I went to the New York county clerk’s website and found this filing. It includes the entire manuscript with allllllll the editor’s comments as exhibit B. https://t.co/fb9yptldbO
— Sarah Mei (@sarahmei) December 28, 2017
It’s amazing. I’ve uploaded the entire .pdf here.
NM- Downloading it is crushingly slow. I have the file- anyone have a pastebin or something to publish it to?
Doc H
Comments A459 and A460: Milo, summarized.
@Doc H: I think my favorite was ‘stick with virgins. Perverts is unnecessary.’, which reads like an excerpt from Roy Moore’s new dating advice column.
The Moar You Know
I gotta say, what the fuck did Simon & Schuster expect? Something well written? The guy is a walking fountain of idiot memes, and that’s all he’ll ever be capable of being.
Evernote link (courtesy of the Twitterz): https://www.evernote.com/shard/s246/sh/9c190397-5430-425f-8fb8-427a54af8909/f9540cb4c0499ebc
Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes
When I went through that this morning, I thought A471 was comedy gold.
Comment [A482]; Grandiosity backfires on you….
Why, yes; yes it does.
We dirty libs need our yucks. Won’t someone please save us? Give us our Cliff Notes version so we don’t get fired surfing the endless web at work.
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes:
That was my favorite, too. I’m still laughing.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
I hadn’t heard about this lawsuit so I googled it. Apparently they cancelled his book contract.
The writer types here can confirm this for me, but don’t publishers have the right to do that built into the book contract, with a “kill fee” clause, the amount they pay in case of cancellation? And doesn’t the author keep the advance anyway?
@The Moar You Know:
I was wondering the exact same thing. Did they expect a scholarly thesis for god’s sake? I can imagine him submitting chapters consisting entirely of things like “LOL Silly libtards”
Then again…
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@germy: They expected that a good editor could polish that turd and give them something they could pawn off on the Trump crowd to make a handsome profit. I presume they had good reason based on past experience, theirs or other publishers, to think that.
And the book cancellation has nothing to do with the quality of the writing, but on the fact that Milo made some unfortunate headlines that would likely affect sales.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
Just One More Canuck
@Le Comte de Monte Cristo, fka Edmund Dantes: A412 sums up the whole thing: Dumb
@kindness: A copy of Milo’s book was made public with the editor’s notes, and the editor’s notes are so great. Twitter is having a lot of fun with this.
Ceci n est pas mon nym
@Starfish: “A137: If that headline is hate speech, THIS WHOLE BOOK is hate speech.”
Duh, Mr. Editor. You are paid the big bucks to make it sound scholarly and logical.
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
The Moar You Know
I just realized the reason the entire book is appended to the lawsuit, is because Milo realized that was the only way it was ever going to see the light of day.
Who’s funding Milo these days? Is he at some Mercer-supported think tank?
Obvious Russian Troll
@The Moar You Know: He self-published it on Amazon. I think it’d be safe to say that this was the only the way the book would actually get read by more than a handful of gullible Trump supporters.
S&S and Milo deserve each other.
Best bit:
Just think: Milo could be boasting he outsold Art of the Deal (hardcover) by 3,000 copies!
The Moar You Know
@Obvious Russian Troll: Sigh. I just had to look. I’d noticed of late Amazon Video was putting some really questionable stuff out there, but damn, nothing compared to the book section.
I was more than a bit surprised he’s actually charging money for this mental waste dump.
BTW, the American immigration system at work: this guy is in the country on some “special talent” visa, while a hardworking nurse is deported leaving her children behind.
[A471]: All this pop psychology is hogwash. You can’t say ugly people are drawn to the left. Have you ever seen the people at a Trump rally?
For those wanting to see the whole thing, go to the NY Courts website and search by party, “Simon and Schuster”. A popup opens, where you will choose “view e-filed documents”
Scroll down to item 66, filed 12/21/2017, Exhibit B. Open and enjoy!
So lemme get this straight: S&S gave an advance to a shitty, offensive, untalented insult comedian and then were caught off guard when he delivered a book filled with shitty, offensive insults?
@Ceci n est pas mon nym:
Obviously Mr. Editor is not quite understanding the very point of the thing.
Obvious Russian Troll
@The Moar You Know: Yeah, this is the downside to self-publishing. Even Milo’s unpaid interns are smart enough to do it.
Niece is in her third year of law school. Talking about editing moot court papers, briefs, etc., she commented that one “has to be willing to kill the baby”, no matter how brilliant you think an argument or point may be.
This particular baby should have been drowned at birth. Milo is finding out what Trump has found out on more than one occasion: once matters hit the courts, everything becomes public, which is one of several reasons the shitgibbon hates courts and Federal judges in particular.
Smiling Mortician
@Ceci n est pas mon nym: Depends on the contract. Many contracts have language about the expectation of an “acceptable manuscript” in exchange for the advance. If the author fails to deliver that, the publisher can demand the advance back.
I lol’ed at the bit where milo complains about her wearing a provocative shirt, and how it’s a dumb move. this entire book is just a huge exercise in projection among other things.
Skimming through, I saw so many DELETEs that I started mentally reading it in a cyberman’s voice.
Ian G.
That was my favorite comment too
Salter Wobchak
I have to admit, I enjoy it even more knowing that the editor is himself a conservative who has edited other books by conservatives. Watching it slowly dawn on him that this is the end result of the belief system that he himself enabled and encouraged is awesome.
Bruce K
What scares me is the honest intent by the S&S editor to make M.Y. palatable to a larger segment of the populace – to normalize him. Even if the motive was simply to improve the publisher’s chances of the book making a profit … which is probably an argument not too dissimilar to what Eher Verlag thought about that book by one of the guys who got imprisoned after the Beer Hall Putsch…
@The Moar You Know: My issue with American immigration. We are blocking all kinds of amazing people, and yet Yiannapoulous and Sebastian Gorka got in. WTF.
Yep, I saw that. It’s always so much more satisfying when conservatives end up in the hell of their own making.
Teddys Person
@Bruce K:
This. Had Milo not become a public embarrassment to S & S, this editor would have worked with Milo to turn this racist, sexist, homophobic crap into a sellable book-like product with a marketing strategy and book tour.
Shitty person with shitty “ideas” also proves to be a shitty writer. I’m shocked, I tells ya.
Read the chapter (that the editor wanted to delete entirely) about how gay men need more persecuting and also need to get back in the closet and marry women. It’s amazing (in a car crash way).
I’ve always thought Milo was crazily overrated — but most of the crap he wrote was more banal than I thought possible. His endless “jokes” about women (gay, feminist, overweight, all women) are soooo very old and lame. You’d think someone who holds himself out as being a cutting edge creative troll could, just once, come up with something more original than “lesbians = ugly” and “feminists are ugly, hate men and can’t get laid”. Sad! Limbaugh has been doing that schtick for 20+years.
Check out Josh Marshall’s website at Talking Points Memo.
J R in WV
I happen to know a fairly large number of feminist lesbians. Most of them are attractive, many remarkably so, one is perhaps the most stunning woman I have ever met in person, or even at all.
Same for gay men, some are quite handsome, some are beautiful, some are… like Milo, kinda.
Sexual persuasion is no predictor of appearance; appearance is no predictor of sexuality.
@The Moar You Know:
What surprises me is that there are people willing to pay money for it. I wonder how many of those 20,000 copies were bought by agents of the Mercers. I also wonder who at Simon and Schuster thought this would be a profitable project. Well, I wonder a lot of things that will never be answered.