"… there's nothing Trump can do that won't be forgiven. Except change his immigration policies." — @AnnCoulter in her new book.
— Joe Weisenthal (@TheStalwart) August 24, 2016
Trump tells Hannity he's open to "softening" laws dealing with undocumented immigrants already in the country. https://t.co/3jNCEIwLJu
— McKay Coppins (@mckaycoppins) August 23, 2016
Trump, in excerpt of townhall with Hannity, on what to do with undocumented immigrants. Whooo boy: pic.twitter.com/VT5mE1EXpZ
— Phil Mattingly (@Phil_Mattingly) August 24, 2016
Breitbart hosting Ann Coulter book signing at the home of new Trump CEO Steve Bannon, per @politico Playbook. pic.twitter.com/XbITwhFhjY
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) August 23, 2016
Boyle & Coulter pic.twitter.com/0mqV8njUTb
— Rosie Gray (@RosieGray) August 25, 2016
That would be Matt Boyle, who didn’t get to “transition” from Breitbart to the (official) Trump campaign. Sad!
As Trump flips on amnesty for illegal immigrants, spare some thoughts and prayers for Nazi Twitter at this trying time. Except, not really.
— (((Yair Rosenberg))) (@Yair_Rosenberg) August 25, 2016
Yes. pic.twitter.com/3lWsQy6NX8
— Michael Hendrix (@michael_hendrix) August 24, 2016
Meh, it’s not like Trump actually means anything by this…
Hilarious. Trump setting his immigration policy by applause-o-meter at his town hall.
— Josh Barro (@jbarro) August 25, 2016
Stagecraft of the Trump yakety sax pivot is like they just thought through the logistics of deporting 10M people four or five days ago.
— Katherine Miller (@katherinemiller) August 25, 2016
TRUMP: I'm making a hash of immigration!
TRUMP: We need a new slogan.
TRUMP: Self-deportation?
CONWAY: Go to bed.— Daniel Drezner (@dandrezner) August 25, 2016
Patricia Kayden
Nice to see that Coulter is getting in on Trump’s grifting.
It’s hilarious that Trump is talking about immigrants having to pay taxes when he refuses to show us his tax returns because they probably reveal that he pays none.
Mustang Bobby
It may be 4 a.m. EDT, but there’s always room for popcorn.
I love the timing: the very day Ann Coulter, the whitest woman in America, comes out with her lathering and slathering paean to Trump, he goes mushy on the one thing she will never retreat on. They deserve each other.
Wait, so Coulter wants to be off the record? That’s uncharacteristically shy,
Also, why is this now called a “pivot”? Wasn’t it only yesterday that this was called “flip-flopping”?
Some post-election alt-right internecine warfare would be pretty nice.
When people complain about “immigration reform” and how illegal immigrants broke the law, I like to point immigration reform is about devising penalties for the illegal activities, as mass deportation is not feasible.
We all break the law, such as speeding or parking tickets. It does not mean we are outcast from society forever because of this. We pay the penalty required by law and our “debt to society” is met and we go on our way.
So either you go with Trump’s original position on immigration and have mass deportations or you reform the immigration code to determine the penalties for existing violations. And like a speeding or parking ticket, once you have paid the penalty, you are back into good standing with the powers that be.
Also isn’t this similar to the plan George W Bush tried to get passed in his second term, which Congressional Republicans derailed because they did not want to give illegal aliens “amnesty”?
Unsaid is that the position of most Congressional Republicans are the same as Trump’s original position, mass deportation.
Hkedi [Kang T. Q.]
@craigie: It’s only flip-flopping if dirty liberal hippies do it. It’s only pivoting if a virile white male conservative does it. So says their friendly media talking heads (the smarter ones make sure the check dosen’t bounce first).
I think that this is hilarious
Keith P.
Wait a minute…when did Ann Coulter stop wearing that black cocktail dress everywhere? And I love that Trump has also adopted the “My plan is not amnesty” tag…it’s a requirement in the GOP to say “NO AMNESTY!” regardless of what the policy is. I mean, shit, REAGAN did amnesty, so how is it so bad?
Why wait for November, they need to break out the long knives now!
Glad tRump is softening on immigrants; not a bad thing since it provides oxygen to both Hillary and even some thugs in congress. Nice change.
Why does anyone believe anything Trump says, much less argue over it? That’s the real puzzle here.
Faster onto the trash heap than Trump steaks or Trump vodka: Trump waffles.
I see Assange is going to release more purloined emails from Clinton and the DNC. Faux is loving it. So ethicky and journalistic of them!
Deport Ann Coulter.
one_particular_harbour, fka Botsplainer
I note that in RWNJ fever swamps, they’re calling them “private server” emails, which they’re not.
The server at home wasn’t hacked, based on releases so far. Anonymity had its own security value.
His “immigration policies”. Like he has any. Every phrase is a lie from the get-go because the words within don’t mean anything.
So Republicans are planning on creating an officially recognized group who may work and pay taxes but aren’t and never can become citizens and can’t vote, about 90% of whom happen to be Latino?
Like sub-Americans? First class and second class? What a great idea! No historical precedent there at all. No, sir.
robert thompson
This supposed softening of his immigration won’t change a thing. It won’t cause his Sturm Abteilung from cooling on his candidacy nor will he pickup many Latino/Dem voters as we all now he is lying. He voters will simply say he is lying for the Lord and snicker. Sure he will get a few of the more radical reactionaries loudly shrieking because of this abandonment of the Alt-Right but even in their fetid swamps the marginally sane ones they know they will look stupid to everyone else and white trash does not like to look stupid.
Anne Laurie
It sounded better in the original German – gastarbeiter. (Who weren’t Latino, but were usually darker-skinned than the “real” German citizens.)
Patricia Kayden
@Ian: To outer space? Which country would take her.
Matt McIrvin
@one_particular_harbour, fka Botsplainer:
What it reminds me of is “climate skeptics” who didn’t know that global warming and the ozone hole were two different things. When that particular confusion came up it was a helpful indicator that you were dealing with a high-grade ignoramus.
@Patricia Kayden:
“E Pluribus Awesome”? What is that even supposed to mean?
@hellslittlestangel: I’m enjoying the pre-election version, but hey, sometimes more is more.
@Betsy: Perhaps “Awesome” is Latin for “An Orange Douche”.
It’s been said by others, but bears repeating: Nobody survives intact, contact with Donald Trump.
Uncle Cosmo
@Anne Laurie:
I found a pamphlet on a train seat in Wiesbaden in 1980 imploring Germans to treat the gastarbeiter decently because they were doing useful work that contributed to everyone’s well-being. (At least that’s what I gleaned on the basis of my then-10-years-distant study of the language & some furious work with a pocket dictionary..)
We tend to think of the German guest-workers as exclusively Turks, but FTR at that time there were significant numbers there & in Austria from Greece & the Balkans as well. (Maybe because it’s the Turks who stuck around & raised families there rather than go home.) On that first trip to Europe I dined & danced (& twisted the crap out of my ankle) in a Greek restaurant in Vienna crowded by nationals working for the newspapers.
@robert thompson: Since when?, if they didn’t they wouldn’t be white supremacists
@NotMax: Tasty Trump Waffles-Yuuuge-with extra Trump Syrup!
We have a person running for the White House who can say anything he wants because EVERYTHING he says is meaningless. Wait five minutes and it will change, wait five more and it will change again. He is a shapeshifter that cannot decide which shape it wants to show you, it constantly shifts and changes shape.
@Patricia Kayden:
As his fellow New York hotelier Leona Helmsley famously said “Only the little people pay taxes.”
@Kay: I assume when it comes time for apportioning reps in the House they’ll count as 3/5ths of a person.
Coulter looks exactly like my best friend’s brother’s meth head girlfriend. They even dress alike, guess they know what the trailer park crowd likes.
Am sitting in auditorium waiting for Hilz alt right speech to begin. It’s packed and getting hot and I hate crowds but this should be worth it.
Old Broad in California
Gotta love the image of the oh-so-respectful Latino saying “Mr. Trump, I love you but it’s so tough, Mr. Trump”. Like the Latino Stepin Fetchit.
@gene108: “We pay our debt to society …” You don’t know anyone who’s been convicted of a felony, do you? Anyone who ever spent time in jail knows how wrong that is.