Trump rejects John Bolton not because he's deranged but because he has a mustache. You can't make this up.
— Jonathan Chait (@jonathanchait) December 22, 2016
“Cosplay” (costume play) is a Japanese popcult term for dressing up like one’s favorite fantasy character. President-Asterisk Trump is cosplaying as a celebrity president, and it seems that he wants his cabinet members to cooperate in his role-playing. Per the Washington Post:
… Given Trump’s own background as a master brander and showman who ran beauty pageants as a sideline, it was probably inevitable that he would be looking beyond their résumés for a certain aesthetic in his supporting players.
“Presentation is very important because you’re representing America not only on the national stage but also the international stage, depending on the position,” said Trump transition spokesman Jason Miller.
To lead the Pentagon, Trump chose a rugged combat general, whom he compares to a historic one. At the United Nations, his ambassador will be a poised and elegant Indian American with a compelling immigrant backstory. As secretary of state, Trump tapped a neophyte to international diplomacy, but one whose silvery hair and boardroom bearing project authority.
The parade of potential job-seekers passing a bank of media cameras to board the elevators at Trump Tower has the feel of a casting call. It is no coincidence that a disproportionate share of the names most mentioned for jobs at the upper echelon of the Trump administration are familiar faces to obsessive viewers of cable news — of whom the president-elect is one.
“He likes people who present themselves very well, and he’s very impressed when somebody has a background of being good on television because he thinks it’s a very important medium for public policy,” said Chris Ruddy, chief executive of Newsmax Media and a longtime friend of Trump. “Don’t forget, he’s a showbiz guy. He was at the pinnacle of showbiz, and he thinks about showbiz. He sees this as a business that relates to the public.”…
“The pinnacle of showbiz.” I can remember when people made fun of Ronald Reagan as a B-level movie actor with aspirations above his station. Thanks for breaking it, GOP!
Small consolation, Trump’s jealousy over Bolton’s luxurious facial adornment at least spares the rest of us lunacy like this…
John Bolton suggests DNC hack was potentially a false flag operation by the Obama administration
— Ben Jacobs (@Bencjacobs) December 12, 2016
Well, if “presentation matters when you represent America on the world stage,” Trump himself could lose a good 40-50 pounds. And engage a Wattle Abatement Specialist while he’s at it…
I don’t give a fuck how we narrowly avoided Bolton (for now, publicly). Personally, I think the moustache story is a complete fabrication, part of the bread and circuses to distract us.
There are more than enough dangerous, stupid, and venally corrupt people already named to the Rump cabinet. We need to oppose these scoundrels and America-haters constantly.
You do realize that Trump leaks this stuff just to troll the media, don’t you?
@Raoul: Exactly.
This word pinnacle that they use, I do not think it means what they think it means.
/Inigo Montoya
Ooh, not even a name from that former Senate leader.
Also, just because I like the allusion:
And finally, something for the media-hungry masses of Nevada:
Jon Ralston is an excellent journalist, so rather than wasting money on the NYT, consider sending some bucks his way.
The Republicans have a full-timer as the head of the RNC, so it’s pretty maddening that the Democrats have been treating their equivalent as a part-time job. Not sure whose decision that was, but it was a very bad one.
Though my all-time bad decision by the Democrats was probably when they decided not to pass a budget in 2010 just in case it hurt them in the midterms. Whoops. And that call was made by Congressional Democrats, not by the White House.
Roger Moore
Was that as bad as the time they let a jerk who had deliberately avoided joining the party so he could preserve his oh so important independence join just so he could run for President and trash the front-runner in the press? Cause that one seems like a really bad decision to me.
@Morzer: Noted.
@Roger Moore: Heh. I guess it’s what we have when we don’t have fear and hate as our guiding principles. We herd cats instead. Inclusiveness is a bitch.
@Roger Moore:
Oh good. An invitation to another round of Democratic civil war rather than fighting against Trump. Just what we all need to make Christmas full of joy.
Mike G
So we get a series of male bimbos who fit President-Asterisk Putinobitch’s fantasy of what they should look like if it were a movie. I guess next we’ll end up with Ted McGinley somewhere in the cabinet.
Now Dump is demanding a magical fantasy fighter-plane to replace to F-35 —
By the time this fustercluck is through Ronald Reagan is going to look like a cerebral genius.
Keith G
I guess rattling on about the circuses that Team Trump seems to purposely start up is one plan.
Another would be to talk about policy….policy….and more policy. Trump wants the circuses to be up front, but if that gets sidestepped and policy becomes the focus, he stops being an entertainment entrepreneur and starts being a conventional conservative politician with stupid ideas.
For the love of fuck….stop calling him silly names. It did not work prior to Nov 9 and it will not work now. He must be treated as a serious political leader who is seriously wrong and seriously dangerous…..and who, if he became the least dangerous version of himself, will still be seriously inept. Even that version is terribly problematic.
Stop wading into the side show and stop contesting the last nomination fight. Focus on President-elect Trump’s hurtful and often dangerous plans and start building counter arguments.
After edit: @Morzer: Fucking exactly. This is one reason my clicks here have dropped off. Same old shit.
Mary G
@Keith G: Amen.
@Mike G: You say that like it’s a bad thing! Ted McGinley has a reputation as a show-killer, so maybe he’s just what we need.
@Morzer: I’ve been saying what Harry said for YEARS.
@Keith G: I refuse to dignify that creature with the title of President. If I want to refer to him using another name, I’ll do it. I did with Junior, I’ll do it with the shitgibbon.
Mustang Bobby
I watched some of the interview Rachel Maddow did with Kellyanne Conway last night. It was like watching Edward R. Murrow interview Liberace, except he had a piano.
@Morzer: Is Harry jumping in the ring for Chair?
@Keith G: Sounds good, as long as we also stop relitigating Hillary’s campaign.
Keith G
@BillinGlendaleCA: He is the president and he will leave a trail of policy failures like few others. But temper tantrum-like (aka juvenile behavior) shifts the focus.
Our debate should be over the best policy formulation, not over the coolest insult name. Trump’s audience knew he was/is an asshole, so calling him one is no fucking sign of sentience.
Keith G
@Baud: I’m cool with that. She lost. Let’s move on.
@Keith G: Come on, this is a stupid-ass blog.
Central Planning
Thought I would pass this on – a friend of mine said he wants to do a stage reading of Chris Kluwe’s Fuck You, Donald Trump
The piece consolidates many thoughts and feelings people have toward the past election and DT.
@Keith G: I can walk and chew gum at the same time.
@Baud: I disagree, we should look at all the factors that caused the campaign to be unsuccessful once sufficient data is available. I agree that doing without sufficient data is pointless.
@Raven: No Raven, this a serious discussion over brandy sniffers. //
@BillinGlendaleCA: There are people here who believe the primary hurt her. I can’t ask them to STFU if we are engaging in a discussion about why we lost.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@Keith G: Calling him “President Trump” even here feels too much like collaboration.
Keith G
@BillinGlendaleCA: From what I take from the many things you have written, yes you can. Not all others are like that. In fact I have my doubts about many others.
Do folks drink brandy any more?
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@Baud: Thanks to certain trolls, we’ve been wallowing in such discussions for the past month.
We should, absolutely, stop feeding the trolls.
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: Rosta Ruck
@Baud: I’m one of those people*, but I think we need to wait until more data to become available before discussing it. I’ll avoid further discussion until such time as I’ve done since the election.
*I don’t think we can exclude what went on during the primary, though I think the attacks from the Baud!2016! campaign cost HRC the election.
@Keith G: Sure, lots of folk drink brandy; I don’t, but then again, I don’t consume the boozy stuff.
(CNN)The Berlin Christmas market attack suspect Anis Amri has been killed in Milan, according to Italian state police.
The suspect was killed in a shootout in Sesto San Giovanni — a town near Milan — just after 3am local time, say Italian police in their Twitter feed.
A visit to the Brand Library and Doctor’s House, with a different take on IR.
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism:
Especially NR. It’s the same crap 50 gazillion times. At least demand fresh material.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Who the the rumor about her using puppy skins for her winter coat would catch on? Oops.
Bots can only do so much.
Wow, it’s raining again, didn’t expect it so soon(we have another storm coming though later today).
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@raven: *shrug* I’m in NC. Locally, we haven’t had time to wallow.
This is why I prefer Troll-B-Gone to the pie filter. It’s a lot harder to end up feeding the energy creature when you can’t see the replies to it.
@Baud: I think it’s a bit more complicated, but that’s close.
For the man with the most ridiculous and hideous hairstyle in history, Trump really shouldn’t be too concerned about “presentation”.
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: We’re headed to Asheville for xmas.
This is Harry Reid, a pretty big cheese in the Senate, saying that the DNC sucks, and has to the point that he’s had to independently build out his infrastructure in Nevada. If he can’t get support from the DNC then what exactly does the DNC do? Send out fundraising emails, play minesweeper, and then every four years organize a convention and send out even more fundraising emails?
@daveNYC: What does he RNC do by comparison?
I think the one thing the RNC got right, and which we now have consensus on, is the need for a full time chair.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@raven: Lovely place, especially at this season. Going to visit Biltmore?
You should make time at some point, if not now maybe before or after a game in Knoxville, to drive I-26 through the Smokies. It’s one of the country’s most scenic interstates.
@Baud: The RNC hasn’t always had a full time chair, though I think they have since 2006. Something happened in 2006, what was it?
@BillinGlendaleCA: Maybe they realized early that we are in an era of the permanent campaign.
@Baud: That and losing the House and the Senate.
@BillinGlendaleCA: True. Maybe we’ll now make some overdue reforms as well.
@BillinGlendaleCA: Since I don’t have permission to edit my damn comment…
Losing tends to focus the mind, unless you’re a Neoliberal shill.
@Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism: We’ve gone there quite a bit. My SIL is on sabbatical from VA Tech and bought a house there. We like going up the parkway even though it’s a goofy route.
Does Trump possess either hair or style? I am not seeing much evidence of either.
@Baud: Whenever NR shows up hammer him for voting for deadbeat donnie.
Does Not Compete
I wish they had taken him alive and gotten useful information from him. And then killed him 12 times.
@EBT: I prefer to ignore him. Did he admit that he voted for Trump? I thought his schtick was that of deeply concerned Democrat.
There’s quite a bit of that goin’ around.
Sister Rail Gun of Warm Humanitarianism
@raven: The parkway is lots of fun. I-26 is newer and was, among other things, a proof of concept for trout stream reconstruction techniques pioneered in Colorado. The Park Service was skeptical until they stunned one of the streams a few years after the reconstruction and found the huge trout had indeed migrated back in.
The TN side was an erosion control disaster. The Appalachian Trail folks showed up to a meeting with the NC engineers ready to take on The Man — until they saw the lead engineer’s ponytail. For some reason, they were willing to believe him when he said the park and trail were a priority for him.
Same engineer was just handed a “bike trails through Nantahala” project. We’ll see how that works out.
@Trentrunner: Yes. This. If he’s so rich, how come he can’t afford Nip/Tuck …
…President-Asterisk Trump is cosplaying as a celebrity president, and it seems that he wants his cabinet members to cooperate in his role-playing.
In his mind he is in a classier version of West Wing.
Trump isn’t an aesthete, he’s delusional. He’s said that when he looks in the mirror, he sees a 35-year-old man.
A “classier” version of Westworld seems more like Trump’s style.
That is going to smack some of the “raise money, buy ads that distance state candidates from the national party” cohort in the face.
@Baud: Considering that the Republicans have two branches of government, and will have the third by springtime, I don’t think LOL RNC is particularly useful. Especially since the Republicans have a lot of deep pockets backing youth groups, think tanks and whatnot; and that there are plenty of corporate interests willing to back Republican candidates in state and local races.
Even if all the RNC does is send out fund raising emails and play some racist version of minesweeper, there are other organizing and fundraising forces on the Republican side that let them get away with it.
Miss Bianca
@Morzer: So, you support Harry Reid for DNC chair? Sounds good to me.
J R in WV
@Roger Moore:
Allowing Bernie Sanders to run as a Democratic candidate was a tragic error.
The party should be working right now on rules to require that candidates have a steadily longer and positive history with the Democratic Party for candidacy for increasingly important offices. Not necessarily previous electoral success in running for, say, a state-wide office before running for congressional offices, necessarily.
But in supporting Democratic candidates, voting regularly in Democratic primaries, being a member of the Democratic Party rather than being a “saved Republican” or an Independent and jumping right in as a Senatorial candidate or a Presidential . Obviously with a large loophole for someone like Senator Al Frankin, or a sitting Senator who decides to leave an increasingly crazed Republican party in a time of uproar.
But Bernie Sanders has a lot of blame to carry for the rest of his old, pointless life for what happens to all of us due to the election* of the Trumpeter.
Miss Bianca
And to all the bros here hor-hor-ing over the fact that Harry Reid refers to a colleague, Debbie Wasserman-Schultz, as “that woman” – and to Harry Reid himself, for that matter: Fuck. You.
You may not like her performance, you may not like her, but don’t high-five each other for calling her names – or not calling her by name at all. Every time a man cheers another man on for denigrating and belittling a woman in power, and then wonders, “Gee, why aren’t the Democrats doing better out there?” – look in the damn mirror, first, assholes. If I want some white guy acting like a sexist boor to represent me, why the hell wouldn’t I go for a Republican? In this, as in so much else regarding matters of party discipline, they do it soooo much better.
Jilli Brown
@Trentrunner: Apparently, trump has never looked in the mirror himself. Or…is wearing a vermin on your head now presidential?
Another Scott
@Jilli Brown: Gawker – quoting something else:
So, no, he probably doesn’t look at himself in the mirror (if you believe those stories anyway.)
Another Scott
Dead thread, but …
@Mike G:
Yeah, funny that.
I’m so old that I remember that just about every DoD program that tries to push the envelope (and just about every new aircraft program does) ends up being more complex, more expensive, and takes longer than originally planned. The C-5, B-1, F-22, C-17, C-130-H, V-22, etc., etc. It’s the nature of the beast.
Of course, the POTUS (and especially the PEOTUS) doesn’t write the specifications and contracts for major procurements (or any procurements, actually, under the law and federal regulations), so it’s all a bunch of noise to distract the press and us while they go about their business of preparing to loot the Treasury and gutt the Constitution and the Federal Government.
Also, some context on these numbers would help. How much does an A380 cost? Looks like it’s about $433M – list price. If one rolls in the costs for the special gates, maintenance, simulators for flight training, spares, etc., etc. (and subtracts discounts), and adds it up over the lifetime of the plane, and divides it by the total number of planes, then it’s still a boatload of money. Do we really expect a state-of-the-art fighter that will be used when (at least an argument can be made that) the country’s survival is on the line is going to be cheaper than a glorified flying bus? A fighter that is expected to last for decades? Maybe, but it’s not self-evident.
Context is always helpful. But Donnie’s idea of context is 140 characters… :-/
Yes, the DoD needs to be brutal on controlling costs on these programs, but that only happens by having management at the Pentagon that has the decades of experience necessary to understand and enforce the mountain of rules and regulations governing federal procurement, and expertise in the various services and agencies to know what is and isn’t possible when the contractors propose something. We need informed buyers and informed customers in-house. One doesn’t have that in times of see-saw budgets, pay-, hiring- and promotion-freezes, furloughs, and political interference in time-wasting things like listing everyone who attends conferences and writes papers on things that a new administration doesn’t like (climate change, alternative fuels, women’s outreach, etc., etc.).
we can do both.
It is claimed that movie mogul Jack Warner reacted to the news that Reagan planned to run for governor by saying, “No, Jimmy Stewart for governor. Ronald Reagan as his best friend.”