This is the actual front page at CNN:
What kind of fucking moron thinks that Hillary Clinton condones rape and sexual assault? Other than Donald Trump, I guess the answer is Chris Cillizza. The same Chris Cillizza seen here joking with Dana Milbank calling her a “mad bitch”:
At this point, it is beyond fair to wonder whether Cillizza just has a problem with women. He’s dragged Clinton for so long, that I am wondering if it extends far beyond her to other women.
Make no mistake, this is no “analysis” as he has it labeled. And the thing you need to realize is Cillizza KNOWS that Clinton doesn’t support rape and sexual assault, he just wants make her respond. It’s him using his forum to make her jump- he might as well be saying “Dance, mad bitch, dance,” because we all know that if she does respond, Cillizza’s next piece will be “what took her so long” and “was she sincere” and so on.
Reminds me of Andrew Sullivan’s unseemly and unhealthy obsession with Hillary Clinton.
Sadly, this appears to be the opening salvos of an organized media attack on “liberal” hypocrisy. You might think these dopes wouldn’t touch this stuff, what with the P*ssy Grabber in Chief in the White House, but this kind of ignorant crap really stirs up the GOP true believers.
Because the curve for unqualified White Men is REAL?
You thought that only applied to Dolt45?
Oh no.
The club of mediocre, unqualified White Men, who have been allowed to FAIL UP……
doesn’t seem to ever end.
Lips pursed.
Chris Cillizza is a Trump tool.
Go get him, Twitter!!
The Silence of Chris Cillizza on Harvey Weinstein.
Why is the news obsessed with Harvey Weinstein? TERRIBLE ASSHOLES IN HOLLYWOOD NO WAY!. Just looking for a way _not_ to talk about whatever fool thing Trump is doing lately?
Cillizza is like the football player robot that Fox uses in its Sunday broadcasts. Most people who have an opinion one way or the other, tend to hate him, the remainder don’t care, and yet network producers are convinced he brings in views/clicks.
I think it’s worth considering how many of his clicks at WaPo and now CNN were by people looking for a hate read.
Meanwhile, while I’m no fan of Milbank’s, he was pretty damn good during the 2016 election.
The Cillizza/Weinstein pic is almost certainly Photoshopped. I assume this is the original photo.
Hillary-hatred is a tell that someone is politically irrational or gains from political irrationality. Personally I don’t get it and never have. But it’s a real thing and has been carefully watered and tended by the RWNJ faction for 25 years.
I think it every single day, but probably don’t say it often enough. I hate these people (meaning Cilizza and his ilk). I hate them hate them HATE them.
I’m just surprised that this is the first time this title has been used. There’s no number in the URL.
Betty Cracker
Cillizza isn’t alone; Erin Burnett of CNN also expressed dismay at HRC’s failure to denounce Weinstein at an event last night, and Jake Tapper retweeted her stupid tweet. @Brachiator above is right; this is the new both-sides tango.
Not one Democrat ever voted for Weinstein for any public office. Virtually every single Republican voted for Trump, an admitted serial sexual predator. Seems like a difference in these situations worth pointing out.
@rikyrah: And Harvey Weinstein, as a mediocre white man in a position of power in the entertainment industry, thought sexually assaulting women was his privilege.
Cillizza is dumb as a fence post and half as clever, so I won’t attribute any big picture machinations to him. But it seems to me that he thinks he’s found a way to finally memory-hole Trump’s recorded history of bragging about sexual assault, along with the unrebutted accusations of a dozen or so women, by saying that this Weinstein shit shows that, wait for it…BOTH SIDES DO IT.
The fact that Democrats aren’t in any danger of making Harvey Weinstein their presidential nominee, and the active politicians who have accepted his money are all donating it or giving it back, and who the fuck is Harvey Weinstein anyway…while Hair Furor was the GOP nominee and, after a brief period of “concern” and “stern comments”, the entire fucking party meekly lined up behind him…none of that matters to Cillizza. He has his new bullshit shiny toy to obsess over now that EMAILZZZ is no longer a national emergency. Bonus that he thinks it makes Democrats look just as bad as the GOP. And how things look is all that matters to this barely-sentient troglodyte.
God, I fucking hate that guy.
The media is trying to get out in front of the news that THEY THEMSELVES knew all about Weinstein and participated in the cover-up.
But they forget that Twitter works both ways.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
I propose we adopt Cillizza as a base unit for pure analytical incompetence. Given that Cillizza only came around to “the Comey letter was a massive own goal” on February 9th this year, I’m thinking one Cillizza should be about 3.5 months. Thoughts?
…and OT, today’s my 22nd birthday, but I’m laid up in the house because of a sore throat.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
A better question would be: why is Chris Cillizza still alive when he’s that fucking stupid?
Ivan Ivanovich Renko
“The club of mediocre, unqualified White Men, who have been allowed to FAIL UP……”
And here we have the utter, unvarnished truth.
Oh, to have the confidence of a mediocre American white man!
Let’s get Cillizza fired. He does not deserve a prominent job.
Kenneth Kohl
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): Happy Birthday! Hope you feel better! Glad you can still type, eh?
Wonder whether Cillizza will bother to update with the statement Hillary Clinton made condemning Weinstein and his actions.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Also, too, Cillizza represents everything wrong with white professional America.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@dmsilev: A century after the 10th of never.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: Here’s what CNN is saying now:
So, I guess they’re now going to pivot to “five days is too long” or some-such.
Two posts about this fucking stupid topic as a response to RWNJ and MSM media but no post on T reneging on the DACA deal and demanding an almost freeze on legal immigration. We don’t have to dance like their monkeys, you know. We have a choice.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
No way, all the Hillary hatred from the press is because she wouldn’t bed one of these press idiots like Cillizza? I mean, all this nonsense about “mean” “cold” and “bitch” they use about her is what some dork says when a girl turns him down.
Also, too, isn’t Hillary supposed to STFU and go away?
@dmsilev: That sounds about right, and they will mention his donation to her.
Miss Bianca
@MattF: And I have to put up with it even at my local Democratic central committee meetings. Shut one guy down last night who started up with the “Oh, Hillary was such a terrible candidate” bullshit. Looked him in the eye and told him that that wasn’t true, but that misogyny was as baked into the American political system as racism. Bristle, bristle, bristle, “I’m not a misogynist, but you have to admit that Bill was terrible and Hillary stuck with him so she must be terrible too”. “Oh, yeah? Hate to break it to you, Sparky, but blaming a woman for her husband’s behavior IS misogyny. Congratulations, you’ve been played by the right-wing machine that’s been devoted to smearing the Clintons for 25 years.”
That made for a fun few minutes till we moved back onto the topic of the attempted right-wing coup/recall effort in our county.
I am just so tired of this SHIT. I am so tired of WHITE MALE ENTITLEMENT. I am so tired of WHITE WOMEN who “stand by their man” and let sexism and injustice to other women slide in the name of white tribalism. I am so tired of this shit in my supposed Democratic, liberal, “progressive” ALLIES. I am so tired of feeling like an asshole for pointing out that they are acting like assholes.
Question – I haven’t been following any of this story that closely, and I realize that a) Weinstein is/was a big D donor, and b) his sliminess was an open secret in Hollywood, but to what extent was it common knowledge in DC circles? I mean, from what I can tell, politicians are more than happy to take money from Hollywood types, but it doesn’t necessarily follow that they actually pay attention or give a fuck what Hollywood types are up to. I’m perfectly willing to be told otherwise, but I don’t understand the automatic assumption that Democratic politicians knew about Weinstein’s reputation.
In this time of heightened flag respect awareness I couldn’t help help but noticing those sons of bitches were using the flag as a tablecloth.
Carolyn M Kay
Did he miss her statement, or did he ignore it, so that he could trash her? –
Actually, I think a number of people – mostly Republicans, but not all – do think that Hillary condones rape. Bill Clinton, of course, has been accused of rape. And Hillary’s refusal to leave Bill has been portrayed as her condoning rape in right-wing media (and maybe some left-wing).
Seen through this lens, Cilizza is doing his job to get clicks. He’s tapping into a large current in Republican social media and will undoubtably be retweeted and whatever.
Anyway, he’s playing to a certain audience. I have no idea if he thinks Hillary condones rape, and I suppose it doesn’t matter. It’s just entertainment for people that enjoy rage. It’s the 2 minutes of hate.
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
@Kenneth Kohl: It’s incapacitating in the “can do nothing productive because I’m clearing my throat all day.” The way my colds operate is such: Stage 1) I suddenly feel like hair’s caught in my throat, which within 12-24 hours progresses to Stage 2) My Throat Is On Fire – during this stage I can’t sleep at all, can’t eat either, and spend a good chunk of my day taking hot showers. After about 24 hours this rapidly subsides into Stage 3): I’m pretty much fine, and can eat comfortably, but my throat is dry for another day.
Incidentally, the only time I can be confident I had the flu rather than a cold was in May 2010, which I can tell because I had severe chills and gastrointestinal problems.
This is all revenge for Ailes and O’Reilly being forced to resign because they were creepy molesters.
Enhanced Voting Techniques
@MaryL: I think the people who really knew about Weinstein’s swinish behavior was the press and they refused to report it under Bro Code, so now they are blaming the Democrats.
West of the Cascades
@dedc79: Milbank continues decent work in the WaPo making some amends for his previous atrocities. Cillizza not so much.
Villago Delenda Est
Cillizza has earned a single digit tumbrel number, up there with such garbage as Haberman, Chuckles the Toddler, and Mrs. Greenspan.
@Miss Bianca:
This white male (who has undoubtedly benefited from this unfair system at various points in life, although not purposefully) couldn’t agree more.
White men have been running just about everything for centuries. I think there are enough black marks on our performance record at this point that a change in management is past due. As the Onion so astutely recognized, one of the reasons Obama got the big job in 2008 was that things were so shitty that white males didn’t want to deal with the cleanup and becoming president at that moment in time was possibly the worst job in the world to walk into. And after eight years of Obama’s dogged efforts to clean up the shit we left for him, we show our gratitude by replacing him with the most heinous, unqualified and entitled white guy in the history of American politics by about ten trillion miles. Heckuva job.
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD): Heck of a way to be celebrating a bday.
Get well soon.
Amir Khalid
Why should Hillary, or for that matter Bill, have to say anything about Harvey Weinstein? Is any Republican subject to similar scrutiny over their own supporters? He donated to their political campaigns, but so did many others, and no doubt some even better-connected people raised more money for them than he did. Was there ever anything to suggest an illicit quid pro quo?
Enhanced Voting Techniques
I don’t know, the press is as much a part of Hollywood as anything so I wouldn’t be surprised to hear one day that Clizza offered to write good stories about Hillary if she sucked Clizza off and Hillary told him to take a leap into the Potomac.
” It’s the 2 minutes of hate. ”
Two minutes of bullshit. It’s the Brooks model of ‘analysis’ stick to topics where you can just type bolierplate up to deadline and hit the send key.
I hate this crap, no matter who it’s aimed at. Even miserable disasters like Trump. Hyperventilating over whether HRC, or Trump, made a statement at exactly the time you or I or any random nitwit like Cillizza thinks they should have, or said what you or I, or any random nitwit like Cillazza, thinks they should have is easy BS. And it is used to avoid seriously discussing more important issues, and to avoid taking any risks.
So, apparently HRC made a statement, but now it doesn’t count because it wasn’t soon enough, or something wasn’t right about it.
I did a search and I see that Cilliza has not issued a ringing defense of Jamele-Hill yet as a journalist, and he weaseled in a way I found unacceptable in what he did say.
Cillizza: dope and hypocrite. He is damned forever.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Funny, I thought only I hated that stupid Fox football robot of toxic masculinity. Retire the ugly thing already.
Miss Bianca
That’s “Heckuva job, Whitey!” to you, bucko! //
Betty Cracker
@Miss Bianca: Good for you for shutting that dude down. I had to smile at your description of “feeling like an asshole for pointing out that they are acting like assholes” — I know exactly what you mean! But we have no choice; they interpret silence as agreement.
Villago Delenda Est
@jl: Brooks seems to be the current main vector of Broderism.
@jl: Do you remember his op-ed on how macroecon is like quantum mechanics? I never took him seriously after that.
Yeah, what’s up the the book tour and all? “Hillary must go away and leave us aloooone (now that we’ve killed her chances for high office forever).”
Found out this morning that she had a public appearance in town last night and I missed out on a chance to see her. That Sterny McFrozenface Pence was also here with mother makes it doubly weird.
I finally realized what Sara Hucklebee’s eye makeup means: Help! I’m trapped in a whorehouse.
I love when she looks at Peter Alexander as if he were her latest S&M client.
The First Rule of our elite political media is: “Whatever Hillary Clinton does is wrong and is further proof that she’s awful.”
The First Rule remains in effect no matter what. Actions previously considered “wrong” because Hillary did them remain so even if she subsequently does the exact opposite. The action described as “what she should have done” becomes “wrong” the moment Hillary does it, no matter how recently it had been described as “what she should have done.”
So, you see, when Hillary comments, it is “wrong” and “what she should have done” is stay quiet. But the moment she stops talking, that is “wrong” and “what she should have done” is speak out.
The First Rule is the adamantium of political coverage. Virtually indestructible.
@Miss Bianca:
Well and properly ranted. And anybody who thinks Big Dog was unpopular needs their nose shoved into the poll numbers from when he left office.
@Miss Bianca: The fact that Hillary is demonized for staying with her husband while Trump’s serial philandering and obvious trophy wives are not an issue is ludicrous. Our society is stupid.
@Miss Bianca: When you are feeling tired remember how long POC have had to put up with white privilege and white racism for over 300 years. Can you imagine how tired they are having to fight the same bullshit day after day, year after year. Hopefully that will give you the strength to keep going.
@West of the Cascades:
Agree about Milbank — he’s done some decent (and surprisingly funny) stuff lately, although he still has a lot to atone for. But I never had any use for Cillizza when he was at the Post, and have even less for him now. He is much, much worse since he joined CNN.
I’m with y’all. Who the fuck CARES?
Also, it sure as shit ain’t news that Cillizza is the platonic form of a Beltway hack-slime.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
I mean, why should CNN or Chris Cillizza give a shit what Clinton thinks about this? Because she took money from him for her campaign? And this is evidence of some supposed hypocrisy? I’m sure CNN and Chinchilla have never accepted dirty money before in their lives. And I’m sure I’ve gotten tips from scum at some point at my job. Does that make me a bad person for accepting them? No, of course not. It’s not my fault they’ve done terrible things. I’d be stupid to not take their money on the off chance a customer happens to be a blood-gurgling psychopath.
Also, this. I saw a lot of purported lefties pick up the Hillary loves rapists and child molesters bullshit in 2006 — it came up AGAIN here the other day. So unfortunately this shit has an audience on the left, too.
@Villago Delenda Est: @schrodingers_cat: I think your comments did not come at quite the right time, and did not express the proper thoughts that I expected. I also observe that neither of you observed what I deem to be the conventional wisdom on what should have been said. And regardless of what you said, they were far to short given the importance, or lack of importance of the topic.
They came too quickly, which by CW convention proves you are not taking this seriously, and are issuing pro forma statements that could have been written by one of your staff.
I just don’t see how either of you can be taken seriously as anonymous blog commenters anymore.
On the other hand, you are damned if you do and damned if you don’t. So, there you are. Sad day for us all.
@Amir Khalid:
Yes. They’re the Clintons. So their actions are presumed to be corrupt and insidious until proven otherwise. And because they’re the Clintons, no amount of evidence is ever, ever sufficient to prove otherwise. This is the Second Rule of our elite political media.
The one thing baby Huck needs to never do is stand next to Hope Hicks when cameras are present.
You wonder why Clinton even tries. They hate her. The statement would have been wrong or too late or not sincere- it doesn’t matter. Say it, don’t say it, won’t make a bit of difference. A lot of them probably aren’t even old enough to remember when it started, when she was First Lady, but it’s passed down like a family grudge.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Sounds like something out of Catch-22. Which I must confess I’ve never actually read only read about.
Miss Bianca
@Betty Cracker:
Thanks, Betty! That’s why I speak out, even if it gets me grief. For all the times that I didn’t, and people got away with injustices that I had tacitly enabled. We have a secret FB group here in the county, called TOTTS – which stands for “Too Old To Take This Shit”. It’s a bunch of liberal, kick-ass women here in Redneckistan, and I don’t think I’d be able to cope, and continue to live here, without them. They’re my inspiration. : )
Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD)
@SiubhanDuinne: How is that even possible? (My impression was that he mildly improved – by way of having more stopped-clock moments – since his CNN hiring).
At this point Jeff Zucker’s Daily Derphole is the graveyard of journalistic credibility.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Purity and self-righteousness always have an audience anywhere.
Every liberal who has ever eating a Trump steak, or food at any Trump associated property needs to gag it up for me right now, and in a manner to my satisfaction (you know what I mean!). Otherwise they are miserable hypocrites and their very existence should be dismissed,
Politically Lost
Fuck Cillizza.
My wife and I are sitting in the middle of the Santa Rosa fire zone and the air quality is just delicious.
What has been so weird about this emergency situation is that communications with what the fuck is going on is so shitty. You would think that in this day and age that it would be relatively easy for local communications as to where the fucking fires are. Nope! It reminds me of a mass shooting where as Adam has pointed out on a number of occasions that the initial reports are wrong.
We are just literally a few hundred yards from a major staging area and have no useful information about how close the fires are and where they are spreading. Speaking with a random stranger or a cop waiting for a coffee at Starbucks got me more info on my area than any electronic means. Fortunately, we have power, cell, and home internet. Unfortunately, its practically useless for vital local information.
I’m the assistant dean for the local law school. And, the only communication I have had is that the school was closed. I had to drive by to actually figure out that it was still standing. A whole bunch of businesses and homes were totally destroyed right next to it. I’m getting emails from students asking me about homework and whether I’ve talked to professors. FUCK! I don’t know. More than half the professors live in the areas where the fires struck. They don’t give a shit about that right now. Meanwhile I’m hosing my house and conferring with neighbors who have just as much information that I do. In other words, Jack and Shit.
Thanks for letting me vent.
Cillizza can’t seem to come up with any original ideas or perspectives. It’s same old, same old from him. I haven’t read him in ages but just from excerpts on blogs, etc., my first thought is, ho hum, not that again.
They want her to donate the money he gave the Clinton Foundation to a charity, except the Clinton Foundation is a charity.
A different charity? Wouldn’t the charity then be sullied? You knew it would immediately get ridiculous because it involves Hillary Clinton.
I think a major part is that they approve of sexual harassment/assault, would not dream of describing it as such, and when someone is caught doing it they want to smear the anti-sexual-assault forces as hypocrites.
@Enhanced Voting Techniques:
It is also what they say when any woman dares to not let men lead.
Dorothy A. Winsor (formerly Iowa Old Lady)
The curve for mediocre white men is statistically demonstrable. You take white men’s percentage of the population (31% according to the Washington Post). Map that on a bell curve. Then look at the percentage of businesses, offices, and other organizations white men control which I don’t know but would guess is well above 50% and that’s a lowball. Your results mean some of those organizations are run by mediocre white men.
Amir Khalid
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
Get thee to a bookstore, then.
For some reason, that made me think of Sojourner Truth, who always seemed to me like someone who fought when she needed to fight but always made sure to recharge her energy as often as she could. She lived to be 86, almost 20 years past the end of the Civil War and emancipation, so I like to think I’m right. ?
This line of her biography in Wikipedia has an almost fairytale-like quality:
Unless Cillizza has some good evidence that the people who directly benefited from Weinstein’s money donated to the Foundation – quite possibly people in Africa who were able to receive treatment for disease or other humanitarian aid – will themselves be sexually harassed by that money because it came from Weinstein, I don’t see why anyone should give a shit. But I’m sure the media will go ahead and inform us that this “casts shadows” on Chelsea’s 2032 presidential campaign anyway.
I’m cranky today.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
If that’s the thinking then I don’t know how donating it to a charity launders it. I don’t care if they donate it to a charity but if the money is dirty and has to be gotten rid of then it isn’t “cleansed” by a charity. They have to burn it. It’s tainted.
I don’t understand the issue here: as of a year ago being a sexual predator was something that didn’t even disqualify a man for the presidency.
Miss Bianca
@Turgidson: I think you have hit the nail on the head with this observation. I vote that the “First Rule” should be an understood thing here, like Cleek’s Law, or “curtain rods and sparrows.”
@Politically Lost: Yow! Hoping you stay safe, but also that you please keep reporting!
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
A more “logical” solution would be to just burn the dirty money/check. Of course then that money would do no one any good as smoking ash.
It’s like some bs trope of the Upstanding Do-gooder who will never accept so-called dirty money. It’s a stupid principle in the sense that the money can still be used to do good.
Hell, the CF should just establish some kind of fund or something for victims of sexual harassment with Weinstein’s donation. Doesn’t matter if they already do. Shallow people need something that’s publicly visible.
The whole “tainted money” thing probably doesn’t survive a whole lot of thought. It’s really pretty superstitious. They’ll have trouble coming up with consistent rules on this one. Down the rabbit hole they go!
It was like the contraception “debate”. The tiny portion that went to birth control still belonged to the Catholic Church,although it was paid out as compensation. I’m still not clear how that worked. Which part belongs to the employee? I pay two people for work and once I pay them I consider every dime theirs. I’m amazed there are employers who think they somehow RETAIN employee pay. I have no idea what they’re buying- lottery tickets, all sorts of things. NONE of my business :)
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Unless you’re a Demoguerat. “Just win, baby. It don’t matter how.”
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
It just gets ludicrous fast. There needs to be X number of transactions and transfers to launder this money. Ten. Let’s say 10. It’s as good as any other number.
Villago Delenda Est
As you mentioned earlier, they hate her, and their hatred is founded in their disdain for her beginnings that actually hints of the meritocracy they have debased with their foul inbred selves.
She and Bill both lived the lives that they, as legacy admission Ivy trash can never achieve. Their jealousy and rage is obvious. They know that they owe their position not to merit, to achievement, but to networking. And it drives them fucking bonkers.
@Politically Lost:
I think your school needs a better disaster plan. We just had our office disaster prep meeting last week, and we all have a good idea of what to do and who to contact in an emergency. At a minimum, your department should have a phone tree.
Also, fires move and change quickly, which is why the cops and firefighters are reluctant to make any predictions or declare anyplace “safe” until they know it’s contained. But I know that doesn’t make it any less frustrating for you in the moment.
@Politically Lost:
Best wishes to you and everybody else in or near the fire zones! Heard your mayor interviewed this morning and his description of how fast things spun up was startling. I would normally think of 101 as an effective firebreak but not so, as it turns out.
A great photo of water-drop planes headed for resupply in Lake Oroville. It’s all hands on deck right now.
I do think it’s good that this is happening, though. Bill Cosby and Donald Trump and Ailes and O’Reilly and this jerk.
The rules have changed, fellas. Not for Donald Trump but he’s a moron so he gets extra time.
Apparently half the board of directors of the Weinstein Company resigned in protest when the allegations were made public last week.
The social change may be slow, but it’s happening.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
I didn’t read the whole story. Is the outrage about whether he donated money to her campaign or the foundation?
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
That does give me hope for the future. That this right now is only a temporary abberation to the coming sea change. It won’t be easy and it won’t come fast. Fingers crossed, because there is no such thing as fate or destiny (Ex: history didn’t end with the Cold War).
john b
and now CNN has this:
“Biden to speak about combating sexual assault, remains mum on Weinstein”
Yeah I will care about Hillary making a statement about the Weinstein crap as soon as the MSM remembers they helped get a self-admitted sexual assaulter elected President:
Check out Judd Legum’s Twitter if you need a refresher of the 17 women who have publicly stated he harassed or assaulted them. And those are just the ones that were willing to deal with the pubic crapstorm.
Mike in NC
Howard Kurtz was a terrible hack who left the Washington Post for CNN and from there went to Fox News Channel. Chris Cillizza was a terrible hack who left the Washington Post for CNN. What are the odds he lands over at Fox News pretty soon?
Steeplejack (phone)
@Villago Delenda Est:
You outdid yourself with this comment, Villago. Absolutely spot on.
Can’t we just grind all of these Beltway pundits & hacks into chum? I’m sure there are hungry fish & sharks somewhere in the world who could force down the chow. Not one word from any of these fuckers about the Fox News house of groping under the leadership of sexual assaulter Roger Ailes and now every cent donated or raised by Weinstein has to be given back? How about every cent including in-kind contributions donated by Roger Ailes and all of the other mouthbreathing toads at Fox be donated to charity? Fuck these assholes.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
That, and Hollywood for Ugly People. Half of the people probably fawned over Weinstein at one correspondents’ dinner type thing or another, dreaming of their version of House of Cards becoming a Major Motion Picture. They think Weinstein looms as large in Peoria as it does in their social circle
All prominent black people and American Muslims are required to denounce every jerk who happens to share color or religion with them. Now they are also doing it to democrats…..especially women. There has got to be a response that makes it clear to people what nonsense this is.
hedgehog mobile
@Miss Bianca: Preach!!
“What kind of fucking moron thinks that Hillary Clinton condones rape and sexual assault?”
Um, the women whose character she smeared and whose credibility she denied when they accused her husband of sexual improprieties?
Why is Melania an enabler of The Donald’s boorishness but not Hillary?
You mean like Paula Jones, whose case was financed by the Republican Party? Or Juanita Broaddrick, a mentally ill person who was exploited by the Republican Party? Or Monica Lewinsky, about whom Bill lied to the entire country, including his wife?
Please, name names. Which women are you thinking of specifically that Hillary dissed? Your she laughed at a rape victim bullshit was already shown to be false by Snopes. The only one who sees that in that video is you, Berkowitz.
He has a job because the people who own the media want to ensure permanent Republican power as a means to oligarchy. He’s doing exactly what he’s paid to do, and doing it well enough.
I don’t see what people find mysterious in all this.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@LanceThruster: you have a Bernie tattoo, don’t you ?
Nobody cares about this shit. Really. Just an opportunity to have progressives snipe at each other. Who needs that? Not me.
Ho Hum….
Definitely do not care about Cillizza and what he thinks about anything.
I am watching our key programs and regulations get dismantled by a pack of creatures who want to destroy us. No one has a clue what to do about THAT. When someone comes up with some options on that, I am all ears…
Villago Delenda Est
@LanceThruster: /waves hand
You need to stop using death sticks and rethink your life
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
No ink at all. I have a round scar on the top of my head that I’m tempted to have tattooed with ‘666’ or an eyeball. Other designs in the running are an 8-ball or the yin yang symbol.
It seemed pretty much an open secret that Bill was a bit of a player (I voted for him anyway). Do you think she might possibly put loyalty to her husband (and their tied political fortunes) over her commitment to uncovering the truth? At least it’s admitted here he lied to the nation and her (although I’m guessing the lie to Hillary was “No one can prove a thing. It’s my word against hers”). Willey was not a right-wing operative. She worked to help the party (she just didn’t want to help in *that* way).
I wanted to read a related WP piece and see if it was relevant, but there was a paywall. There was so much indignation at my questioning the WP’s integrity in another thread, I thought I’d include this here.
Oops. Left this link off with the Kathleen Willey mention.
Great post
J R in WV
@Butthurt Jordan Trombone (fka XTPD):
Jordan, Happy Birthday, guy!!
Sorry about your sore throat, I used to get those when I had to go out to work every day.
I’m glad we have younger folks following the blog and commenting. It helps me feel like I’m still connected to the hip young folks.
The Daily Mail? Why not link directly to Breitbart and cut out the middleman?
My favorite part of this is that Tucker Carlson’s mouthpiece, the Daily Caller, says that Willey is a liar. So not even the right wing can agree if they believe her or not, and yet you ate up their propaganda because it gives you excuse for your irrational, misogynist hatred of Hillary.
And, no, voting for a woman who had no chance of winning doesn’t mean you’re not a misogynist. In fact, it shows that you actually are one, because you’re only willing to vote for a woman who has zero chance of actually taking office.
J R in WV
I believe those “leftists” are in the main actually right-wing nut jobs who pretend to be liberals so that their horrid opinions will have more resonance with other liberals. None of them ever actually vote for a liberal in a general election, ever.
No evidence, I don’t need any. They don’t ever seem to be able to see real evidence, in any case. Like that flag tablecloth, what could be more disrespectful to the flag than that? Outside of a privy, anyway.
J R in WV
Thanks to Major Major Major Major, Alain and Cleek for their great work inventing and implementing the pie filter. Job Well Done, guys!!!
I wonder, does everyone get the same great pie saying when they come to another great pie saying by Lance Stabber Idiot!??? Or does everyone get a different saying?
Get bent. Your interpretation of what constitutes support of women is pretty much all in your mind. And I’ve no problem with the howler monkey brigade going full pie. It’s at least less cowardly than the year long ban for not switching from Bernie to Hillary (labelling someone a troll for having a different take on things is groupthink at its most repulsive). All your reasoned bullying didn’t do much to get your candidate elected…but then, progressives were told they weren’t needed anyway. Schumer was so convinced that Hillary was a good fit for ‘moderate’ conservatives, that they could just throw the progressive wing of the party under the bus.
The Daily Mail source notwithstanding (no comment on your beloved WP?), Hillary was content to do the dirty work for someone who has been shown to be a liar. I don’t imagine she ever retracted anything she said about Lewinsky like, “I’m sorry. Turns out you were telling the truth” even if she added, “though I’m still certain all those other women are liars and also that there’s a perfectly innocent explanation for the nickname of Epstein’s ‘Lolita Express.'”
I don’t mind talking past some of the more abusive posters here. I think there are readers who can see past the Hillary hagiography.