What did #MikeFlynn get his Family for
Christmas? ??
He went to Jared’s #FridayFeeling #Resistance pic.twitter.com/1oDlP3QjXf
— Luna Lovegood ???? (@LunaLuvgood2017) December 2, 2017
Y'know, it's easy to gloat, but I think it's kind of beautiful General Flynn is flipping because he knows his son @mflynnJR is too weak for prison. That's the heartwarming lesson I take out of this.
— John Rogers (@jonrog1) December 1, 2017
President Trump asked FBI Director Comey to go easy on Flynn.
Months later, Flynn got a great deal.
President Trump must be pleased!
— Adam White (@adamjwhitedc) December 1, 2017
'Something was desperately wrong with this guy': US Army general who served with Flynn weighs in on his downfall https://t.co/TNRVHtYTiR via @MilDefInsider
— Crispin Burke (@CrispinBurke) December 3, 2017
Because what else can we say after today?
One need only look at Flynn’s perpetually glaring eyes to see the crazy.
There will be several movies made about the Trump era, but the one I’m most interested in is the one about Flynn. The man who became a traitor.
Another Scott
Will someone ‘dissect the frog’ for me? Jared’s ‘holding’ an AC power cord in his hand, and it has a weird tag or something with “404” on it. Can someone explain to me what it’s supposed to represent?
Mrs. Flynn told that muthaphucka that she married that HER son was NOT going to jail, and whatever he had to do to prevent it, he must.
He could be an entire mini-series
Central Planning
@Another Scott: The tag looks like “schatz404”. I went to google it, and google wanted to autocomplete that as “schatz af 4044”.
I continued with my original search term and google knew nothing about it.
Being the curious type, and knowing what AF usually stands for, I googled google’s suggestion. Result? Ball bearings. Boring.
So, I have no idea about the tag. Anyone else?
Adam L Silverman
@rikyrah: It wasn’t just keeping Jr. out of jail. Mueller most likely also threatened his pension. As a retired general officer/flag officer without any other source of income he couldn’t afford to keep paying high power attorney legal fees. Nor could he risk having his pension going away. If that happened, then his wife would be on the streets.
Central Planning
@Adam L Silverman: Couldn’t the Army recall him and then court martial him for lying? Would his cooperation with Mueller ameliorate some of that?
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@Central Planning: I tried also, no joy.
People have explained how Mueller has the state charges as a backup. Trump can’t pardon for those crimes, and since Mueller hasn’t filed charges there’s no double-jeopardy aspect.
In Flynn’s case, what about the military courts? If the military were to recall him to active duty and file charges, are there any double-jeopardy issues? Does the president have any ability to pardon in a military court, or even direct that it not be held?
@Another Scott:
I thought it was a photoshopped joke relating to this:
Although even if so, it’s pretty obscure.
Mary G
@Another Scott: 404 page not found? Jared can’t get his security clearance for lying on the form so many times so he can’t steal the secrets he wants? What’s on his lapel pin? Who knows?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@NotMax: whoever played him as Marley to trump’s Scrooge on SNL last night captured that clench-jawed intensity/rage for a minute or two
ETA: someone on MSNBC pointed out a bit ago that he was fired for simple incompetence. He was promoted over his head on the strength of one report on Afghanistan. And I think it was Charlie Pierce who pointed out that he shares the same perverse nostalgia for a whitewashed vision of Eisenhower’s America as Kelly
No need for that, if he’s already pled guilty. It would be piling on at best, and as Stonekettle says, he did his crimes as a civilian. I think Mueller’s gambit closes the door even further for something like this. He’s now a cooperating witness. Cooperating with the prosecution means that when needed, they can put in a good word for him.
Adam L Silverman
@Central Planning: @Ken: It is highly unlikely that he would be recalled and court martialled. However, his attendance at the RT gala and dinner and at least some of his work for Turkey was supposed to have been cleared with DOD. It is a requirement of his retirement and the retention of his clearance. If he were to be recalled and subject to court martial his pension would be on the line. My guess, though I can’t prove it, is that Mueller threatened him with this.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@Central Planning: Could they? Yes. Would they? Everyone who’s ever worn the uniform knows not to collaborate with a foreign power; among the former military in my circle there’s certainly sentiment for making an example of him. That said, there’s a reason ex-military types aren’t in charge of court-martial.
Sorry, I know the question wasn’t meant for me, it’s just been a topic lately.
Genuine seeking-information question: If Trump actually, eventually, ends up in prison, would he still get Secret Service protection as a former POTUS? If so, how would that work? If not, what is the mechanism for denying him that entitlement?
Adam L Silverman
@CarolDuhart2: All retired general officers/flag officers are always subject to recall to active duty in a way that other military retirees aren’t. All of them are therefore allowed to retain their clearances. There are very specific rules about what they have to do disclose to DOD in regard to their post retirement work. Failure to do so can result in recall to active duty and court martial. Flynn failed to notify the DOD when he was supposed to.
@Mary G:
it is a gay pride pin
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Flynn always makes me think of General Eiling from that episode, “Patriot Act”, of Justice League Unlimited. Specifically this exchange from the end of the episode after he’s become a literal monster trying to destroy the JLA:
So glad such a (I presume) a flag officer like Eiling was able to rise up the ranks to become a General. Apparently committing war crimes is a-ok with General Asshole.
My favorite part at the end:
Central Planning
@Adam L Silverman: How could Mueller threaten him with losing his military pension? I’m just trying to understand the process and what might have happened, not arguing with your point. Do you mean that Mueller offered a minor charge which would make it less like for the Army to recall him?
@Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant): Doesn’t matter, anything that can help bring understanding is good. Thanks!
Adam L Silverman
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: It was a good episode. You have to remember that in the original comics continuity, Eiling was a real scumbag. He arranged for Captain Nathaniel Adams to take part in an experiment that seemed to initially kill him, but actually turned him into Captain Atom. Eiling did this to get rid of him as a rival and to steal his wife.
Doug R
@Adam L Silverman: Too bad Jill Stein can’t get court martialled for attending that RT dinner. Maybe there’s a FISA record on her…..
Mike J
Seahawks touchdown, firecracker set off in my hood. I’m ok with it.
@Ken: There never is double jeopardy between state and federal governments. “Dual sovereigns” doctrine.
(I also checked, and fortunately the Governor of New York cannot issue a pardon prior to conviction. And I wish we didn’t have to worry about that sort of thing.)
Doug R
@SiubhanDuinne: Cheaper and easier to drop him into Colorado Supermax.
@B.B.A.: We don’t as many issues as I have with Cuomo he isn’t going to be signing any pardons for Flynn/Trump.
Adam L Silverman
@Central Planning: My guess is that Mueller gave him an assurance that if he cooperates all he’s facing is the one charge he pleaded to on Friday. Remember, the agreement makes it clear that there are multiple, significant other charges that Mueller could bring against him or that could be brought against him in other jurisdictions. This has largely gotten glossed over in a lot of the coverage, but it is significant as a written indicator that Mueller has a lot more that he can drop on Flynn if he needs to/if Flynn fails to live up to his part of the agreement. It is why the President has been melting down on twitter all weekend, AG Sessions beclowned himself over the IG investigation into the Clinton email probe’s handling, etc. The only reason to accept a plea from Flynn is if he will and can give you people farther up the food chain. The only people farther up the food chain are the President, Vice President, AG Sessions, Jared Kushner, and Donald Trump Jr. My guess is he’s also given Mueller people that aren’t higher up as well such as McFarland, Conway, Miller, Hicks, Priebus, etc who were all at Mar a Lago when he called to discuss how to proceed with Kislyak. Just on that one instance alone those knuckleheads are in serious trouble.
@Adam L Silverman: First one to flip gets the best deal. Sorry Paulie.
Keith Earle
@B.B.A.: Especially since the governor in question is Cuomo.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Adam L Silverman:
I never knew he was in the original comics. I assumed he was an original character created for the DCAU. I read somewhere that “Patriot Act” was the Timm/Dini team’s response to the War on Terror and all of the “Support the Troops” mindlessness.
I just couldn’t get over that “you’re a lousy soldier for not mass murdering civilians” line. It’s like, shouldn’t he have been taught in training that a good soldier should refuse to carry out orders that are unlawful/unconstitutional and break international agreements re: war conduct? Somebody should in the show should have called him out that specifically.
I also really liked the fact that the villain in that episode was defeated by ordinary people. I’ve always really liked that trope where normal people stand up to villain. It goes to show anybody can be a hero.
@Central Planning:
It looks to me like “40404”, which is the Twitter quick follow text number. (I don’t use Twitter, so I hope I got that right.) Beyond that, I got nothing.
@Adam L Silverman: that was one of my few forays into non-Batman/Nightwing DC comics…picking up CAPTAIN ATOM starting with #1 back in ‘86 or ‘87. Not a bad series as I recall. He should have been tougher on Major Force, though (said Kyle Rayner)
Adam L Silverman
@Yarrow: Like a pancake!
A little OT. It appears Tom “The Mustache of Understanding” Friedman is a little bit angry about the push-back he received for his highly public fluffing of Saudi war criminal Muhammad bin Salman and wanted to tell people: “Fuck that.”
Adam L Silverman
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: He was a supporting character that came with the other Chatham Comics characters when DC acquired them. This includes, among others, The Question, Blue Beetle, Spy Smasher (who is in that episode of JLU), and others. Liberty Belle and Judo Master 2 (Judo Master’s daughter) eventually made it into the Justice Society. The former much sooner. The latter in the late 90s/early 00s.
Adam L Silverman
@Jeffro: If you’ve not seen it, I highly recommend Superman/Batman: Public Enemies animated movie. It is based on the graphic novel of the same name. Captain Atom and Major Force both have prominent roles. Here’s a clip:
john fremont
@Adam L Silverman: Jim Wright at Stonekettle Station has written recently about the potential blowback from recalling an officer back to active to try him under the UCMJ. Mr Wright says it could apply to company and field grade officersas well.
@Adam L Silverman:
Ever since Papadopoulos, lists like these make me wonder if Mueller’s already gotten to any of them, and whether they’re wearing a wire as part of their plea agreement.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Adam L Silverman:
Also, by “original continuity” do you mean pre-COIE or post?
@Adam L Silverman: Was Flynn always nuts or only after meeting Crazy Miss Cokehead
Omnes Omnibus
Hertling seems like a fairly stand-up guy. And a fitness nut.
Referring to this
Adam L Silverman
Ruh Roh!
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Has crazy pants Palin been eaten by polar bears? Seems she’s been weirdly quiet for months now.
@GregB: I’m impressed that Friedman has such good diction with Salman’s c*ck in his mouth.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
ETA: Never mind. You answered my question.
I’ve recently started reading Bryne’s Man of Steel reboot from the late 80s and have largely liked it. Sometimes I think it goes a little overboard trying to establish Superman as the mask and Clark Kent thinking of himself as human. But I guess comics sometimes overstate things all the time.
@West of the Rockies (been a while): Compared to Trump and the Trumpsters, Palin is a fairly straightforward, staid, and competent, businessperson, she doesn’t want to get involved in this crap. She doesn’t need to do time and makes decisions accordingly. That is my opinion.
Edit: so besides staying away from the Trumpsters, she is starting her ‘hiatus’ early in order to get a head start on the competition after the current GOP is cleaned out (either in jail or in witness protection program).
@GregB: He’s pretty high on my “most likely to be a sexual predator” list.
Central Planning
@Noncarborundum: Good spotting. There are clearly other digits there that overlap the word “schatz”, although I’m not sure the first digit is a 4. I think there is definitely a 0 in front of the 404. If the first digit is 2, 20404 is a zip code in the Washington, DC area.
And “schatz” in german means treasure.
@Mike J:
I dunno, given how dry it’s been lately firecrackers might not be safe…
To bad that damn John Dowd Esq did all the cover-upping, and whatever there is to cover up. Nothing worse than a lawyer gone bad.
Edit: that is my best guess right now on the WH next move. Cook up a dingbat scheme to frame Dowd, and yell that him ghostwriting the latest Trump public confession was their first clue he was up to no good. There is probably crazier stuff out there, but that seems like a good next move for them.
Adam L Silverman
@john fremont: It has, as far as I know, never been done before. So he’s not wrong. This is not my area of expertise, so I’ll defer to our legal Fleagles who were also officers.
Looks like some people are still valiantly trying to keep parody alive, or at least come up with something ridiculous that this administration might not have already done: https://www.newyorker.com/humor/borowitz-report/pence-asks-jesus-to-rapture-him-up-before-mueller-can-indict-him
Adam L Silverman
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: I’d have to look it up. Given these were originally Charleton characters, it may actually be in the original continuity from the Charleton comics.
Doug R
@Adam L Silverman: Heard the Watchmen was supposed to be about the Charlton comics characters, but DC thought they might use them later and knew Alan Moore was going to kill off a couple, so they made Moore change them.
@Ken: Pence should have insisted his wife accompany him everywhere, 24/7. He’ll need all the witnessing he can get.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Doug R:
To my knowledge, Moore wanted to use the actual main DC characters but changed them.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: Hertling was 1AD Commander when I was the Cultural Advisor, 2BCT/1AD. We were split off and send south and east of Baghdad while the rest of 1AD/Task Force Iron went to Multi-National Division North. In the space of a year we were part of every 2 star command but the 6th Fleet because they kept moving around both the Multi-National Division-Central Commander, would occasionally TACON the brigade to a different division for a named op outside our AOR, then moved us into a different Multi-National Division.
Anyhow, he was a good Division Commander in Iraq from what I remember. He got himself in trouble as Commander of US Army Europe, which is why he retired when he did. Basically he annoyed the Chief of Staff of the Army. Sort of a strange end to his career.
Adam L Silverman
@West of the Rockies (been a while): She can see the polar bear’s colon from her backyard. Or her backyard from the polar bear’s colon. Or something like that.
Actually she visited Congress for some reason about two weeks ago.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman:
I was never a JAG. It is my (inexpert) understanding. however, that the rules for flag officers are different. OTOH, I am not going to delve into researching it this evening, as I am, shall we say, enjoying the afterglow from the fact that the Packers’ playoff chances are still flickering.
@Central Planning:
Please don’t tell me that the entire Trump administration was set up by one of those Internet treasure hunts.
Been sitting here watching CBS Carol Burnett 50th Anniversary special.
I actually too young to have seen the original run of the Carol Burnett show, but as a poor kid in that NOLA, without cable, you watch whatever was on local stations, so any show in syndication, I saw…and Carol Burnett Show was on of them!
I loved how they always seemed to be about to crack up…and usually cause of Tim Conway….LOL
They did a segment on Bob Mackie of course. i hate to say it, but I swear I thought Bob Mackie had died. I didn’t know that #BobMackie made ALLL the costumes for the show!!! 65 costumes a week, around 17K costumes in 11 years!!
The Dentist Sketch is STILL funny. Harvey Korman cracking up the entire…and Tim Conway…rarely did!
I loved the Q&A at the end and of course the Tarzan Yell.
#CarolBurnett50 – Q & A (Questions & Answers) Tarzan Yell via @YouTube
ETA: They also had Lyle Waggonner on the special. Lyle Waggoner will ALWAYS be Steve Trevor to me…sorry Chris Pine!
Adam L Silverman
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: It was a pretty decent run.
Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant)
@Adam L Silverman: It has happened:http://www.google.com/url?q=https://www.stripes.com/news/retirees-unlikely-to-face-ucmj-charges-for-smoking-legal-pot-1.292972&sa=U&ved=0ahUKEwjzno6nre_XAhXjmuAKHZ-0D0wQFggdMAY&usg=AOvVaw35fK_Bv6Xw1qcI1nPZwDvB
Adam L Silverman
@Doug R: That was his plan. A Batman crossover with some of the better known Charleton Characters. Moore’s pitch including potentially killing some of them and DC said no. So he did the out of continuity Watchmen instead with the characters being mash ups of Charleton and other DC characters (Silk Spectre being a take off on Phantom Lady for instance). Moore was well on his way to being completely out of his gourd by this time. His next pitch was flat out rejected:
@lamh36: The movie/tv parodies were CLASSIC! Aided by the ICONIC costumes by Bob Mackie. FAV is the Gone With The Wind and the iconic curtain dress from Boby Mackie
#CarolBurnett50 https://uploads.disquscdn.com/images/1b84e6c00534882e4f7b267b81574432f148022e86f8ee545ea6c2df9f09d44c.jpg
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: Wasn’t trying to insinuate that you were a JAG. However, your take:
is how I understand it.
Adam L Silverman
@Ben Cisco (onboard the Defiant): Thanks. I was unaware of that.
Just One More Canuck
@Adam L Silverman: what about Drooper, Bingo and Snork
Doug R
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: Here’s what MTV knows.
zhena gogolia
I just finished watching it. I feel so old! It was funny. Harvey Korman was such a genius.
ETA: Sorry Bernadette Peters can’t sing any more. I wish they’d shown her whole number from back in the day.
@lamh36: Carol Burnett is a national treasure(she’s also a fellow UCLA alum).
Citizen Alan
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
IIRC, by that point in the series, Eiling had already participated in an illegal government conspiracy involved in, among other things, cloning superheroes to use a shock troops against the Justice League. He had pretty much gone around the bend in his paranoia about supers.
Omnes Omnibus
@Adam L Silverman: I know. I just need to make sure that anything I say on the subject indicate that I was an officer and then a lawyer, but never both at the same time. My full discharge came before I graduated from law school, so I don’t even have IRR commissioned time while a member of the bar.
@lamh36: Kurtis Blow was robbed, robbed, I tell you!
Why do they keep allowing her to repeat this lie? The Medicare cuts are baked in. They’re how Collins can offer huge tax cuts to her wealthy donors. Make her admit that the ONLY way her numbers work is if she knowingly and deliberately cuts Medicare. So she’s lying about the deficit or she’s lying about Medicare. One or the other.
People should at least know what happened to Medicare when the cuts come. Collins gave that money to rich people.
@zhena gogolia: I gotta admit, I muted the singing… but still…she looked great. She’s 69!!!!
Oh and how about Steve Lawrence!!! Still alive!!! I mean what Fountain of Youth are these people drinking from…
Doug R
He tapped it out in Morse code on MBS’ balls.
Adam L Silverman
@Just One More Canuck: As far as I am aware they don’t have law degrees. Also, and more importantly, they don’t rhyme with legal.
You have to hand it to congressional Republicans. They really took the new lower Trump standard and ran with it as far as lying. They’re lying about this tax bill as much as Trump does.
It’s a new low. Now it’s not just him. It’s all of them.
Omnes Omnibus
@Kay: People are seeing this.
So Billy Bush wrote an op-ed…
Shorter Billy Bush…FUQ U Don, I lost my damn job over this….YEAH bish…you said it!
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Take heart that they’re lying isn’t working. People can see what this “bill” really is: upward wealth redistribution
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: I understand. No worries here.
Let’s roll orgasmically with the news cylcle,, and scream with joy when a pet issue is stroked to climax.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: Monday afternoon, White House Press Room. White House Press Secretary announces that the President’s early morning tweet that Billy Bush may not actually be an actual living human being speaks for itself. As does his follow up tweet tying the fabrication of the Access Hollywood tape to the alleged to be living Billy Bush’s cousin’s Jeb!’s campaign. She then abruptly ends the press conference and stomps off.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Citizen Alan:
It’s been a long time since I watched it. In fact I was younger and didn’t follow it that closely. I wish both JL and JLU were on Amazon Prime so I could watch them without having to go to sketchy streaming sites.
He’ll be on Colbert tomorrow night.
ICYMI: the Op-Ed
Adam L Silverman
Hillary Clinton’s presidency will surely end tomorrow. If you had 144 of this guy you’d have gross stupidity!
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Adam L Silverman:
What’s Insanity mumbling about?
@Adam L Silverman: Sounds like SOP for this crew.
@lamh36: I’m in PST so have it set to record. Currently watching the Seahawks ? I raised my kids to watch The Carol Burnett show (reruns in the 90s) My son especially loved Tim Conway and Harvey Korean skits.
@Adam L Silverman:
The thought of that group being on the hook makes me smile ?
@GregB: Talking about MBS, if the shitgibbon is going to announce that the US embassy is moving to Jerusalem, do we think that his shelf live is longer than a loaf of bread or not?
Corner Stone
They seemed a little risque at the time, but man have they held up!
I really enjoyed it.
Always liked Carol.
Saw the show in syndication.
I think Vicki Lawrence was like, 18, when she got that job.
They all had fabulous chemistry.
Even Lyle being the Straight Man for them, he had great timing too.
@Adam L Silverman:
Google is of no help. Tick tock for what?
@Central Planning: if you zoom in on the graphic there is a 40 over the green scwatz, so it’s 40404 scwatz…still googling didn’t turn up anything significant…googling 40404 scwatz and Jared kushner you get this….Brian Scwatz of Hawaii saying Kushner should lose his clearance….
@Adam L Silverman: The day Sean Hannity’s head tumbles into that basket will be one we all breathe easier.
Adam L Silverman
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: @debbie: Who knows. He doesn’t even know.
@West of the Rockies (been a while): don’t say her name…she’s like Bloody Mary or a less fun Beetlejuice. Say her name to many times and she appears in ur bathroom mirror or something
If it didn’t poll as badly as it does, I would be concerned. But, the people know about it. And, it’s only going to get worse for them.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
thirteen months ago today
she was responding to this story, which I still hope is more fully explored some day
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@rikyrah: Did Tim Conway appear on the special? I know he’s still alive, but I didn’t see him in any of the promos. It did look like they were going to air the infamous elephant outtake from a dress rehearsal, or at least some of it.
I loathe Sessions but even I’m surprised at what a lousy leader he is. The President attacks the DOJ and Sessions doesn’t defend them. His own people! What a coward.
There are kitchen managers with more integrity and loyalty to their team than this clown.
The blackmail aspects of this thing are interesting to think about. I wonder if Trump threatens them all with revealing stuff. Maybe Trump is like the loose cannon in this criminal conspiracy- they know they won’t rat each other out but no one knows what crazypants might do, so Trump threatens them to keep them in line.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: On the special she said Tim couldn’t make it due to health reasons
I first read that as “kitchen magnets”, works pretty much the same.
Just One More Canuck
@Adam L Silverman: That would be quite a law firm, though
[Roland Hedly] That’s Korman. [/Roland Hedly]
@lamh36: ICYMI:
this was an obvious attempt by Bernie-bros and TYT brigade to come after Joy Ann…don’t see those fuq’ers going after Chris Matthews or Rachel Maddie or Chris Hayes with the same ferocity…FUQ them all #TeamJoyAnnReid ????????haters
The post are from 2007 to 2009…
FUQ U Bernie-bros
@Citizen_X: my phone is stupid. I typed Korman – it assumed I meant Korean ?
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@lamh36: sorry to hear it, I hope he watched, he and Korman together were brilliant
@lamh36: Well, hell, going after Hayes would be going after one of their own. I’m sure it’ll happen soon enough.
@Adam L Silverman:
Read the facebook post that Jim Wright did. He was enlisted and officer in the military and he seems to always be fairly well informed. His comment includes the story of a retired Sgt who lived in Okinawa who was recalled and stripped of his retirement and so on. It may not be applicable to someone who served (like me) but Jim says it is to someone retired. General officers may be recalled with less fuss but it seems the long arm of the military law is just that. Now it seems that it is not used much and has to have some connection to service, active or reserve, if I understand him correctly. Which it seems is why the Sgt was able to be recalled. Jim himself said he didn’t start his blog, Stonekettle Station until he was retired, because of Section 88 of the UCMJ doesn’t allow officers to make disparaging remarks about the political class.
Come Back Barack
@Adam L Silverman: you’re wrong. 1 Hannity is grossly stupid.
I don’t think Trump can fire Sessions anyway- Sessions knows too much. Look what happened when he fired Flynn. They’re probably all stuck with each other- anyone gets fired, they flip. Trump’s as trapped as they are. They’re all both being blackmailed and blackmailing- it’s the “honor among thieves” problem. Tillerson probably told Trump to go out and deny he’s getting fired or Tillerson will go the Flynn route. Trump hires probably don’t have to go to work at all. He can’t fire any of the co-conspirators.
Adam L Silverman
@Kay: So far Comey and Holder and FBI personnel have defended the FBI. AG Sessions and Director Wray have not.
Did you throw that in because of the report that Betsy DeVos is taking nearly as many days off as Trump?
Adam L Silverman
@Just One More Canuck:
@Adam L Silverman: also Sally Yates tweeted
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Adam L Silverman: Sally Yates, too
Adam L Silverman
I’m sure there’s one thing that differentiates Joy Ann Reid from these folks, but I can’t quite figure out what it is…
Adam L Silverman
@Ruckus: I’m actually acquainted with Chief Wright. The rules for general officers/flag officers are different than for all other retirees.
@Jim, Foolish Literalist: Carol read a message from him as he was ill and unable to attend.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: @Jim, Foolish Literalist: I hadn’t seen that. But good.
@Adam L Silverman:
What cowards. What are they afraid of? He’ll yell at them on Twitter? I must say I don’t have much respect for their crime-fighting abilities if they’re terrified of an overweight, coddled, mentally addled real estate heir.
shit this would be funny to point and laugh at if it weren’t for the fact that so many people are going to get straight-up fucked here.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
@Adam L Silverman:
Joy Reid is effective and not a squish?
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
Speaking of Tillerson, he’s not getting fired is he?
James E. Powell
Sure, it polls badly. But how many people understand that it is a 100% Republican thing? How many think it’s “Congress” or “dah gubmint” or Obama?
@Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe)
The Superman: Secret Identity mini-series must have been collected into one volume. Was originally four square bound issues, set entirely outside of canonical continuity. Dang fine storytelling. Read it, you’ll like it.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@Adam L Silverman: even Nixon offered support, in his way
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
She’s terrifying. Trump was right to be afraid of her.
Just one more canuck
@Adam L Silverman: thank you – dog I loved that show
Omnes Omnibus
@Ruckus: 1: Wright was a warrant officer. 2: Officers below flag rank are considered gone by the military. Not so with flag officers.
Adam L Silverman
At last our long national nightmare is over! Also, Build that Wall!!!
I’m pleased that she’s so panicked about Medicare she’s gone out on a lying tour. Her problem is Paul Ryan is saying they’re cutting entitlements as soon as the donor rewards tax bill is signed. “Trim”. They’re “trimming”. That’s the new bullshit word they came up with rather than “cuts”. I love, love, love how much effort they put into hiding their policies with these ridiculous deceptive words. No poet works as hard at language and careful word choice as these creeps.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Did I miss something? Have Maddow or Hayes made comments insensitive to the LGBTQ community? I know some suggest Matthews is a sexually creepy guy, but is that based on any official complaints yet?
Anyway, screw Sanders.
Alright…off to bed…back to work tomorrow. Why are weekend so short!
I sincerely hope this attack on @JoyAnnReid doesn’t cause her to be less fierce on twitter in her responses to the bros and purity brigade…FUQ EM all!
Makes it even more curious that Burnett refused to ever have Buddy Hackett guest star on her show. Was said she maintained an insurmountable dislike of him for his penchant toward just that form of antics when they both starred in the (obscure) TV series Stanley.
@Omnes Omnibus:
I know it’s easier with flag rank. But there are cases of enlisted being recalled and charged. I believe they need to still be in the reserves (active or not) and very likely living outside the country but it has happened. I do not know what UCMJ section they were tried on.
Adam L Silverman
@Kay: Who knows. The FBI and career DOJ already have figured out that the AG doesn’t have their back. And he knows they will put him in his place, which he learned after the leaks that caused his recusal. As for Wray, I don’t know much about him.
Adam L Silverman
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: This is true, but I’m sure there’s something else I just can’t quite seem to recall.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
Yikes, I hope not.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
Omnes Omnibus
@Ruckus: One signs up for 8 years. During that time……….
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
I don’t know.
Has Trump fired anyone who part of the campaign other than Flynn? I wonder if he CAN fire them. That frees them to flip. I would love it if they were all trapped in that horrible work environment together, bound together unwillingly and unhappily by a pack of lies.
Manafort and Flynn – both caught in Muellers net. Trump may be stuck with everyone who was part of the Russia coordination for the duration.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
I’ve heard of it. It sounds pretty good. It seems superficially similar to Superboy Prime’s origin.
Adam L Silverman
@West of the Rockies (been a while): The Sanders folks, specifically Konst, have been gunning for Reid. They went looking for something and think that they can leverage it into getting MSNBC to fire her. They’ve actually started a Fire Joy Ann Reid campaign with a petition, hashtag, and twitter account (which uses her picture as the avatar). And they’re now working hand in hand with the alt-right guys. Cernovich has jumped on this and is now backing/pushing it as well. Hopefully he won’t throw any of his super serum on it. Eww, just eww.
I recall that Tim was part of every thing, the joke could be on him and he was fine with it. Buddy liked to be the center of attention. At least that’s my take.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?: Trump said not, but his lips were moving. Then Conway confirmed it, so it looks pretty bad for Tillerson.
(Actually what Trump said was something like “Rex is here. Here. Rex here.” but most haruspices agreed that this should be interpreted as “Tillerson will remain the Secretary of State.”)
Jim, Foolish Literalist
I knew they feuded on twitter, I didn’t know it had gone that far. I think I heard some NPR show last week refer to Konst as one of important and diverse voices they brought to the public
not for the first time….
Omnes Omnibus
@Kay: Jesus, Kay. You know who can fire them.
Adam L Silverman
@Ruckus: That’s the difference, general officers/flag officers are never not subject to recall to active duty. They are always considered to be reserve. It is a condition of their promotion to flag rank and subsequent retirement at that rank. As such they retain their clearances in case they are recalled in a way that other military retirees don’t. And they have reporting requirements, backed by law and DOD regulations, that non general officer/flag officer retirees do not.
James E. Powell
Also too because who would take the job?
@Jim, Foolish Literalist:
Oooh. I wanna go to a rally. This requires protests. Picketing. Physical presence. We had a fairly well-attended picket for the health care repeal. Maybe the same group will organize this.
? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?
I just really want him to not serve out the rest of the year so he gets hit with a massive tax.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Back in the day, one signed up for whatever the recruiter could get you to sign up for. I was honorably discharged right out of active, less than 4 yrs. Never knew why, never asked, making waves was the ocean’s gig. We talked about reserve duty, I’ve never met anyone who had to do any. But it was around the ending of major involvement in Vietnam so they weren’t looking for nearly as many live bodies anymore.
Puts a whole new light on JPL’s idea of a movie about the Trump administration. “From the makers of Saw…”
I love how bad Trump’s lawyers are. “Sloppy and unfortunate” is right. The idiots tweeting AS TRUMP cracks me up. How does that work? They call him and tell him they need to use his Twitter account? There has to be some pre-approval process, right?
I had two teenage girls once who had this elaborate thing going where they were pretending to be each other and also other people on Facebook, making threats. We never did figure out who was actually speaking. There could have been a completely different person they were protecting.
West of the Rockies (been a while)
@Adam L Silverman:
Bunch of A-holes… Reid is a treasure.
@Adam L Silverman: FUQ the entire lot of em including Jane and her husband…??????
this entire thing ? ? pisses me off. I’m so mad I could spit. And if MSNBC dares to do any damn thing to Joy Ann…you can bet they are gonna piss off even more people???
Amaranthine RBG
@Adam L Silverman:
I assume that is just stock language. Everybody knew to stay from Flynn for months.
Also, it would be very problematic for Flynn to covertly record any of the people who are operating under a joint defense agreement with him — and Flynn only terminated that a week before the indictment/plea.
Adam L Silverman
@lamh36: She has very good ratings and is one of their four best interviewers (the others are Melber, Velshi, and Ruhle). She’s also a woman of color and they’re still getting bad press over Mellissa Harris Perry and Tamron Hall. And Andrew Lack has his hands full with the Lauer backlash. So I’m sure she’ll be okay. Especially as 1) she wasn’t actually attacking LGBTQ people, but being snarky to point out then Governor Crist’s hypocrisy and 2) now Congressman Crist has accepted her apology.
Adam L Silverman
@Amaranthine RBG: I just posted the tweet. Beyond that I know nothing!
Adam L Silverman
And with that, I’ve doggie bellies to rub. You all have a good night.
Corner Stone
Oh, that sounds hawt.
@Adam L Silverman:
Least surprising news ever.
@Adam L Silverman:
This is not a political movement. It’s a cult.
They probably wrote them together, as a team. It’s how writing works sometimes. ?
@Adam L Silverman:
Quite true. Under the circumstances he would be hard pressed to gain employment even with the usual retired general officer fallback: working for defense contractor. Too much baggage and they already know he won’t stand up under oath.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Help me out here….who CAN fire them, if not Velveeta Voldemort his very own self?
@Adam L Silverman:
That is because they don’t tell Wray anything. You can’t convince me otherwise.
@? ?? Goku (aka The Hope of the Universe) ? ?:
He is hanging on until day #366.
Then, he is GONE
@B.B.A.: Jeopardy rules vary from state to state. Apparently PA rules are more protective of the defendant than NY rules, so Mueller’s team have to analyze very carefully what to charge so as not to waive the states’ ability to prosecute should Trump start throwing pardons around. You could think of this as kind of a dead man switch of sorts.
@tobie: Bernie Sanders people absolutely _live_ on a steady diet of Twitter feeds, memes, and podcasts they make for one another. Bubble is far too kind a word. This is why they get everything wrong that has anything to do with “talking” and “voting” and “other people.”
P.S. Jane Sanders is a harpy.
Been kind of wondering what kind of reception he’ll receive from the Dems at the State of the Union address. Let one of them yell out “liar!”, a la Joe Wilson and watch him melt down completely right there at the podium.
No, god doesn’t love me that much.
Jim, Foolish Literalist
@FlipYrWhig: what is the root of the feud between Mrs Wilmer and Joy Reid? I follow JR’s tweets fairly regularly and haven’t seen any hint of it
for me what is scary is where following the money will go…. it’s already been stated in a couple of places that a significant amount went into Mitch McConnell’s PAC, how many other GOP PAC’s were funded by the Russians? Directly or indirectly? If the Russians have also been propping up financially both the NRA and evangelicals as well, trying to trace back all of those funds forensically can be a nightmare. I really find my emotions so completely changing from sad, to enraged to wonder how people who we’ve been opposed to as a Nation for decades as our chief rival in the world can so easily turn folks for the sake of a few bucks or simply appealing to their base desires…. I guess it never pays to underestimate how human we all are….
the outcome is so incredibly murky but if its proved that the GOp was willing to be bought or willing to look aside, it’s going to take a decade of one party Democratic rule just to likely unfuck all of the damage done and try and get the country back to its true political roots once more, if we’re allowed that privilege. I get the sense that Putin and the boys in the GOP are attempting to poison as many wells as they can to try and keep their war of attrition in place…. Just want them to lose and have their own legacy end up being the United States as a better place to be as all of the monster shouters are effectively silenced.
@piratedan: Some threads might not be so difficult to untangle. There are so many, only need to untangle of few of them. The tweet below is referring to another just a few down on a NYT story about Russia cultivating influence in the US through the NRA. Looking at the GOP is dispiriting because a gang of completely depraved monsters run the thing now, and it seems like they must infest the country. But GOP has become the perfect vacuum cleaner that sucked up almost every depraved con person with political ambitions in the US, and distilled them as they rose to the top. The idea that the GOP was mostly a white collar crime ring first occurred to me during the GHW Bush years, and it has been getting ever worse. Mitt’s presidential campaign was a brief respite from the rapid spread of the gangrene, since he elevated the tone and competence far above pappy Bush, but the GOP had become so deranged that they hated him for toning up the joint too much. Mitt was too classy and competent a white collar crime boss for the organization by the time his turn came.
Josh Marshall
” Re: NRA, group provided as much as 20 mil in ground operations that were critical to Trump victory. Many claims, tho as yet no proof, that money came from Russia. In recent years group has cultivated extensive ties w Russia. That’s what makes that email highly interesting. ”
Felonius Monk
Let ALL of them yell out “liar”.
Mary G
James Fallows has a good thread on the Billy Bush column:
When a little TV weasel is more honorable than the whole Republican party, it’s SAD!
joel hanes
Makes me glad to have been enlisted (draftee), and to have turned down OCS when offered — I served during Watergate, and it would have been terribly difficult for me not to “use contemptuous words against” Nixon or Agnew.
Mike J
@Felonius Monk: That would be incredible. Any smart orator would just plow along like it never happened. Can you imagine what trump would do if [some|every]body dared question him to his face?
Stroke or heart attack?
@lamh36: Oh my gosh, Barack looks SO much younger now. That’s great to see.
@danielx: I’m expecting him to run it like a campaign rally, with chants of “build the wall” and “lock her up”
and, uh, no Democrats allowed in the room, of course.
@Mary G: Careful now. That little TV weasel is the frontrunner for the 2020 Republican nomination, just as soon as the RNC adopts that “must be a direct male-line descendant of Prescott Bush” clause in its bylaws.
@Doug R:
Cheaper and easier to shoot him into the sun.
@Suzanne: Not true, do you know how much rocket power it takes to move that much mass?
@joel hanes:
I was discharged in July 1973. Enlisted navy. Made E5, petty officer second. I saw the radiogram on a Tuesday that I was to be discharged by noon on that Friday. They fucked with me from noon on Tuesday till 11:59 Friday when I walked off that gangplank. I got a lot from the service. The VA. The knowledge of how to handle myself with people who could fuck with me on a whim. The knowledge that I am in no way lifer material. How to live with 80 farting, sweating assholes in a tin box not big enough to hold all of us. How to sleep when your back is killing you. Every night. How to survive on food that you wouldn’t feed to your dog. Because he’d bite you till you bleed and piss on the wound in the night. How to run with your head down in a corridor not wide enough for 2 at a time so you also won’t hit your head on all the plumbing and wiring hung from the ceiling. (I’m 5’11”) Forgot to call it the overhead, but none of you will care or get pissed off that I called it the ceiling. How nice and beautiful a lot of other countries are. How nice and beautiful a lot of this country is. And that a lot of it isn’t. How much I hate war. And I was never shot at or shot at anyone. That Richard Nixon was a fucking lying son of a bitch. That racism is as real as I thought it was at age 12. That not all lifers are scum. That most people just want to make it through the day so they can do it again the next day.
Worth every penny. I’d bet we could pay for it in a GoFundDrumpf in what 2 days, 5 tops.
Eh. Let’s give it a try. If there isn’t enough power to get him all the way to the sun, I will settle for abandoning him in the vacuum of space.
@Ruckus: A GoAwayFundMe.
Mike J
@Suzanne: Once you get him out of the earth’s gravity well you’re 90% of the way to the sun. No need to scrimp at that point.
Come on, people, do we really want to foist him on some unsuspecting star? Besides, what happens when the sun rejects him and he comes flaming back down to earth?
@Mike J: I was at the game tonight. It was…sublime.
Doug R
I suspect a lot of it is paid agitation. There’s a bunch of ratfVckers paid to agitate. Whether it’s paid by the Kremlin or the Kochs or both I can’t say, but you can’t have that much vitriol without outside agitation.
Anne Laurie
@Doug R:
I’m sure both Ks have some funds trickling out to the RoseBros, but believe me: Cherishing the most minor grievance as though it was their ailing firstborn is a basic skill among American leftists. I come from a people who’ve made cataloging historical grievances into an art form, and even us Celts have been known to tell the United Progressive Socialist Union of People in Defense of Leftism (or whatever this week’s schism was called) “Look, could you guys just let it go already?”
The sun is not unsuspecting. It comes up every day. It’s been doing this for all of drumpf’s miserable life. It’s smarter than all of his supporters. Added together. It feeds on stuff it can burn and drumpf is made of maybe the perfect fuel, fat and bullshit. A lite snack as it were. Now sure it may give the sun indigestion, that’s quite probable. But the sun will just emit a solar fart and be done with it. Surly a solar fart is preferable to having him here.
Just one more canuck
@Ruckus: just hope that it’s not a shart