Gonna be one of those Tuesdays!
NEWS: Trump told Comey to stand down on Flynn investigation, 1st evidence Trump tried to influence Russia inquiry https://t.co/7nlT6gaY1G
— Michael S. Schmidt (@nytmike) May 16, 2017
President Trump asked the F.B.I. director, James B. Comey, to shut down the federal investigation into Mr. Trump’s former national security adviser, Michael T. Flynn, in an Oval Office meeting in February, according to a memo that Mr. Comey wrote shortly after the meeting.
“I hope you can let this go,” the president told Mr. Comey, according to the memo.
The existence of Mr. Trump’s request is the clearest evidence that the president has tried to directly influence the Justice Department and F.B.I. investigation into links between Mr. Trump’s associates and Russia.
Mr. Comey wrote the memo detailing his conversation with the president immediately after the meeting, which took place the day after Mr. Flynn resigned, according to two people who read the memo. The memo was part of a paper trail Mr. Comey created documenting what he perceived as the president’s improper efforts to influence an ongoing investigation. An F.B.I. agent’s contemporaneous notes are widely held up in court as credible evidence of conversations.
Mr. Comey shared the existence of the memo with senior F.B.I. officials and close associates. The New York Times has not viewed a copy of the memo, which is unclassified, but one of Mr. Comey’s associates read parts of the memo to a Times reporter.
In the same article The NY Times also reports the White House’s response to their breaking this news.
“While the president has repeatedly expressed his view that General Flynn is a decent man who served and protected our country, the president has never asked Mr. Comey or anyone else to end any investigation, including any investigation involving General Flynn,” the statement said. “The president has the utmost respect for our law enforcement agencies, and all investigations. This is not a truthful or accurate portrayal of the conversation between the president and Mr. Comey.”
Much more at the link!
David Anderson
Bureaucrats for the score
Corner Stone
“This was no accident. This….was murder.”
You mentioned something about “tapes,” Mr. Trump? Please proceed.
This can all be put to rest by Cheeto releasing the tapes…amirite..
Translation from Trumpspeak: This is a truthful or accurate portrayal of the conversation between the president and Mr. Comey.
Paul W.
Absolutely INSANE! Comey goes public, and earns a TINY bit of my respect back.
@Baud: Or else, “It was actually much worse than that, but let’s just call it inaccurate and let it go, shall we?”
If this holds up, it’s obstruction.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Does Lindsey think he’s being clever? everything I’ve heard suggests Comey wants to talk, in public and on the record, he’s just waiting for the invite Burr doesn’t (or didn’t) want to extend
(Staffer sighs)
(Replaces 1 with 0)
Waiting for the overnight tweetstorm from Shitgibbon:
“Yeah, I told him to stop. What of it? I make the rules around here! And you’re all f-ing FIRED! I MAKE THE RULES. ME, ME, ME!!!!”
or something similar
@sixthdoctor: Ha!
Corner Stone
Jesus Fucking Christ. Trump asked for this. He begged for it. Now he’s going to get buried by it. Is there an X-Man who has the power to spontaneously create avalanches?
Ace Venttoya: Russian Pet Detective.
Starring veteran Beltway actor James Comey in the title role.
Oh, shit. Is this what Trump means by “show boating?”
Great googly moogly, it’s only Tuesday. This shit is getting more real by the second. What Twitter messages might Trump be working on right now?
Maybe Trump’s got some “tapes.” He’s gonna need them.
Oh, mercy!
Hilarious, wish I had thought of it.
@sixthdoctor: And what day was this?
@Corner Stone:
Yes. His name is…Avalanche.
Fixed that for you.
Statement from Paul Ryan: “We would like to impeach Trump, but we don’t have enough paper….Let’s pass tax cuts!”
joel hanes
Lock him up.
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: Rictor. New Mutants then X Force.
More at the link.
“Part of.” My favorite words there. Part of a paper trail.
Drip drip drop.
MSNBC confirms contents of the memo…and Comey wrote a memo about nearly EVERY interaction with Cheeto! Comey left a paper trail!!
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: my only critique of Maxine Waters and others calling for impeachment: Slow down. We want them to bleed and struggle in the trap for at least a year, and that’s still six months away from the election
Yoda Dog
This motherfucker is going down.
But were they meeting on a tarmac? Isn’t that what’s really important?
Only one word comes to ind: bombshell.
(And likely more in the arsenal.)
“I would love to impeach Trump (whom I have never met), but first I have this particularly tricky jammed printer that I have to fix.. I mean rig… I mean repair!”
It’s not a question of whether he has them.
It’s a question of whether he can get them edited well enough to stab Comey, and not get caught. Either that, or there’ll be a letter from his Russian-mobbed-up lawyers stating “From a close listen to teh tapes, it has been determined that President* Shitgibbon, in his meeting with Director Comey, did not try to obstruct justice, with few exceptions.”
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: Avalanche was in the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants.
Corner Stone
Translation: I completely stuck my dick in the pie.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: You think we’re going to have actual elections with these Nazis in charge?
@Adam L Silverman: Touche. Well played.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Agree. Until we capture at least one house, it’s not in our interest to have a quick (and sloppy) resolution to Trump.
Davis X. Machina
Digging Nixon out took from October of ’73 to August ’74.
This time, it either takes longer, or gunfire, or both.
This is a whole different country now.
@Baud: God, I hope they pass a budget that 0s out the FBI budget, effective immediately.
zhena gogolia
@Paul W.:
So what’s the third thing, Adam. These things always happen in threes.
What’s the final disaster from Trump for today?
President Tyson Zone. I imposed a news blackout on myself after the election. I lifted it the first time they bagged repeal of ACA, and every day since, there’s been a tantalizing dripdripdripdrip. But simultaneously frustrating because it certainly seems that nothing is ultimately going to happen, considering the Revanchist GOP hold on government.
I won’t believe *this* will be the breaking point, because honestly, it won’t be. But That Man has now entered the Tyson Zone – an idea from Bill Simmons re: Mike Tyson. Tyson was so crazy, so bloody NUTS, that nothing that followed “Mike Tyson today…” would surprise you,
That Man should push Iron Mike aside, and take the honors for himself. God help us.
Shit hits fan. Scheiße schläge ventilator.
ETA: Also, I just remembered that Germans gleefuly adopted the word shitstorm:
Citizen Alan
@Corner Stone:
There is, in fact, a member of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants with that exact power. That seems more fitting than an X-Men in this situation.
Edit: I’m pleased to see that at least two other people are as big a comics nerd as me
Hmm. I was just standing at the coffee machine musing to myself that, aside from some self-incriminating tweets last night, there’s been no new major revelations today. Feeling sort of let down.
Return to my desk, and now I’ve got my fix.
“White House issues statement denying the story.” That’s good until 45 finds himself alone with Twitter tonight.
Orange shit too. It’s going to take a long time to get that out of the GOP’s decorous little white hoods.
David Anderson
@sixthdoctor: thank you this image is cracking me up
You are right?
@MattF: Дерьмо попадает в вентилятор.
Fake Comey news!
Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha…
Sorry. The schadenfreude got the better of me.
“Don’t shoot, let’em burn.” -saving private ryan
It’s starting to smell a lot like obstruction of justice.
randy khan
This story really should strike terror into the hearts of the Trump & Co. Of course Comey protected himself by creating a record, and of course there’s going to be a lot in it that will be trouble for the President, because Trump has no filter, and thinks of himself as a CEO with effectively unlimited powers and as someone who can enforce loyalty on his minions. (He probably also mistook Comey’s actions on Hillary as representing some kind of desire for Trump to be President.) Anybody who was in those meetings with Trump and Comey is at risk.
zhena gogolia
Оранжевое дерьмо!
Matthew Miller @matthewamiller
In addition to the underlying Russia probe, was Comey quietly building an obstruction case against Trump, for either DOJ or Congress?
“Why did we waste money on any numbers other than zero and one? Maybe we can get a refund.”
Corner Stone
I think it was Matthew Miller who said repeatedly on MSNBC that Comey was known for writing down any event he felt did not stand up to an ethical line. He made notes every time that happened in his career.
Seems like creepy foreshadowing but whatever damn mutant or other comic book character we need to step in, it certainly looks like Trump is about to get fucking avalanched.
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: These idiots can’t even fire someone properly. Take a deep breath.
@Citizen Alan: et al.
Re: the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants:
Shitgibbon should be made an honorary member, obviously, but what is his special power? The ability to cloud his own mind? The ability to NOT intentionally speak the truth? The ability to speak in tongues (where “tongues” == “completely indecipherable babbling”)? The ability to behave like a not-very-bright person one-twentieth his actual age?
Does this not only remove Cheeto Benito but also Pence, Tillerson, Mnuchin, Chou, and all of the others?
In Cosell voice
“Down goes Trumpzier
Down goes Trumpzier…”
Tick tock. Agree with ‘drag it out’ except for concern for ginning up a war: see ‘scoundrel, last refuge’.
@Corner Stone:
I’d love to see his notes on his own handling of emails.
Double Comeyism: post-Trumpian theological doctrine among the fever swamp dwellers that holds that the True Comey resigned to spend more time with his rubber plant, whereas the False Comey viciously betrayed an innocent and noble president who was just about to make America great again.
Corner Stone
@randy khan: He does shit like he was a mafia don. Like he can just tell someone to back off or go away and that is what will happen.
@lamh36: It’s almost as if Comey knew who he was dealing with.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Things can’t keep going at this pace for another year, can they?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
IANAL but this is not how I, as a citizen, want congressional oversight to work
that said, Please proceed, Senator, drag it out. Keep the headlines going, give Kamala Harris and Chris Murphy something to talk about. Hickenlooper! You looking for a way to make a national splash? Time to speak up as a Concerned American. Jaime Harrison, is your senior Senator showing enough independence, in your humble opinion? Jason Kander, as a lawyer and a veteran, how do you feel about this?
ETA @mdblanche: good point, even if he resigns, the investigations must continue, Republicans must not stand in the way of our finding out everything that happened in the brief and un-mourned trump administration.
@zhena gogolia:
Большой хороший
So, I guess the next line they’ll roll out is “What the hey, Trump just wants to protect a pal. We all want to protect our pals, right? No harm no foul. You wouldn’t do that? What are you a jerk?” Yeesh.
If Comey’s story stands up, the GOP Congress will face ever more ‘serious decision situations’. But I predict McConnell will trot out the over riding importance of pushing big tax cuts for the rich through at least one more time.
I’m wondering whether Trump is goofy enough to destroy himself to protect his flunkies. Yes he is, but seems out of character. So, Flynn probably leads to something closer to Trump. What is the truth? God, or the FSM, only knows. Well, clearer than ever that the public needs to know.
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: I have no idea. Not even I am that imaginative.
Comey has a paper trail???
@Mezz: So, is Trump going to bite Comey’s ear off? Seems unlikely.
Corner Stone
Fucking Sen Burr saying it’s on NYT to prove out their case. Of course it is, but you actually still think this WH has any shred of credibility left to lean on? At all?
@TenguPhule: pee pee tape
Sounds like a job for JarJar Son-in-law. He’ll just have to put off world peace until the weekend.
Corner Stone
AG Sessions and his team not touching this story. Throwing Trump under the bus?
Teddys Person
@Spaniel: It’s my hope that, once the SS Trump starts to really sink, a number of his enablers will get caught in the undertow. The Orange One will not go quietly into that good night.
Gin & Tonic
Fucking Bill Kristin tweets: Watergate comes at you fast.
@zhena gogolia: Мертвец идет, mертвец идет туда!
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: You are correct. Miller did say this last week.
So Burr putting onus on NYT to produce the memo…guessing Burr doesn’t realize that more news orgs have confirmed the alleged memo is true..
Jim, Foolish Literalist
very recent Republican congressman says what?
would love to know what he said about trump on the campaign trail
@dm: Did you miss that the ally whose intelligence sources Trump compromised was Israel?
Corner Stone
Does it? Does it really?
@NotMax: Or resort to binary.
Dense orders massive DoS attack on Twitter by CIA…
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Geez Senator Burr, stop making an ass out of yourself. Ask the fucking DOJ for the memos if you want to see them.
@Corner Stone: Comey’s is taller, so it would be a bit difficult to achieve.
Yup, that hit me right away, too.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Corner Stone:
Perhaps Trump tried to bite Comey’s ear, only to be stymied by the lack of a step-ladder. Fat little white men definitely can’t jump.
@SatanicPanic:We’re looking for disasters, not a cheap laugh.
Mike J
From the linked story:
Keith P.
Given how creative they’re getting, tonight’s explanation will be that Trump was talking about letting his hand go from a long handshake….as in, “Can you can *this* go?”. But by tomorrow morning, Trump will tweet, “Yeah, I asked him to shut the investigation down. So what?”
Anudder memo leaks
Shouldn’t paper trails rustle, rather than dripping? A good, rattlesnake moving through the leaves towards the babbling shitgibbon kind of rustling.
@Corner Stone:
Corner Stone
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I agree in a way. It seems like some serious bones can be made off this if they do it right.
NOW can we impeach him!!
@Mike J:
People who follow Greenwald need to tell me his reaction, especially how much he blames Dems for this.
Frank Wilhoit
Everybody in the White House needs to be arrested and walked out of the building by both elbows, right now. No jackets over heads, either.
This must be getting close to impeachment territory.
LA Times via Maddow
Out the other side and over the fence and away for the hills.
Adam L Silverman
@sigaba: Same NY Times article. TPM is covering different parts with different reporters.
Seems like there may be more memos…
I would like to think that this would hobble the Republicans but they’ll just have Pence as a more compliant puppet. At least if Trump resigns or is impeached, it will also kick his grifting family to the curb.
@Aleta: And it will be a loyal (R) investigator determined to never find the truth. Bank on it when the Republicans start squawking.
@Teddys Person: You’re in luck. Due to outdated safety regulations the SS Trump only carries enough lifeboats for half the people on board.
But seriously, Trump is definitely the “if I’m going down I’m taking you all with me” sort.
@Tom: No. SATSQ.
Because Republicans. It always comes down to the fucking Republicans.
This is not good news???
@Adam L Silverman: Yeah you got me.
I demand one leaked memo every two weeks.
Corner Stone
Good God. I left it on MSNBC and now Greta is letting Alan Dershowitz go on at length about how totally dumb Sally Yates is.
@Frank Wilhoit: I’d like Congress to convene inside a prison for awhile to remind them every day that crime does not pay.
Mike J
@mdblanche: it’s race night. No sinking boat analogies, please.
Corner Stone
Greta’s show is completely un fucking watchable. I want to beat Andy Lack into a puddle.
Damn it, I’m not getting any work done tonight either!
I need to grade tests; I can’t watch the news all night! Can we just have ONE normal day?
Per CNN memos shared with confidantes WITHIN AND OUT of the FBI…
BTW, at this point I don’t really feel like Trump firing Spicey, doing a staff shakeup is gonna right the ship. I know that was the CW as of maybe Saturday. Life moves a little fast these days.
Corner Stone
Man, this thing has really sprung a leak and it looks like the bilge pump has shorted out.
@Corner Stone:
No, this is what he meant by recusal. He can meddle but he won’t say anything bad about his buddy Trump.
Teddys Person
@mdblanche: And Jarad/Ivanka will be “distributing” those lifeboats for the low, low price of $10,000 each.
Reposted from below:
So would this be the third or fourth shoe to drop? I’ve lost count.
The Republicans cannot allow an impeachment. Never. They will stand or fall with Trump.
I’m hoping for the fall option.
@mdblanche: The ship is not sinking. The ship is upside down on the sea floor, with marine fauna peeking into the portholes.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Corner Stone: Yeah. He’s all bluster. I see him turning to a figure sitting alone in a dark corner of the office and yelling “Christie! Bite his ear off!” then returning to tweeting with his tiny thumbs.
@David Anderson: Who says that the intelligence community and deep state don’t know how to carpet bomb when they want to ???
At this point Sessions has recused himself from so much that it seems he’s collecting pay for sitting at his desk and twiddling his thumbs.
On Chuck Todd’s show, they noted that Sessions tried to stay behind to be present for the Trump-Comey conversation. They noted that it was probably proper of Sessions to do so, since he was Comey’s direct boss, and such a conversation should be observed.
I’m thinking that Trump should’ve had Sessions stay, because then it would be the word of two against one. (I’ve no doubt Jeff Sessions would lie for Trump about this.)
@Corner Stone:
At this point, the band is on deck playing “Nearer, My God, to Thee”.
Also, reading the tick-tock of the day covering the Trump blabs to Russia, there was a moment when a WH staffer, amongst the McMasters “I’m not ready to face the jackals yet” pantomime, was quoted as saying “I have other dumpster fires to deal with.”
Was this it?
Mike in DC
It sounds like Trump just taunted Happy Fun Ball.
Not until he stands up and says we need to raise the top tax brackets. Nothing else will motivate the House.
Me too but I think there will be just enough of them to tip the balance … would be nice if they had any principles whatsoever and could join the Democrats in repudiating this much corruption and evil
But I won’t hold my breath
@Mike in DC: Heh. Memories.
@Aleta: I believe Rep. Knight is a moderate*.
*moderate adj. representing a district insufficiently gerrymandered to withstand a wave election
@Corner Stone: Nahh. It’s just the Democrat party left going off on a loony conspiracy theory that only they care about.
I wonder how long the Hannitys and Limbaughs can keep that up until they’re listened to by only 27%.
He pissed off the Intelligence Community. That is always a bad idea. I’ve been saying for months that they will take him out and they are.
They aren’t listened to by anywhere near 27% today.
Is that what they call what he’s doing with his thumbs? I wish; he’s working full on on voter suppression and dismantling civil rights; he probably guesses his window for destruction is shorter than he was counting on.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@dm: The which party?
@Corner Stone:
The bilge pump is the only thing working. Sadly, it’s now discharging into the main drinking water reservoir. Never trust a plumber named Jared!
@dmsilev: I don’t hear the fat lady singing yet though.
If it is, I really like the cut of his jib.
@Baud: Morbid curiosity got the better of me:
Fester Addams
@mdblanche: Excellent! Worthy of Bierce.
Teddys Person
New York Times reports that even J-Kush is the recipient of 45’s wrath.
@mdblanche: Thanks. He’s clear about who he loves. But at least he didn’t blame Obama.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: The one Hannity would refer to that way.
I think I’ve figured out what one of the White House apologists’ lines will be: Trump was in his rights to ask Comey to drop the investigation because, after all, Trump has the Presidential power of pardon.
ETA: maybe in a tweet tomorrow morning.
@Corner Stone: Rictor@TenguPhule: Actually Avalanche was with the Brotherhood/ Freedom Force. Rictor was an X-Man with similar abilities.
jesus, for anybody other than a republican this would be a straight-up do not pass go impeachable offense.
@Fester Addams:
A moderate conservative is a right wing crazy who might have to face a free and fair election.
@Corner Stone:
That’s why I’m actually watching Wolf who’s as big of a moron as Tweety. I refuse to give her any ratings.
Gelfling 545
@SFAW: You speak Trump very fluently, though it can’t be pleasant for you.
Adam L Silverman
Oy vey…
@clay: Counter terror guy just said, that if your are the FBI Director then once you come from that meeting, you see the AG…then you are gonna say to the AG…did he just do what I think he did?
This guy said the question for reporters is, what did Sessions know and did Comey go to Sessions about it aftewards…time to see what the AG says about this…esp since the memo alleged that conversation happened right after the briefing with AG and VP…
randy khan
Since he likes his meat well done, it does seem unlikely.
Gelfling 545
@Baud: Yes, tarmac is alwats suspicious.
@Baud: Emails, Baud, emails.
WH statement is fake news. Too many long words.
@Adam L Silverman: This revelation here gives Bibi the perfect pretext, he doesn’t even have to mention the whole Burning their Sources business. Just needs to say sometthing about how he internal US political… uh… atmospherics make a state visit at this time… uh… problematic to accomodate.
Though Bibi is pretty firmly on the Trump Train, I have my doubts he’s cut bait at this moment.
@MattF: who is playing the role of Shelley Winters?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Melania’s decision not to move is looking quite sage at this point.
A co-worker is saying that Fox News is conspicuously not covering this story. On my commute home I may check out a local talk radio station which bends over backwards to paint Trump in a positive light. At worst, a couple of the hosts will say that they wish that Trump would stop doing dumb things. I realized that two other hosts are really in the Steve Bannon camp. They think that the government is rotten and are happy that Trump is a bumbling, destructive force.
@Adam L Silverman: Gee, I wonder whatever could have happened?
Michael Continetti pointed out earlier that presidents who go to war against the IC have a very poor record, he pointed out that they got Nixon, almost got Reagan, and they got Bush. I was kind of shocked that he was willing to acknowledge that Reagan and Bush were at fault.
El Caganer
When asked for comment, Sen. McConnell pulled back into his shell and refused to come out.
@Morzer: Weekends are the bestest time to World Peace.
@Adam L Silverman:
Make it so!
It appears Mr. Comey remembered the old Delta House saying: Don’t get mad- get even!
@lamh36: You go to war with the fascists you have, not the fascists you wish you had.
Steve Knight’s re-election is in trouble, and he knows it. He’s my adopted district from Swing Left.
Thru the Looking Glass...
I feel like standing up and applauding…
Bradd JaffyVerified account @BraddJaffy
Schumer moments ago: “The country is being tested in unprecedented ways. I say to all of my colleagues in the Senate – history is watching.”
John Miller on line one!
@Morzer: Reagan’s grave is behind where this pic was taken.
@Adam L Silverman:
Who had tonight for the cancellation? I was thinking late tomorrow. I guess he feels that there’s so much shit flying right now, he may as well slip this in, and tomorrow he’ll be shocked that everyone’s making a big deal about him canceling his first overseas trip.
ETA: Why would he cancel, he did nothing wrong? Even Dermer has said no biggie, so what’s the problem, is he afraid of not being allowed to sit at the cool kids table?
@Mnemosyne: They (currently) plan to move down to Washington for the next school year — Barron is going to a private school in Maryland.
May make “helicopter parenting” literal.
Adam L Silverman
@Brachiator: They’re running wall to wall coverage that includes a Fox News paid contributor who has falsely claimed to be the PI for family of Seth Rich claiming the FBI found emails with wikileaks on his laptop. The guy doesn’t work for the Rich family, the FBI never took Rich’s laptop into evidence for examination, and the family has indicated they’ve reviewed the emails and theres nothing to or from wikileaks. And they’ve had Ken Starr on talking about Vince Foster’s suicide.
Adam L Silverman
@Gravenstone: Is a puzzlement!
Thru the Looking Glass...
And fighting dearly to not soil itself…
@GregB: they can’t be on Fox, when they all just seem to drop onscreen at MSNBC…smh
@Adam L Silverman:
Old news. All the kids are talking about Seth Rich.
Corner Stone
I can’t remember ever being so happy to see Tweety come on air. Seriously, Greta is unwatchable and I want to watch some talking heads.
Thru the Looking Glass...
@Adam L Silverman: Ah yes… the infamous Fox ‘parallel universe’ rears its ugly head…
Thru the Looking Glass...
@Corner Stone:
And I want to see some talking heads explode…
@Corner Stone: Since EFGoldman is taking his afternoon nap…Doesn’t your TV machine have an off switch or channel control switch? They may be next to the top right hand side of the picture tube.
@Corner Stone: right…I’m glad that last guy didn’t let Greta spin her Faux News “I’m a lawyer” bullshit
Canceling the trip isn’t surprising… they were clearly trying to GO BIG with the trip and make as much news as possible hoping that, combined with a normal-ish FBI pick and some Senate progress on Obamacare would move the narrative beyond Comey.
That obviously depended on Comey rolling over and deciding it’s not worth dirtying himself further. This is a tactic I’m sure Trump relied on a lot in business. It probably works often in DC… but not with Comey.
So the trip won’t serve its purpose and it’s a big risk that Trump will say something stupid and he’d rather stay home and golf so it’s not a hard sell.
Corner Stone
@lamh36: It’s fucking scandalous. Get these fools off my TV and back to FNC.
The worst part of this will be the lionizing of all of these recalcitrant douchebags once they start doing doing the impeachment wave after it has gotten 3/4 of the way around the stadium.
Look for Jason Chaffetz and presidential gravitas to pass across some lips.
But she just found the perfect school for Barron! Here she thought she’d have an excuse to still be in a different State from the Orange blob and now his stupidity may end up with her having to live with him again. Oh well at least the “apartment” is three floors.
El Caganer
Dude’s the Little Grifter That Could, though – never stops trying to make a buck:
@lamh36: If you’re Comey, and you know the AG met with Russians and lied under oath about it, do you talk to him at all? (I can’t remember if this was before or after Sessions “recused” himself.)
Teddys Person
@lamh36: They always leave themselves some wiggle room. “if it exists” indeed. What a weaselly McWeaselson.
Ylan Q. MuiVerified account @ylanmui
The White House has gotten a one-page, bullet-point draft of the $1 trillion infrastructure proposal
Trump doesn’t do anything out of the goodness of his heart. He was protecting himself. I am sure Flynn has a story to tell.
@rikyrah: Just like their tax plan.
Corner Stone
@?BillinGlendaleCA: The question is just as stupid when you ask it as it is when he asks it. People make choices. I like to bitch about mine on this blog. I guess I could talk about my tomatoes or that my overflow valve in the spare bathroom is leaking and needs to be replaced.
@Corner Stone:
You need to get a different cable service. For some unaccountable reason,. your TV only gets one channel.
Only other explanation is you have a major stock position in NBC/Universal and you’re doing your part to keep the price up.
There is no fucking reason, none at all, for anyone with two brain cells to rub together to watch that channel.
@Adam L Silverman: If the Clintons didn’t exist, Fox News would have to invent them. Though I suppose they did invent the mirror-universe version of them they report on.
@Aleta: Man, who would’ve ever thought the Nixon library would one day become the hottest new troll account on Twitter?
From Politico
This reporter and Comey …
@Teddys Person: I can’t believe that the twitter handle is “at GOP oversight”. What an oxymoron.
@lamh36: oh that makes me feel good
@hovercraft: There’s still time to get the locks changed…
Adam L Silverman
@clay: You do not. You go back to the office, provide a backbrief to a trusted agent, then immediately transcribe your notes in the presence of that trusted agent, give him/her a copy, and then give additional copies to the other trusted agents you’re going to leave them with for safekeeping.
@lamh36: Maybe Rep. Chaffetz could show Sen. Burr the proper procedure for requesting and obtaining documents pertinent to ongoing investigations under their respective committees? Seems the latter would prefer a crowd sourced effort rather than the direct approach.
Former prosecutor and Erin Burnett now taking DJT side saying if Comey had these memos then his credibility is in question…why not resign
Corner Stone
@efgoldman: Hey! I’ve got an idea! Let’s all meet in your backyard, form a drum circle and finger paint each others’ faces. That’s a peachy keen idea, isn’t it Beav?
Yet, this time.
@Corner Stone: We’re just concerned about your mental health.
Patrick CaldwellVerified account @patcaldwell
“Yes I do, as simple as that,” Elijah Cummings says on CNN when asked if this is obstruction of justice
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
Proof! Deeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeep State!
#DeepState trying to frame Trump because he’s a pacifist!1!1
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Yup, not like that grandma with the emails.
OT, but what the heck. My DIL just found out she will become a citizen next Tuesday. She is also due to provide us with another grandson the first week of June. Hopefully the latter won’t mess up the former.
@Adam L Silverman: Huh. That sounds exactly like what Comey did. Funny, that.
Adam L Silverman
@japa21: Congratulations!
Not even Glenn Beck will do that!
Time difference. I was eating dinner.
@japa21: Anchor baby!
Naw, seriously, congrats on both counts!
@Adam L Silverman: Thanks. Means, among other things, one more vote for the good guys, and trust me, she will vote. And since this is the Chicago area, it will be early and often.
@lamh36: I’m pretty sure Comey is more eager to show Chaffetz his memo than Chaffetz is to see it.
Have you considered a Bluetooth audio system for your automobile?
@efgoldman: Oh, that’s right you’re in the wrong timezone(and wrong coast).
Will he quit?
I don’t see it; he’s never been wrong, he can win this. What shit will he reveal about Rethugs who jump ship??!!
Shadenfreude: it’s what’s for dinner!
“White House sources say Trump is cursing up a storm – ranting and raving. Yelling at staffers & using the “F” word. He’s losing it tonight.”
Aww poor manbaby, is presidenting not as fun as he thought?
He wants to just go back to signing ceremonies and vroom vroom in the shiny big truck dammit!!!!
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
but, but…… Bangahzi!1!
Long since.
OTOH, he does live in Texas. That rots anyone’s brain.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Republicans must pay for restorative mental health care for all.
@rikyrah: @Baud:
I think I read somewhere that the tax plan was rushed as a distraction to get the news off of some bad story that the media was focused on, I’m thinking that eleventy billion trillion dollars wouldn’t be enough to get the media off of ComRussiagate.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: .. Have you considered a Bluetooth audio system for your automobile?
O/T but I’m glad that phone call went well.
@lamh36: Sounds right. They need Comey to testify NOW so they can attack it or decide to cut their losses if it’s too irrefutable.
Don’t worry about it, BillinGendale already put it your admonition for you, I hope you enjoyed your nap ;)
Really? Something that he, as he’s told us so often, is so important to him and to the country? I’m shocked.
Gin & Tonic
@debbie: I missed the report – can somebody post a link?
Teddys Person
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: That Darrell’s a classy one.
But… how… I thought Trump closed all the ObamaFEMA death camps?
Mazel Tov!
Corner Stone
@hovercraft: Hey! I hear that ringtone. Sounds like a wagon calling someone who has fallen off.
Amaranthine RBG
I wonder if Trump’s tweet about Comey better hope there are not tapes was a ham-handed attempt to get Comey to spill about whether HE had tapes.
Of course, if Comey does have tapes, I would think he would wait until Trump explicitly says that he never asked Comey to drop Flynn investigation and _then_ release the tapes showing the contrary.
Iowa Old Lady
@lamh36: Is it wrong that that tweet fills me with glee?
the IC has been holding its tongue….dropping in bits and pieces, hoping that the GOP would do the ‘ right thing’. They have been telling the GOP – get rid of him and his White House full of Russian assets, and we’ll leave you alone.
The firing of Comey, in addition to him now betraying Israel, and probably getting Israeli assets KILLED…that has sent them to DefCon1
Without cooperation from our allies around the globe, our people are in danger.
Eric GellerVerified account @ericgeller
Eric Geller Retweeted Erica Werner
The White House isn’t returning the Senate Intelligence Committee chairman’s phone calls about POTUS’s sharing of classified intelligence.
“Ha ha! You fool! You fell victim to one of the classic blunders – the most famous of which is ‘never get involved in a land war in Asia’ – but only slightly less well-known is this: “Never go in against an FBI director when a filing cabinet of memos is on the line”!”
@japa21: Grandson making a grand entrance. Congrats.
@hovercraft: You misspelled Molotov.
Josh MarshallVerified account @joshtpm
US Intel officials warned Israel in January abt sharing Intel with Trump http://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/they-were-warned …
Gin & Tonic
Can we just have a fucking normal, boring day tomorrow? I have shit to do.
@Gin & Tonic:
Not in Trump’s America.
@Citizen Alan:
@Morzer: You do realize that at that point, the gloating prick drops dead, right?
In Trump’s America normal day has you.
@Morzer: This sounds like reporting in real-time.
@rikyrah: I think Adam has commented on that several times in the past. But good to see it getting more traction.
Garry KasparovVerified account @Kasparov63
McMaster is sacrificing his reputation to try to save the world from terrible danger. If he resigns, Trump stays—and appoints a new Flynn.
Do you really think Trump was smart or disciplined enough to take the iocane powder for years in advance?
Iowa Old Lady
Trump is such a spectacular walking disaster that it’s hard to look away and pay attention to anything else. So no. No normal day.
Roger Moore
That assumes he knew what he was doing was problematic. I think it’s far more likely that he doesn’t believe there are any constraints on his power.
Grab him by subpeonas.
@Jeffro: Question: Doesn’t “Quake” technically fit the definition of a mutant that can cause avalanches? Since her whole thing is earthquakes and vibration?
…I think Banshee’s also caused some avalanches in his day, by using his sonic powerset.
El Caganer
@hovercraft: Exactly my thought when I saw the picture: “Look! Look! Me drive big-boy truck!”
@rikyrah: Pelosi is going to take one look, laugh and walk away.
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: Yeah, I read that too. Is there a pic?
A danger with a good portion of the GOP Housers is that if they sense their project is doomed, or their individual careers are doomed, they will act out of greed and spite. Just smash and grab whatever they can, and do as much damage as they can to their perceived enemies, which at this point might be well over 95% of the country.
Looks like Issa is a likely candidate for that club.
@Amaranthine RBG: “Trump is a liar” is not news. News is new stuff, and unfortunately for all those folks who have things to do for the next couple of days, one should expect revelations of new stuff.
Dolt45 really thought that Comey was just some ‘ public employee’.
Under that definition anyone from the Hulk to the Juggernaught would count. Why not just throw in Havoc while you’re at it?
@Morzer: FTW!
Issa’s actions certainly look like those of a man who doesn’t think he’s going to survive the next go around. He almost fell this time – and I doubt he’s endeared himself to his constituents by cuddling up to the Orange-utang.
It’s like a thunderstorm where the booms are getting louder and closer…always did love thunderstorms!
Go for it, Trumpov! Hold a news conference tomorrow and tell America just how sick you are of all this “fake news”! DO IT!!
@Adam L Silverman: fucking bureaucrats ruining it for wannabe autocrats.
@jl: How is that different than their stated plan?
@Gin & Tonic:
Yes, unless you mean the pre-January 20 normal. In that case, no.
@TenguPhule: When you go in against an FBI director when a filing cabinet of memos is on the line, you still can’t win even if the gloating prick drops dead.
Two good names for any bands that might be in need of nomenclature – and all in one line! Congratulations!
That’s true…they actually had Ken Starr on some show today, talking about – no really – Vince Foster(!!!!)
They can’t decide whether or not this is the RWNJ god-king they’ve been waiting for, or maybe, just maybe…not.
@jl: God, I wish there was video of that. I remember cameras caught him hopping a fence to avoid reporters.
Why is he a public servant? Why couldn’t he have stayed in the used car business?
folks talking bout was Cheeto intent criminal…did he know what he was doing may be wrong. OK…
WHY??DID ??HE?? ASK ??AG & VP ??TO ??LEAVE??
@Gin & Tonic:
@TenguPhule: It’s a good point. But then, the guy who’s power is sonic vibrations is a bit more on point with regards to avalanches (which are often caused by loud sounds in fiction) than, say… Cyclops shooting a giant snow drift and causing an avalanche, for example.
@Corner Stone:
But why? I can barely stand them if I imagine them mounted on spiked pikes, why subject yourself to them without that comforting image in your head?
This sounds like a job for Spicerman!
Corner Stone
Kasparov does not get it. There is no saving the US from Trump. The Dignity Wraith has already stolen all of McMaster’s reputation and credibility. How effective can anyone continue to be when they know their boss has no respect for them and does not give a shit about them? All of his stature is gone. He has nothing else left to offer the country.
@Corner Stone:
Yes I fell off the wagon last week with the Comey firing. I thought I’d get back on, but this fucker just keeps pulling me back in. ;(
All Democrats on Oversight & Judiciary Committees demand immediate investigation of Trump, AG, top WH aides. Letter: https://democrats-oversight.house.gov/sites/democrats.oversight.house.gov/files/documents/All%20Oversight%20and%20Judiciary%20Dems%20to%20Chairs%2005-16-17.pdf …
@Morzer: No, but I expect he did poison both cups anyway.
@hovercraft: That IS surprising!
I know a fair number of folks in that community and they are very dedicated and very “country first”. Presidents come, presidents go. Our institutions keep on keepin’ on, IC included.
Scientists today confirmed that they have discovered two new inert gases which they have provisionally named johnmccainium and lindseygrahamium.
@MisterForkbeard: So Storm then?
Well, that would remove both of the gloating pricks rather nicely. Although I suppose there is a question as to whether Trump’s inherent toxicity is strong enough to enable him to destroy the poison in his body before it does any actual damage.
@Jeffro: My local CBS news station is a sinclair station. It is followed every night by the national CBS News (Scott Pelley).
The local station spent a half hour on “breaking news” which seemed like a bunch of segments they’d hurriedly pulled out of their archives. And then they did a very quick Trump news segment, focusing on McMaster saying no laws were broken.
And then Scott Pelley came on next, and it was like night and day.
He did do something about it. He kept a paper trail.
@Gin & Tonic:
Not as long as we have a shit flinging buffoon as president, now either join the party or sit down and do your wrist exercises.
What I think they plan to do is go through Comeys memos and find things to accuse Obama. They need a both sides story.
” ‘But at least he didn’t blame Obama’
Yet, this time. ”
This mess is only a few hours old.Some Baremail Hilzbamaghazi tie in is sure to appear. If not from the WH then House GOP.
They are, literally, going to have to drag him out of the Oval Office screaming and cursing. I’m going to watch it on a loop for a week.
Kevin Vincent Camphor
@Corner Stone: Yeah when Bill Kristal is the moderate voice, you’ve completely lost the plot.
@Corner Stone: I think I agree with you AND Kasparov. At this point, the best thing McMaster can do is basically confess that he was trying to protect the presidency and the country by toeing the line somewhat to stay in place where he could do some good… but that Trump has crossed the line and he’s leaving, specifically to make the case that Trump must be removed for the good of the country.
That’s the only way he keeps his good name at this point. And frankly, the only way he can start solving the damage Trump has caused rather than just failing to contain it.
@lamh36: She was No Angel…
Corner Stone
@TenguPhule: I like talking heads like Jeremy Bash, Matt Miller, Clint Watts and Malcolm Nance. I also like Nayyra Haq, Evelyn Farkas and a few others.
Not really “pundits” but people talking about what is going on and their expertise.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Couldn’t agree more. We need to follow regular procedure, public hearings, Republicans and Democrats explaining themselves, witnesses from Comey to Spicey to Pence and Sessions and Jared and Kellyanne and Bannon and Reince all whispering to their lawyers and answering carefully….
I’m sure health care, tax reform and judicial nominations can proceed smoothly while all this goes on and the great Orange Buffoon tweets and blusters in a White House bunker
Bill Bennett has finally discovered his Big Boy’s Book Of Science.
CrackMSNBC is some serious shit.amk
gopee henceforth shall be called as all the
president’smad man’s men.corrupt bastids to the core.
@lamh36: Ha ha. The Mr. William Bennett who made a career of writing books of didactic fables for children. Until…
@lamh36: At this point, the question of whether Trump understood WTF he was doing has to be addressed, no matter what. It will make no difference in this case. But it is always an open question now.
@TenguPhule: Point taken. :)
Oh remember the good old days when these hyper-moralistic sacks of shit bleated about defining deviancy downward.
Hey Bill, want to place a bet on how long Pres. Low-T stays in office?
Uncle Cosmo
As they watch the sharks moving in, that tune is being rewritten as “Nearer! My God!! TOOTHEEEEE!!!!“
@Adam L Silverman: No, too much like retreating for Trump to stand. I put alcohol on Trump expanding his overseas trip to more destinations.
@germy: Stone faced Scott Pelley says this remarkable day began with Trump tweeting confirmation that he shared info with russia.
Speaking of children’s books….
Jim, Foolish Literalist
considering the source… BOOM goes the dynamite
??? Martin
The GOP hasn’t yet gotten to the “hey, at least he hasn’t killed and eaten anyone!” stage. We’ve got a ways to go yet.
On the upside, that Comey hearing will get better ratings than any episode of the Apprentice or his inauguration, which will result in some entertaining tweets.
Looked her up and yes, you’re right, but whew that is well past my window of optimum knowing…”my” X-Men and related were the 80s teams and characters.
@Corner Stone: Then they will be spared.
@MisterForkbeard: I think McMaster is serving in his current position under direct military orders. So, what his options are, and what he has to put on the line to get out of it is an interesting question.
@Baud: You can stop the thread right there.
@??? Martin:
But they have checked off “At least Trump’s not as bad as Hitler”.
So pretty close.
@Morzer: Wait, Ivanka’s actual title has the words “Rewriting the rules” in it? That seems WAY too on the nose.
I warned them.
“Don’t let the pigeon drive the bus,” I told them.
@Jeffro: Most of my knowledge is up to the mid-90s, when the fox saturday morning X-men show was on TV. But I loosely still follow it, and Quake has an analogue in the Agents of SHIELD show, so there you go.
@jl: I think his only real option is to stay there or resign. And at this point – he should resign.
If Trump goes down, McMasters will doubtlessly be brought onboard to any number of government initiatives or think tanks. He can continue to contribute in a real and meaningful way. Much like with Comey, bucking your boss publicly when they fuck up is a great way to get a reputation for independence and honesty that will get you future gigs.
@jl: He could resign. That he doesn’t makes him culpable.
I think we have to do something about the latest conservative grannies on crack epidemic.
@jl: If he doesn’t understand what he is doing, he should be removed from office via the 25th Amendment, Section 4. If he does understand what he’s doing, he should be impeached.
Uum the GOP spent millions examining the Clinton’s and Obama and the only thing they ever got any of them on was the fact that Bill lied about getting a blowjob. The last now four republican presidents only escaped without criminal charges by wailing about the unfairness of anyone holding them accountable, or having to rely on pardons. SAD!
Davis X. Machina
The largest crowds Nixon ever saw were on his summer 1974 trip to Egypt, just before his resignation.
Everything old is new again.
Corner Stone
Trump is going to fire him before he can do that. Then it will be sour grapes from a fired chump.
Trump owns McMaster now, lock, stock and barrel.
??? Martin
Kids who grew up after the 60s – days like today is why your mom always had a bottle of Xånax in the medicine cabinet.
‘Tis the true and verifiable title of the book-like product that hath Ivanka’s name its very self upon its cover.
@jl: Adam’s pointed out that he was due to retire, so he could have said no and retire. At this point he could resign his commission.
@lamh36: Ask ol’ Bill if he would extend the same excuse to HRC if she did what Trumpov has done.
@Morzer: At this point, I really have come to believe the Republican databases of their supporters need to be seized by law enforcement so we can figure out who are the loud and proud Republicans and winnow through them to figure out which ones are the traitors and which ones are just idiots.
@hovercraft: Not entirely true. They ALSO discovered that exactly like her predecessors and on their recommendations, Hillary used a private email server for non-classified mail.
There’s a lot of rotten apples in that cracker-barrel.
@TenguPhule: You should google ‘adverse information’.
??? Martin
I wonder if Trump regrets calling the FBI a bunch of nazis? I suspect not.
I know, especially as they’re all so gleeful in their coverage. Remember this is shit is their crack, if they can blow it up enough they’ll get to talk about impeachment, yay!!
@Morzer: I give the benefit of the doubt that it really isn’t all of them. But only because I have to.
@Morzer: Is the first chapter entitled “Rule #1: Work for your rich dad, but tell everyone you pulled yourself up by your bootstraps.”?
But then, that’s not rewriting so much as honestly restating the current rules for success.
@hovercraft: I gave up drinking over 6 years ago, I gave up MSNBC 6 months ago; still on the wagon.
@MattF: he lost it all at the Taj Mahal
@Paul W.:
Hey Paul W.
Took the words right out of my mouth.
I need my canines back. OW OW OW OW OW OWWWW…
A certain Richard Orvos has just denounced Erick Erickson on Twitter thus:
Poor Erick the Red. All he ever wanted was to be a lying, bigoted grifter.
El Caganer
@lamh36: True. Probably wouldn’t find any Russian spies, though.
Well, Erick Erickson is now being denounced as a liberal by Trump’s chumps, so the circle of crazy really is closing upon its own minions.
With so much coming out so fast, I just want to note that given the depth of this corruption, lawbreaking, treason, collusion with hostile foreign powers…AND…and most especially, the way that so many GOP “statesmen” went along with it every step of the way…we Dems are going to need to push hard no matter who resigns, no matter how swiftly they resign, how fast it all comes crumbling down around their ears.
I want every single one of their finances investigated for ties to Russia, China, other foreign governments.
I want the extent of the Kochs’ and Mercers’ “Dark Money” network fully exposed and talked about and when possible (although unlikely) prosecuted.
I want the public to hear Republicans admit to the full extent of their hypocrisy at every turn…make them admit that they would have long, long ago impeached President Generic Democrat, much less President Hillary Clinton.
All of it. Put the fucking Mercers under oath and ask them what they were trying to accomplish here. Put Lindsey Graham under oath and make him admit what he knew about Trumpov’s collusion and when he knew it. And send fucking Marco Rubio and Chris Christie and Carly Fiorina and Rick Perry and Ben Carson and Ted Cruz (and all the other Trumpov primary opponents that passed on bringing all of this stuff up back when it could have been stopped) to a deserted isle, where they can live out their days trying to club and eat each other.
“I love Taj Mahal. Great band! Doing great work!”
You’ll get tearful sniffles about loving their country and nothing else. Expose their criminal network and connections to domestic terrorism and maybe you’ve got something.
El Caganer
@??? Martin: I do the best obstruction of justice, I get all the best people, very yuge and classy…
On camera or it didn’t happen Grandpa
Trump is going to go ugly. Looks like some Congressional GOPers, like Issa, will start to malfunction in an ugly way. Some sad sacks are trying to keep up the cover-up act and the attempts make them look sad. I heard some GOPer on the news complain that the real problem is the person who leaked Trump’s Russian intelligence compromise story. The real crime is the leak! What about the leaker!? So said, a whole day late and a scandal short on the excuse mongering, And a tired excuse. The guy sounded old and disoriented.
Looks like many of the Congressional GOPes are zombied out, and will passively shuffle onward (eating their own brains?) I dunno. Midterms and the first best chance can’t come soon enough to get this dangerous shit show over with.
Edit: yeah, eating their own brains in public with asinine statements, swearing how good they taste, and getting pissy and yelling at anyone who won’t follow their example and eat their own brains too.
I’m just waiting for Trump’s morning tweets in about 10 hours or so.
@El Caganer: you left out ‘beleeeve me’.
El Caganer
@TenguPhule: Well, he hasn’t killed and eaten anybody that we know of – but it would be irresponsible not to speculate.
The reporter should say, “I’ve heard that one before, pull the other finger”.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I’m waiting to find out what Ivana’s maiden name was when Ivanka files to change the name(s) of her company(yes)
ETA: and a family in Bethesda comes home from Memorial Day weekend comes home to find Eric passed out in their kid’s bed, their child’s Teddy Bear covered in sicked up Jaeger
@El Caganer: Anybody seen Chris Christie lately? He’s kinda hard to miss.
@Jeffro: I don’t think Quake is a mutant, but she does have earthquake powers.
If it comes to that, I think probably sedated and strapped on a gurney.
So this is, what, three generals/admirals with distinguished careers who have been fucked by association with Manbaby?
@El Caganer: Given how much he demands his meat be overcooked, its not like he could tell the difference between pork and human flesh anyway.
stop your gloating, Adam.
(preemptive strike)
@efgoldman: Two. Flynn Doesn’t count as distinguished.
Gin & Tonic
@debbie: Thanks.
@efgoldman: what’s three measly generals/admirals when you fucked over a whole country?
Judging by her absence from any connection with the unfolding disaster, I’d say Melania is looking better and better for the smart one of the Trump crime family.
El Caganer
@?BillinGlendaleCA: OK, I’m ready to solve it: it was Donald Trump -in the kitchen – with a 500 degree oven and a bottle of ketchup.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Morzer: You think Tiffany is taking Ivanka’s calls these days?
Felonius Monk
@efgoldman: I’m just speculating here, but I think McMaster was the one who leaked the information that the WaPo story is based on. Not necessarily directly to WaPo, but to an trusted intermediary who then spilled the beans.
acosta’s revenge.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Omnes Omnibus
@Felonius Monk: I’ve wondered about that too.
Uncle Cosmo
@Gin & Tonic: Only in the Young Frankenstein sense: An Abby Normal Day…
@Felonius Monk: If the breach is as serious as I’ve read, probably a product of a group of people from several agencies decided to orchestrate the leak and the ornate kabuki responses to the news stories. Wouldn’t be surprised if McMaster was in on it, or kept tabs on it.
It’s a Deep State conspiracy! That’s the ticket.
@Paul W.: Though you have to admit, he’s made it awfully hard for Trumpsky to paint him as a tool of the Dems.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Tucker Carlson’s stories tonight: an update on the Clinton foundation, and Tim Allen’s “popular” TV show canceled by ABC
randy khan
Charlie Pierce on MSNBC just a moment ago: Paul Ryan is an “intellectual invertebrate.”
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Let me guess, it’s a story about how they’re helping the poor throughout the world?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Hahahaha.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: and the wingnutz are on a warpath with abc.
cuppa schadenfreude overflowth.
Felonius Monk
@randy khan:
Intellectual and Paul Ryan should not be used in the same sentence. OOPs.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@randy khan: and Charlie Sykes, who I believe is a personal friend of Ryan, doesn’t exactly leap to his defense
So McCain is comparing this to Watergate, and it sounds (reads) like Graham is still hedging his bets and, if not defending Trump, coming as close as anyone not names trump would dare? I wonder if McCain is in for a flurry of whiny texts about not being told what “we” were gonna do about this
Per Maddow. NBC confirms that another subpoena has been issued in federal investigation of Trump Associate
New subpeona relates to loan taken by Manafort immediately after resigning from Trump …from company related to prev Trump business assoc
@lamh36: the CNN analyst who was never part of the campaign?
@p.a.: “If there’s nothing wrong with [my party], maybe there’s something wrong with the universe.”
@Peale: [Deleted]
Corner Stone
@randy khan: CPP called ZEGS something like the biggest fake (or phony) in US politics.
And that appears to be number three.
Gin & Tonic
@lamh36: I will open one of my best single malts when Paul Fucking Manafort goes down.
zhena gogolia
history has its eyes on you (sorry!)
@Morzer: Ok. I’m pretty sure Bob Mercer would actually go ahead and spell it all out for whomever asked.
Adam L Silverman
@amk: For?
zhena gogolia
inorite? I have this mental image of someone who has a gun on him 24/7 and making him watch MSNBC.
@Adam L Silverman: I presume your next gloating.
@zhena gogolia: Not Clockwork Orange strapped down with taped up eyes?
Omnes Omnibus
@zhena gogolia: I’ve been known to hate watch “Southern Charm.”
@Adam L Silverman: I told you so’s are coming, aren’t they?
And it gets smaller every day.
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Sykes has by now read what Pierce wrote about him yesterday.
Trump transition handling of classified info raised concern https://apnews.com/5e675fb16ff643cb9082ba242b72c859
Corner Stone
@zhena gogolia: No false moves or the Corner Stone gets it!
“He’ll do it! He’s crazy!!”
WaPo: “As Trump’s woes mount, congressional Republicans arrive at a moment of reckoning”
You thought you were going to ride this tiger all the way in, GOP…so go for it! Stick with him, all the way down.
Adam L Silverman
@amk: For what?
Hey Adam…your girlfirend Joy will be on Lawrence tonight
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Adam L Silverman: and now, so have I.
I thought Charlie looked a little out of sorts during that segment, I attributed it to his recent gall bladder explosion
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: Excellent! I have the DVR set already.
Going to walk the girls in case it actually storms later instead of just looking like it is going to storm. Back later. Try not to go selling out the Republic to any foreign powers or anything while I’m gone…
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Sykes is correct in what he’s been saying since last Summer. Pierce is correct, and right to be a bit irked about it, that Sykes is just as guilty of creating this mess as anyone. Sykes’ career is another demonstration of the concept of Jews without mercy.
@Adam L Silverman:
But..but.. the Russians are our friends. The president told me so on Twitter, on TV, in the Oval Office, in the Naughty Hellfire Club…
@Adam L Silverman:
But Japan is offering us such a great deal for basing rights! How could we say no?
‘One of these is not like the others, one of these does not belong….
Felonius Monk
Anderson Cooper’s interview with Sally Yates is pretty interesting.
@Baud: we would like to impeach trump but we don’t have the balls”
Fixed it for you.
Corner Stone
@Adam L Silverman:
Sykes’ career is yet another example of no allies to be found in the anti-Trump tribal clan.
turkish twitler to the original twitler: FU.
poor, poor donnie. getting dished by fellow dicktaytor.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
remember when some Dems wanted to give Nancy the boot cause she was totes like old and had establishment cooties?
ETA: @Corner Stone: co-belligerents
Gin & Tonic
Eat your hearts out, Floridian. “Woman found with lizard in her bra faces DUI charges.”
@Adam L Silverman:
Charlie did admit in the run up to the primary in WI that he was as responsible as FOX and Rush for creating the environment where the GOP voters live in an impenetrable bubble, for years he and they had been telling them that the MSM were lying shills carrying water for the democratic party, and that now “facts” were the same as opinion.
“Look, everyone, let’s compromise on a lifetime supply of sushi and the Germans get Pearl Harbor since they wanted it enough to attack it in 1865. Oh, and the Japanese can build a wall between them and Mexico and Wisconsin will pay for it. Now, let’s hit the links at Mar-a-Rubio and you can tell me how presidential my swing looks. I have the greatest swing. Really, it’s bigly. Like everything else. Winning!”
Jim, Foolish Literalist
If Comey’s story holds up, and Trump is covering not just for Flynn but a lot of other stuff too, very close to him, the question will be why did GOP go with this so completely. Certain GOPers running for boondocks and thickets as fast as they can (Gowdy, Cornyn, Chaffetz) indicate that somebody or group in the GOP knows what is up and sending out warnings.
One reason is that they have gotten away with this kind of subversion and bad faith fraud before. Several times in presidential politics. They have gotten away with it, with big pay-offs. I’d like that history discussed too. I think historians will surely write it up sooner or later. Sooner sounds better to me. Real very sooner, like right now sounds good.
@Felonius Monk: yes…I’m watching it now…
This @AC360 interview with Sally Yates!
“Resigning would have protected my person intergrity, but not…the integrity of the DOJ”
Doug R
@Morzer: Don’t think the powder he’s using is iocaine.
Corner Stone
They will. There’s no danger or risk of sticking with Trump.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Fake tollbooth? Fake town?
@Doug R:
You say I and I say C,
You say Putin and I say P,
Potato, Patata,
Pimento, Pinata
Let’s call the whole thing off….
@Gin & Tonic:
Big lizard or small bra?
@Gin & Tonic:
You have lizards in MA? Is this like the python situation in Floriduh, pets gone wild?
Doug R
@MisterForkbeard: Agents of Shield season finale in less than half an hour :)
@Doug R: Tonight, someone dies.
It’s interesting to think that not too many years from now, school kids will learn about how one man…one lone casino and real estate magnate…one reality TV star…managed to top Richard Nixon, Benedict Arnold, and Gallagher the comedian.
Thanks, GOP enablers!!!
Yeah, they come from Wrentham and drive pick-up trucks.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
They are keeping the outside world safe from the current occupant?
@Morzer: You’ll get pleas of the 5th on advice of legal counsel. Nothing further,ever.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@sigaba: authentic frontier gibberish, taking himself hostage till we agree to let him go, then dancing The French Mistake all the way back to Mar-A-Lago
and what Marco von Schtubbio said about him and his hands, it’s twoo! it’s twoo!
(by the way, not a major aspect of all this, but all you Palm Beach one percenters who spent years looking down on trump and his club till he stumbled into the White House and then coughed up doubled membership fees for access…. How ya doin’? )
@jl: my guess is that the investigation into the Russians has snared a few big donors to the party. Someone who they’ve all taken donations from or invested with. Remember how touchy they were over rules about selling information or investing on insider knowledge. I bet they can’t take down one donor without losing a whole bunch of them.
@Corner Stone: What are they going to do? Stick with him and watch a backlash from majority of the country and have a catastrophic midterm? Or cut and run and endure the wrath of the crazy Trumpist base for their betrayal, and have a catastrophic midterm?
If this is half as bad as it looks, probably a lot of them will shuffle off, zombied out, to their doom. Really not much for them to do at this point.
I think when things really got bad before, watch for resignations and decisions not to run. But after awhile the wingnut welfare market will be saturated, and some of them will face those tough hard choices they like a lecture people about.
I think the GOP has such a history of this kind of BS and getting away with it, they just figured it would work out somehow. I hope the whole scam comes crashing down on them. Otherwise it will definitely crash down on the rest of us.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Looking to verify Jeet Heer’s tweet, the Washington Post’s front page right now is pretty interesting.
It’s so strange to see sensible headlines over Ruth Marcus and Jennifer Rubin bylines (“Why didn’t Trump want anyone else to hear his conversation with Comey?” and “Comey may have gotten his man”, respectively).
But with all the excitement, have we all missed Sen. Cornyn withdraws from FBI director consideration?
You presume they’re gonna let themselves lose an election.
It’s interesting to think that not too many years from now, school kids will learn about how one man…one lone real estate magnate…one reality TV star…managed to top Richard Nixon, Benedict Arnold, and Gallagher the comedian.
Thanks, GOP enablers!!!
and Trumpov, how do you like this karma, baby? You’re gonna make history, just not quite the way you thought!
@Adam L Silverman:
You’re no fun.
@dm: No, I noticed that. And I wondered who is running around giving very quiet words to wise, what they know, and how and why they know it.
@TenguPhule: We have to GOTV and ferociously resist the voter suppression effort so much that their plans won’t work, or are swamped by voter turnout.
Edit: and remember, elections are run by state and local governments. Looks like many big Trump plans are pissing off those people, in both parties. Which will help.
Corner Stone
@lamh36: As far as I am concerned they should rename the channel MSJOY and give her programming discretion. I could use a few more hours a week of Joy Reid.
Patricia Kayden
@Paul W.: But would Comey have gone public if Trump hadn’t fired him? Still don’t care for him but would love to see him bring Trump down along with the GOP.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Given the earlier reports of Trump basically blowing a gasket as he appeared to be melting down, would it be too much to ask to learn that he actually stroked out mid-tantrum?
@Jeffro: Trump’s taken up smashing watermelons with a large mallet?
ETA: Now that’s Must See TV!
@Patricia Kayden:
” But would Comey have gone public ”
Comey was running an investigation. No reason to go public until indictments ready for Flynn, Manafort, etc. etc. So, Probably quite a surprise to Comey that Trump decided to commit something, ahem… germane to the investigation, right in front of Comey’s eyes and ears? Well, Comey knows the drill, you go back to the office, file a report, and get on the new leads, right?
I thought that lizard was sent out to New Zealand to be tragically eaten by demon sheep.
@Jeffro: Yes the whole rotten edifice of the GOP needs to go down hard and end up carrion in the middle of some lonely stretch of the everglades highway where alligators, crows, bugs and pythons can pick at their remains. The rotten GOP is unworthy of governance and we need to ream them and undo Citizens United ASA{P
Corner Stone
@jl: Bullshit. There is no downside to sticking with Trump at this point.
Fair Economist
Lockdown at the White House? Maybe Trump went off the beam and is waving a gun around. We can only hope – for injuries.
@hovercraft: Carly’s in New Zealand?
Fair Economist
There is definitely a downside for Republicans sticking with Trump, it’s just less of a downside than turning on him has. By the time his popularity with Republicans gets low enough for them to not want to support him, it won’t matter – they’ll be looking at a 1930-level wipeout no matter what they do.
Nah, Scott Brown ; ) but hey maybe he needs a deputy?
Adam L Silverman
@Corner Stone: Maybe, maybe not.
@hovercraft: Maybe she’ll bring her demon sheep.
Adam L Silverman
@hovercraft: I saw that. And it was stand up of him to do so. But that didn’t seem to make it into his NY Times’ op-ed.
@Adam L Silverman: Sorry Adam, we sold the country while you were out with the dogs; but we got great deal!
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: No. Someone jumped the bike rack and fence on the North lawn about 7 hours ago.
Sean Spicer has been returned to his office and shackled to his desk.
@Adam L Silverman: well, if you gonna question everything …
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: Why not big lizard, big bra?
Adam L Silverman
@Doug R: Got your email. Have not forgotten you. Things, as you may have noticed, have been a wee bit busy today.
BCHS Class of 1980
@Bostonian: It’s not a paper trail. It’s a paper superhighway complete with rest stops.
Viva BrisVegas
This going to make a great TV series.
I just hope that it’s on Netflix, I’ll be wanting to binge watch it.
Will it be a tragedy, a farce, or a tragi-farce?
The big problem will be finding a sympathetic character to hang the plot on.
I’m hoping the writers of The Handmaid’s Tale are available.
@Adam L Silverman:
The Lizard of Floz.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
come on, we can’t quit just shy of the Tbogg!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Drain the Tbogg… er.. Tswamp?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: paging NR. there. done.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Morzer: Flood it! with comments!
@amk: extreme trolling in the achieving of a Tbogg is a vice!
also. too. why are bs bots strangely silent tonight? comey got their tongue?
@Adam L Silverman:
He’ll get a locksmith and be back among the bushes in no time.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Only a Tbogg vice can really take your pleasure to 500 notches!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: I’m doin’ my part.
Alternative Fax, a hip hop artist from Idaho
It’s only Tuesday. I’m in a deficit of evens to can’t, and I expect it to triple by Friday.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@amk: The Chosen One is on CNN. Their carefully listening for the messages he’s sending to their fillings (hint: They’re all “Wall Street!”)
@amk: Don’t go there.
@amk: There HAS been less talk of BS/Wilmer in general. Not much of a reason for them to come in here.
Is that Bushes with a capital B?
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I just wanted to hear how this is all obama’s fault one more time.
anyhoo, mission accomplished. Hope jim is ‘appy.
Adam L Silverman
Well done everyone. Two Tboggs in the past several days. You should all be very proud.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@amk: We are
@Adam L Silverman: and this one all but troll free, I think
I wonder if some future Shakespeare will look back to the Dark Age of America and write a tragedy based on Trump. King Leer, perhaps?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Morzer: trumpello: Boor of Menace
BCHS Class of 1980
@mdblanche: I think Ol’ Poodlehead is looking to buff his goo-goo credentials for his upcoming UT gubernatorial run. The beauty of it is that he won’t be around to actually have to lower the hammer ? on Trump.
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Basset hounds for everyone!
Omnes Omnibus
@Morzer: A tragic hero needs to be admirable but with a fatal flaw. How would this work?
BCHS Class of 1980
@Morzer: Looks like Issa is going full Slim Pickens: “Yee-haw” all the way down.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Well, he could be presented as a man deluded about his talents and character, increasingly isolated until even his cherished daughter and son-in-law betray him and he is left raging in the dark. Something could be done with that.
@Morzer: No, Lear was an old fool, not a villain. And he had one child who loved him for more than just what he could give her.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I do like that. It’s a lovely idea for a play (on words too!).
Tempora mutantur et nos mutamur in illis.
Omnes Omnibus
@Morzer: @mdblanche: Lear was also a really competent person who was past it. What could make Trump a tragic hero? Ball is in your court.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Tiffelia! Undone by Erican and Donnerill!
@Omnes Omnibus:
So you think that our hypothetical future Shakespeare is just going to transcribe his predecessor and change the names a little?
As for the understanding of the tragic hero that you present, it’s only one interpretation and not even one that holds up that well for much of Euripides, never mind Seneca. It’s not the be all and end all of possible tragic visions.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Rosenstein and Guilderspice are Dead.
BCHS Class of 1980
@Gin & Tonic: Hell, here in Flori-duh you never know when a gecko is gonna get intimate.
Omnes Omnibus
@Morzer: I don’t think a proper tragedy is possible out of this shit show. Maybe Mattis or McMaster, depending on how things play out.
You have to admire the sheer audacity of the grift.
@Omnes Omnibus: Um… he saved his kingdom from being ruled by a Moor and being taken over by a witch?
@Morzer: I suppose if we’re really lucky this will all just be an absurdist comedy instead of a tragedy.
Omnes Omnibus
@mdblanche: Nice try.
No One You Know
@David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch: The optics of that photograph, had a photographer captured it, would have been fantastic karma. As stated up thread: Schadenfreude. It’s what’s for dinner.
No One You Know
@dm: How does that follow? He can’t pardon someone who hasn’t even been investigated, let alone convicted, can he?
@Gravenstone: wouldn’t be surprised if he got hold of one of his son’s hunting rifles and started “looking” for the leakers…
No One You Know
@japa21: Happy news is never off topic. Congratulations!