I don’t know about that. Call me when Trump’s negligence leads to a four-figure death toll on American soil twice on his watch.
Not saying he was worse than Trump. Just saying that they can suck in different ways but still suck equally.
The Thin Black Duke
Nope. Trump happened because Bush happened.
Tim C.
Bush shit the bed big time, but fair is fair, by 2006 *he* knew he had shit the bed and it was time to do things a *little* differently. He also, to his credit, made efforts to hide and tampen down the hateful wing of his party. Visiting the mosque after 9/11 saved lives I think. On the other hand…… yeah I don’t miss him, but he’s no longer the worst president of the 21st and 20th century.
MERKEL: “Hello? Is this my sweet Barack? Barack Obama, I miss you!”
If ISIS released a video of the source being beheaded, the republicans would shrug their shoulders. They want to rid us of the safety net and cut taxes for their buddies.
Only in the sense that if I had an incurable brain tumor and then found out that I had Ebola which had managed to consume all of the tumor and now was proceeding to eat the rest of me, then yes at that point I would miss the tumor.
Here’s the thing about all this. Much of the world was really shocked that we re-elected C+ Augustus. They sort of gave us a pass on electing him, but when, after his stunningly bad first term we (well, idiot voters) re-elected him, many of our allies got pretty damn worried about our ability to self-govern.
Then we elected Obama and he launched his worldwide apology tour carefully and methodically rebuild many of the damaged relationships, and governed with a steadiness that seemed to reassure the world that we hadn’t slid into being unpredictable, self-harming, world-screwing morons.
But as Dubya famously said, “Fool me once, shame on… shame on you. Fool me… You can’t get fooled again!”
Our global reputation is for shit. And will remain so for at least a generation.
If Trump serves a full term, and the earth isn’t a radioactive cinder, we may as well just elect Ivanka and give her a lifetime presidency, because we will have proven that we no longer deserve the constitution our forebears gave us. We’ll just admit that we idolize decrepit Argentina and be done with it.
Xecky Gilchrist
Not just no but fuck no.
@PaulWartenberg: Well at least she had him, it could have been worse, she could have the gropey shrub, followed by get off my lawn and Annie Oakley, and then this pustule of ignorance and resentment. That’s assuming that McGrumpy hadn’t started WWIII and any of us were still here.
Agreed. We can’t be sure how much or in how many ways we’d be different if the supreme court had not appointed Bush Jr, but we can be certain there’d be no Roberts or Alito and therefore no Shelby County.
If ISIS released a video of the source being beheaded, the republicans would shrug their shoulders. They want to rid us of the safety net and cut taxes for their buddies.
Turtle’s statement yesterday or today about how this whole divulging-classified-info-to-the-Russkies-who-apparently-are-now-our-BFFs thing is just a distraction from “tax reform” and wiping out them coloreds other stuff confirmed your point. Not that it needed confirming, of course.
let’s not forget many of the misdeeds of Bush which, dumb as he is, still way way exceed Trump’s. Obviously Bush had more time and I expect Trump or even Pence will fail if given as much time.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I think in ’01 we still had a small cluster of honest-to-god Rockefeller/Eisenhower Republicans.
Rove and Limbaugh et al took them out
I’ll go so far as to say I miss them. Even Nixonite in some of the worst sense of the word Dick Lugar.
I don’t know about that. Call me when Trump’s negligence leads to a four-figure death toll on American soil twice on his watch
Oh, the “First 100 Days” thing is a FAKE deadline anyway, so just give him a little more time to accomplish that. He never said he’d kill the undesirables in the first 100 days, and any info that says otherwise is FAKE NEWS.
They want to rid us of the safety net and cut taxes for their buddies.
Agree. But the insane thing about this is, if our nightmare of misrule continues for four years, I feel reasonably certain that our economy will be in tatters. We haven’t had any actual domestic non-political crisis yet.
But just imagine a devastating hurricane raking all the way up coastal Florida and thru the Carolinas. Maybe $150-200 billion in losses (Sandy was $65B), the insurance/re-insurance markets in crisis, no safe drinking water in cities for weeks, smaller towns for months, etc. Complete breakdown of standard business practices for months from Miami to Charleston in most sectors of the economy.
The stock market would do more than a ‘correction’ in that scenario. Housing prices are already getting kinda ‘frothy’ again, particularly in blue states that Trump doesn’t give a rip about. Whack 25% out of people’s nest eggs in the market, and real estate slumps badly. Ect etc. (For an alternate terror sweat, imagine BP Anaconda happening under Trump!)
My point is, Ryan and McConnell lusting after tax cuts, and abetted by most of corporate America, will probably be cutting taxes on a hobbled and flailing economy. This is what end-state metastasizing Republicanism is getting us. And Yay for tax cuts as GDP collapses! Brilliant, capitalists. You bankrolled this disease, and it’ll end in tears for all of us. You 1%s included.
If you change the last date on the meme to April 20th 2017, I would agree.
I wouldn’t want the deplorables to be able to say that I never gave Deadbeat Donny a chance.
I disagree. Trump happened because goddamn McCain made Caribou Barbie happen.
And no, I don’t miss W, but I’d give anything for Romney to have been the GOP nominee last year. If Hillary was going to lose, let her lose to someone who could be reasonably expected to keep the country in one piece.
I actually have said this, repeatedly: “We TRIED an incompetent fool who was good at parroting talking points. It yielded an asleep-at-the-wheel terrorist attack, and a huge, costly, pointless war. Why the HECK would we want to try that again?”
But… the picture makes a damn good point. George W. was sane, wise, and competent, by comparison.
Fox and the vast right wing nut media are why The Donald is considered an acceptable Republican now. In the old days, Republicans weren’t all that different from conventional Democrats. The gap between them grew exponentially since Nixon. Look, Barry Goldwater was considered a loon in the early 60’s. Now Barry might not even be able to get elected with his views. What changed? The baseline changed. Bigly.
@The Thin Black Duke: Pretty much, yeah. Remember his nomination to the Supreme Court? Harriet MIers? I actually saw someone say, to people blasting the choice, “how do you know she won’t be a good, conservative justice?”
I won’t say that *W* made Trump happen, quite, though. The Republican Party and right wing media’s normalization of him did that. That, and, of course, normalization of McCain and his mavericky-maverick sidekick, you betcha.
@SFAW: Oh yeah. It’ll definitely happen. That’s the tragic part.
@Raoul: This. I have two comments in moderation for no good reason that I can see, other than I’m agreeing with you and saying ‘yes yes 1000 times yes’. This fucking website, honestly.
No, no, no, a thousand fucking no. To add to the no “HELL NO”. Now if you need further explanation, I will ask you what part of NO did you not understand, the “N”or “O”
No respect or whatever for the shrub, none, but he was/is a conservative, not a lunatic with some rather massive personality defects. Not a good choice but a better choice than what we have now. Better of course being a comparitive, not a declarative.
Tried to add, do I want him back? Hell fucking NO. But as a horrible to bad comparison as bad as he was, he could learn. He actually can understand some things.
Jonathan Holland Becnel
The Neoliberal rehabilitation of W continues unabated.
The Moar You Know
Actually, no, but damn, at least the fucker was minimally qualified. Or at the least, not a national humiliation.
Okay, I’ll throw this thread a bone. Actually there’s a lot of truth to this Dolt 43 meme.(Christ kill me now)
ETA: Shakes fist limply at TMYN
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
I don’t know about that. Call me when Trump’s negligence leads to a four-figure death toll on American soil twice on his watch.
Not saying he was worse than Trump. Just saying that they can suck in different ways but still suck equally.
The Thin Black Duke
Nope. Trump happened because Bush happened.
Tim C.
Bush shit the bed big time, but fair is fair, by 2006 *he* knew he had shit the bed and it was time to do things a *little* differently. He also, to his credit, made efforts to hide and tampen down the hateful wing of his party. Visiting the mosque after 9/11 saved lives I think. On the other hand…… yeah I don’t miss him, but he’s no longer the worst president of the 21st and 20th century.
MERKEL: “Hello? Is this my sweet Barack? Barack Obama, I miss you!”
If ISIS released a video of the source being beheaded, the republicans would shrug their shoulders. They want to rid us of the safety net and cut taxes for their buddies.
Only in the sense that if I had an incurable brain tumor and then found out that I had Ebola which had managed to consume all of the tumor and now was proceeding to eat the rest of me, then yes at that point I would miss the tumor.
Here’s the thing about all this. Much of the world was really shocked that we re-elected C+ Augustus. They sort of gave us a pass on electing him, but when, after his stunningly bad first term we (well, idiot voters) re-elected him, many of our allies got pretty damn worried about our ability to self-govern.
Then we elected Obama and he
launched his worldwide apology tourcarefully and methodically rebuild many of the damaged relationships, and governed with a steadiness that seemed to reassure the world that we hadn’t slid into being unpredictable, self-harming, world-screwing morons.But as Dubya famously said, “Fool me once, shame on… shame on you. Fool me… You can’t get fooled again!”
Our global reputation is for shit. And will remain so for at least a generation.
If Trump serves a full term, and the earth isn’t a radioactive cinder, we may as well just elect Ivanka and give her a lifetime presidency, because we will have proven that we no longer deserve the constitution our forebears gave us. We’ll just admit that we idolize decrepit Argentina and be done with it.
Xecky Gilchrist
Not just no but fuck no.
@PaulWartenberg: Well at least she had him, it could have been worse, she could have the gropey shrub, followed by get off my lawn and Annie Oakley, and then this pustule of ignorance and resentment. That’s assuming that McGrumpy hadn’t started WWIII and any of us were still here.
I’ll take DumbYa over Trumpov any day.
James Powell
@The Thin Black Duke:
Agreed. We can’t be sure how much or in how many ways we’d be different if the supreme court had not appointed Bush Jr, but we can be certain there’d be no Roberts or Alito and therefore no Shelby County.
Turtle’s statement yesterday or today about how this whole divulging-classified-info-to-the-Russkies-who-apparently-are-now-our-BFFs thing is just a distraction from “tax reform” and
wiping out them coloredsother stuff confirmed your point. Not that it needed confirming, of course.cokane
let’s not forget many of the misdeeds of Bush which, dumb as he is, still way way exceed Trump’s. Obviously Bush had more time and I expect Trump or even Pence will fail if given as much time.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I think in ’01 we still had a small cluster of honest-to-god Rockefeller/Eisenhower Republicans.
Rove and Limbaugh et al took them out
I’ll go so far as to say I miss them. Even Nixonite in some of the worst sense of the word Dick Lugar.
@Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA:
Oh, the “First 100 Days” thing is a FAKE deadline anyway, so just give him a little more time to accomplish that. He never said he’d kill the undesirables in the first 100 days, and any info that says otherwise is FAKE NEWS.
Agree. But the insane thing about this is, if our nightmare of misrule continues for four years, I feel reasonably certain that our economy will be in tatters. We haven’t had any actual domestic non-political crisis yet.
But just imagine a devastating hurricane raking all the way up coastal Florida and thru the Carolinas. Maybe $150-200 billion in losses (Sandy was $65B), the insurance/re-insurance markets in crisis, no safe drinking water in cities for weeks, smaller towns for months, etc. Complete breakdown of standard business practices for months from Miami to Charleston in most sectors of the economy.
The stock market would do more than a ‘correction’ in that scenario. Housing prices are already getting kinda ‘frothy’ again, particularly in blue states that Trump doesn’t give a rip about. Whack 25% out of people’s nest eggs in the market, and real estate slumps badly. Ect etc. (For an alternate terror sweat, imagine BP Anaconda happening under Trump!)
My point is, Ryan and McConnell lusting after tax cuts, and abetted by most of corporate America, will probably be cutting taxes on a hobbled and flailing economy. This is what end-state metastasizing Republicanism is getting us. And Yay for tax cuts as GDP collapses! Brilliant, capitalists. You bankrolled this disease, and it’ll end in tears for all of us. You 1%s included.
If you change the last date on the meme to April 20th 2017, I would agree.
I wouldn’t want the deplorables to be able to say that I never gave Deadbeat Donny a chance.
Nuts to this. Fucking war criminal.
Ian G.
@The Thin Black Duke:
I disagree. Trump happened because goddamn McCain made Caribou Barbie happen.
And no, I don’t miss W, but I’d give anything for Romney to have been the GOP nominee last year. If Hillary was going to lose, let her lose to someone who could be reasonably expected to keep the country in one piece.
@The Thin Black Duke: What you said. Not no but hell no.
I actually have said this, repeatedly: “We TRIED an incompetent fool who was good at parroting talking points. It yielded an asleep-at-the-wheel terrorist attack, and a huge, costly, pointless war. Why the HECK would we want to try that again?”
But… the picture makes a damn good point. George W. was sane, wise, and competent, by comparison.
Fox and the vast right wing nut media are why The Donald is considered an acceptable Republican now. In the old days, Republicans weren’t all that different from conventional Democrats. The gap between them grew exponentially since Nixon. Look, Barry Goldwater was considered a loon in the early 60’s. Now Barry might not even be able to get elected with his views. What changed? The baseline changed. Bigly.
@The Thin Black Duke: Pretty much, yeah. Remember his nomination to the Supreme Court? Harriet MIers? I actually saw someone say, to people blasting the choice, “how do you know she won’t be a good, conservative justice?”
I won’t say that *W* made Trump happen, quite, though. The Republican Party and right wing media’s normalization of him did that. That, and, of course, normalization of McCain and his mavericky-maverick sidekick, you betcha.
Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA
@SFAW: Oh yeah. It’ll definitely happen. That’s the tragic part.
@Raoul: This. I have two comments in moderation for no good reason that I can see, other than I’m agreeing with you and saying ‘yes yes 1000 times yes’. This fucking website, honestly.
In other news, Kissinger is still not dead.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
you should totally stop commenting here. Fucking honestly.
NO FUCK NO AND ALWAYS NO. He was the first step in the GOP turning this country over to the horror of fundamentalism and oligarchy. Not ever.
No, Bush still needs to DIAFF.
@Oatler.: And the world is worse off for it.
Only one out of three.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
You always ask for the best stuff.
@Mingobat f/k/a Karen in GA:
It isn’t September yet.
@artem1s: first step? you’re thinking of Reagan
No, no, no, a thousand fucking no. To add to the no “HELL NO”. Now if you need further explanation, I will ask you what part of NO did you not understand, the “N”or “O”
No respect or whatever for the shrub, none, but he was/is a conservative, not a lunatic with some rather massive personality defects. Not a good choice but a better choice than what we have now. Better of course being a comparitive, not a declarative.
Tried to add, do I want him back? Hell fucking NO. But as a horrible to bad comparison as bad as he was, he could learn. He actually can understand some things.
Jonathan Holland Becnel
The Neoliberal rehabilitation of W continues unabated.
Wtf is wrong with you, Cole?!!
It’s like ur the victim of Stockholm Syndrome.
@TenguPhule: I only said by comparison… though I won’t argue to strongly in his defense.