@darrenbmayfield @ericgarland The Library of Congress minus Money Laundering for Dummies
— Sam Ruhmkorff (@SamRuhmkorff) April 24, 2017
The Trump-friendly Enquirer has shifted away from denial of the scandal to throwing his whole campaign under the bus. pic.twitter.com/IJ2f18yj6J
— Eric Garland (@ericgarland) April 24, 2017
For 100 days the Enquirer has represented Trump's fantasy version of his presidency. For them to go into alibi mode seems significant. pic.twitter.com/hvsF62ehmz
— Schooley (@Rschooley) April 25, 2017
I was gonna use the ‘Not Normal’ tag… but after Nixon’s phlebitis and Reagan’s Alzheimers, “too ill to pay for his crimes, no point in examining things so closely” really *is* GOP-normal, isn’t it?
Apart from watching (probable) traitors scrabble after excuses, what’s on the agenda for the evening?
Trump uses the Enquirer to move stories to suit his interests. This is a preview of his defense. https://t.co/2V9RyrCR0G
— Greg Pinelo (@gregpinelo) April 25, 2017
Something tells me Trump is going to lift heavily from the Reagan Iran/Contra playbook soon.
— Schooley (@Rschooley) April 25, 2017
Baud!/Chelsea! 2020!
Okay, I’ll be the first to call that Trump is going to try an Uncle Junior defense and all of his “dementia” behavior in public is actually part of a long con to get a lighter sentence or even house arrest based on his “health status.”
If Folks in this district are so dumb as to not realize how much influence Pelosi has based on seniority alone…if this guy did somehow do anything, they’d go from top to bottom of the barrel…smh
@Baud: Campaign slogan, “It can’t get much worse”.
Well, it will be a relief to see this in the grocery store check out line, instead of another “Hillary is Guilty” headline. I am taking solace where I can find it.
Silence of the Lambs is STILL too creepy for me…can’t watch it or the sequel. Yet I love me some Luther and Criminal Minds…but Silence…naw…
Jonathan Demme, ‘Silence of the Lambs’ director, dead at 73 @CNN http://cnn.it/2q6fRPT
Frank Wilhoit
So who will be [willing to be] Trump’s Poindexter? Is there anyone with that kind of loyalty? Perhaps more importantly, is there anyone who can muster the faintest plausibility for “this was all my fault” (emphasis: all) ? And how long will the list have to be that begins “I didn’t tell the President, or the Senate Majority Leader, or …, or …, or …” ?
1968: Walter Cronkite questions the Vietnam War
2017: The National Enquirer undermines Trump
Go for a walkie and tape an audition tape and then prep for my travels next weekend. Which means write a huge laundry list of things my roommate needs to do. 1. Take out the garbage regularly. 2. Toss out the compost. 3. Your cat pees in the livingroom, clean it up. 4. Wipe the damned counters, I don’t need to see what you ate all weekend.
I’m very over roommates.
@Frank Wilhoit:
My mom used to tell me “There’s no honor among thieves”; so no.
Gonna start season 2 of Fortitude on Amazon Prime. Finished up Hotel Beau Sejour on Netflix, really enjoyed that one.
@lamh36: Pelosi’s the enemy, don’cha know? Certainly doesn’t have a lifetime of fighting for progressive causes /s
@ruemara: You’re rather demanding.
Binged the first three episodes of “The Handmaids Tale.” It’s really, really good.
@Baud: @?BillinGlendaleCA:
Baud!/Chelsea! 2020! “It can’t get much worse”
That right there is definitely a winner! You got my vote. ;-)
I have to admit this latest push on “health” “care” has me somewhat depressed. How can so much spite exist in people?
We’ve also gotten used to a fairly steady dripdripdrip of news about the Russian investigations, but those seem to have stalled… I could really use a juicy leak from the Deep State right about now… please?
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I didn’t know your mom was a thief.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Until tomorrow.
Hurry up IC, hurry up…
@Baud: She stole my dad’s heart, Baud.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Awwww.
zhena gogolia
Oh, that’s sad.
It IS classic Republican president behavior by now. Nixon committed treason to get the presidency by scuttling the Vietnam peace talks. Reagan committed treason by making a deal to sell weapons to Iran in return for their keeping our people hostage longer. Trump committed treason with his deals with the Russians. And as we’ve seen, pretty much the entire Republican party is okay with that.
Roger Moore
And after Nixon’s deal with North Vietnam over LBJ’s peace negotiations and Reagan’s deal with Iran over the hostages, cutting deals with America’s enemies to help get elected is GOP normal, too.
@Roger Moore:
This. And the media eventually plays along.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I am. It’s my lack of ability to tolerate being the unpaid housekeeper while trying to build a business and hold down a demanding job.
When you’ve lost the National Enquirer …
Andy Borowitz in the New Yorker:
Patricia Kayden
@lamh36: So Bernie has become the anti-Dem? It was a huge mistake to allow him to run for our Party’s presidential nomination and looks like we’re going to be paying for that mistake for years to come.
@Mnemosyne: I’ve always pictured Trump as more of a Big Pu$$y.
@Mnemosyne: I’d love to hear Trump snarl, “Scaramanga!” just before he busts a cap in Ivanka.
Patricia Kayden
@lamh36: I believe he also directed “Beloved” starring Oprah and Danny Glover. Now that was a horror movie. I had nightmares for weeks after watching it. Very dark material, which is to be expected when you’re dealing with slavery.
If it’s still there when I food shop this weekend, I’ll be buying my first-ever copy of the Enquirer.
@Patricia Kayden: I remember seeing that one in the theater! Very disturbing, and first time seeing Thandie Newton.
I must have missed the announcement. Who’s Chelsea?
His doc on The Talking Heads was great.
@debbie: Devil spawn of Bill and Hillary.
@debbie: Why buy when you can just browse?
Patricia Kayden
@Nicole: An absolutely great prophetic novel but I recall feeling depressed after I was done with it. And here we are living under a Rightwing regime with heavy Evangelical support. Not surprised that the series is good.
And it’s only tabloid size?
For shame.
I don’t know why I was thinking Chelsea Handler.
To help increase their sales so they’ll publish more issues slamming the Pig in Chief. That is something I could not get enough of.
VFX Lurker
@lamh36: When I saw “hardcore Wilmer supporter” I translated it to “can’t get voters to show up.” Whether it’s a Wilmercrat or Wilmer himself, the voters just don’t show up.
I expect Pelosi and her supporters to organize and win. I also expect Wilmer supporters to weep that it’s all rigged, further depressing voter turnout among Wilmer supporters.
@debbie: Probably a healthier thing.
Patricia Kayden
@germy: In the theater in D.C. where I watched “Beloved”, so many people starting crying around me (including men) that I ended up leaving the theater in tears. A gentleman waiting to see the next showing took my tears to mean that the film was good. LOL.
Great film but will never watch it again.
Thandie is a great actress. Have you seen “Flirting”? It was her first movie. Nicole Kidman and Naomi Watts were also in it.
One of the brilliant things about The Silence of the Lambs is that it really messes with the audience’s point of view and who you’re supposed to identify with, which is one of the reasons a lot of people find it much more disturbing on a subconscious level than most serial killer movies.
The biggest example (yes, it’s a spoiler) is when the killer is stalking Jodie Foster in the climax and she turns around and shoots him. That is against the rules of moviemaking! And that’s why it works.
Plus I like it because cats are good for once: the cat of the kidnapped girl tries to warn her to stay away from the killer before he grabs her, and another cat leads Jodie Foster to the huge clue in the sewing room.
@Patricia Kayden:
I love Flirting! Noah Taylor is in it as well. Lots of Australians who became famous later.
@Mnemosyne: I never noticed the cats.
Very sad about Jonathan Demme. He probably still had some more movies in him. Gone too soon.
Millard Filmore
There is always Pat Paulsen’s slogan: “I’ve upped my standards, so up yours!”
Trump’s Eternal Jew moment
Notice what’s missing from the name?
Hattip Digby.
Which I’m sure will contain only the bestest, most reliableist news you can trust.
Chet Murthy
@lamh36: When I watched it (theatrical release), I almost passed out when Hannibal escapes from the cage. Had to leave the theatre. Then again, I did the same thing in Alien III when the xenomorph confronts Ripley and doesn’t take/kill her (no spoiler — happens -really- early-on). But yeah, SoTL was …. quite creepy.
Since when?
@debbie: You do realize the owner is an all in Trumpster?
Tell that truth
I do. But tif the NE is tacking to “Trump didn’t know,” they’ll make him more of a buffoon. Another positive.
It is about it being a tax cut bill disguised as a healthcare plan
@lamh36: The Buck Stops Over There ➡
@lamh36: Where’s Adam when you need him?
@Patricia Kayden: The book is really intense. It was on the reading list at my high school in NOLA way back in the 90s (I attended a predom AA high school in NOLA, so our entire reading listing was of course “American” classic, but also a heavy amount of AA authors). Not many folks chose it cause it was so intense…the film had to be as well.
i’d vote for that ticket.
@Patricia Kayden:
I think that she was 16 when she did that movie
It’s subtle, but it’s in there. It’s all part of the gender construction of the film as well — Buffalo Bill is not a real transwoman because he has a dog, not a cat.
ETA: It wasn’t in the film, but there’s a big scene in the book where Starling goes to Johns Hopkins and the doctors in the sex change unit show her that BB is definitely not transgendered based on his psychological testing. Leaving that out of the film was a big mistake, IMO.
It is kind of seeing an accelerated version of history. Already enmeshed in a huge Nixon like scandal, and they’re trying to run a Reagan style defense. Next he’ll go to a supermarket and not understand what’s going on, he’ll start a war on false pretenses, and Mike Pence will shoot someone in the face.
@Patricia Kayden:
The DNC is not that powerful (something I tell the bernouts that believe the DNC stopped good saint bernard). Access to the primary/caucus ballot is different by state, but normally requires a percentage of party voters signatures.
Consider- in 2008, Mike Gravel made it onto nearly every state ballot.
Villago Delenda Est
I’m sorry, but if Donald were a company commander in the US Army, and his lieutenants were running brothels, gambling parlors, and knocking over liquor stores with their troops, his professed lack of knowledge would not save his career from the damage.
I’ll admit I didn’t watch a whole bunch of Demme’s films, but the one I do remember the most is Philadelphia…still a tear jerker these almost 25 (wow) years later!
@debbie: @TenguPhule:
During the campaign, National Enquirer had exclusive rights to the story of a former Playboy Playmate of the Year (Karen McDougall, I believe her name was) who credibly claimed (with witnesses, photos etc.) that she had an affair with Donald during his marriage to Melania. The editor simply buried the story — after paying a big chunk of change for exclusive rights — and indeed kept the woman employed as a “correspondent” (who never submitted any stories), presumably to be able to pay her to keep quiet.
Given that he torpedoed a story that would have issues flying off the shelves like that one would have, I don’t think he will turn on Trump now.
Since always. You’re not supposed to kill a character while you’re in their point of view.
That’s why the voiceover in Casino is so fucking brilliant — Scorsese kills a character in the middle of his voiceover! It’s so startling because it’s against all of the rules we’re used to.
Aw, crap. Can I please be released from moderation for using the name of a particular Martin Scorsese movie about Las Vegas?
“We don’t live in this courtroom, your honor.” ?
And it was a HUGE deal at the time that a big star like Tom Hanks would play a gay character. Sometimes people forget how quickly our society has changed.
@rikyrah: I know. It’s still depressing.
joel hanes
I’ll be buying my first-ever copy of the Enquirer.
I suppose that everyone needs to learn some lessons the hard way.
If you actually read it, you’ll be sickened — even the Trump article with the promising headline.
The NE and the Globe are toxic swill.
@jon: @Ian: They aren’t turning on Trump. They are setting up Trump’s defense. They’ve identified the people the FBI have dead to rights, and they are preparing an all-out barrage of “It was just these four guys! The Bastards! Thank heavens the president didn’t know anything about it! They took advantage of his trusting nature!”
@lamh36: Also the underappreciated Storefront Hitchcock with the incomparable Robyn Hitchcock.
Any judge that doesn’t laugh that defense out of court has been bribed.
@debbie: I think he must mean the English Premier League soccer team currently in first place. I’d advise against it, they are owned by a notorious Putin crony.
I am just shocked that anyone thinks its newsworthy. If one is convinced Ill Douche is innocent because the NE said so, that individual may already be completely lost anyway.
Villago Delenda Est
@joel hanes: It was fun to buy the “Psychic Predictions” issues and then when the year ended, see how unforeseen circumstances got in the way of the accuracy of the predictions.
Watching Chris Matthews. P.J. O’Rourke, in addition to being a dick—talking over the two women panelists—looks awful, dissipated. He has “England in 1835” quality teeth. Seriously needs some cosmetic dentistry. And I’m not talking about just for being on TV; I’m talking about for walking around in real life. Scary bad. Lower teeth black and discolored.
ETA: I’m 25 minutes behind on the DVR.
I am booking a flight from Phily to Raleigh on Expedia
Frontier has a non-stop flight at $39.20, not counting additional fees for seat selection, carry-on, etc.
American Airlines has a non-stop flight at $58.20 with fees only for checked luggage.
Alaskan Airlines has a 2-Stop flight, with stops in STL and CTL, at $2884.50.
All flights leave between 8:30 am and 9:00 am.
This just weirds me out. I hope Alaskan Airlines is offering a gourmet meal or two for those prices.
@Patricia Kayden:
Speaking of The Bern!, did anyone watch DemocracyNow! yesterday? Guest Cornel West is starting a People’s Progressive Party, drafting Bernie! to run for President! So yeah, we’re gonna have to deal with West, Bernie and Jill Stein for the foreseeable future.
Here’s the link if anyone’s interested, and if you are, I would encourage you to scroll down to read Goodman’s final question. West’s answer is, well, evasive, at best.
Patricia Kayden
@PPCLI: That defense seems to have worked for Vincent Gray, D.C.’s former mayor. Several folks who helped him win went to jail but he escaped by saying he knew nothing of their machinations. **rolls eyes**
@debbie: YES! Baud and Chelsea Handler, that’s a ticket that I could support!
Patricia Kayden
@JWR: Is there anyone as nauseating and self-conceited as Professor West? He should just name this new party after himself. Would make more sense. The only good thing is that his PPP and Stein’s Green Party may cancel out each other’s impact on the election in 2020 since they’ll most likely be vying for the same gullible voters.
Patricia Kayden
@gene108: And United will offer you a free dragging through the aisles to spice up your trip for free.
Villago Delenda Est
@JWR: All of them need to find a fire to die in. All rhetoric, no policy chops.
I forgot Demme directed Philadelphia. It’s still one of my favorite movies. It was when I realized Tom Hanks really was an actor, not a clown. That scene where he’s listening to opera gets me every time!
Flights with multiple stops used to be cheaper, but not anymore. Now they’re usually more expensive, which makes sense if you think about it.
@Villago Delenda Est:
Think of the innocent trees! We’re going to run out of wood at the rate you’re going!
Pay more to be tortured more?
zhena gogolia
Wow, I really didn’t need to know about P. J. O’Rourke’s black teeth, thank you very much.
@Patricia Kayden: “@JWR: Is there anyone as nauseating and self-conceited as Professor West?” No, leastwise that I can think of.
@Villago Delenda Est: “All rhetoric, no policy chops.” Yes, this. West is incredibly, …dumb.
Corner Stone
God dammit, Chris Hayes. Fucking Bernie Sanders a fucking gin!??
@Baud: Determining troop level is not something that will help him loot the treasury and rake in more bucks, so he’s probably more than willing to let someone else do the work. Better put: like in every other area in his life, he’s willing to have someone else do the work for him, so long as he rakes in the bucks.
@zhena gogolia:
Heh. I was shocked! I know some celebrities don’t clean up well for TV, especially writers, especially “edgy,” “contrarian” writers, but, damn, he looked awful.
BCHS Class of 1980
@PPCLI: But that is still very welcome because it’s clearly a fallback defense. As more stuff comes out, the defensive perimeter gets smaller and smaller.
Corner Stone
@Steeplejack: What’s with the dentite shaming, bruh? Are you an anti-dentite?
Roger Moore
@Patricia Kayden:
Donald trump?
@Corner Stone:
Thanks for the heads-up. I can set the DVR for FF warp 3 and coast on through to Rachel.
his teeth now match his heart & the space where a brain used to reside
Corner Stone
@Steeplejack: Hayes has really turned to garbage time recently. I much prefer to see Joy Reid in that spot when he’s off promoting his book.
He’s a smart guy but an awful interviewer and he has no idea what is going on in D politics right now.
Even Chris Matthews’s questions are exceptionally stupid. It’s not just his opinions when he’s bloviating over his guests.
@tobie: And take the blame when things go horribly wrong. Which they will. Because these things always come in threes.
@tobie: The officers who now have this power will be blamed if anything goes wrong. Trump will say he “empowered” them and if it goes wrong the officer gets the blame not trump. If something goes well/right then trump will take the credit. If the mission to kill Bin Laden had gone bad, Obama would have stepped up and taken the blame. If something like that goes wrong on trump’s watch it will be a General/Admiral who gets the blame not the trumpster.
Roger Moore
The buck stops somewhere else.
@Patricia Kayden:
It also worked for Chris Christie.
Chyron HR
@Patricia Kayden:
Vincent Gray? More like Vincent Price, amirite? Horrorshow looking motherfucker.
@TenguPhule: @lollipopguild: You’re absolutely right. He’s a blamer when things go wrong, a taker when things go right, a user and cheat all the time.
Great thread from a writer on the impact Philadelphia had on his younger gay self.
Read entire thread here:
Another Scott
@clay: Here’s a little something to tide you over. Sebastian Gorka’s ties to Nazi-allied group strech back decades.
(via Julia Ioffe on Twitter.)
Sometimes I begin to doubt my sanity. But then I come here and immediately start feeling better.
@lollipopguild: He already put the blame for the botched raid in Yemen on the generals.
@PPCLI: Yes, but they and he won’t be able to square that defense with “Trump is really smart and sharp.” It won’t matter for the NE. It will matter for Trump. He’s not in the last half of his second term like Reagan was.
Another Scott
@gene108: The Alaskan flight is probably designed for people who want to use their frequent flier miles…
Also, what you can’t see completely in the picture above is that the cover specifically blames Putin for the murder of spies involved in hacking the election. Putin, who as far as readers of the NE know is a good guy, because Trump told them so.
The Pale Scot
Found this over at PZ’s
“he’s very ugly and barely mammalian”,
yep that’s Trump
Yes. Exactly. It will be their fault because Donald Trump does not make mistakes because…well, because he’s Donald Trump.
Who gives a a shit, as long as none of them runs in the Democratic primaries.
scott alloway
@?BillinGlendaleCA: In 1976 in a Maine state rep district, we started a campaign for my roommate. The slogan he ran on? “He can be bought” Went nowhere but it was fun.
@efgoldman: All 3 of these people esp. bernie are going to have rude awakenings.
@scott alloway:
Did anyone make an offer?
J R in WV
So… of course you will be flying Alaska Air, right?
I booked a trip from WV to Tucson AZ in early April. Departing WV at 6:25 am to Atlanta, then first class to Tucson arriving there around 3 pm. Flight to ATL was canceled, as was the 9 am flight. They ticketed me on an 11 am flight which was delayed until about 11:45.
So I was going to miss the flight to Tucson, no big, there are several every day.
When I arrived at Hartsfield, it was like a beehive kicked over, no seats open, flights not on the board, people lying on the floor. There were people trapped there who had been trapped there since Wednesday afternoon.
TL;DR I never got to Tucson, it was a horrific ordeal just getting on the return to CRW. $835 down the drain.
A few days later I went by AAA where I bought the tix, got a $700 refund!! Whoot!
Trump’s fault, all of it. I spent 30 hours on my feet on concrete and marble floors. Sucks! AT least I got my money back, only paid $125 for round trip to Atlanta plus agony. Too old for that shit!
Humpty Trumpty is a narcissist. If it comes down to him or Jared and Ivanka going to prison, well, Ivanka will be sporting a très à la mode jumpsuit in a vibrant shade of orange.
@lamh36: Yeah, we should just make primaries illegal.
@jon: the state of a decaying state.
only in the south amirite?
@efgoldman: I think he lost to the other guy whose slogan was “Luxurious, yet Surprisingly Affordable”.
People can always be upsold.
@chopper: I thought you lot were offended by the idea of a challenger to your anointed few anywhere in the nation.
not in the south. we’re supposed to ignore voters in the south because they shouldn’t count, or something.
@chopper: WTF are you on about?
Looking at his images page. He has a cigar or a cigarette in his mouth in about every 4th picture.
Not the way to keep those teeth shiny and bright.
oh, bless your heart.
gotta love them losers, who don’t have the balls to run either as indies or as ‘progressives’.
That’s a damn good reason to doubt your sanity.
When I wrote my original comment I looked on the Google to see if I could find a recent, illustrative picture. No luck. I was struck by how much healthier he looks in all the Google pictures than he did on Hardball tonight.
Just went back and did a deeper search (on computer vs. phone). Here are the choppers in question.
Love the Rush reference in the headline, since no one else has pointed it out…
@amk: Not what I was saying.. You fuckers get all bent out of shape about anyone running in a Democratic primary who is challenging an incumbent or the preferred candidate of the D bigwigs. It’s like the very idea of democracy bothers you.
I’ve been having a hard time figuring out how so many have been managing to nurse a grievance so long. Y’all still mad at that uppity Obama feller successfully challenging your anointed queen (I’m not saying this to suggest she sought the title, merely that se has a cult-like following in certain circles) and you’ve been holding your tongue 8 years because he won and that’s hard to argue with. Then when she won the primary in 2012, it was time to let your PUMA freak flags fly, just heaping ridicule on anyone who might so much as consider a different position from yours.
randy khan
Most likely, Alaska has pretty much filled both of those flights, and is charging accordingly. Airlines are remarkably good at pricing based on demand for a specific flight.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kropadope: Good god, are you really that big of an idiot?
@Kropadope: ‘PUMA’??? dumbass.
btw, if you bs fanbois can’t handle a few minor barbs in a blog, how you gonna ‘win yoogely’ and teach them corrupt dems a lesson? Again, dumbass.
The Blog Dahlia
HA HA wait, what?
randy khan
That rant has pretty much nothing to do with what amk said. The point is that voting against Pelosi would be a bad for the district’s influence in Congress, which is true. And it’s not like Pelosi is some blue dog.
Speaking entirely for myself, I’m not nursing any grievances from 2016, let alone 2008. I supported HRC in 2008 – both money and my vote – but I was pretty happy with Obama as the nominee, and supported him with both money and my vote as well once he was nominated. While I would have rather that Bernie had dropped out when it was obvious he was going to lose the nomination, and I was a bit unhappy with him for going after HRC with attacks that the Republicans could use, I also realize that politics ain’t beanbag, and he did come around at the end. I do, however, reserve the right to be annoyed with, and criticize, people who call the Democratic Party corrupt because they don’t actually represent the majority in the party.
@Kropadope: Ballon Juice is well known for being a hotbed of PUMAism, fer sure!
The Blog Dahlia
The amazing part of his dumbass-tastic screed is, the Bernie guys are this cycle’s PUMAs. To bring up the ones in 08 that way is just the height of ham handed projection.
Omnes Omnibus
@clay: Yeah, many of the people here who were pissed at Bernie for staying in the race after it was obvious that he could not win were pissed at Hillary for doing the same thing in 2008.
Steve in the ATL
@Omnes Omnibus: rhetorical question, right? It has been conclusively answered many times over.
@The Blog Dahlia: Yup. The fanbois are dems are bad one-note johnnies. Just like their dear leader.
@amk: I can handle a few barbs just fine. I handle them by calling you out on hating the democratic process and fact checking the various sordid delusions I see around here.
@Omnes Omnibus: Yeah, we’re remarkably consistent about being against sore-loser-ism and pointless crusades.
Which is why we’re not hypocritical about Pelosi’s primary challenger. She’s the most progressive Speaker of my lifetime, but somehow that’s not good enough? Puh-leaze.
(Incidentally, Hillary was the most progressive Democratic presidential candidate of my lifetime, except maybe Carter*, but somehow that wasn’t good enough either.)
(*I was born in ’76, so I don’t really know how Carter ran.)
Omnes Omnibus
@Kropadope: Sordid delusions? Oh my.
scott alloway
@efgoldman: No. Lost cause.
Ah, our savior. Pity you are too dumb to play that role.
@randy khan:
Still, though, I don’t see a problem with someone running against her. this person has issues they want to bring to the forefront, I’m sure, and will likely get totally blown out of the water. I think Pelosi’s the bees knees, and how, but I’m open to the idea that some people might…disagree.
And if her district votes her out, that’s their prerogative and doesn’t at all mean they haven’t reconciled their vote with the loss of prestige for their district. Still, I strongly doubt they’ll do this, so what’s the harm?
ETA: Also, thanks for the cogent response.
Steve in the ATL
@clay: Carter was more conservative than the democratic majorities in the senate and the house. He was (and is) one of the finest human beings on the planet, but he was not as progressive as Hillary.
@amk: Jesus couldn’t save you.
@Omnes Omnibus: They’re pretty fucking sordid, bro. The projection, the mythmaking, it’s all so ugly.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kropadope: There is no real harm. It’s just pointless political theater.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kropadope: Given that you seem to think that this place is a PUMA hive, I really don’t trust your judgment.
But her emails!!!
We’re all PUMAs. Nailed it!
@Omnes Omnibus: What, you and other people can make bad faith allegations toward whomever you want and I just gotta sit all nicey nice in the corner? Fuckoff.
And I was here in 08 and there was plenty of anti-Obama butthurt to go around. In fact, it dwelled on a lot of the same attitudes and criticisms, it was just recontextualized for 2016.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kropadope: Bad faith? Right. Dude, most of the PUMAs who were around in 2008 have gone away. The core of people who stayed here were O-bots. And most of the O-bots supported Hillary as his natural successor, temperamentally and ideologically.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
so you admit you’re arguing in bad faith.
Narrative, dumbass.
Trying to unseat Republicans is hard enough without bringing in “Democrats are just as corrupt” into the fing mix.