“There is more than enough of the American dream to go around.” — HRClinton
Shonda Rhimes made the video, and she did a most excellent job, didn’t she?
This is not an "I alone can fix it" nation
This is a "Together we can fix it" nation#DemConvention— Wyeth Ruthven (@wyethwire) July 29, 2016
And here’s a faith call-out I can get behind, even as a devout animist:
No one gets through life alone.
We have to look out for each other and lift each other up.
She made sure I learned the words of our Methodist faith:
“Do all the good you can, for all the people you can, in all the ways you can, as long as ever you can.”
“when any barrier falls in America, for anyone, it clears the way for everyone… Because when there are no ceilings, the sky’s the limit!”
"This is the woman."
Morgan Freeman's smooth narration in Hillary Clinton's DNC introduction video is everything. pic.twitter.com/2kNzr3LWsQ
— Fusion (@Fusion) July 29, 2016
? Martin
Navy will name a ship after Harvey Milk.
Thanks, Obama.
Ari Melber MSNBCVerified account
Shorter Hillary: I’m a wonk, I’m experienced, I’m a woman — and I’m not apologizing for any of it.
OK, now the Trump beatdown section. Obligatory for all DNC speakers, no exceptions.
Major Major Major Major
Baud! would have done better.
But not bad.
gogol's wife
This has been another excellent evening. Rev. Barber, and the father of the Muslim soldier, will stay in my heart forever. And you know that night after night of fantastic presentations had to have been micromanaged by the candidate!
Sherrod Brown was cool too.
She looks great!
Dog Dawg Damn
The leftists trying to install an autocrat can g fuck themselves up he ass. Never forget this. These people are not good allies and shouldn’t be allowed in the tent.
Hillary schools Trump and uses the battleground states to bash him.
Mali muso
Make America great again, how about making things in America again. Nice!
Holy Shit. RIP third way politics.
Aaron BlakeVerified account
Clinton: “I sweat the details of policy. … Because it’s not just a detail if it’s your kid — if it’s your family.”
solid speech. good job, hilz.
gogol's wife
ooooh blya
Can someone please duct-tape the mouths of those bitter-end jackasses? Thx.
I hope her voice holds thru this.
It ain’t the 90s anymore.
Fuck the Berniebros. And fuck Bernie, that asshole. He’s running as an independent in 2018 – I will gladly support a Democratic primary opponent against that turdball in 2 years.
Keith P.
@? Martin: Donald Trump promises, if elected, to name a Navy ship after Tang.
Omnes Omnibus
“No, Donald, you don’t.”
gogol's wife
I’m not hearing it on CSPAN.
Major Major Major Major
“No Donald, you don’t”, plus a little head shake.
The only thing missing was that Benghazi-hearing shoulder brush-off move.
@gogol’s wife:
I hesitate to post politics to FB. But I posted about the reverend and Muslim father. I even included a link to the father’s speech on cspan.
From another blog:
? Martin
I see we’re going to have to have a talk with the northern California liberals.
@PsiFighter37: Bernie is a slander word for me now. I hates him!
“No, Donald, you don’t.” Somewhere, an orange head exploded.
gogol's wife
Oooooh blya
A man you can bait with a tweet . . . .
A man you can bait with a Tweet is not a man you can trust with nuclear weapons.
From one of Andrew Sullvan’s Readers:
tweet baiting.
Mike J
Little men – hits Trump where he cares.
Davey C
She’s giving him the full shiv to the eye. Yes!
Keith P.
@gogol’s wife: That’s gonna leave a mark.
Matt McIrvin
“A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man you can trust with nuclear weapons.”
“A man you can bait with a tweet is not a man you can trust with nuclear weapons”.
Loving this speech more & more as it goes on.
Amir Khalid
I’m wondering about this: how do you primary an independent?
Davis X. Machina
From the Twitter thing:
gun lobby? What about the Rooskies?
The pocket of …the gun lobby.
For a second, I thought she was going to say …Vladimir Putin.
Bernie & his bros & all shenanigans did more to make avg Dems feel sympathetic and defensive of HRC than anything else
gogol's wife
in the pocket of the gun lobby
Major Major Major Major
I like how she addressed that to the person who might get shot.
! Ok, happier still.
Schlemazel Khan
Poor site is having a nervous break down
Actively supporting gun control! Such a change after seeing Kerry look like an idiot on that hunting trip in Ohio.
@Major Major Major Major: lol, love it.
gogol's wife
That’s what it did for me!
Foreign Affairs Hillary looks like a lioness.
Commonsense gun safety.
Matt McIrvin
Some edge coming into her voice as she gets onto guns.
hedgehog mobile
Declaring war on the NRA. Fuck yes.
The gun line was fabulous.
? Martin
Texas Republican strategist.
This is the proper way to take down Trump, not with bombast, because then he will just shout louder and harder trying to win by drowning everyone else out with his deep reservoir of stupid. No, you dismantle everything he is about calmly and collectedly.
You make double and triple sure every single right-thinking person understands that DOnald Trump, and now the party that has duly nominated him, are completely unfit to govern even a coffee klatch, let alone a city, a state, or a nation.
@Amir Khalid: My bad, that would be a general election opponent.
Davis X. Machina
@Keith P.: Been done; USS TANG. SS-306
There’s an orange explosion waiting to happen. This woman has it goin’ on.
@Amir Khalid:
You don’t.
Doesn’t flow as well as Obama, not quite as folksy as Biden, but holy cow is this the bravest, most all-encompassing statement by a national Democrat in a long long time.
Systemic racism. Say it! Yes, Hillary, say it!
Gosh, what an incredible convention.
Schlemazel Khan
@Amir Khalid:
well, sadly, that is where it all breaks down
We will have to win a 3-way against an incumbent & that is doubly hard. See: That asshole Lieberman
? Martin
@Davis X. Machina:
That deserves repeating.
@gogol’s wife:
I thought she was going to say” in the pocket of Putin.”
She is clearly comfortable both laying out where she stands on every position, and then also laying the wood to Donald Trump.
She is on the offense without being offensive.
gogol's wife
Khillari molodets!
@Jeffro: No kidding. So much for moving to the center.
Serious Hillary is scary as shit.
gogol's wife
Me too!
Matt McIrvin
She’s rolling now.
@danielx: No tweets yet. Checking his feed, he left a rally at Iowa an hour ago, so he’s probably in the air heading back to NY and we won’t hear from him for another hour or so.
Major Major Major Major
@Davis X. Machina: Too bad they sank it. It could have been friends with the ship we just named after Harvey Milk.
Comrade Scrutinizer
@Jeffro: I’ve been waiting for that for a long, long time.
There is no other donald trump.
Fuck you, media assholes.
Ben Cisco
And now, the media catches its well-deserved beatdown.
@? Martin: This is so right, so so very right.
“There is no other Donald trump. This is it”. Lol
Keith P.
@Davis X. Machina: They named it that because of Donald Trump, (believe me|let me tell you).
Yep. I’m not sure I’ve ever heard it called out that nakedly.
Adam L Silverman
@? Martin: Can we just relocate them to where the neo-fascists are trying to form the breakaway State of Jefferson and see if they make it out alive and/or survive? Stream it online for $29 a month? Use the funds to pay for something like fixing bridges.
@guachi: It’s why Putin is scared of her.
@Major Major Major Major: NEVER mix Milk and Tang!
@chopper: There’s a Mirror Universe Trump, who you can recognize by his normal hairdo.
man she brought the brass knuckles tonight.
Matt McIrvin
@Jeffro: The flow improves as she goes on. The gun section was what did it.
strangely enough bizarro trump actually has the best words.
Anne Laurie
@Amir Khalid:
The VT Democrats have been gracious about not running primary candidates against Sanders. I think that’s kinda over for the man, now.
He will have primary challengers, including at least one strong one with national support, come 2018. Assuming he doesn’t declare victory and step down, come that day.
(Which IMO would be the smart move, which is why I don’t think he’ll do so, barring health issues or someone in his campaign circle getting indicted first.)
@dmsilev: You have to call it “Mirror Universe Trump” because we obviously have the bizarro Trump.
Hamilton reference! Drink!
OK, you guys got your Hamilton shout-out. Happy?
gogol's wife
Hamilton finally got a shout-out!
@amk: THIS!!
Ha!! She’s a Hamilfan, too.
Mnem just fainted.
She managed to get the Hamilton shoutout in.
hamilton reference. that’ll make bj’ers happy.
Omnes Omnibus
Okay, Hamilfans just had a collective orgasm.
Hamilton ! Drink!
Schlemazel Khan
Way past my bed time, have to be up in a few hours so its off to bed
Great speech & she will be a great President. Lets do this thng
It’s been 25 years…I finally feel like I know her.
A Presidential Speech.
Go Hillary.
@Adam L Silverman:
Actually, from what I read the leader of the CA delegation twits is actually from that part of Northern CA — far North, rural CA. The Oregon delegation was similarly badly behaved (though smaller). So, yup, state of Jefferson.
That’s about as good a speech as Clinton can give.
But will there be a Hamilton shout-out?
— -☺The Boston Globe
“Here’s the sad truth: There is no other Donald Trump. This is it,” Clinton says
@Anne Laurie: If so, that’d be remarkably stupid for the Dems. They don’t run candidates because splitting the liberal vote could let a Republican sneak in. And Sanders is extremely popular in Vermont, no matter how much the Clinton fanatics here detest him.
Matt McIrvin
I must have missed the citizen’s arrest.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
She killed it. That was a good one.
Mike E
Hamilton! DRINK
Exceptional job.
Most qualified evah!
Here comes Kaine! I am starting to love this guy and his smile.
What a ticket, what a convention, what a party, what a country! What a world!!!
Mike J
Cam is missing the card stunt. Need an overview.
They can’t do card stunts worth shit.
History has its eyes on you, Hillary. Go get ’em!
@Matt McIrvin: LOL. Instead, they were arrested by her speech?
This might actually kill Donald.
@Matt McIrvin:
The magistrate of the kangaroo court wouldn’t sign the warrant. No probable cause.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Who’s this generic white guy up on stage?
Oh, wait ….
Gin & Tonic
@?BillinGlendaleCA: We’re not the DPRK.
Indoor fireworks! How is that not against the fire code?
Adam L Silverman
@burnspbesq: Get the moral defibrillator!
Lizzy L
She really brought it. Feels great.
Our balloons even release better.
I was slightly worried but that was great speech. What an amazing convention.
So. Many. Balloons.
None are green though.
And she did it all without the fucking flagpin.
Look at the first spouses!! Squee!
Such a strong ticket……again. We’re just so much better at this.
That’s a shitload of balloons
Mike E
Pokemon balloon boss battle!
Anne Laurie
I really like hearing “Brave” over the balloon drop!
And I like the red balloons on stage, too — it’s a subliminal reminder we’re taking back ALL of America from the Repubs!
Omnes Omnibus
Kaine kicking balloons.
Adam L Silverman
@BR: You can’t make satire out of anything any more…
gogol's wife
Kaine’s wife looks really cool.
Bwhahaha….seeing Tim Kaine’s wife grab Bill C’s hand..to guide him in BACK…lol
Big Dawg…you’re the first gentleman now…lol
Ben Cisco
Killing an ant with a sledgehammer.
Beach balls!
@? Martin:
@Adam L Silverman:
As a northern California liberal, who has tried to make the Democratic Party more progressive, I am ready to personally kick their privileged little asses. I am just aghast at that kind of behavior. This is not how you win the long slog, people. Just wait til they get back here, those little shites.
Miss Bianca
Secretary Clinton! Madame President-Elect! WOMAN WARRIOR!!
My fellow Americans, I was for her before, but now… *now* I feel like lightning just struck twice. First Obama, now Clinton.
We are not worthy. Oh, wait – yes, we are!
ETA: Oh, shut up you NPR/PBS tools. Away with you!
Rear shot of Bill standing alone holding a balloon. Sad!
@Adam L Silverman:
@Gin & Tonic: They should have had someone from UCLA help them out with the card stunts.
Omnes Omnibus
@dmsilev: Green balloons is the safe word. We don’t need it right now.
Adam L Silverman
@PsiFighter37: No.
Ben Cisco
Speech of her life.
The whips did a darned good job of neutralizing the BoBers.
Bill E Pilgrim
@dmsilev: I counted 99 red ones
Nobody can do card stunts. They always suck.
@peej01: Agreed. I was worried.
Yep. All without a FUCKING flag pin.
Adam L Silverman
@Eljai: Send pictures to AL and she’ll post them.
Felonius Monk
@Baud: I don’t think you would like as good in a white pants suit.
Mike J
@Eljai: I’m considering introducing a resolution at next week’s district meeting here in Washington. Make it mostly a congrats to the delegation, but then hit the troublemakers. If you so anything similar in CA, let’s get together and trade language.
Steeplejack (phone)
Okay, Tim Kaine was having too much fun with the dropping balloons.
Can we watch the entire week all over again? Party at my house!
Omnes Omnibus
@Ben Cisco: Abso-fucking-lutely.
@Bill E Pilgrim: It sounded better in the original German.
Madam President.
Gonna kill many rethugs in coming years.
Feels good to relax.
dr. bloor
@Omnes Omnibus: Lotta practice from coaching his kid’s soccer team.
@Mnemosyne: Bwahaha: Lin’s all over it
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: Too many syllables. You’d be dead before you could get it out. At least that’s what I’ve been told…
Omnes Omnibus
@Bill E Pilgrim: I hate that version. It really is better in the original German.
@Felonius Monk: I do better with a pantless look.
Mike E
@Felonius Monk: Nor backwards, and in heels
I’ve never thought about the science of getting balloons to fall dramatically.
Anybody know who the two little kids are?
Davis X. Machina
@scav: fill ’em halfway with water. Always worked for me…
Bill enjoying the balloons
the Conster, la Citoyenne
Omnes Omnibus
Bill has his ball and he is keeping it.
Great speech by Hillary. Well done.
The end of the month is coming up. The DCCC and the DSCC are having a triple-match again. If you’ve got some money to spare, and if you want to see the House and Senate flip, then Team D is going to need the resources to do it. Now’s a good time.
(Who did his part.)
We are now in the post-bro stage of this election.
Let us savor.
KS in MA
@Major Major Major Major: Yes. Brill.
gogol's wife
So cute!
Hillary is Tracy Flick, all grown up.
She’s a wonk. She’ll do the work. That’s all I expect from her, and I’ll say a few prayers that she ‘ll calm down the hawk in her.
OK, the music stopped; now it’s time to get to work.
Bubba leaving the stage in possession of a giant blue balloon with white stars. Oddly funny
My niece the architect has been on scene all week, doing something about making all the stuff work.
Comrade Scrutinizer
@Adam L Silverman: “Argh!” Now that’s a safe word!
Steeplejack (phone)
Okay, off from C-SPAN over to MSNBC for the cringe-worthy analysis.
Bill E Pilgrim
@Omnes Omnibus: I do too but the joke wouldn’t have worked using that one.
Omnes Omnibus
Convention bounce?
gogol's wife
Yes, yes, let me never hear the name Bernie again as long as I live.
This benediction ain’t working.
@burnspbesq: Congratulate her. Love the sciency balloons.
Hillary walking off arm in arm with a 9-ish -year-old girl. Perfect last image.
@Mnemosyne: No, U$C can’t do card stunts. UCLA’s are legendary.
@burnspbesq: I hope she has as good a photographer as Obama has.
the Conster, la Citoyenne
The world has changed, thanks to Obama who will be a brain to pick available for her. She’s learned a lot. It’s not 2003 anymore.
I’m assuming this is Hillary’s own pastor since he’s a Methodist from NYC.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Like a Super Ball dropped out of a third-story window.
@Poopyman: Balloons still popping, but at least they’re not bouncing off the Reverend’s forehead anymore.
You guys must cut the beer sales off earlier.
Oh Rachel – Chris Hayes the “most erudite progressive to ever grace the blah, blah….” I am so glad I do not have to watch this shit network on a regular basis. cringeworthy TV.
Davey C
Is anybody now super excited to watch Hilary school The Donald when they debate? She is going to dismantle his willfully ignorant ass.
I was catching up on some DVR recordings today…and 3 things stood out.
1) I don’t watch Morning Joe, but I did want to see some reaction about last night’s speech…but damn if I just oculd get past the Page Six news that Mika and Joe Scar are allegedly “knocking da boots”
2) Mika actually came closest to saying she really doesn’t feel that Donald Trump actually loves this country and it’s ideals, she basically said we know he loves to make money, but loving our democracy…nope. Of course you could see all the rest of the panel agreed, but of course Willie Guise had to say “well of course I think he loves this country…but he just feel he can change it in profound ways”… GTFO
3)British journo said…”Is Donald Trump TRYING to get GWB and GHWB to endorse HRC for Prez” in reponse to Trumps foreign policy stupidity.
@Davey C: They ain’t debating.
He screwed up “shining city on a hill.”
James E Powell
Nicole Wallace hated the speech – I am totally surprised
@Mnemosyne: We don’t sell alcohol at the Rose Bowl.
My 12 year old speech critic said it was a good, solid speech with no fillers. Lots of important points to applaud.
I’m really proud of the Obama coalition we built. That made it possible for a woman and a socialist to run. And you only have party unity if all of us have a voice.
@Baud: @Baud:
In through the nose. Out through the mouth…
@shomi: Yup. Winning big. Need to crush that roach and his brownshirts completely.
This Obot is on the Clintrain
The gavel drops. Adjourned.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: With that many balloons? But of course!
@Mike J: That’s fantastic! I know there are others who feel the same way, so I’ll try and keep you posted. I didn’t drag my ass to all those meetings so they could embarrass us and try to derail our momentum.
@Baud: Nope, my guess is that Trump will only debate if Dr. Stein and Gov. Johnson are included and HRC won’t go for that.
Mike E
@?BillinGlendaleCA: that’s what those portable, tiny airplane bottles are for!
@James E Powell: Good.
Comrade Scrutinizer
@Omnes Omnibus: Rich Galen just tweeted that he expects 8-10 for Clinton, and 3-5 for Trump. His tweets tonight have been very illuminating as to Republican establishment reaction to the DNC.
@lamh36: One of the things I was curious to see is how they would handle families coming up to join the candidates. I think they did it well. Bill is keeping in the background, and Anne Holton, Kaine’s wife, has been in public life in Virginia and is very poised in the spotlight.
@LAC: hyper chris was hyped about whom?
Fucking Nicole Wallace. The only time she should speak is to apologize for Palin. Shut up, you overpaid twit.
For the first time in … well, EVER … I can’t wait to see Bobo’s column tomorrow.
@Steeplejack (phone): Fuck Nicole Wallace.
“Hillary’s speech undid all the good work Pres. Obama did last night. She offered nothing to Republicans”. Moron.
@Mike E: Better have a way of hiding them well, they search bags entering the stadium.
@burnspbesq: What about Maureen Dowd?
Davis X. Machina
I’m kinda sad no one plays “Happy Days Are Here Again” on the mighty Wurlitzer any more.
@James E Powell:
@PsiFighter37: I bet you for the grandkid.
And here’s Nicole Wallace…calling HRC’s speech a very partisan speech and that HRC squandered PBO reach out to Repub…when/if HRC wins, she’ll be able to get back on that sweet sweet GOP gravy train.
@amk: Rachel wanted him to weigh in on the speech’s progressive message.
Not even if she was the last woman on earth.
@cckids: She offered them a sane candidate to vote for.
God, Chuck Todd is awful.
I suspect Chelsea’s Chuggington reference was a sly shout-out, too. His Twitter account is half Chuggington now that his toddler is obsessed with it.
Steeplejack (phone)
Nicole Wallace slamming the speech. “Run-of-the-mill class warfare and an incredibly comfortable embrace of an extremely progressive agenda.” Ugh.
Steve Schmidt, doesn’t seem to want to be back on that gravy train…so he disagrees with Nicole…smh
Davey C
@Baud: Are you saying that because it’s already been confirmed that there will be no debates, or because that’s what you think will happen?
@LAC: gud gawd. It’s all about them, for these clueless bloviators, isn’t it?
Mike E
@?BillinGlendaleCA: And, better drink it out of your soda cup without pouring in plain sight of the police spotters watching from the roof with binoculars… NC State’s stadium toilets had signs: Do not put airplane bottles in toilet!
@Steeplejack (phone): Wait, that’s good, right?
Now to go back and watch the early stuff I missed.
They’ll just publish the poem he wrote before committing seppuku…
Omnes Omnibus
@Emma: I like the idea of him taking it for himself.
? Martin
@Adam L Silverman: I’m cool with that. California has worked so hard to rise above its stereotypes, and then these dipshits show up. So embarrassed.
And just in time Chuck Todd along to keep the narrative goins…smh
hedgehog mobile
Fuck Nicole and Chuck. Morans. And Mrs. Greenspan.
The Coliseum does. I rest my case.
@Davey C: I think Trump will run scared.
The Sheriff's A Ni-
One hell of a speech, Madame President. Now let’s go out there and win the whole fuckin’ thing.
James E Powell
I suppose I should just ignore Nicole Wallace, but maybe reaching out to Republicans wasn’t Clinton’s goal tonight.
Chuck Todd counting how many times each candidate referred to the other in his/her speech is further evidence that Chuck Todd is completely stupid.
Of course Mrs Alan Greenspan also considers this all too progressive, class warfare, etc.
I may just be completely done with MSNBC. We really didn’t need a third Republican News Network.
J R in WV
Great speech!
Great night, after a great build up by Michelle, Bill, Barack, even Tim.
I cried and I’m an old white guy…
She looked great in that white suit, which was a brave choice in that environment. I don’t think those Bernie or Bust folks in their bright tee-shirts were part of the event in any way. The shirts just let everyone else know who to watch out for, who to admonish if necessary.
Of course, the glass ceiling is only really broken if we win this with her!
ETA: I decided I was never going to watch Andrea Mitchell distort events I just witnessed, even again, so we changed to CBS after the first night. She has got to be kidding us with that load of BS.
@Steeplejack (phone):
And try as Wallace might, the use of that phrase does not sound evil or threatening. I think that the pendulum has swung, and Right is on the ropes.
The Sheriff's A Ni-
@Baud: There has to be at least one. Otherwise, how will Il Douche whine about how it was so unfair and rigged against him?
They got their talking points. That was a speech Bernie could have given and given better. Oh fuck off Mitchell and Todd.
I’m pretty sure I’d have been nauseated by any speech that N Wallace liked.
So it was a relief to hear that she hated it.
MSNBC really is terrible. Why did I turn it on again?
Mike E
@burnspbesq: HE was the voice of reason during PBS’s roundtable bobblespeak…I watched CBS after that
@Steeplejack (phone): I have never understood how Nicole Wallace got where she is. She’s partially responsible for Palin. That should, in a just world, ruin a career for a lifetime.
Major Major Major Major
@Adam L Silverman: I wrote a post-apocalyptic novella about a war between Cascadia and the State of Jefferson one time.
Comrade Scrutinizer
@Davey C: Trump will avoid a one-on-one debate like the plague.
Davey C
@Baud: Heh. If you’re right, well, those attack ads just about write themselves. “He’s too scared to share the stage with Hilary Clinton, how can we expect him to stand up to our enemies?” etc. etc.
Davey C
I have no idea who Nicole Wallace is because I decided to stop rotting my brain with cable news about a decade ago. I highly recommend it.
@PsiFighter37: People are saying this, but I interpreted it differently. He said he’d “return to the Senate as an independent” because “he was elected as an Independent”, I assumed he meant literally return to the Senate at next session. I doubt he’ll run in 2018.
Worse, she squandered openings the president gave her last night.
Listening to MSM commentators is thoroughly depressing. They are so much more than just idiots…or is it so much less?
I can’t help but think that if Hillary had never married Bill, but had gone into politics on her own, and worked as tirelessly as she has, that she might well have been giving an acceptance speech tonight anyway, but without so much of the baggage that she has gotten by being Bill Clinton’s wife.
@James E Powell: No lie. I’ve found myself going back to CNN even. MSNBC has def gotten marching orders to be visibly anti-Dem, and it is just irritating.
Major Major Major Major
@TriassicSands: Like the old joke with the gas station.
@James E Powell: Chuck Todd counting through a speech. Hope he could get his shoes off to help him.
Cant with MSNBC. Had to go watch the Braxton sisters’ reality show to wind down. Those muppet faces take the edge off a day. :)
I really, really hope HRC and her campaign surrogates will call out the media minions by name and tell the voters don’t believe what these assholes are saying since they just parrot rethugs lies.
? Martin
@hueyplong: She really liked Obama’s speech last night. If you had to put a Republican on the panel, you can do a lot worse than she. She’d admitted her culpability with Palin.
I now thirst for cruel mockery during the debates, I wouldn’t mind a hearty Hillary laugh in Donald’s face after making him look like an idiot. It really shouldn’t be too hard, believe me.
@burnspbesq: David Brooks on PBS just called the speech “below average”. Not planning to read his column tomorrow or ever.
I still get a kick out of the sad Republicans.
She should have ended that with “sigh” or maybe “sad!”, right?
@The Sheriff’s A Ni-:
In the scientific community, there is a tension that a President Trump could cripple U.S. science. No one worries openly (certainly not here in DC, where people need to maintain the facade that science is bipartisan), but it is constantly mentioned in an elliptical fashion – “we’ll have to see what happens after the election”.
@Davey C: I’ve been off it for about a month, it’s almost the same feeling as when I quit drinking.
ETA: I watched the convention on C-SPAN.
? Martin
@TriassicSands: She did quite well. She’s never going to match Obama or even Biden on big speeches. It’s not her thing. She’s a nerd. She knows that. She owns that now. And good for her.
Comrade Scrutinizer
@TriassicSands: No. The Mighty Wurlitzer focused her early on, when she was pushing health care reform during Bill’s first term. She was the female equivalent of uppity. The fact that she was married to Bill was just a bonus.
@guachi: self abuse?
I’m so fired up I got my bar code scanner out of my closet. Ready for my call sheets now. Turns out if you make a lot of calls they give you a scanner so you don’t have to enter everything by hand.
Major Major Major Major
@?BillinGlendaleCA: In a good way or in a bad way?
@? Martin:
A generation ago, being a nerd would kill a political career. Hillary is making that respectable too. Hurray!
Miss Bianca
@? Martin: Obama is on his way out. Watch how all the right-wing and right-leaning politicos and hacks suddenly discover what a statesman and orator he is, under those circumstances.
Omnes Omnibus
@TriassicSands: That may be true, but it is a bit of slam at Bill that I don’t think he deserves. He is the extrovert – the one who is energized by the public. Tonight, she said what we all have seen the service part of public service is easy for her. the Public part is harder. Bill dragged her into the spotlight where she learned to be good at the public part,
@TriassicSands: She’s a Democrat. She would have been given a few railroad cars worth of baggage no matter who she had as a spouse.
Do you remember the press coverage Jimmy Carter got even before the Iran Hostage Crisis? Baggage galore.
I’m thinking that the Teabaggers have finally been shown to have gone too far in picking Trump. In addition to Hillary breaking that glass ceiling, she might be the person to flip the switch so the baggage car ends up on the side spur where it belongs rather than being attached to every Democrat.who has the temerity to run for President or other high office.
(Who hopes he doesn’t try to use that simile (or whatever it is) again.)
kelly @kelly_erin
Kind of amazing that we’re watching a female presidential nominee argue that her male opponent is too hysterical & emotionally volatile.
10:23 PM – 28 Jul 2016
You knew they would pan it. It doesn’t matter. She’s not running against “generic great orator”. She’s running against Donald Trump.
KS in MA
“Join us!” … Talk about a dogwhistle for those of us of a certain age … Loved it!
Al Giordano @AlGiordano
A quarter million are watching this on the YouTube channel where 13,000 watched the GOP nominee’s speech.
chuck toad and his ilk are becoming irrelevant.
? Martin
This was unquestionably the best run, best messaged Democratic convention I’ve seen. This isn’t the Democratic party that was cowering in the corner in 2004. Dems should be immensely proud to be in this party.
@I’mNotSureWhoIWantToBeYet: Don’t pick at the metaphor, it leaves a nasty scab.
I agree! My main reason for voting for Hillary over Obama in the 2008 primary (yes, I admit it) was that we’d have 8 years of her, and Obama was young enough that he’d be a natural to step in this year. What did i know? This is perfect.
@Major Major Major Major: Not watching MSNBC? Obviously a good way.
Mike E
@Davey C: Heh, good advice.
When the Boston Marathon bombing occurred, I was at a place with cable and quickly discovered who gave the best coverage: ESPN, and Inside Edition. Think of their competition, and you realize how shitty they all are.
@? Martin: So you’re saying we should vote for Stein in protest.
I’m just savoring GOP tears..LOL
Ben Cisco
@Miss Bianca: Don’t you believe it. He’s still blah – they will NEVER acknowledge him.
Miss Bianca
@cckids: “She offered nothing to the Republicans”? Who the hell did this bimbo think that HRC was addressing with “join us”? What a maroon, Jesus.
I had to turn the commentary off immediately after the speech.
So, was Hillz calling Trumpster a little man with dainty little feet and
little hands which can only handle tiny baby tools?
@The Sheriff’s A Ni-:
He does that as easily as he breathes. No matter how big a margin HRC wins by in November (and right now I’m feeling pretty good about it), the apricot hued fucktrumpet will rave that he was cheated, because Donald J.Trump doesn’t lose. He may even believe it.
@? Martin: I’ve been thinking that too, the Wicked Witch of Florida probably deserves some credit.
? Martin
@Baud: I’m writing in Baud!
Adam L Silverman
@Major Major Major Major: Your real name is Terry Brooks?
Miss Bianca
@Ben Cisco: No – watch it. Wait for it. I guaran-damn-tee some one of these yutzes is going to refer to PBO as “a credit to his race.”
And then wonder why the hell everyone is yelling at him/her.
@TriassicSands: Please. The Obamas are the perfect family. The President is cool, calm, erudite, well-spoken. The First Lady is compassionate, and as erudite and well-spoken as her husband. There has never been even a hint of shenanigans in their marriage.The kids are intelligent and well-behaved.
And they catch shyte from the Republicans and their MSM enablers six ways from Sunday.
Major Major Major Major
from the tweet machines:
@rikyrah: Even Alexander Payne couldn’t create a character quite like Donald Trump. He just wouldn’t be believable in fiction.
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: Does Terry Brooks do post-apocalypso? I thought he just wrote LOTR rip-offs.
She’s offering them a lot better than what they’ve offered her over the years.
@Mai.naem.mobile: Nope, she was all class.
@danielx: Exactly. Who is this moron?
Steeplejack (phone)
Ugh for bloviating Nicole Wallace. And Andrea Mitchell Greenspan, too.
This was an amazing convention. I can’t remember the last time I watched so many of the speakers live. Definitely need to make myself some opportunities to donate and volunteer,
Yes Nicole, all of those Republicans stopped thinking President Obama is a secret Muslim socialist intent on destryoying America and cheered his speech last night.
So, the media is trying to get all the balloons dropping so they can maintain their horserace? Knock me over with a feather. They’re clearly going to need to abandon the noble gases and possibly go Tunston plus. Sciency Balloons!
Nichole Wallace. She gave us Sarah Palin. (And then didn’t vote in 2008). It’s jealousy in my opinion.
Steeplejack (phone)
With my Boo Radley shut-in lifestyle, I’m not exposed to the weather or the traffic, so I thought I would do my civic duty.
He thought her speech was below average, or something like that. Maybe he thinks emulating MoDo is the way to keep his sinecure
@Davey C:
And she already started setting that line of attack up in this speech.
Also, expect the tone of those ads to be mocking. She already knows that The Donald HATES to be mocked. In fact, I’m expecting a whole campaign full of sly digs that Donald will desperately try to respond to.
@? Martin:
Yep. Flowed smoothly, great choice of speakers, topics flowed into each other nicely, built to a great climax. As we’ve seen from their Tweets, Republicans are fuming that we’re stolen showmanship from them.
Robby Mook runs a tight ship.
@? Martin:
I thought she did well, too. Being a good public speaker is not easy and Obama is one of those people with the ability to be at ease and let the words flow.
@Omnes Omnibus:
It wasn’t meant to be a slam at Bill. During his two terms the “derangement syndrome” thing really blossomed. But if you look at other female Democratic politicians — like my two Senators Murray and Cantwell — neither has anywhere near the kind of baggage that Hillary has been forced to lug around. Republicans oppose Murray and Cantwell, they don’t hate them with the irrational fire that they direct at Clinton.
@Quinerly: No wonder the kenyan holds the cable noise in utter contempt.
mike in dc
This was the best produced, best managed and most effective convention I’ve seen, arguably better than 2008. I expect a significant bump next week, and for Clinton to hold a lead beyond the margin of error going into the first debate. That first debate is likely to resemble asymmetrical warfare, like the US Military vs. ISIS. She will crush him on policy while he lobs random insults hoping something shakes her.
Because he just got back from the doctor, his BP was 65/30, doc said you gotta do something to raise it
@PsiFighter37: Bernie running as an Independent is verified somehow?
Democrats: Love trumps hate.
Republicans: Love Trump’s hate.
What a difference an apostrophe makes.
@rikyrah: In other words, core values.
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: He finally squared the circle, or at least closed the loop, with his Shannara stuff. He did a trilogy called Word and Void set in contemporary America that introduced us to demons and their goal of subverting humanity and despoiling the world. They were opposed by the Word and her Knights. This was followed up by a series called Genesis of Shannara that was also set in contemporary America, specifically in the Pacific Northwest, that took us through the final few years before the Void and its demons win and the few survivors – elves and humans – go to ground under magical shelter. When they emerge we are now in what will become known as the Four Lands and it ties the prehistory of what happened before the apocalypse that destroys the old (our) world and creates the Four Lands and the new races into the original novels. In many ways I’ve found these novels much more compelling and enjoying than a lot of the classic, so to speak, Shannara novels. If you go here you want to look at the one’s listed under Pre-Shannara:
@CalD: Good one.
Major Major Major Major
@Adam L Silverman: …the guy who writes fantasy?
Edit: I see you and Miss B have addressed this.
Steeplejack (phone)
@Omnes Omnibus:
Well put.
It”s not Hillary Clinton’s fault that the Republican Party collapsed and the Democratic nominee now has to stand for all normal people. I knew they would do this. They destroyed their own Party so they now want Democrats to be Republicans. They’re already starting the traditional GOP sneering at the Clintons, too. If Donald Trump was my nominee I wouldn’t be running around acting like Bill Clinton lives in a trailer park and is beneath me, but they’re already starting that up again.
Omnes Omnibus
@TriassicSands: Part of my point is that given HRC’s personality, she might have been a fantastic litigator for a disability rights group or something like that. A laudable career. Bill and his personality dragged her into the public eye. Her marriage to Bill took her national. BTW this is not a dynastic thing or a dismissal of HRC in any way. It is a how we got here – a here that I am pleased as hell to be in.
No, he’s right. It’s like how all the Republicans claim that MLK would have been their BFF if not for that whole unfortunate “murder by a white supremacist” thing.
They’re not going to actually praise Obama, they’re just going to sigh every time Hillary does something and claim that Obama would have done it better and Obama was so much better a president than Hillary. Because trying to set Democrats against each other is what they DO.
Adam L Silverman
@Major Major Major Major: Yeah. When he finally stopped teasing his readers that his Four Lands where what was left of our world after an apocalypse all of his action takes place in the Pacific Northwest, with the exception of parts of Word and Void, which takes place in Illinois if I’m recalling correctly. So what you said you wrote was just close enough that I figured it was worth making the joke.
Imagine for a minute if Hillary Clinton had five different children by three different men.
So tons of GOP conservatives are freaking out over the fact that Hillary just co-opted every one of their talking points, except racism, and Nicole Wallace announces she didn’t reach out to conservative Republicans enough? Okay then.
I switched to MSNBC and then left after Nicole started bloviating, so that was all I got.
Re: Maureen Dowd: Okay this is petty, sexist and catty, but I have long been convinced that MoDo will never forgive Bill Clinton for sleeping with Monica Lewinsky instead of Maureen Dowd. I further believe that MoDo will never forgive Hillary for not divorcing Bill and allowing him to wander in the wilderness until he found MoDo and realized she was the One Special Girl who could tame his sexual libido and bring him to fidelity. Like I said sexist and catty (and I really am a feminist who HATES that stereotype) but I still think that is what got MoDo in such a tizzy.
THIS is her offer
@Eljai: I look forward to your reports of the retributions to be meted. Seriously, do come back and let us know about your interactions with them. Sounds as though you do know who they are.
@TriassicSands: because they never had the national profile.
Nicole Wallace, designated Republican commenter.
@Major Major Major Major:
Yes, it was inspired framing.
bemused senior
@dr. bloor: he coached my niece’s T-ball team. :-)
And made sexually charged comments about her son.
@Omnes Omnibus:
My comments contained a big if and your comment makes sense — she might never have gone near elective politics if it hadn’t been for Bill.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@Miss Bianca:
I will bet by next February Obama will be declared a Republican president like Bill Clinton was.
Omnes Omnibus
@TriassicSands: W’evs about how she got here. She is our candidate, and she is stunningly qualified.
Imagine, then, what MoDo thought of Bill’s speech on Tuesday when he talked about how he’s loved and admired Hillary for over 40 years.
Anne Laurie
He was a good president, and I sincerely believe she’ll be a great one. But it’s only fair to keep in mind that Hillary also did well marrying Bill — there are many many many women from her generation, even from her Wellesley cohort, who never got the chance to be public servants because they didn’t have their husband’s support. Yes, Hillary took any amount of ‘bad mother, not a cookie-baker, inadequate wife’ poo-flinging from the media & her other enemies; but Bill obviously never asked her to step back, tone it down, just stay home for his sake. He has his flaws, not least as a husband, but having him at her back was no small gift — and Hillary appreciates it!
Major Major Major Major
That was just so great. I’m still smiling.
Anne Laurie
Assuming Donald even shows up for the first debate — and I wouldn’t bet more than couch change on that — I’m guessing he’ll end up storming off the stage, screaming that he’s being DISRESPECTED!!! by that uglyfatpigdisgustingbloodcomingoutofherwhatever...
And I give even odds he’ll end up using the c-word. Maybe the n-word, too, if the Secret Service doesn’t tackle him in time.
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: oh, damn, you’ve almost made me interested in checking him out – something I *never* thought Id say about Terry Brooks!
Damn, I wish I could still read at the rate I used to even a few years ago. All the research stuff is slowing down my possible rate of consumption!
@TriassicSands: not true–her wellesley classmates all thought she would go into politics.
Miss Bianca
@Percysowner: that is uh…interesting. And horrifying. I think some pre-bed-time brain bleach may be in order.
Steve in the ATL
I’m always amazed by how many people were unhappy with eight years of peace and prosperity
Occasional forays into the outside world for supplies and special occasions.
If I heard Bill’s speech right, it was the other way around: he could have gone to a white shoe law firm, but she got HIM interested in politics.
@Omnes Omnibus: Agreed, once again.
Miss Bianca
@Major Major Major Major: It was one hell of a convention. This is the first time I can think of where I actually want to go back and catch recordings of the major speeches I missed!
James E Powell
If Murray or Cantwell were running for president, or nominated for a serious cabinet post, you best believe the GOP would be smearing them with all the usual stuff.
@Anne Laurie:
No. For all his rhetorical faults, Trump doesn’t do obscenity. He sticks to his middle-school vocabulary centered on stupid. Hillary might drive him all the way to dopey, though.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steeplejack: Ha!
@Miss Bianca:
I missed the speech by the Mothers — which, BTW, Hillary specifically called out in her speech. I need to restock on Kleenex before I do, though.
Anne Laurie
I don’t think it’s even that complicated. Dowd hates Hillary because Hillary found a lifetime partner who thought she was a star, and who is proud to have her outshine him. Dowd hates Clinton because he’s such a putz, he wasted his charisma on that dowdy little Midwestern girl grind, damn her.
If Hillary had only dumped Bill somewhere along the way, MoDo would’ve been cheerleading the man’s vast potential and statesmanship.
Back when they were both coming out of college, Hillary bet that the world was on the cusp of a great feminist change, and that marrying Bill would (among other things) help her be part of that change. MoDo bet that she could have a long, happy career playing the Token Dorothy Parker wisecracking babe at the MSM equivalent of the Algonquin table. Well, she’s had a pretty damned good career, given her talents, but Hillary has a much better one.
(And she’s got a powerful husband who adores her, a great kid & now grandkids, a few million in book & speaking fees, her own foundation… and a prominent place in the history books. Maureen Dowd has a lifetime gig at the Grey Lady, a star-studded contact list, and a Pulitzer. But fifty years from now, her name will only be remembered by a few historians & PhDs looking for a thesis subject. Which is not nothing, but still.)
What a night.
I got to see Chelsea Clinton deliver a wonderful speech, and marvel at what a poised and beautiful woman she’s become. I got to hear Hillary Clinton lay out a plan I can’t wait to see over the next four years, and marvel at the fact that, as Shakespeare said about another intelligent and powerful woman, “Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety.”
I’m with her, to the end.
In summary: If hitting your marks and nailing your lines (and perhaps not making it a point to be an absolute dick about absolutely everything, absolutely all of the time) count for anything, advantage Democrats.
@Anne Laurie:
I’d rather be in Hillary’s shoes than Dowd’s. I haven’t read anything of Dowd’s that I found particularly memorable or affecting, unless rolling my eyes in exasperation counts. But Hillary found the love of her life, despite the fact that their marriage has definitely had its share of rough water. She’s had an incredible public career. She has a daughter who, it’s clear every time she looks at her, fills her with pride. I don’t know if Dowd loves what she’s doing as much as Hillary does, but love is the defining quality here.
(Yeah, I’m a sap. Big frickin’ deal.)
Major Major Major Major
@Miss Bianca: ahem.
Nora Carrington
@? Martin:
There needs to be a national GOP convention/confab. Linton Holton (Kaine’s Republican father-in-law, who desegregated the VA public schools) should be honorary Chair. Every republican (lower case on purpose, for the same reason we sometimes call on small-d dems) with a pulse needs to be there. Ideally this should happen next week, but I’d settle for before the first debate. Republicans need to scrape off the anti-immigrant, racist, misogynist, anti-science, pro-ignorant wing — now majority and they have to *own* that — of their party and Take It Back. I’m a total West Wing junkie and I think there’s a place for a patriotic anti-racist party who argues against group vs. individual identity and smaller government and lower taxes. The Republicans haven’t been that crowd since about 1959.
@James E Powell: LOL Beer and wine as much as you want at the Bowl
Nora Carrington
@Anne Laurie:
I cannot n^n how many times I agree with this. If she were the most calculated harpy on the planet she could have not chosen better. I think they both utterly love one another, which makes her choice both more understandable and more heartbreaking — except I think, in her deepest heart of hearts, she knows down to her bones he loves here more than she loves him and that’s been true from the jump. He knows it too – which is why she didn’t agree to marry him until the third ask.
I’m 60; I’m not much younger than either of the Clintons. The chasm between what was possible for me and what was possible for her is immeasurable.
Miss Bianca
@Major Major Major Major: I’ve read about 20 pages, she said defensively.
@CalD: Dare we say, “Game…blouses”?
@Anne Laurie:
There’s is a remarkable relationship. I learned many years ago never to attempt to judge another couple’s marriage. You can see the pride and admiration written all over Bill’s face throughout this convention. Whatever his failings as a husband, it seems clear that he loves and admires her — the expression “better half” is probably one he would embrace.
@Anne Laurie:
Hi y’all. Late to the par-tay once again, and not sure how despicable twat-roach Dowd crawled into the conversation on such a sublime evening as this, but I just had to chime in in agreement that the she-beast’s mouth foaming hatred of the Clintons, and President Obama too for that matter, is all about her own pathetic sexual frustration.
Gotta disagree though, that she’ll ever be even so much as a footnote in some future graduate student’s dissertation. The horde of emmessemm hacks at this low point in journalistic history are increasingly indistinguishable from each other.
@Marc: He’s Hillary’s sparrow now. Just forget about it. He’s a safe Dem/Progressive vote who will not interfere with any of the bold things ‘tax and spend’ Hillary is going to do.
Some people need to learn how to politics. Bernie would be looking happier if he was facing a bigger political role going forward.
If you REALLY WANT to martyr him, bring it: you’ll lose and you’ll undermine aspects of the DNC I don’t personally like. If it’s up to Hillary you’ll leave him alone in his gilded cage.
@Steeplejack (phone):
Shit, guys, if that’s how it is, you can even have Bernie’s head. Worse things happen in war, and this is the war we didn’t think we’d ever be able to fight.