Just a quicky here, as I can’t resist this:
Speaking in Youngstown, Ohio ahead of Donald Trump, Rudy Giuliani, who was the mayor of New York City on 9/11, declared that Islamic extremists hadn’t carried out any terror attacks on American soil before Barack Obama’s presidency.
“Under those 8 years, before Obama came along, we didn’t have any successful radical Islamic terrorist attack in the US,” Giuliani told the crowd. “They all started when Clinton and Obama came into office.”
Just as a reminder. That would be Rudy “Noun, Verb, 9/11” Giuliani.
This is beyond hateful. This is, as Charles Pierce has often said, yet more evidence that the GOP has been consumed by prion disease. It’s just…pitiable…
…Aw, hell. I got nuthin’. You?
Image: Giovanni Battista Tiepolo, The Rage of Achilles, 1757.
Bush didn’t identify it as Radical Islamic Terrorism. The President said it was Al-Qaeda, so fact check said it’s mainly true.
I am pretty much agnostic-running-to-atheist, but I am beginning to think there is such a thing as evil in the world, and it comes from us.
Splitting Image
What isn’t astonishing is that Giuliani said this,but that it isn’t the first time he’s said this.
Toronto’s Rob Ford tried so hard to be the worst mayor of any city, ever, but he was only a pale imitation of the real thing.
@Emma: Rudy is one of Trump’s assigned babysitters. Just think about that for a few minutes. The Republican elite, expect Rudy to keep Trump in line. lol
Tom Levenson
@Splitting Image: IKR
joel hanes
“Giuliani” should join “Quisling” in the group of names that evolve into lower-case nouns denoting particularly odious set of behaviors.
The heck? And to think the Rs were once Rudy-curious enough to make him a possible presidential candidate. Yeesh.
Give Rudy the Ludovico Treatment. Only force him to watch days and days of unending 9/11 news footage. Then ask the little fucker who was responsible for bringing the towers down. Lather, rinse, repeat as needed until he embraces reality.
Does Rudy wonder what happened to those two big buildings in his city?
@Emma: “The Devil’s Advocate”, with its filmed-in-Trumpland scenes and satanic lawyers, accurately predicted the 21st Century,all without a real-life devil.
@Gravenstone: Ask him what idiot thought it a great idea to put the City Emergency Bunker in the same complex that had been attacked 8 years earlier.
Even assuming he means ‘after 9-11’ he’s factually wrong.
Interesting theory as to what Donald Trump is really up to with this campaign. Hint: It’s not winning and it’s really evil.
Part One: Trump’s Strategy Makes Perfect Sense—And It’s Diabolical.
Part Two: Trump Is Seeking a White Nationalist Awakening—NOT the White House.
Part Three: Elephant in the Room—Donald Trump Isn’t Running a Presidential Campaign
Hey, anyone who can time machine back to fake a birth certificate can easily cause a terrorist attack and make it look like some innocent Republican President was on the watch. Occam’s razor, man.
schrodinger's cat
I must have dreamed the planes flying into those tall building on that bright and sunny morning on the east coast.
OT: Happy 70th, India!“>Happy 70th, India. Despite predictions to the contrary by Churchill. I found an old Doordarshan (Like Indian BBC or PBS) promotional video which had the same verse in 14 of India’s languages.
Rough translation: Your note and my note becomes our note
I want to cheer the unity in diversity that India represents on this occasion. People who speak different languages and practice different religions can live together in harmony.
They kinda messed up the skyline, plus rent control so…. Had to discuss with my kid their significance earlier this summer when she was binge-watching Friends and the earlier episodes that featured the WTC in the title sequence. She was under construction on 9.11.01.
schrodinger's cat
@schrodinger’s cat: * tall buildings not building. FYWP won’t let me edit.
Fester Addams
Well, if he’s following Trump’s play-book, he lets the outrageous lie hang out there until the Trumpkins have heard (and believed) it, then makes a twitter saying it was “sarcasm.”
I think I just had a stroke after watching that video.
Trump just got Bidened in Scranton.
Maybe Trump and Giuliani get less oxygen going to their brains because they spend so much time in high up penthouses and so they say stupid stuff. Not sure about Katrina Pierson though.
David Hunt
Liberal over-regulation brought the Towers down in defiance of structure reinforcing free trade. Note the regulations didn’t didn’t cause people to bring down the towers. The very force of the regulations themselves literally brought them down. Such is the evil of Liberalism! /Giuliani
Ah, but did Bush use the phase “radical Islamic Terrorism” exactly? Republicans believe in magic words. Any deviation from the prescribed incantation won’t cast the spell.
And Obama invaded Afghanistan. They are just so used to being able to lie to their own people that everything is ObamaNHillareez fault, that they can’t turn it off.
At least after Vietnam, we were allowed to say Vietnam had been a bad idea. Invading Iraq was an exponentially worse idea than increasing our presence in Vietnam, but no one is allowed to point it out.
@David Hunt: I thought it was teh gay lifestyle that angered the hairy thunderer/cosmic muffin?
Very true.
Mike in NC
Rudy ‘Nosferatu’ Giuliani is the genius who put his emergency response center inside the World Trade Center.
@Percysowner: That’ll work as well as any other attempt to gain power by losing.
Never forget 7/11.
What an ass.
Anthrax attacks, anyone?
Beltway sniper?
LAX attack at the El Al terminal?
I could expand the list to also include terrorism from mass shooters and anti-abortionists and eco-terrorists, but what is the point? These assholes will say whatever they want to under the assumption that the media will never correct their bullshit.
We’re living in a post-modern, post-enlightenment campaign season now.
@Mike in NC: I seem to remember reading something about how their radios weren’t working properly.
Budget cuts…
My favorite bit from the ‘Trumps campaign is imploding’ NYT story over the weekend was the revelation that the campaign felt Trump needed a calm steady minder to keep him on track, and their first go-to example was Rudy.
We’re beyond trainwreck into Titanic Deliberately Ramming Iceberg.
mike in dc
…with a few notable exceptions, of course.
David Hunt
Everyone knows that’s just one of the many subsets of the evil encompassed by Liberalism along with equality for women and helping people without exploiting them to make a buck. All good people know that all evil is a subset of Liberalism.
Okay. I’m done. Trying to think like that makes my head hurt.
Like 8 million or so other people, I was in Manhattan on 9.11.01. Gotta tell you, I totally bought idea that there had been an attack on American soil by extremists. Still believe it.
Crazy that the then mayor had the same name as the shitstain Trump supporter in this thread story.
I thought Carl Palladino was supposed to teach him some relaxing meditation techniques.
“C’mon! [RAM! RAM! RAM!] Move it, will ya?!!” [RAM!]
Maybe Rudi should talk with Trump about that one. Because I’m pretty sure that I have video of Trump telling John Bush that his genius brother happened to be President that day.
Van Buren
Maybe this is Rudy’s way of telling us that it was, after all, an inside job.
I thought Carl Palladino was supposed to be his soothing influence and voice of sanity.
It also drives me crazy that the Beltway sniper has been memory-holed. I lived in DC at the time, and 9/11 was scary that day and then it was depressing thereafter; the Beltway sniper was really scary for 3 solid weeks.
Via TPM, Harry Reid reiterates his continued lack of fucks to give:
The LAX attack pretty much exactly fits with our current hashtag terrorists like the ones in San Bernardino and Orlando: pissed-off domestic abuser whose wife had left him and taken the kids back to Egypt who wanted to make a name for himself as a “terrorist” since that was more respectable than just shooting up a random crowd for no discernible reason.
He also committed the crime on his birthday, which was another pointer towards it being hashtag terrorism and not an organized plot.
There weren’t any Muslims in the US either. Not one. They all came over from Kenya with Hillary Clinton and Obama.
What’s the matter with you, don’t yon know that the republicans got a Mulligan for 9/11 ? That does not count as radical Islamic Terrorism, because nobody knew it existed. There was no history of it here in America, so it was a surprise. What’s that you say about the first World Trade Center attack, and Rudy putting the Emergency Management Center in a prime target despite warnings not to, and the Bush administration ignoring warnings, those are just unpatriotic democrats trying to denigrate the greatness of Bush and Gulliani, and their ability to keep America safe.
@oklahomo: But that made it such a convenient place to boink his mistresses.
A group starting back in the late 1920s and in power through the mid-1940s were famous for “The Big Lie!” Can anyone guess the group? I know, you want to say the GOP, but I’ll give you a hint, it was in Europe! Too many parallels for my sensitive Republican voter registration to vote for Trump!!!
So he either literally FORGOT 9/11 or is hoping he can lie about it to make Donald Trump the next president.
Not sure which is worse.
If it makes you feel angry and resentful towards Obama and/or Clinton then it’s true. Period. And that space of time between Bill Clinton and Obaaama… we don’t mention.
Amir Khalid
Katrina Pierson seems to believe Barack Obama was the most powerful State Senator in the history of Illinois.
Also, I want to say something about “homegrown terrorists,” which is what we’re starting to get: US citizens, usually US-born, who commit acts of terrorism.
The way you get homegrown terrorists is by abusing and discriminating against that group of people until they explode. That’s why they’re seeing a nasty upsurge of homegrown terrorism in France and Belgium, where there are a lot of problems with Muslims being discriminated against.
And conservatives think the solution is MORE bias and discrimination? Fucking morons.
@Percysowner: I read Daou’s piece yesterday. Honestly, it seems a little silly.
Its premise, that Trump is diabolically positioning himself as the leader of White nationalism, relies on the shaky notion that Trump has ANY sort of political agenda. Ockham’s Razor on Trump is that he is acting as he does in this campaign because he is a narcissist as well as being pretty stupid.
The notion that rather than that pretty straightforward explanation, he has some grand plan where, at the end, he gets to lead a shrinking and politically useless sub-group that makes him no richer and in fact, by association, hurts his “brand,” is pretty unconvincing.
A truly chilling example of foreshadowing, The Voice of the Prophet is an interview with Rick Rescorla, the head of security for the investment firm Morgan Stanley Dean Witter. Filmed on the 44th floor of the World Trade Center in 1998, Rescorla details the future of warfare long before Osama bin Laden became America’s Most Wanted.
A retired Army colonel, veteran of combat in three wars and a survivor of the 1993 bombing of the twin towers (in which he saved the lives of hundreds of Morgan Stanley employees), Rescorla was killed in the WTC attacks of September 11, 2001. In this interview, Rescorla all but predicts the events that lead up to the September 11 attack and the war on terrorism that followed.
The Dangerman
How could Trump have seen radical Islamic terrorists celebrating 9/11 in New Jersey if no radical Islamic terrorist event occurred?
@Percysowner: Meh. I think a simpler explanation is he’s just having fun breaking chattering-class taboo. Seems like an expensive hobby to me, but he can afford it.
Gin & Tonic
@Tom: I could have sworn that was his Police Commissioner, convicted felon Bernie Kerik, who was boinking his mistress downtown.
And to think people took Kerik seriously one time, too.
@raven: How you feeling?
In case the Rick Rescorla video didn’t play.
@The Dangerman: hmmm
Wasn’t there a poll recently where some republicans blamed Obama for Katrina? There was also a poll years ago where a certain number of repubs thought Obama was actually Jewish. Not Christian or Muslim, but Jewish.
But it is not working for them anymore, not even with other conservatives. And it is turning Trump into an object of ridicule. So ironic that he is doing it to himself, without any assistance from the Democrats.
Twitter has been mocking the hell out of Trump surrogate Katrina Pierson for going on TV and insisting that Obama had invaded Afghanistan. Today she is blaming her earpiece. “It’s not that I am stupid and uninformed. It’s that I’m too stupid to do anything but babble the nonsense that is fed to me.”
She meant to say Syria. But the US has not exactly invaded there either.
It could be argued that Kerik would make a better president than Trump.
The mind kind of boggles.
@Brachiator: Yeah jeez, Obama was supposed to invade Syria, per the Republicans, only he di-n’t.
When talking points become babble stumps.
@JPL: Fine thanks, the AC guys came at about noon and it was what I thought, capacitor. I fell back out until 3:30 and now I’m eating everything in site. The doc said I’m making polyps at a decent pace, 5 non-cancerous removed and come back in 3. Now I can worry about hernia surgery and the garden party. I’m looking forward more to the surgery!
If you aren’t tracking the internet’s sarcastic claims of the expert-level mind games Trump is playing with the media, you should be. I’ve seen:
48-dimensional backgammon
1-dimensional tic-tac-toe
5-dimensional Yahtzee
1/2-dimensional Life with a broken spinner and half the event tiles missing
¥-dimensional Guess Who?
40-ounce knifey-spooney (absolutely the best one)
1-dimensional monochromatic Twister
3-dimensional autoerotic stimulation
Ukraine-dimensional Risk!
lim(x->0)[1/sin x]-dimensional Hop-Scotch
I could read these all day.
@The Dangerman:
It was a mirage on the desert oasis next to the Trump Tower.
A garden party nobody will ever forget (regardless of how they may try).
@schrodinger’s cat:
Isn’t 70 next year? 1947 -> 2016 = 69.
As my mom was born in 1947 and celebrated her 69th birthday this summer,
Or am I missing something?
The low expectations of massive bigotry.
I am still amazed that was not duplicated. Indicates how little bin Laden and his crew understand the US, they apparently still want to have a big score on a big target.
@Brachiator: 9/11 was not in New York, it was in نيويورك
@Brachiator: they came with Obama from Kenya, but Hillary brought them directly from…drumroll…Benghazi.
@Trollhattan: What it really has been is and excuse for the girl to work on the yard constantly for the past few weeks. She was really happy yesterday when I was out of commission and she worked outside in the 90+ heat until after dark. She’s “getting the yard back together after the addtion”!
schrodinger's cat
@gene108: Only if you count 1947 as the zeroth independence day.
Giuliani is looking more and more like Nosferatu.
Matt McIrvin
@Mnemosyne: I was just reading an essay by Nicholas Taleb in which he seems to have gone the full Untergang des Abendlandes, talking about how the West will be destroyed by radical Islam from within because our pluralistic tolerance is too tolerant of intolerance, and the most intolerant faction of society always wins.
Only he dresses this up in scientific language, talking about social-science models based on tools from physics, modeling how the most intolerant few percent of a population can affect preferences if nobody else really cares–an example he gives is how many foods eaten by the general population are kosher, because even though only a small fraction of the population keeps kosher, it’s no skin off anyone else’s nose if they have to eat kosher food. And then he talks about the proliferation of halal Subway restaurants in Britain, and oh noes…
I mean, it’s a true phenomenon, as far as it goes. We all know how Texas school-book preferences have historically driven what kids get taught all over the country, and how girls will play with “boy” toys but not the reverse, so toys referencing girls get ghettoized. But Taleb seems to be genuinely convinced it means that a pluralistic, liberal society is inherently doomed to taken over by religious radicals who are sufficiently picky about everything, which makes me wonder why our home-grown ones are currently declining in influence.
Only adults.
If you are a kid in school, they figure you’ll learn U.S. history real good enough to be like most Americans about knowing history, so no testing.
More complicated than this.
The Unabomber and The Oklahoma City bomber nursed grievances not related to anything real, just the ramblings of their own sick mind.
The terrorists in Nigeria and other countries are using terrorism as asymmetric warfare to achieve political domination. In France, there may be unresolved echoes of Algerian colonialism. Failure to take steps to integrate the Muslim populations is now being met by Islamic exceptionalism which demands being separate from non-believers as part of conquering vanguard.
schrodinger's cat
@Matt McIrvin:Why should we care what Taleb thinks? Is it because he is rich?
Gin & Tonic
@schrodinger’s cat: Yet another supposedly important writer on current affairs whom I have never heard of.
What year?
I thought the 1999 would-be attack was directed by al-Qaeda, unless there’s another one I’m missing.
“Ils sont fous, ces Romans.” Obelix (Asterix) Seriously, get off my lawn, Rudy. What on earth?
Major Major Major Major
@amorphous: 149-dimensional Pokemon Go
Amir Khalid
@schrodinger’s cat:
Malaya gained independence ten years after India, in 1957. This 31st of August, Malaysia celebrates its 59th anniversary of Merdeka — independence. The 60th anniversary of independence will only be celebrated in 2017. So I don’t think it’s been 70 years yet for India.
schrodinger's cat
@Gin & Tonic: He is an ex-Wall St guy with not so original observations about the markets.
@Matt McIrvin:
” I was just reading an essay by Nicholas Taleb in which he seems to have gone the full Untergang des Abendlandes, talking about how the West will be destroyed by radical Islam from within because our pluralistic tolerance is too tolerant of intolerance, and the most intolerant faction of society always wins. ”
Exactly correct. That is why the Soviet Union won the Cold War, right? It was ruthless and we were not, their undemocratic system allowed very long planning horizons and our poor widdle democracy could not, and their would stand by as their government committed enormities large and small that our namby pamby soft weak citizens would not. There was a whole school of Western Civ doom and gloom built on the inevitable defeat of the west in the Cold War. Even had some French intellectual frauds writing opaque treatises, and everything a deep and profound insight requires to be true.
@Trollhattan: Of course my smoked fish tacos made from what I have in the freezer will be spectacular!
schrodinger's cat
@Amir Khalid: 69 years of Independence but the 70th anniversary if independence if you count 1947 as the first.
@Matt McIrvin:
The school books reference is actually a dominant culture trying to assert dominance, though, not a minority culture asking for accommodations. Same with the “boy toys and girl toys” debate: it’s an attempt to maintain an existing hegemony.
The Oklahoma City bomber was a white supremacist steeped in “The Turner Diaries” who specifically said he was trying to start a race war. So it had a hell of a lot to do with American right-wing politics of the 1990s and specifically the militia movement. He was pissed off about both Ruby Ridge and Waco.
The Unabomber is kind of an odd duck and generally gets put in the serial killer camp rather than the mass murderer camp because of the way he operated. He definitely had political views, but he was more of a Ted Bundy than a Tim McVeigh.
” Failure to take steps to integrate the Muslim populations is now being met by Islamic exceptionalism which demands being separate from non-believers as part of conquering vanguard. ”
(Emphasis added)
The only relevant part of your comment seems to contradict your thesis. Or maybe I misunderstand.
@Matt McIrvin:
I think it really depends on how strong the government institutions are.
I don’t see France or Great Britain or any other Western democracy being overthrown by a well organized group of radicals, like say the Russian experiment with democracy in 1917 falling to the communists after 8 months.
The El Al shooting that was referenced was in 2002. There was a foiled al-Qaeda plot in 1999 that you may be mixing it up with.
It’s deliberate.
Rudy should be arrested for fraud.
How many fund-raisers did he host using 9/11 as the lure.
Amir Khalid
@schrodinger’s cat:
I think you’re miscounting. India’s first anniversary of independence was in 1948.
randy khan
@schrodinger’s cat:
I think it’s the other way around – this year is the 69th anniversary of independence, but the 70th year.
For big milestones like this, it’s common to celebrate for the whole year leading up to the actual university My alma mater, Rutgers, was founded in 1766, but started celebrating its 250th anniversary late last year. (Useless trivia: Rutgers is the only colonial college that’s also the state university of its state (William & Mary is a state school, but not the state university of Virginia); New Jersey is the only state with 2 colonial colleges; the original main building at Rutgers was partly built by students when the professional masons left during the Revolutionary War, and you can see where the students laid the bricks because they’re not nearly as nicely laid.)
@Hal: Baruch, Barrack, close enough.
Matt McIrvin
@jl: Back in the Nineties, I used to like to go to Buck-a-Book and find remaindered tomes from the Reagan administration about how the Soviet menace would crush us all. One of them went on about how the USSR, unlike the US, had “a balanced budget and high morale”.
IIRC, the names are actually from the same root (kind of like Jose and Joseph), but I’m too lazy to look it up right now.
Yes, you misunderstood. Since you don’t find the rest relevant, I won’t bother trying to explain it.
Matt McIrvin
@Brachiator: I remember a temporary vogue among leftier-than-thou types for insisting that the Unabomber Manifesto actually had some good ideas in it that were being unfairly deprecated just because the author was a mad bomber serial killer.
@jl: There’s always a market for this: How Democracies Perish.
@Mnemosyne: ‘Barak’ (or ‘Baruch’) is an old name in the Semitic languages (Hebrew, etc.) meaning ‘blessed one’ or something similar.
Matt McIrvin
@schrodinger’s cat: People imagined he had some kind of special insight about the 2008 financial crash.
schrodinger's cat
@Amir Khalid: Yes, but the first independence day was on 15th August 1947. So it is not the 70th anniversary of independence but is the 70th independence day.
@Matt McIrvin: Why not? He had been predicting it every year for the past ten or so. I am pretty sure he has been predicting the next crash for the last few years.
Amir Khalid
@randy khan:
Or look at it another way: 1947 marked the beginning of the first year of India’s independence. The first anniversary in 1948 marked the completion of that first year.
@hovercraft: Indeed! Bush and Cheney Kept Us Safe™ for
7.58 years!!1:-/
schrodinger's cat
@catclub: True, he popularized the term black swan. He is quite bearish, like the NYU prof. Roubini.
Nutcase stuff, not stemming from any real persecution. And it’s noteworthy that an American white supremacist would focus on Waco. The Branch Davidians included British, Australian and Canadian nationals, some Asians, 29 blacks, and 6 Mexicans.
It’s like this nutjob had free floating hostility and locked onto events that he could use to justify his rage.
@dmsilev: And despite my snark, I doubt anybody who identifies Obama as Jewish sees “Baruch” as a Jewish name, it’s just foreign-sounding, same as “Barrack.” And to them, anything relating to Judaism is foreign-sounding as well.
Amir Khalid
@schrodinger’s cat:
Isn’t that a bit like missing the difference between one’s date of birth and one’s first birthday?
Bitter Scribe
It’s the 9/11 mulligan. They think Bush gets a do-over for 9/11 because he wasn’t looking, or something.
Of course, if, God forbid, there was an attack as horrific as 9/11 during Obama’s presidency, the Republicans would rally around him the way the Democrats did to Bush and would never dream of scoring cheap political oh hahahaha I can’t even finish that sentence.
They get less oxygen because they are suffering from cranial rectal inversion.
@Matt McIrvin:
Yeah, makes sense. It reminds me of some of the most extreme Bernie folks.
randy khan
@Amir Khalid:
IIRC, in Japan your birth date also is your first birthday, so there’s that.
We’re now seeing the alternative to ‘9/11 Giuliani’, which is ‘racist Giuliani’. Worse, actually.
sm*t cl*de
@Matt McIrvin:
Taleb’s main insight into the crash was insisting that it could never happen, and that financial markets were best left unregulated, because banks were better-placed to evaluate risk than any regulator could be,
It’s possible: has anyone ever seen Ehud Barak and Barack Hofstein Obama in the same room at the same time?
QED and LS/MFT, I say to you.
Always the kidder.
Chris T.
@The Dangerman: You’re forgetting the important fact that on 9/11/2001, the attack occurred under the watch of Democratic President Clobama.
@SamR: I lived in the DMV at the time too. Was the sniper really only 3 weeks? Seemed much longer.
@Matt McIrvin: I read that nonsense this morning, before I had my coffee even. He’s mistaking market driven decisions for cultural change.
I’ll start worrying when people stop eating cheeseburgers and shellfish.
Enhanced Voting Techinques
Ah, to bad it couldn’t go like this,..
“I mean look how messed up Obama is, eight years before the 911 and right after the truck bombing Obama has the NYC emergancy command center places in the World Trade Center just to make it easier for Obama to have an affair. What kind of complete, two faced, idiot would do that Rudy? Why I mean the person who did that wouldn’t be fit to poor water out of a proverbable boot with instructions on the heel…”
Prescott Cactus
“Don’t worry folks, we’re just stopping for ice”
Edward John Smith
1850 – 1912
J R in WV
@schrodinger’s cat:
Congratulations, Schrodinger’s Cat, and many happy returns!
I have always had a high regard for India, with so much diversity, managing to make a damned good pass at becoming one, together, in spite of those differences between different states.
Here we nearly speak the same language in every state, although I had a friend from Connecticut who had very real problems in Gulf Coast Mississippi back in 1972, while in India there are many different languages that are mutually unintelligible. Yet still managing to be a nation.
Plus I’ve worked shoulder-to-shoulder with many really brilliant people from India, who were working hard and doing a great job, so I know first hand how excellent people from India can be. Many of them are U S citizens now, and I’m proud to have helped them along on that path.
Matt McIrvin
@maurinsky: Serge Galam’s models sound at least superficially interesting in a “physicist dabbles in social science” way, but speaking as someone who knows a little about the renormalization group, I am a bit suspicious of the way Taleb throws around the words “renormalization group” as if it were something that scientifically proves his point.
Sorry I’m late to the post, and apologies if it’s already been pointed our that years before 2001 a bomb went off in the Basement parking structure of the twin towers causing desth, destruction and injury. It was treated a a criminal matter – complex, but not at all beyond the capabilities of our then renowned legal system of justice. And a conviction of the perpetrators resulted and they -including a blind sheik are behind bars in an American prison system.
So there’s that…
@schrodinger’s cat: No. Because he uses STEM. STEM knows all.
@Percysowner: read a great diary on Daily Kos the other day, describing the Trump campaign as a pure grift scheme. It’s down from the front page now and I can’t recall the title or author but it is a worthwhile read if you can locate it.
schrodinger's cat
@Matt McIrvin: Those were my thoughts exactly, he throws around jargon like renormalization group without knowing what it actually does.
@Donalbain: STEM may know all, but Taleb doesn’t know STEM. This article shows that he doesn’t understand statistical mechanics, he just thinks that he does
schrodinger's cat
@J R in WV: Thanks J R. About languages, India does have two bridge languages, Hindi and English, most people know at least one or the other and many know both.This is in addition the language of the state they grow up in and their mother tongue.
No One You Know
@raven: Wishing you a speedy recovery, and a blessing on the hands and heads and hearts of those taking care of you.
No One You Know
@Matt McIrvin: In other words, evil succeeds when good people do nothing?