Donald Trump, tiny-fingered, Cheeto-faced, ferret-wearing shitgibbon,* retweeted this from an unhinged follower:
"@JimVitari: @ABC @washingtonpost we know they're fake just like poles during primary. I'm sure u will crush #CrookedHillary in general"
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 26, 2016
Of course, as Trump well knows, the polls during the GOP primary accurately reflected his lead all along. We know he knows that because approximately 80% of his primary stump speeches consisted of Trump crowing about how he was crushing it in the polls.
What the unhinged follower is wrongly remembering as inaccurate “poles” were pundit predictions that Trump couldn’t win the nomination. And that was because the idea that a ludicrous tangerine ballsack* like Trump winning a major party nomination — even the gun-humping, god-bothering, austerity-sucking racist idiot party’s — just seemed absurd at the time, polls be damned. We’ve learned otherwise now.
Still, interesting that Trump is pulling the old switcheroo by retweeting a reference to skewed polls now that he’s trailing in general election matchups. The entire Donald J. Trump for President bid is a fraudulent enterprise on damn near every level.
Was just watching Tweety Matthews on MSNBC. Ambulatory cream cheese sculpture Hugh Hewitt was on. Tweety practically humps hard hats and lunch boxes whenever a topic that touches on the white working class arises, and both men were seeing portents for the US in the UK’s Brexit vote.
Hewitt seems to have suggested that if a woman who is standing for office in the UK (didn’t catch the name) wins, Hillary will prevail. But if Emo Trump Boris Johnson wins in the UK, Trump will prevail. Is that as dumb as it sounds?
Open thread!
[*H/T flying UK Twitter insult squad]
Major Major Major Major
He does kinda look like cream cheese, you’re right.
Anything said by Hewitt is as dumb as it sounds.
Is it just me or do the Trump sons eerily resemble the Kray Twins?
Roger Moore
No; it’s even dumber than it sounds.
Warren Terra
I’m not aware of a woman standing for office in the UK; there is one woman who lost the Labour leadership to Corbyn and with the calls for Corbyn’s head she might have a shot, but even if so that hasn’t happened yet.
There is Nicola Sturgeon, leader of the devolved Scottish government and possibly the most respected politician in the UK right now, even by people who hate her party’s vision of Scottish independence. But she’s not trying to win votes outside of Scotland, nor to be any part of a government in London – quite the opposite!
I dunno, maybe The Donald knows that “Leave” won because people in the UK are pissed off at all of the Polish immigrants so now he’s trying to blame “poles” for our problems here.
Not gonna go over well in Chicago, though.
Fake Poles? I thought he was prattling on about Senator Professor Warren being a fake Pocahontas (sic).
Hunter Gathers
I’m tired of “tough guys” who do nothing but bitch. All Trump does is bitch. And the bitchy middle aged men who love him bitch just as much. They’re all a bunch of fucking pansies.
@Warren Terra: They’re talking about Theresa May. She’s got the inside lane on the Stop Boris race.
Morans with bad poles!! Sad!
Hey, political girls are either in style or they’re not, right?
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@Warren Terra: Theresa May, the Home Secretary.
Corner Stone
Someone please grab Tweety and punch him in his stupid fucking oversized noggin. Multiple times.
Betty Cracker
@Litlebritdifrnt: Uday and Qusay!
Old Broad In California
Theresa May, I think, is the British Tory MP vying to succeed Cameron as part of the Stop Boris movement.
However, that statement from Hewitt is really, really dumb.
That would be Theresa May, Home Secretary, whose name has been bandied about over the past few years almost as much as Boris’.
Dear God, still?
gogol's wife
Come on, take your minds off it with Jean Harlow and Marie Dressler on TCM.
You do know how to turn a phrase.
Malaika Jabali, 6/27/16
Apparently, God woke up one fine mornting and she said you know what it’s a Friday and I ain’t got shit to do. Except it was actually Wednesday, August 5, 1981. On this day I shall give y’all Earth heathens a man. He will be smart. He’s gon’ be famous. And y’all don’t say “woke” yet, but you will in, ohh, 20 or so years, so he will be woke AF. He will have an unparalleled amount of ordacity. AND because I give absolutely no damns, he’s gone be wrapped up in a fine package that coincidentally aligns with the clusterfuck beauty standards white peepo created and y’all continue to uphold, but nevertheless here this nicca is. And Jesse Williams was like, “thanks fam.”
My timelines during Jesse Williams’ speech last night as he accepted BET’s Humanitarian Award at their annual awards show was saturated with female feelings about the actor-turned activist-turned perfect human. But it was a particular kind of woman reacting to him. It was the good type of woman yo mama says you better lock down before somebody else does. And probably very few of these women were surprised by any of the bars he was spitting last night after he glared solemnly at Debra Lee and her introduction like, as one Twitter use put it, a guest pastor getting introduced at Sunday Service.
It’s appropriate to conjure up images of the church here, given that so many of our civil rights leaders used the pastoral platform to get black people primed for work in social justice. But while the message was just as forceful, impassioned, and spiritually moving as anything in the church, the delivery was like that of a seasoned rapper who might drop a Tidal exclusive next week. It was the Drake album we never got. It was the Warriors’ Larry O’Brien trophy that shattered beneath LeBron James’ wings.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
One of Al Giordano’s twitter responses today in response to a tweet about the Hillary/Liz fest:
Commenter: Women are playing chess while the men are still sleeping, oblivious to what’s going on around them.
Response: like Game of Thrones, lol
@Mnemosyne: Schmuck! I was gonna make that joke.
schrodinger's cat
I have a feeling that Trump is going to flame out before the nominating convention.
Maybe they can get HIM to speak at the convention. Everybody else is declining.
Why do you do this to yourself?
Omnes Omnibus
They are actually Estonians.
Trump/Frey 2016
Corner Stone
I love Jennifer Granholm. I hope we see Inebriated Gov Granholm at the DNC Convention again this year.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
It was really something. I’ve always said that the truth resonates like a bell ringing. You may not like it, but it will resonate within you none the less.
Betty Cracker
Yeah, that’s how it came across. What a stupid fuck.
schrodinger's cat
Its not just H^2, that stupid analogy was made in the comment section over here too.
Breixit => Trump Victory.
Its another country for crying out loud and not every single thing that happens in the world is about US.
Corner Stone
We can not allow a sliced open throat gap!
@Betty Cracker:
It was this site that I first saw this, and it CRACKS ME UP EVERYTIME!!
Roger Moore
@schrodinger’s cat:
I don’t know; he only has to hold on for about 3 more weeks. If Trump hasn’t completely fallen apart yet, I think he can hold it together that much longer. If the Flying Spaghetti Monster truly loves us, though, he’ll wait for during the convention for Trump to lose it completely.
@Omnes Omnibus:
More likely Lithuanians.
Corner Stone
I want to go back to watching Boudica…but Gov Granholm is still on my teevee…mmmmm
Omnes Omnibus
@divF: Nah, they’re fake too.
The best way to wear a ferret is out your fly, running and screaming Ferret Cock at the top of your lungs.
‘Tis my favorite dis from the Scots so far, and I envision it pronounced by Rowan Atkinson as BlackAdder in Regency era season 3, referring to the dim and foppish Prince George as played by Hugh Laurie.
@Warren Terra: Home Secretary Theresa May is the woman in question.
I watched some of Hardball tonight and Tweety had on not only Hugh Hewitt but Dana Loesch too. Dana said that Hillary and Elizabeth Warren were having a “Golden Girls” moment today which Chris thought was just hilarious. It’s hard to believe this is the same network that had Keith Olbermann on.
Corner Stone
I think Trump tweets actually kill brain cells.
@Corner Stone:
A Black Frey in every pot-pie.
@Roger Moore: I’m hoping that Der Trump gets good and drunk before his acceptance speech. I have no idea what would happen next.
If we all do our little GOTV bit we can win the whole kit and caboodle.
Else maybe we should chill out and echo the UK?
@Corner Stone:
There are persistent rumors that you put something in her drink.
@MattF: He doesn’t drink.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Hey, get out of my head!
@raven: Tsk. He doesn’t brag, either.
The Ancient Randonneur
So the incompressible jizztrumpet* is still playing the same tune.
*My fave from the Scots
Roger Moore
@schrodinger’s cat:
I think the technical term for this is “clutching at straws”. Trumpeters are so desperate for any reason to believe that their Betrugsfuhrer is going to win that they’ll find reason for optimism in anything even vaguely related to the election, e.g. the Brexit vote.
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: I’ve never believed that. His level of asshole has to be chemically released.
schrodinger's cat
Punditubbies like HH make anything happening anywhere in the world about the United States and/or about Obama.
Some examples:
Justin Trudeau becomes the Canadian Prime Minister
Move over Obama, for younger, cuter head of state
Arab Spring happens
Its all about the effectiveness of Twitter and Facebook
Rise of ISIS
Its all Obama’s fault
Trump is going to win.
Its Obama’s fault because he urged them to remain
@Omnes Omnibus:
According to the 1618 Truce of Deulino, Ukrainians are fake Poles, Byelorussians are fake Lithuanians, and Estonians are fake Latvians.
ETA: So the maps seem to indicate. Anyway, that’s my story, and I’m sticking with it.
Amaranthine RBG
@Roger Moore: @Roger Moore:
I wonder of Clinton and her surrogates might be wise to tweet abou and attack “republicans” and not Trump specifically. Make the attacks about idiotic things Trump has said, of course, but tie it to republicans in general.
@Omnes Omnibus: really?
Mike in NC
How soon until MSNBC gives Hugh Fucking Hewitt his very own show?
I think that, like Joe Biden, Trump might be a teetotaler.
Omnes Omnibus
According to BiP, Ukrainians are fascists. Does this mean that Trump is finally calling out the fascists among his supporters?
They’d have to pay me more than that.
@dogwood: @raven: I can see that drinking would be a bad thing for him, so I guess it’s believable.
What utter contempt he must have for the American consumer. He won’t touch a drop of alcohol. He tells his children to avoid alcohol. And then he sells Drumpf vodka.
@JordanRules: they make a little blue pill for that.
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: Probably. I think he is that big of an asshole, but the openness of it is something I’ve seldom seen from people who weren’t chemically altered.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Mike in NC: I think I heard that the Halperin and notHalperin (and I actually like that guy, but not enough to look up his name) are gonna get cancelled by Bloomberg, so without that subsidy they’ll have a hole in their schedule…
also on MSNBC: Scott Brown on an official RNC call trying to make the Trump’s Warren-bashing about her Native American heritage sound like a legitimate point. I didn’t think I could think Reince Preibus was even dumber than I thought yesterday.
(and aside from the racist pandering, Scott Brown peaked when he fluked his way into a half Senate term. Give it up, Reince).
@Omnes Omnibus:
There really are plenty of fascists in Ukraine, but poor BiP seems to think that means the Russians are the good guys. He,like many old leftists, have this delusional, romantic notion of the Soviet Union that is pretty pathetic.
@Warren Terra:
Theresa May has emerged as a top ‘stop’ Johnson candidate.
Corner Stone
“Free the Delegates” !!
@Litlebritdifrnt: Good grief! I just read the beginning of the Wikipedia entry on the Kray Twins. I always thought the Monty Python skit about the Pirhana Brothers was pretty funny, I never thought it was accurate. “The Firm”? “Detective Superintendent “Nipper” Read”? Amazing.
@Omnes Omnibus: Nah, that would be too many levels of indirection for The Donald. His idea of strategy is tic-tac-toe.
@Corner Stone:
Did you get power back, or are you wearing garlic and fresh herbs.
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: Bastard.
schrodinger's cat
@hovercraft: Is he trying to catch Dracula?
He’ll be on till the election, he’s a msnbc analyst now. He is very insightful, and provides unique analysis.
@efgoldman: A favorite at our house, so we recorded it last night. I still have difficulty keeping myself from answering the phone with “Is this someone with good news or money?”
Roger Moore
BTW, I have not seen anyone else comment on it, but I love the portmanteau “scampaign” to describe Trump’s activities. Not that he’s even close to the only one who carries out scampaigning. It definitely needs to be added to the regular lexicon.
The USA has already had its version of Brexit: it’s what we’ve all been watching for the last year, the hostile takeover of the Republican party by one Donald John. Just like the Leave Campaign, the DJT campaign was aimed square at the people most aggrieved by the changing world. Just like the Leave Campaign, ridiculous claims were made that have no connection to reality. Just like the Leave Campaign, the elites failed to take the whole circus seriously until it was too late.
There won’t be a general election Brexit here. That would be like all the heads of the EU nations randomly deciding they needed to have a referendum, too. Donald John is going to crash hard, and if we’re diligent we can make sure he takes the senate, the house, and a whole lot of state houses with him.
Major Major Major Major
@raven: so he’s a dry drunk who didn’t even drink. Interesting.
Corner Stone
@hovercraft: Both. As well as an onion on my belt, which is the style of the time.
They brought power back online about 45 minutes ago and when I turned on the AC thermostat it whimpered at me like I was sending it to go cut the barbwire on the battlefield.
I had planned on making a pizza tonight but should have just stripped naked and placed the Naan bread on my belly to cook with some cheese and my smoked herbs as toppings.
@schrodinger’s cat:
He was roasting with no power, so he said he might as well dress himself.
Edit: you owe me a keyboard
Schlemazel Khan
Oh great! Another dry-drunk in the White House.
Corner Stone
Oh, who am I kidding? I have been naked for hours. And quite sweaty.
the Piranha Brothers from Monty Python.
Felonius Monk
It’s like hitting yourself on the head with a hammer because it feels so good when you stop.
Gin & Tonic
Can anyone explain why CNN has a Donald Trump campaign staffer on its payroll?
It is unlikely that Theresa May will win the PM role – so this statement will allow Tweety to have what he considers a valid reason to give Trump the nod. MSNBC is down the rabbit hole for Trump because above ground he has 0% chance of being elected.
That segment had no use other than to kill brain cells. Not one bit of useful information or analysis was imparted, just killing brain cells with their stupidity.
@Gin & Tonic: Donald’s checks started bouncing.
ETA: Oh, you were probably asking why CNN went for this. A network that prominently features Wolf Blitzer, and you have to ask?
@Omnes Omnibus: @efgoldman: Not that anyone asked, but that Bastard was well deserved. It could have even used an exclamation point.
Omnes Omnibus
@mellowjohn: Nah, at least not Doug. “He used… sarcasm. He knew all the tricks, dramatic irony, metaphor, pathos, puns, parody, litotes and… satire. He was vicious. “
Estonians are fake Finns.
sunny raines
there is one area where the left maybe owes trump some gratitude in it’s (the left) being inspired by trump to finally get away from talking about the right as if they were decent rational people which they, of course are nothing of the sort – just the opposite. trump is unleashing the full creative bilge-fire of the left. And the left being WAY more intelligent and creative than the ever-so-doltish, Neanderthal, knuckle-dragging, soulless right is going to absolutely crush in that department.
@Roger Moore:
I think Carson’s & Huckabee’s campaigns were scampaigns.
Mighty M.
@Warren Terra: Theresa May is proposed as a Tory antidote to Boris.
More like Doug and Dinsdale Piranha, I think.
schrodinger's cat
@germy: Newsweek is still in business? That’s news to me.
And if Boris is indicted for violations of British electoral law regarding making false statements, what does that portend?
(Actually Boris is probably safe from prosecution, the relevant law is for MPs. But it might bar him from ever becoming one.)
@gogol’s wife
Followed at 11:45 p.m. by Emma, a showcase for Dressler, garnering her an Oscar nomination.
The scene with the airplane cockpit simulator is a hoot. Presumably the contraption was extant at the time and not something cobbled together just for the film.
@Corner Stone
@schrodinger’s cat: Remember, tRump’s supporters are likely so geographically illiterate that they think if Scotland votes for independence they can give it back to Quebec.
Corner Stone
@sunny raines:
Outside of MSNBC talk show hosts, who else “on the left” ever thought this?
Corner Stone
@NotMax: What? That I am naked? Or I am sweaty? Or completely naked and quite sweaty?
@schrodinger’s cat: I saw one recently in a dentist’s office. It was like four pages or something. Not the same magazine I remember from the 1960s…
Roger Moore
Boris is an MP, for Uxbridge and South Ruislip. ETA: He wouldn’t be a serious candidate for PM if he weren’t an MP.
Felonius Monk
@Gin & Tonic:
Probably for the same reason that they have a Vice Chairman of the DNC on their payroll. And Lewandowski is not the only paid Trump person on CNN payroll.
Gin & Tonic
@divF: I have to admit, this was very smart of Il Donaldo. You’re running low on funds, so you get CNN to pay your campaign manager. He gets to be on the teevee even more than before, and somebody else pays his salary.
I watched a brief segment of the Erin Burnett show this evening, and that asshole literally cannot go two seconds without lying. It’s really something to behold.
Gin & Tonic
@Corner Stone: We don’t all have to know that, you know?
@Gin & Tonic: Indeed. That’s a worse moment than when I auditioned for “In The Summer When It’s Hot And Sticky.”
Curse you to heck and back, Shana, for getting there 15 minutes before I did. (How are you, anyhow?)
And Newt, and Herman Cain, and Fred Thopmson, and George Pataki, and I’m not sure what Jim Gilmore was doing yet but that was not a presidential campaign.
@Roger Moore:
is where the WWII memorial for the Polish pilots who fought in the Battle of Britain. Funny how that works out.
God, I love the web.
A conversation which must be seen for Dressler’s stopped-dead-in-her-tracks double take.
@hovercraft: Yup.
Also, too, curse you to heck. And back.
The Dangerman
@Gin & Tonic:
Also, excellent news for John McCain! Which is also Sad!!!
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: I thought they were Ukrainians?
schrodinger's cat
@efgoldman: Are they monopoles or dipoles?
@Gin & Tonic:
Remember way back when, when we thought that RMoney was a lying liar. Oh how naive we all were. The dumpster and campaign has invented an entire new category of mendacity. So can it get worse than this, is there someone out there who can make the likes of Carly, Drump and Newt look honest ? Is that possible ?
You win.
I feel like Groucho after he has just lost an argument with Chico.
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: Is there polling data on that?
Schlemazel Khan
When better liars are built the GOP will build them.
Amir Khalid
@schrodinger’s cat:
Only just. And, I think, not for much longer.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@schrodinger’s cat: I thought Newsweek was now “The Daily Beast”?
@hovercraft: Is it true they want to draft Larceny Whipsnade for 2020?
@hovercraft: I thought he got his powers from the garlic and mushrooms. Roasting aside….
@Corner Stone:
I know several areas of the country where that is a popular look.
What level isn’t it a fraudulent enterprise? What has drumpf ever done that isn’t a fraudulent enterprise? If there is a list of not fraudulent enterprises, the list would be far, far shorter than the total.
Omnes Omnibus
That’s not enough, madam, we need a majority!
Omnes Omnibus
@Anoniminous: Please list them. I need to strike some places from my “to visit” list.
@Omnes Omnibus:
1. San Francisco
2. Greenwich Village
3. West Hollywood
4. Fire Island
5. Key West
@Tripod: who are fake Karelians.
@Anoniminous: Every hotel, motel, Holiday Inn….
Omnes Omnibus
@Anoniminous: Ah. My mind had gone to nudist colonies.
@Omnes Omnibus: Baud’s place.
Omnes Omnibus
@Baud: Stricken.
I don’t really care whether or not folks believe that numb nuts doesn’t drink but I am surprised it seems like few knew the story about him and his brother.
Bohemian Grove.
Also, too.
Omnes Omnibus
@raven: I am not particularly interested in the details of his life.
@raven: I’m not sure that is true.. I knew and didn’t comment, and I’m not sure I’m alone. Painting with a big brush doesn’t work for me.
@JPL: What’s not true?
@Omnes Omnibus: I hope the ghost of Woody Guthrie haunts the RNC for using “This Land Is Your Land” at the convention.
Omnes Omnibus
@germy: All the verses?
@Ken: He is an MP from Uxbridge.
Corner Stone
@Anoniminous: I’ve been wanting to plan a trip to Key Largo for my son and I to do some snorkeling (not a sexual misnomer), but we may not make it this summer.
Shout out to B Crack, wherever I go in FL I plan to be continuously naked and quite sweaty.
@raven: I don’t know.
@raven: Your statement at 149.. Trump has told that story many times..
Maybe we need a poll.. or a pole..
@JPL: Saying “it seems like few” is “painting with a broad brush”? Good night.
@efgoldman: heh.
Tip for all you dog lovers visiting nude beaches, keep the dog on a leash if you want to avoid numerous awkward conversations as you try to drag your innocent dog away from strangers crotches, while also trying to keep your eyes averted. Shout out Fire Island.
Got around to watching Kilo Two Bravo earlier today on Netflix.
Gritty military story based on a true incident in Afghanistan. Well produced and painstakingly realistic.
Omnes Omnibus
@hovercraft: I take it that is not a “meet cute?”
“Ambulatory cream cheese sculpture Hugh Hewitt was on”.
Holy Hellfuck, Betty. I was eating.
Tissue Thin Pseudonym
@schrodinger’s cat: I believe that they are now all dead Poles.
The March from Sibelius’ Karelia Suite popped into my head, and now I’m never going to get rid of it.
Thanks a heap.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
He’s demanding a DNA test from a surrogate, no less. Only if Trump has an Alzheimer’s/Dementia Exam Live on TV. Also, a psychiatric evaluation & an IQ Test. His erratic behavior is a huge symptom of ? Aimai thinks she might enjoy it too.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I think it’s entirely possible he doesn’t drink. But there is the issue that if he doesn’t his only excuse is that he is a massive asshole. Which seems entirely probable, alcohol or not.
Iowa Old Lady
My grandfather came from Poland when he was a child, and he always said one of his earliest memories was his mother teaching him to say “Please don’t shoot me” in both Polish and Russian.
I’ve read that story many times, and I’m willing to believe DJT refrains from drinking alcohol, but I swear there is some kind of substance or behavior to which he is addicted. Everything I know about his personality and psychology just screams “addictive,” not to mention the classic narcissistic, sociopathic, and BPD stuff.
@Omnes Omnibus:
November walks on the beach are the most incongruous, windbreakers because of the cold wind off the Atlantic, but no bottoms. I don’t think their wares were being displayed to their greatest advantage. Just saying. Still awkward though.
Amir Khalid
@Omnes Omnibus:
I understand most people in America are aware only of the commonly sung verses. So If the RNC were to skip the “no trespassing” verse, the “freedom highway” verse, and especially the “Relief Office” verse (which is all about handouts for the undeserving), convention goers would probably not notice and wouldn’t mind if they did.
@Iowa Old Lady: Earlier today, I was talking to a friend mentioning what is happening in Britain to the Polish immigrants. I don’t have cable, so I don’t know if it has been mentioned here.
@SiubhanDuinne: I didn’t mean to run him off, but few, some.. really drives me over the edge.
Seeing Warren with Clinton today somehow just reinforced for me that Obama only has about 6 months left in his presidency. I mean, Warren was good, but Obama has an ability that even she doesn’t reach. (And I say this as someone who wanted Warren to run for the nomination.)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@SiubhanDuinne: I read somewhere that he eats candy like a ten year old the first week of November while he stays up late reading and replying to tweets about himself
Corner Stone
“Might as well face it, you’re addicted to love” ?
@Corner Stone: Remove the garlic..
It’s been reported many times, no alcohol. What you see is all natural and that may be the problem, perhaps there is medication that is not being taken or prescribed. I mean this guy is his doctor, I don’t know that I trust him to be competent.
@schrodinger’s cat: They’re Catholics, and hence believe in tripoles.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I call him not Halperin too even though I prefer him to Halperin.
@Roger Moore: My bad, I didn’t read his biography, and picked up the impression he was still the Mayor. So the law does apply.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
And eats a lot of fast food, especially McDonalds. He is a 13 year old spoilt brat.
Corner Stone
@MomSense: Not Halperin clearly despises Actual Halperin.
@Corner Stone:
Pennecamp Park (sp?) is a great snorkeling/diving area there. Key Largo (and Islamirada) are the only two place I ever want to visit in FL again. Otherwise, you can keep that state. Horrible place, climatewise. In almost every meaning of the word.
@germy: Gingrich’s was also a scampaign.
I’m streaming MSNBC International .and Wendy Davis is really cute and confident. In my next life.. or the life after, maybe
Amir Khalid
Did Woody or his heirs ever try to enforce copyright? Given the nature of the song, would they have wanted to?
gogol's wife
@Omnes Omnibus:
The kids’ heads were filled with all that Cartesian dualism
(quoting from memory, not accurate I’m sure)
@SiubhanDuinne: I’m good. Just got back from a 3 week vacation, the longest we’ve ever taken. A baltic cruise with the girls, who we may not be able to vacation with any longer as they’re now adults and will have their owns lives and schedules. Followed by 5 days in London where the whole family saw two wonderful Belle and Sebastian concerts. The girls got on stage to dance at the second one. Even with lost luggage on the way home – thanks WOW Airlines – it was a wonderful trip and I finally made it to the Dulwich Picture Gallery and then went next door to Dulwich College to see the P.G. Wodehouse shrine in their library. The place was crawling with English school boys in blazers with ornate DCs on them looking like they just walked out of 1915. The whole trip was wonderful. Thanks for asking.
gogol's wife
but you have to watch the whole movie to get the full effect
Harlow is brilliant throughout, though
Just checking in to say how fucking glad I am Hillary seems to be doing better in polling against trump than she had been.
Happy to say I was wrong about that.
@SiubhanDuinne: How about the adrenaline of challenging someone for a win (risk and combat) followed by the hormones or reward circuit stimulated by domination?
Oh I think he doesn’t drink. As I implied though I think he is a massive asshole. He does come by it honestly, through family, if that makes any difference.
@Corner Stone:
They are a weird duo- no chemistry and yet they’ve written two books together and have a show five nights a week.
Anne Laurie
@Omnes Omnibus:
You’re underestimating bad brain chemistry. Even if he’s not sliding into senile dementia, Trump has always sounded like my bipolar mother during a manic upswing. Although in his case the diagnosis would probably be something like narcissistic personality disorder.
@Gin & Tonic: And I guess CNN gets rewarded with the most access (for the greatest interviews) (you won’t believe how good) (in the classiest settings of only the very best properties in the world).
@efgoldman: No. Someone suggested contacting the British Embassy here in DC to see if they had anyone, or knew of anyone. Which I’ll do tomorrow now that I’m done with laundry today.
In case anyone has any good suggestions: I’m looking for a sitting politician, or recent politician, who might be interested in speaking at the P.G. Wodehouse convention in DC in October 2017. I’m heading off to bed in a minute, but I’ll check this thread in the morning in case anyone has any suggestions.
I’ve already contacted: Franken, Klobachar, Warren, Connolley. Haven’t heard back from anyone yet.
Anne Laurie
@raven: I agree Trump’s (probably) not a drinker — lots of alcoholics’ kids are fanatic teetotallers. But the inherited neurochemical irregularities that create addicts also show up as a bunch of related syndromes — ADD, OCD, bipolar disorder, etc. It’s not that Donald’s necessarily got “better” genes than his dead drunk brother, he may just be expressing the family curse differently.
Omnes Omnibus
@Amir Khalid: I am not most Americans. I was a proto-hipster music snob, and I demand my god damned, authentic, original versions – unless there is an ironic pop version.
Anne Laurie
@Corner Stone: Stop lying to us. If you’re that sweaty, you’re wearing a towel so as not to stick unpleasantly to your office chair.
Or at least you should be.
@Shana: I think Gingrich’s was a “scumpaign”.
Omnes Omnibus
@gogol’s wife: Close enough.
@Roger Moore: Ruislip? That’s where Mr. Neutron landed.
Corner Stone
@Anne Laurie: *Nope*
As I went walking I saw a sign there
And on the sign it said “No Trespassing.”
But on the other side it didn’t say nothing,
That side was made for you and me.
In the shadow of the steeple I saw my people,
By the relief office I seen my people;
As they stood there hungry, I stood there asking
Is this land made for you and me?
I…can’t think what the RNC would want to use any part of Woody Guthrie’s ouevre to do, but this seems particularly inappropriate for the theme of Cleveland 2016: Grinding Down the Rubes.
Omnes Omnibus
@Anne Laurie: I may well be. My personal experience has been that no one acts like that unless “something” (usually chemical) lets the walls down. It is very possible that I have been comparatively lucky in my personal relationships.
@SiubhanDuinne: I’m here to help!
I was trying to think of a clever way to bring in the Magyars, but I could not, so no Bartok for you.
As I’ve stated previously, it’s because the “Our” in the title is being used as a convention motto as a nudge nudge, wink wink term for a certain less melanin endowed segment of the populace.
@Ken: Boris is an MP.
Woodie Guthrie wrote a song about the racist asshole Fred Trump, Father of Jizztrumpet Donald
“Beach Haven looks like heaven
Where no black ones come to roam!
No, no, no! Old Man Trump!
Old Beach Haven ain’t my home!”
Woodie might be OK with this song being done at the convention. Maybe Hilary should get someone to sing it at the Dem convention.
@Shana: Barney Frank? He’d be a hoot!
You know who else crushed the Poles…
sm*t cl*de
The Dulwich collection is small but perfectly formed.
sm*t cl*de
I would pay good money to watch Boris Johnson playing the role of Roderick Spode.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Tina Brown put the two together, went bankrupt, everybody split, and now Newsweek demonstrates how to be totally irrelevant while still somehow existing.
@TS: Theresa May leads in an early poll among Tory voters (31%, to 24% for Boris Johnson), and in a statistical heat among the general public (19% to Boris’ 18%).
Who lead among Tory members, who get the final vote, might be another matter, of course. As non-viable candidates drop out, it could also change.
All good suggestions. Especially Barney Frank. Thanks for all the ideas.
Matt McIrvin
I was just playing around with the Huffington Post national poll aggregator. Fully two points of closeness between Clinton and Trump in their model seems to be coming from a single pollster, Morning Consult (they just got into the business this year, and have been insisting that everyone else is selling Trump short because of shy Trumpsters on the phone–but it was pundits, not polls, that had a substantial anti-Trump bias in the primaries, so I’d say they’re probably wrong about that).