You’ll just have to watch this Don Blankenship commercial to believe it.
We’ll file this under “How do you manage to vote for Joe Manchin even though he is such a terrible Democrat.”
This post is in: Assholes
You’ll just have to watch this Don Blankenship commercial to believe it.
We’ll file this under “How do you manage to vote for Joe Manchin even though he is such a terrible Democrat.”
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A Democrat who can win in West By God Virginia is not a terrible Democrat.
Well, at least he doesn’t come across as wooden and without charm.
The “China people” bit is a nice touch.
“Created millions of jobs for China people”? Not ‘Chinese people’, but ‘China people’?
Is this just a WV way of talking, like a dialect or something?
Omnes Omnibus
China people? Swamp people?
Thoughtful David
Is that really Blankenship? It’s not a parody? OMFG
ETA I really liked the sophisticated video editing too: shot from farther away, shot from up close,shot from farther away, shot from up close,shot from farther away, shot from up close
Because everyone else is worse.
We know, we know.
My first thought was at least he didn’t call him a chink. A few years ago, someone who worked on my septic talked about the others. After that I locked the gate and fortified the house. Last year my son called and said I think the same person who cleaned your septic was at my house because he’s talking about going to the chink house next. The son obviously never heard that word so quizzed him more.
Apparently they have to play one in order to get WV to fucking vote for them.
@Thoughtful David:
These Republicans are all such stupid assholes!!! It’s incredible.
Chris Cillizza will call him “authentic”.
Mike J
OT: I have a mandolin, a deep fryer, and a potato. If you were making small batch artisanal crisps, would you stick with the classic sea salt and malt vinegar, or fully explore the potato chip space? French onion soup powder sprinkled on? Curry powder?
Roger Moore
Better a bad Democrat than the best Republican– and any Republican elected in West Virginia is unlikely to be the best.
To quote Charlie Pierce’s tweet on this ad:
Funny story, I was reading the front page, and tried to see what other posts in page 2. Accidently clicked on “>>” instead, of “>” and then was presented with this as the first post. I thought he lost his goddam mind! Then I checked the date.. “Whew!” Wingnut John.. gotta love ya!
Joyce Harmon
@Mike J: for a moment there, I thought you would be playing music on the mandolin while waiting for your potato chips.
@Mike J:
Try Truffle oil and a little dehydrated garlic and fresh or dried rosemary.
He killed 29 people….HOW is he even credible????
Can’t bear to watch the ad, but does he shout, “Run the Vote!” at any point?
Roger Moore
@Mike J:
I would start with just the salt and skip the vinegar. In the big picture, I think of those other flavorings as a way of covering up the taste of second-rate chips. If you’re going to make small batch artisanal chips, you should show them off instead of covering up their taste.
You know the pres would campaign for him, if he were to win the primary. Just imagine that.
Maybe he thinks they’re actually made of china…
@Mike J:
Go Belgian. Mayonnaise!
…..and the China Peop…..Dude, that is not the preferred nomenclature!
Omnes Omnibus
It is mesmerizingly bad. I keep rewatching it. I can’t help myself.
Omnes Omnibus
@debbie: Don’t you start that shit here.
Raoul Paste
There is no such thing as a positive Republican campaign.
Blankenship figures if he is the bigger asshole, he might win,
It worked for Trump
Mike J
@TenguPhule: First batch was salt and vinegar. Second I tried rosemary, salt, pepper, onion, garlic. Pretty good.
@Omnes Omnibus: It’s better than Shithole People.
“China people” less gender specific than “Chinamen.” Wouldn’t want anybody to think he’s sexist.
Can he smile? Doesn’t seem so. What’s up with those girls at the end? Are they his kids? Grandkids? Random kids off the street?
This is a primary battle, right? I think the Republican party is working against him. Wonder how that’s going over.
That last shot with the two little girls… I expected him to say, “Vote for Don Blankenship or the pretty little girls get it.”
@Mike J:
Ooh what about something like a buffalo spice mix.
Well, according to one ad, he is “A Leader in Coal Mining Safety.”
I shit you not.
Patricia Kayden
And he served time in jail. He’s a member of a party which doesn’t want felons to vote after they serve their sentences and yet he’s running to work in the Senate. Unbelievable.
@Thoughtful David: The zoom in/zoom out/zoom in shots look like those old SCTV parodies of bad horror films.
Omnes Omnibus
There are some questions to which you do not want the answers. These, I suspect, are from that category.
@Omnes Omnibus: When I was a kid, I liked mayo sandwiches. I do try to limit my mayo consumption these days to turkey sandwiches and tuna sandwiches. I always have to make clear “No Fucking Mayo on my Burger”.
He’s going to win, isn’t he.
Killing over two dozen coal miners is the kind of leadership West Virginia needs.
Wow, much charisma… for a lizard person.
I read yesterday that Blankenship is based in Nevada. His address and parole officer are there. How does that work?
That made me laugh!
@Omnes Omnibus: The Republican party is the party of Donald Trump(who wants to fuck his daughter) and Roy Moore.
@Omnes Omnibus: Someone needs to help them!
@B.B.A.: killing a couple dozen coal miners is also very pro-life.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Know what’s worse? Mayo on an Italian sub. What the … ? That’s just wrong.
@germy: Does Jr. think anyone actually cares what he thinks?
@WaterGirl: Yes.
Just like Rudy thinks the entire nation will rise up in protest if Mueller “goes after” Ivanka.
TaMara (HFG)
Meanwhile in Colorado:
Neighbor keeps trampoline blown into yard after windstorm
@Mike J: Got any crab boil? Every had Zapps Cajun crawtaters? They the best thing ever.
@TaMara (HFG): Somebody that stupid will just bounce himself into the sidewalk or something.
Patricia Kayden
Talk about racists. Racist trolls sabotaged a NASA competition to stop black teen girls from winning. Thankfully NASA was able to thwart the hackers’ plan. Hope these young ladies win.
I am astonished to hear what sounds like solid, if basic, political thought from any member of the Trump family.
@germy: They just need to all go away.
@Omnes Omnibus:
A horde of monsters made of porcelain.
@Baud: This. Measured against how his constituents vote, Manchin is easily one of the most valuable Democrats in the Senate.
Thoughtful David
That’s why I was wondering if it was actually a parody.
So, how many camera were on him? And such a charming presence too. #fatfuck
1) Intentionally insulting the Majority Leader of the Senate – and someone whose bona fides of f-cking Obama over for 8 straight years – does not ever seem like a smart idea for a Senate candidate.
2) Seriously, the number of Asians in West Virginia is like 20,000 people. TOTAL. It’s like 93 percent White there! there’s not even a lot of African Americans there worth insulting. How the hell does this guy think fear-mongering about Chinese immigrants is gonna play in a state where that shouldn’t even be a damn issue?
@PaulWartenberg: Same reason the Midwest cares about the Wall.
He’s fear-mongering about Chinese people in China. He says Mitch is sending American jobs there, in exchange for donations from Chinese in laws. At least, that’s how I understand it…
Many in the burgeoning grave-digging industry.
And grief counseling.
Adam L Silverman
@terraformer: The “China” People is the name of my Asian Pop Fusion band!//
It is amazing how many Americans seem to have missed everything that happened after 1970.
Adam L Silverman
@Omnes Omnibus: Here you go!
@Omnes Omnibus:
patrick II
It is becoming more and more apparent that successful businessmen don’t need to be smart, just sociopaths.
I stumble into town just like a sacred cow
Visions of swastikas in my head
Plans for everyone
@patrick II: Almost every boss I ever had.
Gelfling 545
@Mike J: Personally I always go for the classics.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Misplaced closing pren.
So, how many camera were on him? And such a charming presence too. #fatfuck
@debbie: Or Miracle Whip.
@r€nato: Or he might be dating them.
Omnes Omnibus
@lamh36: @Kathleen: Hey, lamh, can I get a gif here?
Gelfling 545
@drylake: I think somebody told him it was bad to say Chinaman but they didn’t explain it or he failed to grasp the explanation.
Roger Moore
I guess Don Jr. isn’t quite as stupid as he looks.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Like a peanut butter and mayo sandwich for the soul.
@Roger Moore: He’s smart enough to know Blankenship would be a disaster.
Why is Chris Hayes wasting our time?
@TaMara (HFG):
If he’d acted like a white person the neighbor would be dead.
Technically true.
A leader in what not to do for mine safety.
Chyron HR
“Ha, now I’m establishment?” – Donald Trump Jr.
@Mike J: Balsamic vinegar?
I always thought there was nothing that could make me feel in the slightest bit aligned with, or sympathetic to, McTurtle.
Blankenship’s ad accomplished that.
zhena gogolia
I can’t stomach watching the ad, but in Maisie (1939) the other night, Robert Young, the ranch manager “Slim,” told Maisie he didn’t need her as a cook because he had a “China boy” in the kitchen. This is what we’ve regressed to.
@Adam L Silverman: More tasteful than “Yellow Fever”.
@Yarrow: Those girls better hope there are no copies of that commercial around when they get into jr high school.
Omnes Omnibus
@TenguPhule: Sickening? Yep.
Roger Moore
Scaremongering about immigrants is most effective in places where there aren’t many. It’s counter-intuitive but seems to be true. I think the biggest thing is that people who live in places where there are a lot of immigrants are more likely to know one. It’s much easier to buy the scare tactics if you occasionally see immigrants but rarely get a chance to meet and talk to them. If you have immigrants as coworkers, neighbors, and friends, you’re much more likely to realize the scare tactics are a pack of lies.
@msdc: So what you’re saying is rather then just get rid of Manchin, we need to evacuate John Cole and get rid of WV entirely?
@patrick II: I just led a student trip on an overseas history course, with 6 business majors. All 6 of them disrupted the course constantly, defied or circumvented most of my instructions, cheated on all the exams, lied and manipulated until they were blue in the face, and generally behaved like sociopaths. Now they’re demanding that they be given passing grades because – you guessed it – they paid for the course. None of the other students behaved anything like that, and none of those were business majors.
Coincidentally, my kids had dinner here tonite.
@WereBear: Agreed.
Steve in the ATL
You guys missed an awesome meet up tonight in suburban Atlanta! Siubhan Duinne was there—she may or may not agree on how awesome it was….
Everyone knows real mining families suck it up and don’t cry or complain or sue. /Republicans
@patrick II:
They’re not even successful. These stupid fucks LOSE MONEY that better people under them are making.
Roger Moore
And Dianne Feinstein is one of the worst; this is why so many California Democrats want to primary her.
Because he can.
its what he does.
@efgoldman: maybe he meant terra cotta people?
Miracle Whip is the spawn of Satan, it is NOT mayo.
I understand the food is better there.
Amir Khalid
I was catching up with the overnight (for me) posts. When I saw the post headline. I was expecting the Lily update with photo. I am mildly disappoint.
Steve in the ATL
@smintheus: that’s why I hire liberal arts majors. European history FTW!
@patrick II: This is what Nick Hanauer says, himself, a successful businessman.
@Baud: He’s talking to Bernie again, isn’t he?
What evil god did you go and piss off for that punishment?
@Roger Moore:
Yup. Most of the most-racist people live where there’s the largest percentage of white people. Most of the racist flying monkeys have never sen a black or brown person in the flesh.
El Caganer
@dlwchico: I think he was referring to the species Homo Porcelain.
Stop insulting Satan.
Gelfling 545
@smintheus: well observed.
@Steve in the ATL: She is pretty awesome. I have had the pleasure of her company.
What I heard after reading this tweet…
Shorter Micheal Avenatti to Hannity… “Hey Sean”
@TenguPhule: True, I used to be in Satan’s employ.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: No. Some lawyer advisor for Trump.
@?BillinGlendaleCA: Homemade mayo is quite tasty, also too its French cousin aioli,
Steve in the ATL
@Baud: I hate lawyers.
@TenguPhule: I’m saying cut the bullshit and focus on winning elections instead of dragging on a candidate who represents one of the most conservative electorates in the country.
Roger Moore
Even though Elaine Chao’s family is from Taiwan. Yes, I realize demanding bigots get their bigotry right is always a losing battle, but it still pisses me off.
Article about the Georgia Governor Primary
It’s the 4.75 year old grandchild’s first and only trip before her brother is born in September.
She’s having a blast (which is what counts, churl). Grinning and giggling constantly for the whole week.
Also, daughter says the dinner and service were superb. She knows.
Go back in your cave and fondle your bandolier.
Adam L Silverman
This may be why Kane is running for office in Kentucky.
Uh, you do know the last person who was infamous for that line, yes?
@Roger Moore: That would be an excellent idea if it weren’t for California’s fucked-up jungle primary system.
zhena gogolia
OH MAH GAH I watched it! Everybody should watch it. It’s the funniest thing I’ve ever seen.
Adam L Silverman
@Roger Moore: Put the malt vinegar on the side that way if someone wants it, they can add it.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve in the ATL: Who doesn’t?
Fair Economist
@Roger Moore:
And how!
@Adam L Silverman: What did I just see?! I can’t unsee it!!!
@Steve in the ATL:
@Omnes Omnibus:
They’re the worst.
@Steve in the ATL:
It was indeed awesome to the awesometh power! Many, perhaps most, of you will have felt your ears burning.
And…..let me guess…she ran right over Hayes…ugh..
Chris Hayes stop w/this shtick where he has on a crazy right side politico and attempts to have a reasoned conversation…cause he ALWAYS gets rolled over by these nuts he brings on the show…he rarely if EVERr “shows em up”…smh
@SiubhanDuinne: Doc says the cream will help with that.
Adam L Silverman
@Patricia Kayden:
Fixed it for you.
@TenguPhule: I take it this means you’re declining to follow the advice? No surprises there.
Its garlic mayo.
@msdc: You may have wanted to select a different phrasing.
@Amir Khalid:
Blankenshit shouldn’t even reside in the same state as the beautiful glorious perfect angel Lily.
Adam L Silverman
@TaMara (HFG): This situation could only be improved by firearms.//
@?BillinGlendaleCA: I was trolling! I recall the great Miracle Whip/Mayo debate of 200something something and the thread got real!
Roger Moore
We can’t primary her the same way people would with a traditional primary, but the Republican talent pool is so shallow there’s not much risk in voting for somebody else. There simply aren’t any decent candidates for the Republican voters to focus on, so it’s staggeringly unlikely for them to push both Feinstein and De Leon off the ballot in November. The most likely outcome is we’ll be choosing between two Democrats in November, but that only happens if enough of us decide it’s safe to vote for the Democratic challenger.
@TenguPhule: I think I read that Whole Foods is reconsidering the brand name for their in store Asian themed restaurant. Who names a restaurant after an infectious disease? Who does that?
@?BillinGlendaleCA: You read my mind!
Steve in the ATL
@efgoldman: by the way, Kirby did not get fired today!
Have you ever heard of a diet candy called Ayds?
Bonus points, it was manufactured by ISIS candies.
/no, I’m not making this up.
@Omnes Omnibus:
Miracle Whip/Mayo…
Adam L Silverman
@TenguPhule: You don’t watch a lot of pro wrestling, do you?
Aw, thanks! Backatcha, S’s Kitteh. That was a lovely afternoon!
Omnes Omnibus
@lamh36: Perfect.
@smintheus: ZOMG, now that you’ve reminded me, I can’t unsee it…
It’s 3-D!
@Adam L Silverman:
I like my brain cells right where they are, not dribbling out of my ears.
Fair Economist
As I’m sure you’re old enough to know, Ayds was named before AIDS was even recognized as a disease.
I wasn’t aware of the second time-travelers joke from ISIS candies, though.
@Roger Moore: I live in a sanctuary city and we love our immigrants. They are peaceful, work hard, open great restaurants, kids study hard and improve the schools. The only people who don’t like immigrants are people living in towns that do not have them.
Raoul Paste
Consider that out of the multiple takes it took to create this ad, that was the best one,.
The helicopters were NOT laughing, indeed they were not!!
Wild Cat
@lamh36: Hayes believes conservatives are a careful balance to Liberal excess. I found Hayes to be very expendable after he stated that on-air half a decade ago.
@Roger Moore: I hope you’re right, but that one poll that had an actual Nazi in second place and De Leon a distant third suggests some danger to that strategy. And if a third Democratic candidate should rise to contender status then you’re in real trouble – this has killed us in Congressional districts that should have been easy wins.
Even setting aside that nightmare possibility, the two most likely general election scenarios are
1. Feinstein vs. Actual Nazi, a Dem win but doesn’t help progressives much.
2. Feinstein vs. Progressive Challenger, in which case it’s not at all clear to me that California’s independents and Republicans would go for the progressive.
It would be much, much easier to unseat an incumbent from the left in a traditional party primary – although that said, it doesn’t look like California Democrats have much interest in unseating Feinstein either.
@Raoul Paste:
I’m pretty sure they only did one take, skinflint bastards that they are.
@alikins: It’s Count Floyd.
@Steve in the ATL:
Sooner rather than later. Maybe you’ll do his arbitration.
@schrodingers_cat: Mayo ain ‘t French?
It was around at least in the 50s, maybe earlier. Had/has nothing to do with the disease.
@msdc: That poll with the Nazi at 18% had a very small sample size(>600).
@Mike J: I agree with Roger Moore, I like the taste of good potatoes and salt. I like steak the same I want to taste the meat.
@efgoldman: Is this Kirby a union thug? I don’t think Steve(where ever the fuck he is today) talks to anyone who isn’t a union thug.
@germy: Hmmm. Stopped clock etc.
@TenguPhule: Hell I forgot about Ayds. And ISIS candy. Crazy.
@smintheus: Sounds lovely. I hope at least that you got to go to nice places despite the business majors.
My BIL, an Art History professor, for many years ran a trip to Italy to coincide with the Venice Bienalle, also traveling to other Italian cities to see art. You should hear my SIL talk about how inept some of the students, mostly undergrads, were in the last few years they ran the trip. Sheesh. At least they weren’t assholes.
@SiubhanDuinne: It was not pretty. Still nursing the wounds.
Sm*t Cl*de
Kilned golems.
@Steve in the ATL: As a proud liberal arts major myself I always say I was trained for everything and nothing.
Sm*t Cl*de
That is not a real word, it is just a made-up thing for cheating at Scrabble.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve in the ATL: @Shana: Hey, we are usually prepared to make at least one decent comment on any topic that comes up at a cocktail party.
@Patricia Kayden: 1. He’s not a felon. He was jailed on a misdemeanor.
2. He’s a white guy.
@Sab: There’s an old joke in the DC area: 6 months after unrest somewhere in the world DC gets a slew of new ethnic restaurants.
BTW, there’s a great Iraqi place close to my house run by the former Olympic water polo coach from Iraq. If you go in at lunch there’s usually a bunch of guys in white dress shirts that I assume are from the CIA which isn’t too far away.
@zhena gogolia: and the line to show the ranch manager out as an evil character and was meant as a repudiation of bigotry even then.
Steve in the ATL
@Shana: reading, comprehension of what you read, assimilation, analysis, communication—these are abilities I see far more in liberal arts majors than in business majors.
Now, when I need someone pennywise and pounf foolish to make a decision that will be disastrous in the medium and long terms that presumes that cost and profit are all that matter, then I go straight to an MBA.
@Shana: A similar sort of trip. The trouble-makers were even endangering artifacts in museums and buildings at archaeological sites. I had to watch them like a hawk every second, knowing that I could barely restrain them anyway because they just flat out refused to do anything they didn’t want to do. Had to cancel some planned visits to sites because I feared these guys might destroy something there.
@schrodingers_cat: mayonnaise is French. Aoili is italian
Steve in the ATL
@Omnes Omnibus: like when you’re sharing a ski lift in Vail with a woman from Durban and you vaguely recall that it used to have a different name and she says no you’re wrong it’s always been Durban then a couple hundred feet of elevation later you remember that it was originally Port Natal and she’s all embarrassed because you knew something she didn’t about the city she’s lived in her whole life but it’s cool cuz she was kinda hot and you met up later at the lodge? like that?
Steve in the ATL
@smintheus: the only thing better than liberal arts majors are liberal arts majors from small, private liberal arts colleges!
Omnes knows what I’m talking about.
Omnes Omnibus
@Steve in the ATL: Yeah, like that too. She wasn’t named Harriet, was she? I briefly “dated” a South African girl from Durban with that name in Kitzbühel in the early ’90s.
@Steve in the ATL: Damn right.
Uncle Cosmo
@Sm*t Cl*de: Just like “zloty.” Which I dropped onto a triple word score in a 3-way game with my college bridge partner & his then wife. He hit the roof – I said, I think it’s a Polish coin – then pulled out the unabridged dictionary – then went through the roof when he found it. 54 points. That was at least 35 years (& a couple of wives, his) ago & he’s never pulled out the Scrabble set in my presence since. :p
BCHS Class of 1980
@Roger Moore: Those who kvetch about WV Dems fail to realize the sheer evil of the WV GOP. They have all the baggage of the 3 Gs plus the Ryanesque GOP attitude of “Fck you, I’ve got mine.”