Dr. Harold Bornstein says Trump bodyguard Keith Schiller raided his office, took Trump's medical files https://t.co/ydmqTzVLpg
— Jon Swaine (@jonswaine) May 1, 2018
I tried to keep this first batch in chronological order:
WATCH: Sarah Huckabee-Sanders denies that Trump's personal doctor's offices were "raided."
"As is standard operating procedure for a new president, the White House medical unit took possession of the president's medical records." pic.twitter.com/Ikp57ItNF3
— MSNBC (@MSNBC) May 1, 2018
We now have the first version of the story from the White House about what happened in Bornstein's office. It ain't good. https://t.co/40M77KUyaC pic.twitter.com/FSA3VHrpKa
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) May 1, 2018
WOW! This is sounding worse and worse for Schiller and Garten. Bornstein is clearly saying he was robbed of his property (the records are his property) and they actually entered the premises w/o permission. https://t.co/40M77KUyaC pic.twitter.com/Rup6jgXdoY
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) May 1, 2018
Breaking: President Trump dictated 2015 letter his doctor wrote declaring him the “healthiest individual ever elected to the presidency” says letter’s author Dr. Harold Bornstein. “He dictated that whole letter. I didn't write that letter," Bornstein told CNN’s @MarquardtA
— Jim Sciutto (@jimsciutto) May 1, 2018
Snark & speculation run rampant!
LOL. Don't commit strong arm robbery against the doctor who lied for you… https://t.co/oNBytbKcx4
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) May 1, 2018
Schiller: Good news, boss. We got all your medical records.
Trump: My medical records?
Schiller: Yeah, from your doctor.
Trump: I said get the DOCTORED records, you idiots!
Schiller: Ohhhhhhhhhh, you meant Michael Cohen's office… https://t.co/4gyrWl496h
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) May 1, 2018
NYPD says they haven’t rec’d a complaint from Trump’s former doctor. Appears they would investigate if one is filed. So will the Dr. file one?
“The NYPD has not received a complaint of a crime. If and when a complaint is taken, it will be investigated appropriately
— Shimon Prokupecz (@ShimonPro) May 1, 2018
Note that in Bornstein's account there was a secretary in the medical office and a patient who supposedly witnessed this. So are others who are witnesses.
— Josh Marshall (@joshtpm) May 1, 2018
Feb 2017: @realDonaldTrump has Dr’s office raided & medical records seized.
Jan 2018: Ronny Jackson “I’m not withholding anything, I have reviewed the President’s past medical records TO THE EXTENT THAT THEY’VE BEEN MADE AVAILABLE TO ME.”
Sounded fishy then. Sounds illegal now.
— Philippe Reines (@PhilippeReines) May 1, 2018
CVS stills know all about the amphetamines, fellas. https://t.co/yUDa2E074y
— The Hoarse Whisperer (@HoarseWisperer) May 1, 2018
Now, since I’m old-school, I kinda wonder if this related issue may be salient…
Getting lost but relevant to Jackson’s credibility: Trumpflakes accusing Tester of character assassination are learning the original complaint came from…
Not Senate Dems. Mike Pence. Not recently. Last year.
Another problem Kelly concealed.https://t.co/BsQTdYjO5R— Philippe Reines (@PhilippeReines) May 1, 2018
… because back in the day, this kind of angry agitation over the handling of a ‘medical emergency’ was the media’s way of signaling a problem with either domestic violence or substance abuse. Which I most sincerely hope is no longer true, but…
NEWS: In private, Pence's doctor raised alarms last fall within the WH over Ronny Jackson's conduct, including allegations of aggressive and intimidating behavior – and that he may have improperly disclosed Karen Pence's private patient info. My story: https://t.co/4c6ZJ2Mekf
— Manu Raju (@mkraju) April 30, 2018
In any case, I think it’s safe to assume that Mike Pence, or the people running the Mike Pence persona, are full prepared to undercut anyone on Team “President”. So, if Pence’s people shivved Dr. Jackson, who’s next on their list?
You cannot make this shit up. I mean, really.
Corner Stone
You mean it turns out that she is actually Mike Pence’s MOTHER?!?
@Corner Stone: Forget it Corner Stone it’s Trumptown.
Corner Stone
If any third tier stooge needs to get the shit beaten outta them, it’s Keith Schiller.
I think of Mike Pence more as a simulation than a persona. It’s what would happen if you cut 90% of the processing power of Deep Blue, and then only let it watch CBN.
Corner Stone
Between Pence pulling a power bottom move to sabotage Trump, and JarJar and Ivana Jr going full bore after Gen J “Ladies Time” Kelly, this WH is looking prime for a meeting about denuclearization on the Korean Peninsula!
Roger Moore
We really dodged a bullet when it came to scandals, didn’t we.
Corner Stone
Then implanted it into Max Headroom, muted him, and just let him shake his head sadly from side to side in response to all questions.
Drunk doctors, racists, sex workers, extorters and cheats — I’m sorry for wishing that the Deadwood series would be revived.
One lying shithead vs another lying shithead. Who you gonna believe?
Cheryl Rofer
Elizabelle wins the internets for today. I’m gonna go read dead-tree stuff.
Quaker in a Basement
Of COURSE Trump dictated that letter. Was there ever any doubt?
@Elizabelle: Why would anyone even want to?
@Elizabelle: Truthfully, I just go to bed every night and wonder what the fk is happening, and I wake in the morning with the same thought.
I don’t know how this ends.
Is there a Nobel Chaos Prize?
Who cares? Pass the popcorn…
@Corner Stone: sister? that’s not biblical, right? it would be irresponsible etc etc…
@Roger Moore: Anyone who nonironically uttered “Clinton Fatigue” before the election should have their tongue ripped off.
With our memories being wiped, I’m hoping.
Felony Govt (Formerly Old Broad in California)
Must be Infrastructure Week again.
WTFOMGBBQ I don’t even. I just don’t.
Though I totally called that Trump dictated that letter originally. I mean, what were the odds that the doctor would write like Trump talks?
Smokey Eye!
@p.a.: Popcorn for breakfast! Popcorn for dinner! Popcorn for brunch!! I CAN’T EAT ANY MORE POPCORN!!!
@lollipopguild: Trumptown sounds like it’d be Toontown, but on drugs.
Surrealist Fiction just threw up its hands and said fuckitall.
@Quaker in a Basement: I know, right? How many benefits-of-the-doubt can one lying con artist GET??
I’m betting Trumpov pops pseudoephedrine like tic tacs…it would explain the sniffling…
@Baud: I know. Smokey Eye is the new Slap My Head.
I heard that she’d said that and wondered if anyone in the press room laughed.
@MP: Every once in awhile I have a moment of concern that Mike is preparing for his Republic of Gilead moment, and to be fair he probably is, then I remember he’s dumb as a stump and utterly lacks charisma. His timing is wrong.
Ok stupid shit can obviously happen but Mike he isn’t a winner.
zhena gogolia
Haha, of course that’s going to be a new catchphrase for “lying”! Brilliant!
Roger Moore
It’s the second-rate Potterville knockoff.
Can even trumpists be stupid enough to believe anything saying he’s the healthiest person ever to be president?
The questions, they answer themselves. The segment of our population needing cuecards to know to breathe elected the president.
Suddenly, “Trump was dumb enough to order a goon be sent to intimidate Stormy Daniels by threatening harm to her kid” sounds a lot more plausible.
Reportedly also forced him to remove a photo on the wall picturing him and Dolt 45 together.
The script has been rejected multiple times by every producer and agent in Hollywood and New York.
Maybe Vivid will take an option.
scott (the other one)
Does…does Bornstein somehow think this new confession makes him look less awful?
Omnes Omnibus
@efgoldman: Sadly, I get the reference. Hopefully I’m one of the few in this fine virtual community who does.
@scott (the other one): Not to be ‘lookist’, but if SNL or SCTV were to skit a blue pill pusher, could they do any better than himself?
Not just drugs, man.
The brown acid man, THE BROWN ACID, man……..
Obviously they were all body doubles recruited and sent by Obama.
Glendale Bill does.
Tenar Arha
The dictated letter put this “Shocked, shocked, that there’s gambling!” clip in my head.
@Felony Govt (Formerly Old Broad in California):
In Trump America is Infrastructure Weak.
Fiction is restricted to the believable.
@Elizabelle: I find this episode to be laugh out loud funny. Bernstein is never going to shut up.
@Roger Moore:
Yes we did. They forgot to mention the carpet bombing which was the alternative.
@LAO: And I hope he does not.
Meanwhile, somewhere Ronny Jackson is breathing a sigh of relief.
M. Bouffant
@NotMax: Great flick. I remember that scene from the theater, 37 yrs. ago. (Also the topless long-shot of Julie Andrews.) And the title, S.O.B., means Standard Operating Bullshit. Which is probably what Smoky-Eyes Sarah meant, too.
Roger Moore
@scott (the other one):
No, but it will help him resolve his grudge against Trump. Spite, they has it.
father pusbucket
To be fair, if I could believe it of any doctor, it would be that guy.
@Dave: He was in the process of getting drummed out of Indiana. He may get called up, but he won’t last long.
My liver isn’t going to make it through this hostile occupation by Republicans.
IANAL and all that, but if Trump’s goons were in Bornstein’s office going through patient info looking for their boss’s files, isn’t that all kinds of felony patient privacy violation? Every patient in that practice could potentially sue Trump for violating their privacy protection, I’m guessing.
@Corner Stone: I forget if it was here or over at TPM someone was speculating that whoever threatened Stormy Daniels was probably some goon in Schiller’s employ.
Like seventeen year old boys, they’re sure they’re invulnerable.
@jonas: The sketch bore an eerie resemblance to Trump’s former chief bodyguard.
@p.a.: (Raises hand)
@ThresherK: Only the best drugs for GodEmperor Trump.
@efgoldman: Heh, you’re correct.
@Baud: Remember when a gang of Nation of Islam guys burst into the practice of Obama’s Chicago-area GP and seized his records? As they left, one of them stood in the doorway, adjusted his bow tie, peeled a couple of 20s off a thick roll of bills, tossed them at the receptionist, and told her “sorry for your trouble, ma’am. Just taking possession of the President’s medical records — which is standard procedure. And you didn’t see nuthin’!”
I thought Bornstein was being played by Tommy Chong. At least I hoped he was.
@p.a.: Vivid, Vivid …. nope, never heard of ’em.
More than astronomy going on out there
I’ve been wondering whether a whole nation could win a Darwin Award. Not even sure that’s a category.
Smedley Darlington Prunebanks (formerly Mumphrey, et al.)
And what amazes me is how doggedly his asskissing fans cling to this guy’s rectum. I know a few of these people. When the inevitable e-mails between Manbaby and Putin show up in which Spanky swears everlasting fealty to his Russian master, these people aren’t going to care. He’s still pulling in 35-40%. It seems likely to me that roughly a third of that is going to peel away as proof of Manbaby’s further all-around shittiness oozes out into the sight of the public, and that would leave, if you’re counting, with about 27%. That magic 27%. I don’t think these people will ever give up on him. He could plead the Fifth Amendment and then abandon his office and flee to Russia and they’ll still put up shrines to him in their homes.
@efgoldman: No astronomy here today, got a thick cloud deck. Anyway the moon(it’s in the sky and bright when the Milky Way has risen) is not being cooperative for Milky Way shooting.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: @frosty: @efgoldman:
Remember the old days when ‘big budget pR0n’ meant there was actually a pizza in the box?
uhh… pizza box… ?
So if the WH knew about the Dr. Ronny stuff a year ago, makes the results of the physical and the laudatory explanation all the more understandable. They were blackmailing him to make him say those things.
And the plumber actually carried real. metal…. umm…… tools?
Doug G
@MP: God, this gets all the upvotes! Brilliantly done, with a combination of technological facility and religion-snark. I may steal this, but with attribution – I have a private FB group that will get a kick out of your excellent explanation.
Amir Khalid
YouTube’s guitar folk are all wee-weed up* today over iconic guitarmaker Gibson Brands filing for Chapter 11 bankruptcy protection. Nobody is really surprised that CEO and biggest shareholder Henry Juskiewiczs’ bonkers diversification strategy came to this, but everyone haz a sad.
*Brilliant phrase; a hat tip to the guy who first used it.
I hope there are no other docs in the country as dumb as this one.
@Baud: with rusty pliers.
No Drought No More
I’m more concerned with Trump’s dental records. At this point they’re more apt to come into play, assuming the man takes the honorable way out and splatters his own brains against the Oval Office walls. Where are those dental records, and how can we be certain they truly are his?
Wide awake Americans- even those inclined to believe that Ken Lay is really dead- will want to know the answer, too, if only to play it safe..
@No Drought No More:
”As the President’s longtime dentist, I can assure the world that he has the finest, strongest teeth any human being has ever possessed. Believe me, his incisors could tear the ass off a rabid raccoon.”—John Henry ”Doc” Holliday
@japa21: Dr. Bornstein always did look to me like the kind of Louis Cyphre that Trump’s “dark powers” would be able to conjure up.
low-tech cyclist
My favorite tweet to come out of this: