JUST IN: Trump considering Ted Cruz as to replace Sessions as AG: report https://t.co/VoSI9zPiq3 pic.twitter.com/eRrOtj1Hnr
— The Hill (@thehill) July 25, 2017
Yeah, he’d be just about as terrible to everyone-not-a-rich-Republican as the Malevolent Leprechaun, but I’m not sure Cruz could even get confirmed, given how much his colleagues do not love him.
And it could be argued that, while his intentions are equally horrible, Cruz doesn’t have Jefferson Beauregard Session III’s lifelong bone-deep Confederate indoctrination to help him disguise his deep-seated racism.
Props to the CBC, though:
Congressional Black Caucus demands Sessions' resignation: He keeps lying under oath https://t.co/KGQvXqNZXa pic.twitter.com/mr9o7MLkxT
— The Hill (@thehill) July 25, 2017
I wanna do a Jared ‘Simple Tootsie from the Country’ Kushner post, but there’s TOO MUCH BREAKING NEWS. How do the paid professionals keep up? (answer: they’re paid to do so!)
no words
Matt PearceVerified account @mattdpearce
One of the immigrants who died in the trailer was a Dreamer who had been deported and was trying to come back.
Since Cruz wants to be president, I’d be surprised to hear that Trump would trust him in that role.
Recess appointment.
“I’m not sure Cruz could even get confirmed, given how much his colleagues do not love him.”
Maybe Cruz’s colleagues hate him so much that they’d vote to confirm just to be rid of him.
This is why having this vulgar, demagogic talking yam who got elected on the most thoroughly reactionary platfir in American history fueled by a spectacular amount of xenophobic and nativist emotion is so turbulently embarrassing.
To hell and damn everybody who voted him in at this point & time…?
Winner! Isn’t this how so many professionals move up these days? A good reference just to get them out. Failing upwards in a nutshell.
Yep! Although if they know he’ll give it to Cruz, the Repubs may refuse to call a recess again. They did it to keep Obama from getting recess appointments. OTOH, it means Cruz is out of THEIR hair, so why not. Oh, well, it may be slightly better than Steve Bannon being recess appointed.
There’s no way Trump would be Ted Cruz in his Cabinet, unless he does have such serious mental problems that he has already forgotten the primary. I just think this is another name being floated to irritate/pressure Sessions.
Of course, our media will continue to pretend everything is kind of normal, when it is not…
reality-based (the original, not the troll)
@Yarrow: yup, recess appt. That’s why Mueller will be gone by the end of august. & why I think it might be giuliani – can’t see Lyin Ted giving up the Senate for 5 months
You gotta love how Trump and the Republicans ran on being so much smarter than Obama, and now they’re running around whining about how hhhhhaaaarrrrrrdddddd government and they’re just naive little Mr. Smiths trying to clean up Washington.
And the most annoying part is that their voters are swallowing it hook, line, and sinker, and begging for more.
I’d take Cruz over Sessions. I’d take almost anybody over Sessions, come to think of it.
First Sessions, then Cruz?
Hey, If Trump wants to slowly strip away every repulsive Republican member from the Senate, I’m all for it.
@Yarrow: Yup.
@Percysowner: I think the Supreme Court ruling in 2014 was that a President can make recess appointments as long as the recess is 10 or more days. Since McConnell controls these things, he can easily schedule a 10-day recess in August. Today’s been genuinely depressing on so many fronts. I hope we’ll get some more encouraging breaking news tomorrow.
Can Trump make Sessions resign? Or can he fire him?
That’s usually the point I stop myself and realize that, yes, he’d probably do it.
@Jinchi: 52 to go.
@Yarrow: He can definitely fire Sessions.
The winner!
McConnell – the ass whisperer blew it into Trump’s ear.
@Yarrow: Cabinet Secretaries serve at the pleasure of the President; Trump certainly could just fire Sessions if he wanted to.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
@reality-based (the original, not the troll): I heard Giuliani was being considered this morning (and I thought the troll was named “your neighborhood voice of reason” or something to that effect).
My FB feed is going batshit over a fucking Trump visit to the Boy Scouts in WV.
@Jinchi: @dmsilev: So why doesn’t he just do it? Why all these dumbass machinations to try to get Sessions to resign? At this point there’s no difference. It’s so obvious what Trump is doing. Does he need that fig leaf that Sessions resigned? I hope Sessions refuses to. That’ll really piss off Trump.
@Yarrow: The pres can directly fire a cabinet member. It’s usually done by “asking” for a resignation, but there’s no point in refusing.
Cue the clips of you-know-who snarling about “Lying Ted.”
randy khan
That seems like a good strategy.
People have been linking to clips of his BSA speech on Twitter. It’s insane.
And yet I’m not surprised that the audience that Trump connected most closely with was made up of 11 to 17 year old boys. They’re all at the same mental age.
Better Trump be occupied with fighting his own staff than his hair brained impulses that he calls ‘plans’. The GOP is doing well enough wrecking things on its own.
Why McCain is going to try to fly back to DC is beyond me. What goes on those old geezer and reactionary GOPer’s head is beyond my imagining. Is one of the last major vote McCain is going to take to vote to proceed on an unknown bill, the only thing we know about is that it will wreak havoc with millions of people’s lives and livelihoods? Why? It’s beyond my imagining.
All hollow men and women, all of the Congressional GOP.
@khead: As well it should…it was appalling on many levels.
People have no idea, generally speaking, how ugly this is going to get or how low Trumpov & Co are going to stoop. Sewer Rat Barbie was apparently on the talk shows yesterday talking about “Mueller and his gang of Democratic donors” (i.e., the people he’s brought on to his team to help with the investigation). It’s not even scratching the surface of where they’ll be next month, or this fall.
Mike in NC
@khead: Is he exposing himself?
Adam L Silverman
@Percysowner: Anyone involved with the campaign who is also an elected official is going to have trouble if nominated for attorney general. Same problem that presented itself for the FBI director nomination. These need to have space from the person who nominates them. So if it is Cruz then it would have to be a recess appointment.
Major Major Major Major
Can democrats do pro forma sessions to prevent recess appointments?
Adam L Silverman
@Yarrow: He can fire him.
The people on my feed think Trump’s visit was swell. I’m still trying to come up with the sufficient snark for trolling.
Edit: JFK and RFK campaigned on the street where I grew up in Welch, WV in the 60’s. Before I was born.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
christ, the more I read about this, the worse it gets
The old fool is risking his health so he can take away other people’s health care and so he can betray his own recent ‘mavericky’ wise words about responsible way to legislate health care? Bizarre. One of his last acts is to endanger his health and his reputation in history, for what, the likes of Trump, McConnell, and the Kochs?
And he has a perfectly good excuse, actually several compelling reasons, not to get involved at all.
I don’t understand these people. AT all.
Edit: I read someplace that McCain is plotting to install his wifey as his successor in the Senate. Maybe that kind of narrow and selfish ambition is the reason. Effing insane power hungry monstrously egotistical behavior, if so.
Adam L Silverman
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): Giuliani has already removed himself from consideration and stated that Sessions was correct to recuse himself. He also couldn’t get through the nomination process given the work he’s done through his post mayoral security consultancy.
@jl: Spite is the most powerful drug there is.
Adam L Silverman
@Yarrow: According to biographical reporting about the President, he doesn’t like to fire people despite the image created for his game show.
Mind you, I think Sessions is a snake. More awful than a snake, actually. Snakes have their purposes.
But Trump has proved himself lower than a snake’s belly. Sessions was the first to endorse him, or very early. Loyalty is a one-way street with Trump.
That said, popcorn time. All one roots for, with this administration, is injuries.
@jl: ol “Country First” is party first, last, and always.
M. Bouffant
Don’t ignore Cruz’s insane pappy, as far as indoctrination in vicious idiocy goes.
Adam L Silverman
@Mnemosyne: The following were Boy Scouts:
President Clinton
President George W Bush
President Obama
The following was not:
President Trump
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Adam L Silverman: I seem to recall from the last round of confirmations that Cabinet nominees have to provide tax returns? Something tells me Rudi doesn’t want that level of scrutiny
@khead: How about this?
@Yarrow: The shitgibbon just doesn’t have the balls to fire someone face-to-face. He played a tough guy on the Apprentice, but he really has the spine of a jellyfish. Remember how Comey got sacked when he was on the other side of the country? And that was by the Assistant AG, not even by the shitgibbon himself. As long as Sessions doesn’t resign, he’ll hang in there until the shitgibbon has a mental breakdown.
Cruz already has a good Democratic challenger running against him in Bento O’Rourke. They interviewed him on Pod Save America and he made a really good impression.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Well, as a pretty involved parent of a Boy Scout and conversations with both them and their parents over the years, it was probably about…yes…27% of the Scouts present who were really into it, while another 23% followed along, a quarter half-heartedly followed along, and a quarter were like “WTF?” Kids just parrot their parents at that age.
The real crime – just add it to the list of charges that Trumpov should have to answer for – is that he would try to manipulate them with his political psycho babble against Obama, Clinton, and so on. Low Rent Hitler strikes again.
@Major Major Major Major:
No idea what the actual rule is, but I think they can’t do anything on their own as the minority party.
Needs more “Boys from Brazil”.
Well, that explains Pete Souza’s Instagram photo. It’s of an African American boy/cub scout shaking hands with Obama somewhere in the WH. You gotta check out the child’s upturned, awe-filled face.
@Adam L Silverman: He fired Comey just fine.
Adam L Silverman
@Major Major Major Major: No, because they do not have a majority in either chamber. The way the GOP stymied President Obama was, after 2010, they would pro forma call the House into session ever few days for a few minutes. They’d have a GOP representative from the areas around DC do it so they didn’t have to travel far – either Virginia or Maryland. They then sued when President Obama went ahead and the Supreme Court agreed with them that these pro forma sessions were enough to mean that the Congress was not in recess.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
OT: I hope some FP does a post about Trump’s rally in Youngstown tommorrow. I Live around there. All the local stations are going to be sure to cover it! They even ran promos advertising it. Beer bellies of all ages are going to the freakshow at the Covelli Centre
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Who knows.
Having to choose between Sessions or Cruz is like having to choose between arsenic or cyanide.
Jared Kushner is a clueless pampered pussy who needs a kick in the nuts.
Adam L Silverman
@Yarrow: He didn’t do it directly. And he had his personal hitter deliver the termination memo to Comey’s office while Comey was across the country.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Adam, do you know Loren D Schulman?
ETA: Reading to fast. I thought the second tweet said he had discussed covert ops on twitter. Not quite “never mind”, but more speculative than I had thought
Major Major Major Major
@efgoldman: Hm, according to the innertubes,
It looks like the minority can’t block an agreed-upon bicameral recess, though.
@Adam L Silverman:
As I keep pointing out, Trump never fired anyone on “The Apprentice.” The producers gave him his lines for the week and he read them, like any other game show host. What, you thought Alex Trebek actually knew the answers to all of the “Jeopardy” questions?
@Calouste: He doesn’t have to fire him. He can get Scaramucci to do it. Sure, he’s supposed to do it, but when has Trump followed any norms? Hell, he could send Eric to fire him and no one could tell him he couldn’t do that.
@khead: Well, it would be a start.
The entire party runs on sheer spite, has since 2008 at least. McCain is no exception. Heck, given 2008, he’s one of the finer specimens.
Cheryl Rofer
I’m seeing reports that both Giuliani and Cruz have said they don’t want the AG job.
Anne Laurie
Sessions won’t quit, because he’s busy trying to hurt as many poor people / people of color as he can before he’s forced out.
Trump won’t fire him, because (a) it would make Trump look bad, and (b) Trump is a coward who doesn’t actually fire people, he gets others to do it for him. Even on his notorious “reality” tv show, he just had to mouth the words after more competent show-runners had picked that week’s luzer, and given the victim their walking papers. When he “fired” Comey, he waited until the man was on the opposite coast — and then sent his personal bodyguard/thug to deliver the papers to Comey’s DC office.
Sessions and Trump are two terrible, terrible people who deserve every bad thing that’s about to happen to them. If it should turn out to be an actual murder/suicide, as opposed to the political semblance of one, it wouldn’t sadden me one iota.
@Yarrow: Dolt45 can fire Sessions at any time for any reason or no cause at all. Cabinet members serve at the pleasure of the President.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Prove it asshole. And attaching Amazon to the paper’s title isn’t going to deligitmize it.
He just can’t help himself. He’s a danger to all of us. Reason enough to impeach him
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Chris: I thought he might stay in AZ and let this go down because he reportedly hates McConnell and god knows he hates trump. I guess he still hates Obama more
and I speculated in the last thread that his family members– Cindy and Meghan– may be pushing him because of their own ambitions.
@Adam L Silverman: So why can’t he just tell someone else to fire Sessions? Scaramucci. Jared. Hope Hicks. Bannon. Who’s going to tell Trump he can’t operate that way?
sm*t cl*de
Imagine what die Jugend would give for a torchlight procession.
Anne Laurie
@Mike in NC:
I’m not sure he can work his own zipper any more, TBH. Or maybe Ivanka had the help sew all his trouser flies shut. Otherwise, I’m pretty sure, he’d have whipped out his member during one of his media-opp “signings” by now.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Cheryl Rofer:
When you’ve lost Cruz and Ghoulini…
@jl: then I hope he dies en route – sorry
When you’ve lost Cruz and Ghoulini… also too Krispie Kreme Christie – a trifecta of tools
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: She’s the deputy director of research for the Center for a New American Security. I’ve never met her. She knows her stuff.
John Revolta
There’s no way it’s Cruz. If anything, Trump’s just fucking with him like he fucked with Mittens, Christie et. al.
My money’s on Rosenstein. Trump would love to make him fire Mueller to make up for hiring him in the first place.
Bonus asshole points because Rosenstein has said that he wouldn’t fire Mueller.
Anne Laurie
That stunt actually worked, sometimes, back before “women’s lib” spoiled the whole seatwarmer-lady gambit. More evidence that Trump (and McCain, and the entire Repub party) have their minds firmly stuck in the 1950s.
From the AP:
@Cheryl Rofer:
I can’t even imagine who would want that job. Or any job with this guy. He’s amply demonstrated that he will throw his most loyal and long standing supporters under the bus.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
They’re both lawyers who don’t want to end their careers as defendants because they got too close to Orange Julius.
You’re not the only one.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: Giuliani is so tied up in the Russia investigation there’s zero way he could be AG. It’s likely the investigators have made it clear he can’t take that position. He’s been involved in that corrupt FBI NY office for a long time. They’re tied to the Russian mob. He’ll be lucky to get out of this not in prison. I laughed at his comment that Sessions did the right thing in recusing himself. I think he’s trying to win favor with the investigators in hopes of a better outcome for himself.
Ho-lee fuck. Just…holy fuck.
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: One other point: I’m conflicted on this decision. There’s very little evidence this program has worked well. And my understanding from the reporting on the defense/military news sites is that the SOF guys and the Agency’s paramilitary ops guys were not thrilled with how the program was going. That a lot of the rebels we were arming/training were really pro ISIS or pro al Qaeda.
Conversely shutting this down is a Kremlin priority. So…
@Yarrow: Why would Sessions go if shitgibbon Jr. shows up to fire him? There would still need to be a letter signed by the shitgibbon to get rid of Sessions. And maybe Sessions has already told the shitgibbon that he will have to drag him from his office before he leaves.
@Yarrow: no, he had someone deliver papers, but not before comey heard the announcement of his firing on tv.
Firing someone, is something that should be done in person, face to face. Trump can’t do that, tiny balls.
I do not see Cruz willing to take orders from Trump. He will want to be the one that gives the orders.
Cheryl Rofer
@geg6: I’ve been thinking that too. The worst boss in the world.
@Calouste: I kind of hope Sessions holds out and makes Trump fire him face to face. Call his bluff. Sessions likely knows Trump is a coward and doesn’t want to fire him. He’s smart enough to use that bit of information to his advantage.
To be clear, I’m in no way endorsing Sessions or anything he’s doing. He’s awful. It would just be funny to watch the leprechaun tie Trump in knots.
Adam L Silverman
@Yarrow: This whole provide answers to questions thing has completely gotten out of hand. I’m going to have to start charging. I’ll work out a fee schedule and post it later.//
More seriously, my understanding is that only the President can nominate, terminate, and give orders/official guidance to the other Constitutional officers (appointed officials confirmed by the Senate) in the Executive Branch.
? Martin
Why not nominate Natalia Veselnitskaya to be the new AG? I’m sure we can make her a citizen in time.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@? Martin: that would take a while. Does trump own a horse?
@Adam L Silverman:
In the right hands, it could have been a nice diplomatic coup: we agree to end a program that was problematic anyway in return for some concessions from the Russians.
Sadly, the “great negotiator” will instead give it away for free and get bupkis in return.
@Adam L Silverman: Just one more little question before you start charging. How do we Solve All Problems Everywhere?
Edit: and don’t forget to provide links. Thnx bye.
@Adam L Silverman: I’ll stop asking questions then, as I will be bankrupt once this health care vote goes through. Followed by not alive.
But back to my original comment, Trump is breaking every norm and destroying every institution. If he wants to send Barron to fire Sessions with a letter written in crayon and signed by Melania, that’s how it’s going to happen. Who can stop him?
Adam L Silverman
@jl: Oy vey…
@? Martin:
Why not, indeed.I don’t think there’s a citizenship requirement for cabinet officers. I don’t think the AG has to be a member of the bar either.
Is she hot enough and young enough for his gropiness?
Adam L Silverman
@Yarrow: I don’t use sarc tags people don’t get the humor. I use sarc tags and people don’t get the humor…
It is against the law.
Omnes Omnibus
You can. Call people and insist on norms being followed. March for it.
This Trump-Sessions stuff looks like a game of chicken in which Sessions seems to know he’s got a winning hand. Isn’t it possible that Sessions could tell the Mueller people some things if he were to become a disgruntled former employee?
One of the few joys in the reign of these fools is watching them turn on one another.
@Adam L Silverman:
If sarcasm were against the law, most bloggers and blog commenters would be in jail.
If/when Trumpcare passes, Trump will go back into the up phase of his mania instead of his rage phase. Should last about an hour.
Adam L Silverman
@efgoldman: Not the sarcasm part.
Find a video/transcript.
However bad you think it is, it’s worse.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
That’s what I would like to see happen. Sessions is fired and he turns on Trump completely and goes to investigators with juicy information in exchange for a deal.
I’m surprised that Kushner would cite 200 emails a day as an overwhelming number, coming from his supposed SV and startup experience and heading companies and re-visualzing and whizzing and all that. It’s not that unusual a number even for commoners in demanding jobs.
Trump is so desperate to get the attention off Kushner he may start tweeting about his Russian women friends who like to.hold his hand.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
The only possible thing I can look forward to if Deathcare passes is Republicans getting destroyed in the House after 20-30 million people lose their health insurance next year and premiums skyrocket. I want to watch them and Trump squirm
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Melanoma certainly won’t
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
Evil Leprechaun is an experienced, if somewhat ineffective, lawyer and politician; Peach Pimple is neither, and has never done any actual political infighting. Evil Leprechaun can do a lot of damage.
“And the dog ate my homework, too!”
@Adam L Silverman:
There’s a law that says the president has to fire his cabinet? Or is it a norm? Even if it’s a law, that hasn’t seemed to slow down this administration very much.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I call my representatives all the fucking time. I get others to call and get involved as well. Marches in my neck of the woods are generally anemic and I can’t handle them very well at this point anyway (healthwise). I’m not close enough to D.C. to march there and I can’t afford to go.
M. Bouffant
@Timurid: Is it only a coinky-dink that the B.S.A. wear brown shirts?
@Timurid: Wait til he starts demanding individual Boy Scouts be expelled from the order for protesting him.
Another Scott
@debbie: petesouza I can assure you, POTUS was not telling this Cub Scout and the Boy Scouts who followed about his electoral college victory.
Heh. :-)
@M. Bouffant: Sure would be nifty if they added arm bands.
Adam L Silverman
@Yarrow: They are Constitutional officers via appointment and senatorial confirmation. They were appointed by him. The law says only he can order them or terminate them. Though they could be impeached. This is why things were so whacked when the travel ban was first announced. It was reported that Stephen Miller and Steve Bannon contacted DHS and were giving orders. That is against the law. White House staff are not Constitutional officers and cannot give orders and/or guidance to Executive Branch agencies run by Constitutional officers.
@Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe)
Please cease and desist from such crap. When Rs did it with Michelle’s name it was petty, ugly and evil; no less so when the designer shoe is on the other foot.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Trump to Boy Scouts:’We could use some more loyalty’
*Screams internally*
@Adam L Silverman:
The law? The law is a human institution.
Oh, brother.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
She defended her husband’s bullshit while advocating against cyberbullying. I hardly consider this the same thing as comparing Michelle Obama to an ape
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Rooting for injuries for sure
Jim, Foolish Literalist
ETA: I guess I really am a political junkie. I’m watching Brian Williams even though I find him incredibly annoying.
@Cheryl Rofer: Cruz only wants John Roberts and Donald Trump’s jobs.
Damn. Lots of good commentary in various threads. Work and work travel is keeping me away.
I said it before and say it again, it was always apparent that for Trump, running the government like a business meant that he would look at the presidency as though it were a personal acquisition. He believes in the divine right of Trump and doesn’t understand why there is not loyalty and obeisance.
And so we have this farcical near authoritarian nonsense with Trump like a caged animal fighting back against any form of restraint.
And yet, a deeper circle of hell would be Ted Cruz as AG or in any other cabinet position. And near total insanity would be Cruz in the cabinet and theocrat Pence elevated from VP to president after Trump’s impeachment, conviction and removal.
What a mess.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Philippines? Zimbabwe? Russia? CSA? Oceania?
@Anne Laurie: That’s how Cokie’s mom ended up in Congress.
@Mnemosyne: in fact the world would be a much better place without the GOP. Just saying
Adam L Silverman
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Worse, because of changes, you pay taxes when you buy things on Amazon. Not for everything, but an agreement was hashed out so that purchases would be taxed. So the tweet isn’t even accurate.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
It really would be better off. Along with the rest of the political/social far right
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
My sentiments exactly! And no, he doesn’t prove anything so don’t hold your breath on that.?
Brian Williams is playing video of Trump addressing the Boy Scouts:
Boy Scouts voted?! He is completely unmoored from reality.
@Calouste: Lord Smallgloves will sign anything. Hell, he had a signing ceremony for a bill that didn’t exist.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
WaPo political reporter Ashley Parker refers to Priebus by his first name. Seems to me that happens a lot. A lot of people do it mockingly- the ObamaBros, for instance–, I don’t think she and others are
Maybe Trump just likes to torture people. Yeah, that sounds right.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
AND the Oscar for this Year’s Greatest False Equivalence goes too…??
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Adam L Silverman:
It’s hilarious that he’s throwing a temper tantrum on Twitter because the WaPo is doing it’s job and duty to the public by reporting his malfeasance. It’s a clear attempt to delegitimize the Washington Post as a news source
@M. Bouffant: I think it’s to match the military, scout uniforms were green when I was a scout in the 70’s. I was reading up on the changes in the uniforms to answer a question about the red berets.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist
Thieve’s World?
See also: Paraguay, (Stroessner, Alfredo).
If that’s the case, there’s some serious election fraud. Maybe Trump’s commission should look into that.
@Adam L Silverman:
You’re going to have to start charging less — Congress can impeach and remove cabinet secretaries and heads. Article II gives Congress the power to impeach
Cabinet secretaries are civil officers.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Williams is Biden-literally tripping over his tongue as he strives to strike that balance between folksy and eloquent and misses both while talking about John McCain’s return to the Senate. After all the usual fawning pablum about how tough McCain is, Williams says the next few days will show us what John McCain is made of. I wonder if, in Williams fanboy-ing mind, there is even a glimmer of thought about the actual vote McCain is coming back to make, and its consequences.
(I don’t give a fiddler’s fart about Melania, but she went full on birther at one point, so fuck her)
@Adam L Silverman: They gave orders anyway, nevermind those pesky laws.
Trump’s supposedly going on a long vacation in NJ in August. He can have someone write the letter and even sign it for him. He leaves town and has an underling tell the press Sessions is fired. Someone else delivers the letter while Trump is on the golf course. No muss, no fuss.
I get over 200 emails some days — especially when various deadlines for contributions approach. If they could see my bank account they wouldn’t bother.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
Cross out “Washington Post” and write in “every legitimate news source.”
If Trump had his way…but you already know that.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Aleta: @TriassicSands: and how many of those emails are from your BIL when you’re up to your neck in a weird family enterprise, and one of the words in the subject line of that email is “Clinton”
Now, if we could just get him to sign his resignation.
And deportation.
@TriassicSands: I thought I read somewhere that one of Scaramucci’s plans was to start a state run news outlet for Trump.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist
Williams is truly a waste of skin. His contrived folksiness is puerile and as empty as the proverbial Old Lady’s cupboard.
Adam L Silverman
@TriassicSands: Please see my comment #119. I’ll bold the relevant portion:
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: I used to be a nice person. now I just want to destroy the entire right wing edifice.
Maybe that’s how Trump got over in Michigan and Wisconsin.
Seriously, he seems to be stuck in a time loop where he’s reliving the election, which was simultaneously his greatest triumph but also fatally flawed because he didn’t win the popular vote. He cannot let go of it. And giving “campaign rally” speeches, even in completely inappropriate venues, is the only way he can relive it.
ETA: Sad!
Adam L Silverman
@Yarrow: There is a difference between the President ordering the drafting of and then signing a termination letter and someone else just doing it. The former is legal. The latter is not.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
It’s a given at this point. I still have to act like it’s a big deal that he lies every sentence to preserve my sanity and memory of the way the world was before June 2015
Remember how W. famously spent his first August as president on vacation. Nothing bad came of that did it?
@Yarrow: The VOA, our international propaganda organ, used to be banned from broadcasting to domestic audiences. This ban was lifted a couple of years ago.
During the lame-duck session, the bipartisan VOA board was quietly abolished in favor of a presidentially appointed CEO.
Suspicious, isn’t it.
(Of course, if Hillary had won, we’d be hearing no end of this from the usual suspects, and it would be the 24243rd grounds for her impeachment. Despite it being an Obama-era change. Hmmm.)
(no edit function)
Revision: as empty as
the proverbial Old Lady’sMother Hubbard’s cupboard.(It’s been a lo-o-o-ong time since fairy tales were fresh in the mind.)
@Adam L Silverman: We would never know if he ordered it. One of his underlings could just decide to do it, fake-sign his name, deliver it and it would be a done deal. I doubt Trump would protest too much.
@BBA: I think what they want to start is Trump TV run out of the White House.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Williams is a millionaire and will be getting a nice fat tax break. That’s what he wants McCain to come back and vote for, and he doesn’t care where that tax refund money comes from.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Steeplejack: Yup. He’s doing rally here in Youngstown. He lost in Mahoning County by 3 points, 46 to 49. This area isn’t representative of what he claims to represent. I guarantee that most of that 20000, assuming all of them show up are from surrounding boonies in Mahoning Valley
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
If BIL is “brother-in-law,” then the answer is none, since I don’t have a brother-in-law. Or any in-laws at this time in my life. Having a small number of relatives these days can be a good thing — since none of my relatives are Trump supporters, I don’t have to deal with the unpleasantness of facists and idiots.
The vast majority of the donation emails are from candidates and organizations I’d love to be able to help. But if they have to depend on me, they’re in deep trouble.
I get far too many requests from Democratic candidates for office in other states — sometimes they aren’t even statewide offices. In many cases, they have little chance of winning. I’d still like to send them a small donation, but small donations add up and I have to reserve most of what I can give for candidates in my own state. Sometimes there will be an excellent candidate — the kind I really want to see elected — and I’ll a few dollars his or her way, but in most cases I have to delete the email with regret and without action.
I get a lot of requests from NGOs. I donate when I can. And Planned Parenthood, which is a matter of simple justice. Like I said, even with small donations, it adds up.
The truth is the only reason I’d want to have a lot of money is so I could give it away.
@Adam L Silverman: Just further proof that for Trump time stopped around 1998.
@Adam L Silverman: With this administration, that’s known as details.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
Who wants to bet me that less than 7,000 people show up, and the giant screen has, like, a dozen Teapartiers and three homeless guys watching it?
I think you missed Jim’s point — who ignores a business email from a family member? Nobody — that’s why it’s a transparent lie.
Mike J
@Mnemosyne: Heh, depends on who the family member is.
He might not even know. He’s not too bright.
But he’s a sensational, terrific, incredible judge of people. I mean just look at what a stunning success Flynn has been. And now Sessions. Trump never makes a mistake. The people just change and fail Trump, who was right to appoint them, but later the victim of the unforeseeable failings of lesser mortals.
“Trump — He’s a god, but can’t see everything in the future…” — The Mooch.
@TriassicSands: He could easily not know before it happened. They’d talk about it on the TV shows, so he’d find out eventually.
The rest of the Ponzi family?
Good point.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
I do too but I fear America will simply never be the same again!
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
That’s a funny image but there are enough reactionaries outside the Youngstown-Warren metro area to probably fill those 7000 seats. The area is pretty full of old white people still dreaming of the steal mills coming back and despite total control at the county level by Democrats and a university, it isn’t exactly super liberal like Austin, Texas. I just hope the protests are big enough to warrant local news coverage.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Mnemosyne, thank you for pointing out that my response wasn’t responsive to Jim’s comment.
I didn’t really miss his point, but my response wasn’t a response to it. I was actually thinking about all the emails I’ve had to delete without action in the past. You might call it “distracted commenting.” Sorry.
Jim, your point is a good one…however…I get emails all the time when I’m in the middle of all kinds of crises and Clinton in always in the subject line, because she’s responsible for pretty much everything wrong in the world today. So, I really feel Jared’s pain and I hope everything works out well for him…in prison.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
As tempting as it would be to go & call him and his zombie supporters on their never ending bullshit, please don’t go & get yourself and God forbid, killed. There’s enough crazy shot going on and I and most comment era here would never forgive ourselves if something unthinkable happened to you at 1.
@Yarrow: And I’m saying they have statutory authority to do just that.
I can assure you it will be the largest crowd ever to assemble for such an event (…on that date, at that time, at that venue…”details” which will not be recorded by the official Trump historian.)
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: So you’re going though nursing school? My step-daughter graduated June last year and is a surgical nurse here in LA.
No, but seriously — you’re actively working on a project with your brother-in-law, your BIL emails you about a meeting for that project, and you don’t bother to read the email with the latest information about the project before showing up at the meeting?
Okay, wait, this is starting to sound more plausible when applied to these morons. I mean, a normal person wouldn’t do it, but Jared just may be that stupid and lazy.
@TriassicSands: Certainly more people than Obama or Hillary EVER had at their rallies.
@Mnemosyne: I called my late BIL an idiot, hell my wife called him my idiot brother.
ETA: Though an email from him would have been surprising, when he was still with us, since he didn’t really speak English.
Amir Khalid
If Trump really is considering the likes of Ted Cruz and Rudy Giuliani for US Attorney-General, then he has scraped all the way through the bottom of the barrel.
Maybe they’ll call it “Pravda,” which, hilariously, means “Truth.”
Just like Trump’s autobiography (the future best-selling book in history, topping both the Bible and Atlas Shrugged), which will be called “My Struggle.”
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
I wasn’t planning on it. It sounds like it will be a nightmare to get anywhere close to downtown tommorow. I just wonder what traffic’s going to be like around where I live
At least triple. But probably a lot more. Obama couldn’t draw a crowd under any circumstances and Hillary, well, Hillary is crooked. So there. No one comes out to see a crook.
@TriassicSands: Pravda ne Izvestia, Izvestia ne Pravda. (Truth is not News, News is not Truth.)
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
I’ll be curious to see — old people don’t like to leave Fox News, they’re afraid they might miss something.
And if you do go to any protests, watch out for Black Bloc and other disruptive assholes. Anyone who encourages you to break stuff or otherwise get violent is planning to slip away as soon as the cops get there, leaving you holding the bag
Thought it’s gonna be called “Greater Than God!”
I like my brother in law. Sisters in law are a whole other story.
@TriassicSands: Did you see the speech that Obama gave in Berlin in 2008? Only a few folk showed up, sad.
Another Scott
@Amir Khalid: Beria wasn’t available…
Note that both of them have said they’re not interested.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Oh yeah? Good for her! I’m in my second going on third year of nursing school. Should graduate in 2019 or so. My first clinicals last semester were a little nerve wracking, but I gradually got more comfortable in my role. I always enjoyed talking to my patient’s the most
Original Lee
@Jeffro: Co-sign. The National Jamboree is a HUGE endeavor for local Boy Scout troops and their adults – they’ve been working their butts off for over a year to make sure everyone has a good time, and it’s of course a big deal when the President shows up. The boys were probably already off the hook because it’s midway through Jamboree, and it’s very easy for the younger boys to get carried away, especially if the adults around them are encouraging them. There is a faction within Boy Scouts that’s very gung-ho wingnut and Headquarters doesn’t want to tell them to dial it back. For instance, during once of McCain’s campaign appearances, his people placed a number of Boy Scouts in uniform on the platform behind him, which was clearly against Scout rules, but as far as I know, nothing ever happened to the Scouters that let them do it.
My son has never wanted to go to Jamboree, because there are always accidents and food poisoning and it’s always WAAAAY too hot. I seem to remember there was an accident a couple of Jamborees ago where two adults were accidentally electrocuted because they were trying to raise a pole near the overhead electrical wire. I am now even more glad that he had zero interest in going this year.
Amir Khalid
The first shipment of my guitar-related purchases arrived this Tuesday morning: guitar polish in a wee bottle*, a polishing cloth and a string winder. Somewhat anti-climactic.
*”A wee bottle”, I said, not “a bottle of wee”
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Would Black Bloc be here? I thought that was a west coast thing
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: Heh, she doesn’t talk to her patients too much.
ETA: The one clinical the kid hated was the psych clinical. BTW, she got her job via her clinical.
Another Scott
@Original Lee: One summer as a kid I went to a state Jamboree at an Air Force base in Ohio. A bunch of kids got sick because they chewed on pieces of grass that had been sprayed with some weed killer or something. :-/
And yeah, it was ungodly hot.
Trump deserves nothing but condemnation for trying to turn the Jamboree into some sort of Hitler Youth rally.
@jl: McCain likes attention. I can’t wait for the reaction from the media when the obvious story line appears:80 yr old Senator, stricken with cancer, who has had the best govt paid healthcare all his life from the moment he was born in a military hospital, thru the Academy, as a serving officer, and then a senator, heroically flies back to Washington to help the GOP take away health insurance from 30M Americans, many of them children. if he goes thru with this, he deserves to die miserably.
Major Major Major Major
@Amir Khalid: you haven’t ruled out it being a bottle for wee.
@Amir Khalid: I would not recommend polishing your guitar with “wee”.
@Another Scott
That ruminant merit badge can be a b*itch.
@Original Lee: As I’ve mentioned, I went to the Jamboree(western) in 1973. We spent a year raising money to go, selling fucking doughnut $1/dozen. God, as an introvert, I hated that. The trip from SoCal to Idaho was fun and we got to see some nice parts of the western US(Zion, Grand Tetons, Yellowstone), but it was really hot at the Jamboree.
One Flew Back to the Cuckoo’s Nest.
Amir Khalid
@Amir Khalid:
Followed an hour later by a
weetiny clip-on electronic tuner. These guys would save a lot of time and effort if they shipped all my purchases in one go.TriassicSands
I understand he was humiliated and ordered his press secretary to announce that it was the largest crowd in German history — even larger than those attracted by the Fuehrer.
The official explanation was that if you counted all the “illegal aliens” who couldn’t attend, it would have been a much larger crowd. Obama depended on “those people” for all of his successes.
ETA: I think most of Obama’s 2008 and 2012 votes came from Mexican citizens — probably 40 million, at least. Anyone can vote in US elections.
@Another Scott:
I know I was probably seen as an apologist for the BSA in previous theads, but the point I was making is that they had to invite him and let him speak. His speech was an affront to scouting’s code of conduct and there really need to be some changes to make sure this doesn’t happen again. Maybe some adult supervision for Trump?
Anne Laurie
@Adam L Silverman: Just use [/snark], like I do. Yeah, it’s dull & literal, but then…
@Amir Khalid
Anticipation, anticipation
Is makin’ me late
Is keepin’ me waitin’
@Amir Khalid:
Unpossible, it’s Monday night.
@Amir Khalid:
Amir, it sounds like trickle down electronics.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
I can imagine! We only had one patient per student. The most difficult part was finding out where all the supplies were at the hospital. Clinicals are definitely a great way to get a job.
I was on vacation to LA last year this time and absolutely loved it there. Beautiful city with lots of interesting people living in it. Would for sure like to live there someday
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: She got a job at a really good hospital adjacent to Beverly Hills, she had a couple of clinicals there and on her last one before her graduation, they told her group that they’d all be hired(pending their actual graduation and passing their boards).
Well played.
(And that’s no piddling approbation.)
Mike J
@Amir Khalid: I didn’t know anybody used tuners these days. Thought everyone just used phones now.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
They or similar anarchist assholes were stirring shit up in Ferguson, so there are probably some within driving distance. It’s worth it to be a little wary of really enthusiastic protesters, especially young guys in their late teens and early 20s (sorry!)
(Edited for clarity)
Heh, maybe just a wee bit.
What? Now I’m on probation? Sheesh!
Amir Khalid
@Mike J:
What can I say? I’m old-fashioned.
Mike J
@Amir Khalid: I have one myself, but I bought it in 1980something.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
That’s really cool, to have a guaranteed job like that. I hope that happens for me!. I’d rather work in a hospital than a nursing home
@?BillinGlendaleCA: A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.
Trump is 0 for 12.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
I resemble that remark! But don’t worry I don’t plan on going. Traffic downtown will probably be a nightmare
@clay: Trump was never a boy scout, unlike his 3 predecessors in the job.
ETA: I was actually surprised that George W. Bush was a boy scout; I wasn’t surprised that Clinton and Obama were.
He might be 1 for 12. Rich people are often very thrifty with their own money.
Clearly, Trump is willing to waste endless amounts of money as president, but it’s not his money, so, no problem.
On the other hand, Trump is probably not anywhere near as rich as he claims to be and has to spend disproportionately to appear to be wealthier than he is. So, you many be right…0 for 12.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: Not to put any pressure on your clinicals, but they can be job interviews; especially the later ones as you get towards graduation. By that time, you’re doing a nurses work, so they can see how good you are at it.
I don’t wade into those swamps, but has anyone noticed any RWNJ pushback on his appearing at the scout thing as giving tacit support to the “homosexual agenda?”
@NotMax: I don’t have hip boots, so I avoid swamps.
A Scout is Trustworthy, Loyal, Helpful, Friendly, Courteous, Kind, Obedient, Cheerful, Thrifty, Brave, Clean, and Reverent.
A Trump is Untrustworthy, Disloyal, Obstructive, Unfriendly, Rude, Cruel, Disobedient, Nasty, Wasteful, Cowardly, Slimy, and Disrespectful.
Yep, 12 for 12.
Hitler youth in action – I have a very good friend who grew up in 30s Germany. He joined – you went with it or you had no friends.
Mike J
Check out the anti-Trump care banner on XKCD.
@Adam L Silverman:
Having to fire someone reflects poorly on his inability to have done a good hire in the first place.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
You have to wonder how many kids got fucked up from that experience
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
No pressure. That honestly makes sense
@Ruckus: As Kay says, bad hires all around starting with Trump.
When you are neck deep in bullshit, there really isn’t a lot of choice in people to stand next to you. They are going to have to like the smell, feel and taste of bullshit. Unfortunately for us almost anyone who would work for drumpf is fully versed in standing neck deep in bullshit. Usually of their own making.
Nothing quite like going to sit down on the couch and discovering the cat took a shit on it.
It’s been quite an evening.
Major Major Major Major
@Mnemosyne: Uh oh, what’d you do to piss off the cat?
Amir Khalid
@Major Major Major Major:
As far as the cat is concerned, you know what you did.
@efgoldman: What has Sessions ever been ineffective at since his failed judicial confirmation over 30 years ago? Don’t be confused by the country bumpkin persona. He’s smart, plans meticulously, never makes a play with a losing hand, and knows exactly what he wants to do in his dream job. Don’t underestimate him.
Trump is angry at Sessions because Sessions played him. He supporTed R rp all along, going back 6-7 years, with the goal of being AG if Trump were ever p re esident, them recused himself from the Russia investigation because it would have taken time and energy from what he wants to do. He isn’t an idiot like Trump is.
Anne Laurie
@Amir Khalid: There is a popular Japanese children’s comic (manga) about a kitten named ‘Chi‘. A name she earns because she shows up, insistently, when the mama in the nice family that adopts her urges their toddler to chi! chi! in the big-boy potty. Since Japanese slang also uses ‘chi chi’ (from chiisana, little) to mean ‘really tiny’, this is a bilingual pun…
@Major Major Major Major:
@Amir Khalid:
The battle over territory that happened when we first moved in a few years ago flared up again while we were on vacation. I think the message was actually to the other cat — this is MY territory, paws off!
It wasn’t as disastrous as it could have been — I had an old sheet on top of the seat that got the worst of it, so I threw that away and used some Nature’s Remedy on the residue. Still very gross, though.
@Steeplejack: There’s your voter fraud right there! Repubs promised it was for a merit badge.
@reality-based (the original, not the troll):
I have made plans to be out of the country in October.
I forsee that things are going to get out of hand.
Bobby Thomson
@TriassicSands: thrifty? Have you seen his crapper?
Stop insulting teenagers.
J R in WV
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Did the Boy Scout Fascists of America even ever invite President Obama to address their “Jamboree” or other rally or gathering?
I’m guessing NO.
J R in WV
@Another Scott:
Believe me, it was a Hitler Youth rally without Trump. He was just the cherry on top of the sundae of vile.
I used to respect the BSA – not so much any more. Irrational hatred of Gay and Trans kids, right wing propaganda, they basically act as prep for military boot camp. Spent hundreds of millions on the Summit scouting center on the edge of the New River Gorge.
I don’t remember it being quite like that when I was a kid, but now it’s a cult. I could have been wrong about it back then, I was never a member. All the BSA troops were church-related…
glory b
@jl: “Siri, how do I destroy ISIS?”
(from Saturday Night Live)