With four-letter words and a secret binder, Maine’s governor reignites uproar over race and crime https://t.co/NHl1qyAAD3
— Washington Post (@washingtonpost) August 27, 2016
Whoa: Maine Governor LePage Calls Minorities the “Enemy,” Suggests They Should Be Shot. pic.twitter.com/Bicgew301U
— Adam Parkhomenko (@AdamParkhomenko) August 27, 2016
I have a mild case of the spindizzies, and it’s making me even crankier than usual. But I’m still about 80 IQ points and some head trauma away from “cranky like Paul LePage.”
I will also point out, for any Purity Ponies lurking, that LePage is what happens when the “True Progressive” becomes the enemy of the “at least he’s not Paul LePage” mere Democratic machine candidate.
To quote Mr. Charles P. Pierce, “Paul LePage always brings dignity to the office.”
This guy is a shoo-in for a cabinet post in a #Trump administration. https://t.co/BgkdOXgndj
— David A. Welch (@DavidAWelch) August 26, 2016
Nah, Trump will appoint him to be his campaign manager by mid-September. https://t.co/lB66ZR1jQH
— Daniel Drezner (@dandrezner) August 26, 2016
No. Trump will lose big this year. LePage will be out of office in 2018. Maine will return to its Liberal roots.
Major Major Major Major
@redshirt: Get rid of Collins and then I’ll believe you.
The Charles Pierce link thingie doesn’t work.
@Major Major Major Major: That’s not gonna happen until she resigns.
But a Dem Governor and Dem Congress in 2018 is a 78% chance. Hillary will win Maine 56% to 40% for Trump.
@Major Major Major Major: Not happening.
Adam L Silverman
And we now have a conundrum for the 2nd Amendment absolutists (originally doing business in the 1790s as the radical localist/Constitutional localist splinter/fringe of the anti-Federalists). Here you have an elected official, the chief executive of a state, referencing that state’s constitution’s interpretation of the 2nd Amendment – Constitutional carry, which is the absolutists’ only acceptable position – to promote vigilante violence and summary, extra-judicial execution. The question, in regard to that part of his statement, should be: does the 2nd Amendment absolutist/Constitutional carry interpretation of the 2nd Amendment justify this? If so, how? If not, why not?
Karloff movies all night on TCM. Halfway through “The Mummy,” and “The Black Cat” starts at 9:30 pm Pacific time.
Adam L Silverman
@JanieM: 1 out of 5 men over the age of 50…
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Looks like anger management classes aren’t working out….
STARZ has been showing Bond films this entire month. Been tweeting bout Live and Let Die and now Goldfinger since like 7pm…lol
Best Bond girl name ever? Followed by best Bond line ever?
“I’m Pussy Galore”
“I must be dreaming”
Pussy Galore’s Flying Circus… Pussy’s fleet in an entire group of cone-breasted blond female flyers
And of course, when Pussy gets the drop on Bond & Connery slowly says “Poo-say” …SMH…
He really seemed to enjoy that didn’t he
From Mitt’s bureaucratic quiet back room HR dept binders of women to secret binders of drug dealers. The GOP is going downhill fast.
STARZ has been showing Bond films this entire month. Been tweeting bout Live and Let Die and now Goldfinger since like 7pm…lol
Best Bond girl name ever? Followed by best Bond line ever?
“I’m P*@y Galore”
“I must be dreaming”
P…Galore’s Flying Circus… Galore’s entire fleet a group of cone-breasted blond female flyers
And of course, when she gets the drop on Bond & Connery slowly says “Poo-say” …SMH…
He really seemed to enjoy that didn’t he
@lamh36: Oh and can we give it up for one of the top 5 Bond villains, if not #1… OddJob
Banana republics: “We are ashamed”.
@efgoldman: I never thought I needed a leaf blower either. And then I got one and everything changed.
True Confession times…the old Bond film chase scene…kinda boring…IJS
Ooh..how did I get past the moderation with “Pussy”…or is that not one of the bad words
I think Mike Meyers agrees with you.
“Who throws a shoe? Honestly!
(And to answer Steeplejack’s question from last night, that’s the other movie that can make me literally fall over laughing. I really did fall out of my seat at the movie theater when he did the striptease.)
West of the Rockies (been a while)
I am a horrible person. I find the car chase from Bullet to be dull as hell. Never understood the cool factor most say McQueen had. Obviously, YMMV.
@lamh36: Not a bad word.
Seriously though, Odd Job is kinda slow..and not very agile…Bond coulda rush past him easily…right?
Miss Bianca
Reposting this from downstairs thread just for you, Anne Laurie! Remember the adorable fuzzbutts from Colorado Springs in your recent kitteh bleg? I just heard from a dear friend I used to live with in Salida, and she is adopting TWO of them!! Mimi and Earl Girl! They go to their new home tomorrow – I am so excited!! I can’t wait to meet them!
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Does he make you randy, baby?
Jeet Heer @HeerJeet
Trump, LePage, Giuliani, Bannon, Ailes. Northerners have no reason to feel superior to the south when it comes to bigotry.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: I got you out of moderation.
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: My question would be: “why the hell ain’t this mofo getting a visit from the police?”
Discipher sexist spy language for me…dude asked Bond what made Galore change her mind and call Washington… Bond says “I must have appealed to her maternal instincts”
Someone translate for that for my slow female brain
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: He oversees the state police or whatever its called up in Maine as part of the Maine executive branch.
@lamh36: I’m not sure Oddjob really rates as Best Bond Villain, but can we all at least agree that Goldfinger has the best opening-credits song of all the Bond films?
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
“Human bowling jacket”?
In 2010, Cutler got more of the vote than the Democrat. Wouldn’t that make the Democrat the spoiler?
@efgoldman: lol..haha didn’t think I’d make it past moderation…lol
@Adam L Silverman: thank you
@dmsilev: My fav Diamonds are Forever though…fact…my top two fav Bond songs sung by Dame Shirley Bassey!
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: “I AM the law! I am the muthafuckin’ LAW! And if I say “2nd Amendment Solution”, I mean MAKE.IT.SO!”
“Uh, Governor…”
Gin & Tonic
@West of the Rockies (been a while): One hell of a car in that scene, though. Always had the hots for it.
@Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA: Yeah I’m not sure I get the reference. Bowling jackets are generally pretty cool.
IIRC, she’s supposed to be a lesbian, so it must be her maternal feelings towards Bond that get her to help him.
Of course, he ends up turning her straight with his magic peni$ by the end of the movie, because that’s how it works when you’re James Bond.
@lamh36: well, in the novels, Ms. Galore is a lesbian (supposedly) which I always wondered just where in the hell Fleming was going with that… perhaps he considered it a challenge back in the 60s. Yet, Honor Blackman… wowzers…
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: @lamh36: Have I ever not sprung you from the sin bin? And since in this case it was being used as a name, no worries at all.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
I got nothing… It was the 60s?
@Adam L Silverman:
Here is some background on his associations.
Major Major Major Major
Is Goldfinger the one where he electrocutes the guy with the fan in the bathtub at the beginning?
Shocking. Positively shocking.
I know. …he is so not PC. But, I love James Bond. ..except for TimothyDalton
@Mnemosyne: I’m convinced that Bond’s pen1s was enhanced and upgraded by Q. It would explain a lot.
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: The issue is going to be if someone shots, let alone wounds and/or kills someone they suspect of dealing drugs, or doing anything else they think is illegal, and then they try to invoke LePage’s remarks as a defense.
@Adam L Silverman: that is true…lol..
Miss Bianca
@dmsilev: @lamh36: Yeah, there are so many goodies… “Goldfinger” and “Diamonds are Forever” and…I gotta say it…I also have a weakness for “Live and Let Die”.
Adam L Silverman
@MomSense: I’m aware of the company he keeps.
ETA: I fixed the embedded link so it no longer captures the reply button.
Major Major Major Major
@Adam L Silverman: so the concern is he’s trying to pull a Rodrigo Duarte? I mean, above and beyond the obvious concerns.
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: What are the odds, I wonder…*shudder*…
ETA: “Uh, no, sir…I discussed this with our lawyers, they would consider it murder”.
@Mnemosyne: @piratedan: yeah…I knew about the lesbian backstory…but the line is just weird.
I mean going way to deep with it…I guess..Maternal…pregnancy…sperm, egg…lesbians want a baby..IDK..
WAY TOO MUCH for such a throw away line…had to be a clunker even for the 60s right?
@Adam L Silverman:
This was another classy moment. http://bangordailynews.com/2015/06/25/politics/after-saying-he-wants-to-shoot-cartoonist-lepage-accused-of-threat-to-lawmakers/
He wanted to shoot a cartoonist and thought the Lewiston delegation should be rounded up and executed.
Adam L Silverman
@Major Major Major Major: There’s no telling. My impression of Governor LePage is that he’s not a deep, critical, and/or strategic thinker. More of a just spout whatever pops in his head kind of guy.
@Adam L Silverman:
Oops I did it again.
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: No way of knowing. The problem is he’s put it out there and we now have the stochastic component in play. It may not happen, but it might.
How the hell did Pence beat this guy out as Trump’s VP?
@lamh36: well to be a stickler, OddJob isn’t the villian, he’s a henchman…. Goldfinger is the villian….
but depending upon if you want to use the criteria of niftiest henchman…
1) Jaws – Moonraker and The Spy Who Loved Me
2) OddJob – Goldfinger
3) Mr. Wint and Mr Kidd from Diamonds
4) Nick Nack – Man With the Golden Gun
5) Tee Hee Johnson – Live and Let Die or May Day from A View To A Kill
As for the Actual Villians
1) Ernst Stavro Blofeld – multiple
2) Auric Goldfinger – Goldfinger
3) Scaramanga – Man with the Golden Gun
4) Gustav Graves – Die Another Day
5) Le Chiffe – Mads Mikkelsen
just mho, feel free to enter your own thoughts
I love that Felix Lighter changed races over the course of the Bond movies.
@Miss Bianca: Right…Live and Let Die was on right before.
Of course loved the scenes from NOLA… that first murder scene and the jazz funeral march
But, the scene in NOLA when Yaphet Koto takes off the “Black face”… ummm…what???
So Solitaire may have lost her mojo when she let Bond…umh…ya know..
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: Here you go:
pps 196 to 199
@lamh36: perhaps the implication was that after their interlude, perhaps she was with child?
I love the back and forth between Bond and Moneypenny.
@Adam L Silverman: Once an idea exists it exists and dances with all the rest. There’s no stopping it, unfortunately. Thus, our future is at risk. As trolls will easily defeat all our defenses and conquer our HQ’s.
@Mnemosyne: I am VCRing The Black Cat, thanks!
Adam L Silverman
@MomSense: I remember that. And I’m fixing your link again.
Adam L Silverman
@MomSense: You and Britney.
@West of the Rockies (been a while):
While I am loathe to leap to instant judgements …. yes, yes you are. And it’s Bullitt /pedant/. At the time I was a British sports car owner and fan, preferred F1 to NASCAR, snooty as all hell, but dayyum that was a hell of a muscle car show. And McQueen did his own driving for most of it.
Speaking of Solitaire … Live and Let Die…the ultimate in white washing … a Black villain, Dr. Kananga, Caribbean dictator, in a nation of Black folk with all Black henchman, and his secret weapon is the BESTEST Tarot Reader in all the land who is of course a white woman…
this entire “voodoo” sacrifice ritual scene straight up some white people fantastical bullshit
The extended Louisiana waterway boat chase scene…BORING AF…even with bumbling racist sheriffs
Adam L Silverman
@rikyrah: He got darker, didn’t he? Well played casting directors, well played.
Miss Bianca
@lamh36: Yeah, it’s a weird one…even by Bond Standards!
Y’all are making me want to indulge in a Bond marathon!
@MomSense: LePage said he wanted to shoot the guy *in front of the guy’s son*?? Did I read that right?
For all of you saying that Trump was going to hire LePage — he hired his daughter 3 days ago:
Best bit of Live and Let Die… NOLA and the Fan-ta-bulous Geoffrey Holder as Baron Samedi
I even like the henchman “Tee Hee Johnson”…worst Bond henchman nickname, but hella interesting
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: Or Richard Thompson
As a physician, I was absolutely embarrassed by the video of trump’s Doctor in the previous thread. Any physician who would allow themself to be bullied into writing such a crappy letter in support of a patient’s run for the White House deserves complete humiliation. Here’s a very nice takedown of the letter by another physician.
@piratedan: Right…I tend to just think of the villains and henchmen together…in a number of the movies I remember the henchman more than the villains
@Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA: I think Charlie was making fun of LePage’s made up drug dealer names. Could be wrong though.
@Miss Bianca:
Best version ever
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Yup. Sometimes Felix is lighter… (Oh, I kill myself…)
@Miss Bianca:
Yes you did. I still can’t believe it and it happened a couple of years ago.
@Adam L Silverman:
I have that song on my brain after watching her on carpool karaoke and now desperately need to find a replacement ear worm.
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: Well that was different! Also, unless you’re a French mime or wearing your US Army Class A or B uniform, wearing a black (or any other color) beret is just wrong.
Oops. Link didn’t takehttps://drjengunter.wordpress.com/2016/08/16/im-a-doctor-these-are-the-things-i-find-concerning-with-trumps-medical-letter/
@Wag: It’s real. I suffer under LePage’s rule. AMA.
I hope you like it. It’s pretty twisted, like a lot of early 30s Pre-Code films. The denouement freaked me the hell out as a kid.
Miss Bianca
@Wag: It is, ain’t it? I love how he’s so tongue in cheek about it but actually *rips it up*. Not the first time I’ve learned to appreciate a song only after it got the RT treatment!
Adam L Silverman
@MomSense: How about the Blues Brothers cover of Sink the Bismark I posted last week, which was cut from the Bob’s Country Bunker scene in the movie.
The Maine I know does not have liberal roots.
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: Sorry, man. The black beret is a *thing* with RT. Would you prefer green? Or raspberry?
Adam L Silverman
@MomSense: How about the Blues Brothers cover of Sink the Bismark I posted last week, which was cut from the Bob’s Country Bunker scene in the movie.
You have my deepest sympathy
@Adam L Silverman: thx Adam…that was an interesting, if way too in depth, read on it…but i loved the break down.
Speaking of Tilly Masterson (as mentioned in article)…talk about most normal, i.e. BORING Bond girl name…of course she had to die…quickly…lol
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Oops, sorry about the misspelling. I have a vague recollection of seeing McQueen racing on a motorcycle in Lake Elsinore, CA in the late 60’s.
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: Unless he’s going to go in country clandestinely to plan an insurgency, he doesn’t get a green one. As for raspberry – no, just no. No berets period.
“Do you expect me to talk?”
“No Mr. Bond I expect you to die.”
@Adam L Silverman:
Wow, somebody’s got too much time on his hands. Really?
@p.a.: probably most well known Bond villain catchphrase?
Back in the day:
As Maine goes so goes Vermont.
AL, you can’t really describe the independent who served on the board of Americans Elect as a Purity Pony. Well, I mean, I guess you CAN, but it’s certainly silly to describe him as leftier than the guy who came out before the election. Just sayin’.
Mike in NC
Was stationed in Maine 1981-82 (BIW) and enjoyed it. Where did they dredge up this piece of shit?
I like Naomi Harris as Moneypenny. I admit I didn’t much pay attention to Moneypenny in classic Bond films. But I my fav version of Moneypenny was Samantha Bond. She and Brosnan had the best most flirtatious chemistry of the Bond/Moneypenny pairs
@Wag: I will survive. My MOUNTAIN REDOUBT is impregnable.
Adam L Silverman
@frosty: keyword search: “pussy galore maternal instincts”. Took 30 seconds, including reading the three pages.
Miss Bianca
@Adam L Silverman: Alas, if ever we met IRL, I’d have to leave off one of my favorite headgears then, for fear of repulsing you completely. Schade!
Adam L Silverman
@Miss Bianca: On women its fine. On men not so much.
@Adam L Silverman:
? We found the mighty Bismarck and then we cut her down. I’ve never heard that song before. The country bunker scene was very funny.
Yes you will. . Enjoy!
@Adam L Silverman: “raspberry berets…” how dare you…now I’ve got to go listen to my Prince and Revolutions CD
Welcome to Fantasy Island.
@West of the Rockies (been a while):
Awesome. I only saw him in the flicks. According to Wikipedia he did all the riding in The Great Escape except for the last jump. Curious how he managed to find a Triumph in WWII Germany, though. :-)
Or you could listen to Beck.
@rikyrah: I agree, from the point of view that the archetypal nature of Bond films lead to characters that transcend race. Jeffrey Wright playing Felix is like Denzel Washington playing The Prince in Much Ado About Nothing. Playing an iconic character is no longer reserved for whites.
The real proof of this theory would be Idris Elba cast as Bond (h/t to lamh36).
@Miss Bianca:
I have a raspberry one and I’ve been thinking of making one like Maureen O’Hara wore in The Quiet Man.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
@Adam L Silverman:
Maybe Picasso?
Okay, closure. Thank you.
I am always slightly surprised at how well Myers’s movies hold up, both the Wayne’s World ones and the Austin Powers ones. Even So I Married an Axe Murderer has its moments. Too bad he cratered with The Love Guru.
Major Major Major Major
@Wag: it’s so weird how he’s a scientologist.
@Adam L Silverman:
The definitive man in a beret scene.
Mike J
@Wag: Or Warren Zevon & REM
I suspect his now ex-wife was much more of an editor of his than she ever got credit for, because his writing took a very sharp downturn after their divorce and still hasn’t recovered.
@Major Major Major Major:
In his defense, he was raised in it. It’s like blaming someone for being Catholic.
Anne Laurie
@Miss Bianca:
Oh, thank you for that news! (I’m totally jealous, those are the two I’d have picked if I were closer and/or didn’t already have more than enough rescues to juggle.)
@MomSense: That’s where I spent my afternoon, it’s the LA County Arboretum.
Major Major Major Major
@Mnemosyne: yeah, I know. But he’s an adult. As far as scientologists go though his is the most defensible.
It’s the 1960s idea of a joke.
Also, Bond’s interaction with Pussy Galore is kind of rapey, even by the, uh, less evolved attitudes of the time.
Right now I’m watching an episode of Perry Mason where an executive was harassing a secretary so hard he deserved a shot of mace and a knee in the crotch, but everybody was sort of like “Mad Men gotta be Mad Men, yo.”
Anne Laurie
Translation from the 1950s patriarchy : Bond is just the kind of badass killing machine a superspy lesbian would’ve wanted a son of her own to grow up to be.
And ‘everyone knows’ all mothers want to sleep with their sons, because Freud.
@Adam L Silverman: Le Page is like an American version of Rob Ford, but because he’s American, there’s more gun references. Wouldn’t be surprised if he also smoked crack in his spare time too.
speaking of movie car chases, which BTW isn’t really my thing but I do love the more exciting one, I’ve gotta say the most recent chase scene that sticks in my memory was the chase scene in the last Mission Impossible film. firstly cause as per usual TC did his own actual stunt driving (apparently even the gear shift “slides”). Secondly cause Simon Pegg actually trusted TC’s driving ability, and lastly it really did look pretty darn cool in the big screen
Mission Impossible Rogue Nation Car Chase
not surprising though each MI film has showcased some pretty good car chases
@Adam L Silverman:
Ain’t the internet grand?
Major Major Major Major
@Steeplejack: I got in an argument with the guy who played Perry Mason one time at church when I was a kid.
It was just a joke! Bond is so hot that no woman would feel merely maternal toward him. Yuk-yuk-yuk. Not a good joke, but a joke. Even Moneypenny wants him to take her on her desk, and she’s the most maternal woman in the (Connery) Bond movies.
Anne Laurie
Trump’s all about surface appearance, remember. Pence looks like a successful politician, the kind of human prop Donald Trump wants to be associated with (according to Indianians, Mike’s good lucks are responsible for a lot of his political success, because many voters are no smarter than Trump.)
LePage looks like the two-bit cruddy little hustler he is; Donald’s not gonna stand that sweaty “human bowling jacket” up next to him at a presser, because people might start to associate Trump with ugly luzers.
Think of it as the equivalent of Trump’s trading in his wife for a newer, hotter model whenever the existing one gets too “human”.
He was based in Florida, so he was out in the sun a lot.
Another good “recent” car chase would be Matrix Reloaded even being half CGI half true stunt driving still a good one, IMHO
Matrix Reloaded
Major Major Major Major
@lamh36: This was a pretty good car chase. Maybe a little on the long side.
back to Bond I’d consider the Ashton Martin chase scenes from Quantum to be one of the best of the franchise
Although Spectre had a good one too Spectre
That’s how you know Bond’s peni$ is magic — he can treat her any way he wants and she still ends up straight and in love with him afterwards.
I’ve always had a soft spot for Live and Let Die because I saw it during its world-premiere engagement at the Leicester Square Odeon, although for a Roger Moore Bond film, it’s not bad. But From Russia With Love is my favorite, with both Lotte Lenya (best Bond villain stunt casting EVER) and Robert Shaw as bad guys. (And the great Polish actor Vladek Sheybal and Walter Gotell are secondary baddies for good measure.)
D’oh! Stupid moderation. A little help, please?
I’m about as far from a Cruise fan as anyone can be but this Top Gear segment was one of their best. (Bonus: Cameron Diaz)
Star in a Reasonably Priced Car
Major Major Major Major
I have a Korean couch-surfer. Netflix suggestions?
@frosty: right I’m no TC fan either but I’m. it ashamed to say I love those damn MI films of only cause TC really does do his own stunts even one any normal star would say HELL no to
@Major Major Major Major:
Depends on what genres they like and how good their English is.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@West of the Rockies (been a while):
Curious movie; the character Bullet is presented as a Cool Dude(tm) even though he screws up about everything in the movie, including the car chase (dead suspects don’t really tell much and was it really worth it blowing up someone’s gas station just to stop some idiot?)
That bullshit about most of the drug dealers in Maine being black and Latino was debunked the last time that idiot-assed governor had an episode.
Miss Bianca
Why do my dogs always wait till I really want to go to sleep to start noisily grooming themselves? I mean, NOISILY. Glorp glorp glorp. Then Stella thrashes around scrabbling her claws on the tile even tho’ she’s sleeping on the carpet. How does she do it? WHY does she do it? How can I get her to STOP?
Amir Khalid
@Miss Bianca:
At least your dogs don’t groom you. My cat (she’s a Bianca, too) likes to do that with me.
Stella’s having a doggie dream. I suppose you could wake her up, but that wouldn’t be very nice.
Amir Khalid
@Amir Khalid: yea?
ThresherK (GPad)
Ugh. awake, randomly. Good news: My cat Jazz is sleeping against me down by my outer shin. She’s usually not the “hey let’s all get on the bed” sort unless it’s cooler in here.
There’s also usually a vague territorial battle going on with S-T-K’s Dexter, who is a real I-cuddle-with-my-fave-human sort when the human is stationary.
@DivF: Yes and Idris Elba would make the best Bond since the first one – Connery. I will almost bet this won’t happen solely because he is black but I have watched him in his Luther detective series and he is the ideal modern Bond (I really don’t see him being the sexist Bond; he is a mean SOB when pushed but beyond a doubt, someone who both respects and protects woman – he’d never use woman and unlike the Bond when he essentially raped the woman in the health club scene (though 1960’s, even as a kid that scene offended me as a rape.)) Idris plays a character anyone would trust even with their daughter. The man has a special high level class that transcends his rough and even, at times, brutal police methods.
Amir Khalid
@Miss Bianca:
I guess everyone has their bedtime ritual. My cat Bianca’s sometimes includes grooming me.
Stella sounds like she’s having doggie dreams. I suppose you could wake her up, but that wouldn’t be very nice.
Amir Khalid
Hmm. FYWP has eated several of my comments for no apparent reason.
@Amir Khalid:
Sorry to hear it.
Liverpool are at Tottenham in about three hours. I presume you’ll be watching that. I’m going to bed in a bit, so I don’t know if I’ll be back up in time. Just depends on how long the sleep lasts.
My team, Newcastle, got relegated, so I haven’t decided on another team to follow this season. Have just watched a few games here and there.
@Steeplejack: Oh good, hernia recovery TV!
Yep, the season started two weeks ago, so there is usually at least one match at 7:30 a.m. EDT (or sometimes 8:30) on Saturday and Sunday. Six matches at 10:00 a.m. today to choose from! Middlesbrough are at West Bromwich Albion at 8:30 a.m. tomorrow.
If you go to Google and put in “EPL fixtures,” you’ll always get a good schedule as the first hit.
ETA: “EPL” = English Premier League.
JR in WV
I got a leaf blower for blowing off the roof, and to fight brush fires. Around here, brush fires aren’t like what you see on the news from California. They mostly (so far) burn low and slow, and a leaf blower can go a long way to creating a fire break by blowing the ground clear of leaf litter and forest floor woods trash.
Or you can use a fire rake, which is big and heavy…
I’m going with the blower at first. You can’t use them actually in the fire zone, where they would boost flames considerably, there you need a fire rake, or even garden tools.
If a thick snow fall is powder, you can blow it off your steps with a leaf blower, the first day it’s there. But pretty quickly it firms up and you need that old snow shovel.
JR in WV
When I was recovering from my last shoulder replacement, I wasn’t up on the blogs at 4 am. You must not be taking your pain meds quite right.
Of course, here am I at 5 am up and on the blog… duh!
@Steeplejack: the signs were there with the Austin powers sequels.
Iowa Old Lady
For some reason, I find the Bond films to be excruciatingly boring. No criticism meant, but watching one is like watching paint dry for me.
Matt McIrvin
@rikyrah: The pity of it is, Timothy Dalton is great, but his Bond movies were not good.
@Adam L Silverman: A person gets the impression this (w)hole section was written entirely as a set up for the last line. A shaggy kitty story, indeed.
gogol's wife
@Matt McIrvin:
Whatever his sins (and I’ve never seen his Bond movies!), he made up for them with his heart-rending performance as Mr. Skinner.
@Iowa Old Lady: I know we are a minority, but I feel the same way. I actually fell asleep in the middle of one that my husband talked me into seeing.
The Other Chuck
@Adam L Silverman: Much as I love that movie, I’m not sure the Blues Brothers needed more numbers where the duo themselves was singing, especially when they’d already been repeatedly upstaged by their many guest stars. The movie isn’t about them as great musicians after all.
Dear State of Maine:
I thought you lazy bums were impeaching him.
YOU NEED TO DO THAT NOW. He is calling openly for acts of violence towards Blacks and Latinos.
LePage needs to be in handcuffs before a judge answering to assault charges before Labor Day weekend.
The hell?
@Matt McIrvin:
The Other Chuck
…full of women?
Read the linked article, was assuming “Dignity” was LePage’s favorite stripper down at the club. Still assume this to be true even though Pierce doesn’t confirm.
@The Other Chuck: Full of drug-dealing black men. LePage needs options for getting his fix.
@Adam L Silverman: IOKIYRT. It’s OK if you’re Richard Thompson. He’s an amazing talent.
Theodore Wirth
Maybe this is not even news any more? Govs. LePage, Christie and Brownback were all easily re-elected. Maybe the bigger story is the alarmingly high level of Murkan ignorance?