin would be more likely than LSD to produce the positive personal changes we desire.
joel hanes
@Miss Bianca:
That’s not imperial (Tyrian) purple, nor anything like it.
Closer to mauve, actually.
@D58826: and when I visit my Mom in NC sometimes I have to assist her into a Lady’s Room stall as she uses a walker and a wheelchair. Guess that’;s out now too.
@Patricia Kayden:
Its why I get a little frustrated when people say so an so is a good republican and they could see themselves supporting them. NO, HELL NO. Their are no good republicans, based on what we know about the modern Republican party, if you’re supporting them you’re supporting evil.
J R in WV
@Thoroughly Pizzled:
I was pretty sure he burned Atlanta, marched to the sea through Georgia… but I could be wrong. Seemed to be what I remember, though.
I know lots of the fires in Atlanta were set by the retreating Armies of Treason, but the city mostly burned – and it was because Sherman’s Army was there to take names and kick Ass.
@Cermet: Except that, in the recent migrations, that’s been happening – and the Northerners who are relocating seem at least as wingnutty as the established populations.
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: I think its light aubergine on the color wheel.
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: That’s the sequel.
J R in WV
Hillary was 16 years old when JFK was killed (and I was 12, too young to conceive of treasonous conspiracy)! She had yet to even meet Bill. This is so stupid I can’t even describe how stupid it is. But I guess it will sell millions of copies, so WTF, go for it, idiot…
@D58826, @Woodrowfan:
The law includes exceptions for people assisting other people in the toilet. (FWIW, I’m in the same boat.)
@jl: HB2 voided all existing municipal/local protections (for everyone), voided all existing municipal/local minimum wage statutes, voided all redress for plaintiffs in discrimination cases through the state courts (now all NC residents have to go straight to federal court in these cases), and prohibited all NC municipalities from enacting any protections in the future. This law invalidated veteran’s protections in Fayetteville, purchasing/contracting requirements in Greensboro, and all manner of other local ordinances – not just Charlotte’s SOGI ordinance. The LGBT slam was cover: it got the wingnuts into the state house to vote, and it hit a subject NC thought was to their advantage. McCrony’s latest statement not only completely ignores the lack of protections for SOGI issues in NC, it only affects state employees and state programs – not the local ones HB2 voided/prohibited. And it does nothing to address the wage, housing, employment and other issues now exacerbated by HB2.
The saddest part of this is that the MSM is buying McCrony’s executive order as operating as he described it – not as it is written (which at three whole pages isn’t exactly a prohibitively long read).
@Ben Cisco: @Adam L Silverman: All the more reason to keep causing NC economic pain (and loss of internet pr0n) until the legislature sees reason. Of the recent actions, it feels like the XHamster traffic block is the one making the biggest impression – not the PayPal, Deutsche Bank or Springsteen actions, nor the failfest that this year’s APTA roadeo is becoming.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
Please set your clocks back 100 years
@RSA: What bugs me is how they thought this was in any way enforceable. What is NC planning to do? Require all residents to carry drivers licence or state ID AND their birth certificate for presentation at every public facility? Hire an army of
genital fondlers“plubming inspectors” to monitor public restrooms/lockerrooms/showers/etc (and just imagine how many harassment/abuse cases THAT would generate)? Post cameras everywhere at all sorts of impolite angles to make sure nothing is “out of place”? Either the result is a pointless dig at trans residents and visitors, or it’s a massive security-state boondoggle rife with opportunities for abuse.Loviatar
I can say pants.
May I suggest that everyone who is cancelling trips to NC do two more things?
1) Let the NC business advocates know. Head of NC Chamber of Commerce is S. Lewis Ebert, email: [email protected] Tell him how much you would have spent if you hadn’t cancelled your trip.
2) Send some part of the money you were going to spend to an LGBT, ant-discrimination, or other group in NC targeted by the law. Here’s a list to start with.
You don’t want to contribute to a state run by bigots, but please contribute to the non-bigots there so they have more strength to fight back.
I know! It doesn’t pass the laugh test. I think you’re right about the LBGT part being cover for rolling back workers’ protections in the state; maybe Cole is right and the backfire will be significant, more so than if they’d just eliminated the protections alone.
Miss Bianca
@joel hanes: @Adam L Silverman: So, I exaggerate…
@RSA: You’ll notice that the trans facilities portion (aka the bathroom section of the “Bathroom Bill”) is the one thing McCrony has budged on rolling back. The smirk on his face as he announced it was telling (“Yay! My secret’s safe! They bought it – and now we can carry on discriminating, oppressing and impoverishing as we intended, and this one section of the law won’t even be missed.”). None of the other states so far has attempted anything so sweeping: GA, MS, TN et al all tried to pass specifically anti-trans legislation, while NC’s HB2 is an omnibus of animus.
That’s just lazy. Of course “they” have changed. The confederates all died. Their grudges and hatreds and ideas about who can serve as a useful focus of scorn — it all slowly changed. The religious part played a role before, but now it’s a core identity the conservatives think is morally unassailable. What — you gonna argue that West Virginia used to be confederate?
@nutella: FYI: For those who haven’t seen this, Joe Jervis over at has several good posts on what’s happening in and around NC, complete with some places to donate – and to shop in a “buycott”, including a craft beer specifically being brewed and marketed to raise funds for the anti-HB2 effort. The brewers’ Day One fundraising effort is already at about 1000% of their target.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@boatboy_srq: Actually, the Charlotte Observer is reporting that
@Cacti: Will you yield, and this avoid, or, guilty in defence, be thus destroyed?
Iowa Old Lady
@J R in WV: Surely it’s JFK Jr that Stone is talking about.
@boatboy_srq: OK, thanks. I thought the omnibus pre-emption of pretty much any local law the wingnuts disliked BS in NC was a separate law. Horrible, then. And still horrible.
Miss Bianca
@efgoldman: You know that Grace Slick and Abbie Hoffman wanted to dose Richard Nixon with acid, right?
@Mike in NC: and phil berger, I am given to understand. ..
Those right wingers dislike a whole lotta people besides just us gays. There is no ‘just like everyone else.’
Paul in KY
@Calouste: I would have been for that. Unfortunately, Pres. Lincoln was not & would not have been for that. Probably one of the only mistakes he made.
Paul in KY
@Gin & Tonic: More a mauve, on my browser.
Paul in KY
@Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.): They won’t. It will have to be repealed by a more rational group of legislators.
Which becomes rather risible the first time you attempt to negotiate the city’s traffic.
[quoted] s
That part just had to be a late April Fool’s joke from a history major.
Nancy Irving
Deutsche Bank, huh? I guess the law didn’t sound better even in the original German…
This, right here: “Of course, this is all lost on the Phil Leighs of the world, who—for reasons that cut deep into the ideology of the American right wing—always take burnt houses too seriously, and dead people far too lightly. To them, burning a house is a crime, while shooting a Yankee soldier in the eye is just part of war’s rich tapestry.” There was an awful lot of this romanticizing going on in 2002, I recall.
Also, it was a pleasure re-reading Twain’s savage defenestration of Walter Scott that was linked in the Sherman piece. Having just toured a historic house in Savannah that had busts of Scott and Lord Byron in the front hall, I found Twain’s clear-headed appraisal extra delightful.
@J R in WV: The conspiracy is alleged in the death of JFK *JUNIOR.* I have no idea why they are supposed to have done that. Whatever’s in that swamp isn’t worth the fever.