Here @realDonaldTrump – I fixed it for ya. #TacoTrucksOnEveryCorner
— Gene Wu (@GeneforTexas) September 2, 2016
Must be time to start thinking about dinner. Sometimes the Trickster God gives you the perfect political meme material, just in time for a holiday weekend…
Robby Mook & Team Brooklyn is fired up for #TacoTrucksOnEveryCorner
— Brian Fallon (@brianefallon) September 2, 2016
Colorado Democrats are trolling Trump by parking a taco truck outside his Denver campaign office to register voters:
— Kyle Griffin (@kylegriffin1) September 2, 2016
Tim Kaine should mainly campaign out of a taco truck from this point on…
— Al Giordano (@AlGiordano) September 2, 2016
Context, because this is a full-service blog. No, seriously, watch this if you haven’t already…
Sometimes things happen on the air that are just inexplicable. #inners
— Joy Reid (@JoyAnnReid) September 2, 2016
@brianefallon How about a wall of taco trucks? It will pay for itself.
— Margaret Schankler (@mschankler) September 2, 2016
— Matthew Yglesias (@mattyglesias) September 3, 2016
@brianefallon #Trump nightmare! When #TacoTrucksOnEveryCorner morph into #HalalTacoTrucksOnEveryCorner
— Laura L. Scott (@lauralscott) September 2, 2016
Even the last-minute off-brand GOP anti-Trump stalking horse felt compelled to get in on it…
Taco vendors like this at #MNStateFair are entrepreneurs who power the American economy. ?#TacoTrucksOnEveryCorner
— Evan McMullin (@Evan_McMullin) September 2, 2016
Newt Gingrich is currently scribbling his latest polemic, A Taco Truck On Every Corner?
— Dana Houle (@DanaHoule) September 2, 2016
Thanks largely to Twitter, the comparable back and forth in 2016 is over things like taco trucks.
— Patrick Ruffini (@PatrickRuffini) September 2, 2016
There are 1.8 million google results about Al Gore sighing during a debate. I'm not going to blame twitter.
— (((Will Cubbison))) (@wccubbison) September 2, 2016
There was a taco truck at the black church where Trump spoke today.
Leslie Proll @LeslieProll
Powerful piece by @arishapiro @npr on housing discrimination against Black middle class. Home values based on race
Corner Stone
I’m making Zuppa Toscana tonight, but hot damn if a taco truck especial doesn’t also sound good right about now.
Corner Stone
There is something about the shape of Evan McMullins top part of his head. It’s bulbous and just weird. It reminds me of one of those black and white shows where a brainy alien race has come to rule the earth.
The ones with high pointy collars on their glitter capes.
I want my taco truck. Tim Kaine should go from taco truck to taco truck….complete with voter registration forms.
Corner Stone
Food trucks are problematic in The Greater Houston Metro Area. But hot damn, I’d love a 300% or so increase in taco truck availability. Especially if they invaded the nearby burbs.
Slow ass site loads like straight 30W.
I miss tacos. :(
Corner Stone
It’s times like these that I like to take a slow breath, tip back in a comfortable chair, and say out loud to myself, “Scalia is still fucking dead.”
Ahhh….that’s better.
Give a man a fish and he’ll eat for a day.
Teach a man to fish and he’ll disappear for the weekend.
Park a taco truck on his corner and he’ll enjoy a fish taco.
nothing but the GRIFT
@arapaho415 Arapaho415 Retweeted Mike Memoli
A BuzzFeed News review of FEC filings, however, found no evidence the PAC is spending the money to help elect Trump
gogol's wife
As I said earlier, I want a taco truck on my corner, and I want a corner. A sidewalk too would be nice.
I think Great Uncle Joe and Uncle Tim should take the Taco Truck meme on the road. Bring along some Hispanic celebrities with stacks of voter registration forms.
Sarah KliffVerified account
A new study finds birth control is 100% responsible for the massive drop in teen births.
Corner Stone
@gogol’s wife:
Well, it’s a little short notice but it is a holiday weekend…
gogol's wife
@Corner Stone:
Walked right into that one.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Twitter didn’t build this, my Republican friend. You did.
Anonymous At Work
Can anyone tell me who THE HELL the 1% of African Americans and 19% of Hispanics are that support Trump?? I mean, who are they and why are they allowed near a telephone?
Jim Faith
@Corner Stone:
You mean like Beldar and Prymaat? Nevermind – they were from France.
@gogol’s wife: Tar’s pretty fancy. And curbs?! Get out.
Iowa Old Lady
The only food truck I’ve seen around here is a cupcake truck.
@gogol’s wife:
I like tacos, but what I’d *really* get excited about is a Chinese buffet restaurant on, say, every third corner.
With a place next door that sells great milkshakes.
I would love to have that halal taco truck park in front of the jackass’s house with the “Hillary for Prison 2016” yard sign. On the Sabbath.
Tara the Antisocial Social Worker
@Anonymous At Work:
With a 4% margin of error, it’s totally possible that 103% of African Americans hate Trump.
Felonius Monk
The hamsters just took a taco break. Uno momento por favor.
@Anonymous At Work(#18):
Don’t know much about conservative Hispanics, beyond the class and Catholicism thing, but in the black community there’s always been a streak of stupid conservatism (and self-hatred). There were sincere black supporters of George Wallace back in his extreme bigotry days.
Corner Stone
I am still baffled there has not been an A-Team sequel made.
@henqiguai: I assume any minority supporting Trump is also balls to the wall crazy religious.
Felonius Monk
@Corner Stone:
That would be the B-Team, amirite.
Corner Stone
@Felonius Monk: “There is no Plan B”
Oh wait. I just realized that is a kickass action movie subtitle. But a really shitty real life mantra.
The Facebook meme I saw today was, This means that Election Day is now officially Taco Tuesday.
Make it so.
PhoenixRising AZ Dem Party is hosting a ‘how to register voters’ event…for food truck owners.
Peak 2016 election: Republicans aren’t wrong about one thing; the taco trucks really ARE out to get them.
The AZ Dem party office is on a prominent corner in midtown Phoenix (happens to be across the street from my office). They had a taco truck come out at lunchtime and combined it with a voter registration drive. I just wish it was on a weekday so I’d have a delicious lunch!
We’re going out to get tacos for dinner and then will attempt to get a Snorelax.
@Mnemosyne: That is great!
Villago Delenda Est
@rikyrah: “Oh, noes, the sluts are not being punished!” – The Fundigelicals
I was reading the one about the wall of taco trucks out to my husband, and my daughter (11) said “is that b/c Donald Trump wants to build a wall between Mexico & the U.S. and wants Mexico to pay for it?” Keep in mind that we never ever have the news playing in our house, and if Trump is on the tele I shout “change the channel!” So, I asked her how she knows that, and she said that the kids at school talk about how awful he is often, and that sometimes they make up cheeky songs about him and sing them on the playground.
That is here in Scotland. Trump’s being ridiculed by primary students in the Scottish Highlands. Sad!
I hate when you realize halfway through the wash cycle that you forgot to hit the “delicates” button.
Really, I just hate laundry in general. Fortunately, I don’t think I had any sweaters or true delicates in there.
I know I’m making kosher tacos for the campaign office for Thursday’s lunch.
Corner Stone
That’s either a combo colon cleansing and sleep medicine or a Pokemon Go thingie.
Either way, luck!
Corner Stone
I am loving watching Transformers made in 2007 and seeing a 2GB flash card hold all the data the government recorded from when the aliens hacked the national defense network.
Gelfling 545
@Iowa Old Lady: My city has become food truck heaven, featuring all different styles of food. One of my favorites right now is called Das Waffel. Their chicken waffel is to die for and their bacon is ambrosial. They pull up at farmers’ markets, festivals, music venues, etc. and greatly expand the scope of the cuisine.
I practically vacuumed my pants off my own body today. I’ll trade and do your laundry if you do my vacuuming.
@Corner Stone: Pokemon. It’s a big lazy bear, aka my spirit Pokemon.
I feel immense kinship with panda bears. I kinda want one.
Corner Stone
Wiscy fans have to be chucking their guts out right about now.
hard to tell. Evangelicalism and various forms of Fundamentalism has been rife in the black community. I, on the other hand, am rational; therefore, I am always a biased commentor[sic] on such things. I will note, however, that I am quite contemptuous of such worldviews. God (any god, your choice ’cause there’s millions and billions of them out there) will not make your problems go away; that’s on you and your support network. I’ve always been disappointed that the supposed biblical quote “God said ‘I will help those who help themselves'” is myth.
Speaking of dinner, my mom had a wisdom tooth pulled yesterday. She going to come over and spend the weak.
I need mushy food suggestions.
I am going to make a cream of potato soup tonight.
But beyond that and apple sauce, I am having trouble with mushy food ideas, so she does not have to chew much.
Yet another missing the point post making its way around facebook. White, retired cop who shot black suspect in the line of duty lectures Colin Kaepernick. Sure, he completely misses the point of Kaepernick protesting police brutality while comparing his apparently justified shooting, a shooting that left him injured and on leave, but hey! Kaepernick mentioned cops on leave who leave bodies in the street, so why not pen a letter on facebook sure to be shared tens of thousands of times by white people who love to lecture grown ass men about race in America.
The letter is chock full of snarky dismissals and missed points, all the while going down the familiar “there are good cops and bad cops” road. Some follow up interview later the retired cop says he thought Colin, yes they are on a first name basis, painted to broad a brush and he had to respond. Ugh, this is the kind of thing that for me personally just really drives home how radically different points of view on race in america are from black to white.
@Corner Stone:
As am I. I thought I read about a sequel in the works a few years ago, but I am not sure what happened.
schrodinger's cat
@gene108: What about yogurt and rice?
James E Powell
@Anonymous At Work:
I think we can leave our African American and Hispanic (or Latino, if you prefer) fellow citizens alone. The problem, as is too often the case, is white people. That’s where we need to spend time & money.
Sweet potato pie without the pie crust.
@Corner Stone:
One of my favorite original Flash Gordon episodes had him calculating miles to the the moon on his huge adding machine — complete with tearing off the paper and holding up the results triumphantly.
Vac-cu-ming? What is that? I think we have people who come in once a month to do that for us.
Fortunately, my husband didn’t marry me for my housekeeping skills. ;-)
ETA: It’s easier to remain a lifelong slob if you never get around to having kids.
@schrodinger’s cat:
That will be a staple. Looking more to supplement around the yogurt and rice.
I have never attempted to make a pie before. Does it involve baking?
Mr Stagger Lee
@henqiguai: let’s see Mike Tyson, Herschell Walker, Dennis Rodman, maybe Charles Barkley.
Iowa Old Lady
@gene108: Baked potatoes with various fillings?
Various bean soups, split pea soup.
Spoon hummus
Scrambled eggs.
Crustless quiche with very soft veggies baked in, like spinach
Jamie Oliver’s Fresh Broccoli soup (super easy and really good) (google it)
Gazpacho without any of the crunchy bits
Tzatziki — salted yoghurt with cucumbers, garlic and either dill or mint. Grate the cukes super fine so they can be swallowed without chewing.
Good luck!
The Thin Black Duke
@James E Powell: Thing is, I think it’s essential that time and money is spent to ensure that African- Americans and Latinos CAN vote. Republicans are doing their damnest to make voting as difficult as possible in those targeted communities.
@Suzanne: According to an acquaintance that worked in a zoo during her college years, the public thinks “panda” (oooh cute) and the zookeepers think “bear” (big claws and a bad temper).
Felonius Monk
@Corner Stone: Maybe Plan B is a taco truck on every other corner.
Couscous and various minced or liquid sauces. I’d start with Couscous & pesto.
What about smoothies with banana, yogurt, frozen fruit, and juice?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@gene108: roasted cauliflower soup, with cheddar or parmesan. If you have an immersion blender, you can pretty much turn any vegetables into soup
You can puree almost any vegetable.
@gogol’s wife:
There’s a taco truck just around the next bend.
Bring a song and a smile for the banjo
Better get while the gettin’s food
Hitch a ride to the end of the highway
Where the tacos are so good
Come on the risin’ wind,
We’re goin’ up around the bend
In order to not disadvantage those with distant corners, let’s combine capabilities, fads and voter registration opportunities. TacoTruck Go! Collect different tacos, burritos, etc while getting out of your rut and comfort zone, meet new fellow tamale-aficionados and make sure they know where their polling and pollo opportunities are.
Can’t let those taco deserts in the rural areas go underserved.
Who are both of those guys? The one who mentioned the taco trucks seemed very belligerent; and, seemed to be saying that Mexico does want to take over America. He is a scary guy. Also, I hate Mexican food. I hate cilantro and hot, spicy stuff. Give me good old Italian food any day; and, I will be happy. Love fettucine alfredo. I know I am in a minority; but, I loathe, hate, and despise Mexican food. But, that doesn’t mean I don’t like Mexicans. I am an American Indian. My people have already been conquered by one race. Nevertheless, American Indians have learned to make the most of the American melting pot. I suggest the Mexicans do that, too.
It’s also easier without dogs. We vacuumed constantly with German Shepherds. Not much at all any more since our last one left us.
With the kids, well, just give up and accept slobhood.
Beer meets all your criteria.
@henqiguai: I’ve found in my so far short stay in this world that there is no group of people less empathetic, more dogmatic, or more judgmental(holier-than-thou-pious) than evangelicals. They’re incredibly nice when talking about themselves and their folk, but when it comes to other people, look out! the hot takes are a comin’.
Don K
@Corner Stone:
What my suburban Detroit neighborhood needs is a taco truck going down the street in the afternoon like the Good Humor and Mister Softee trucks of my childhood.
@gene108: Lots of verggies can be mashed or smashed, But then there are flavorings to add to them to vary them even further. Our favorite smashed potatoes are now the ones with a TBS of whole grain Dijon mustard added, after the potatoes have been cooked in half milk or more, with some garlic and herbs added (takes longer to cook potatoes as the amount of milk increases so plan ahead. Our full milk and maybe a little half and half gilding took over-long but was worth it for a rich treat). I’d imagine a squished version of potato salad could also be improvised (if squished pickles are too much to look at, the pickle juice alone might work.)
The taco truck-o-phobe guy sounded like he was borrowing the rhetoric that conservatives use to talk about Islam in Europe: that they don’t want integration, they want conquest. Of course that used to be that whole “Reconquista” thing that nutballs would talk about a few years back too.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant) Best buddy comedy ever.
LOL…I literally just had Chipotle cause I wanted some tacos…lol. And I swear they were full of folks…wonder how many had the same idea…lol
Dairy Queen Blizzard with Heath Bar crunch. The Heath Bar bits can get inside the stitches and provide hours of delicious agony.
@scav: Seriously, if I remember my sister’s late-breaking round two of extreme orthodontry, things that are mushed often tend toward the mildly favored, so finding some strong (and varied) flavored options became critical.
The FBI should start using taco trucks as their under cover listening trucks. Who would be surprised to see one on their corner, after all?
Uncle Cosmo
@gene108: Make Uncle Cosmo’s Nekkid Ratatouille but overcook the veggies:
* For non-mushy, simmer for 20-25 min only. You might want to take your own share out then & continue cooking the rest.
You’re very welcome!
uh … yeah … but it’s really easy.
Here’s a recipe. You could cut the sugar to half a cup (IMO.) Follow along but don’t put it in a pie shell, just glop it in to a baking dish, spreading to the height of the standard pie. It will cook quicker without the pie shell so start checking after 30 minutes.
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: You would.
UGH!!! This is NOT the time NOLA for my AC to give out…ON A HOLIDAY WEEKEND! I knew I shoulda bought them darn oscillating fans…ugh
Gin & Tonic
@scav: That’s why they make hot sauce.
@Omnes Omnibus: Well, yeah. But most people. ;)
I’m at the Highland Games in Pleasanton, CA today. You could get tacos, bratwurst, or Philly cheese as well as haggis. No haggis tacos, but wait until next year. No chance of European culture being overwhelmed.
@Anonymous At Work:
Usually people who are pro life, even if Trump is not really with them, they know that his party is and Hillary is definitely not. Also the I got mine FU crowd, think Clarence Thomas, who have an inferiority complex because deep down the feel that they are not good enough because they got there through affirmative action. Never mind that legacy entrants also got a leg up, apparently it’s only POC who have to pull themselves up by their non existent bootstraps. Mr Taco trucks on every corner is just self loathing, but again abortion is a big part of it.
We’re ordering out from the fantastic Chinese place down the road, but I really want tacos now. Maybe Peking duck will mimic tacos enough to satisfy my yearnings.
@Gin & Tonic: She went through a lot of sriracha. There was still the variety desire (especially as there was almost none from texture).
I’ve had to let go of most of my neat freak preferences or I would be cleaning all day every day to try and keep up with the mess makers.
@Corner Stone: I remember being in the high school parking lot and passing around a 2GB drive like it was the holy grail.
Three fluffy dogs was a problem… until we got a couple of those vacuum droids. They keep the floors OCD level clean.
Gin & Tonic
@scav: True story. I recall eating sriracha sauce at a Thai restaurant that was around the corner from where I worked in NYC in the 1970’s. This was well before Huy Fong foods and their (now) ubiquitous version. This stuff had a shark on the label – certainly a more appropriate creature than the rooster, at least for that version of the sauce.
Corner Stone
Holy shit!
cynthia ackerman
@gene108: I went three months with no ability to chew. Pretty much anything she likes turned into a smoothy may be a useful last resort, though not a front line solution easthetically.
Just went through oldest having four wisdom teeth pulled. Pureed and freeze fruits for smoothies, Quaker instant grits (I know but teenager can nuke) because of protein. Up protein count by making with milk and veggie stock and add different cheese and sauces. Came up with baked potato grits with sour cream, chives and bacon bits. Mexican grits with Jack cheese and salsa and pizza grits with Romano and mozzarella and marinara. Season to taste. Gazpacho and cucumber soup good.
Omnes Omnibus
@Corner Stone: Bit of a nail biter.
Corner Stone
@Omnes Omnibus: LSU played like shit that whole game, taking nothing from Wiscy for doing what was needed.
But LSU scoring twice in under 90 seconds off two turnovers by Wiscy looked like that was going to be the wakeup call where they poured on the gas and just did the damned thing. Gotta give it to the home team for sticking tough and closing this one out.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
@Uncle Cosmo:
Thanks for the suggestions. I did not think of some of those things.
Edit: And others. I did not want too many links to avoid moderation.
Steeplejack (tablet)
@Corner Stone:
Like advanced Gary in his dream.
Well, when you’ve had a *personal* one-on-one with Gawd, mere mortals are merely a distraction.
*sigh* I miss the pozole (weekends only) from my local taco truck (a stationary one. gone since spring, alas). Carmen, where are you?
Nora You are a brilliant person.
@gene108: slightly overcooked mac and cheese, in Indian stuff there’s khichdi(split mung bean and rice) and palak paneer without the paneer although the paneer is not really hard, yellow dal with rice, tapioca pudding,corn bread. Smoothies with almond meal or whey for protein. Hope she’s not diabetic because a lot of this stuff is high carb. Also,she’s probably not going to be all that hungry if she’s in pain.
@gene108: Google this one. Use vegetable stock for a vegan soup.
Another excellent one here. Again swap out chicken for veggie broth. I eat both of these all the time, even in summer.
Steeplejack (tablet)
@Corner Stone:
It was in a ZIP file.
Pozole (aka posole) is my all-time favorite soup, but apparently I can’t pronounce it for shit. I put the emphasis on all the wrong syllables and confuse the people I’m trying to buy it from.
OK, I’m not a taco fan, so can we get a ceviche truck? Or a sushi truck? I think I’m making a brown sugar and honey goat cheese & fig tart this weekend. or next weekend. One last hurrah of bakery.
@gene108: And one more. Caveat, change the broth to veggie again. This may be my most favorite soup ever! The “hardest” part is cutting up the vegetables before roasting them.
Corner Stone
@Steeplejack (tablet): More like this guy, but yeah.
Mr Taco is the self appointed founder of Latinos for Trump. As for scrumptious Mexican, to each his own, that’s the beauty of our country.
@gene108: Red beans and rice. Easy and inexpensive and delish.
@Mnemosyne: I took a Chinese history course with a pronounciation week (Wade-Giles (showing my age here)) then the Commies went and changed the transliteration handbook, but I still attempt it at Chinese restaurants. At Vietnamese places I just point or use numbers if provided. WTF are all those diacritics!!??
Thankfully she is not diabetic.
I’ll probably make sambar and put in some chopped onions for flavor. Onions should cook down and not be hard to chew.
The spinach is a good idea.
@AMinNC: Use Camillia if you can get em.
@gene108: red onions break down the best.
I have to get at least one decent story written/edited so I can teach a “How to E-Publish” class at my library in two weeks.
@Bonnie: I will eat any Mexican food you don’t want. And have Ruemara’s amazing sounding tart for dessert. Dessert trucks! (Tart trucks sounded….wrong.)
Gin & Tonic
@PaulWartenberg2016: Get off B-J and go write something, dude.
@PaulWartenberg2016: May I suggest a short story on the trials and tribulations of America’s first virtual presidential candidate.
Doug R
We’re 50% Chinese here. I’m thinking Chinese-Mexican fusion trucks are the future.
@raven: Yes – they cream up beautifully! Are you from New Orleans (or southern LA)?
Short story idea – Walter beats death, but still finds heaven.
Felonius Monk
We used to have a Chinese-Mexican restaurant near here. We ate there a couple of times, but the Chinese food had Mexican overtones and the Mexican food had Chinese undertones. Weird.
@Ruviana: Tart truck? I guess that “breastaurant” concept has to keep up with the times, but who’s gonna go to a Tilted Kilt-alike which doesn’t serv beer?
Corner Stone
@PaulWartenberg2016: Shut your stupid fucking piehole and go write more of something. Jackass.
@AMinNC: Nope but I went to the New Orleans School of Cooking 35 years ago for a short course and I’ve been all over it ever since. I even got a certificate that said I would spread the joy of cajun and creole!
Bakari SellersVerified account
Media. Donald Trump did not visit a black church in Detroit. He rented a banquet center on a Saturday morning next to a black church.
@Felonius Monk: I’ve been going to a Mexican/El Salvadoran/Turkish place weekly and getting the falafel quesadilla. I can’t make any sense of it, but it’s delicious.
@PaulWartenberg2016: Stop watching TV too! You’ve got work to do!
Steeplejack (tablet)
@Corner Stone:
Alas, my little joke fell flat.
Playing it straight.
Anonymous At Work
@hovercraft: Thank you. I mean, the constant and casual insults he tosses their way, I can’t imagine who really thinks that Trump will listen to them, support them, heck, won’t actively go after them.
@Steeplejack (tablet): I did get back to see how you were at Kadena. My old man was on a tin can at Okinawa when it ended.
@redshirt: THAT RIGHT THERE is the true genius of this country, and despite the ugliness of the moment, it’s clearly winning vs the bitter-enders.
Charles M. Blow
Trump need to go to one of the blk churches I grew up in. Those ladies on “The Mother Board” can sniff out the devil at 100 paces…
Felonius Monk
I have seen a few kosher Mexican restaurants, but never ate in one.
Just as he did yesterday in Philly, where the Pastor of the Church when reached for comment said he was actually out of town, and that their meeting room was available for anyone to rent.
@Corner Stone: I had to do a well check for a friend after that game. Fortunately her cat survived the excitement.
@rikyrah: lol! He’s right. Especially if they’re head of the ladies usher group and have those white gloves and hats.
He’s got me blocked, even though I never interact with him.
Steeplejack (tablet)
Used to find little odds and ends of expended ordnance all the time.
You need to get back to managing the Dawgs. They’re in a tight spot!
@James E Powell: Exactly this. The reason the national and state polls are tightening isn’t because Blacks and Latinos are buying Trump’s minority “outreach”. It’s because squishy white folks are “buying it”. They’re not buying it at all, really, but they’re more than happy to take that silly Mexico trip and use it to say “well, he can’t be racist if he did that” so they can vote for white nationalism and not feel shamed about it.
Yes, I am a self hating whiter than white person and damn proud of it. There is no bigger problem in our nation today than white folks…more specifically, white men, but I fear the poll tightening of late is white women coming along with their husbands on the Trump train.
As Trump would say….SAD!
Felonius Monk
@Steeplejack (tablet):
Steep, you look much too serious in that photo. You need to smile more. :-)
@OGLiberal:some of the polls showing a tightening are landline-only. gotta keep an eye on process.
@p.a.: Agreed. It’s what truly makes America great – give us your poor, huddled masses, and their delicious cuisines.
Anything can be American. We just have to make it so.
Steeplejack (tablet)
@Felonius Monk:
Always look a little stiff right after the haircut.
Corner Stone
Did the cat push your friend into the well? Or did the cat jump into the well in a moment of self-preservation?
And did your friend survive, or just the cat?
@p.a.: Agreed.
@Felonius Monk: I can almost understand kosher Mexican more than Turkish Mexican.
But it’s a big world with a lot of different recipes. I ain’t complaining.
Thoughtful David
One thing we have here, in the next village up the road (6 or 7 miles) is something I’v never seen–related to food trucks except non-mobile. It’s called Cheesecake Heaven and it’s a drive-thru ATM box converted into a drive-thru cheesecake store. It’s literally the ATM booth/box/whatever you call it. When the bank, which is still behind it, decided to move their ATM indoors, they had a little drive-thru that only had one machine. So now it’s Cheesecake Heaven. It looks like on the inside it’s about large enough for one employee to turn around and a small freezer. You drive up to what is now a window, where the ATM used to be, and order from a menu of usually 6 or 8 kinds of cheesecake. That’s absolutely the only thing they have, and only frozen. Of course frozen cheesecake is just fine.
It’s a one-off. I’ve met the owner/cheesecake baker–she’s been around here for a while and used to cater. Now all she does is bake cheesecake and sells to restaurants and has her one store in the ATM box.
BTW, her cheesecake is heaven. Except for the part that each slice adds about a pound to your waistline.
@redshirt: some of the deliciousness comes from the sad fact that in more than a few cases we blew up their countries. bygones! eggs/omlettes, y’know…
If we don’t vote for Trump, we get more taco trucks in every town.
So, what’s supposed to be the downside to not voting for him?
@p.a.: Also, polls are changing to likely voter model.
Felonius Monk
Nor am I.
@p.a.: Sorry we invaded! Here, have a food truck, worker’s rights, and Social Security!
@Thoughtful David: I’m confused. Is there a person behind the ATM dispensing frozen cheesecakes, or is it automated?
Felonius Monk
First they came with Taco Trucks, and I did not order—
Because I was not hungry.
Then they came with Falafel Trucks, and I did not order—
Because I was not hungry.
Then they came with Korean BBQ trucks, and I did not order—
Because I was not hungry.
Then Hunger came for me—and the lines were all too long.
Thoughtful David
Yes, there’s a person inside the booth. Like I said, it looks like it’s about big enough to turn around in. Maybe 4 ft wide by 6 ft deep (they always had a space behind the ATM so they could service it), and 8 ft high. Part of that space is occupied by the freezer, which looks about 2 ft deep, so leaves a space about 4×4 ft.
So, yeah, it’s a pretty damned small place to spend your work day. But it seems to work–they do pretty good business it seems. And although the person inside is in a small space, they do have a window and get to chat with all the customers as they drive up.
@gene108: get out your blender and make smoothies out of her favorite fruits ans veggies…
Steeplejack (tablet)
As I read it, the ATM is gone and there is a person manning the resulting booth space.
What? I heard on the news Trump led a ‘No Justice No Peace’ chant at his entirely scripted ‘listening’ appearance at a black church.
Was that chant scripted too, or Donny just got caught up with a chance to get some of that sweet crowd approval high?
Who knows? That loon might really have believed it. Until he gets in front of another crowd that wants to chant something else. Then Trump will believe that too.
Unbelievable. Besides everything else that is bad about Trump, it is serious political process turned into a series of freak WWE promotions.
Same crap as the corporate media political coverage, really, just more obvious and undeniable.
Thoughtful David
@Thoughtful David: IT might be a little wider than 4 ft. Like maybe 6 or 7. Still only leaves the person inside a space of something 4 x 6 ft.
Others mentioned it, but the Arizona Democratic HQ didn’t let this one go.
Matt McIrvin
@Baud: Up to now, though, I’ve noticed that there doesn’t seem to be the level of difference between LV and RV national polls that existed in previous election cycles. If anything, Hillary Clinton has done slightly better in LV polls, if you take out Rasmussen, which is just weird.
Given the banner at the top of the BJ page, and it’s back by popular demand claim. How many anti-Hillary movies or documentaries will be in theaters by election day? So far this year we’ve had the Benghazi one and this D’Souza one, are they going to re-release Citizens United? And I’m sure David Bossie has something else up his sleeve. Good times.
@gene108: You can run various cooked things through a blender, while they’re still hot, and it makes delicious thick soup. Like rice and some cooked vegetables. Or a heated up can of black beans and rice and some boxed squash soup. Almost any meal she might eat or get ordinarily, plus boiling water enough if needed to blend it. (Suggest doing the blender on pulse so you can control how smooth it gets. Tastes better if not all blended into one substance.)
Another good dish is instant oatmeal and bananas and chopped up fruit. When you pour the boiling water on the fruit it softens it up a bit. She can add butter or almond butter.
Forgot to say that I love that tweet, “How about a wall of taco trucks? It will pay for itself.”
And a wall of Tim Horton’s trucks for the undefended Canadian border.
No poutine trucks, though.
@gene108: Risotto is fantastic easy to go down food. It’s actually not that hard to make. Find the Alton Brown version – you only have to stir and add broth once or twice. You can do it with finely chopped mushrooms for a great veggie dish.
Rice pudding. You can go with either European or Indian seasonings to vary things up. It’s made with milk, so protein and nutrition that goes down easy.
Regular rice can be problematic after oral surgery. I found orzo to be much better. It is a pasta shaped like rice. You can do most of the things you do with rice with orzo.
Polenta is another very smooth and mushy side dish. It’s basically Italian grits, but I find the Italian instant polenta to be far superior to the American quick grits. You won’t be doing shrimp and grits if you need to cook vegetarian, but cheddar grits and cajun spiced anything would be great.
Also – ice cream. Lots of ice cream.
@Matt McIrvin: Don’t know if they are changing their LV formula.
I just don’t put much stake in August polling.
My brain is messed up from reading about our depraved and corrupt political system. At first I read ‘You can run various crooked things through a blender, while they’re still hot’ and thought you were talking about press coverage of bogus Clinton scandals.
Edit: I’ll try to take a break from US politics until my mind sets itself straight.
Not sure if these flavors will appeal to your mom, but this is delicious and would get her some greens as well. I’ve also found that pudding (chocolate, rice, butterscotch) goes over well after tooth extractions.
David ?▶️Hillary/Harley Quinn 2016▶️? Koch
LSU lost.
@Thoughtful David:
We have (unmanned) cupcake ATMs around these parts. Also at a few of their non-California stores.
@Matt McIrvin:
That is weird, cause usually democrats do better in the registered voter polls because our voters are usually less likely to vote. Harry Enten did give an explanation as to the in person vs automated polls, the human contact polls reach cell phones which are often the only phones that a lot of young people and low income people have, so they reach more of our voters. Robo calls are not allowed to cell phones in most states, so they reach only people with landlines who tend to be older, therefore skew republican.
Omnes Omnibus
@Felonius Monk:
There is an olive loaf and mayo on white truck just down the street – not much of a line there….
@FlipYrWhig: Yeah, that’s the one downside to the taco truck hilarity – it’s obscured the fact that the guy’s “my culture is very dominant” is just a repackaging of “the brown hordes are coming!”
But I guess mockery is a more effective response anyway.
smedley the uncertain
WOW BJ is on the Holiday vacation. 4 hrs and not a new post! Enjoy y’all. ’cause I see a big dust up coming that will give us more for the commentariat to wade through. Remember what Memorial Day stands for…
Villago Delenda Est
White male straight “Christians” are the biggest part of the problem, but then you’ve got gay assholes like Milo Yiannopoulos who are most definitely part of the problem, too.
On edit: Couldn’t remember his last name, so googled “Milo white guy” and, BAM, second hit was for Wonkette!
@smedley the uncertain: Sales on linen?
@smedley the uncertain: Memorials?
@Baud: beer and burgers? And isn’t it Labor Day now? Or did I get mixed up on the Holidays?
So good to see Nick Chubb have a good game. TN alum, awful to see that play last year.
Gin & Tonic
@smedley the uncertain: Wasn’t Memorial Day three months ago?
All this talk about taco trucks has made me very hungry. Time for an In and Out burger. Animal style. And a side of fries.
Corner Stone
@smedley the uncertain: Seems you may be uncertain on your USA holidays.
Corner Stone
No, dumass. You need two scores, period.
JR in WV
We went to see the Streep movie, Florence Foster Jenkins. It is a great film, with lots of humor, but its bittersweet to an extreme.
Your eyes open not long into the movie. Highly recommended. The Big Bang guy playing her piano player was great too. And a good pianist. Really packed with emotion. Streep did a great job, she learned the songs for real with a real operatic coach, and then figured out how to alter them to Jenkins’ “style”.
But it wasn’t just that Jenkins thought she as better than she was. Won’t say more for fear of letting the cat out of the bag.
@Corner Stone: Hi Corner Stone! Omnes tells me you’re choosing not to reply to me, rather than having me pied. I find that to be ludicrous. What do you think?
Villago Delenda Est
@Gin & Tonic: Memorial Day: unofficial beginning of summer. Labor Day: unofficial end of summer. Memorial Day is supposed to be a holiday about honoring the fallen in our many wars, just and unjust. Labor Day is a sop to labor, because the 1% were horrified that May 1st was selected by labor worldwide for Labor Day, which was selected because it’s close to the day of the Haymarket Affair.
Note, one honors living veterans (not the fallen) on Veterans’ Day. Please, not with “thank you for your service”.
Corner Stone
Free play for NoCa!
Corner Stone
Take your fucking 3 spot!
ETA – HOLY SHIT! That was the stupidest fucking thing I have seen. Take your shot at a FG! Jeebus.
@JR in WV: I loved it too! The Big Bang guy’s eyes the first time he hears her sing are hilarious!
@Corner Stone: I mean, he responds to himself.
@Doug R: There is a Chinese-Mexican-Carribbean fusion restaurant here called Chino Bandito. Oh my God, I love.
Omnes Omnibus
@Villago Delenda Est: Buy a fucking poppy.
” There is a Chinese-Mexican-Carribbean fusion restaurant here called Chino Bandito. Oh my God, I love. ”
I’m visiting.
“There is a Chinese-Mexican-Carribbean fusion restaurant here called Chino Bandito. Oh my God, I love.”
What’s taking you so long? WHAT CITY?
She lives in the Phoenix metro area.
Going to have lunch tomorrow at a shack that roasts avocados with egg, proscuitto, cheese, and salsa. Yum!
Corner Stone
@Suzanne: I thought that place went out of business?
Mike J
Just found out that a friend’s kid fell off Mt Si today. The cross country team went for a climb to celebrate the start of school. He wanted to do the haystack. Most people who hike up Si stop at the place marked “summit.” There’s another 300’+ vertical rock formation called the haystack where the real top is. There’s a plaque at the bottom of it commemorating the people who have died on it. For the past three months there has been no rain at all. It rained yesterday and a little this morning,so the rock was slick. He tumbled 90′ down and was unconscious when people found him. He did wake up in the helo after the coasties picked him up.
Looks like just bumps and bruises, but they’re doing an MRI now.
Omnes Omnibus
@Villago Delenda Est: And it wasn’t the Haymarket that did it, it was the Bay View Massacre. Funny that the two happened at the same time, huh?
Corner Stone
God. Anna Kournikova is 35. I feel so dirty.
Mike J
@Villago Delenda Est:
And one would honor people who are currently in the military on armed forces day. The flag is on flag day. USMC birthday is Nov 10.
September 6 is Marie-Joseph Paul Yves Roch Gilbert du Motier, Marquis de Lafayette’s birthday.
I would like my local Great Wall buffet to clone itself and be available on every other street in Tacoma. They have excellent food.
But I can totally get behind milkshakes, too. And places that serve great fried chicken. And Thai food.
Now I’m jonesing for pad see ew, a fried chicken breast, some lobster in black bean sauce, and a chocolate-cherry milkshake from Patty’s. Dammit.
Grilled swordfish, broccoli sautéed with garlic, mashed butternut squash (bought prepared at market and heated), salad, peach pie, very good decaf. The end of summer and start of fall is the best time of year in New England. Too bad we know what’s next.
@Mike J: Holding my breath, crossing my fingers, sending good thoughts. That must have been terrifying for him, and surely still is for the family. Hope he is okay.
Somebody there needs to go to Los Reyes de la Torta and have a chicken tinga huarache on me.
Omnes Omnibus
@Corner Stone: Salma Hayek turned 50 yesterday.
Doug R
@Omnes Omnibus: Portlandia-Stu’s stew’s food truck not doing so hot.
Mike J
@WaterGirl: Amazing what teenagers can live through. He’s sitting up and talking to his parents. No broken bones. Almost certainly a concussion, but his sports are track and swimming, so less chance of a follow on injury.
@Mike J:
I hope he is ok. My son and his friends did a hike in the White Mountains that turned scary fast because of weather.
You want them to do all the things, but sometimes it can go so wrong.
@MomSense: Hopefully we all have nine lives, I know I’ve used 7 or 8. Hope he is ok.
@MomSense: I once ran down Mt. Jefferson as a wicked lightning storm came through. There were 4 of us and we all ran – straight down. To this day I’m amazed we all made it without someone getting injured.
@Mike J: Sorry to hear that. 90 feet. Glad the helicopter could get him. Best wishes.
@Mike J: That is truly amazing. Yay on the sports, sometimes I think it’s the follow on injuries after the first concussion that cause the most damage. My nephew got a serious concussion in football, then got a second one (can’t remember how), followed by a third one when one of his buddies passed him in the hallway and smacked him in the head to say “hi”. Long time recovering after 3 concussions in short order.
So happy for your friend’s son. I wonder if this experience will end up changing his life.
@Mike J: Amazing and wonderful.
a thousand flouncing lurkers (was fidelio)
@gogol’s wife: Maybe they could park one down at the convenience store by the crossroads.
OMG, yes. Went there for most of 2010 after my mom died and cooking for one lost its appeal. Damn, their food is good. Still wish they’d offer Peking duck tacos or General Tso wet burritos.
@Mike J:
Holy shit, I just saw that on the news here. :( I hope he’ll be okay.
Omnes Omnibus
@a thousand flouncing lurkers (was fidelio): Put it by the oak tree by the big rock right by where the Porter farm used to be.
Omnes Omnibus
@Mike J: Sounds like the best result that could be hoped for in the circs.
Which will get hot soup exploded onto the kitchen ceiling unless you do it right. Do NOT put the cover on the blender!!! Drape a bit of paper towel over the top to catch any splashes, but DO NOT COVER.
A stick blender would be an excellent investment to avoid this problem and all the pouring back and forth.
a thousand flouncing lurkers (was fidelio)
@Omnes Omnibus: No, that’s where they’re putting the Starbucks.
Omnes Omnibus
@a thousand flouncing lurkers (was fidelio): So put it across the road from the Starbucks. Easy-peasy.
@p.a.: I don’t want to veer into polls skewed territory. Trump fans say he does better in online polls because his supporters are embarassed to admit to a real person that they support him. I think that’s BS. I don’t get too concerned about national polls but when WI and VA start veering drastically in the other direction, I get uncomfortable.
And I live in NJ so can’t make much difference and pretty sure me phone banking folks in IA an WI ain’t going to help, unless I try to put on some fake miswestern accent.
Omnes Omnibus
@OGLiberal: In WI, the Marquette Law School poll is pretty reliable. Trump has never gone above 37% in it. HRC fluctuates a lot based on the news cycle, but never drops under 42%.
@JR in WV: I compared notes with my brother about “Florence Foster Jenkins.”
We both had very different attitudes towards Streep’s character. She reminded me of our mom, who I considered deeply flawed but sweet-natured and big-hearted. He felt that the character was manipulative and didn’t like her.
Afterwards, I couldn’t help think that his opinion may have been based on his relationship with Mom as well.
At any rate, it’s definitely Hugh Grant’s best role. It’s charming and a bit bittersweet.
Rachel Laudan wrote a blogpost on this, you may find it interesting:
Dr. Laudan lived in Mexico for several years, and, IMAO, anyone interested in Mexican food would enjoy reading her writings. You may not agree with her 100%, but she knows her stuff.
Omnes Omnibus
@OGLiberal: Do you sound like a caricature of a New Jersey asshole? If not, the people in the Upper Midwest probably won’t give a shit. OTOH, given your underlying assumptions, you might not do well talking to Midwesterners. Condescension doesn’t always go over well.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Glad to hear that, cuz the other day, the once reliable prognosticator turned media whore Nate Silver had one of his horserace pandering shit columns up which was based entirely on alleged fluctuations in Wisconsin supposedly ominous to Hillary.
Hate that little shit.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Glad to hear that, cuz the other day, the once reliable prognosticator turned media whore Nate Silver had one of his horserace pandering columns up which was based entirely on alleged fluctuations in Wisconsin supposedly ominous to Hillary.
Hate that little shit.
@nutella: Mine seems to work fine for making someone one hot meal at a time. Maybe it’s the pulsing, or not overfilling? Totally agree about avoiding the purgatory of bigger batches and pouring back and forth.
something is fucking with my comments.
@Omnes 229
I’m glad to hear that, cuz the other day, the once reliable prognosticator turned media whore Nate Silver had one of his h*rse r*ce pandering columns up which was based entirely on alleged fluctuations in Wisconsin that are supposedly ominous to Hillary.
Hate that little shit.
@Mike J:
That’s one lucky kid.
Omnes Omnibus
@eemom: Fate? Karma? Monkeys?
I was trying to tell Omnes that I’m glad to hear what he said about the Marquette Law School poll, because erstwhile esteemed, faithful prognosticator turned media whore Nate Silver had one of his h*rse r*ce pandering columns up the other day, wherein he predicted all kinds of ominous shit for Hillary based on alleged fluctuations in Wisconsin polls.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Fuck if I know. I was trying to tell YOU something, also.
About the Marquette poll, that I was glad to hear it. Cuz little nouveau media whore Nate Silver was predicting all kinds of major ominous shit for Hillary the other day based on supposed fluctuations in ONE swing state, i.e., Wisconsin.
Omnes Omnibus
@eemom: In that case, monkeys are the likely culprit. They don’t like me.
@eemom: He’s got terrible hair.
Omnes Omnibus
@eemom: Like I said, Trump has stayed steady at a can’t win level. HRC varies. Silver has become disappointing.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Here is a comment I wrote to a Tom L post on Veterans Day 2010
@Omnes Omnibus: Have you read “Lords of Light” by Roger Zelazny?
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: Yes. Why do you ask?
ETA: It is Lord of Light.
Omnes Omnibus
@redshirt: @Omnes Omnibus: Normally, a question like that leads to a follow up. How long do I need to stay up to get the follow up?
@Omnes Omnibus: I don’t know, honestly. My Louisiana born wife says I do but I don’t think so. My point is not just accent but also how the eff a dude from NJ working in NYC can relate to somebody outside the extremely privileged world of NYC can relate to people where stuff sucks more than it sucks here…and shit sucks here.
For those of you who don’t know, the other gentleman on the MSNBC clip with Joy Reid and Gutierrez is Adriano Espaillat, who is my neighbor, friend and state senator and recently won the D primary (and thus will win the general in November) for retiring Charlie Rangel’s Congressional seat in northern Manhattan. He will be the first Dominican-American in Congress and also the first Congressperson to have come to the US as an undocumented immigrant. Please pay attention to this man because he’s going to do good things. I’m glad Joy brought him on the show.
The Gray Adder
B…bbb..bbbb.bbut I like tacos!
South indian food, dude. :-) Nice rasam with rice and a side of potatoes baby. Ain’t nothing like it. Comfort food for the soul.
If you have a pressure cooker, try to get a short grained rice and put extra water (e.g. 3 cups per 1 cup) and the rice gets extra mushy. Then mash it in with the rasam.. deeelicious. Several recipes abound on the internet. You can whip that sucker up in 30 minutes.