Attached is a photo of my two cats, Felix (the black one) and Flora, drinking and hanging out on/in my sink. They never hang out on or in or drink from my husband’s sink, only mine. And they do this EVERY MORNING, as soon as we let them in our bedroom. I’ve given up trying to get ready at my sink — and wind up using my husband’s sink. Next house, our bathroom will have three sinks — yours, mine, and theirs. Of course, the cats will still probably insist on drinking out of my sink.
J. of J-TWO-O
Another small pleasant ritual – schadenfreude:
What’s on the agenda for the new day?
The funny thing about that cartoon is – what if they succeed? Will they go back and nominate Palin? She’s rested, she’s ready, and ok, she’s probably not smarter, but she couldn’t possibly be any dumber. So there’s that.
95 predicted with high humidity. So I’d say overheating.
@OzarkHillbilly: That’s on our schedule for Monday, 108 is the forecasted high, but it’s a dry heat.
Back to work at a recently downsized company – meaning that I can now work harder for the same amount of money so that the CEO and CFO can get $3-5 million bonuses this year, plus stock options. Isn’t Republican capitalism a beautiful thing?
@OzarkHillbilly: The rain yesterday afternoon brought the temp down so I could turn the AC off last night!
The new day brings the same old shit: Up too early, at work too long, in bed too late. The only plus is that the work’s not too hard, but I’m chronically lacking sleep.
Mmmmm. Sleeeeep! The thought makes me want to nap.
ETA – I’ve been up since 4 to get Mrs. P out the door for her cross-DC commute. Got to bed near 11. That has to change, but it’s damned hard in the late twilight of summer.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Tomorrow I’m up in the city so it will be even worse. A cool down predicted for Friday and the weekend.
@raven: WHOOOHOOOO!! Should be able to do the same over the weekend.
@OzarkHillbilly: I think the hottest I’ve ever been was a night game at Busch, 100 degrees after midnight!
Mustang Bobby
I’m heading down to Key West to discuss a possible change in my career and life. I should know more by the end of the week.
Randy P
@raven: I remember a day almost that bad watching the fireworks one July 4 in DC. We decided to actually join the mob on the Mall that year.
The vendors were charging triple price for lukewarm bottles of water and selling out as fast as they could supply them.
Good Morning?, Everyone ?
I’m a Samantha Bee fan so I was happy to finally realize that she voiced Lyla Loliberry In the most enigmatic episode of Phineas and Ferb, “Sidetracked”. What other cartoon closes beside Niagra Falls with Debussy’s Clair de Lune playing as background?
I am shocked, shocked i tell you:
And then…. We have this utterly puzzling sentence in the article written with such blind ignorance that I am forced to question the authors intelligence:
One of these, is not like the other.
Talking with an upper management guy. He suggested I do XYZ and there’s a problem. We shall see.
Randy P
@Mustang Bobby: Very cool. My big change is already scheduled. Next June I’ll be able to walk away from full time employment. And whatever’s next will be entirely fun, part time, and probably self employed or volunteer.
My big challenge these days is looking like a motivated employee who is interested in the plans that go beyond 2017.
May your next phase be a good one!
Cute cat picture. And cute cat story.
@BillinGlendaleCA: which means it’s just like sticking your head in the oven. I survived 118 in Pasadena several years ago with no a/c…
So tRump who is a real ass has attacked POTUS by implying he is allied with ISIL or others, attacked all Muslims and Islam, is self destructing at a rate that make me believe that he is playing a game of amusement rather than really running for the office. Maybe he is that crazy and this is his idea of running but can anyone be that oblivious, really?
Looking more like the so-called terrorist was more a self hating, very typical religious, & republican homophobic type that tried to act on his own homosexual nature but either couldn’t come to terms with his beliefs, and/or was rejected by those he approached for sex. Either case, again, a home grown terrorist at best and more likely just a mass murdering religious talibanist form not unlike the standard amerikan christian gay hate fold.
Anyone who believes in religion should never be allowed to own a gun – that would end 99%+ of all gun killings.
@raven: Ooofff! The new Busch seems to be better than the old, built in such a way as to catch the breeze, or at least that is what my limited experience has been. My oldest is taking us to a day game on the 4th of July. Hopefully the trend continues.
Two sinks? Is this a thing?
Twice the cleaning, double the opportunity for leaks and back-ups..
@Mustang Bobby: Good luck and happy trails.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Mustang Bobby
Morning Joe is wondering what’s gonna happen to the GOP after Mr. Trump craters and then goes back to his golf and airplane. Well, since the party created him, they should be paying for it.
I had a dream last night that Hillary chose Sherrod Brown to be her VP.
I’m quite upset that I’m not dreaming about better things.
@Mustang Bobby
Scarborough Unfair is concern trolling his party now?
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: He’s trying to figure out what group to hate next.
@Mustang Bobby: This will be the spin. That Donald Trump was something that happened to the GOP, instead of something they created.
Hoocoodanode is bred in the elephant party’s bones.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
It’s like the tech bubble in the 90s. People got behind every new tech company who peddled promises of instant success and fabulous riches and then the earnings report would come out and the stock would crash.
@Randy P: Beach Boys?
Mustang Bobby
@NotMax: Yeah, and he said that Hillary has found her voice and it’s not so shrill as it was even last week. Feh.
@Baud: You need help.
@NotMax: He’s been on Trump’s ass for quite some time.
Patricia Kayden
Cute photo. Felix and Flora are probably wondering why that human insists on using their sink.
@OzarkHillbilly: Why would President Obama be charged with war crimes for something which happened during the Bush administration? Also, President Obama has been on record for wanting to close down Guantanamo Bay but has received nothing but resistance from Congress.
@Mustang Bobby:
He gazed up at the enormous face. Forty years it had taken him to learn what kind of smile was hidden beneath the $600 haircut. O cruel, needless misunderstanding! O stubborn, self-willed exile from the loving breast! Two gin-scented tears trickled down the sides of his nose. But it was all right, everything was all right, the struggle was finished. He had won the victory over himself. He loved Big Sister.
We got a new kitty a couple of months ago. A very nice little calico. She was two years old. Whoever had her before taught her not to get on counters.
Very glad for that.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Though Rachel showed some internals from that poll that people trusted Trump over Sec. Clinton to handle terrorism; I almost started chugging my mouthwash when I heard that.
@Baud: Do I need to share some more pics with you? I’m sure that could help?.
@BillinGlendaleCA: We were talking about that last night. I don’t think the poll question was fairly worded.
Randy P
@raven: Are you asking who was playing? I don’t remember. Wherever our spot was, I don’t remember actually hearing the music. I know we walked through the National Art Gallery’s sculpture garden earlier so it might have been not far from there. I might have made an effort to drag the kids across the Mall if it had been the Beach Boys, but honestly we were just interested in finding a shady place where we could park for the afternoon and evening and wait for the fireworks.
Probably not as hot as your Busch Stadium experience . It hit around 104 during the day as I recall, and was probably somewhere in the upper 90s during the fireworks. It had that wonderfully refreshing DC humidity, but I imagine you had that too and worse.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Rats fleeing the Titanic.
Randy P
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Before there was bitcoin, there was “write me software for free and I’ll pay you in equity in my tech company which is gonna make us all rich any day now”.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
These assholes are making me dizzy:
You’re a bunch of monkeys fvcking a football, conservatives. Keep it up.
@BillinGlendaleCA: For therapy purposes only, of course.
@Baud: Absolutely.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
New York Times hammers Turnip (photo)
@Patricia Kayden: You got me.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
You’re overthinking it – the fact that the man is a walking, talking, breathing Breitbart comment come to life would make him inevitably appeal to the ravenous, slobbering conservative base voter. The cravenness and cowardice of your average Republican voter in following doltishly along with unease (because libruls and muh tax munney) is merely icing on the cake.
Our Sinclair Lewis moment is here – the flag hug he did over the weekend cemented it.
Depending on which news article you read, the meeting last night between Hillary and Bernie was either positive or uncomfortable.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@Baud: He vetoed the defense budget 4 times since the republicans took over for increasing spending.
@PurpleGirl: Thank you! Though cat fur on your toothbrush is not so cute. :-(
Thank you, Anne Laurie, for posting my cat pic!
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: I still blame him.
Good point, @Patricia Kayden
@Baud: The uncomfortable part was probably when Bernie(or Jane) asked for things like changing primaries that Hillary has no control over. Her response probably was, “You’re new here?”.
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
Old white Christian Americans are evil. I nearly got in a fight with two people in my lunchroom over the notion of the sort of indiscriminate collateral damage that Trump represents yesterday. Their argument was “damn right, we want to see parts of middle eastern bodies fly apart in bombings” and “we need to hit them back after Orlando”.
Of course, theiy’re big Christers, about five years older than me.
I blame the Romans for overfeeding the lions before arena time.
@BillinGlendaleCA: I expect there will be a reform commission set up to look at the process after the election. Which is fine, as long as its mandate includes what to do about caucuses. There does need to be comprehensive reform to the nominating process so that candidates like me can have a fighting chance.
@Baud: Could well have been both.
@Baud: There will probably be reforms in both parties. Of course, I’m a firm believer in closed primaries.
@OzarkHillbilly: A floor wax AND a dessert topping?
My dogs are too damn smart, they’ve figured out signs that I’m ready to go to bed and go out and are sitting here impatiently waiting for their treat before I’ve don’t half the stuff I need to do before going to bed.
I was in Las Vegas when it was 125 degrees. Dry heat, bullshit.
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class:
Where in the Hell have they been? What do they think has been happening in the ME since the Iraq invasion?
Another Holocene Human
Sara Benincasa:
Matt McIrvin
@Patricia Kayden:
I’ve heard that failure to prosecute a war crime is itself a war crime. So presumably failure to prosecute failure to prosecute a war crime is also a war crime, so, by induction, every present and future President will be a war criminal for failing to prosecute all of their predecessors.
Brits aren’t the best at differentiation.
Again: Hands off our Sherrod!
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@Baud: I was dreaming about the Cubs last night. I don’t know why, but a vision of the Cubs kept bouncing in my head (photo)
@debbie: So he can’t tell the difference between implementing torture and ending it? Wow. Maybe a water boarding session would illustrate the point to him.
Schlemazel Khan
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class:
I know you were joking but I am compelled to note that there is absolutely no record of Christians ever being fed to lions in Rome. Apparently the BS of the set upon Christian is as old as the religion itself.
@Kay: The GOP convention is going to be amazing this year. It’s going to make Eastwood’s chair bit look like the Gettysburg Address.
@Mustang Bobby: Good luck!
I can’t find a video online, but Colbert was brilliant last night on Trump’s bullshit about Obama and terrorism, resurrecting Glenn Beck’s chalkboard and drawing lines. Hopefully someone can find it later today.
@BillinGlendaleCA: I tried to keep it within their very short attention spans. You know, history began on 9/11/01.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: They’re playing well. The disappointment will be especially brutal this year. ;-)
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class: That analysis is correct.
Since the black man was elected, Trump spent his time at comment sections. He has a very good memory and now is just repeated what he read.
He’s in town for a fundraiser and rally today.
No, but their anger at Obama not being able to end it as if it were just a flick of the switch is clearly showing.
It’s going to be a disaster. There are reports of most police not getting the opportunity to practice whatever it was they were taught in a 3-hour training session. Odds are good that the demonstrations will rapidly deteriorate. Cleveland is so not ready for this.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Wow. If Trump has lost Jonathan Karl, he’s lost the bourgeois.
The cats are so cute up above.?
Matt McIrvin
@BillinGlendaleCA: If I recall correctly, the time period of that poll was only partly after the Orlando shooting; we don’t have any polls yet taken entirely after Sunday, and it actually remains to be seen whether Trump gained or lost from it, or if people changed their minds about how he’d “handle terrorism”.
I don’t know. I think that Cleveland will be fine. All talk, no action.
91 here with high humidity. Not looking forward to it at all ?
@J: cute kitties! Two out of my five cats love to rush into the bathroom when they have a chance to see if they can get a drink when I run the water in the sink. Yours are adorable.
@Randy P:
Congratulations on your future big change. ?
Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class
@Schlemazel Khan:
Oh, I agree. The vast majority of the martyrdom tales of early Christianity are complete bullshit, and clearly made up after the fact (as are 100% of the miracle tales).
That so many are still in deep thrall to the filthy theology of cheap grace and never ending excuses for abhorrent behavior is amazing to me.
kd bart
Trump’s appearing a few blocks down the street from my office this morning. The mix scent of ignorance and narcissism in the air will be quite strong.
I believe that the Orlando killer was nothing more than a self-hating in the closet homosexual. He also had a propensity for violence. And, unfortunately, this being America, he could get access to weapons of death. He was no more ISIS than the cats up above.
Self hating to the end. Combined with Islam….not a good combination.
Betty Cracker
Just as many humans make a beeline for the coffee machine in the morning, those kitties gather ’round J’s sink. Cute.
@Mustang Bobby: Intriguing! Keep us posted!
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: So you’re saying Trump is Heh!
Uh uh
Brown stays in the morning Senate. ?
@Randy P: Good luck with your plans! Hope it all comes to pass exactly as you want!
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
I believe that the big donors have already closed their checkbooks.
Schlemazel Khan
Having lived through the RNC in St. Paul I can tell you that there is a surprisingly large number of people who show up simply to cause trouble. They are greatly aided by law enforcement “intelligence” units that are very often embedded in the trouble-makers organizations. The LEOs lay a very heavy hand on protesters and between them they guarantee trouble.
I don’t mean to wish harm on the city or people of Cleveland but I am sort of hoping that the convention center is demolished from the inside by GOP delegates going nuts over the Drumpfenstein monster.
Want to put out there a super well done by the paramedics, nurses, staff, doctors, officers and good bystanders that aided/saved so many lives after the shooting. These people were all hero’s that prevented far more deaths from occuring.
@Randy P: Got it.
An idea for anyone (clearly not me) who has competence/connections in this area: let’s start treating gun stores they way repukes have treated abortion clinics. Constant protests out front the whole time the place is open, etc.
There are ways to improve on the approach, though. Instead of merely showing up and being offensive, let’s apply some real data. For example, anytime there’s a gun killing, find out where and when the gun was bought, and picket that place with signs that say stuff like “On [murder date], Person X killed Person Y with a gun he bought here.” Keep a running tally of how many people have been killed by products from a particular store, as in “Customers at this store have killed XY people this year,” and so on.
Thanks to our failed political system, it may be impossible to sic the law on the gun biz, so we have to resort to market forces. Make it unacceptable for anyone to be seen entering a gun store. Put them out of business.
@Dadadadadadada: And that will do what? Do you really think it will keep the people who go to gun stores will stop?
Hear, hear! And, again, huge kudos to the hundreds and hundreds of people who lined up for hours to give blood. And I honestly never thought I’d say this, but well done, Chick-Fil-A. At least one (and I think several) of the Orlando CFAs donated and delivered sandwiches, water, etc. to the blood donors and first responders. On a Sunday. In the wake of an attack on LGBTs.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Tune-in to our next episode: Canaries in the coal mine or Bataan Death March
Pam Bondi: “My goodness, Anderson, we’ve had 49 people murdered, simply because they were in a bar at the wrong time.”
Um, no Pam. That isn’t the reason they were killed. But you can’t tell the truth, can you?
Ha. Jeff Sessions didn’t run away from Trump saying Trump gave a good speech. Of course Sessions is praising the speech as he probably wrote it for Trump and has been “advising” Trump for quite awhile now.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Cowards, one and all.
Scamp Dog
@Schlemazel Khan: I am disappointed about that. Of course, I’m the guy who drove by a Christian Supply Center and thought “Now I know where to go when my lions get hungry!”
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Haha. Maybe the Dems can earn some money renting out their superdelegates to the GOP.
@Scamp Dog: Many years ago we took a tour of the Roman Colosseum and the guide told us the lion stories were a myth because the lions were too lazy. They would just lay around like the big cats they were. So bears were used instead.
Anti-gun forces are not that passionate. The advantage the Right has is they are and were able to channel their anti-abortion message through churches. The conservatives, who attend these churches view The Church as a moral authority. When The Church says abortion is evil, you have thousands of people in the congregation primed to accept it as the Word of God.
I am not sure how you can get so many liberals into one place, ready to act.
Also, be prepared for the gun-nuts to counter-protest, figure out where regular gun store protestors live and harass them in other venues, and other forms of intimidation. The Right are bullies and will try to bully anything that gets in their way.
Tom Cotton has expressed interested in being VP
@Scamp Dog: It’s never too late to start.
Intimidation of their opponents has been a big part of their playbook for quite some time.
Matt McIrvin
@raven: I think there are a substantial number of people in this country who don’t drink the NRA Kool-Aid, but who still think it might be a good idea to have or carry a gun for self-protection. They’re not the people who buy AR-15s; they buy handguns, which are actually a bigger part of the total problem. And they might be in the middle on gun control. I think it’s possible to whittle that number down with a concerted public campaign.
@germy: He’s giving up on politics as a career?
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
@germy: ahahhahahahahahhahahahahhahhaha
He’s fleeing the interview! He’s fleeing the interview!
If the Coen Brothers submitted this script it would be rejected as unbelievable.
I love seeing these kitty pictures in the morning.
Der Trump is a horror but he does provide the perfect opportunity to take back all the branches of government. LET”S FUCKING DO IT!
Humiliate this racist cancer and his horrific Trumpsters.
gogol's wife
I love the kittehs in the sink. My present cats don’t do that, but I have certainly experienced it. I used to have to leave the faucet on at a drip so Buddy could drink from it. Nothing else would do.
Dunno if this has been mentioned yet…
Valerie Peterson in the NY Times:
Don’t let the Teabaggers and their enablers win….
@Mustang Bobby:
Thinking positive life changing and happy thoughts for you today.
gogol's wife
I was at an interfaith prayer vigil last night. All the prayers were pissed off and saying things like, “Let’s stop praying and do something.” It was heartening.
@Matt McIrvin: By picketing?
Schlemazel Khan
It goes beyond that though. There are records of criminals being feed to wild animals but not Christians. The ‘funny’ part of the punishment was that often the animals had no interest in the show and the victims had to be sliced open in order to get the animals to get involved. These executions we part of the under card & so boring that people were just wandering around and finding their seats.
@OzarkHillbilly: If only.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Weird how he’s described as “combative” in the same paragraph he jumps a fence and ducks into a building to avoid peaceful protesters and a reporter.
gogol's wife
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch:
Right he is. I’d say Hillary in her present incarnation is also pretty close to the best we have too.
gogol's wife
@gogol’s wife:
Sorry, I did “also, too” without really meaning to.
Gin & Tonic
@Cermet: Indeed. But they will need support, too. I may have mentioned that my wife was on duty in the ER of the closest hospital to The Station fire the night it happened. You function on nothing but training and adrenaline, but eventually you go home, and that’s when it gets difficult.
I know it’s “Raw Story” but here’s one of their headlines:
@gogol’s wife: Sarah Palin is in your head!
Schlemazel Khan
FOr anyone wanting an off-color take on Drumpf supporters todays ‘Onion’ editorial cartoon hits the sort of blue note that gives me a smile: Make America ‘bate again
I should have added, NSFW
@gogol’s wife: Proper term of course is “too, also.”
@raven: Maybe. That would be the dream. Failing that, it might just advance the idea that having instruments of mass death lying around one’s home, or being sold at a storefront next to a KFC, is a practice whose time has passed.
Also, for extra effect, the protests should take account of gun suicides, which I understand to be much more common than gun murders.
If he hitches his wagon to Trump, it will be hard to wash off the loser stench come November.
That tickles me, Kay.
@Matt McIrvin:
I think the time is now ripe for a big swing in motivation. Liberals don’t generally go to church or take what they hear in church as The Word of God, but maybe now there are a lot of us who would dearly like to do something about gun deaths, and would leap at the chance to join such a protest.
And yes, there would be a backlash (most likely violent, given the people involved), but that could play into the protestors’ message (think the lunch-counter beatings in MLK’s campaign). If gun-store picketing becomes common, the NRA could lose the initiative; if NRA wackjobs start shooting the protestors for the awful crime of saying that life is precious, then the NRA is finished.
I love this picture.
My kitty boys are also anxious to get into our bathroom in the morning. They are often waiting in the hall outside the door. Small one goes in the pedestal sink; big one goes into the tub. I call it “morning conference.”
Ideally, this is followed by the opening of the back door to reveal the chipmunk wonderland on the patio while I prepare their wet food. Rituals are good, especially before the caffeine kicks in.
For an account of the Neo-Confederate Party rally yesterday led by the Trumpenfuhrer, this cannot be beaten. Somehow the Cable News shows neglect showing all the Confederate Flags.
God, sad to see so many of our fellow citizens so far around the bend.
Also read where Republicans in Congress are trying to block the Navy from naming a ship after John Lewis. How is that minority reach out going Reince?
@sherparick: @sherparick: It failed.
Patricia Kayden
Who the hell is demanding that men use women’s bathrooms?
Terrifying to read that hair-raising account. A pack of wild, vicious animals sniffing out their prey, protesters.
Sexton was told he didn’t “look right” and I am wondering what it was about Sexton that aroused their suspicions. Not yelling filthy comments? Sober? Not wearing nasty t-shirts or ridiculous outfits? Having all his teeth?
People who bring their children to Trump rallies are committing child abuse, imo
That really pissed me off that our journalists have been attending these rallies and never thought it newsworthy that confederate flags are displayed???
@Kay: Funny how the ‘getting into Iraq’ part seems to be completely missing from the right wing timeline. But we all know that history started at 12:01pm Jan. 20th 2009 when the Kenyan showed up.
New York City water is supposed to be some of the best in the country. Maybe that got rerouted somehow to your faucet.
Patricia Kayden
@Botsplainer, Cryptofascist Tool of the Oppressor Class:
Which country should we hit for Mr. Mateen’s violence? New York, where he was born? We’re already in Afghanistan which is where his parents were from. Some people are always itching to send other people’s children into wars. Sickening.
@debbie: same way with the ‘dry cold’. 19 below is cold in any man’s language – dry or humid
@Randy P: Sounds like a damn fine plan – congrats!
Miss Bianca
@Mustang Bobby: best wishes to you!
@Patricia Kayden: Iran. It’s always got to be Iran. Cause we’re running out of countries over there where we haven’t been sending a message.
gogol's wife
For all the fans of The Musical That Shall Not Be Named — cool news:
Miss Bianca
@Dadadadadadada: Umm…not to rain on your parade, but…can you *not* see any personal safety problems with picketing a gun store? Any at all? Given what the opposition backlash is likely to be armed with? I’ll wait.
Steve Crickmore
You sound very sanguine. The Orlando maniac may not have been a ISIS member but he was certainly ISIS inspired. That is all he talked about, when he was shooting his victims. From the New York Times, today, “Thousands of investigations are opened and closed. Right now, law enforcement officials say, the F.B.I. is investigating 1,000 potential “homegrown violent extremists,” the majority of whom are most likely tied to or inspired by the Islamic State. Fifty to 100 are considered the highest priority.”
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: After Obama’s speech on Sunday in the aftermath of the shooting, the first words out of Karl’s mouth were, in effect, Obama is sure to come under criticism for not using the words “radical Islam”. Quite a prediction and so reportorial of him to predict.
Matt McIrvin
@Patricia Kayden: If we really want to hit the source of the memetic infection, the answer is “certain rich assholes in Saudi Arabia and the Gulf states”. But bombing these countries is not going to do anything good, of course. There needs to be some way to get them in the pocketbook.
Miss Bianca
OK, just have to say that the kitty office mates have progressed to the point of using me as their personal cat tree…teeny tiny claws, ouch! But they are so damn cute. That is all, thank you.
@rikyrah, @satby & @Betty Cracker, Thank you! :-)
@tmflibrarian: :-)
Last time I looked, there was no mention or photo of Clinton on the DNC website, but lots of Donald Trump.
@tmflibrarian: Ours usually come in when I’m helping my wife shower. I call it the “Family Meeting”.
Paul in KY
@Mustang Bobby: Best wishes!
West of the Rockies (been a while)
@Mustang Bobby:
Here’s to a successful journey and new experience…
Redefining ourselves is scary and often wonderful. That might be a great topic for a thread…
I divorced after 17 years but have a fabulous daughter to show for it and my ex and I remain friendly. After a disastrous experience with a BPD woman, I’ve met a delightful person. I gave up adjunct teaching and am pursuing my lifelong passion–as I said, it’s scary but wonderful.
Paul in KY
@Schlemazel Khan: Nero killed some in grotesque ways. Wasn’t there, but records from that time say that.