Hillary Clinton gave the commencement address at Wellesley today, and she used the occasion to righteously roast Trump’s ass. At one point, referring to her own graduation from that institution, she pointedly mentioned that the class of 1969 was “furious about the past presidential election of a man whose presidency would eventually end in disgrace with his impeachment for obstruction of justice. After firing the person running the investigation into him at the Department of Justice.”
The crowd went wild. Here’s the full speech:
Here’s an excerpt in which Clinton calls out the Republican con in no uncertain terms:
You are graduating at a time when there is a full-fledged assault on truth and reason. Just log on to social media for ten seconds. It will hit you right in the face. People denying science, concocting elaborate, hurtful conspiracies theories about child abuse rings operating out of pizza parlors. Drumming up rampant fear about undocumented immigrants, Muslims, minorities, the poor. Turning neighbor against neighbor and sowing division at a time when we desperately need unity. Some are even denying things we see with our own eyes. Like the size of crowds.
And then defending themselves by talking about “alternative facts.” But this is serious business. Look at the budget that was just proposed in Washington. It is an attack of unimaginable cruelty on the most vulnerable among us, the youngest, the oldest, the poorest, and hardworking people who need a little help to gain or hang on to a decent middle-class life. It grossly underfunds public education, mental health, and efforts even to combat the opioid epidemic. And in reversing our commitment to fight climate change, it puts the future of our nation and our world at risk.
And to top it off, it is shrouded in a trillion-dollar mathematical lie. Let’s call it what it is. It’s a con. They don’t even try to hide it. Why does all this matter? It matters because if our leaders lie about the problems we face, we’ll never solve them. It matters because it undermines confidence in government as a whole which in turn breeds more cynicism and anger. But it also matters because our country, like this college, was founded on the principles of the enlightenment. In particular, the belief that people, you and I, possess the capacity for reason and critical thinking. And that free and open debate is the life blood of a democracy.
Bet she never thought she’d be urging a Wellesley class to use their elite educations to resist the New Dark Ages in 2017! The full transcript is here.
In other Hillary Clinton news, Rebecca Traister’s fascinating piece on Clinton was published in NY Mag today. Here’s a stark warning about the lessons of 2016:
“Whoever comes next, this is not going to end. Republicans learned that if you suppress votes you win … So take me out of the equation as a candidate. You know, I’m not running for anything. Put me into the equation as somebody who has lived the lessons that people who care about this country should probably pay attention to.”
Yep. Also, this will launch a thousand angry tweetstorms from all points on the compass:
There are plenty of people who yearned for Clinton to get mad; during the campaign, an imagined litany of Clinton’s fury entitled “Let Me Remind You Fuckers Who I Am” went viral. “Oh, I am [pissed],” she says. But as a woman in public life, “you can’t be angry for yourself. You just can’t. You can be indignant, you can be annoyed, you can be frustrated, but you can’t be angry … I don’t think anger’s a strategy.”
You mean it’s not a strategy for you, I clarify. “For me, yeah.” She pauses. “But I don’t think it’s a good strategy for most people.”
But this was an election that was, in many ways, about anger. And Trump and Sanders capitalized on that.
“Yes.” Clinton nods. “And I beat both of them.”
Anyhoo, fascinating stuff.
Yup yup yup. Can’t wait to read the entire piece, and to watch her Wellesley speech. Thanks so much for the links, Mrs. Cracker.
Thanks, Betty. Good stuff.
Did the article then say that she dropped her fucking microphone and walked away?
I was wondering what that weird howling noise was. Now I know. It’s the BothSiderists, Bern dead-enders, and the usual ghouls on the right all braying in unison that HRC had the temerity say a bunch of true shit they don’t like.
Anger as a strategy only works for dominant male group, you are branded as an angry, uppity woman for the temerity of actually having an opinion and stating it. I have seen it here in the Balloon Juice comment section as well as IRL.
Corner Stone
Hillary gave a speech somewhere today? Damn! I wish I had caught that!
What were people angry about, though? That a black man was better than they could ever be themselves? Why did the economic turnaround fail to make them happy?
@SiubhanDuinne: hellz yeah
1. Yes.
2. See # 1.
To rub salt in that wound, he gave them charity. You have no idea how humiliating and infuriating that is to them. We are watching play out the actual old joke about a racist refusing to let a black man save him from drowning.
@Frankensteinbeck: When I’m president, expect many anvils to be tossed.
Davis X. Machina
I couldn’t listen to it.
I’m not sexist, but she just rubs me the wrong way.
She’s got that whole two-X-chromosomes thing going.
She has to ditch that before 2020 before she runs again.
And she makes me feel dumb.
Another Scott
Excellent. I’ll watch the whole thing tonight.
In other news, Tillerson is continuing to trash the State Department:
He’s doing a fantastic job.
@Another Scott: If American Muslims were made of money like the Saudis, then Oily Tillerson and his boss would hold a dinner and dance as well.
Yes, but she didn’t beat Donald hard enough. Tapping into the anger would have neutralized some of Donald’s minimal advantage.
Don’t forget the first time she spoke there.
@Wag: Thanks for the back seat electioneering. We really needed that today.
I Fucking love her. The election was stolen from us. Progress was stolen from us.
We were invaded by a hostile foreign state which was assisted by the Republican Party, elected Republican officials, the media, and even our own FBI.
I still say we should have a do over and make sure that every vote has a paper receipt and every eligible person can vote.
Major Major Major Major
I heard she coughed, though, so.
@Another Scott:
Be fair, there’s not much left to trash since they can’t actually do anything anymore.
John Lydon
@MomSense: They couldn’t stand it, that a black man and a woman were better than they were so they elevated a person who has worse manners than a toddler. Who shoves people and can’t shake hands or hug.
You’re welcome.
And for the record, I fully support Clinton and gave money and walked miles door to door for her campaign. I voted for her and talked up her candidacy with everyone I knew. And yes , she won the popular vote handily.
But if she’d addressed the anger directed against her with righteous anger, it might have made a difference.
It sure as hell wouldn’t have hurt.
Tapping into anger for political gain is the province for white males and white males only in America.
Major Major Major Major
You don’t know that. It seems like your test for determining if something could have hurt is whether or not she did it; by this logic, standing on her head during the debates “sure as hell wouldn’t have hurt”.
zhena gogolia
@Major Major Major Major:
They always claim they campaigned for her.
@Major Major Major Major: But her anger…
ETA: I mean, jesus christ, people thought she *killed* people….
@p.a.: Rise is one of my favorite songs. Together with the Buzzcocks’, I Believe In, they basically sum up the times.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: “Is this theatrical attempt to sound angry meant to distract from her emails and other scandals?” and/or “…. an attempt to imitate Bernie Sanders?”
it was an acceptable thing to say about Hillary Clinton, on second-tier VSP shows like Hardball or Morning Joe, that she reminded every man of his first wife. I always find it odd that Tweety, who AFAIK has only had the one, and he is still married to her, would say that, and what she thought of it, unless she’s learned to ignore most of what he says.
(second tier compare to the “the Sunday shows”, not that I think either of those deserve even second place prize)
@zhena gogolia:
Go to hell.
I’m not “claiming”. I did.
And I’m absolutely as pissed about the outcome as all of us here. And I will be there in the next mid cycle election and every election thereafter until we erase the shit stain being left by the Trump administration.
I wouldn’t be so sure about that. When’s the last time you saw a viral YouTube video of a female celebrity getting righteously angry?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Locker room talk.
I agree but I’ve been channeling Jello since the election.
There always need to be a first.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: I once read a joint interview with the Matthews, and the reporter asked about his tendency to discuss the appearance of female guests, in particular the should-be infamous “Lean in to the camera” with Erin Burnett. Tweety did not appreciate the reminder.
Nice dodge. Misogyny doesn’t exist, the problem is that women haven’t tried hard enough!
Admonishing Democratic candidates to do it right, just like you would.
He bragged about committing sexual assault!
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: He didn’t have a witty recollection about how Ronald Reagan and Tip O’Neill would enjoy a chuckle about a woman’s looks?
@Another Scott:
Rexxon pisses me off about as much as anybody in this maladministration. This is the same level of egregious pettiness as Trump refusing to let Spicey meet the Pope. It’s like the highest aspiration for all of them is Being A Dick, Just Because.
David ?Canadian Anchor Baby? Koch
She should have dressed like Frank Nitti (photo) or Riiff Rafff (photo) holding a Tommy gun and walked up and down Wall Street, randomly shooting bankers – RRAAAATT TAAT TAAT!
@MomSense: And 46 million voted for him. That’s what’s most appalling.
@schrodingers_cat: 62. Hillary got 65 million.
The Traister article is really good. So good that, at one point, I had to close my office door so I could cry without anyone seeing me. We all should stay angry that this wonderful woman was done in the way she was.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Baud: Tip O’Neill is rumored to have promoted Geraldine Ferrraro to Mondale (who used to remind people he was alive by trolling Obama about golf and teleprompters) by saying she wasn’t one of those “feminist” gals who made a lot of noise about stuff. Not like that pain-in-the-ass Pat Schroeder.
Yeah. She should have grown a pair. (snark, with a dash of bitter sneering)
@Baud: Thanks for the correction, I meant to write 46% of the vote. My keyboard had gastritis!
@geg6: I’m permanently in anger mode. I can’t imagine ever getting over this.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: That worked out well.
@Baud: It actually affected my health. It took me till the middle of March to achieve some kind of normalcy.
Corner Stone
All will be glad to know that Chuck Todd has finally traced back where all the venom in Congress originated. The Democrats – 1984.
@Corner Stone: Not the effort to impeach Nixon?
@Major Major Major Major:
Obviously, she’s on death’s doorstep.
@Corner Stone:
How can you watch that idiot? I don’t know how you do it and not stroke out.
@MomSense: amen
Guess you missed the whole “Deplorables” thing.
@schrodingers_cat: Lots of people in the same boat. If it weren’t so important for the media to cover Trump supporters 24/7, maybe that would be more aware of it.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Yep, she couldn’t even call out bigots without getting in trouble.
@Corner Stone:
In a just world, Chucky and his ilk would be writing obits and school committee meetings for a weekly somewhere
1) admiral Rogers conversation with NSA staff about Trump campaign’s collusion has leaked
2) WaPo has of a feature explaining what all of the shiny things on sherriff Clarkes shirt are for
3) arianna grande: braver than Trump
Looking forward to discussing each of these later tonight when there is more time … right now just picking up some elevation burger for me and the family !
Major Major Major Major
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Louise Mensch told me she’s been having loads of seizures.
Corner Stone
@geg6: I was on hold with Texas HHS. Some kind of karmic balance or something.
From up top:
Surely not. Aren’t we always told that college kids only like the Bern?
It’s not a dodge. And yes, misogyny absolutely exists. And yes, Clinton has suffered at the hands of a misogynistic media for 25+ years.
I’m not the only one here who believes the Democrats need to step up and be a whole lot more aggressive in dealing with the GOP.
@Baud: We are invisible to the prestige media, they sure as hell don’t care about us. I have boycotted both Vichy Times and the Pure BullShit Newshour since the end of October.
El Caganer
@SiubhanDuinne: I think that’s the perfect summary.
@schrodingers_cat: Agreed. We are nonentities to a lot of folks.
@Baud: Even though we are consumers of the said prestige media, we are/were not the money bags that buy ads and such. They cater to the 1% and we know that most of those are Rs.
Major Major Major Major
@schrodingers_cat: took me until my big trip in April to even out; being on the totally opposite schedule from the news really helped remind me that there’s no point being constantly outraged, also I needed a vacation so I’m sure that helped too.
To be fair, that’s pretty much Elizabeth Warren’s whole persona.
To be fairer than fair, Elizabeth Warren is much more popular among partisan diehards like us than she is among the general public.
@Corner Stone: certainly all the Reagan era corruption that the Democrats kept investigating was carried out by leftist plants and union flunkies.
Honestly our troubles started when bork showed up and one side decided to pretend that he was a great legal mind.
Uncle Cosmo
@Wag: The value of hindsight depends upon one’s viewpoint.
In particular, 20/20 hindsight isn’t worth much when the field of vision is limited to the lining of one’s own colon.
Just sayin’.
Major Major Major Major
@FlipYrWhig: even righteously angry Warren is pretty tame actually.
No, you’re the one here who knows Hillary should have just gotten mad, dammit.
@FlipYrWhig: I am not sold on either Liz or her persona. Or that of BS and his shouting. I am not a fan of politicians that yell at me.
@Peale: Our problems started with the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Electorally speaking.
Fixed it for ya.
Listening to the HRC Wellesley address now. My gods, she is powerful. Had to hit the pause button for a minute to dab at the corners of my eyes.
And the crowd adores her. It is lovely to hear all the cheers, and laughter, and applause.
Apart from the (very brief) coughing episode, her timing is exquisite, and the solid substance of her address is finely larded with humour. Such a pleasure to listen to this speech and see this fine woman back on top of her game.
Hillary’s going to be around for a long time. I can’t predict in what capacities, but she’s going to be a force to reckon with for perhaps another couple of decades.
/ If she doesn’t keel over from coughing, that is. /
Major Major Major Major
@schrodingers_cat: Warren honestly doesn’t do it for me, like, at all.
ETA: or Grandpa ShoutyPants of Vermont either of course. But Warren I just don’t find very engaging.
No. They were convinced by right-wing media that everyone was laughing at them and putting them down.
@Major Major Major Major: I still like Warren, but I know what you mean.
@SiubhanDuinne: I am taking bets on which media gasbag will be the first to say “If only Hillary was this honest, passionate and funny during the campaign”.
@Corner Stone:
Bork? Seriously?
@Major Major Major Major: It was said of Fernie by a longtime Capitol Hill type, “I don’t know many people who have had a conversation with him, but I know many people he has lectured.”
I particularly find Warren’s work (and questioning of hostile witnesses) at the mic in the Senate miles above Fernie’s.
@Major Major Major Major:
California mellow more your thing?
they’ll just have to pick themselves up by their bootstraps…right?
Wall Street JournalVerified account @WSJ
Small towns have replaced inner cities as America’s socioeconomic basket cases
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@schrodingers_cat: I’m a Warren fan, but not convinced of her national viability. I can’t remember who I was reading /watching last week that said she’s the candidate trump and GOP fear most (I’m not convinced… someone on our side) and that’s why he keeps brining up “Pocohantas”. I think it’s because he’s a juvenile racist and he thinks that’s hilariously funny, and his howler monkeys agree.
and, as a Warren fan, having her and her nuts-and-bolts bullet-point style follow Michelle Obama was one of the worst moments of the Dems’ convention
I’m still not speaking with my brothers who voted for Trump. Last night, I came across an email from one of them telling me Trump would be great, that he’d really bring everyone together…and that he’d pardon Hillary.
Nobody has yet? Really? One of the Villagers must have.
Major Major Major Major
@ThresherK: she’s a great senator and you’re right very good with witnesses. I just have never cared for her speeches.
Turkish government issues arrest warrant for Enes Kanter, pro-government newspaper reports
3:43 PM CT
Royce Young
ESPN Staff Writer
The Turkish government has issued an arrest warrant for Oklahoma City Thunder center Enes Kanter for being a member of a “terror group,” according to a pro-government Turkish newspaper, The Daily Sabah.
Kanter is a vocal supporter of Fethullah Gulen and the “Gulen Movement.” After a military coup attempt in 2016, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan placed blame for the attempt on Gulen and his supporters.
Gulen, a Muslim spiritual leader, has spent the last 15 years in exile in Pennsylvania. Gulen has denied claims of involvement with the coup.
Kanter appeared to mock the arrest warrant in his native Turkish as part of a retweet of the Daily Sabah’s report.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
I have heard that as well.
I understand completely.
@Major Major Major Major: It probably says something revealing about my psychology and my formative years that I respond much better to finger-wagging women than to finger-wagging men. When women are angry and disappointed, and I can do something about it, it motivates me. When they’re angry and disappointed at _someone else_, hah, sucks to be that guy! When men are angry and disappointed, who the fuck cares? They’re always like that.
CNNVerified account @CNN
BREAKING: James Comey acted on Russian intelligence during the 2016 election that he knew was fake, sources tell CNN http://cnn.it/2qX2Avv
Mike in NC
Compare and contrast Secretary Clinton’s commencement address with Trump’s whining about everybody picking on him at the Coast Guard Academy. Adult vs. spoiled malevolent child.
Dolt45 NEVER had their respect…who you kidding?
The IndependentVerified account @Independent
Trump went into meetings with the G7 to demand a better deal. He left having lost their respect http://ind.pn/2r4l3V7
she beat both the angry shitlers and a decaying, corrupt system beat her.
Patricia Kayden
@Another Scott: Sadly, this is no surprise given the Islamophobia coursing through this administration. Trump is smarting over the latest judicial rebuke of his Muslim ban, after all. Tillerson has no incentive to cozy up to Muslims unless they’re Saudis.
Media gasbag, hell. I’m taking bets on which Balloon Juice commenter will be the first to say it.
@Patricia Kayden:
But, but, the curtsey! The sword dance!
if hilz had gone all angry she would have been portrayed as the super shrill bitch ice queen ballbuster (at least, way more than she already was). this is like when people swore up and down that O needed to ‘get angry’. cause ‘angry black man’ really plays well in america.
Major Major Major Major
@SiubhanDuinne: didn’t we already have one?
@FlipYrWhig: I definitely prefer finger wagging women but I don’t like either.
Speech, or article? Or both?
You speak so much truth. WE don’t understand either.
It’s not just what she says…watch her facial expression when she’s talking about Dolt45…HILARIOUS.
Confused 5-Year-Old To Her Mother — “Where did Barack Obama go?” —
@SiubhanDuinne: Did you miss Wag at #15?
@Davis X. Machina:
That this great woman was cheated, and the country.
Yes. That has been the underlying cause of nearly all my tears since November 9, 3016.
Edit: 2016, can’t even blame spellcheck autocorrect for that one.
Sally Albright @SallyAlbright
MSNBC just said Montana voters were citing Bernie Sanders as the reason they wouldn’t vote for Quist over Gianforte even after the incident.
5:03 PM – 26 May 2017
Of course it’s a dodge. It’s basically echoing the people who said for the last 8 years that if Obama had just gotten publicly angry, all our problems would have been solved.
There were so many moving pieces in this election that I seriously doubt that Hillary getting publicly angry would have ensured her victory, and it could well have made matters worse.
I don’t have anyone pied, but I’ve kind of trained myself to scroll past certain commenters right smartish, and Wag is among them.
@rikyrah: That needs more specifics. I’m skeptical tbh.
For what, being Hillary?
Honestly, though, Warren never really gets angry. She gets peevish and snappy, which freaks some men out so much that they interpret it as her getting angry. But I’ve never seen her start yelling in anger at anyone.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: The greatest crime of all.
@rikyrah: But EVERYONE loves Bernie Sanders! Especially hardworking white people who feel like they’ve been left behind! I mean, that’s what I’ve been hearing around the blogosphere for, like, 18 months, at least…
It certainly does feel like ages have passed since then.
@Mnemosyne: I guess I should consider myself lucky that I haven’t dealt with that much straight-up yelling kinda anger.
Keith BoykinVerified account @keithboykin
No Democrat has won the majority of the white vote since 1964, when Lyndon Johnson signed the Civil Rights Act. Of course it’s about race.
@zhena gogolia:
I love how the people who have all this “useful” advice for Hillary and Obama never acknowledge that black people and women are held to a different standard. Hillary’s every utterance was dissected for tone, pitch and every goddamn thing possible, was she mad, sad, shrill, loud, tired, bitter, hysterical, angry, soft, and that’s all just her voice, we haven’t even talked about her hair, (yes I know the ferret on the shitgibbons head was discussed too, but come on it merits discussion). Hindsight is 20/20 , no matter what she did she was attacked, the concern trolls are all over cable now saying she shouldn’t be attacking Twitler, asking should she be the voice of the democratic party, they criticized the woman for getting sick for gods sake. But hey they voted and volunteered for her.
Davis X. Machina
@SiubhanDuinne: (Wife and daughter both proud alumnae.)
Baud! 2020!: You wouldn’t like me when I’m angry!
FYWP always works.
Corner Stone
@rikyrah: They were never going to vote for Quist.
@rikyrah: I was told he was very popular there, won the primary and all.
Yep. I cannot do it cleanly from the device I’m using now, but the Guardian has an excellent story about Hillary Clinton’s commencement address, and also has an audio-visual clip of the speech and some of the reaction.
I knew about the speech, but not some of the background and context.
The main speaker was Massachusetts Senator Edward Brooke, the first African American popularly elected to the United States Senate. He cautioned the class about being too radical, and urged them to be more patient. The graduates didn’t take too kindly to some of these remarks.
A bit ironic that some today love to praise Clinton and the Democrats for incrementalism, when young Hillary and her classmates were not having it.
Apparently, Clinton had the presence of mind to make some new notes directly challenging Brooke, and wove them into her main speech. A damned good speech that seems mild in some ways today, but which upset some of the parents present.
I knew, but enjoyed being reminded that Clinton was selected by her classmates. She also made sure to get comments and notes from them and included them in her speech. She also specifically credited another classmate when quoting a poem written by that classmate.
Given all the bullshit thrown on Clinton, and the attempts to paint her as a selfish, elitist, calculating monster, I loved reading how Clinton responded to being chosen to be the first student to deliver a commencement speech by being inclusive, by making the moment be about more than just her. And I admire the poise and sharpness of mind she displayed by listening to and rebutting Senator Brooke.
Looking back, you can perhaps see some hints of future Hillary.
And in her remarks today, I love how she is taking it to Trump. And I like how she admonishes the fools who tried to brand her and others like her as a “nasty woman” and throws it back in their faces.
Uppity? Nasty? They ain’t seen nothing yet.
Natasha BertrandVerified account @NatashaBertrand
Associates of Russia’s Alfa Bank are trying to sue @BuzzFeedNews for publishing the Trump-Russia dossier. Buzzfeed’s response is great:
@rikyrah: Not a bs fan, but that is a stupid reason, if they are not lying and is a fucking lie, if they are lying.
@amk: Yeah. That’s why I’m skeptical.
Patricia Kayden
@rikyrah: I love when she says that she doesn’t want Trump to be President. You and me, Kid!
Nate SilverVerified account @NateSilver538
Correction… Dems are outperforming by 15 points in Congressional specials, not 14 (previously-listed totals for KS-4 were slightly off).
@Baud: more likely the later, given the shitstain they voted in.
I think it depends on which voters were asked — the tweet isn’t clear. I could see Republican and right-leaning voters turning out to give a middle finger to Sanders, but I doubt that Democrats would refuse to vote for the Democrat for that reason.
@Patricia Kayden:
She sort of went around it earlier in the conversation when she rolled her eyes when mentioning him, but she didn’t think her mother understood, so she had to GET TO THE POINT…LOL
Patricia Kayden
@rikyrah: That doesn’t make a lick of sense. They’re Republicans and they’ll vote for a Republican demon over a Democratic angel. Let’s keep it real.
Washington PostVerified account @washingtonpost
Analysis: Hillary Clinton’s remarkably aggressive anti-Trump speech, annotated
gee, where have heard that before?
@rikyrah: aaand there is that finger ‘Wag’.
Patricia Kayden
@debbie: Lol!! Pardon Clinton for what now? For being a woman? For being a Democrat? For being progressive?
And how the hell has Trump worked to unify this country since his election? He has been nothing but nasty to those he perceives as his enemies. Calling a political opponent a racist slur (Pocahontas) is not unifying.
@Mnemosyne: yup, it was a bs tweet.
Propane Jane™ @docrocktex26
7 days and 0 questions: Trump refuses to talk to press on entire foreign trip http://shareblue.com/7-days-and-0-questions-trump-refuses-to-talk-to-press-on-entire-foreign-trip/#.WSiDps_3Mh4.twitter … via @shareblue #TellTaleEvasion
@Patricia Kayden:
To be fair, he hasn’t done that in a week or so. Unifying!
Patricia Kayden
@rikyrah: Wow. That’s a pretty stark fact. This is why Senator Sander’s nonsense about appealing to the precious White Working Class is dead on arrival.
White voters don’t vote for Democrats the way minority voters do and there’s no indication that that is going to change anytime soon. Period.
John SchindlerVerified account @20committee May 25
Trump has been bitching about USA’s no-good, free-loading allies for 30 years. Now he delivered that same, childish message at NATO HQ.
111 replies 774 retweets 1,596 likes
John SchindlerVerified account @20committee
I remind that Trump got on the screw-our-allies bandwagon in 1987, just weeks after his 1st VIP visit to the USSR — at Kremlin invitation.
Patricia Kayden
@SiubhanDuinne: I’m glad that she hasn’t gone into a self-imposed exile like too many on the left have demanded. We need her voice, experience and fighting spirit as we resist Trump’s regime. All hands needed on deck.
Greg SargentVerified account @ThePlumLineGS
The CEO of Blue Cross NC tells me flat out that Trump and GOP Congress are why premiums will soar:
@Patricia Kayden: Booman is supposed to have article soon trying to address getting more white rural voters. He says it won’t be about Wilmerism.
Drip, drip, drip… WaPo says that Jared wanted to Russian ambassador to set up a secret communications channel with the Kremlin.
The Thin Black Duke
It’s a goddamned tragedy that Hillary Clinton isn’t president.
I can’t be upset right now, I have a purring cat on my lap.
But I also can’t type too much or she’ll nip me.
Corner Stone
BOOM! Down, down, down! J Kush going down!
Major Major Major Major
@rikyrah: didn’t Anderson have a post the other day about a coverage projection where the insurance company said that Trump was the cause of like 80% of their increase?
And a Republiklown, of the notable Northern liberal persuasion, long extinct.
Gin & Tonic
@rikyrah: I’ve worked in insurance (property, not health) for a long time, and if there is one thing insurance companies hate more than anything, it is uncertainty.
@Corner Stone: Anything new?
@Patricia Kayden:
It’s all I can do to stay silent and wait for him to bring it up. It will take him hours to shut me up.
Gin & Tonic
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Linky?
@Gin & Tonic: Wait, people in the business of pricing risk hate uncertainty. Get outta here!
Ok, here’s the article I mentioned in #2: Here’s What Sheriff Clarke’s Pins Mean
From the ridiculous to the sublime…one is an anti-abortion pin, while another is a Harley-Davidson “sheriff” pin…a few have yet to be identified, but it is possible that they still have some Cracker-Jack stuck to them…
@?BillinGlendaleCA: oh whoa, WTF
@rikyrah: I’m a long time lurker, in a field and position that makes me hesitate to comment at all. I just want to say how grateful I am for your voice (also Kay).
The gloves have been off for a long time, fools.
And here’s the article behind #1: NSA Chief Admits [to NSA] Donald Trump Colluded With Russia
It’s written by John Schindler, so take it with a grain of salt.
Also, I see that Jared Kushner’s attempts to open up a secret back channel to the Kremlin hit the wire just a bit ago. How exciting!
@Gin & Tonic: https://www.washingtonpost.com/world/national-security/russian-ambassador-told-moscow-that-kushner-wanted-secret-communications-channel-with-kremlin/2017/05/26/520a14b4-422d-11e7-9869-bac8b446820a_story.html?hpid=hp_hp-banner-main_kushner-705pm%3Ahomepage%2Fstory&utm_term=.4e2dde0afc5c
El Caganer
@efgoldman: It’s at the bottom of the right-hand side of the quoted material.
@efgoldman: It’s in there.
Just another Friday in Trump’s America.
@El Caganer: i was looking for the original complaint. not a BBC story
Not to actually quibble but I think it’s dick deluxe. That’s 2 cuts above regular dick and 1 above massive dick.
@Uncle Cosmo:
You really know polite.
That’s nice.
Can you teach it? There are some of us that need it. I keep trying to turn the other cheek but that one is bloody now as well.
Citizen Alan
The thing that gets me about the whole deplorables business is that she was actually being polite. Deplorable, after all, is a respectable four-syllable word which is more than any of them deserved. She could have saved herself time and breath just by referring to a basket of shit.
Mike in NC
@Citizen Alan: Not to mention lots of those so-called deplorables ran out and bought “Fuck Your Feelings” t-shirts to wear to Trump rallies. So sweet.
This. Right here, this. It is the overwhelming thing that I’ve taken away about Hilary Clinton for 25 yrs. She is a great politician because of this. She would have made a good president. She’s smart. She learns, not just from others but from herself.
@Mnemosyne: OMG boss cat does the same. If I try to type when he is on my lap, he will either swat my hand with a paw or nip me.
Those pins have something stuck to them, I think it’s moron. Pure undistilled moron.
@Ruckus: I know, right? What did those pins ever do to deserve such a fate?
J R in WV
I would never say that. I thought she WAS passionate, funny, honest and winning the whole time, until the weekend before the election. Then the phone calls into Ohio changed suddenly.
Sad. I’m glad she’s still hanging in there like this!! I got better being out of the country for a week, but now it’s getting to me again.
Late to the game, but thanks for posting Clinton’s speech. It was great to hear.