“We are witnesses to the most ruthless attack on a president & the people who voted for him…in American history." –@DLoesch #NRA pic.twitter.com/rcPAKMVJI0
— NRATV (@NRATV) October 20, 2017
And Garfield & McKinley, plus Reagan too.
Huh. I wonder what those presidential attacks have in common that would make the NRA ignore them?
— Kevin M. Kruse (@KevinMKruse) October 20, 2017
It's tempting to view this as a broad satire of fascism, like Verhoeven's Starship Troopers. But it ain't. https://t.co/TNmyTzc4A8
— Popehat (@Popehat) October 20, 2017
Decades from now this will be an artifact barely believed by students learning about a fascistic strand of early 21st century US politics. https://t.co/wcNtHnu3Kz
— Ben Rhodes (@brhodes) October 20, 2017
If you're curious why @DLoesch and @NRATV are suddenly so tremendously freaked out: https://t.co/pGOdNjWLk8
— Jason Ross (@jasonjross) October 20, 2017
Trump’s unearned “success” has made the NRA’s plumpest pigeons complacent. SAD!
We re-edited the NRA's latest crazy video. It makes sense now. Enjoy! pic.twitter.com/0rAxi2930K
— Shadow Cabinet (@ShadowingTrump) October 22, 2017
Major Major Major Major
On my more optimistic days I think this about many things from this era.
@Major Major Major Major: ON my more optimistic days, I think there will still be students of history.
Major Major Major Major
@TenguPhule: of course you do.
Night kids.
Dana’s just lame. Couldn’t the NRA hire that fire and brimstone preacher lady, whats her name … ah got it, Joyce Meyer. That girl’s got napalm in her eyes and bullets in her words.
Villago Delenda Est
The NRA is a terrorist organization, just like Al Qaeda or Daesch.
They should be treated exactly as Obama dealt with Osama bin Laden.
@Villago Delenda Est: But they’re just one cog of a wider network of old religion, perverts, money grubbers and bastards.
Gonna need more rope.
Summation of the idiocy:
The widow Wilson.
Squeaky Fromme.
No difference.
Dammit. Total brain fart.
Ought to read: the widow Johnson.
@NotMax: Who is the widow Wilson?
@NotMax: I was going to ask if that’s who you meant.
Mr opiejeanne and I will be in SoCal probably by this Friday and don’t have to be back in Seattle until November 15th, so would anyone like another meet up?
Sorry ’bout that. The thought apparently decided to take the scenic route on the way to the typing fingers.
According to Gallup daily tracking poll, after a brief jump in approval that had Drumpy touch 40 percent for one day, Dummy has been stuck in mid-thirties for last week. So, if NRA wants to tie itself to the Trumspter himself, good luck to them.
@opiejeanne: You know I’m always game for a meetup.
ETA: Did you see my pic of Dodger Stadium and DTLA in the last thread or on Flickr?
This tweet from a well known national security expert concerns me. It seems hard to believe. Consensus among who? Senators like Corker and McCain, they are damning the Drumpster all over the place. What Dem would be stupid, spineless and irresponsible enough to sign on? Jeebus, the Gold Star family letter scandal showed once again that Trump is a damned liar and irresponsible fantasist, and toxic sociopath who cannot be trusted. There is even a flow chart on it. And it was self-generated by Trump out of nothing. He wasn’t even asked if he had written the families, he was asked why no public statement. Trump is an dysfunctional idiot. Two thirds of the population knows this. The very idea that a consensus would grow on any Trump decision, on the WH furniture dusting schedule, let alone war, is asinine. The tweet is just as unbelievable as it is frightening.
Calling all Adam Silverman front posters!
Joe Cirincione
‘ Seems to be an inexplicable consensus growing in administration for a strike on NK & the fear among D’s of looking “weak”. Feels like 2002. ‘
Edit: maybe Ciricione means that the idiots in the Trump administration think that they can buffalo the Dems into appearing weak and supporting such madness? Has the WH thought about trouble from moderate GOPers in the Senate who are pissed enough at Trump to make a stink?
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Yes, I just did. My dad worked for the City of Los Angeles when it was being built, in the electrical lab*. He got to inspect the wiring for the lights in the outfield when the stadium was being built. I’ve never been sure if he had to climb up there to check on them or if stayed on the ground, and he’s not around to ask any more. It’s a long way up.
*Los Angeles ran their own Underwriters’ Lab. His job was mostly in a big building where they tried to make tvs explode and check the wiring in various appliances to make sure they were safe.
There’s more than one?
And to your point, ANY Democrat who doesn’t see that a preemptive strike on DPRK is madness needs to leave public life for good and seek professional help.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Great photo. And YAY! for a meet up. I hope we can at least get everyone we had last time and Mary G as well. Did you mention a Chinese restaurant near you?
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I’d expand that to every Congress critter/Senator from any party.
That doesn’t actually surprise me, the DWP is the DWP.
@opiejeanne: Hmmm, don’t remember mentioning a Chinese Restaurant. Only one we’ve been to is a buffet, and they’re pricey.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Actually, I know why they had their own lab; DWP used to generate power at a different cycle than the rest of the country. I think they converted over in the late 40’s.
Loesch is as dumb as the day is long. Try listening to her radio show sometime.
The NRA hiring her as a spokesperson is laughable.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Uh, no. Not the DWP. He worked for the city electrical lab. No connection to Department of Water and Power.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I’m wrong then. It was somewhere you could walk to from your apartment, across some train tracks I think.
@opiejeanne: Ah, not Chinese, Golden Road Brew Pub. We had a meetup there before.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Well, it doesn’t matter to us, Glendale or Burbank are fine. Golden Road sounds good. We need to hear from some of the others.
@jl: Yep, Cheryl Rofer was also (re)tweeting out a bunch of grim stuff along those lines yesterday, along with her usual efforts to keep her “favorite” Iran-hating “think tank” honest. (I’m glad she keeps trying, but that bunch clearly isn’t being paid to provide fact-based viewpoints, or for that matter publishing reports subject to review, verification and discussion.)
Actual adult experts are a bit alarmed by the extra saber-rattling, but as far as I can tell they aren’t certain whether it’s a coordinated high-stakes stunt by Team Twitler’s neocons to try to force negotiations (either with DPRK or Iran, or both), or genuine desire for military engagement.
What a time to be alive! ????
@opiejeanne: I think they’re all asleep now.
Van Buren
@Duane: She will be remembered much like Axis Sally and Tokyo Rose; a spokesperson for the enemies of Democracy.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I think so too. I should be asleep too. Good night.
Steeplejack (phone)
Man, I really needed that spoof remake to quell the stank of that Loesch ad. Oof!
randy khan
I watched only the alternative version, but her language bears a striking resemblance to some stuff I’ve heard from communist and socialist worker types. Weird.
@Steeplejack (phone): @randy khan: It would fit well as North Korean propaganda. Just take her original audio, put it as the “translation” of a speech in Korean, and put it behind some fiery NK imagery.
Cheryl Rofer
@jl: @sharl: I have seen others besides Joe Cirincione saying that the war drums seem to be beating along the Potomac. I retweeted that one because he says the Democrats seem to be going along with it.
Another thing I’ve been tweeting is an overview of gender in foreign policy. That has been a topic of annoyance for me for some time. It is simply not possible to publish anything in “serious” outlets on the subject. I’ve had that confirmed by others. Papers and articles are being written, and they are being rejected. There are specific historical reasons for that, which I’ve touched on so far, along with a more general societal rejection of such arguments. You might think that in 2017 that some could experiment with publishing such radical ideas, but no. There is one foundational paper that I suspect has burned enough people that they want never to hear of such things again.
Coming back to Cirincione’s tweet, I think this whole “looking weak” thing is part of the gendering of foreign policy. When people talk about “muscular foreign policy” (and they still do), they are not talking about the creative uterine muscles of birth. And there’s lots more like that. Historically, that sort of thinking has been, um, on steroids since the 1990s, when we had a unipolar world for a while and decided to go the masculinist route. But it is very real in the Democrats as well as the Republicans and conflicted with a lot of what Obama wanted to do.
Why do I keep getting the feeling that the NRA types are trying to get some unhinged person/people to start a shooting civil war among the citizenry? Oh yea, because it would sell more guns, that’s right.
Karma can’t happen soon enough to some.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (Formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
I don’t know what it is about that woman that I find so terrifying. I guess it’s the seething rage you can see she has within her that she seems to be trying so hard to hold in. It makes me shudder to think of it getting the better of her.
Matt McIrvin
@Major Major Major Major: Statements like that always make me want to reply “How do you know it won’t be heralded as the dawning of the glorious scourging of the wreckers and sub-people?”
Matt McIrvin
@jl: Hasn’t China pretty much explicitly said they’d nuke us if we did this without an NK first strike? Am I misremembering something?
@Cheryl Rofer:
Cheryl, thank you for the link to Carol Cohn’s paper, “Sex and Death in the Rational World of Defense Intellectuals”. I’m very glad, and very perturbed, to have read it. “Foundational” is right.
Did it (or you) at least take pictures to send to Alain for posting?
I’m in.
Golden Road was too loud. We couldn’t hear our noise over ever one else.
Uncle Ebeneezer
@opiejeanne: What time/place for meet up are y’all thinking? If Sat eve/night I could probably make it. Would love to meet some local juicers. I’m in Pasadena so Glendale is super-easy.
Uncle Ebeneezer
@Ruckus: I assume the criteria are: 1.) drinks, 2.) food, 3.) not too loud. If so, I can make suggestions out for places out here in Pasadena/Altadena. But also open to Burbank/Glendale etc.
@Uncle Ebeneezer:
We had the last one at the Kings Head (I am at least close to the name) in old Town. Which I liked as it’s 2 blocks from the hovel. Outside patio.
Uncle Ebeneezer
@Ruckus: Nice. As an Altadena resident I love the Altadena AleHouse (Fair Oaks and Woodbury.). Great beer and wine and usually not terribly loud but pretty limited food (Costco pizzas that are still pretty yummy.).
Also always love the Lucky Baldwins bars (Sierra Madre, Allen and Old Town, in order of from fave-to-least but they’re all good.). There’s also always Eagle Rock and Highland Park which both have numerous options.
Miss Bianca
@Cheryl Rofer:
OK, I have the article queued up, but what’s the source of the “burn”? The article was poorly-written, and so discredited the field? Or perhaps it was *too* well-written, and discredited the old boys’ club?
@Van Buren:
From your keyboard to God’s screen….